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to increase their knowledge and ability in speaking so they can speak actively and fluently.

E. Scope of The Research This research, teacher is limited to they guidance in increasing the students ability in speaking, which sours accuracy (vocabulary, Structure) and fluency which cover (content). The researcher takes these items because it is very important to identify by the teacher to improve the role of guidance in motivating and overcoming the students problems in learning English in speaking.


Teaching process of Guided discovery Method According to Rosenshine (1991) the approach to a guided discovery lesson (commonly referred to as inquiry lesson) consist of three major steps: 1. The teacher sets a problem The teacher poses the problem the student predict an answer or develop a hypothesis. Make the students feel comfortable discussing any topic. Some topic may not arouse their interest at all. 2. The students explore the problem The students must be actively involved in exploring the problem the teacher should guided individuals small group trough listening, questioning, helping with difficult word and commenting on work. 3. Teacher and students discuss the problem and formulate conclusion Tidy up before the discussion. This ensures that the time is up in the set period and that there are no materials during the discussion. Jerome Bruner (1960, 1966, 1971) particularly his classic work The Process of Education (1960). Since the publication of this work, Bruners views on discovery learning Have been morosely influential in education. If you are not already familiar with his ideas on discovery learning and education then you should consult some of his books They will repay the effort. (9)

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD This chapter dealt with the design of the research, variables, population and sample, instrument of the research, procedure of the data collection, and technique of the data analysis. A. Research design Pre-experimental method was implemented in this research. It investigated the effect of using Guided Discovery Strategy to improve the speaking skill of students. The research employed the pretest-treatment-posttest design. That was Guided Discovery Strategy, it was employed in three steps namely: the teacher set a problem, the students explored the problem, teacher and students discussed the problem and formulated conclusion. Guided Discovery Strategy. That is aimed at finding out the improvement of the students speaking ability which dealing with a pronunciation, correct grammar vocabulary, smoothness and effectiveness. It was presented as in the following table: (29)

O1 Where: O1 : Pre-test X : Treatment O2 : Post-test



Pre-test (O1) It was given to the students before applying treatment to know their

ability in English speaking skill. Kind of pre-test that were given was speaking test where the students were given a topic than they speak in front of the class, to examine the students speaking accuracy with giving a problem.


Treatment (X) After giving the pre-test, the students were treated using Guided

Discovery Strategy that were given treatment as follows: Dividing the students into group discussion Giving instruction on how to do the task in the group Giving hand out to each students about the subject that was

discussion Telling the class to discuss why they thought as they regard

solution or reason to the problem. During the discussion, the students

may consulted to the teacher such as the difficult word (vocabulary and level class) (30) Facilitating, and handling the students activities After having discussion with the group, they were instructed to

listen carefully to comments each members of the group and that will consider their own judgments and opinion. Every student in group discussion must be given an opportunity to

contribute his or her ideas. After that, Teacher and students discuss the problem and formulate

conclusion The teacher corrected their mistakes. The teacher explained and improved the errors.


Post-test (O2)

After applying a treatment, the last steps the writer gave post-test to the students which supplied the same test namely speaking test but in other topic. It was purposed to know the improvement of students speaking ability after using Guided Discovery Strategy as the treatment.

B. 1.

Variable of the Research (31) The independent variable

Independent variable use of Guided Discovery Strategy as the teaching method, through three steps namely: The teacher set a problem, The students explored the problem, Teacher and students discussed the problem and formulated conclusion

2. The dependent variables Dependent variables were the students speaking ability in term of accuracy and fluency, the indicators were: the students were able to use correct pronunciation, right structure/grammar, vocabularies, smoothness and effectiveness in speaking English.


Population and sample


Population The population of the research was the third level students of SMK

Muhammadiyah 2 Bntoala. The numbers of the students in third levels were 613 students. This spreads in 12 classes.


Sample The researcher applied purposive sampling technique to choose one

class as the sample. In this research, the sample of the research was III E wich was consist of 40 students because their ability was low rather than others

according to information from english teachers of SMK Muammadiyah 2 Bontoala. ( 32) D. Instrument of the research The instrument of the research was speaking test by tape record to examine and assess the improvement of the students pronunciation, grammar/structure, vocabulary, smoothness and effectiveness in speaking. This test was given both in pre-test and pos-test. E. Data collection In pre-test the students were given eight topics. each student would choose one of the eight topic and then express their opinion about the topic that they had chosen. the teacher gave minimal one minute to speak and maximal five minutes to express their idea. the students came forward one by one and the teacher recorded them while they were speaking. The test in post test was conducted with the same topics and activates in the pre-test. the post-test was given to find out the students and their progress after treatment.


Technique of data analysis In assessing the students progression during learning speaking material

through Guided Discovery Strategy, the researcher used speaking assessment of speaking ability which consist of accuracy and fluency. Each assessment had

different criteria. These assessment were consider to be very important in speaking skill due was quite complex with other skills. (33) The data had been analyzed qualitatively through the following procedures: (34)

1. The assessment of speaking accuracy In giving score for the students ability in speaking some categories used as follows: Table 2: Score and criteria of Accuracy Classification Score Excellent 6 Criteria Pronunciation is only very slightly influenced by the mother tongue two or three minor grammatical and lexical error Very Good 5 Pronunciation is slightly influenced by the mother tongue. A few minor grammatical and lexical errors but must utterances are correct. Good 4 Pronunciation is still moderately influenced by the mother tongue but not serious phonological errors. A few minor grammatical and lexical errors but only one or two major errors causing confusion. Average 3 Pronunciation seriously influenced by the mother tongue but only a view serious phonological errors. Several grammatical and lexical errors, two or more errors cause confusing. Poor 2 Pronunciation seriously influenced by the mother tongue

with the errors causing a breakdown in communication. Many basic grammatically and lexical errors. Very Poor 1 Serious pronunciation errors as well as many basic grammatically and lexical errors. No evidence of having mastered any of language skills and areas practiced in the course. (Heaton: 1989:100)


Pronunciation is only very slightly influenced by the mother tongue two or three minor grammatical and lexical error

Very Good

Pronunciation is slightly influenced by the mother tongue. A few minor grammatical and lexical errors but must utterances are correct.


Pronunciation is still moderately influenced by the mother tongue but not serious phonological errors. A few minor grammatical and lexical errors but only one or two major errors causing confusion.


Pronunciation seriously influenced by the mother tongue but only a view serious phonological errors. Several grammatical and lexical errors, two or more errors cause confusing.


Pronunciation seriously influenced by the mother tongue with the errors causing a breakdown in communication.

Many basic grammatically and lexical errors. Very Poor 1 Serious pronunciation errors as well as many basic grammatically and lexical errors. No evidence of having mastered any of language skills and areas practiced in the course. (Heaton: 1989:100)

In collecting data, the researcher used pre-test before the treatment and finally was post-test. 1. Pre-test

Before doing the treatment, the students were given pre-test that was speaking ability in speaking test form to know the students prior knowledge. In speaking test the students were given a topic to talk. They might choose one of them and express their opinion about the topic. The pre-test were given 90 minutes or one meeting. 2. Post-test

After the treatment, the post test was given to find out the students achievement and their progress. The test was conducted with the same activities in the pre-test, but the topics present are different. G. Technique of data analysis

In assessing the students progression during learning speaking material through Guided Discovery Strategy, the researcher used speaking assessment of speaking ability which consist of accuracy and fluency. Each assessment had different criteria. These assessment were consider to be very important in speaking skill due was quite complex with other skills. The data had been analyzed qualitatively through the following procedures: 1. The assessment of speaking accuracy In giving score for the students ability in speaking some categories used as follows: Table 2: Score and criteria of Accuracy Classification Score Excellent 6 Criteria Pronunciation is only very slightly influenced by the mother tongue two or three minor grammatical and lexical error Very Good 5 Pronunciation is slightly influenced by the mother tongue. A few minor grammatical and lexical errors but must utterances are correct. Good 4 Pronunciation is still moderately influenced by the mother tongue but not serious phonological errors. A few minor grammatical and lexical errors but only one or two major errors causing confusion. Average 3 Pronunciation seriously influenced by the mother tongue but only a view serious phonological errors. Several grammatical and lexical errors, two or more errors cause

confusing. Poor 2 Pronunciation seriously influenced by the mother tongue with the errors causing a breakdown in communication. Many basic grammatically and lexical errors. Very Poor 1 Serious pronunciation errors as well as many basic grammatically and lexical errors. No evidence of having mastered any of language skills and areas practiced in the course. (Heaton: 1989:100)


This chapter consists of findings of the research and discussions of interpretation of data analysis in detail. The findings of the research cover the result of the data collected through guided discovery strategy.

A. The Findings The findings cover the students improvement, mean score, and testing hypothesis of accuracy, fluency, in speaking through guided discovery strategy for an experimental class.

a) The students improvement of accuracy in speaking ability by using guided discovery strategy. The students accuracy in speaking through guided discovery strategy has been changed after the given post-test. It is proved by the speaking test. It is indicated by the difference between the score of their pre-test and post-test as shown as the following table. (38 botton)

Table 4: The students improvement in speaking ability by using guided discovery stategy.


Variables Indicators
Accuracy: -Pronunciation -Vocabulary -Grammar

Pre test Score

2.75 2.75 2.80 2.70

Post-test Score
4.95 5.0 4.95 4.90

improvement 80.00% 81.81% 76.78% 81.48% Pre-test Average Average Average Average Post-test Very Good VeryGood Very Good Very Good

27.50 27.50 28.00 27.00

49.50 50.00 49.50 49.00

Fluency: -Smoothness -Effectiveness

2.7 2.8 2.6 5.45 2.72

27.00 28.00 26.00 54.50 27.25

4.78 4.77 4.79 9.73 4.86

47.80 47.70 47.90 97.30 48.65

77.03% 70.35% 84.23% 157.03 78.51

Average Average Average Average Average

Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good


The table above shows that students speaking accuracy before being given treatment (pre-test) is average, but after treatment their accuracy improve in which post-test (49.50%) is bigger than pre-test (27.50%) and it is classified as very good. This means that there is improvement of students speaking accuracy (80.00%).

In fluency, the score of pre-test is (27.00%) lower than the post-test (47.80%). It shows that there is improvement of students speaking fluency (77.03%). It is more clearly shown in the graphic below: ( 39 )
5 4 3 2 1 0 P re-test P ost-test Im rovem t p en 2,75 2,7 Accu racy 80,0 0% 77,03% Flu cy en 4,95 4,78

Grapich 1: The students improvement in speaking ability (accuracy and fluency) by using guided discovery strategy.

b) The students mean score in speaking ability by using guided discovery strategy The students speaking ability in term of accuracy and fluency through guided discovery strategy are good. It is indicated by the mean score as in the table: ( 40 )

Table 5: Mean score of the students speaking ability. Element of Speaking Ability Accuracy Pre-test % 27.50 Post-test % 49.50 Improvement % 80.00









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