The Cuddle Lord1

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The Cuddle Lord Fluff Armor

Warlocks usually align themselves with dark, otherworldly or Starting at 1st level, your patron grants you magical
malicious entities that give them vast amounts of power in protection made from its own cuddly essence that surrounds
exchange for using them as dark pawns for their own heinous you as long as you commit no violence. While you are not
goals. This is no such patron. You have aligned yourself with wearing armor or holding a shield, your Armor Class equals
an extra dimensional being that gets its power from the 13 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. You
happiness and jubilation of others. Your patron desires lose this bonus for one minute if you do any of the following:
nothing more than to spread joy and mirth to sustain itself Attack a creature or cast a spell could damage a creature
with, and warlocks who join up with it are often taken by that hasn't damaged you since the end of your last turn.
surprise at it’s warm and snuggly nature. Demand that a creature be hurt for any reason other than
self defense.
Cuddle Lord Expanded Spell List Call for the death of a creature for any reason.
Your super fluffy cuddle lord lets you choose from an Ask a creature that trusts you or is charmed by you to
expanded spell list when you learn a warlock spell. The cause harm to themselves and/or others.
following spells have been generously addded to the warlock Intentionally cause indirect harm to someone else.
spell list for you.
If you commit any of these acts 3 times in 24 hours, you
Cuddle Lord Expanded Spells lose this bonus until you complete a long rest.
Spell Level Spells
1st shield of faith charm person Emergency Hug of Protection
2nd calm emotions, suggestion
Starting at 6th level, you have developed sharp protective
reflexes to aid your allies. If you see or hear a friendly
3rd beacon of hope, touch of courage creature damage, you can use your reaction to move up to
4th aura of life, death ward your walking speed towards them. This movement does not
provoke opportunity attacks. If this puts you within 5 feet of
5th modify memory, hold monster the target, you wrap them up in a magical hug that wards
them from harm. Until the start of your next turn, the
creature has full cover.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
complete a short or long rest.
Aura of Nonviolence
Starting at 10th level, as an action during your turn, you can Snuggle Ram
project an aura of warmth and calmness around you in a 20
foot radius for 1 minute. Any number of creatures within this Small beast, neutral good
aura must make Wisdom saving throwsagainst your spell Armor Class 16
save DC. If they fail, they have disadvantage on their attack Hit Points 40(10d4 + 10)
rolls as long as they remain inside the aura. Creatures within Speed 30 ft.
the aura that are hostile to you have disadvantage on saving
throws against being charmed, and creatures that are
immune to being charmed are no longer immune to STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
charming effects or spells made by you. Creatures cannot 10 (0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 11 (0) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)
take lethal damage or be reduced below 1 hit point while
within this aura. If a creature is reduced to 1 hit point while Skills Perception +3, Persuasion +5
within this aura, it is knocked unconscious until another Damage Resistances all damage types
creature uses an action to wake it. Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you exhausted, poisoned, petrified, paralyzed
complete a long rest. Senses passive Perception 13
Languages understands Common and those known
Charm of Reconciliation by its master, but can only speak in bleats.
Starting at 14th level, if a creature targets you with an attack Challenge 1 (200 XP)
or a spell that targets only you, you can use your reaction to
mark that creature and force them to make a Wisdom saving Floofiness The snuggle ram’s armor class is equal to
throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, the creature is 10 + its Dexterity modifier + its Charisma
overwhelmed by your snuggly presence and the attack misses modifier.
or the spell fails. On a successful save, the attack or spell hits, Warmth of Snuggling Any creature within 10 feet of
but you reduce the damage you take by a number of d6 equal the snuggle ram has resistance to cold damage.
to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). The creatures also ignore negative effects and
Whenever a creature marked by this ability targets you cannot become exhausted when spending time
with an attack or a spell that targets only you, it must make in extremely cold weather.
another Wisdom saving throw. If the marked creature fails Cuddly Sympathy If a creature successfully damages
a snuggle ram, creatures friendly to the snuggle
three saves, it is charmed by you for 1 hour and becomes ram are filled with anger due to their
friendly towards you and all friendly creatures. It ceases all preternatural sympathy towards the beast. The
hostilities for the duration of the charm and must spend its next attack against the attacking creature by a
action and movement during its next turn moving its speed creature friendly to the snuggle ram is made with
away from the conflict. If the marked creature succeeds on advantage
three saves, the mark disappears and the creature is immune
to this effect for 24 hours. Each time the target takes damage, Actions
it makes a new Wisdom saving throw against the spell. If the
saving throw succeeds, the spell ends and the creature is Encourage. The snuggle ram hops in place and
immune to this effect for 24 hours. bleats cutely for one of its friends, encouraging
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you them to succeed. It chooses one creature allied to
complete a long rest. it within 60 feet that can see or hear it. The
creature gets an encouragement die that lasts for 1
minute after the snuggle ram gives it or until used.
Pact of the Chain Familiar When the creature next makes an attack roll, ability
If you have the Pact of the Chain feature and the required check or saving throw, it can add a d4 to the roll.
Invocation, you can select the snuggle ram as your familiar. This can be declared after the roll is made but
Snuggle rams are extraordinarily fluffy beasts that love to before it is determined to be a success or failure.
cuddle. They especially enjoy being pillows for small children The snuggle ram cannot give this bonus to the
same creature twice unless it has already used its
and cold adventurers. encourage die.
Snuggly Medicine
Eldritch Invocations Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron, 9th level
Cuddle Huddle You can cast greater restoration, cure wounds, and lesser
Cuddle Huddle Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron, pact of restoration using warlock spell slots. You can only cast cure
the tome feature wounds for a number of times equal to your Charisma
If you cast Cure Wounds, you can treat any die roll that’s modifier per long rest. Once per long rest, you can cast
lower than your Charisma modifier as equal to your Greater Restoration without any material components.
Charisma modifier instead. (Minimum of 2.)
Floof Padding
Disarming Doublecuteness Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron, 12th level
Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron, pact of the chain feature While Fluff Armor is active, you are resistant to all damage.
You can select a snuggle ram as your familiar.
When you cast a spell that causes a charm effect, you can Desperate Measures
cast that spell again at its lowest level at a target of your Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron, 15th level
choosing, originating from your familiar. You can cast Dominate Person, and Dominate Monster
once per long rest without spending a Warlock spell slot.
Cuddle Rope Once you cast these two spells, you cannot cast them again
Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron, pact of the blade feature until you complete a long rest.
You can summon a length of fuzzy, fluffy rope in your hands
that has the same stats as a whip, except its reach is 10 feet. The Power of Snuggles
This rope does not deal any damage. If you succeed on attack Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron, 18th level
rolls with this rope, the creature you attack is restrained and You get Power Word Heal as a Mystic Arcanum. This
pulled next to you. A creature restrained by this rope must replaces your current Mystic Arcanum for 9th level. Any
make a Strength saving throw equal to your spell save DC in creature within 5 feet of you is immune to being frightened.
order to escape. A creature that is restrained in this manner
has disadvantage on saving throws made to resist being New Spell and Cantrip
charmed by you, unless they are immune to being charmed.
(These spells can be taken by Bards and Warlocks.)
Cuddly Unsuspectingness
Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron Gentle Scolding
If creatures succeed their saving throws to resist your Casting Time: 1 action
charm spells, they do not know you tried to charm them. Range: Touch
Components: V, S
I Just Want to Cuddle Duration: Instantaneous
Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron You calmly chastise a hostile creature you can see within
You can cast Compelled Duel once per long rest without range. If the target can hear you (though it need not
spending a Warlock spell slot. A creature affected by this understand you), it must make a Wisdom saving throw
spell has disadvantage on saves made to resist being against your spell save DC. On a failure, the creature has
charmed by you, as long as you have not attacked it within the disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end
past 1 minute. of your next turn, and the next attack it hits with deals 1d4
Invigorating Hug less damage.
Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron, 5th level This spell's damage reduction is increased by 1d4 when
You can use an action to give someone a hug filled with you reach 6th level (2d4), 10th level (3d4), and 14th level
your patron’s protective essence. This creature gains (4d4).
temporary hit points equal to your warlock level + your Touch of Courage
Charisma modifier and adds your Charisma modifier to all 3rd-level enchantment
saving throws for 1 hour. Once you use this ability, you cannot
use it again until you complete a long rest. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Cushion the Blow Components: V, S
Prerequisites: Cuddle Lord patron, 7th level Duration: Instantaneous
If a friendly creature within 60 feet of you is the target of an You touch a willing creature and speak a powerful
attack and you can see them, you can use a reaction to give enchantment, imbuing them with preternatural courage. The
the enemy disadvantage on the attack roll and any further creature is immune to being frightened for the duration. It
attack rolls it makes against the creature. If the attack would gains d10 + your spellcasting modifier temporary hit points.
hit anyway, the creature gets resistance to the damage dealt If the source of the creature’s fright was another creature, the
by the attack until the start of your next turn. Once you use creature affected by this spell has advantage on attack rolls
this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or against this creature, as well as saving throws imposed by it.
long rest. When you cast this spell at 6th level, the duration of this
spell increases to 1 hour, and the creature gains an additional
1d10 temporary hit points.

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