Buen Día Estimado (A) Estudiante, Reciba Un Cordial Saludo.: Read Katie's E-Mail and Reply

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Buen día estimado(a) estudiante,

Reciba un cordial saludo.

A continuación, se presentan las características que debe tener en cuenta para

realizar la actividad escrita, la cual debe ser presentada el 19 de Febrero de 2021
(Sin plazos adicionales):


Escriba un correo de respuesta para Katie de máximo 85 palabras que responda a

la siguiente situación:

● Read Katie’s e-mail and reply.

*Remember to add information about your family, hobbies (activities that you
do in your free time), personal interests, physical and personality
description, places, and festivals you like from your country.
You can use the next format:

To Katie
Subject … Hi!

Hello Katie, It´s a pleasure.

I´m great! How are you going?

My name is Richard Carvajal, I am 18 years old I´m Colombian and lives around of Bogotá,
in a village her name is La Calera, my language native is the Spanish and I can write and
speak English but with difficulty.
I have brother his name is Santiago, I like playing football soccer, playing guitar and piano, I
like reading too.
I´m tall and slim, I have a black hair and brown eyes, I´m student of Industrial engineering of
Yes, I do, I´m like your fired and you are invited to my country is very beautiful

Los criterios de evaluación son los siguientes:

Excellent Good Needs RESULT

4.5 - 5.0 3.5 - 4.4 Improvement
0 - 3.4
The student uses The student The student
a clear consistent uses an does not have
organization. It acceptable organization.
contains great organization. It The student
creativity. contains little does not have
TASK The student creative work. a clear topic.
ACCOMPLISH focuses on the The student The student
MENT topic completely. focuses on the does not write
The student topic and does not
writes and moderately. structure an
structures an The student email with
email with writes an information
information about email, but about family,
family, hobbies, structures an hobbies,
personal email with personal
interests, places, information interests,
and festivals. about family, places, and
hobbies, festivals.
places and
GRAMMAR The student uses The student The student
AND accurate uses some uses incorrect
LANGUAGE grammar grammatical grammar
FUNCTIONS structures structures structures
(present simple (present simple (present simple
and verb “to be”), and verb “to and verb “to
writes coherent be”), writes be”), writes
sentences and coherent little coherent
uses many sentences with sentences and
relevant details. few mistakes uses little
and uses relevant
simple details. details.
VOCABULARY, The student uses The student The student
SPELLING diverse uses basic does not use
AND vocabulary. vocabulary basic or
PUNCTUATION (countries, (countries, common
nationalities, nationalities, vocabulary
occupations, occupations, (countries,
cardinal cardinal nationalities,
numbers, parts of numbers, parts occupations,
the body, of the body, cardinal
adjectives, family adjectives, numbers, parts
members, days, family of the body,
dates, months, members, adjectives,
years, seasons, days, dates, family
weather, ordinal months, years, members,
numbers, seasons, days, dates,
prepositions of weather, months, years,
time, (in/on/at), ordinal seasons,
daily activities, numbers, weather,
adverbs of prepositions of ordinal
frequency) There time, (in/on/at), numbers,
are not daily activities, prepositions of
punctuation and adverbs of time, (in/on/at),
spelling frequency). daily activities,
mistakes. There are adverbs of
some spelling frequency).
or punctuation There are
mistakes. punctuation
and spelling
Number of The student uses The student The student
words 80 to 85 words in uses 75 to 79 uses less than
the email’s reply. words or 86 to 75 words or
90 words in the more than 90
email’s reply. words in the
answer email.

El único canal de recepción es el correo institucional de su tutor Sindy Carolina

Bonilla Orjuela (sbonillao@ecci.edu.co) y la fecha de presentación es
exclusivamente el 19 de Febrero (antes de las 11:59 pm). Sí por algún motivo no
envía esta actividad en los tiempos establecidos, la calificación será cero (0).

Writing Task Tips:

1. Fully understand the question
2. Respond appropriately
3. Plan before you start
4. Review your writing
5. Correct errors before moving to the next question

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