CETP Valayanchirangra

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Monitoring Report of M/s Rubber Park India (P) Ltd, Common Effluent
Treatment Plant, Valayanchirangara P.O, Ernakulam, Kerala

1. Name/ address of CETP/ company M/s Rubber Park India (P) Ltd,
Common Effluent Treatment Plant,
Valayanchirangara P.O,
Ernakulam – 683556, Kerala
2. Area occupied by CETP (plot area) 2.38 Acres

3. Total no. of staff (including operational & skilled 06 nos.


4. Contact person Sh. Biju P. Poulose, Manager

(Name, Designation, and Contact No, FAX, e mail) 0484 – 2655538, 2655548
5. Status of CETP operational

6. Consent & Authorization Applied on 13.03.2012

7. Industrial area/estate (s) connected to CETP Rubber Park India (P) Ltd

8. Type of industries in the connected industrial areas

Industrial area/estate Type of industries Number of industries

Rubber Park Rubber & Rubber 37
wood based
Number of member industries of CETP 13 nos.

9. Method of collection of effluent (pipeline/tanker) Tankers. 8no. Tankers per day

having capacity of 12 m3

10. Details of flow meters No flow meters

11. Treatment capacity 250 KLD

Design flow of CETP 10.42 m3/hr

12. Wastewater treated 80 – 90 KLD

Average flow reaching CETP
3.75 m3/hr

13. Wastewater if bypassed in CETP from treatment: No

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14. Treatment units and dimensions
Name of the unit Numbers Dimension in m Capacity, m3
Equilisation Tank 1 10 x 10 x 2.5 250
Flocculation Tank 1 2x2x2 7.2
Primary Clarifier 1 5.6 dia x 2 ht 42.5
Bio Tower 2 5.8 x 7 x 1
Settling Tank 1 3.3 dia x 2.5 ht 21.4
Aeration Tank 1 6x6x3 108
Secondary Clarifier 1 4.3 dia x 2.5 ht 36.3
Chlorination Contact 1 3.25 x 3.25 x 2 21.10
Sludge drying Bed 6 4 x 4 x 0.9 -
Dual Media Pressure 1 1 dia x 1.5 ht -
Sand filter
Carbon Filter 1 1 dia x 1.5 ht -
15. Details of chemicals used
Name of chemical Quantity
Hydrated Lime 13 kg/day
Ferrous Chloride 3 kg/day
Bleaching Powder 3 kg/day
16. Primary sludge management system
 Primary sludge generation rate 0.05 tons/day
 Number & capacity of sludge drying beds 4 nos. & 16 Sq m each
 Primary sludge disposal
Sent to TSDF M/s Kerala Enviro
Infrastructure Limited
17. Excess Biological Sludge Management System
 Excess Biological Sludge generation 0.005 tons/day
 Number & capacity of sludge drying 2 nos. & 16 Sq m each
Sent to TSDF M/s Kerala Enviro
 Excess Biological Sludge Disposal Infrastructure Limited

18. Conveyance system for disposal of treated Pipeline

19. Method of Treated wastewater disposal Land.
20. Capital cost Rs 63,03,937/-
21. Operational cost Rs 2, 29, 155/-
22. Inspection Team Sh. R. Rajkumar, Sc C
Sh. Deepesh V, SSA
Sh. S. Seenivel Raj, JLA
23. Date of Inspection 20/08/2014
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 The CETP is commissioned in an Industrial park M/s Rubber Park India (P) Ltd.,
developed by KINFRA & Rubber Board. The Rubber Park has 37 industries in which 13
units are member of CETP. All units are Rubber & Rubber Wood Based.

 The CETP has installed capacity of 250 KLD in which about 80-90 KLD of effluent is
received from the member units through tankers.

Trucks Carrying Effluent to CETP

 The treatment system in the CETP includes physio-chemical and biological treatments.
The CETP consists of equilisation tank, flocculation tank, primary clarifier, bio towers,
settling tank, aeration tank, secondary clarifier, chlorination tank, sand & carbon filter and
sludge drying bed.

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 The samples were collected at different stages of the treatment unit. The characteristics of
the effluent are shown below.

Parameters Designed After After After After After Final Standards

inlet equalization Primary Bio Settlin Secondary Outlet
norms Clarifier filter g Tank Clarifier
pH 4-9 7.3 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.8 7.7 6.5 – 8.5
TSS 800 - 1000 177 78 34 16 02 08 100
TDS 2400 1283 1298 1200 1192 1198 1196 2100
BOD 1500 282 43 27 09 07 23 30
COD 2700 820 180 113 106 63 66 250
Sulfide 2.9 - BDL 2.8
Sulphate 690 489 530 1000
Phenol BDL 1
NH3-N 410 79.8 23.8 50
Aeration Tank MLSS 128
* All values are in mg/l except pH

 MLSS in the aeration is observed very less. It was informed by the CETP that the
operation & maintenance of the plant is changed to new agency. The new agency has
desludged from aeration tank a day before the monitoring and fresh microbes were being

Aeration Tank & Bio Towers

 The treated effluent quality is within the stipulated norms and discharged on land for

 The sludge drying bed was found filled with the sludge. Since Kerala is having high
rainfall rate of drying is very less.

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Sludge Drying Bed

 No flow meters were installed at inlet and outlet of CETP.


 MLSS in the aeration tank should be maintained as per designed concentration for
effective treatment.

 Mechanical desludging such as filter press, decanter etc. shall be installed.

 Flow meters shall be installed at inlet and outlet of CETP.

 Treated effluent shall be reused/ recycled to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge.

(R. Rajkumar)
Scientist C

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