Regal Robotics User Manual

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Robert user manual


Robert user manual

Chapter 1 Notes of safety ..............................................................................................................................15

Chapter 2 Installation .....................................................................................................................................16

2.1 Installation of teach pendant .........................................................................................................16

2.2 Installation of control cabinet .......................................................................................................16

2.2.1 Cable requirements .............................................................................................................17

2.2.2 Cable design requirements ................................................................................................18

2.2.3 Grounding Requirements ..................................................................................................19

2.2.4 Wiring Notes ........................................................................................................................19

Chapter 3 Configuration steps for a new robot ........................................................................................21

Chapter 4 Robot Coordinate Systems and Axis Operations .................................................................27

4.1 Control Groups and Coordinate Systems...................................................................................27

4.1.1 Coordinate Systems ............................................................................................................27

Coordinate Systems and Axis Operation ..........................................................................................28

4.1.2 Joint Coordinates.................................................................................................................28

4.1.3 Cartesian Coordinates ........................................................................................................29

4.1.4 Tool Coordinates .................................................................................................................30

4.1.5 User Coordinates .................................................................................................................32

4.3 External Axis (EXT) ......................................................................................................................34

Chapter 5 Teach pendent Keys and Interface ...........................................................................................35

5.1 The T30 teach pendant physical buttons ....................................................................................35

5.2 Basic description .............................................................................................................................37

5.3 Status Introduction .......................................................................................................................38

5.4 Introduction of Interface ................................................................................................................39

Chapter 6 Robot Teach and Operate ....................................................................................................... 118

6.1 Robot Preparing ............................................................................................................................ 118

6.1.1 Start up and Safety Confirmation ................................................................................. 118

6.1.2 Preparation for Teach pendent ...................................................................................... 118

6.2 Point operation .............................................................................................................................. 119

6.2.1 Teach Speed Control ....................................................................................................... 119

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6.2.2 Description and Switching of Coordinate System .................................................... 120

6.2.3 Point operation.................................................................................................................. 120

6.3 Programming................................................................................................................................. 121

6.3.1 Program New/Open/Delete/Rename/Copy ................................................................ 121

6.3.2 Instruction Operation ...................................................................................................... 126

6.3.3 Instruction Description (Instruction Specification) .................................................. 129

6.4 Program Running ......................................................................................................................... 151

6.4.1 Teach Mode....................................................................................................................... 151

6.4.2 Play Mode .......................................................................................................................... 151

6.4.3 Remote Mode.................................................................................................................... 152

Chapter7 Tool and User Coordinates ...................................................................................................... 154

7.1 Tool Calibration ........................................................................................................................... 154

7.1.1 Tool coordinate system ................................................................................................... 154

7.1.2 TCP: TOOL CENTER POINT ..................................................................................... 154

7.1.3 Tool Coordinate System Characteristics .................................................................... 156

7.1.4 Tool Parameter Setting ................................................................................................... 156

7.1.5 Seven-Point Calibration.................................................................................................. 157

7.1.6 Twelve/Fifteen-Point Calibration ................................................................................. 163

7.1.7 Twenty-Point Calibration ............................................................................................... 170

7.1.8 Two-Point Calibration .................................................................................................... 171

7.2 User Coordinates .......................................................................................................................... 172

7.2.1 The Function of User Coordinate System .................................................................. 172

7.2.2 User Coordinate Parameter setting .............................................................................. 173

7.2.3 User Coordinate System Calibration ........................................................................... 174

Chapter8 Numerical Variable ................................................................................................................... 176

8.1 Variable Name .............................................................................................................................. 176

8.2 Global Numerical Variables ...................................................................................................... 176

8.2.1 Global Value ..................................................................................................................... 176

8.3Use of Global Numerical Variable ............................................................................................ 178

8.3.1 Define Global Value Variable....................................................................................... 179

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8.3.2 Assign Values to Global Variable by Calculating Instructions ............................. 179

8.3.3 Assign Values Directly to Global Variables .............................................................. 181

8.3.4 Use Global Variables to Count ..................................................................................... 182

8.4 Local numerical variables .......................................................................................................... 183

8.4 Use of local variables .................................................................................................................. 184

8.4.1 Define Local Variables ................................................................................................... 184

8.4.2 Assignment of Local Variables Using Calculation Instructions ........................... 186

8.4.3 Assign Values Directly to Variables............................................................................ 186

Chapter9 Position variables ....................................................................................................................... 187

9.1 Global position variable.............................................................................................................. 187

9.2 Local position variables .............................................................................................................. 189

9.3 Use of Position Variable Calculation Class Instructions..................................................... 190

9.3.1 POSADD Instruction ...................................................................................................... 191

9.3.2 POSSUB Instruction ....................................................................................................... 191

9.3.3 POSSET Instruction ........................................................................................................ 192

9.3.4 READPOS Instruction .................................................................................................... 192

9.3.5 USERFRAME_SET Instruction ................................................................................... 192

9.3.6 TOOLFRAME_SET Instruction .................................................................................. 192

9.3.7 COPYPOS Instruction .................................................................................................... 193

9.4 4-axis SCARA robot left and right hand................................................................................. 193

9.4.1Global variable settings for left and right hands ........................................................ 194

Chapter10 Use of Conditional Judgment Class Instructions.............................................................. 197

10.1 Instruction Description ............................................................................................................. 197

10.1.1 CALL ............................................................................................................................... 197

10.1.2 IF ....................................................................................................................................... 197

10.1.3 ELSE ................................................................................................................................ 199

10.1.4 ELSEIF ............................................................................................................................ 201

10.1.5 WHILE............................................................................................................................. 203

10.1.6 WAIT ............................................................................................................................... 207

10.1.8 JUMP ................................................................................................................................ 208

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10.1.9 The UNTIL ..................................................................................................................... 210

10.1.10 CRAFTLINE ................................................................................................................ 212

10.1.11 CMDNOTE .................................................................................................................. 212

10.1.12 POS_REACHABLE ................................................................................................... 212

10.1.13 CLKSTART .............................................................................................................. 213

10.1.14 CLKSTOP ................................................................................................................. 213

10.1.15 CLKRESET............................................................................................................... 213

Chapter11 Background task ...................................................................................................................... 214

11.1 limit ............................................................................................................................................... 214

11.2 Note............................................................................................................................................... 215

11.3 Background task programming............................................................................................... 215

11.3.1 Notice ............................................................................................................................... 215

11.4 Main program programming ................................................................................................... 216

11.4.1 PTHREAD_START(Start thread) ....................................................................... 216

11.4.2 PTHREAD_END(Close thread) .......................................................................... 217

11.4.3 PAUSERUN (Pause thread) ................................................................................ 218

11.4.4 CONTINUERUN(Continue thread) .................................................................... 219

11.4.5 STOPRUN (Stop running) ................................................................................... 220

11.4.6 RESTARTRUN(Rerun) ......................................................................................... 221

Chapter12 IO, Modbus and Remote Programs ..................................................................................... 223

12.1 IO ................................................................................................................................................... 223

12.1.1 Input and Output Instructions ..................................................................................... 223

12.1.2 I/O Function Selection Setting.................................................................................... 224

12.1.3 IO Status Prompt Setting ............................................................................................. 225

12.1.4 IO security settings ........................................................................................................ 227

12.1.5 IO Reset ........................................................................................................................... 227

12.1.6 IO Configuration ............................................................................................................ 229

12.1.8 Alarm Message............................................................................................................... 231

12.1.9 Port name ......................................................................................................................... 232

12.1.10 Brief description of remote mode IO reservation................................................. 232

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12.2 Remote Program Setting. ......................................................................................................... 235

12.3 Reset point setting ..................................................................................................................... 235

12.4 Use of Remote Function(IO) ............................................................................................. 237

12.4.1 Overview of Remote Function.................................................................................... 237

12.4.2 Steps for Using Remote Function .............................................................................. 237

12.4.3 Programming .................................................................................................................. 237

12.4.4 Setting up Remote Program ........................................................................................ 237

12.4.5 Setting IO ........................................................................................................................ 237

12.4.6 Switch to Remote Mode ............................................................................................... 237

12.4.7 Reservation Sort ............................................................................................................. 238

12.4.8 Running............................................................................................................................ 238

12.5 Modbus Modify address code ................................................................................................. 238

12.6 Use of Modbus ........................................................................................................................... 242

12.6.1 Overview of Modbus Function ................................................................................... 242

11.6.2 Modbus Touch Screen Usage Process ...................................................................... 242

Chapter13 Multi-machine mode and dual-machine cooperation ...................................................... 247

13.1 Set up the robot .......................................................................................................................... 247

13.2 Switch robot ................................................................................................................................ 248

13.3 Multi-machine mode ................................................................................................................. 248

13.4 Two-machine collaboration ..................................................................................................... 249

Chapter14 Visual Technology .................................................................................................................. 252

14.1 Visual parameter settings ......................................................................................................... 252

14.2 Visual Range Settings ............................................................................................................... 254

14.3 Visual position parameters ...................................................................................................... 256

14.4 Position debugging .................................................................................................................... 258

14.5 Visual operation mode .............................................................................................................. 259

14.6 Visual instructions ..................................................................................................................... 259

14.6.1 VISION_RUN ................................................................................................................ 259

14.6.2 VISION_TRG ................................................................................................................ 259

14.6.3 VISION_POSNUM ...................................................................................................... 259

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14.6.4 VISION_POS ................................................................................................................. 259

14.6.5 VISION_CLEAR........................................................................................................... 260

14.6.6 VISION_END ................................................................................................................ 260

14.7 Examples of use ...................................................................................................................... 260

14.8.1Crawl app.......................................................................................................................... 260

Chapter15 Conveyor belt tracking ........................................................................................................... 262

15.1 Parameter settings ...................................................................................................................... 262

15.1.1 Basic information .......................................................................................................... 262

15.1.2 Identification parameters ............................................................................................. 263

15.1.3 Conveyor belt calibration............................................................................................. 264

15.1.4 Sensor calibration .......................................................................................................... 266

15.3.2 Use sensors and the external dot function to follow the trail ............................... 270

Chapter16 External transmission point ................................................................................................... 272

16.1 Parameter settings ...................................................................................................................... 272

Chapter17 External Communication ....................................................................................................... 276

17.1 TCP Protocol............................................................................................................................... 276

17.1.1 Parameter Settings ......................................................................................................... 276

17.1.2 Instructions ...................................................................................................................... 276

Chapter18 Data Upload .............................................................................................................................. 280

18.1 Basic Setting ............................................................................................................................... 280

18.2 Data Format................................................................................................................................. 281

18.2.1 Example of generating a csv file ................................................................................ 281

Chapter19 Robot Log.................................................................................................................................. 283

19.1 Teach pendent Log View ......................................................................................................... 283

19.2 Log Export................................................................................................................................... 284

19.2.1 Exporting Controller Logs ........................................................................................... 284

Chapter20 Robot and External Shaft Parameter ................................................................................... 286

20.1 Robot Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 286

20.1.1 DH parameters................................................................................................................ 287

20.1.2 Joint parameter setting .................................................................................................. 290

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20.1.3 Cartesian parameters ..................................................................................................... 294

20.1.4 Robot range setting........................................................................................................ 295

20.1.5 Zero position of the robot ............................................................................................ 295

20.1.6 Jog Speed ......................................................................................................................... 299

20.1.7 Motion parameters......................................................................................................... 300

20.1.8 Slave configuration ....................................................................................................... 302

20.1.9 Servo Parameters ........................................................................................................... 305

20.1.11 Interference zone range .............................................................................................. 306

20.2 External axis parameters .......................................................................................................... 307

20.2.1 External shaft calibration ............................................................................................. 307

20.2.2 Zero position ................................................................................................................... 311

20.2.3 Joint parameters ............................................................................................................. 313

Chapter21 Multi-Machine Mode and Dual-Machine Collaboration ................................................ 316

Chapter22 Palletizing Process................................................................................................................... 327

22.2 Complete Palletizing ................................................................................................................. 327

22.2.1 Parameter Settings ......................................................................................................... 327

22.3 Simple palletizing ...................................................................................................................... 347

22.3.1 Parameter settings .......................................................................................................... 347

22.3.2 Gripper Settings ............................................................................................................. 347

22.3.3 Position Setting .............................................................................................................. 348

22.4 Generate files .............................................................................................................................. 349

20.6 Status of Palletizing ................................................................................................................... 353

22.7 Palletizing Instruction ............................................................................................................... 353

22.7.1 PALON ............................................................................................................................ 353

22.7.2 PALGRIPPER ................................................................................................................ 355

22.7.3 PALENTER .................................................................................................................... 355

22.7.4 PALSHIFT ...................................................................................................................... 357

22.7.5 PALREAL ....................................................................................................................... 359

22.7.6 PALCLEAR .................................................................................................................... 360

22.7.7 PALOFF .......................................................................................................................... 361

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22.8 Usage scenarios .......................................................................................................................... 362

22.8.1 Scenario 1 -- Feeding point is fixed and palletized layer by layer ..................... 362

22.8.2 Scenario 2 -- The reclaiming point is fixed and the discharging cargo point is
highly compensated ................................................................................................................... 365

22.8.3 Scenario 3 -- Discharging cargo point is fixed, corrected layer height ............. 366

22.8.4 Scenario 4 -- Reclaiming point is fixed, fix the height of the discharging cargo
point, and vertical direction ..................................................................................................... 368

22.8.5 Scenario 5 -- The reclaiming point is fixed, the overall rotation of the
discharging cargo point is 180 °, XY translation compensation...................................... 369

22.8.6 Scenario 6 -- The reclaiming point is fixed, and the workpiece is rotated 90
degrees at the reclaiming point ............................................................................................... 372

22.8.7 Situation 7 - Unloading ................................................................................................ 373

22.8.8 Situation 8 - Palletizing after unloading ................................................................... 375

22.8.9 Situation 9 - Stop palletizing and continue palletizing.......................................... 379

22.8.10 Situation 10 - Multiple grippers for palletizing .................................................... 380

Chapter 23 Welding process ..................................................................................................................... 383

23.1 Welding settings ......................................................................................................................... 383

23.1.1 Settings of welding device ........................................................................................... 383

23.1.2 Welding parameter setting ........................................................................................... 384

23.1.3 Voltage and current matching of welding ................................................................ 387

23.1.4 Manual operation ........................................................................................................... 389

23.1.5 Swing welding parameters........................................................................................... 391

23.1.6 Welding IO Settings ...................................................................................................... 392

23.1.8 Welder selection Settings............................................................................................. 394

23.2 Use case ....................................................................................................................................... 396

23.2.1 Normal arc welding ....................................................................................................... 396

23.2.2 Use case of swing welding .......................................................................................... 398

23.2.3 Use case of fish scale welding .................................................................................... 401

Chapter 24 Laser State Searching Process ............................................................................................. 405

24.1 Laser state searching process parameter setting ................................................................. 405

24.1.1 Laser configuration ....................................................................................................... 405

24.1.2 Laser calibration ............................................................................................................ 406

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24.1.3 State searching parameters .......................................................................................... 406

24.2 Types and cases of state searching......................................................................................... 407

24.2.1 Single-point state searching ........................................................................................ 408

24.2.2 Two-point state searching ............................................................................................ 408

24.2.3 Two-point state searching variable attitude function............................................. 409

24.2.4 Three-point arc function............................................................................................... 410

24.2.5 Three-point calculation of projection points ........................................................... 411

24.2.6 Four points determine the intersection of two straight lines ................................ 412

24.2.7 Three-point state searching calculation of coordinate system ............................. 413

24.2.8 Four-point state searching calculation of coordinate system ............................... 415

24.3 Positioning offset ....................................................................................................................... 417

24.3.1 1D offset .......................................................................................................................... 417

24.3.2 2D offset .......................................................................................................................... 418

24.3.3 2D offset + rotation ....................................................................................................... 419

Chapter 25 Arc State Searching Process ................................................................................................ 421

25.1.1 Set arc state searching parameters ............................................................................. 421

25.1.2 Introduction to arc state searching points ................................................................. 421

25.2 Use Types and Cases of Arc State searching .............................................................. 422

25.2.1 Single point state searching ......................................................................................... 422

25.2.2 Two-point state searching ............................................................................................ 422

25.2.3 Two-point state searching variable attitude function............................................. 423

25.2.4 Three-point arc function............................................................................................... 424

25.2.5 Three-point calculation of projection points ........................................................... 425

25.2.6 Four points determine the intersection of two straight lines ................................ 426

25.2.7 Three-point state searching calculation of coordinate system ............................. 427

25.2.8 Four-point state searching calculation of coordinate system ............................... 429

Chapter 26 Laser Tracking Process ......................................................................................................... 435

Chapter27 System Settings ........................................................................................................................ 441

27.1 Making a U disk in FAT32 format ........................................................................................ 441

27.2 Version view and upgrade ....................................................................................................... 442

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27.3 Uploading Files .......................................................................................................................... 443

27.4 System Date and Time Settings .............................................................................................. 444

27.5 IP Settings.................................................................................................................................... 444

27.6 Exporting Programs................................................................................................................... 445

27.7 Importing Programs................................................................................................................... 445

27.8 One-click Backup System ........................................................................................................ 445

27.9 Modifying Teach pendent Configuration ............................................................................. 446

27.10 Exporting Controller Configuration .................................................................................... 446

27.11 Importing Controller Configuration .................................................................................... 446

27.12 Exporting Logs......................................................................................................................... 447

27.12.1 Exporting logs .............................................................................................................. 447

27.13 Language Change .................................................................................................................... 447

27.14 Clearing the Program .............................................................................................................. 449

27.15 Restore Factory Settings ........................................................................................................ 449

27.16 Screen calibration .................................................................................................................... 450

Chapter28 Appendix-Instruction Set ....................................................................................................... 451

28.1 Motion control ............................................................................................................................ 451

28.1.1 MOVJ-Point to point .................................................................................................... 451

28.1.2 MOVL- Linear ............................................................................................................... 451

28.1.3 MOVC- Arc .................................................................................................................... 452

28.1.4 MOVCA- Circle ............................................................................................................ 453

28.1.5 MOVS- Curve interpolation ........................................................................................ 455

28.1.6 IMOV- Increment .......................................................................................................... 456

28.1.7 MOVJEXT- External pivot point to point ............................................................... 457

28.1.8 MOVLEXT- External axis linear ............................................................................... 458

28.1.9 MOVCEXT- External shaft arc .................................................................................. 459

28.1.10 SPEED - Global speed ............................................................................................... 460

28.1.11 SAMOV - Fixed point move .................................................................................... 460

28.1.12 MOVJDOUBLE - Point-to-point for dual robots ................................................ 461

28.1.13 MOVLDOUBLE - Linear motion of dual robot .................................................. 461

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28.1.14 MOVCDOUBLE - Circular motion of dual robots ............................................. 462

28.1.15 MOVCADOUBLE - Full circle movement of dual robots ................................ 463

28.1.16 MOVCOMM - External point .................................................................................. 463

28.1.17 EXTMOV - External axis follow-up ...................................................................... 464

28.1.18 GEARIN - Electronic gear ........................................................................................ 464

28.1.19 GEARIN - Electronic gear ........................................................................................ 465

28.2 Input and output ......................................................................................................................... 465

28.2.1 DIN-IO Input .................................................................................................................. 465

28.2.2 DOUT-IO Output .......................................................................................................... 466

28.2.3 AIN-Analog input.......................................................................................................... 466

28.2.4 AOUT-Analog output ................................................................................................... 467

28.2.5 PULSEOUT- Pulse output........................................................................................... 467

28.2.6 READ_DOUT-Read output ........................................................................................ 467

28.3 Timer class .................................................................................................................................. 468

28.3.1 TIMER-Delay................................................................................................................. 468

28.4 Operation class ........................................................................................................................... 468

28.4.1 ADD-Addition................................................................................................................ 468

28.4.2 SUB-Subtraction ............................................................................................................ 469

28.4.3 MUL-Multiplication ..................................................................................................... 469

28.4.4 DIV-Division .................................................................................................................. 470

28.4.5 MOD-Modulo................................................................................................................. 470

28.4.6 SIN-Sine .......................................................................................................................... 471

28.4.7 COS-Cosine .................................................................................................................... 471

28.4.8 ATAN-Arctangent ......................................................................................................... 472

28.4.9 LOGICAL_OP-Logic operation ................................................................................ 472

28.5 Condition control ....................................................................................................................... 473

28.5.1 CALL - Call subroutine ............................................................................................... 473

28.5.2 IF - If ................................................................................................................................ 473

28.5.3 ELSEIF - Else if ............................................................................................................. 475

28.5.4 ELSE - Else ..................................................................................................................... 476

28.5.5 WAIT - Wait ................................................................................................................... 477

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28.5.6 WHILE - Circulation .................................................................................................... 478

28.5.7 LABEL - Label .............................................................................................................. 479

28.5.8 JUMP - Jump .................................................................................................................. 480

28.5.9 UNTIL - Until ................................................................................................................ 481

28.5.10 CRAFTLINE - Craft skip .......................................................................................... 483

28.5.11 CMDNOTE - Comment instruction ........................................................................ 483

28.5.12 POS_REACHABLE - Arrival judgment ............................................................... 483

28.5.13 CLKSTART - Timing begins ................................................................................... 483

28.5.14 CLKSTOP - Timing stops ......................................................................................... 484

28.5.15 CLKRESET - Timer reset ......................................................................................... 484

28.5.16 READLINEAR - Read line speed ........................................................................... 484

28.6 Variable class .............................................................................................................................. 485

28.6.1 INT-Integer ..................................................................................................................... 485

28.6.2 DOUBLE-Integer .......................................................................................................... 485

28.6.3 BOOL- Boolean ............................................................................................................. 486

28.6.4 SETINT- Assignment integer ..................................................................................... 486

28.6.5 SETDOUBLE- Assign floating point ....................................................................... 487

28.6.6 SETBOOL- Assign Boolean ....................................................................................... 487

28.6.7 FORCESET - File writing ........................................................................................... 487

28.7 Variable class .............................................................................................................................. 488

28.7.1 WITCHTOOL-Switching tool hand .......................................................................... 488

28.7.2 SWITCHUSER-Switch user coordinates ................................................................. 488

28.7.3 USERCOORD_TRANS-User coordinate transformation.................................... 488

28.7.4 SWITCHSYNC-Switch external axis ....................................................................... 489

28.8 Network communication .......................................................................................................... 489

28.8.1 SENDMSG-Send data .................................................................................................. 489

28.8.2 SENDMSG-Send message .......................................................................................... 489

28.8.3 READCOMM-Read ..................................................................................................... 490

28.8.4 READCOMM-Read ..................................................................................................... 490

28.8.5 CLOSEMSG-Close message ...................................................................................... 491

28.8.6 PRINTMSG-Output message ..................................................................................... 491

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28.8.7 MSG_CONNECTION_STATUS-Get message about connection status ......... 491

28.9 Position variable class............................................................................................................... 492

28.9.1 USERFRAME_SET-User coordinate modification .............................................. 492

28.9.2 TOOLFRAME_SET-tool coordinate modification ............................................... 492

28.9.3 READPOS-Read point ................................................................................................. 493

28.9.4 POSADD-Point to add ................................................................................................. 493

28.9.5 POSSUB-Point to subtract........................................................................................... 494

28.9.6 POSSET-Copy the points ............................................................................................ 494

28.9.7 COPYPOS-Copy all the points .................................................................................. 495

28.9.8 POSADDALL-Add all the points .............................................................................. 496

28.9.9 POSSUBADD-Subtract from all the points ............................................................ 496

28.9.10 POSSETALL-Change all points .............................................................................. 497

28.9.11 TOFFSETON-Start of trajectory deviation ........................................................... 497

28.9.12 TOFFSETOFF-End of trajectory offset ................................................................. 498

28.10 Program control ....................................................................................................................... 498

28.10.1 PTHREAD_START-Start thread ............................................................................ 498

28.10.2 PTHREAD_END-Exit thread................................................................................... 498

28.10.3 PAUSERUN-Pause running ..................................................................................... 499

28.10.4 CONTINUERUN-continue running ....................................................................... 499

28.10.5 STOPRUN-Stop running ........................................................................................... 499

28.10.6 RESTARTRUN- Rerun ............................................................................................. 500

Robert user manual

Chapter 1 Notes of safety

Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be construed as any
kind of guarantee or warranty by Inexbot for losses, damages to persons or property, fitness for a
specific purpose or the like.
In no event shall Inexbot be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of this
manual and products described herein.

1.1 Situations where robots cannot be used

1 Combustion environment
2 Possible explosion environment
3 Radio interference environment
4 In water or other liquids
5 Transport people or animals
6 Unattainable
7 Other

1.2 Safety operating rules

1.2.1 Teach and manually operate the robot
1 Be sure not to use gloves when operate the teach pendant or the operation panel.
2 Be sure to use a lower speed rate when operating in teaching mode operating such that the control
opportunity of the robot is increased.
3 Be sure to consider the moving tendency of the robot when press the start button on the Teach
4 Be sure to consider how to avoid the moving trajectory of the robot in advance and there is no
interference for the moving route.
5 Be sure that the area around the robot must be clean, free of oil, water and impurities, etc.

1.2.2 Production operation

1 Be sure to know all the tasks that the robot will perform according to the setting program before
when run the machine.
2 Be sure to know the position and the state of all the switches, sensors, and control signals that will
move the robot.
3 Be sure to know the position of emergency stop buttons on the robot control cabinet and peripheral
control equipment. Prepare to use these buttons in case of an emergency.
Never judge that a robot has completed its program by there is not any movement because it is likely
that the robot is waiting for the input signal to keep it moving.
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Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 Installation of teach pendant
The connecter of the cable of teach pendant is shown in the figure below.
Please connect the male connector to the female connector on the panel of cabinet.

Figure 2.1 Interface at the end of teaching box line

2.2 Installation of control cabinet

Installation environment
1. Working temperature: 0 to 45℃
2. Be sure to have enough space for heat dissipation.
3. Install in the place with little oscillation (under 0.5G oscillation). Specially, be sure to keep away
from punch and other equipment.
4.No direct sunshine light, humidity, and water.
5. No corrosive, flammable or explosive liquids or gases in the area.
6. It must be a place with little oil and dust. The pollution of installing places is registered as PD2.
7. Inexbot NRC series products are installed in the cabinet and need to be installed in the final
system. The final system should provide corresponding fire protection shell, electrical protection
shell, and mechanical protection shell, etc., and meet the local laws and regulations and relevant IEC
standards, as shown in the figure.

Figure 2.2 Installation environment

Installation location
1. Install the control cabinet outside the motion of the robot (safety fenses).
2. Install the control cabinet in a location from which the robot is easily visible.
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3. Install the control cabinet in a location from which you can easily inspect if the door is open.
4. Install the control cabinet at least 500mm from the nearest wall to allow maintenance access.

Figure 2.3 Installation location

2.2.1 Cable requirements

1、 Cable classification
Level 1: Sensitive signal (low voltage analog signal, high-speed encoder signal, high speed
communication signal, positive and negative 10V analog signal, low speed 422, 485 signal,
digital input and output signal).
Level 2: Interference signal (low voltage power supply, contactor control line, motor line with
recorder, high voltage AC power line, motor line without recorder).
2、 Recommend to use screened balanced cables as the input and output main circuit cables.
Compared with four-core cables, the use of screened balanced cables can reduce the
electromagnetic radiation of the whole conduction system.
1. Recommend to use screened balanced cables (shown in Figure 1.9) as the power cable.
2. Recommend to use shielded twisted pair cables (shown in Figure 1.10) as the signal cable.
Note: Recommend to use shielded twisted pair cables as the digital signal cables.
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Figure 2.4 Cable type

3. Recommend to use shielded communication cables (shown in Figure) as the
communication cables.

Figure 2.5 Schematic diagram of shielded communication cables

Be sure that the RJ45 Cat.6 crystal head is connected right.

Figure 2.6 Diagram of crystal head with shielded metal shell

2.2.2 Cable design requirements

1. Be sure that the power cables are far from all control cables and encoder cables.
2. Be sure that the motor power cables, input power source cables, and control circuit cables are
not wired in the same slot.
3. Be sure that the motor cables and the control circuit cables are not long-distance parallel wiring
to avoid the electromagnetic interference.
4. Be sure at least 100 mm space distance between different grades of cables in a same slot.
Different grades of cables are arranged separately. When long distance cables are wired in the
Robert user manual

same direction, be sure at least 100 mm space distance between different grades of cables. The
metal part of the controller is directly connected to the back plate by using the conductor as the
back plate (using the zinc plate which is not sprayed). Be sure the separation of different grades
of cables. If the cables of different grades must be crossed, be sure the crossing of 90 degrees.

2.2.3 Grounding Requirements

Be sure that the grounding end is grounded, otherwise may cause injury from electric shock or mis
operation due to the interference.
1. Grounding requirements for power lines, as shown in the Figure.

Figure 2.7 Grounding requirements for power lines

2. Differential signal line (CAN/RS485/RS422) uses shielded twisted pair cables. The shielding layer
must be linked to 0V at both ends of the cable, as shown in the figure.

Figure 2.8 Twisted pair shielded cable

2.2.4 Wiring Notes

⚫ Wiring and inspection must be performed only by professionals with appropriate skills.
⚫ The system must be grounded reliably. Be sure that the grounding resistance is less than 4 ohms
and the grounding line is not replaced by the neutral line (zero line).
⚫ Be sure that the wiring is correct and tightened. Incorrect wring may cause system failure or
unexpected consequences.
⚫ Be sure that the surge snubber diode is connected correctly to the system in accordance with the
specified direction, otherwise the product will be damaged.
⚫ Before plugging in/out or opening the product crate, make sure to cut off the power supply.
⚫ The signal and power lines are not wiring in the same pipeline if possible (at least 30 mm space
⚫ For signal line, encoder (PG) feedback line, use multi-stranded wire and multi-core stranded
shielded wire. For wiring length, the longest instruction input line is 3m and the longest PG
Robert user manual

feedback line is 20m. The signal line of the code line is a group of twisted pair wires, the power
line is a group of twisted pair wires, and the battery line is a group of twisted pair wires.
⚫ Do not frequently turn ON/OFF the power supply. When the continuous operation of ON/OFF
power supply is required, be sure less than once per minute. Since there is capacitance in the
power supply part of the servo unit, frequent ON/OFF will result in the performance degradation
of the main circuit components of the servo unit.
⚫ Confirm the power and voltage of the switching power supply in the control system. Be sure
that the voltage of controller, Teach pendent, and IO module is not less than 50W. The specific
power supply depends on the load of IO module.
⚫ Suggest that the switching power supply for servo system and control system are used separately
to prevent the occurrence of servo interference on the control system.
⚫ Super six types of shielded wire are needed for the control system and servo connection.
⚫ If an axis corresponds to a servo, the wire needs to be connected in the order of the axes.
⚫ Please connect in the order of controller-servo-IO board.
The connection definition diagram of Teach pendent

Figure 2.9 the connection definition diagram of Teach pendent

Robert user manual

Chapter 3 Configuration steps for a new robot

• The robot and servo information of controller must be configured appropriately before operating
the robot, otherwise the controller will report "unable to connect servo" and stop.
Note: It may take a few minutes for new configuration to take affects. You will see “disconnected”
warning information shown in teach pendant. It will recover automatically after the configuration
steps finish.
It’s recommended to use “install wizard” for new user. The wizard is in "Settings-System Settings-
Other Settings"
Item Description
The number of robots 1-4
Robot type Scara,6 dof,…
Servo type Servo driver product information
External axis type
External axis servo type
IO modules

• Once the configuration of the robot is completed and restarted, then set the key parameters of the
robot, such as robot parameters, DH parameters, Cartesian parameters, etc. After then, perform
power up and other operations.
If you want to configure the parameters manually instead of using the configuration wizard, here are
the complete parameter configuration steps:
1. Switch permission to “Administrator” and the default password is 123456.
2. Under the menu "Setting-Robot Parameters-Robot Configuration", configure the number of robots,
the communication cycle of robots, the type of robots, and the type of servo (Make sure that the type
of robots is correct, otherwise the robot will not move normally)
The servo list displays the number of servo models read after the current controller is turned on. This
interface can set the communication cycle.
Robert user manual

Robot servo configuration can configure the number of robots, robot type, number of external axes
(EXT), and servo options.

Slave axis setting, you can set the number of slave axis and slave axis servo.

3. In "Settings-IO-IO configuration", configure the serial port analog IO type and the number of
virtual IOs. Normal EtherCAT IO does not need to be set;
Robert user manual

Note: When using Huatai IO, the ENI file is slightly different.

4. Restart the system (The modification of the robot configuration becomes effective after

5. In the DH parameter interface, we provide the preset function for robot. If your robot type is in
the dropdown list, the setting of each parameter is quick and easy through the preset function.
6. The selection of robot coordinate is based on actual assembly (Ceiling type installation share
same operation habits with floor type installation)
Robert user manual

7. In the DH parameter interface, after clicking “preset robot” button on the top left corner, you can
select the type of robot that has been adapted. After selecting, the DH parameters and joint
parameters of the robot are automatically filled out.
8. If select to preset robot, the zeros must be modified manually.
9. If there is no such robot type in the option, please fill in the parameters manually according to the
following steps.

10. In the menu "Settings-Robot parameters-Jog parameters", fill out all parameters and set the limit
of each joint from -3000 to 3000; (Please JOG individually each axis of the robot to check whether
the positive direction of each axis of the robot is correct or not)
Robert user manual

Robot type shaft Positive direction

J1 anticlockwise
J2 upward
J3 upward
Six axis
J4 anticlockwise
J5 downward
J6 clockwise
J1 anticlockwise
J2 anticlockwise
Four axis SCARA
J3 downward
J4 clockwise
J1 anticlockwise
J2 upward
Four shaft palletizing
J3 upward
J4 anticlockwise
J1 anticlockwise
J2 upward
Four shaft joint
J3 upward
J4 upward
J1 anticlockwise
J2 upward
Five-axis joint J3 upward
J4 anticlockwise
J5 downward(
J1 anticlockwise
Two axis SCARA
J2 anticlockwise
J1 anticlockwise
Three axis SCARA J2 anticlockwise
J3 upward
One axis J1 anticlockwise
J1 upward
Four axis SCARA special-shaped
J2 anticlockwise
Robert user manual

J3 anticlockwise
J4 clockwise

11. In the menu "Setting-Robot Parameters-Zero Position", set the zero of the robot. If five-axis is
vertically downwards, select "Five-axis Vertical" in the last line of the DH parameter interface. If
five-axis is horizontal, select "Five-axis Horizontal".
12. In the menu "Setting-Robot Parameters-Joint Parameters", the limit position of each axis joint is
set according to the specific working environment.
13. In the menu "Setting-Robot Parameters-DH Parameters", fill in the parameters according to the
actual parameters of the robot. The acceleration and deceleration can be set to 4-6 times of the
maximum positive speed and the maximum negative speed.
14. Check whether the Cartesian parameters, manual speed and operation parameters are correct or
Robert user manual

Chapter 4 Robot Coordinate Systems and Axis

4.1 Control Groups and Coordinate Systems
4.1.1 Coordinate Systems
The following coordinate systems can be used to operate the robot, as shown in the following figure.
⚫ Joint Coordinates:
Each axis of the robot moves independently.
⚫ Cartesian Coordinates:
The tool tip of the robot moves parallel to any of the X-, Y-, and Z-axes. A, B and C rotate around X,
Y and Z axes respectively. The Euler angle used in this system is XYZ.
⚫ Tool Coordinates
The effective direction of the tool mounted in the wrist flange of the robot is defined as the Z-axis.
The origin of the coordinate system is defined at the tip of the tool, and the tip of the body moves in
parallel according to the coordinates. TA, TB and TC rotate around TX, TY and TZ axes
⚫ User Coordinates
The XYZ-cartesian coordinates are defined at any point and angle. The tool tip of the body moves
parallel to the Coordinates of them.

Joint Coordinates Cartesian Coordinates

Robert user manual

Tool Coordinates User Coordinates

Figure 4.1 several coordinate systems

Coordinate Systems and Axis Operation

4.1.2 Joint Coordinates
When operating in joint coordinates mode, the axes of the robot move independently. When pressing
the axis operation key that does not exit, the robot will not do any action.

Figure 4.2 Joint Coordinates

Robert user manual Axis Motion in Joint Coordinates

Axis Name Axis operation Action
The body rotates left and
S axis S+/S-
Anterior and posterior
Basic axis L axis L+/L-
movement of lower arm
Upper and lower arm
U axis U+/U-
R axis R+/R- Wrist rotation
Up and down movement
Wrist axis B axis B+/B-
of wrist
T axis T+/T- Wrist rotation

4.1.3 Cartesian Coordinates

In the cartesian coordinates, the robot moves parallel to the X-, Y-, or Z-axes. The motion of each
axis is described in the figure below.

Figure 4.3 Cartesian Coordinates

Robert user manual

Moves parallel to X- or Y-axis Moves parallel to Z-axis

Figure 4.4 Cartesian coordinates axis operation Axis Motion in Cartesian Coordinates

Axis Name Axis operation Action

X axis X+/X- Parallel movement along X-axis
Basic axis Y axis Y+/Y- Parallel movement along Y-axis
Z axis Z+/Z- Parallel movement along Z-axis
A axis A+/A- Rotate around the X-axis
Attitude axis B axis B+/B- Rotate around the Y-axis
C axis C+/C- Rotate around the Z-axis

4.1.4 Tool Coordinates

In the tool coordinates, the robot moves parallel to the X-, Y-, and Z-axes, which are defined at the
tip of the tool.
The tool coordinates are defined at the tip of the tool, if the effective direction of the tool mounted on
the robot wrist flange is the Z-axis.
Therefore, the tool coordinates axis direction moves with the wrist. The motion of each axis is
described in the figure below.
Robert user manual

Figure 4.5 Tool Coordinates

In the tool coordinates motion, the robot can be moved using the effective tool direction as a
reference regardless of the robot position or orientation.
These motions are best suited when the robot is required to move parallel while maintaining the tool
orientation with the workpieces.

Figure 4.6 Tool coordinates axis operation Axis Motion in Tool Coordinates

Axis Name Axis operation Action

Parallel movement along TX-
TX axis TX+/TX-
Basic axis Parallel movement along TY-
TY axis TY+/TY-
TZ axis TZ+/TZ- Parallel movement along TZ-axis
TA axis TA+/TA- Rotate around the TX-axis
Attitude axis TB axis TB+/TB- Rotate around the TY-axis
TC axis TC+/TC- Rotate around the TZ-axis
Robert user manual

4.1.5 User Coordinates

In the user coordinates, set any angle in any position which is the range of the robot motion. The robot
moves parallel to each axis of the coordinates which are set by the user. It is shown in the figure.

Figure 4.7 User Coordinates Axis Motion in User Coordinates

Axis Name Axis operation Action
UX axis UX+/UX- Parallel movement along UX-axis
Basic axis
UY axis UY+/UY- Parallel movement along UY-axis
Robert user manual

UZ axis UZ+/UZ- Parallel movement along UZ-axis

UA axis UA+/UA- Rotate around the UX-axis
Attitude axis UB axis UB+/UB- Rotate around the UY-axis
UC axis UC+/UC- Rotate around the UZ-axis Examples of User Coordinate Utilization

The user coordinate settings allow easy teaching in various situations.
For example:
When there are multiple fixture platforms: manual operation can be simplified by setting the user
coordinates for each fixture.

Figure 4.8 Multiple fixture platforms

When performing palletizing operations, the incremental value for shifting can be easily programmed
by setting user coordinates on a pallet.
Robert user manual

Figure 4.9 Arrangement and placing job

When performing conveyor tracking operations, the moving direction of the conveyor is specified.

Figure 4.10 specify the direction of movement of the conveyor belt

4.3 External Axis (EXT)

After using the EXT button to switch to the external axis, you can jog and teach the external axis; the
external axis only supports joint jog.
Axis Name Axis operation Action
O1 axis J1+/J1- 1-axis rotating motion of external axis
O2 axis J2+/J2- 2-axis rotating motion of external axis
O3 axis J3+/J3- 3-axis rotating motion of external axis
O4 axis J4+/J4- 4-axis rotating motion of external axis
O5 axis J5+/J5- 5-axis rotating motion of external axis
Robert user manual

Chapter 5 Teach pendent Keys and Interface

5.1 The T30 teach pendant physical buttons
Left side

Switch current servo state

Switch the current robot. (Only available in

multi-machine mode)

Switch between the current robot and external

axis. (Only available when there is an external

Home button

Recovery site button

The error is cleared after the servo reports an

error. (Only valid in teaching mode))


Down side

Switch between sequential execution or

reverse execution when single-step running
program in teaching mode.

Run the program step by step in the teaching


Reduce the teaching or running speed.

Increase the teaching or running speed.

Robert user manual

Switch tool hand (reserved).

Switch whether to execute the program in a

single step in the teaching mode in order or in
reverse order.

Right side

Pause the program in run mode

Start program in run mode

When teaching, the corresponding axis runs in

the negative direction

When teaching, the corresponding axis runs in

the positive direction

Key switch

On the left, switch to teaching mode

In the middle, switch to run mode

On the right, switch to remote mode

Emergency button

Press emergency stop

Wheel knob
Robert user manual

Program interface selection to switch the

previous line and the next line

5.2 Basic description

This section provides an overview of the various parts of the program interface. The left side are the
function keys and the other functions are shown in the table.

Open the
administrator/technician/operator switch

Open the robot function setting interface.

Open the robot process selection interface.

Open the robot variable setting interface.

Open the robot status view interface.

Open the project preview interface.

Open the program command interface.

Open the error log interface.

Open the robot real-time display interface.

Robert user manual

Date and time display.

5.3 Status Introduction

The top of the program is the status bar, which displays the status of the robot.

Mode status: Switch by rotating {Mode Select Key}, includes Teach Mode, Remote Mode, and Play
Servo status: After starting the program, press the {Mot} key, then switch "Servo Ready" status to
"Servo Stop" status.
In the teach mode, when press the {DEADMAN} key or run the program is run in the "reproduction
mode" or the "cycle mode", the servo status is switched to the "servo run" status.
Program status: the current status of running program. When run program with single-step in teach
mode or run program in "reproduction mode", "cycle mode", the status of program is switched to
Manual speed: Increases or reduces the manual speed by pressing {V+} {V-}, at the bottom of the
Teach pendent
Increase speed: Each time {V+} is pressed, the manual speed changes in the following order: inch
1% → inch 2% → low 5% → low 10%-medium 25% → medium 50% → fast 75%-fast 100%
Reduce Speed: Each time {V-} is pressed, the manual speed changes in the following order: fast
100% → fast 75% → medium 50% → medium 25% low 10% → low 5% → inch 2% → inch
Robot status: Press {Rob} key at the bottom of the Teach pendent.
There are two status "Robot a" and "Robot b" respectively.
Tool status: Press {Jog} key at the bottom of the demonstrator.
There are nine states of "tool 1", "tool 2", "tool 3", "tool 4", "tool 5", "tool 6", "tool 7",
"tool 8" and "tool 9" respectively.
Robert user manual

Process pattern: {In Teach Mode} Switched manually.

There are four states: "General", "Welding", "Stacking" and "Laser Cutting"
Frame system: Switched by pressing {Coordinate System Switch} on the left side of the Teach
There are four coordinates: “joint coordinate system” , “Cartesian coordinate system”, “tool
coordinate system” and “user coordinate system” respectively.

5.4 Introduction of Interface

5.4.1 Home page
After starting the program, the first screen is "Home Page".

Home page interface

5.4.2 User
There are three user roles in the system, “Operator”,” Technician”,” Administrator”.
To switch different users, click the drop-down box of switching user and
choose the corresponding user, and enter the password (the operator does not need the password). Administrator Interface

Administrator is the most privileged user and can do any operation.
Robert user manual

Administrator interface
To switch user, click switching users and choose another user. Enter password
(the operator does not need the password) and log in.
To change password for the technician and administrator, please click the lower right button. Technician operate interface
The technician can perform the following operations:

Switch interface; switch mode; create, rename, delete, and open programs; insert, modify, and delete
instructions; run programs; view all states; calibrate tool parameters; calibrate user coordinates; set
IO; set remote programs; set reset points; Set all process parameters; view log; export log; upgrade

Technician interface.

If you change the user, click to select another user. Enter the password
(except the operator) and log in.

If you change the password, click the button in the lower right corner to change it.
Robert user manual Operator interface

The operator can perform the following operations:

Switch interface; switch mode; open program; run program; view all status; view log; export log.

If you change the user, click to select another user. Enter the password and
log in.

Operator interface

To switch user roles, click switching users and choose another user. Enter password (the operator
does not need the password) and log in.
To change password, click the lower right button.

5.4.3 Settings
●Main interface
The setting interface includes "Tool Calibration", "User coordinate, "system Setup", "Remote Proc",
"Reset point ", "IO", "Robot parameter", "Positioner", “an computer cooper”, "Modbus settings",
"Background task", "Network settings", "Data upload", "Program self-start", and "Operating
parameters". To enter these 15 interfaces, please select the corresponding icon in the main content
area of the setting interface.
Robert user manual

Set interface Tool Calibration
The main interface for tool calibration contains parameter settings for offset around each axis.

Tool calibrations
⚫ Operating area
Click the "7 Point " button in the bottom operation area to open the " Seven Points Calibration"
Click the "20 Point " button in the bottom operation area to open the "Twenty Points Calibration"
Click the “Return” button in the bottom operation area to return to the “Settings” interface Seven-point calibration interface

Each position has corresponding tool status and action button. By clicking {Calibration} button, the
status will be changed to "Calibrated".
Robert user manual

Seven-point calibration interface

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Demo} button at the bottom of operation area, "Demo" window is opened and explain
how to calibrate the tool.
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom of operation area, return to the main interface of Tool
Calibration. Twenty-point calibration interface

Each position has corresponding tool status and action button. By clicking {Calibration} button, the
status can be changed to "Calibrated". Finally, by clicking {Calibration}, and the calibration is

Twenty point calibration

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Demo}button at the bottom of operation area, "Demo" window is opened and
explain how to calibrate the tool.
Robert user manual

By clicking {Return} button at the bottom of operation area, return to the main interface of Tool
Calibration. Two-point calibration interface

Point to point, calibrate any two points. If the calculation result is -1, the calibration will fail, and if
the result is 0, the calibration will succeed.

Two-point calibration

5.4.4 Calibration of user coordinates

The main interface of user coordinates contains the parameter settings of positions around each axis,

User coordinate calibration

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Calibration} button at the bottom of operation area, “User Calibration” window can be
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom of operation area, return to "Setting" window.
Robert user manual

User calibration interface: Each position has corresponding tool status and action button. By clicking
{Calibration} button, the status can be changed to "Calibrated". By clicking {Calculate} current
status can be confirmed to “Calculated”.

User calibration interface

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom of operation area, "User Calibration" main window can be

5.4.5 System Settings

The system settings interface contains the modification of the control robot system settings. Including
"Update", "Time setup", "Ip setup", "Exporter ", "Importer", "One click backup system", "modify
Teach pendent configuration", "Export controller ", " Operations such as "Import controller ",
"Export log", "Update database ", and "more settings".

System settings
Robert user manual

● Operating area
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom of operating area, return to "Setting" window. Version upgrade
In the operation panel window, you can conveniently view the controller version and the version of
the teaching box, and perform version detection and upgrade operations, such as

Version upgrade

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Update} button at the bottom and inserting U disk, perform the robot version upgrading.
Click the {Upload File} button at the bottom, insert the U disk, put the files to be uploaded in the
upgrade folder, and upload files such as eni.
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "System Setting" window. Time setting
In the operation panel window, you can easily view the system time and modify the system time,
such as:
Robert user manual

Time setting

● Operating area
By clicking {Modify} button at the bottom, modify the system time and date of the robot.
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "System Setting" window. IP setting
The system can be easily viewed in the operation panel window

Current connected ip, connection ip, modify controller ip, modify controller gateway, local ip,
modify teaching box ip, modify teach pendant gateway.

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Reset network} button on the right side, modify the controller IP of the robot.
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "System Setting" window.
Robert user manual Export program

Click the {Exporter} button and insert the U disk to export the program. Import program

Click the {Importer }button, and the program can be imported when the U disk is inserted. One-key backup system

Click the {One click Backup System} button and insert the U disk to back up the system
with one-key. Modify the configuration of the teach pendant

Click the {Modify Teach pendent configuration} button, under inserting the U disk, you can
modify the teaching box configuration Export controller configuration

Click the {Export Controller} button and insert the U disk to export the controller
configuration. Import the controller configuration.

Click the {Import Controller} button, and you can import the controller configuration when
the U disk is inserted. Export log.

Click the {Export Log} button, and after inserting the U disk, you can export the log of the
controller and the teaching box. Database Upgrade.

Click the {Update database} button, after inserting the U disk, you can export the log of
the controller and the teaching box. More settings
Open {More Settings}.
Robert user manual

More settings interface

Click {Modify}, you can switch between Chinese and English in the command language
The interface language selection can display the interface in Chinese and English
Process selection can switch between general process and special process
Whether to prohibit the use of the robot home button is turned on to disable the home button.
⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "System Setting" window. Restore factory settings

Click {Restore Factory Settings}, the key parameters and programs of the robot will be cleared. Configuration Wizard

Click {Configuration Wizard}, you can return to {Settings}-{Robot Parameters}-{Robot
Configuration}/IO Settings Restart the controller

Click {Restart Controller} to restart the controller Revelation teaching box

Click on {Heavy Enlightenment Teaching Box}, heavier enlightenment teaching tool Clear program

Click {Clear Programs} to clear all programs.

5.4.6 Remote program settings

The window of remote program setting is used to control robot under remote mode by setting the
touch screen or I/O.
Robert user manual

Remote program settings

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Settings" button.
Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the running program parameters.
Click the {Select Program} button to select the program to be run remotely.
Click the input box under {Times} to set the number of program runs.
Click the {Cancel} button to cancel the selection.

5.4.7 Remote program settings

You can control the recovery point or run the reset program through IO.

Reset point setting

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "Setting" window.

5.4.8 IO
Robert user manual

The IO main interface includes "IO Setup", "IO Function", "IO Reset", "Enable IO", "Port name"and
"Alarm Message".

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "Setting" window. IO configuration
The IO configuration interface contains the settings of "serial port type", "serial port IO", and
"EtherCatIO". As shown.

IO configuration

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "peripheral settings" interface.
Robert user manual

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the IO type and other data. IO function
{IO function} includes {Function selection}, {State prompt }, and {safe}. Function Selection

{Function Selection} window includes Start, Stop, and Pause and other program setting to set the
function of IO device.

IO features
⚫ Operating area
Click on {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the IO function of the robot.
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "Robot Parameters" window. Status prompt settings

The status prompt setting interface contains the IO settings of "boot prompt", "Robot running status"
and "error prompt". As shown:
Robert user manual

Status prompt settings

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "IO" window.
By clicking {Modify} button at the bottom, modify the IO sequence number in prompt status. Security setting

The interface includes the functions of "emergency stop", "safety light ", and IO settings as shown in
the figure.

Security setting
⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "IO" window.
Robert user manual

By clicking {Modify} button at the bottom, modify related parameters in the security setting. IO Reset
The IO reset interface includes IO reset, mode switching stop, and program error stop. As shown:

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "Peripheral Setting" window.
By clicking {Modify} button at the bottom, modify the IO port. IO Reset: take effect when using IO to reset the robot in remote mode Switch mode reset: take effect when switching mode during operation Program error reset: effective when the robot reports an error during operation Use IO
This function uses the IO connection enable key. After using this function, the original enable key of
the teaching box becomes invalid.
Robert user manual Alarm message

The custom IO signal triggers the message, and the message pops up in the form of a small white bar. Port name

Customize the IO port name.
Robert user manual

5.4.9 Robot parameters

The main interface of robot parameters includes "Robot range", "Zero position", "DH Parameter",
"Joint parameter", "Descartes parameter", "Jog speed", "Motion Parameter", "Slave configuration", "
Servo parameters", "NP parameter", "interference range", "following error" ,"Cooperative robot "

Robot parameters
⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "Setting" window. Robot range

The robot range setting interface contains the range setting parameters of each axis. As shown:
Robert user manual

Robot range setting interface

⚫ Operating area
By clicking {Range Calibration} button at the bottom, calibrate the robot's range of XYZ three-axis.
By clicking {Return} button at the bottom, return to "Robot Parameter" window. Range calibration Zero position Zero calibration
The zero position interface contains the coordinates of the current position of each joint and the
coordinates of the current zero position.
Robert user manual

Zero position interface

⚫ Operating area
Click {Move the robot to the zero point} button such that the robot can be moved to current zero
The GUEST user group clicks on {Set to Zero} or {Set All Joints to Zero} to open the dialog box with
Manage Entry Password. User the servo ready state, press Deadman key and then click on {Move the
robot to the zero point}. In order to ensure the safety of the robot, the speed value is automatically
adjusted to 1% operation and the movement speed can be increased manually. By clicking {Return}
button at the bottom, return to "Robot" window. Zero offset

Robert user manual Clear multiple turn value Single turn value DH parameters
The DH parameter setting interface is divided into left and right parts. The left half is the reference
diagram, which shows the meaning of each parameter of L1-L7. The right half is the parameter
modification area.
Robert user manual

DH parameter setting interface.

⚫ Operating area
Click on {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the Cartesian parameters of the robot.
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {Robot Parameters} window. Joint parameters

The joint setting interface contains the setting parameters of each joint range.

Joint parameters
⚫ Operating area
Click on {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the robot's point speed.
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {Robot Parameters} window.
Click the {Demo} button in the lower right corner to see the specific details.
Robert user manual value Cartesian parameters

The Cartesian setting interface contains the setting parameters of maximum speed, maximum
acceleration, maximum acceleration and maximum deceleration zone range.

Cartesian parameters
⚫ Operating area
Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the Cartesian parameters of the robot.
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Robot Parameters" interface.
Robert user manual Jog parameters

The jog speed setting interface contains the maximum jog speed of each joint axis and the setting
parameters of the joint jog acceleration range.

Jog speed
⚫ Operating area
Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the jog speed of the robot.
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Robot Parameters" interface Motion parameters

The interface is the interface of robot interpolation.

Movement parameters
⚫ Operating area
Robert user manual

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to perform robot interpolation.

Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Robot Parameters" interface. Slave list Communication cycle

Robot configuration

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the configuration parameters of the slave station.

Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Robot Parameters" interface.

For the convenience of setting, we have added the {Robot} button, which can configure the robot
type and the number of external axes.
Robert user manual Robot Slave shaft Servo parameters

The interface is the servo parameter configuration interface.
Robert user manual

Servo parameters

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the servo parameters.
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Robot Parameters" interface. NP parameters
The interface is the NP parameter interface.

NP parameters
⚫ Operating area
Robert user manual

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the NP parameters.

Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Robot Parameters" interface. Range of interference zone

The interface is the interference zone setting interface.

Interference zone range

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interference zone parameters.
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Robot Parameters" interface. Follow error

The maximum static error and the maximum dynamic error can be set.
Robert user manual

Interference zone range

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the following error parameters.
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Robot Parameters" interface. Collaborative Robot

5.4.10 External axis parameters

Robert user manual

The main interface of external axis parameters contains four operation buttons: "external axis
calibration", "zero position", "joint parameters" and "jogging speed".

External axis parameters

Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {Robot Parameters} window. External axis calibration

Click on {External Axis Calibration} to open the operation panel window. Each position is
corresponding to the status and operation of the axis. Click on {Calibration} button to change the
current axis status to the "Calibrated" status. Finally, click on {Calculate} button and the calibration is
successful, e.g.

External axis calibration

⚫ Operating area
Click on {Demo} button at the bottom to show the detailed steps of external axis calibration.
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {External Axis Parameters} window.
Robert user manual Zero position Zero calibration
Click on {Zero Position} to enter the operation window as shown in the figure. The window suggests
that "The parameters to be modified are core parameters, which should be modified under the guidance
of professionals. It is recommended not to modify without major problems". If modify, click ok {Enter}
button to enter administrator password, otherwise cancel.

Zero position
⚫ Operating area
Click on {Back} button at the bottom to return to the {External Axis Parameters} window. Clear encoder multiple turn value

Robert user manual Single turn value Joint parameters

Click on {Joint Parameters} to enter the operation window as shown in the figure. The window
suggests that "The parameters to be modified are core parameters, which should be modified under the
guidance of professionals. It is recommended not to modify without major problems". If modify, click
ok {Enter} button to enter administrator password, otherwise cancel.

Joint parameters
⚫ Operating area
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {External Axis Parameters} window.
Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the external axis parameters.
Robert user manual Multi-turn value Inching speed

Click the {Inching Speed} button on the interface to enter the Inching speed setting interface, and
you can set the maximum jog speed and the inching acceleration of the joint axis.

Joint parameters
⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the main interface of external axis parameters.
Click the {Modify}button at the bottom to modify the jog speed parameters.

5.4.11 Modbus settings

Modbus protocol is a universal language used on electronic controllers. Through this protocol,
controllers can communicate with each other, controllers via a network (such as Ethernet) and other
Robert user manual

devices. In this way, the external device can read the program on the controller and select the desired
program to complete the target task.
The interface includes two interfaces: Modbus parameter and Modbus program.

modbus parameters
⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the main setting interface. Modbus parameters.

This interface can set Modbus connection parameters.

Modbus settings

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the main interface of Modbus parameters.
Robert user manual

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify Modbus parameters. RTU TCP Modbus program

Modbus program can be set on this interface.
Robert user manual

Modbus settings

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the main interface of Modbus parameters.

5.4.12 Background tasks

⚫ Main interface
Background tasks can be executed in parallel with the main program, providing some instructions for
program control and conditional judgment.

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return}button at the bottom to return to the main setting interface.

Click the {New} button at the bottom to create a new background task program.

Click the {Open} button at the bottom to open the background task program.

Click the {Delete} button at the bottom to delete the background task program.

Click the {Rename} button at the bottom to rename the background task program.

Click the {Copy} button at the bottom to copy the background task program.

Click the {Previous Page} button at the bottom to display the previous background task program.

Click the {Next Page} button at the bottom to display the background task program on the previous
page. Command insertion

The commands supported by background tasks include input and output, timers, calculations,
conditional control, variables, communication, position variables, coordinate switching, program
control, etc.
Robert user manual

⚫ Operating area
Click the {OK} button at the bottom to insert instructions.

Click the {Cancel} button at the bottom to return to the background task program interface.

5.4.13 Network Settings

Network settings can connect to network devices, receive and send data. Network settings can
connect to network devices, receive and send data.

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the main setting interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters.

5.4.14 Data upload

Robert user manual

Support FTP protocol, you can send description files, data files, you can choose to send data year,
month, day, hour, minute, second, IP address, MAC address, status code, error code, speed, torque,
load and other parameters

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the main setting interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the data format.

Click the {Data Format} button at the bottom to set the data content and data name.

5.4.15 Program self start

Set the program to start automatically, when the controller restarts, it will directly switch to the
running mode to run the program.

⚫ Operating area
Robert user manual

Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the main setting interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to set the program auto-start parameters.

5.4.16 Operate parameters

The operation parameter interface can be set for appointment mode, zero return key disable, process
mode switch, scroll wheel key disable, operation mode power on, angle and radian display, non-
physical key switch mode, remote mode whether to use breakpoint execution and other functions

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the main setting interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to set the operating parameters Appointment mode

Appointment mode: After opening the remote mode IO control is the appointment mode, closed it is
the non-appointment mode Whether to prohibit the use of the robot home button

Whether to prohibit the use of the robot home button: turn it on to disable the home button Process selection

Process selection: general process and special process can be set Whether to prohibit the scroll wheel key

Whether to prohibit the wheel key: turn it on to prohibit the use of the wheel key Whether to automatically power on when switching to running

Switch to running mode or not to automatically power on: switch to teaching mode to power on
automatically when switched on
Robert user manual Gesture value Angle/radian

Gesture value Angle/radian: radian system, angle system Non-physical key switch mode

Non-physical key switch mode: close the switch mode only by using the physical knob Whether to use breakpoint execution in remote mode

Whether to use breakpoint execution in remote mode: open to use breakpoint execution, close to not

5.4.17 Process

The process interface includes "welding settings", "palletizing settings", "vision process", "laser
cutting process", "tracking process", "special craft", "conveyor tracking process", "Polishing
process", "spraying process", "Electric Approval" interfaces. Note: The tracking process entry is
moved to the welding process

To enter this interface, please select the corresponding icon in the main content area of the process.

Process interface
Robert user manual Palletizing process

The palletizing process interface can set simple palletizing, complete palletizing, Make file, and
Location debugging.
The main interface part of the palletizing process setting interface is shown in the figure:

Palletizing process setting interface

⚫ Operating area
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {External Axis Parameters} window. Palletizing parameters Simple palletizing
Enter the simple palletizing setting interface, you can set the gripper, calibrate the grab point, simple
palletizing and complete palletizing switching, etc.
Robert user manual

Simple palletizing
⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Palletizing Parameters" interface.
Click the {Start Setting} button at the bottom to start a simple palletizing setting guide.
Click the {Clear Parameters} button at the bottom to clear the simple palletizing parameters of
the current process number.
Click the {Copy Parameters} button at the bottom to copy the simple palletizing parameters of
the current process number to another process number.

a) Gripper settings
Robert user manual

b) Position settings Complete palletizing

Enter the complete palletizing setting interface, you can set the gripper, calibrate the grab point,
calibrate the pallet, set the workpiece size, simple palletizing and complete palletizing.

Complete palletizing

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Palletizing Parameters" interface.

Click the {Start Setting} button at the bottom to complete the palletizing setting wizard.

Click the {Clear Parameters} button at the bottom to clear the complete palletizing
parameters of the current process number.
Robert user manual

Click the {Copy Parameters} button at the bottom to copy the complete palletizing
parameters of the current process number to another process number.

c) Gripper setting

d) Pallet setting
Robert user manual

e) Position settings

f) Workpiece parameters
Robert user manual

g) Approaching parameters

h) Overlap mode
Robert user manual

i) Plane mode Generate new file

Enter the Generate new file setting interface, you can generate a standard palletizing sample program.

Generate file

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Palletizing Parameters" interface.

Click the {Next Page} button at the bottom to enter the next page.
Robert user manual Position commissioning Welding process

In welding setting window, set welding process file and operate welding process.
The main window of the welding setting is displayed as follows:

Welding setting interface

⚫ Operating area
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {Process} window. Welding parameter setting process

In the operation panel window, you can conveniently set arc starting current and voltage,
welding current and voltage, arc extinguishing current and voltage, anti-sticking wire current and
voltage, flying arc starting and other operations:
Robert user manual

Welding parameter setting

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Welding Process" interface.
Click the {Modify} button in the lower right corner to modify the welding parameter type and other
data. Welding equipment settings

"Restart action", "Welding interruption detection", "Power interruption detection", "Water cooling
abnormality detection", "Anti-collision detection", "Restart distance", "Restart speed" can be easily
set in the operation panel window, "Arc detection time", "Arc detection confirmation time", "Arc
Robert user manual

exhaustion detection time", "Advance air delivery time", "Delayed air shutdown time" and other
operations, as shown in the figure.

Welding equipment
Arc detection time: from starting of welding, send out the starting arc signal and need to detect
whether there is an arc signal or not.
Arc detection confirm time: to prevent the disturbance of the signal caused by dust and other
obstacles, delay a period of time to ensure the arc signal transmission.
Arc exhaustion detection time: at the end of welding, give an arc extinguishing signal, until the
actual arc extinguishing time;
Ahead Time of Air Supply: during welding, in order to prevent the welding wire from being
oxidized by air, protective gas needs to be sent. It can't wait until welding, so it needs to be sent in
Delay Time of Close Air: after the welding is finished and the arc extinguishing signal is sent out,
the welding wire has not been cooled. If the shielding gas is stopped at this time, oxidation will still
occur, so the gas needs to be closed later.
⚫ Operating area
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {Peripheral Settings} window.
Click on {Modify} button in the lower right corner to modify the welding parameters, types and
other data. Current/voltage matching

In the operation panel window, you can conveniently set the "voltage control IO port", "current
voltage IO port" and other operations, such as:
Robert user manual

Current and voltage configuration

⚫ Operating area
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {Peripheral Settings} window.
Click on {Modify} button in the lower right corner to modify the current and voltage, and other
data. Manual operation

In the operation panel window, you can easily perform operations such as "fault reset", "welding
enable", "jogging wire feeding", "wire unwinding enable", and "air supply enable", such as:

Manual operation
⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Welding Parameters" interface.
Robert user manual Weaving parameters

In the operation panel window, you can easily set parameters such as "Wobble welding file",
"Wobble welding mode", "Wobble welding frequency", such as:

Weaving parameters
⚫ Operating area
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {Peripheral Settings} window.
Click on {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the swing welding parameters and other data. Welding IO settings

In the operation panel window, you can conveniently set parameters such as "Successful Arc Start
Signal DI Port", "Arc Signal DO Port", "Welding Current Signal AI Port", "Set Voltage Signal AO
Port", "Reserved Parameters" and other parameters, such as:
Robert user manual

Welding IO settings

⚫ Operating area
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {Welding Settings} window.
Click on {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the welding IO and other data. Intersecting line setting

The interface includes "lower cylinder radius", "upper cylinder radius", "central axis distance",
"central axis included angle", such as:

Intersecting line setting

⚫ Operating area
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {Welding Settings} window.
Click on {Calibration} button at the bottom to know the calibration details. Welder selection settings

Can choose analog welding machine, digital welding machine
Robert user manual

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Welding Settings" interface.
Click the {Save} button at the bottom to set welding machine parameters Laser tracking

Robert user manual Arc tracking Arc positioning Vision Setting

{Vision Settings} Including "visual parameter setting", "visual range setting", "visual position
parameter", "location debugging".
The main interface of vision setting includes the operations of "vision parameter setting",
"vision range setting", "visual position parameter", and "position debugging".
Robert user manual

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Process" interface. Vision parameter setting

The vision setting interface includes setting areas such as "Camera Parameters", "Vision Enable", and
"Offset Setting". There are corresponding parameter settings in each area, such as:

Vision parameter setting

⚫ Operating area
Click on {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the robot’s visual parameter setting.
Click on {Return} button at the bottom to return to the {Robot Parameters} window. Vision range setting

The visual range setting interface contains the visual range setting parameters. Such as:
Robert user manual

Vision range setting

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Range Calibration} button at the bottom to calibrate the robot vision range.
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Vision Craft" interface. Visual position parameters

The setting interface includes offset compensation, grab posture, test photo, etc.

Visual position parameters

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to set the robot vision position parameters.
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Vision Craft" interface.
Robert user manual Location debugging

The setting interface includes the original coordinates obtained visually, the coordinates after
the conveyor belt is offset, etc.

Position debugging
⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the "Vision Craft" interface.
Click the {Take Photo} button at the bottom to use the camera to obtain the position of the
Click the {Calculate Offset} button at the bottom to calculate the offset of the workpiece on the
conveyor belt.
Click the {Move to this} button at the bottom to run to the selected point.
Click the {Clear} button at the bottom to clear the point list. Laser cutting process

{Laser cutting } including "global parameters", "cutting parameters", "analog matching", "IO
settings", "manual operation".
Robert user manual

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the process interface. Global parameters

The setting interface includes perforation setting, cutting in place, and air shut-off in advance.

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the laser cutting interface.

Click the {Save} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters.

Click the {Incline Adjustment} button at the bottom to view an example of slope adjustment.
Robert user manual Cutting parameters

The setting interface contains cutting parameters.

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the laser cutting interface.

Click the {Save} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters.

Click the {Incline Adjustment} button at the bottom to view an example of slope adjustment. Analog quantity matching

The setting interface includes laser power matching and air pressure matching.

⚫ Operating area
Robert user manual

Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the laser cutting interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters. IO settings
The setting interface includes control operation, power and air pressure, and status prompts.

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the laser cutting interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters. Manual operation

The setting interface includes laser and servo system.
Robert user manual

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the laser cutting interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters. Special process

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Import} button at the bottom to import special craft files.

Click the {Open} button at the bottom to open the dedicated process.

Click the {Delete} button at the bottom to delete the dedicated process.

Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the process interface. Conveyor belt tracking process

The interface includes parameter settings and Generate new file.
Robert user manual

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the process interface. Parameter setting

The interface includes parameter settings and file generation.

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the process interface.

Click the {Start Setting} button at the bottom to enter the setting wizard.

Click the {Clear Parameters} button at the bottom to clear the current process number parameters.

Click the {Copy Parameters} button at the bottom to copy the parameters of the current process
number to another process number.
Robert user manual Basic information Identification parameters

Robert user manual Conveyor belt calibration Sensor calibration

Robert user manual Position setting Generate file

(not currently supported) Grinding process

The interface includes polishing parameters.

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the process interface.
Robert user manual Polishing parameters

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the polishing process interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters. Spraying process

The interface includes "digital setting", "analog setting", "timing", "trajectory parameter", "manual
operation" and so on.

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the process interface.
Robert user manual Digital parameter setting

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the spraying process interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters. Analog setting

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the spraying process interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters.
Robert user manual Timing

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the spraying process interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters. Trajectory parameters

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the spraying process interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters.
Robert user manual Manual operation

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button at the bottom to return to the spraying process interface.

Click the {Modify} button at the bottom to modify the interface parameters。 Screwdriver Parameter setting

5.4.18 Variable
Robert user manual

The variable interface contains two interfaces: "Global Variable" and "Global Value". The purpose of
our setting {variables} is: you can set the variables you need in advance to prepare for calling,
without having to set the variables repeatedly every time.

To enter this interface, please select the corresponding icon in the main content area of the variable
interface, such as:

Variable interface Global location variables

{Global position variable} The main interface is divided into left and right parts, such as

The left part is the location variable configuration file area, a total of 99 variables are available for
use. The right half is the parameter area, which respectively indicate the position variable saved by
the variable and the current position of the robot. You can manually write the position variables of
each axis by clicking {Modify}; or move the robot to the place you want to reach and click {Write
current position} to complete the writing of the position variables of each axis. Use the {Move to
here} button to move the robot to this position variable.
Robert user manual

Global variable interface

⚫ Operating area
{Return} button can return to the variable interface;

{Modify} button can modify the selected variable row;

{Clear} button can clear the selected variable row; Global numeric variables

{Global position variable} The main interface contains three types of variables: "integer type", "real
number type" and "Boolean type". Such as:

Global variable interface

Robert user manual

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Return} button to return to the variable interface;

Click the {Modify} button to modify the selected variable row;

Click the {Clear} button to clear the selected variable row;

Click the {Previous Page} button to turn to the previous page;

Click the {Next Page} button to turn to the next page;

5.4.19 Status
The status interface includes "input and output", "I/O function status", "system status", "electric batch
status", and "laser cutting" interfaces.
To enter these interfaces, please select the corresponding icon in the main content area of the variable
interface, such as:

Status interface Input and output

⚫ Main window
{Input and output} The main interface of the status interface is "digital input", "digital output",
"analog input", "analog output" four interfaces, click the corresponding label to enter the
Robert user manual

corresponding interface. Each interface has the type corresponding to each port and the current value
of the type. Such as:

Input and output interface

⚫ Operating area
Click the {Back} button at the bottom to return to the "Status" interface. I/O function status

⚫ Main window
{I/O function status} The main interface displays the parameters of four states: "digital input",
"digital output", "analog input" and "analog output". Such as:

I/O function status System Status

⚫ Main window
Robert user manual

{System status} shows the memory and drive letter occupancy of the teaching box (similar to
Windows system), such as:

Status interface
⚫ Operating area
Click the {Back} button at the bottom to return to the "Status" interface. Electric batch status

Robert user manual Laser status

5.4.20 Project
This section introduces the content of the project interface and the project preview interface. Engineering interface

⚫ Main window
The interface of the main content area of the program interface is as:

Engineering interface

{New}Create a new program.

Robert user manual

{Open} Open the program.

{Delete} Delete the program.

{Operation} Including {Copy} and {Rename}.

{Copy} Copy the program.

{Rename} Rename the program.

{Copy} Copy the program.

Previous page When the number of programs exceeds one page, press to return to the previous page.

Next page When the number of programs exceeds one page, press to enter the next page.

5.4.21 Program
This section introduces the content of the program interface and the program preview interface. Program interface

⚫ Main window
The interface of the main content area of the program interface is as:

Program interface
Robert user manual

Insert: Insert a new job instruction.

Modify: Modify the job instruction program.
Delete: Delete the job instruction.
Previous page: When the number of programs exceeds one page, press to return to the previous page.
Next page: When the number of programs exceeds one page, press to enter the next page.
Variables: can view and modify local position variables and local numerical variables
Bulk copy: Bulk copy instructions
Batch modification: Modify the speed, PL, acceleration, and deceleration of motion instructions in
Bulk delete: Bulk delete instruction
Move instruction: Move a single instruction up and down on this interface
Cut instructions: Cut multiple instructions
Cancellation instructions: Cancel multiple instructions

5.4.22 Log
⚫ Main window
The main window of {Log} includes the system’s operation and error log report.
Log files are automatically generated when an error occurs.
The type of log can be divided into four windows: "operation", "warning", "error" and "debugging",

⚫ Operating area
After selecting the corresponding log and by clicking the {Details} button at the bottom to open the
corresponding log details page, which contains the log type, log details, operator, date of log and log
code, see
Robert user manual

Log details

5.4.22 Monitoring
Robert user manual

Chapter 6 Robot Teach and Operate

This chapter will explain the specific programming steps of the Inexbot robot control system, as well
as the detailed description of the control instructions.

6.1 Robot Preparing

6.1.1 Start up and Safety Confirmation
This section mainly describes the start up before the teach operation and the method to be sure the
safety measures. Start Up
Operation steps:
1. Check whether the connecting wires of servo, controller and Teach pendent components are well
2. Turn the main power switch on the cabinet panel to the ON position, and the main power is
3. Press the green servo start button on the cabinet panel. Safety confirmation

For safety reasons, please make sure that the emergency stop key is normal before teach.
Use confirmation of emergency stop button:
Before the robot is used, please make sure the emergency stop key on the control cabinet and Teach
pendent respectively. When pressed, the servo power supply is disconnected.
1. Press the emergency stop key on the control cabinet and Teach pendent;
2. Be sure that the servo power is off, the Teach pendent displays the servo error, and the control
cabinet servo error lamp is on;
3. Clear the servo error, the servo error lamp in the control cabinet is off, and the "servo stop" is
displayed on the Teach pendent;
4. After be sure it is normal, press the {MOT} key on the Teach pendent to make the servo in the
servo preparation status;

6.1.2 Preparation for Teach pendent

After the Teach pendent is started up and the servo is be sure to have no error, the Teach pendent is
be sure to be in the teach mode. If not, the key is rotated to select the mode and the Teach pendent is
switched to the teach mode. Press {MOT} key (servo preparation) on the Teach pendent, and the
"servo status" column at the top of the program interface displays as "servo ready" and flashes

.Only in “servo-ready” status can the robot be possible!

Robert user manual

Press the orange {DEADMAN} key on the back of the Teach pendent lightly, and the sound of the
robot being powered up will be heard, and the "servo status" column will be displayed as the green
"servo running", indicating that the servo power is successfully connected.

6.2 Point operation

This section mainly describes the related matters of manual operation by using the physical keys of
the Teach pendent in the teach mode. It includes the definition and setting of coordinate system, the
method of manual operation, the speed setting and the be sure of each status during manual
operation. It takes a lot of practice to become proficient.

6.2.1 Teach Speed Control

In the teach mode, the motion speed of the manually manipulation robot is modified by pressing the
{V+} (speed increase) key or {V-} (speed decrease) key on the hand-held manipulation Teach
pendent. For each press the manual speed changes in the following order, which is be sure by the
speed display in the status area.

You can also click on the speed item in the status bar , which will bring up a
drop-down menu. Clicking {-} and {+} can also add or subtract speed. Click on the middle number
will pop up the speed option, you can quickly select several commonly used speed.

Speed increase: press the {V+} (speed increase) key at the bottom of the Teach pendent. Each press,
the manual speed will change in the following order:
Inching motion 0.01°→inching motion 0.1°→1\%→5\%→10\%→15\%→25\%→ 50\%→75\%→
Speed down: press the {V-} (speed down) key at the bottom of the Teach pendent. Each press, the
manual speed will change in the following order:
Robert user manual

High 100\%→high 75\%→mid 50\%→mid 25\%→low 15\%→low 10\%→low 5\%→micro motion

1\%→inching motion 0.1°→inching motion 0.01°

Inching motion: inching motion speed under the joint coordinate system is 0.01 °and 0.1 °two
grades. In the rectangular, tool and user coordinate system, there are two grades of 0.1mm and 1mm.
The teach speed is based on the percentage, and the actual speed is the percentage in the status bar
multiply the maximum speed of the point movement. The maximum speed of point movement is set
in the setting-robot parameter-point movement interface, Please refer to the chapter of robot setup
for detailed parameters and setting methods.

6.2.2 Description and Switching of Coordinate System

There are four coordinate systems in this product, namely joint coordinate system, rectangular
coordinate system, tool coordinate system and user coordinate system.
⚫ All points in the joint coordinate system are the angle values of the joint axis of the robot
relative to the mechanical zero of the axis.
⚫ Rectangular coordinate system is also known as the "base coordinate system". All points are the
coordinate value (unit mm) of the robot tip (center of flange) relative to the center of the robot
⚫ All points in the tool coordinate system are the coordinate value (unit mm) of the tool tip (TCP
point) carried by the robot relative to the center of the robot base. See the chapter on Tool and
User Coordinates for its definition and usage.
⚫ The user coordinate system is also known as the " workpiece coordinate system", and all points
are the coordinate values (unit mm) of the tool tip (flange center) of the robot relative to the
origin of user coordinate system (without tool). See the chapter on Tool and User Coordinates
for its definition and usage.
In the teach mode, press the {Coordinate System Switch} key in the physical keys area on the left
side of the Teach pendent. Every time the key is pressed, the coordinate system will be switched in
the following order and be sure by the display of the top status bar.
You can also click on the coordinate system column of the status bar to pop up the coordinate system
selection menu and switch by clicking on the corresponding coordinate system.


6.2.3 Point operation

Robert user manual

1. To perform the pointing operation of the robot, the following steps are specified:
2. Starting up.
3. Check whether the emergency stop key is intact or pressed.
4. Press the {MOT} key of the Teach pendent to be sure that the servo status is "servo
5. Select the coordinate system you want to use.
6. Adjust to the appropriate speed.
7. Press the {DEADMAN} key (the orange key on the back of the Teach pendent), and do not
8. Use the keys in the physical key area on the right side of the Teach pendent to operate the robot
to move.
9. Release the {DEADMAN} key.

6.3 Programming
This section will mainly introduce the operation of the instructions of this product. It includes the
operation of creating, modifying, deleting, copying and renaming programs, inserting, modifying,
deleting and copying instructions, as well as the specific function description of each instruction, and
provides specific examples. If you want to master it skillfully, you need to use it many times.

6.3.1 Program New/Open/Delete/Rename/Copy

Users need to enter the program interface and use the bottom button to perform related operations to
insert/modify/delete/copy/rename instructions of the program. New Program

New programs need to be created by clicking on the {New} button at the bottom of the program
The new program is under the selected program.
The relevant steps are as follows:

1. Enter the program interface;

Robert user manual

2. Enter the corresponding program name and other parameters in the pop-up "Program Creation"

3. Click on the {OK} button at the bottom, the program is created successfully, and jump into the
new program. If you want to cancel the new program, click on the {Cancel} button.

The program name must be a string of two or more characters beginning with a
letter. The program name cannot be the name of an existing program. Program Open

To open an existing job file, the user needs the following steps:
1. Open the "engineering" interface;
2. Select the program you want to open.
Robert user manual

3. Click on the {Open} button at the bottom. The program was successfully opened. Program Copy
To copy an existing job file (which can only be copied as a whole), users need to do the following
1. Select the program to copy;

2. Click on the {Operation} button at the bottom and then click on the {Copy} button.

3. Click on {OK} otherwise {Cancel}; you can also change the name of the file. Program Rename

The rename operation can modify the name of the selected program.
The operation steps are as follows:
1. Select the program you want to rename.
2. Click on {Operation}, and then click on {Rename}.
3. Enter the name you want to modify in the pop-up window.
Robert user manual

4. Click on the {OK} button. If you want to cancel the renaming operation, click on the {Cancel}

The program name of a renamed program cannot be the name of an existing
program. Program Delete

Delete operation can delete the selected program.
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Select the program you want to delete.
2. Click on the {Delete} button;

3. Click on the {OK} button in the pop-up window. If you want to cancel the deletion operation,
click on the {Cancel} button.
Robert user manual Batch Delete

Batch deletion can delete more than one program file at a time. The method of use is as follows:
1. Enter the engineering interface;
2. Click on the operation of the bottom menu bar - {Batch Deletion} button;

3. Select the program files that need to be deleted (only the files on the current page can be
selected, but not on the previous or next page). Click on the {Select All} button to select all the
program files on this page;
Robert user manual

4. Click on the {Confirmation Button} button and then pop up the confirmation box and click on
the {Confirmation} button to delete the batch successfully.

6.3.2 Instruction Operation

Users need to enter the program preview interface to perform instruction-related operations such as
insertion/modification/deletion by using the bottom button. Insertion
The insertion of instructions needs to be operated by using the {Instruction Menu} button at the
bottom of the program preview interface.
Inserted instructions are below the selected instruction line
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the program preview interface;

2. Click on the {Insert} button to pop up the instruction type menu;

Robert user manual

3. Click on the type of instructions needed to insert instructions, such as motion control classes, as
shown in the figure;
4. Click on the instructions you need to insert, such as MOVL, as shown in the figure;

5. Set the relevant parameters of the inserted instructions;

6. Click on the {Confirmation} button at the bottom of the program; Instruction Modification

Users can easily modify the parameters of the inserted instructions by using the "modify" command.
The steps to modify the instruction parameters are as follows:
1. Selected inserted rows (except NOP rows and END);
Robert user manual

2. Click on the {Modify} button at the bottom of the program.

3. Modify the relevant parameters;

4. Click on {OK} button at the bottom when the modification is complete;

5. Successful instruction modification.

The program name of a renamed program cannot be the name of an existing
program. Batch Copy

Users can replicate the required instructions to the designated place through the "batch copy"
operation. The steps are as follows:
Robert user manual

1. First click on the bottom "Operation" button :

2. Select the required instructions:

3. Click on the {Confirm Copy} button, pop up the button below, and fill in the position you

6.3.3 Instruction Description (Instruction Specification)

This section mainly describes the functions of the instructions and the functions and specifications of
the relevant parameters. Provide some examples of specific application scenarios. Motion Control Class

Motion control instructions include MOVJ, MOVL, MOVC, IMOV, NOVCA, MOVJEXT,
MOVLEXT, MOVCEXT and other instructions.
When inserting these motion control instructions, if the P-point is selected as the new one, a new
P-variable will be created automatically at the same time, and the current robot position will be
written into the variable. Running the command runs to the position where the robot inserts the
The target points of all motion instructions in this system use position variables, local position
variables are P, global position variables are G. See the chapter of position variable for the method
of using specific position variable.
The functions and scope of each instruction and related parameters are as follows:
When the robot moves to the target point, it is used in the non-trajectory constrained interval.
If the joint is used to interpolate the teaching robot axis, the moving command is MOVJ.
For safety reasons, usually, use joint interpolation to teach the first step.
The default speed is VJ = 10, which is the maximum speed of 10\%.
MOVJ function Moving to teach position by joint interpolation
Robert user manual

position data, base axis position data, tool axis position Display in
data the interface
VJ= reproduction speed VJ:1-100

PL= positioning level PL:0~5

ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio
DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio
use example MOVJ P001 VJ=10% PL=2 ACC=10 DEV=10
Use the linear trajectory to move in the program point of the linear interpolation teach.
If linear interpolation is used to teach the robot axis, the mobile command is MOVL.
Linear interpolation is often used in welding operations.
When linear interpolation is used, the wrist attitude of the robot remains unchanged.
function Moving to teach position by joint interpolation
position data, base axis position data, tool axis position Display in
data the interface
V= reproduction speed V:2-9999

PL= positioning level PL:0~5

MOVL parameters
ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio
DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio
use example MOVL P001 V=100 PL=2 ACC=10 DEV=10
The robot moves through three dotted circles taught by arc interpolation.
If arc interpolation is used to teach the robot axis, the mobile command is MOVC.
The starting point of the first arc of a single arc and a continuous arc can only be MOVJ or MOVL.
◼ Single arc
When there is only one arc, as shown in the table below, three points of P1-P3 are taught
by arc interpolation.
If P0 before entering the arc is taught by joint interpolation or linear interpolation, the
trajectory of P0-P1 will automatically become a straight line.
Robert user manual

point command

joint MOVJ
linear MOVL

arc MOVC

◼ Continuous arc
As shown in the table below, when there are more than two consecutive arcs whose
curvature changes, the arcs will eventually be separated one by one. Therefore, as shown in
Figure 4, join the points of joint and linear interpolation at the connection point between
the former arc and the latter arc.
point command
joint MOVJ
linear MOVL
arc MOVC
arc MOVC

function Arc interpolation moves to the target position. The three-point arc
method is adopted. The first point before the arc is the first point, and
the two MOVCs are the middle point and the target point. Note: The
first motion control class instruction of the job file cannot be MOVC.
position data, base axis position data, tool axis position Display in
data the interface
MOVC V:2-9999
V= reproduction speed

PL= positioning level PL:0~5

ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio
Robert user manual

DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio
use example MOVC P001 V=100 PL=2 ACC=10 DEV=10

Move by the joint position or linear interpolation from the current
position according to the set incremental value distance
BF:base coordinates

RF:robot coordinates
B= position data
TF:tool coordinates

UF:user coordinates

IMOV V= reproduction speed V:2-9999

PL= positioning level PL:0~5

user coordinates Display B parameter status

ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio ACC:1-100

DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio DEC:1-100

use example IMOV B001 V=100 PL=2 ACC=10 DEV=10

In welding, cutting, welding, primer painting and other jobs, if the use of free curve interpolation, for
irregular curve workpiece teaching jobs can be easy.
The trajectory is a parabola passing through three points,.
If the free curve is used to interpolate the teaching robot axis, the moving command is MOVS.
◼ Single free curve
As shown in the table below, the three points of teaching P1-P3 are interpolated with free
If joint interpolation or linear interpolation is used to teach the P0 point before entering the
free curve, the trajectory of P-P1 will automatically become a straight line.
point command
joint MOVJ
linear MOVL
free curve MOVS
joint MOVJ
linear MOVL
Robert user manual

◼ Continuous free curve

The trajectory is established by coincidence parabola synthesis.。
Unlike arc interpolation, the joint of two free curves cannot be the same or have no other
point command
joint MOVJ
linear MOVL
free curve MOVS
P006 joint
Establishment of synthetic trajectory in the case of coincidence parabola.
function Move to the teaching position in the form of free curve interpolation.
position data, base axis position data, tool axis Display in
position data the interface
V= reproduction speed V:2-9999

PL= positioning level PL:0~5

MOVS parameters
ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio ACC:1-100

DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio DEC:1-100

use example MOVS P001 V=100 PL=2 ACC=10 DEV=10

To teach the robot to walk a complete circle, the mobile command is MOVCA.
Instruction insertion premise
Click on the {Tool} button in the status bar above and select the tool that has been calibrated before.
Robert user manual

Insertion steps, a total of four instructions.

1. Click on the {Insert}, click on the {Coordinate Switching Class}, select SWITCHTOOL, and
select the tool number previously calibrated.
2. Move to any point of the circle you want to draw as shown in Figure P1, click on the {Insert},
click on the {Motion Control Class}, and select {movj} or {movl};
3. Move to any point of the circle you want to draw as shown in Figure P2 (unlike the point in Step
2). Click on the {Coordinate System} button in the upper status bar, select the "Tool" coordinate
system, click on the {Insert}, click on the {Motion Control Class}, and select {movca}.
4. Move to any point of the circle you want to draw as shown in Figure P3 (unlike the point in Step
2 or 3). Click on the {Coordinate System} button in the upper status bar, select the "Tool"
coordinate system, click on {Insert}, click on {Motion Control Class}, and select {movca}.

Based on the principle of determining a circle by three points, draw a

circle. The three-point circle drawing method is adopted. The first
function point is in front of the circle and the two MOVCAs are in the middle
of the circle. Note: The first motion control class instruction of the
job file cannot be MOVCA.
Display in
position data, base axis position data, tool axis position
V= reproduction speed
MOVCA 9999
PL= positioning level PL:0~5
ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio
DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio
use example MOVCA P001 V=100 PL=2 ACC=10 DEV=10

The robot moves to the teaching position by means of joint interpolation, and the external axis is
compensated by joint difference.
Robert user manual

The robot moves to the teaching position by means of joint interpolation,

and the external axis is compensated by joint difference.
position data, base axis position data, tool axis position Display in the
data interface
VJ= reproduction speed VJ:1-100

MOVJEXT PL= positioning level PL:0~5

ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio ACC:1-100

DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio DEC:1-100

use example MOVJEXT P001 VJ=10% PL=2 ACC=10 DEV=10

The robot moves to the teaching position by linear interpolation, and the external axis moves by joint
difference compensation.

The robot moves to the teaching position by arc interpolation, and the
MOVLEXT function
external axis is compensated by joint difference.
Robert user manual

Display in
position data, base axis position data, tool axis position
V= reproduction speed
PL= positioning level PL:0~5
ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio
DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio
MOVL P001 V=100 PL=2 ACC=10 DEV=10
The robot moves to the teaching position by arc interpolation, and the external axis is compensated
by joint difference.

The robot moves to the teaching position by arc interpolation, and

function the external axis is compensated by joint difference.

Display in
position data, base axis position data, tool axis
position data
MOVCEXT V:2-9999
V= reproduction speed

parameters PL= positioning level PL:0~5

ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio
Robert user manual

DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio
use example MOVCEXT P001 V=100 PL=2 ACC=10 DEV=10

Robots move to a set absolute position by joint interpolation.
If you don't want to move an axis, leave it blank at its coordinates. (Do not fill in 0)
function Robots move to a set absolute position by joint interpolation.
BF:base coordinates

RF:robot coordinates
B=position data
TF:tool coordinates

UF:user coordinates

V= reproduction speed V:2-9999

SAMOV PL= positioning level PL:0~5

user coordinates Display B parameter status

ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio ACC:1-100

DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio DEC:1-100

SAMOV B001 V=100 PL=2 ACC=10 DEV=10

The movement speed of all the motion instructions below the SPEED instruction is as follows: the
instruction speed * the speed of the upper status bar * the percentage of SPEED.
function setting global speed
speed percentage:1-
SPEED parameters speed

use example SPEED 200 Input and Output Classes

Write the input status of the current digital IO input port into a variable.
function Read the digital input status into a variable.
sources GDOUBLE
Robert user manual

IN# group number 1-16
IGH# group number 1-4
IG# group number 1-2
use example DIN A001 IN#(1)

Set the output value of the current digital IO.
Move to the teaching position in the form of
free curve interpolation.

1 channel output(OT#)
4 channel output(OGH#)
8 channel output(OG#)

manual selection
parameters DOUBLE
use example DOUT OT#(1) I001

function Control pulse output
frequency 1-100000

parameters Integers
greater than 0

use example
SUM=100 Timer Class

function delay
Robert user manual

TIME parameters time 0-9999s

R use example TIMER=100s Conditional Control Class

Conditional motion control class instructions include JUMP, IF, ELSEIF, WAIT, WHILE and other
instructions. The functions and scope of each instruction and related parameters are as follows:
JUMP instructions should be combined with LABEL. When the JUMP instructions are executed,
when the program meets the requirements, jump to the designated LABEL to execute the program
below LABEL.
function When conditions are met, jump to the specified LABEL
label name LABEL
BOOL etc
0-999 integer

comparison ==、<、>、
JUMP parameters judging
modes <=、>=、!=
variable value customization or other
source variables
existing variables
use example JUMP *D1 WHEN(A001=4)

When executing the CALL instruction of job file A, jump to the job file B to which the CALL
instruction refers. After the execution of job file B, jump back to job file A, and continue to execute
the next instruction of CALL instruction.
When the last instruction in the job file is CALL, after executing the job file B to which the CALL
instruction refers, the job file A is jumped back and the program stops.
Call a program with a
specified name
CALL parameter program name
⚫ IF
Robert user manual

IF judgment statement, judging whether the condition is valid, if it is valid, run the program between
IF and ENDIF, otherwise jump out.
Judging whether the condition is valid or not, it runs if it
is valid, otherwise it will jump out.
BOOL etc
0-999 integer
IF comparison
condition ==、<、>、<=、>=、!=

existing variables
IF(I003 == 1)
When the judgment condition of IF is not valid, if the condition of ELSEIF is valid, run the program
between ELSEIF and ENDIF, if not, jump out.
When the judgment condition of IF is not valid, if the condition of
function ELSEIF is valid, run the program between ELSEIF and ENDIF, if not,
jump out.
parameter type DOUBLE
BOOL etc

ELSEI parameter name 0-999 integer

F comparison
condition ==、<、>、<=、>=、!=

new parameter value

existing variables
ELSEIF(I003 == 1)
Run the program between ELSE and ENDIF when the judgment condition of IF is not valid.
Robert user manual

WAIT waits for instructions when conditions are not met; otherwise it does not wait.
WAIT waits for instructions when conditions are not met;
otherwise it does not wait.
BOOL etc
0-999 integer

WAIT judging
parameters variable
condition customization or other variables
value source


existing variables
TIMER waiting time
use example WAIT (I001 == 2) T=2s

Need to be used in conjunction with JUMP. JUMP instructions jump to the LABEL instructions.
function Label where needed, JUMP call

LABEL label Composition of letters and numbers,

name no more than 8 digits
use example LABEL *M1
When the conditional statement is valid, the WHILE loop is executed, otherwise the WHILE is
function When the conditional statement is valid, the WHILE loop
is executed, otherwise jump out.
parameters parameter
condition 0-999 integer

Robert user manual

variable value customization or other

source variables
existing variables
use example WHILE (I001==1) Arithmetic Operations Class

Arithmetic operation instructions include ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD and other instructions. The
functions and scope of the instructions and related parameters are as follows.
Data 1 is added to data 2, and the results are stored in data 1.
Format:: ADD <Data 1> <Data 2>
Data1 Data 1 is a variable
parameters Constant
Data2 DOUBLE Data 2 is a constant or variable
use example ADD I002 3

Data 1 is subtracted from data 2, and the results are stored in data 1.
Format: SUB <Data 1> <Data 2>
parameters Data1 Data 1 is a variable
Robert user manual

Data2 DOUBLE Data 2 is a constant or variable
use example SUB I002 3
Data 1 is multiplied by data 2, and the results are stored in data
function 1.
Format: MUL <Data 1> <Data 2>
Data1 Data 1 is a variable
parameters Constant
Data 2 is a constant or
use example MUL I002 3
Data 1 is divided by data 2, and the results are stored in data 1.
Format: DIV <Data 1> <Data 2>
parameters Data1 Data 1 is a variable
Robert user manual

Data 2 is a constant or
use example SUB I002 3

Data 1 is divided by data 2, and the remainder is stored in data
function 1.
Format: MOD <Data 1> <Data 2>
Data1 Data 1 is a variable

MOD parameters Constant

Data 2 is a constant
or variable

use example SUB I002 3 Welding Control Class

function welding start
welding process
parameter ARCON statement
ARCON number

Robert user manual

Welding end statement

function welding settings

Data1 V= voltage value

ARCSET parameters
Data2 V= current value

use example ARCSET V=10 A=10

function pendulum welding start
welding process process
WVON parameters
number number
use example WVON #3
End of pendulum welding
To walk along a intersecting line (this article refers specifically to the intersecting line of two
cylinders), the move command is CIL.

function Completion of a intersection line based on three-point motion

position data, base axis position data, tool axis position Display in the
data interface
V= reproduction speed V:2-9999

PL= positioning level PL:0~5

CIL parameters
ID 1-3
ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio ACC:1-100

DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio DEC:1-100

use example CIL P000 V=500mm/s PL=2 ACC=1 DEC=1 ID=1 Palletizing Control Class

Robert user manual

Declare the program as a palletizing instruction, usually inserted in the head of the program.
If the palletizing program stops at half of the palletizing, please modify the PALLET instructions and
fill in the number of currently coded workpieces at the number of workpieces, and the program will
automatically continue the palletizing.
function pendulum welding start
welding process number process number
0 palletizing
PALLET parameters palletizing type
1 unloading
number of eorkpieces coded 0-9999
Use example PALLET ID=4 TYPE=0 NUM=1
Linear interpolation is used to run to the entry point of the workpiece in the palletizing process, and
the position is set at the position parameters of the palletizing process.
Running to the entry point of palletizing in the form of
linear interpolation
palletizing process number process number
V speed V:2-9999
parameters PL= positioning level PL:0~5

ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio ACC:1-100

DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio DEC:1-100

use example PALENTER ID=1 V=500mm/s PL=2 ACC=1 DEC=1

Linear interpolation is used to run to the workpiece auxiliary point of the palletizing process, and the
position is set at the position parameters of the palletizing process.
Running to the palletizing auxiliary point in the form of
linear interpolation
palletizing process number
V speed V:2-9999
PL= positioning level PL:0~5

ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio ACC:1-100

DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio DEC:1-100

use example PALSHIFT ID=1 V=500mm/s PL=2 ACC=1 DEC=1

Linear interpolation is used to run to the placement point of the palletizing process, and the position
is set at the position parameters of the palletizing process.
Robert user manual

Running to the palletizing point in the form of linear

palletizing process number
V speed V:2-9999

PALREAL PL= positioning level PL:0~5

ACC= acceleration adjustment ratio
DEC= deceleration adjustment ratio
use example PALREAL ID=1 V=500mm/s PL=2 ACC=1 DEC=1
Determine whether the palletizing is completed, and if so, set a BOOL variable to 1.
Determine whether the palletizing is completed, and if so,
set a BOOL variable to 1.
PALEND palletizing process number process number
variable name BOOL variable name
use example PALEND ID=1 A001 Variable Class

Variable class instructions include INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, SETINT, SETDOUBLE, SETBOOL
instructions. The functions and scope of the instructions and related parameters are as follows:
Defining and assigning a local INT variable requires inserting instructions into the program header.
function Define local INT variables and assignment
variable name 0-999
parameters variable value source BOOL
new parameter constant
Robert user manual

source parameter existing variable name

use example INT I001=1

Defining and assigning a local DOUBLE variable requires inserting instructions into the program
function Define local DOUBLE variables and assignment
variable name 0-999
variable value source BOOL
DOUBLE parameters
new parameter constant
source parameter existing variable name
use example DOUBLE D001=1

Defining and assigning a local BOOL variable requires inserting instructions into the program
function Define local DOUBLE variables and assignment
variable name 0-999
variable value source BOOL
BOOL parameters
new parameter constant
source parameter existing variable name
use example BOOL A001=1
Robert user manual

Assignment to INT variables.

function Assign INT variables.
SETINT parameters variable value source BOOL
new parameter constant
source parameter existing variable name
use example SETINT I001=1
Assignment to DOUBLE variables.
function Assignment to DOUBLE variables.
SETDOUBLE parameters variable value source BOOL
new parameter constant
source parameter existing variable name
use example SETDOUBLE D001=1
Assignment to BOOL variables.
function Assignment to BOOL variables.
parameters variables
Robert user manual

variable value source BOOL
new parameter constant
source parameter existing variable name
use example SETBOOL A001=1
In the process of running the program, the global variable value in the current cache is written into
the variable file.
In the process of running the program, the global variable value in
the current cache is written into the variable file.
FORCESET variable type GDOUBLE
variable name variable name
use example FORCESET GI001 Coordinate transformation class

Coordinate transformation class includes two kinds of transformation: SWITCHTOOL and
When the robot is running, it is necessary to use the command to switch the tool coordinate system
after replacing the tool with the wrist.

Switching tool coordinate system during program

parameters tool coordinate number (1-3) & none

use example SWITCHTOOL 1

When the workbench is replaced during the running of the robot, the user coordinate system needs to
be switched with this instruction.
Switching user coordinate system during program
parameters user coordinate number (1-5) & none
Robert user manual

use example SWITCHUSER 1

6.4 Program Running

The program can run in three modes, including "single step", "running", "remote", which correspond
to "teach mode", "play mode" and "remote mode". Users can switch between "teach mode",
"reproduction mode" and "circular mode" by using the mode selection key on the left of the Teach

Figure Mode selection key

6.4.1 Teach Mode

In the teach mode, it can complete the point operation of the robot, job file programming, system
parameter setting and other operations. In the process of job file programming, "STEP" function can
be used to operate the job file step by step. Be sure trajectory using STEP

After the user has selected the inserted command line, he can only run the selected command line by
pressing the {DEADMAN} key and clicking on the {STEP} key in the physical key area at the
bottom of the Teach pendent to operate the job file in one step \ textbf {(do not release the
{DEADMAN} key during the robot movement)} single step operation.
STEP running speed = instruction speed * speed ratio of the status bar above.
The specific steps are as follows:
1. Select the instruction line to perform a one-step operation.
2. Press the {DEADMAN} key and the robot will power up.
3. Press the {STEP} key, and the robot executes the command of the selected line and stops after
4. The selected line is automatically moved down, and press the {STEP} key again if you want to
run the next line of instruction in one step.

6.4.2 Play Mode

In the play mode, you can click on the {Number of Runs} button in the lower left corner to set the
number of runs of the program. Run once by default. Clicking on the }{Loop Run} button in the pop-
up window can make the program run indefinitely.
In the play mode, the number of running times and the total number of running times are displayed
above the program, and the format is "number of times run / total number of times run".
Robert user manual

During the running process, the number of runs can be modified. After the modification, the robot
stops after running the set number of times. For example, if the original setting is run 200 times and
156 times have been run, the number of times the setting is set to 3 times, the robot stops after
continuing to run three times. \\
Run speed = command speed * speed ratio of the status bar above.

6.4.3 Remote Mode

Remote mode supports two kinds of peripheral equipments, digital IO and Modbus touch screen.
When the controller is activated after the Teach pendent is removed, it will automatically enter the
remote mode. The equipment priority is: Modbus > Digital IO. When two peripheral equipments are
connected, the digital IO enable can be controlled through the Modbus touch screen. Reservation Mode

The reservation mode uses digital IO to control the running of the program. The mechanism is to set
(reserve) in advance in the remote mode, through the program to be started by IO, the number of runs
and number it. After switching to remote mode, the set program is sorted by IO signal. After pressing
the {Running} button, the program will run according to the sorted program and the number of runs.
After all the programs have been run, the operation stops. If you need to run again, you need to
If a single program is required to run indefinitely, the number of times it runs is set to 0 at the time of
The steps of the reservation procedure are as follows:

1. Enter Settings - Remote Program Settings;

2. Set up five programs for reservation and the number of runs;

3. Set the functions of each IO input port in the IO-IO function, where Program 1 - Program 5
corresponds to the sorting function of the five programs in the remote program setting interface;
4. Switch to remote mode;
5. Give the IO corresponding to the serial number of the program a high level (set to high level
valid) lasting 2 seconds, then release it, and the program enters the queue;
6. If you want to cancel the sorting of a program after the sorting is completed, then give the IO
corresponding to the program serial number a high level (set to high level valid) which lasting 2
seconds and release again;
7. Give the corresponding IO port a rising edge to start the program (set to high level valid), and
the system starts to run according to the number of programs in the queue;
8. Sorting and canceling queues can also be performed during the run.
If the reservations are switched on, the first reservations program will start running after the
reservations. Modbus Program

Robert user manual

This function is run by using Modbus touch screen equipment. The mechanism is to run the program
in Modbus equipment by setting the program in advance, and input the program serial number
through Modbus touch screen after switching to remote mode.
The setting steps of the Modbus program are as follows:

1. Enter the Settings-Modbus program;

2. The maximum number of programs can be set up to 300;

3. After setting up, switch to remote mode;

4. Fill in the serial number of the program to be run in the running of the program in the Modbus
touch screen, click on the {Running}, and the program will start running.
Robert user manual

Chapter7 Tool and User Coordinates

7.1 Tool Calibration
7.1.1 Tool coordinate system
Flange Center: The origin of the default tool coordinate system, flange center point to flange
positioning hole direction is + X direction, vertical flange outward direction is + Z direction, finally
according to the right hand rule can determine the Y direction. The new tool coordinates are derived
from the relative default tool coordinates.

Figure 7.1 Tool coordinate system and flange


Robot trajectory and speed: refers to the trajectory and speed of TCP points

TCP is generally set in the center of the gripper, the end of the welding wire, the nose of the static
arm of spot welding and so on.
In order to describe the position of an object in space, it is necessary to fix a coordinate system on the
object, and then determine the position and attitude of the coordinate system (origin position and
three coordinate axis attitude), namely, seven DOFs are needed to describe the position and attitude
of the rigid body. For industrial robots, the end flange mounting tool is needed to operate. In order to
determine the position and attitude of the tool, a TCS(tool coordinate system) is bound to the tool.
The origin of TCS is TCP (Tool Center Point). In trajectory programming of robots, the position and
attitude of TCS in other coordinate systems should be recorded and executed in the program.
Robert user manual

Industrial robots usually define a TCS in advance. The XY plane of TCS is bound to the flange plane
of the sixth axis of the robot. The origin of TCS coincides with the center of flange.Obviously TCP is
in the flange center. ABB robots call TCP as tool0 and REIS robots call it as _ tnull. Although the
default TCP can be used directly, in practice, such as welding, the user usually defines the TCP point
to the tip of the wire (actually the position and attitude of the welding welding torch tool coordinate
system in the tool0 coordinate system). Then the position recorded in the program is the position of
the welding wire tip, and the attitude recorded is the attitude of the torch revolving around the
welding wire tip.

Figure 7.2 Industrial robot welding

From thinking 1, we know that the tool coordinate system is a research object in motion, but
what role does it play in the actual debugging process? Thinking about how the attitude and position
of the grippers in Figure 1 and Figure 2 are adjusted?

Figure 7.3 Claw posture and position

Conjecture: Two conjectures can be drawn from thinking:
Conjecture 1: If the gripper in Figure 1 has a rotating point, the gripper can be selected directly
around the rotating point.
Conjecture 2: If one of the grippers in Figure 2 moves in the forward direction, it can move directly
Robert user manual

Conclusion: The function of establishing tool coordinate system is as follows:

1. Establish the TCP point of the tool (i.e. tool center point) to facilitate the adjustment of tool status.
2. Determine the direction of tool feed to facilitate tool position adjustment.

7.1.3 Tool Coordinate System Characteristics

The new tool coordinate system is obtained by changing relative to the default tool coordinate
system. The position and direction of the new tool coordinate system always maintain an absolute
position and attitude relationship with the flange, but they are always changing in space.

Figure 7.4 New tool coordinate system

7.1.4 Tool Parameter Setting

Click on the {Tool Calibration} in the Settings to enter the tool calibration interface, as shown in the
Robert user manual

If there are detailed parameters of the tool, in this interface, users can directly fill in the relevant
parameters of the tool end offset without seven-point calibration.
When entering this interface, the size parameters of the tool saved in the controller will be read
automatically (default items are 0). If you change the tool hand, please fill them in again.
Detailed parameter setting steps are as follows:
1. Open the tool calibration interface, the following table is an introduction to each parameter:
parameters action

X-axis direction The migration length (mm) of the tool end relative to the center of the flange along
migration the Cartesian coordinate system X-axis

Y-axis direction The migration length (mm) of the tool end relative to the center of the flange along
migration the Cartesian coordinate system Y-axis

Z-axis direction The migration length (mm) of the tool end relative to the center of the flange along
migration the Cartesian coordinate system Z-axis

Migration about axis The migration angle (°) of the tool end relative to the center of the flange around the
A X-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system

Migration about axis The migration angle (°) of the tool end relative to the center of the flange around the
B Y-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system

Migration about axis The migration angle (°) of the tool end relative to the center of the flange around the
C Z-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system
2. Click on the {Modify} button.
3. Fill in the parameters corresponding to the tool, in which the functions of the parameters are
shown in the table above.
4. After be sure that it is correct, click on the {Save} button and and the setting is successful.

Click on the {Clear} button to clear the parameters that have been filled in.
If you click on {Back} button or {Seven-Point Calibration} button at the bottom operating area
during parameter setting process, then jump to the corresponding interface, and unsaved settings will
not be retained.

7.1.5 Seven-Point Calibration

Click on the {Seven-Point Calibration} button at the bottom to enter the seven-point calibration
interface, as shown in the figure.
Robert user manual

Without the detailed parameters of the tool, TCP calibration can be carried out, and the size
parameters of the tool can be calculated automatically. The specific calibration steps are as follows:
1. Now take the pen tip as the reference point and make sure that the reference point is fixed, as
shown in the figure below.

Figure 7.5 Fixed with the point of the pen as the reference point
2. Put the end of the tool perpendicular to the reference point and click on the corresponding
{Calibration} button of the interface “TC1”, as shown in the figure below.
Robert user manual

Figure 7.6 TC1 calibration

3. TC2 Calibration: Switch the robot to a position with the end facing the reference point and click
on the corresponding {Calibration} button on the line, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 7.7 TC2 calibration

4. TC3 Calibration: Switch the robot to a position with the end facing the reference point and click
on the corresponding {Calibration} button on the line, as shown in the figure below.
Robert user manual

Figure 7.8 TC3 calibration

5. TC4 Calibration: Switch the robot to a position with the end facing the reference point and click
on the corresponding {Calibration} button on the line, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 7.9 TC4 calibration

6. TC5 Calibration: Switch the robot to a position with the end facing the reference point and click
Robert user manual

on the corresponding {Calibration} button on the line, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 7.10 TC5 calibration

7. TC6 Calibration: On the basis of TC5, move any distance along the negative direction of Cartesian
coordinate system X axis, and click on the corresponding {Calibration} button of the line, as shown
in the figure below.
Robert user manual

Figure 7.11 TC6 calibration

8. TC7 Calibration: On the basis of TC6, move any distance along the negative direction of Cartesian
coordinate system Y axis, and click on the corresponding {Calibration} button of the line, as shown
in the figure below.
Robert user manual

Figure 7.12 TC7 calibration

9. Click on {Run To This Point} to see if the calibration is accurate.
10. Click on the {Calibration} button and the calibration is successful.
If you are not satisfied with a certain point in the calibration process, you can click on the
corresponding {Cancel The Calibration} button of the line to cancel the calibration, and then
calibrate the point again after canceling the calibration.
Click on the {Demonstration} button at the bottom to open the demonstration interface and explain
how to calibrate the tool.
Click on the {Back} button at the bottom to return to the tool calibration interface.

7.1.6 Twelve/Fifteen-Point Calibration

Twelve/Fifteen/Twenty-Point Calibration share a calibration interface, and the first fifteen points of
calibration are the fifteen-point calibration method.
Twelve-Point Calibration means that Fifteen-Point calibration does not mark the last three points
(thirteen-fifteen),and the calibration result is only the offset of the XYZ axis direction of the tool
hand, without the value of rotation around ABC.

Click on the {Twenty-Point Calibration} button at the bottom to enter the Twenty-point calibration
interface, as shown in the figure.
Robert user manual

The specific calibration steps are as follows:

1. Find a reference point (the tip of the calibration cone is the reference point) and make sure
that this reference point is fixed.

2. Start inserting the position point, every time you insert a point, click [Mark this point] to
insert 15 points

Specific steps are as follows:

1) The first point the robot returns to the zero point, and the robot tip is aligned with
the tip of the calibration cone through Cartesian coordinates to calibrate the first point;

Figure 7.13 TC1 calibration

2) The second point on the basis of the first point, rotate C by 180 degrees through the
Cartesian coordinate system; align the tip to calibrate the second point;
Robert user manual

3) The third point the robot returns to the zero point, and aligns the tip of the robot with
the tip of the calibration cone through the Cartesian coordinate system; calibrate the
third one;(Same as the first point)

4) The fourth point on the basis of the third point, using the rectangular coordinate
system to make B-, the degree is at 30°-60°, and the tip is aligned to calibrate the
fourth point;

Figure 7.14 TC4 calibration

5) The fifth point On the basis of the fourth point, make B+,J5>-90° through the
rectangular coordinate system, and align the tip of the robot with the tip of the
calibration cone to calibrate the fifth point.

Figure 7.15 TC5 calibration

Robert user manual

6) The sixth point select the first point and move the robot to the first point. On the
basis of the first point, use the Cartesian coordinate system to do B+, J5>-90°, and
align the tip to calibrate the sixth point;

Figure 7.16 TC6 calibration

7) Seventh point on the basis of the first point, use the rectangular coordinate system
to do B-, J5>-90°, and align the seventh point with the tip;

Figure 7.17 TC7 calibration

8) The eighth point On the basis of the seventh point, use the rectangular coordinate
system to do A+, rotate 90°, J5>-90°, and align the tip to calibrate the eighth point;
Robert user manual

Figure 7.18 TC8 calibration

9) The ninth point on the basis of the seventh point, use the rectangular coordinate
system to do A- and rotate 90°, J5>-90°, and align the tip to calibrate the ninth point;

Figure 7.19 TC9 calibration

10) The tenth point the robot returns to the first point and moves the five axes through
the joint coordinate system to make the five axes move up,J5<-90°, align the tip and
calibrate the tenth point;
Robert user manual

Figure 7.20 TC10 calibration

11) The eleventh point On the basis of the tenth point, use the rectangular coordinate
system to do A+, rotate 90°, J5<-90°, and align the tip to calibrate the eleventh point;

Figure 7.21 TC11 calibration

12) The twelfth point on the basis of the eleventh point, use the rectangular coordinate
system to do A-, rotate 90°, J5<-90°, and align the tip to calibrate the twelfth point;
Robert user manual

Figure 7.22 TC12 calibration

13) The thirteenth point when the robot returns to the zero position, adjust the robot
posture so that the tip of the end tool of the robot faces downwards, and align the
calibration tip with the calibration cone to calibrate the thirteenth point;

14) The fourteenth point ,on the basis of the thirteenth point, use the Cartesian coordinate
system to do X-, the robot move a certain distance, and click directly to calibrate the
fourteenth point.

15) The fifteenth point on the basis of the fourteenth point, use the rectangular
coordinate system to do Y+ to make the robot move a certain distance, and click
directly to calibrate the fifteenth point;

After marking, click {Calculate}.

{Cancel the calibration}:If you are not satisfied with a certain point in the calibration process,
you can click on the corresponding {Cancel The Calibration} button of the line to cancel the
calibration, and then calibrate the point again after canceling the calibration.
{Run to that point}:After calibrating a point, you can click [Run to this point], and the robot
will run to that point.
{Mark the result position as zero}:Set the position after calibration compensation as the zero
position of the current robot.

{Clear all calibration points}:The calibration point will be saved in the controller. The
calibration result will be cleared only after clicking to cancel calibration, clear all calibration
points, and switch tools to enter the calibration interface manually
Robert user manual

The attitude of each point should be in any direction as far as possible. If the
attitude is rotated in a certain direction, sometimes the precision is inaccurate.
Please keep the reference point fixed during calibration, otherwise the
calibration error will increase.

Click on the {Back} button at the bottom to return to the "tool calibration" interface.

7.1.7 Twenty-Point Calibration

Twelve/Fifteen/Twenty-Point Calibration share a calibration interface, and calibrate all twenty points
is to use the Twenty-Point Calibration method.
Click on the {Tool Calibration} button at the bottom of the interface to enter the "twenty point
calibration" interface, as shown in the figure.

The specific calibration steps are as follows:

1. Find a reference point (the tip of the pen is the reference point) and make sure that the reference
point is fixed.
2. Start inserting position points. For each insertion point, click on {Mark The Point}, insert twenty
points, and the greater the attitude difference of each point, the better.
Manufacturer recommendations:
In the calibration step, the first point of tool hand posture is vertically downward, the second point
moves the A+ axis, the third point moves A+, the fourth point moves A+, the fifth point moves A-, the
sixth point moves A-, and the seventh point moves A-, move B+ at the eighth point, move B+ at the
ninth point, move B+ at the tenth point, move B- at the eleventh point, move B- at the twelfth point,
Robert user manual

move B- at the thirteenth point, and move the other points mainly C-axis forms a double across-shaped
layout calibration
3. After completing the twenty-point mark, click on the {Calculate}.
{Cancel The Calibration}:If you are not satisfied with a certain point in the calibration process, you
can click on the corresponding {Cancel The Calibration} button to cancel the calibration, and then
calibrate the point again after canceling the calibration.
{Run To This Point}:{Run To This Point} can be clicked after each calibration point , and the robot
will run to that point.
{Mark The Result Position As zero Point}: Set the position after calibration and compensation to the
zero position of the current robot.
{Clear all calibration points}:The calibration point will be saved in the controller, and the calibration
result will be cleared only after clicking to cancel calibration, clear all calibration points, and switch
tools to enter the calibration interface manually.

The attitude of each point should be in any direction as far as possible. If the
attitude is rotated in a certain direction, sometimes the precision is inaccurate.
Please keep the reference point fixed during calibration, otherwise the
calibration error will increase.

7.1.8 Two-Point Calibration

Two-point calibration supports 4-axis SCARA and 4-axis palletizing.
Click the [two point calibration] button at the bottom of the {tool hand calibration} interface to enter
the "two- point calibration" interface, as shown in the figure.
Robert user manual

The specific calibration steps are as follows:

1. Find a reference point (the pen tip is the reference point), and make sure that this reference
point is fixed.
2. When you start to insert a point, click [Mark this point] for each point you insert, and insert
two points. The larger the difference in posture of each point, the better.
3. After completing the two points mark, click [Calculate].
If you are not satisfied with a certain point in the calibration process, you can click on the
corresponding {Cancel The Calibration} button to cancel the calibration, and then calibrate the point
again after canceling the calibration.
{Run To This Point} can be clicked after each calibration point , and the robot will run to that point.
Move the robot to another position, and then click on the {Run To The Position Of Calculation
Result}, the robot moves to the original calibration position, which is equivalent to the zero position
of the robot.
{Mark The Result Position As zero Point}: Set the position after calibration and compensation to the
zero position of the current robot.
{Clear all calibration points}:The calibration point will be saved in the controller, and the calibration
result will be cleared only after clicking to cancel calibration, clear all calibration points, and switch
tools to enter the calibration interface manually.

The attitude of each point should be in any direction as far as possible. If the
attitude is rotated in a certain direction, sometimes the precision is inaccurate.
Please keep the reference point fixed during calibration, otherwise the
calibration error will increase.

Click on the {Demo} button at the bottom to open the "demo" interface and explain how to calibrate
the tool.
Click on the {Back} button at the bottom to return to the "tool calibration" interface.

7.2 User Coordinates

7.2.1 The Function of User Coordinate System
Definition: Default user coordinate system: The default user coordinate system User 0 coincides with
the rectangular coordinate system. The new user seating system is based on the default user
coordinate system changes.
Thinking: From Think 1, we know that the user coordinate system is a reference object in motion, but
what role does it play in the actual debugging process?
Robert user manual

Figure 7.23 Non-tilting worktable

Figure 7.24. Inclined worktable

Conjecture: As can be seen from Figure 4, it will be difficult to debug the position of each workpiece
using the default user coordinate system User 0 or Cartesian coordinate system, but it will be more
convenient if two directions of a coordinate system are parallel to the worktable.
Conclusion: The function of user coordinate system

1. Determine the reference coordinate system;

2. Determine the direction of motion on the worktable for easy debugging.

Characteristics of user coordinate system

The new user coordinate system is obtained by changing the default user coordinate system User 0.
The position and attitude relative space of the new user coordinate system are unchanged.

7.2.2 User Coordinate Parameter setting

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Click on the {User Coordinate Calibration} button in the "Settings" interface to enter the "user
coordinate" interface, as shown in the figure.

The parameters of the user coordinates are as follows

parameters function

X value Migration of user coordinate origin from the X-axis direction of

robot base origin
Y value Migration of user coordinate origin from the Y-axis direction of
robot base origin
Z value Migration of user coordinate origin from the Z-axis direction of
robot base origin
A value The rotation angle (radian) of the user coordinate system relative
to the Cartesian coordinate system around the X-axis direction
B value The rotation angle (radian) of the user coordinate system relative
to the Cartesian coordinate system around the Y-axis direction
C value The rotation angle (radian) of the user coordinate system relative
to the Cartesian coordinate system around the Z-axis direction
If you have exact values, please fill in directly. Note that the three values of ABC are radian.

7.2.3 User Coordinate System Calibration

Robert user manual

Click on the {User Calibration} button at the bottom of the "User Coordinate Calibration" interface
to enter the "User Calibration" interface, as shown in the figure.

The calibration of user coordinate system should follow the following steps:
1. Move the tip of the robot to the position expected of the origin of user coordinate system, and click
on the {Calibrate Origin} button.
2. Move the robot at any distance relative to the origin of the user coordinate system to the position
expected to be the positive direction of the X-axis of the user coordinate system, and click on the
{Calibration X-axis} button.
3. Move the robot at any distance relative to the origin of user coordinate system to the position
expected to be the positive direction of user coordinate system Y-axis, and click on the
{Calibration Y-axis} button.

If the Y axis of user coordinate system is not calibrated accurately, the system
will automatically compensate.

Click on the {Back} button at the bottom of the interface to return to the user coordinate calibration
Robert user manual

Chapter8 Numerical Variable

This chapter mainly describes the variables of the control system.

8.1 Variable Name

type Quantity Example
Global Global Integer Variable、GINT Each job file can GI001
numerical contains 999
variables Global Floating Point Variable、 GD001
Global Bool Variable、GBOOL GB001

Lobal Lobal Integer Variable、INT Each job file can I001

numerical contain 999
variables Lobal Floating Point Variable、 D001
Lobal Bool Variable、BOOL B001

8.2 Global Numerical Variables

The global value variable is a variable that can act on all robots and all programs, such as program
AA of Robot 1 and program BB of Robot 2, which can use the same global value variable at the
same time. This section will mainly explain the use of the global variable interface, as well as the use
of position and numerical variables.

8.2.1 Global Value

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Imagine how tedious it is for a robot to complete a process with so many instructions. If we insert
instructions and set variables every time, we add value variables to call them. For example, "WHILE
(INT001 = 10)... END (WHILE)" instructions, there are many procedures in which a robot completes
a certain process, we directly call your pre-set value variables.
At the same time, global value variables can be used to transfer information between the main
program, the called subroutine and the background program for logical judgment.
Value variables store values, including integer variables , double variables and boolean variables. Global Bool Variable

Global Bool variables store bytes. In this interface, the values and annotations of each variable can be
modified. The significance of each parameter is as follows:
⚫ The name of the variable is the number of the variable, and the name of the global Bool variable
is GAxxx.
⚫ The value is the value of the variable, and the range of values of Bool variables is "0/1".
⚫ Annotations are user-defined annotations for the variable, which facilitate users to mark the role
of the variable, ranging from arbitrary values, and can be in Chinese. Global Integer Variable

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Global integer variables store integer. In this interface, the values and annotations of each variable
can be modified. The significance of each parameter is as follows:
⚫ The name of the variable is the number of the variable, and the name of the global integer
variable is GIxxx.
⚫ The value is the value of the variable, and the range of an integer variable is an integer.
⚫ Annotations are user-defined annotations for the variable, which facilitate users to mark the role
of the variable, ranging from arbitrary values, and can be in Chinese. Global Floating Point Variable

Global real variables store real numbers. In this interface, the values, contents and annotations of
each variable can be modified. The significance of each parameter is as follows:
⚫ The name of the variable is the number of the variable, and the name of the global real variable
is GDxxx.
⚫ The value is the value of the variable, and the range of the floating-point variable is real.
⚫ Annotations are user-defined annotations for the variable, which facilitate users to mark the role
of the variable, ranging from arbitrary values, and can be in Chinese.

Click on the data type you want to modify, select the variable name, and click on {Modify}, then you
can modify the values and comments. Then click on {Save}. Click on {Clear} to clear the data you

8.3Use of Global Numerical Variable

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8.3.1 Define Global Value Variable

Define variables before using them. The methods for defining variables are as follows:
1. Click on the {Variable} button on the left to enter the variable interface;
2. Click on the global value variable;
3. Select the corresponding variable number and click on the {Modify} button;
4. Fill in the required values at the values and notes;
5. Variables that are not manually defined are defaulted to zero.

8.3.2 Assign Values to Global Variable by Calculating Instructions

Global variables can be calculated by ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV and MOD instructions.
Note: Global Bool variables cannot be calculated ! ADD

Add operation (+).

Formula: variable type (variable name) = variable type (variable name) + variable value source
To calculate global integer or global value variables, select GINT or GDOUBLE at the variable type.
If the source of variable value is customized, the parameters can be manually filled in at the "new
parameters". It can also be used for other variable values.

Case 1:

Premise: GI001=1

Instruction: ADD GI001 1

Significance: GI001=GI001+1

Result: GI001=2

Case 2:

Premise: GI001=1 GI002=2

Instruction: ADD GI001 GI002

Significance: GI001=GI001+GI002

Result: GI001=3 SUB

Subtraction operation (-)

Formula: variable type (variable name) = variable type (variable name)- variable value source
To calculate global integer or global value variables, select GINT or GDOUBLE at the variable type.
Robert user manual

If the source of variable value is customized, the parameters can be manually filled in at the "new
parameters". It can also be used for other variable values.

Case :

Premise: GD001=3.4

Instruction: SUB GD001 1.1

Significance: GI001=GI001-1.1

Result: GD001=2.3 MUL

Multiply operation(*)
Formula: variable type (variable name) = variable type (variable name) * variable value source
To calculate global integer or global value variables, select GINT or GDOUBLE at the variable type.
If the source of variable value is customized, the parameters can be manually filled in at the "new
parameters". It can also be used for other variable values.

Case :

Premise: GD001=3.4 GI001=2

Instruction: MUL GD001 GI001

Significance: GD001=GD001*GI001

Result: GD001=6.8 DIV

Division operation (DIV)

Formula: variable type (variable name) = variable type (variable name) DIV variable value source
To calculate global integer or global value variables, select GINT or GDOUBLE at the variable type.
If the source of variable value is customized, the parameters can be manually filled in at the "new
parameters". It can also be used for other variable values.
Robert user manual

Case :

Premise: GD001=3.4 GI001=2

Instruction: DIV GD001 GI001

Significance: GD001=GD001÷GI001

Result: GD001=1.7 MOD

Remainder operation(MOD)
Formula: variable type (variable name) = variable type (variable name) MOD variable value source
To calculate global integer or global value variables, select GINT or GDOUBLE at the variable type.
If the source of variable value is customized, the parameters can be manually filled in at the "new
parameters". It can also be used for other variable values.

Case :

Premise: GD001=14 GI001=3

Instruction: MOD GD001 GI001

Significance: GD001=GD001 MOD GI001

Result: GD001=2

8.3.3 Assign Values Directly to Global Variables

Through SETBOOL, SETINT and SETDOUBLE instructions, the value of variables can be changed
directly when the program is running.
1. In the program, click on the {Insert} button;

2. Select "variable class ";

3. To change the global BOOL variable, select the SETBOOL instruction and click on {OK};
4. Select "GBOOL" at the type of variable; select the previously defined global BOOL variable;
variable value source selected "customized". Fill in the value that needs to be changed at the
new parameter, and if you need to change the value of the variable to 1, fill in 1 here.
For example, if you need to change the value of GA001 variable to 1 when running the
program, fill in the parameters as shown in the figure below.
Robert user manual

SETINT and SETDOUBLE are used to set INT and DOUBLE type variables respectively, the
usage is the same as above.

8.3.4 Use Global Variables to Count

In the process of running the program, all calculation and assignment operations are to change the
values in the cache, and the values in the "variable-global value" interface will not be modified, that
is, when the program stops running, the values of all global variables will be restored.
To count a loop process (such as a WHILE inner loop), you can use the FORCESET instruction.
Using scene: There is a process between a WHILE and ENDWHILE instruction. There is an ADD
GI001 1 instruction in the process, that is, every time a loop is made between WHILE and
ENDWHILE, the value of GI001 variable is increased by one, that is, the number of execution times
of the process is increased by one. After the program stops running, the value of GI001 is reduced to
0, so the number of operation times of the process can not be seen.
Solution: Insert a FORCESET GI001 instruction after the Add GI001 1 instruction. When the
program is finished, the value of GI001 can be seen in the "variable-global value" interface, which
represents the number of times the program runs.

Insertion method:
1. Click on the {Insert} button in the "program" interface;

2. Select "variable class "-"FORCESET", and click on {OK};

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3. Select the variable type. If you want to change the global integer variable, select GINT and
select "GI001" for the variable name;
4. Click on the {Insert} button to complete.

8.4 Local numerical variables

Local variables can only be used for the defined program itself, such as variables of program A can
not be used in program B.

Numerical variables store values, including integer variables, real number variables, and Boolean
variables.All defined local numerical variables can only be used in the current program, and other
programs and background programs cannot be used.
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8.4 Use of local variables

8.4.1 Define Local Variables
Defining local variables is different from defining global variables. To define a local variable, you
need to click the variable-local variable page setting on the program page.
Robert user manual Int I
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Local integer variables are used to store integer variables. The variable name is Ixxx.
The default value is 0. When you need to modify, select the variable name to be modified, enter the
value, and click Save. Floating Point Variable D

Local real variables are used to store real variables. The variable name is Dxxx.
The default value is 0. When you need to modify, select the variable name to be modified, enter the
value, and click Save. Bool variable B

Local Bool variables are used to store Bool variables. The variable name is Bxxx.
The default value is 0. When you need to modify, select the variable name to be modified, enter the
value, and click Save.

8.4.2 Assignment of Local Variables Using Calculation Instructions

The method of calculating and assigning local variables using the ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, and MOD
instructions is the same as the calculation method for global variables.

8.4.3 Assign Values Directly to Variables

The method of directly assigning a local variable using the SETINT, SETDOUBLE, and SETBOOL
instructions is the same as the method of directly assigning a global variable.
Robert user manual

Chapter9 Position variables

This chapter mainly describes the variable settings of the control system.
The global position variable Global location、G G001

The local location variable Local locationP point P001

Local locationEpoint E001
Local locationS point (IMOV) S001
Local locationR point(SAMOV) R001

9.1 Global position variable

The global position variable (G) is available in all job files for a robot. Defining global position
variables needs to be done on the “variables - global position” interface.
Robert user manual

The definition method of global position variable is as follows:

1. Enter the "variable"-”global numerical” interface;
2. Select variables that need to be defined, such as G001;
3. Teach the robot to the position that needs to be defined, and switch the coordinate system to the
required coordinate system, such as rectangular coordinate system;
4. Click on the {Modify} button;
5. Click on the {Record Current Point} button;
6. Click on the {Save} button.
The global numerical variables (G) is available in all job files for a robot. Defining global position
variables needs to be done on the “variables - global numerical” interface.
Robert user manual

1. Enter the "variable"-”global position” interface;

2. Select variables that need to be defined, such as Integer Variable;
3. Then select the defined variable name. Such as GI001
4. Click on the {Modify} button
5. Enter the value after the selected variable name and the necessary remarks
6. Click on the {Save} button.

9.2 Local position variables

The local location variable (P) can only be used for a single job file and cannot be used across all job
The definition of the local position variable is automatically defined only when the "new" variable is
selected when a motion class instruction such as MOVJ, MOVL, MOVC is inserted.

View local location variables

1. Click Program-Variables-Local Variables to enter the local variable viewing interface
Robert user manual

2. It can perform functions on local position variables, modify points, add points, run to that point,
write current position, etc.

9.3 Use of Position Variable Calculation Class Instructions

Robert user manual

9.3.1 POSADD Instruction

The position variable addition operation (+), which can add the value of the single axis of the
position variable (global, local), and then assign it to the axis.

The variable name of the position variable can be a value variable, such as 1001=50, then P$1001 is
This instruction can add a single axis of a position variable in any coordinate system, regardless of
the coordinate system in which the position variable is inserted, but it will be converted to the
original coordinate system in assignment. For example, if the second axis of P001 variable is added,
the P001 coordinate is in the joint coordinate system (0,0,0,0,0,0). You need to add 10 to the Z axis
for this point. Convert P001 to Cartesian coordinates (500,0,1000,0,0,0), then add 10 to the Z axis, i.e
(500,0,1010,0,0,0), and finally convert to joint coordinates (0,-1,1,0,1,0) and assign this value to
Formula: position variable = position variable {Coordinate System (Axis)} + value variable or
To calculate a global integer or global value variable, select GINT or GDOUBLE at the variable
If the source of variable value selects to fill in manually, the parameters can be filled in manually at
the "new parameters". It can also be used for other variable values.

9.3.2 POSSUB Instruction

Robert user manual

The position variable subtraction operation (-), which can subtract the value of the single axis of the
position variable (global, local), and then assign it to the axis.
The meaning and method of this instruction are similar to the POSADD instruction.
Formula: position variable = position variable {Coordinate System (Axis)} - value variable or
To calculate a global integer or global numeric variable, select GINT or GDOUBLE at the variable
If the source of variable value selects to fill in manually, the parameters can be filled in manually at
the "new parameters". It can also be used for other variable values.

9.3.3 POSSET Instruction

Position variable assignment, which can assign the value of position variable (global, local) on a
single axis directly.
The meaning and method of this instruction are similar to the POSADD instruction.
Formula: position variable {Coordinate System (Axis)} = value variable or number.
To calculate a global integer or global numeric variable, select GINT or GDOUBLE at the variable
If the source of variable value selects to fill in manually, the parameters can be filled in manually at
the "new parameters". It can also be used for other variable values.

9.3.4 READPOS Instruction

Read the position variable coordinate instruction, which can read the coordinate value of the position
variable into the numerical variable.
When the coordinate value of "current position" is selected to read, the coordinate value is read when
the robot runs to that position.
Formula: value variables (I, D.GI, GD) = position variables {Coordinate System (Axis)}

9.3.5 USERFRAME_SET Instruction

Modify the user coordinate system instruction, which allows the user to modify the
value of an axis of the user coordinate system parameters. After modification, all points
using user coordinates are migration.
For example, P001, P002 and P003 all use user coordinate system 1 and insert
USERFRAME_SET instruction to add 10 to the X parameter of user coordinate system
1, then the position variables of P001, P002 and P003 are migration by 10mm to the X
9.3.6 TOOLFRAME_SET Instruction
Robert user manual

Modify the tool coordinate command.This command can modify the value of one axis of

the tool coordinate system.After modification, the trajectory in the program used will

change with the modification of the tool coordinate system value.

For example, the original tool offset is (0,0,200,0,0,0).Use this command to modify the

offset of the Z-axis direction to 100, and the center position of the 6-axis flange will be

offset down by 100mm during operation.If it is changed to the corresponding tool hand,

the tool hand with the Z-axis offset of 200mm is changed to the tool hand with the Z-

axis offset of 100mm, and the tip position remains unchanged.

9.3.7 COPYPOS Instruction

Copy point instruction.Copy the current position, local position variable, global position

variable, etc. to another local or global position variable.

For example, copy the current position to the local position variable.Source location

variable type: current location, source location variable name: not selected,Target

position variable type: local position variable, target position variable name: P001.

9.4 4-axis SCARA robot left and right hand

Using left and right hands is generally used to compress the robot's moving space or

avoid obstacles.Generally, we only choose the rectangular coordinate system to set the

left and right hands, and the judgment method is based on the direction of the two

axes.The left and right hand function can only be used for 4-axis robots.

The command setting interface can choose left and right hands,When the setting is

completed, you need to click the [Manual Modification] button, and then click OK to

Robert user manual

9.4.1Global variable settings for left and right hands

Click [Variables]-[Global Variables],Click the drop-down menu.
Robert user manual

Local variable setting left and right hand

Click [Program], select a program to open, select [Variables]-[Local Variables] at the

Robert user manual

Click on the drop-down arrow at the top and select left and right hands

In the command parameter setting interface, you can select parameters to set local

Robert user manual

Chapter10 Use of Conditional Judgment Class Instructions

Conditional judgment class instruction includes CALL, IF, WHILE, WAIT, JUMP and other

10.1 Instruction Description

10.1.1 CALL
CALL instruction is used to call a subroutine.
In this system, there is no distinction between the main program and the subroutine when
establishing the program. When one program calls another program, the called program is the
The two programs cannot call each other, that is, after program A calls program B, program B cannot
call program A.
Parameter Meaning
Program name The program name of the called program


Premise: Two programs, Job1 and Job2, have been established, and CALL instructions have been
inserted into Job1.

Instruction: CALL [Job2]

Meaning: Call subroutine Job2

Process: When the instruction of Job1 runs to the CALL instruction, the program jumps to the
program Job2. After running all the instructions of the program Job2, the program jumps back to
the next line of the CALL [Job2] instruction of the program Job1 and continues to run.

10.1.2 IF
If the condition of IF instruction is satisfied, the instruction between IF and ENDIF is executed. If the
condition of IF instruction is not satisfied, then jump to ENDIF instruction and continue to run the
instruction under ENDIF, and the instruction between IF and ENDIF is not executed.
The judgment condition of IF is (comparison number 1 comparison method comparison number 2),
for example, comparison number 1 is 2, comparison number 2 is 1, comparison method is ">",
then 2 > 1, judgment condition is valid; if the comparison method is "<" or "==", judgment
condition is not valid.
IF instruction can be used alone or in combination with the ELSEIF and ELSE instruction. Note that
ELSEIF and ELSE instructions cannot be used separately from IF instruction !
Note that when the beginning of the program is IF and the last action is ENDIF instruction,
please insert a 0.1 second TIMER (Delay) instruction above or below the IF instruction.
Otherwise, if the condition of the IF instruction is not satisfied, the program will crash.
Robert user manual

When IF instruction is inserted, ENDIF instruction will be inserted at the same time. When deleting
IF instruction, please note that the corresponding ENDIF instruction is also deleted. Otherwise, the
program will not be able to executed.
Another IF instruction or other conditional judgment class instruction such as WHILE and JUMP can
be nested in the instruction.
Parameter Meaning
Parameter type The type of the comparison number 1,the input value of a variable or a
number or an analog
Parameter If the type of the previous selection is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL,
name GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL), here is the variable name of comparison
number 1
If the type selected in the previous item is the input value (DIN, AIN), then
here is the port number for digital or analog input
Comparison == equal to
method < less than
> more than
<= less than or equal to
>= more than or equal to
!= not equal to
Variable value The type of the comparison number 2, customize or input values of
source variables or numbers or analogs
New parameter If the type of the previous selection is custom, it is not optional here.
If the type of the previous selection is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL,
GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL), here is the variable name of comparison
number 1.
If the type selected in the previous item is the input value (DIN, AIN), then
here is the port number for digital or analog input.
Source If the variable value source is selected as custom, the value of comparison
parameter number 2 is filled in directly here.
Robert user manual

Case 1

Premise: Global variables or local variables have been defined, such as GI001=8

Instructions: IF (GI001<9)

Other instructions, such as MOVJ, etc.


Meaning: If GI001<9, run the instruction between IF and ENDIF, if it is not satisfied, it will
not run.

Process: Because GI001=8<9, the condition is valid, the instruction between IF and ENDIF is
run, and the instruction following ENDIF is continued after running.

Case 2

Premise: Global variables or local variables have been defined, such as GI001=5, D001=8.88

Instructions: IF(GI001>=D001)

Other instructions, such as MOVJ, etc.


Meaning: If GI001>=D001, run the instruction between IF and ENDIF, if it is not satisfied, it
will not run.

Process: Because GI001 = 5, D001 = 8.88, 5 < 8.88, the condition is not valid, and the
instruction between IF and ENDIF will not be run. The program jumps to the next line of
instruction under ENDIF and continues to run.

Case 3

Premise: An external IO equipment is connected, such as the input value of port 10 of digital
IO is 1.

Instructions: IF (DIN10=1)

Other instructions, such as MOVJ, etc.


Meaning:If the input value of the digital IO port 10 is equal to 1, the instruction between IF
and ENDIF is run, but if it is not satisfied, it will not run.

Process: Because the input value of port 10 of digital IO is 1,that is, DIN10 = 1, the condition
is satisfied. After running the instructions between IF and ENDIF, the instructions under
ENDIF are continued.

10.1.3 ELSE
Robert user manual

The ELSE instruction must be inserted between IF and ENDIF, but only one ELSE instruction can be
embedded in an IF instruction.
When the judgment condition of the IF is valid, the instruction between the IF and the ELSE is
executed, and the next line of the jump to the ENDIF instruction continues to run, instead of running
the instruction between ELSE and ENDIF.
When the judgment condition of the IF is not valid, it will jump to the instruction running between
ELSE and ENDIF, instead of running the instruction between IF and ELSE.
Note that when you delete IF instructions, you need to delete the corresponding ELSE and
ENDIF instructions, otherwise the program will not run.

Case 1

Premise: Global variables or local variables have been defined, such as GI001=8

Instructions: IF (GI001<9)

Other instructions 1, such as MOVJ, etc.


Other instructions 2, such as MOVJ, etc.


Meaning: If GI001<9, the instruction 1 between IF and ELSE is run, and if it is not, the
instruction 2 between ELSE and ENDIF is run.

Process: Because GI001=8<9, the condition is valid, the instruction between IF and ELSE is
run, and the instruction following ENDIF is continued after running.

Case 2

Premise: Global variables or local variables have been defined, such as GI001=5, D001=8.88

Instructions: IF(GI001>=D001)

Other instructions 1, such as MOVJ, etc.


Other instructions 2, such as MOVJ, etc.


Meaning: If GI001>=D001, the instruction 1 between IF and ELSE is run, and if it is not, the
instruction 2 between ELSE and ENDIF is run.

Process: Because GI001 = 5, D001 = 8.88, 5 < 8.88, the condition is not valid. Instruction 2
between ELSE and ENDIF will be run, and then the instructions under ENDIF will continue to
Robert user manual

10.1.4 ELSEIF
The ELSEIF instruction must be inserted between IF and ENDIF. An ELSE instruction or multiple
ELSEIF instructions can also be inserted between ELSEIF and ENDIF.
When the IF condition is satisfied, the instructions between ELSEIF and ELSEIF and ENDIF will be
ignored, only the instructions between IF and ELSEIF will be run, and then jump to the next line of
instructions under ENDIF to continue running.
When the condition of IF is not satisfied, it will jump to ELSEIF instruction to judge the condition of
ELSEIF. If it is satisfied, it will run the instruction between ELSEIF and ENDIF, and then continue
to run the instruction under ENDIF. If it is not satisfied, it will jump directly to one line of instruction
under ENDIF to continue to run.
If multiple ELSEIFs are nested in IF and ENDIF, the first ELSEIF judgment condition is judged
when the judgment condition of IF is not valid, and if it is, the instructions between the first ELSEIF
and the second ELSEIF are run; if not, the second ELSEIF judgment condition is judged, and so on.
Note that when you delete IF instructions, you need to delete the corresponding ELSEIF and
ENDIF instructions, otherwise the program will not run.
Robert user manual

Case 1

Premise: Global variables or local variables have been defined, such as GI001=8

Instructions: IF (GI001<9)

Other instructions 1, such as MOVJ, etc.

ELSEIF (GI001>7)

Other instructions 2, such as MOVJ, etc.


Meaning: If GI001<9, the instruction 1 between IF and ELSEIF is run. If it is not satisfied, the
judgment condition of ELSEIF is judged. If it is satisfied, the other instruction 2 is run. If it is
not satisfied, the instruction jumped to the ENDIF continues to run.

Process: Because GI001=8<9, the condition is valid, the instruction between IF and ELSEIF is
run, and the instruction following ENDIF is continued after running.

Case 2

Premise: Global variables or local variables have been defined, such as GI001=5, D001=8.88

Instructions: IF(GI001>=D001)

Other instructions 1, such as MOVJ, etc.

ELSEIF (D001<9)

Other instructions 2, such as MOVJ, etc.


Meaning: If GI001>=D001, the instruction 1 between IF and ELSE is run. If it is not satisfied,
the judgment condition of ELSEIF is judged. If it is satisfied, other instruction 2 is run. If it is
not satisfied, the instruction jumped to ENDIF continues to run.

Process: Because GI001 = 5, D001 = 8.88, 5 < 8.88, the condition is not valid, the condition of
ELSEIF is judged, because D001 = 8.88 < 9, if the condition is valid, the other instruction 2 is

Case 3

Premise: Global variables or local variables have been defined, such as GI001=5, D001=8.88

Instructions: IF(GI001>=D001)

Other instructions 1, such as MOVJ, etc.


Other instructions 2, such as MOVJ, etc.


Other instructions 3, such as MOVJ, etc.

Robert user manual

Meaning: If GI001>=D001, the instruction 1 between IF and ELSE is run. If it is not satisfied,
the judgment condition of ELSEIF is judged. If it is satisfied, other instruction 2 is run. If it is
not satisfied, the instruction jumped to ENDIF continues to run.

Process: Because GI001 = 5, D001 = 8.88, 5 < 8.88, the condition is not valid, the condition of
ELSEIF is judged, because D001 = 8.88 < 9, if the condition is valid, the other instruction 3 is

Case 4

Premise: Global variables or local variables have been defined, such as GI001=5, D001=8.88

Instructions: IF(GI001>=D001)

Other instructions 1, such as MOVJ, etc.


Other instructions 2, such as MOVJ, etc.

ELSEIF (GI001<6)

Other instructions 3, such as MOVJ, etc.

ELSEIF (GI001>4)

Other instructions 4, such as MOVJ, etc.


Meaning: If GI001>=D001, the instruction 1 between IF and ELSE is run. If it is not satisfied,
the judgment condition of the first ELSEIF is judged. If D001>9 is satisfied, other instructions
2 are run. If not, the second ELSEIF is judged. The judgment condition is that if GI001<6,
other instructions 3 are run, if not, the third ELSEIF is judged, and so on.

Process: Because GI001 = 5, D001 = 8.88, 5 < 8.88, then the condition is not valid, judging
the ELSEIF judgment condition, because D001 = 8.88 < 9, the condition is not valid, judging
the second ELSEIF, GI001 = 5 < 6, if the condition is valid, then run the other instruction 3,
and then jump to the instruction under ENDIF to continue running.

10.1.5 WHILE
When the condition of WHILE instruction is satisfied, the instruction between WHILE and
ENDWHILE will be run circularly. If the judgment condition is not satisfied before running to the
WHILE instruction, it will jump to the ENDWHILE instruction instead of the instruction between
WHILE and ENDWHILE when running to the WHILE instruction; if the judgment condition
becomes unsatisfactory during the process of running the instruction between WHILE and
ENDWHILE, it will continue to run until running to the ENDWHILE line, and it will not circulate
but continue to run the instruction under ENDWHILE.
Robert user manual

The judgment condition of WHILE is (comparison number 1 comparison method comparison

number 2), for example, comparison number 1 is 2, comparison number 2 is 1, comparison method is
">", then 2>1, the judgment condition is valid; if the comparison mode is "" <" or "==", the judgment
condition is not valid.
Note that inserting the WHILE instruction will also insert the ENDWHILE instruction. To
delete the WHILE instruction, delete the corresponding ENDWHILE instruction at the same
time, otherwise the program will not run.
When the program starts with WHILE and the last instruction is ENDWHILE, insert a 0.3
second TIMER (Delay) instruction at the beginning or end of the program. Otherwise, when
the condition of WHILE instruction is not satisfied, the program will crash.
When instructions in WHILE do not have motion instructions or may fall into a dead cycle in
some cases, please insert a 0.3 second TIMER (Delay) instruction between WHILE and
ENDWHILE. Otherwise, when the conditions of WHILE instructions are satisfied, the
program may crash.
The WHILE instruction can be used to nest multiple judgment instructions such as WHILE, IF or
JUMP at the same time.

Parameter Meaning
Parameter type The type of the comparison number 1,the input value of a variable or a
number or an analog
Parameter If the type of the previous selection is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL,
name GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL),then here is the variable name of comparison
number 1.
If the type of the previous selection is input value (DIN, AIN), then here
is the port number of the digital input or analog input.
Comparison == equal to
method < less than
> more than
<= less than or equal to
>= more than or equal to
!= not equal to
Variable value The type of the comparison number 2, customize or input values of
source variables or numbers or analogs
Robert user manual

New parameter If the type of the previous selection is custom, it is not optional here.
If the type of the previous selection is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL,
GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL), here is the variable name of comparison
number 1.
If the type selected in the previous item is the input value (DIN, AIN), then
here is the port number for digital or analog input.
Source If the variable value source is selected as custom, the value of comparison
parameter number 2 is filled in directly here.
Robert user manual

Case 1

Premise: The variable GI001=1 has been defined.

Instruction: WHILE (GI001<2)

Other instructions


Meaning: When GI001 < 2, other instructions between WHILE and ENDWHILE are
circulated. Until the condition is not valid, the instructions running to ENDWHILE will not be
recycled, but continue to run the instructions under ENDWHILE.

Process: Because GI001 = 1 < 2, other instructions between WHILE and ENDWHILE are
circulated. Until the condition is not valid, the instructions running to ENDWHILE will not be
recycled, but continue to run the instructions under ENDWHILE.

Case 2

Premise: The variable GI001=1, D001=7 has been defined.

Instruction: WHILE (GI001<2)

Other commands 1, MOVJ, etc.

WHILE (D001<10)

Other instructions 2, MOVJ, etc.

ADD D001 1


Other instructions 3

ADD GI001 1


Meaning: When GI001 < 2, all instructions between WHILE and ENDWHILE will be run
circularly. When running to WHILE (D001 < 10), D001 < 10 will be judged. If it is valid,
other instructions 2 and ADD instructions will be run circularly until D001 > = 10, jump out of
the intermediate WHILE instructions, continue to run other instructions 3 and ADD
instructions, and then recycle until GI001 > = 2 jumps out. WHILE.

Process: Initial GI001 = 1 < 2, D001 = 7 < 10, so the judgment conditions of the two WHILE
instructions are all valid at first, and the other instructions 2 and ADD instructions between
WHILE (D001 < 10) and intermediate ENDWHILE will be circulated. D001 = 10 will be
added to D001 once per loop. After three loops, D001 = 10 will be added. The intermediate
judgment conditions will not be valid. Continue to run other instructions 3 and ADD GI001 1
instructions, GI001 plus 1 once per loop, and G after running 1 time. I001 = 2, the condition is
not valid, continue to run the instructions under ENDWHILE.
Robert user manual

10.1.6 WAIT
WAIT is waiting, you can select whether there is waiting time. When the "TIME" option is not
checked, the WAIT instruction will remain waiting until the judgment condition is valid. If the
"TIME" option is checked, the next instruction will continue to run after waiting for the parameter
for a long time. If the condition becomes valid while waiting, the next instruction is executed

Parameter Meaning
Parameter type The type of the comparison number 1,the input value of a variable or a
number or an analog
Parameter name If the type of the previous selection is a variable (INT, DOUBLE,
BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL),then here is the variable name of
comparison number 1.
If the type of the previous selection is input value (DIN, AIN), then
here is the port number of the digital input or analog input.
Comparison == equal to
method < less than
> more than
<= less than or equal to
>= more than or equal to
!= not equal to
Variable value The type of the comparison number 2, customize or input values of
source variables or numbers or analogs
New parameter If the type of the previous selection is custom, it is not optional here.
If the type of the previous selection is a variable (INT, DOUBLE,
BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL), here is the variable name of
comparison number 1.
If the type selected in the previous item is the input value (DIN, AIN),
then here is the port number for digital or analog input.
Source parameter If the variable value source is selected as custom, the value of
comparison number 2 is filled in directly here.
TIME Options, if not selected, wait forever until the condition is valid.
If you selected, you can fill in the waiting time (seconds). After the
waiting time, even if the condition is still invalid, it will jump to the
next line and continue to run.
Robert user manual

Whether continuous If you select "Yes", the PL of the previous instruction and the PL of the
next instruction can be continuous when the conditions are met before
running the instruction. If you choose otherwise, PL will be interrupted.


Premise: The variable GI001=1 has been defined.

Instruction: WAIT(GI001==2)T = 2

Meaning: When GI001 is not equal to 2, the program stays in this instruction and waits, but
after waiting more than two seconds it will no longer wait, jumping to the next program to
continue running. If the condition is satisfied during the waiting process, jump to the next line
immediately to continue running.

Process: Because GI001 is not equal to 2, the program stays in this instruction to wait, but
after waiting more than two seconds it will no longer wait, jumping to the next program to
continue running.

10.1.7 LABEL
The LABEL instruction must be used in conjunction with the JUMP instruction. The LABEL
instruction alone is meaningless.

Parameter Meaning

Tag name A string starting with a character, with a maximum length of 8 characters

10.1.8 JUMP
JUMP is used for jumps and must be used in conjunction with the LABEL (label) instructions.
JUMP can set whether there is a judgment condition or not. When set to no judgment condition,
running to the instruction will jump directly to the corresponding LABEL instruction and
continue to run the next line of instructions of LABEL.
When set to have a judgment condition, if the condition is satisfied, jump to the LABEL
instruction line; if the condition is not satisfied, ignore the JUMP instruction and continue to
run the next line of the JUMP instruction.
LABEL tags can be inserted above or below JUMP, but it cannot be jumped across programs.
The label name of LABEL must be two or more characters beginning with the letter.
Inserting LABEL tags has no effect on the running of programs, but it should conform to the
rules of program running, such as not inserting on MOVC instructions or on local variable
definition instructions.
Robert user manual

Parameter Meaning
Tag name The tag name of the LABEL instruction has been inserted, option
Analyzing Option, if selected, you can set the judgment condition.
conditions If it is not selected, it will jump directly after running to JUMP.
Parameter If the type of the previous selection is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL,
name GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL), then here is the variable name of
comparison number 1.
If the type of the previous selection is input value (DIN, AIN), then here is
the port number of the digital input or analog input.
Comparison == equal to
method < less than
> more than
<= less than or equal to
>= more than or equal to
!= not equal to
Variable value The type of the comparison number 2, customize or input values of
source variables or numbers or analogs
New parameter If the type of the previous selection is custom, it is not optional here.
If the type of the previous selection is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL,
GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL), here is the variable name of comparison
number 1.
If the type selected in the previous item is the input value (DIN, AIN), then
here is the port number for digital or analog input.
Source If the variable value source is selected as custom, the value of comparison
parameter number 2 is filled in directly here.
Robert user manual

Case 1

Premise: None

Instructions: MOVJ


Other instruction 1, MOVJ, etc.


Other instruction 2

Meaning: After running to JUMP instruction, jump to line LABEL*C1 and continue to run
other instruction 1.

Process: After running to JUMP instruction, jump to line LABEL*C1 and continue to run
other instruction 1.

Case 2

Premise: The variable I001=1 has been defined.

Instructions: MOVJ


Other instruction 1, MOVJ, etc.

JUMP *C1 WHEN (I001==0)

Other instruction 2

Meaning: When running to the JUMP instruction, it is judged, If I001 is equal to 0, jump to
LABEL *C1 line to run other instruction 1. If the condition is not valid, it will not jump and
continue to run other instruction 2.

Process: Because I001 = 1 is not equal to 0, it won't jump.

10.1.9 The UNTIL

UNTIL instruction is used to jump out during a movement. That is, during one movement of the
robot, pause and start the next process. When the condition is satisfied, regardless of whether the
current robot is running or not, immediately pause and start an instruction under the ENDUNTIL
The judgment condition of UNTIL is (comparison number 1 comparison method comparison number
2), for example, comparison number 1 is 2, comparison number 2 is 1, comparison method is ">",
then 2>1, the judgment condition is valid; if the comparison mode is "" <" or "==", the judgment
condition is not valid.
Robert user manual

Note that the ENDUNTIL instruction is inserted at the same time as the UNTIL instruction is
inserted. To delete UNTIL instructions, delete the corresponding ENDUNTIL instructions at
the same time, otherwise the program will not run.

Parameter Meaning
Parameter type The type of the comparison number 1,the input value of a variable or a
number or an analog
Parameter If the type of the previous selection is a variable (INT, DOUBLE,
name BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL),then here is the variable name of
comparison number 1.
If the type of the previous selection is input value (DIN, AIN), then here
is the port number of the digital input or analog input.
Comparison == equal to
method < less than
> more than
<= less than or equal to
>= more than or equal to
!= not equal to

Variable value The type of the comparison number 2, customize or input values of
source variables or numbers or analogs
New parameter If the type of the previous selection is custom, it is not optional here.
If the type of the previous selection is a variable (INT, DOUBLE,
BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL), here is the variable name of
comparison number 1.
If the type selected in the previous item is the input value (DIN, AIN),
then here is the port number for digital or analog input.
Source If the variable value source is selected as custom, the value of
parameter comparison number 2 is filled in directly here.
Robert user manual


Premise: The variable GI001=1 has been defined.

Instructions: UNTIL (GI001<2)

Other instructions
Meaning: When running "other instructions" between UNTIL and ENDUNTIL, if GI001
becomes a value of < 2, the current action is suspended and the MOVJ P003 instruction is
jumped to; if GI001 is always > 2, the MOVJ P003 instruction is run after running other

Process skip instruction. Use with special process. Use with special craft skipping

Parameter Meaning

New Fill in the number of lines in the special process program


10.1.11 CMDNOTE
Instructions comments. You can use this instruction to add comments to the appropriate position of
the program for easy debugging

Parameter Meaning

Comment Support Chinese and English


The judgment instruction is reached. Used to judge whether the target point can be reached. If the
point can be reached, the variable is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0

Parameter Meaning

Location variable P point and G point can be selected


Exercise type Can choose MOVJ, MOVL

State is stored in Can be stored in BOOL, GBOOL

variable type
Robert user manual


Prerequisite: BOOL variable A001 has been defined, and position variable P001 has been


Meaning: Determine whether to use MOVJ interpolation to run to P001 position. A001 value
of 1 means reachable, A001 value of 0 means unreachable.

State is stored in BOOL, GBOOL variable name

variable name

10.1.13 CLKSTART
The CLKSTART instruction is used for timing. Run this command to start timing and record the time
in a local or global DOUBLE variable.

Parameter Meaning

Serial number The serial number of the timer can be counted separately by using 32 timers at
the same time.

Stored variable Store the timed time into the local DOUBLE variable or the global GDOUBLE
type variable.

Save the The variable name of the variable where the time is stored.
variable name

10.1.14 CLKSTOP
The CLKSTOP instruction is used to stop the timing of the timer corresponding to the serial number.
The value stored in the variable will not return to zero after stopping.

Parameter Meaning

Serial number The serial number of the timer to stop timing.

10.1.15 CLKRESET
The CLKRESET instruction is used to reset the timer corresponding to the serial number to zero. If
this command is not used, the next time the CLKSTART command is run, the time will be

Parameter Meaning

Serial number The serial number of the timer to be reset to zero.

Robert user manual

Chapter11 Background task

11.1 limit
Currently, only the following commands are supported in the background task program:

category instruction content

Input and output DIN IO input
DOUT IO output

AIN Analog input

AOUT Analog output

READ_DOUT Read output

Timer class TIMER Delay

Operation class ADD plus

SUB Less

MUL Multiply

DIV except

MOD mold

SIN Sine

COS Cosine

ATAN Arctangent

LOGICAL_OP logic operation

IF in case

ELSEIF Otherwise if

ELSE otherwise

WAIT wait

WHILE Inner loop

Condition control
class LABEL label


CLKSTART Timing begins

CLKSTOP Time ends

CLKRESET Timer reset

SETINT Assigned integer

Variable class
SETDOUBLE Assign floating point
Robert user manual

SETBOOL Assign Boolean

SENDMSG send data

PARSEMSG Analytical data


OPENMSG Open data

Communication class
CLOSEMSG Close data

PRINTMSG Output Data

MSG_CONN_ST Get information

connection status

USERFRAME_SET User coordinate


TOOLFRAME_SET Tool coordinate


READPOS Read point

Position variable class
POSADD Point plus

POSSUB Point minus

POSSET Point change

COPYPOS Replication point

Coordinate switching SWITCHUSER Switch user coordinates

PAUSERUN Suspended

CONTINUERUN Keep running

Program control class
STOPRUN Stop running


11.2 Note
Note: Press the pause button in running mode, and IO pause in remote mode only pauses the main
program, not background tasks.

11.3 Background task programming

The program that needs to run in the background task needs to be carried out in "Settings-
Background Task", and its programming is the same as writing ordinary programs.

11.3.1 Notice
Robert user manual

It is best to insert a delay of 0.2s in the WHILE loop and the last line of the entire program.

When editing the background task program, to debug, only the "STEP" single-step operation mode is
provided. To run the debugging as a whole, please insert the PTHREAD_START instruction in the
main program and run it for debugging.

The background task is started and executed only once. It can be used in conjunction with WHILE
instruction if loop judgment is needed.

11.4 Main program programming

If you want to run background tasks in the main program, you need to insert the PTHREAD_START
(start thread) instruction in the program. To exit the background task, insert the PTHREAD_END
(exit thread) instruction.

The background task only starts to run after running PTHREAD_START, and the background
program does not pause when the main program is paused.

Conditions for stopping background tasks:

1. The program runs to the PTHREAD_END instruction;

2. The program stops and the robot stops enabling.。

11.4.1 PTHREAD_START(Start thread)

Run the PTHREAD_START command to start the background task. This instruction is located in the
program control instruction.

When inserting the instruction, click the [value] input box to automatically pop up the established
background task list, select the background task to be run, and click the [OK] button to select the
Robert user manual

When running the main program to the PTHREAD_START instruction, the background task is

11.4.2 PTHREAD_END(Close thread)

Running the PTHREAD_END instruction will exit the corresponding background task that has been

Its insertion and modification method is the same as PTHREAD_START.

Robert user manual

11.4.3 PAUSERUN (Pause thread)

Running the PAUSERUN instruction will suspend all tasks, main programs, or background tasks.

When inserting the instruction, click the [Value] drop-down box of the type, select the type of
control, and click the [Value] input box of the program, a list of established background tasks will
pop up automatically, select the background task to be run, and click the [OK] button , The program
will be selected, and it is not selectable for all and main programs.

Note: Pressing the stop key of the teaching box only pauses the main program.
Robert user manual

When the running program reaches the PAUSERUN instruction, all the set tasks, main program, or
background tasks will be suspended.

11.4.4 CONTINUERUN(Continue thread)

Running the CONTINUERUN instruction will continue to run the main program or background

When inserting the instruction, click the [Value] drop-down box of the type, select the type of
control, and click the [Value] input box of the program, a list of established background tasks will
pop up automatically, select the background task to be run, and click the [OK] button . The program
will be selected, and the main program cannot be selected.
Robert user manual

When the program is running, when it reaches the CONTINUERUN instruction, the main program or
background task will continue to run.

11.4.5 STOPRUN (Stop running)

Running the STOPRUN instruction will stop all tasks from running.
Robert user manual

The instruction can be inserted directly by clicking to confirm, no need to set parameters.

11.4.6 RESTARTRUN(Rerun)
Running the RESTARTRUN instruction will rerun all tasks.
Robert user manual

The instruction can be inserted directly by clicking to confirm, no need to set parameters.
Robert user manual

Chapter12 IO, Modbus and Remote Programs

12.1 IO
12.1.1 Input and Output Instructions DIN

This instruction is used to read the digital input status into a variable, which can be local, global
integer variables (INT, GINT) or local, global floating-point variables (DOUBLE, GDOUBLE).
Variable type: The type of the variable used to store the input status, which can be INT, GINT,
Variable name: The name of the variable used to store the input status, such as 1001, GD002, etc.
(this variable needs to be defined in advance).
Input group number: It can read 1/4/8 input status at the same time.
IN#-1 input, at this time, 1 channel is a group, and groups 1-16 correspond to ports 1-16
IGH#-4 input, at this time, every 4 channels is a group, that is, 1-4 ports, 5-8 ports, 9-12 ports,
and 13-16 ports are 1-4 groups respectively. The group number can be filled in 1-4. If you want
to read the input status of ports 5-8 at the same time, you can fill in the group number 2.
IG#-8 input, at this time, every 8 channels is a group, that is, 1-8 is the 1st group, and 9-16 is the
2nd group. If you want to read the input status of ports 9-16 at the same time, fill in the group
number 2.
If multiple ports are read in at the same time, the port status is converted to decimal and saved in the
variables. For example, read 9-16 ports and 8 channels at the same time, the status are as follows
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
Then the binary value is 01101001, and the conversion to decimal is 105.
Then save in the system as IG#(2)105 DOUT

This instruction is used to output digital signals through the digital IO board.
Output group number: 1/4/8 channel IO can be set at the same time.
OT#-1 output, at this time, 1 channel is a group, and groups 1-16 correspond to ports 1-16
OGH#-4 output, at this time, every 4 channels are a group, that is, 1-4 ports, 5-8 ports, 9-12
ports, and 13-16 ports are 1-4 groups respectively. The number can be filled in 1-4. If you want
to output ports 5-8 at the same time, you can fill in the group number 2.
OG#-8 output, at this time, every 8 channels is a group, that is, 1-8 is the 1st group, and 9-16 is
the 2nd group. If you want to output ports 9-16 at the same time, fill in the group number 2.
Robert user manual

Output value: You can choose to choose by yourself or by variable.

If you select "Select By Yourself", check the status of each port in each group of IO, check the
output to be 1, and uncheck the output to be 0.
If you select to output through the variable, the value of the variables will be converted from
decimal to binary at the output, such as DIN.
Time: Wait for the specified time after the instruction is executed, and then invert the output. AIN

This instruction is used to read the single port input value of the analog IO version into a variable.
Analog input port: select the input port to be read;
Variable value source: Please select global floating point GDOUBLE or local floating point
DOUBLE variable;
Variable Name: Please select the variable name of the variable you want to read in, such as GD001. AOUT

This instruction is used to set the output value of the single port of the analog IO version. The output
value can be a floating point number. READDOUT

This instruction is used to read the output status of the current digital IO version into a variable. It is
used in the same way as DIN, except that it is read as the output status.

12.1.2 I/O Function Selection Setting

In the I/O function setting interface, I/O ports corresponding to start, stop, pause, emergency stop,
clear alarm and other functions can be set, and I/O module can be set to remotely control the running
Robert user manual

The program of the I/O module can only select the program that has been set in the "Remote Program
Settings" interface.
⚫ Appointment starts immediately: After opening, the first appointment program will be powered
on and run immediately after the appointment is successful.
⚫ When the Teach pendent, touch screen and I/O control equipment are present in the control
system, the priority of the control is Teach pendent > Touch Screen > I/O Control Device.
⚫ After switching to remote mode, control is switched to the touch screen. Switch to I/O control if
there is no touch screen. At this time, the Teach pendent interface only displays the connection
status between Modbus module and I/O module and I/O program.
⚫ When there is a touch screen and an I/O module, setting the I/O module to enable in the touch
⚫ Remote appointment program supports up to 10

12.1.3 IO Status Prompt Setting

In the status prompt setting interface, you can set the level of the corresponding I/O port and the port
corresponding to functions such as power-on prompt, robot running state, error prompt, enable, mode
state, reserved state, and emergency stop.
Robert user manual

⚫ When the Teach pendent, touch screen and I/O control device are present in the control system,
the priority of the control is Teach pendent > Touch Screen > I/O Control Device.
Robert user manual

⚫ After switching to remote mode, control is switched to the touch screen. Switch to I/O control if
there is no touch screen. At this time, the Teach pendent interface only displays the connection
status between Modbus module and I/O module and I/O program.
⚫ When there is a touch screen and an I/O module, setting the I/O module to enable in the touch

12.1.4 IO security settings

In the security setup interface, I/O port corresponding to emergency stop, safety light and other
functions can be set to the corresponding level of the port.
After the IO emergency stop is released, you need to click the error clearing button to clear the error
before other operations can be performed.

⚫ When the Teach pendent, touch screen and I/O control device are present in the control system,
the priority of the control is Teach pendent > Touch Screen > I/O Control Device.
⚫ After switching to remote mode, control is switched to the touch screen. Switch to I/O control if
there is no touch screen. At this time, the Teach pendent interface only displays the connection
status between Modbus module and I/O module and I/O program.
⚫ When there is a touch screen and an I/O module, setting the I/O module to enable in the touch

12.1.5 IO Reset
Robert user manual

When the program stops or reports an error, the IO reset function can restore the IO output port to the
initial state. IO reset is divided into IO reset, switch mode stop, and program error stop.

⚫ IO reset: In the remote mode, give a reset signal, and the robot will execute the action of
returning to the reset point, and at the same time reset the IO port set on the interface to the reset

⚫ Stop mode switching: When the program is running, switching the mode to teaching or remote
mode causes the program to stop, and the IO port set on this interface will be reset to the reset

⚫ Program error stop: A program error (such as a servo error) causes the program to stop, and the
IO port set on the interface will be reset to the reset value.

Steps for usage:

1. Enter the IO reset interface;

2. Choose a robot;

3. Click to enter the reset scenario (IO reset, switch mode stop, program error stop);

4. Choose IO board;

5. Turn on the "reset or not" switch corresponding to the IO port that needs to be reset;

6. Select the reset value (0/1), 0 is low level, 1 is high level.

Robert user manual

12.1.6 IO Configuration
1. Go to {Setting} - {IO} - {IO Configuration}.
2. At this point, the input box is grey and the value cannot be entered.

3. After clicking modify, the modification button becomes save, and the number of virtual IO
boards drop-down box to select the desired virtual IO

Note: Virtual IO is only for program debugging and program demonstration, and there is no IO signal
Robert user manual

4. Click Save, the modification is successful.

12.1.7 Enable IO
If using the enable wiring Teach pendent, after connecting the cable, select the corresponding DIN
port on this page and turn on the enable switch. The power-up enable function is controlled by the
input signal of IO board; do not set the non-enable hardwired Teach pendent.
After opening this function, the enable button of the teaching box becomes invalid and cannot be
Robert user manual

12.1.8 Alarm Message

This function can customize the alarm content of IO input and output ports, and the priority of alarm
information is higher than other types of IO alarm information.

For example: set the IO emergency stop signal port to 15 for connecting to anti-collision IO, 1
trigger, 0 release; when DIN15 is triggered, it will report "Robot 1 IO emergency stop is triggered";
Robert user manual

at this time, find DIN15 in the alarm message interface and enter it in the message bar "Trigger anti-
collision", when DIN15 is triggered again, an error "trigger anti-collision" is reported.

12.1.9 Port name

The port name supports up to 5 Chinese characters or 10 English. After the setting is successful, the
name will be automatically displayed when the IO port related drop-down box is used.

12.1.10 Brief description of remote mode IO reservation

1. Signal description
function Support Trigger/output Description
mode method
start up Remote Rising edge When the parameter is 1, it is
mode valid when the signal 0 changes
to 1,
stop Remote Rising edge When the parameter is 1, valid
mode when the signal 0 changes to 1
Digital pause Remote Rising edge When the parameter is 1, valid
IO input mode when the signal 0 changes to 1
Clear alarm Remote Rising edge When the parameter is 1, valid
mode when the signal 0 changes to 1
Start by Remote no When opened, the power will
appointment mode be turned on when the
appointment is successful
Robert user manual

I/O program 1-10 Remote Pulse (period When the parameter is 1, the
mode 0.6s) signal is valid when the signal
is 0-1-0, and the program
reservation successfully needs
to trigger at least 0.6 seconds.
Emergency stop 1 Teaching, High level Scan once every 1 millisecond,
running, trigger when scanning
Emergency stop 2 Teaching, High level
Safety light curtain Running High level
1 (in
remote (in
Safety light curtain Running High level
2 (running),
Shield emergency Use with When the button is turned on, the emergency stop
stop 1 emergency function is shielded, and the emergency stop
stop signal will be detected again after the set time is
Shield emergency Use with up
stop 2 emergency
Boot prompt No mode Always on, Output high level
restrictions output only at
Robot1 running Teaching, bright Output high level when the
running, program is running
Robot1 paused Teaching, bright Output high level when the
running, program is paused
Robot1 stopped Teaching, bright Output high level when the
running, program stops
Robert user manual

Error prompt No mode bright、 Always bright output high level

restrictions flashing Flashing output pulse (cycle 1s,
0.5s on, 0.5s off)
Enable No mode bright Output high level
IO program 1-10 Remotely bright、 Does not light up when there is
scheduled output flashing no appointment/booked;
Flashes when the appointment
is in progress, the cycle is 1.2s,
0.6s on, 0.6s off;
Always on during operation,
output high level

Emergency stop 1 When the High level, low When the parameter is 1, the
signal is level output is high
Emergency stop 2 When the
signal is
Pull out the No mode High level, low Click to pull out the teaching
teaching box restrictions level box to output 1 or 0; if the
parameter is set to 0, pull out
the teaching box to output 0,
and set it to 1 after
Note: This description is based on the example that output 1 is output high level
1. Description of remote mode status
No reservation: After entering the remote mode, there is no reservation for the program, or the
reservation is cancelled after the reservation, it will display no reservation
Appointment in progress: If the appointment is successful, the appointment is displayed
Running: the program is running, display is running
Appointed: the program is completed or the program is triggered to stop, indicating that the program
has been reserved
The speed cannot be modified in the remote mode, and the speed must be modified in advance in
[Settings-Robot Parameters-Running Parameters]
2. Appointment procedure
The IO port that triggers the corresponding program will successfully reserve the program. To cancel
the program, the corresponding IO port must be triggered again.
Start directly trigger the corresponding trigger IO port
Robert user manual

Appointment is to start, signal 0-1 (press the button) for more than 0.6 seconds after 1-0 (release the
button), the program runs directly; when the appointment is to start, the start signal may not be set.
3. Troubleshooting
After the IO function is successfully set, please go to Status-IO Function Status to check whether the
setting is successful or whether there are conflicting functions.

12.2 Remote Program Setting.

In the remote program setting interface, the program used by touch screen and I/O control module
can be set up.
If there are more than one robot, you can select the robot to be set up at the robot and set up the
procedures of the robot.
The program used in the I/O control module needs to be set up in the I/O functional interface.
The selected program in the remote program interface can be cancelled by clicking on the {Cancel}
The number of running times can be filled in with the corresponding number, and 0 means loop

12.3 Reset point setting

The reset point function supports point-to-point, linear motion to a safe point, or use reset
programming instructions to customize the reset track and position.
Robert user manual

Form: reset point, reset program;

Interpolation mode: joint, straight line; the motion speed during joint interpolation is 10% of the
global speed, and the motion speed during linear interpolation is 100mm/s; the running speed when
resetting the program is equal to the command speed x the speed in the status bar.

Safety enable: After opening, the program running will judge whether the robot is at the reset point
(safe point), and the program must be at the reset point to continue running the program;

Start DIN: reset point trigger signal;

Parameters: the reset point trigger signal 0 is valid or 1 is valid;

End DOUT: state signal output after returning to the position;

Safety point range: the safety range error of each axis, the range is judged to be at the reset point
(safe point);

Mark the point: Set the current robot coordinates as the reset point, and the setting is successful after
clicking confirm.

The set robot reset point can only be operated at the level corresponding to the port in the "Remote
Program Setting" interface.

⚫ When there are teach pendant, touch screen and I/O control equipment in the control system, the
priority of the control right is teach pendant>touch screen>I/O control equipment.
Robert user manual

⚫ After switching to the remote mode, the control is switched to the touch screen. If there is no
touch screen, switch to I/O control. At this time, the interface of the teach pendant only displays
the connection status of the Modbus module and the I/O module and the I/O program.

⚫ When there are touch screen and I/O module at the same time, set the I/O module enable in the
touch screen.

12.4 Use of Remote Function(IO)

12.4.1 Overview of Remote Function
Set ten remote programs and the number of times each program runs. Before running, ten programs
are queued. Running according to the order and number of queues, queues stop waiting for the queue
to be queued again after running.

12.4.2 Steps for Using Remote Function

Writing Program - Setting Remote Program - Setting IO - Switching to Remote Mode - Scheduling
Reservations - Running

12.4.3 Programming
Create a new program and insert instructions, and make sure the program runs properly.

12.4.4 Setting up Remote Program

Enter the "Settings - Remote Program Settings" interface, set the program name and number of runs
of program 1 - 5. If you want a single program to run indefinitely, set the number of runs of the
program to 0. The program name here refers to the program in the "engineering" interface. After
modifying the instructions in the program, the remote program will be automatically modified
without re-setting the remote program.
If the program name is changed, please reset the program in the remote program setting interface.

12.4.5 Setting IO
In the "IO-IO function" interface, the IO ports and valid values corresponding to each function are
set. When the valid value is 1, the high level is valid, and the valid value is 0 when the low level is
The function of IO port corresponding to program 1-10 is not to select the program to run, but to
queue the program in remote mode.

12.4.6 Switch to Remote Mode

Rotate the mode selection key to the remote mode position or click on the mode status in the program
to select the remote mode.
When the Teach pendent is not connected to the controller, the startup controller automatically enters
the remote mode.
When the controller connects IO, Modbus equipment and Teach pendent at the same time, the
priority of the three equipments is Teach pendent > Modbus Equipment > IO Equipment. When the
Robert user manual

remote mode is switched, the IO equipment is invalid and the Modbus equipment is valid. When the
{Enable} button in the Modbus equipment is turned off, the IO equipment is valid.

12.4.7 Reservation Sort

Case: The IO function in the IO function is set to
⚫ Run port 1 valid value 1
⚫ Stop port 2 valid value 1
⚫ Pause port 3 valid value 1
⚫ Clear error Port 4 Valid value 1
⚫ Program 1 Port 5 Valid Value 1
⚫ Program 2 Port 6 Valid Value 1
⚫ Program 3 Port 7 Valid Value 1
⚫ Program 4 Port 8 Valid Value 1
⚫ Program 5 Port 9 Valid Value 1
⚫ Program 6 Port 10 Valid Value 1
⚫ Program 7 Port 11 Valid Value 1
⚫ Program 8 Port 12 Valid Value 1
⚫ Program 9 Port 13 Valid Value 1
⚫ Program 10 Port 14 Valid Value 1
The sorting method is to give port 6 a high level and release it after 1 second, then the program 2 is
ranked first, and the port 8 is released after a high level for 1 second, and the program 4 is ranked
second, and so on. The sorting method is to give port 6 a high level and release it after 1 second, then
program 2 is in the first place, program 8 is in the second place after a high level and so on. If you
want to cancel the queue of a program in the queue, then give the corresponding IO port a 1 second
high level, the program will be cancelled in the queue.
There are only ten programs in the queue, and the same program can not queue repeatedly.
When a program is running, it can be rejoined to the end of the queue.

12.4.8 Running
Given a high level to the operating port, the robot starts to run in the order and number of runs in the
queue. When the servo will not be powered off after running, the program is added to the queue, and
the robot will run the program immediately.
When there is no program in the queue to make it run, then the robot does not move on power-up. At
this time, the program is queued, and the robot immediately executes the program.

12.5 Modbus Modify address code

1. Export controller configuration
Robert user manual

2.Find the configuration file modbusAddr.json, in the configuration file configFile+date folder.

3. Use Notepad++ and other text editing software to open

Robert user manual

4.After opening, you can see a {. . . } Contains a set of address code parameters, the system will
automatically generate an original address code.

5.Modify the address directly to change the number after addr, when the number is 0, the address
code function is invalid

6.Click save after modification

Robert user manual

7.Then re-import the parameter to the controller, restart to take effect

8. Restart after modifying the parameters or reopen the connection to take effect (importing the
configuration file will automatically restart)
Robert user manual

12.6 Use of Modbus

12.6.1 Overview of Modbus Function
Modbus function can replace part of the teaching box function, remotely control robot operation,
teaching, check status, etc.
Modbus TCP and modbus RTU protocols supported by Modbus.
Modbus has two modes of teaching and running. The address code can be found in "MODBUS Address
Code List V20.02.xls".
11.6.2 Modbus Touch Screen Usage Process
Robert user manual

This section uses the Weiluntong touch screen and modbus TCP protocol as examples; the touch screen
model is MT6071iP.
Write program - set Modbus program - set Modbus parameters-switch to remote mode - touch screen
preparation - select program-run Programming
Write program with Teach pendent to be sure normal running. Setting up the Modbus Program

Set the program in "Settings-Modbus Settings-Modbus Programs". If the settings are successful, the
selected program list will display the program name.

A total of 300 programs can be set. Set Modbus parameters
Set the protocol to TCP in "Settings-Modbus Settings-Modbus Parameters". The controller is set as a
master/slave station as a slave station, the IP is not modified, the port is set to 502, and the connection
is enabled; it will take effect after restarting the controller.
Robert user manual

Modbus parameter description:

Connection: After Modbus setting is completed, you need to open the connection button, and you can
view the connection status on the right.
Protocol: Divided into TCP protocol and RTU protocol.
Master/slave station: master station, slave station.
TCP parameters:
IP: Modbus device IP address, valid only when set as the master station.
Port: Modbus device port
RTU parameters:
Slave ID: The default is 1
Port: controller serial port number
Baud rate: fill in the baud rate corresponding to the touch screen Switch to Remote Mode

Rotate the mode selection key to the remote mode position or click the mode status in the program to
select the remote mode.
Note:When the controller connects IO, Modbus equipment and Teach pendent at the same time, the priority of the
three equipments is Teach pendent > Modbus Equipment > IO Equipment. When the remote mode is switched, the
IO equipment is invalid and the Modbus equipment is valid. When the {Enable} button in the Modbus equipment is
turned off, the IO equipment is valid.
Robert user manual Touch screen preparation

Connect the touch screen RJ45 network port, the teach pendant network port, and the controller
"teaching box" network port to the same switch.
Touch screen connection controller IP:, port: 502.

After the touch screen program is edited and run, the remote interface modbus of the teaching box is
not connected and becomes modbus connected. Selecte the Program

Use the touch screen to write 1 to the 4x type address code 45, and the robot 1 selects the demo program
Use the touch screen to write 5 to the 4x type address code 61, and set the number of runs of robot 1
Robert user manual

to 5 (not effective), and use the touch screen to write 1 to the 4x type address code 71 to confirm the
modification of the number of runs (the number of runs 5 is effective); Running
Use the touch screen to write 1 to 4x type address code 29, and switch to servo ready;
Use the touch screen to write 1 to the 4x type address code 19 to run the job file.
Robert user manual

Chapter13 Multi-machine mode and dual-machine

This product supports up to 4 robots to be controlled at the same time. This chapter will introduce how
to set the number of robots to be controlled at the same time, switch the robots to teach separately, and
the methods and steps for multiple machines to run programs at the same time.

13.1 Set up the robot

Select the number of robots and each robot type in the robot selection interface under the setting
Specific steps are as follows:
1. Switch the authority to "Administrator";
2. Enter the "Settings-Robot Parameters-Robot Configuration" interface;
3. In the "Number of robots" drop-down box, you can select the number of robots to be controlled at
the same time as shown in the figure below. When the number is 1, it is in stand-alone mode. If the
robot model of robot 1 is changed, the interface of the teach pendant will also change accordingly;

4. After selecting the number, you need to set the model of each robot and its corresponding servo
model. The order of the robot is determined by the sequence of the controller and the robot in series;
5. After setting all robot models and servo models, press the [OK] button to save;

The robot sequence is shown in the figure below:

Figure 13.1 Robot sequence

Robert user manual

13.2 Switch robot

⚫ When the mode selection key is in "teaching mode", press the [Rob] button to switch between
the robots and teach separately. At this time, the "Robot" column in the upper status bar will
display the serial number of the currently operating robot.

⚫ The job file between each robot is not common, and the job file is also switched when switching
the robot.

⚫ When switching robots to different types, the related interfaces will also change. When the
switched robot type is a four-axis SCARA robot, the "DH parameter setting", "user coordinate
system setting", "joint parameter setting", "robot zero position", "servo status", "IMOV
instruction insertion" and other interfaces will be displayed Switch to the mode of the current
robot axis number;

⚫ The coordinate system on the right side of the interface will also change. How many axes the
current robot has and how many axes are displayed there.

13.3 Multi-machine mode

⚫ Main interface

When the mode selection key is in "Running Mode" and "Remote Mode", press [Rob button] to
switch between each robot and enter multi-machine mode. The interface is as follows:

Press [Select Program] to choose among various programs, the interface is as follows:
Robert user manual

After selecting the program, click the [Open] button in the operation area at the bottom of the
interface to set the current program as the program running by the current robot.

⚫ Operation area

In this mode, only operations to start and stop running programs can be performed.

Click the [Robot 1] button, [Robot 2] button, [Robot 3] button, [Robot 4] button in the operation area
at the top of the interface to switch the display interface of each robot.

Click the [Start] button in the operation area on the right side of the interface to select the operation
of the program for the current robot.

Click the [Stop] button in the operation area on the right side of the interface for the operation that
the robot stops during the current running process.

Click the [Servo Preparation] button in the operation area on the right side of the interface to enter
the servo preparation state for the current robot.

Click the [Clear Errors] button in the operation area on the right side of the interface to clean up the
servo errors that have occurred in the current robot.

Click the [Set Times] button in the operation area at the bottom of the interface to set the operation to
stop after the current robot runs.

Click the [Cycle Mode] button in the operation area at the bottom of the interface to set the current
robot running times to an infinite running operation.

Click the [Select Program] button in the operation area at the bottom of the interface to set the
program currently running by the robot.

The [START] and [STOP] physical buttons on the teach pendant are for all robots. After pressing, all
robots will start or stop running.

13.4 Two-machine collaboration

Robert user manual

Please use two identical six-axis robots for two-machine cooperation. For configuration of two
robots, please refer to the multi-machine mode setting.

Please fill in the same values for the joint parameters and DH parameters of the two robots.

To enable dual-machine cooperation, please enable dual-machine cooperation in "Settings-Robot

Parameters-Motion Parameters".

Note 1: Turn off the dual-computer cooperation button, you need to restart the controller system; turn
it on without restarting.

Note 2: If the number of robots is greater than 2, the dual-machine cooperation function will be
automatically closed when restarting.

Note 3: Two-machine assistance cannot be used simultaneously with multi-machine mode.

After enabling the dual-machine cooperation, the first robot is the master robot and the second robot
is the slave robot. Please use the [Rob] button at the bottom of the teach pendant to switch the teach-
in master-slave robot. After switching to the slave robot, "R2" will be displayed on the currently
operating robot in the status bar above the teach pendant. Do not use the [Jog] button to switch to
Robot 2 teaches.
Robert user manual

The instructions to control the simultaneous movement of two robots are MOVJDOUBLE,
MOVLDOUBLE, MOVCDOUBLE, MOVCADOUBLE, which are that the two robots use joint
interpolation to move to the position point and linear interpolation to move to the position point.
Robert user manual

Chapter14 Visual Technology

14.1 Visual parameter settings
Open the controller, enter the {Process} interface, select {Visual Settings}, and enter the {Visual
parameter Settings} interface. At this time, it cannot be modified. Only after click on the {Modify}
button can it be modified.

If you connect the camera to your computer, you will get the IP address of the camera itself. If you
are using the computer as a vision server, you will need to connect the camera to your computer via
the Ethernet port of the controller. Camera selection

Process number: provide 1-9 process Numbers, and save all visual parameters and visual position
parameters under each process number;
Type: currently there is only one customize type, that is, all parameters are independently defined by
the user. User coordinate system

This system supports the corresponding visual point to the user coordinate system, that is, the camera
sent point is the point in the visual coordinate system. Here you need to select a user coordinate
system that matches the camera (if the camera calibrates the base coordinate system of the robot,
select "not to use" here).
Robert user manual Network parameters

Camera IP: if the computer is used as the visual server, fill in the computer IP here, and the computer
IP address should be set to 1 network segment, i.e.;
Port number: if the visual server USES the same port for data sending and receiving, the port

number is 1;

if the data receiving and receiving USES different ports, the port number is 2;

Camera: Here you can select the client and server. If the camera selects the client, the machine is
the server, and the camera needs to be actively connected, and the machine is responsible for receiving
information; conversely, if the camera selects the server, the machine is the client and the machine is
required. To send information to the camera.

Port number 1: if port number is 1, this is the port number commonly used by data sending and
receiving; if port number is 2, this is the port number for visual server to receive data;
Port number 2: when port number is 2, this is the port where the visual server sends data; Connection parameter

Frame head: the beginning of the transmission signal. Here you need the same parameters as the
camera configuration.
Separator: used to separate multiple signals when passing them. Here you need the same parameters
as the camera configuration.
End symbol: the symbol that determines the end of signal transmission. Here you need the same
parameters as the camera configuration.
Successful sending identifier: after the camera takes a picture and recognizes it successfully, an
identifier will be sent after sending.
Fail to send identifier: when the camera finishes taking the photo and recognizes the failure, it will
send an identifier.
Robert user manual

Timeout: when this time is exceeded, it is judged to be a connection timeout and the connection is
stopped. It is not restricted when filling in 0. Identify only one target: when selected, the camera
identifies only one target at a time.
Send height information: When selected, the camera sends the height data that recognizes the
German target Trigger mode

I/O: Use the I/O panel to give the camera a signal. Here you need to set the port that sends this
signal in the I/O.

Ethernet: Generally the default is Ethernet transmission. When the camera receives the "TRG"
(or user-defined character string) here, it should reply to the controller with coordinate values. Trigger condition

Single trigger: when the condition is single trigger, the VISION_TRG instruction in the program is
triggered once each time.
Continuous triggering: When the condition is continuous triggering, the VISION_TRG instruction
in each running program is triggered continuously. Angle/radian setting

Select the unit type for the A/B/C axis in the visual position parameter. The unit of angle is rad and
the unit of radian is ° (degree).

14.2 Visual Range Settings

Enter the interface of visual range setting from {Technology} – {Visual technology} – {Visual range
Robert user manual

In order to prevent the address parameters passed by the camera from exceeding the range that the
robot can reach, the maximum range that the robot can reach is specified.
Calibration method can be done by manual instruction or filled in directly.
Process number: 1-9 process numbers are provided, and each process number saves all the visual
range parameters under the process number.

Range calibration: calibrate the maximum and minimum values of XYZ axis
Robert user manual

Calibration Mx: the maximum value of calibration X axis

Calibration mX: calibration X-axis minimum value

Calibration MY: calibrate the maximum value of Y axis

Calibration mY: calibrate the minimum value of Y axis

Calibration MZ: the maximum value of calibration Z axis

Calibration mZ: the minimum value of calibration Z axis

Calibration completed: record all the calibrated values in the maximum and minimum values.

14.3 Visual position parameters

Enter the interface of visual range setting from "craft"-"visual technology"-"visual position
Robert user manual Offset compensation

If there is a fixed migration from the actual position of the robot in each grab position, please fill in
the compensation amount here, so that the robot will automatically compensate to the correct
Scale factor: if the position value sent by the camera is reduced to a specific scale, the scale factor
should be filled in here. For example, if the actual location is (300,200,100) and the value sent by the
camera is (3, 2, 1), then you need to fill in 0.01 here.
Angle direction: adjust the direction of the joints of the robot. Datum point and height

Calibration of grasping posture: the terminal posture of the robot when grasping objects should be
marked here. After calibration, each grab is carried out with this attitude. (The XYZ value here does
not affect the position when grabbing)
Camera coordinates:If the camera cannot send the grabbing height, you need to fill in the grabbing
height in the form on the right. If the camera can send the grab height, the setting here is invalid.

After the setting is completed, you can press the DEADMAN button and click the [Trial Photo]
button to take a photo test, and the data sent by the camera will be displayed at the camera
coordinates and received data. After taking a photo, you can press the DEADMAN button to power
on and click the [Run to this point] button to move the robot to the photo location to verify the
Robert user manual

Example format: according to the connection parameters that have been set in the vision
parameter settings, the verification arrangement is performed. For example, in the connection
parameters, the frame header is W, the separator is #, the end is $, and the height information is sent,
the format is W#x#y#angle#h#$

Receiving data: the information sent back by the camera after taking a photo, click Yes to take
a photo to receive this data.

14.4 Position debugging

Entered from "craft"-"visual process"-"position debugging", used to debug the conveyor belt
when using vision plus conveyor to track the process

Craft number: the tool number of the visual craft.

Conveyor technology number: the conveyor technology number that needs to be debugged.

Take a photo: Press and hold the DEADMAN button to power on, and click the [Photo] button
to take a photo test. The data sent by the camera will be displayed on the left [Original Point].

Calculate the offset: After taking a picture, turn on the conveyor belt to transfer the workpiece
for a certain distance. Click Calculate the offset and the offset will be displayed on the right [Point
Position after Offset].

Run to here: After taking a photo, you can select a point and click the [Run to here] button on
the premise of pressing and holding the DEADMAN button to power on to move the robot to the
photo location to verify the accuracy.

Clear: Clear all points

Robert user manual

14.5 Visual operation mode

Connect the camera-trigger and acquire points-record the number and points-put the points in
the queue into the position variable, and reduce the number of points by 1-run to the position
variable-end of vision.

14.6 Visual instructions

Mark the instruction to start the vision. After running this instruction, the controller actively
connects to the camera.

Function The visual process begins

Parameter Craft number Craft No. 1-9

Visual trigger command, the controller sends a trigger signal after running this command. The
specific trigger mode is set in the visual process-visual parameter setting interface. Select IO trigger,
run this command to send out the corresponding IO signal; select Ethernet mode, run this command
to send a custom string to the camera.After running this command, it will wait for the return value
of the vision server, and continue to run the next command after getting the position.

Function Visual trigger

Parameter Craft number Craft No. 1-9

Record the number of visual positions command, and put the number of positions obtained into a
global variable. This global variable can be used for calculation and judgment.

Function Number of recorded locations

Craft number Craft No. 1-9

Parameter Global numerical Put the number of obtained positions into
variables this variable

Put the first point in the visual position queue into a global position variable, and both the number of
positions in the buffer and the variable value set by POSNUM are reduced by 1.

Function Put the points in the queue into the global position variable
Parameter Craft number Craft No. 1-9
Robert user manual

Global position Put the points in the queue into this

variable variable

Reset the vision process and clear the current state, including the number of vision positions that
have not been running, and the vision positions.

Function Clear all current status

Parameter Craft number Craft No. 1-9

End the visual process and clear the current state.

Function End the visual process and clear the current state
Parameter Craft number Craft No. 1-9

14.7 Examples of use

14.8.1Crawl app

⚫ P001:Safe point

⚫ P002:Unwinding point
Robert user manual


INT I001 = 0 For the WHILE cycle later

MOVJ P001 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 Run to a safe point

VISION_RUN ID = 1 Visual connection begins

WHILE (I001 == 0) Inner loop

VISION_TRG ID = 1 Trigger camera, get location

VISION_POSNUM ID = 1 GI001 Put the number of position points into GI001

WHILE (GI001 > 0) If the number of remaining position points is greater than 0, it will
always loop

VISION_POS ID = 1 G001 Put the position in the queue into the G001 variable

MOVJ G001 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 Run to the visual position

MOVJ P002 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 Run to discharge point

ENDWHILE Jump out of the loop when the position in the queue is 0

ENDWHILE Jump out when I001≠0, no jump in this program

VISION_CLEAR ID = 1 Reset visual state

VISION_END ID = 1 Visual stop



⚫ DOUT1:Jaws,1Grab,2open

Robert user manual

Chapter15 Conveyor belt tracking

15.1 Parameter settings
15.1.1 Basic information
Before setting all parameters, please select a process number in the {Parameter setting} interface.
Each process number saves all parameters.

The basic information interface contains the following parameters:

⚫ The encoder values
The reading of the current encoder is connected. This cannot be filled.
⚫ Encoder count maximum
The maximum that the encoder data processing module can count.R1 IO board is used as the encoder
data processing module, and the maximum value is 60,000.
⚫ Encoder resolution
The resolution of the encoder, in line/mm, is the calibration result.
⚫ Encoder direction
Divided into forward direction and reverse direction.
⚫ Current belt speed
The current speed of the conveyor belt.
⚫ User coordinate system
The user coordinate system of conveyor belt.
⚫ Conveyor belt stop processing
Robert user manual

The robot stops immediately: during the tracking process, it is sent to an unexpected stop, the robot
stops this tracking, returns to the safe point and waits for the next tracking signal, and waits for the
timeout period of 2min.
The robot continues to run: the conveyor belt stops unexpectedly during the tracking process, and the
robot does not stop and continues to follow the previously planned trajectory.
⚫ Time
The compensation time.
⚫ Encoder value
The compensation encoder value.

15.1.2 Identification parameters

⚫ Workpiece detection signal source

The optional vision, IO and global variables.
⚫ Signal source parameters
Optional visual process number, IO port number, variable name.
⚫ Workpiece identification method
It can be selected as vision or sensor (proximity sensor).
⚫ Visual communication method
Optional Ethernet, Modbus.
⚫ Sensor trigger mode
High level trigger, low level trigger.
Robert user manual

15.1.3 Conveyor belt calibration

Conveyor coordinate system calibration, calibrate 3 points, calculate the user coordinate system of
the conveyor belt, and select the user coordinate system process number to set in the basic

Step 1: Place a pointed calibration cone on the conveyor belt, move the conveyor belt to move the
calibration cone on the conveyor belt to the robot's range of motion, move the robot to the workpiece,
and align the tip of the robot tool with the tip of the calibration cone, click Calibration.
Robert user manual

Step 2: Teach the robot to raise the robot slightly, continue to move the conveyor belt, move the
robot to the calibration cone as far away as possible and within the movement range of the robot, the
tip of the robot tool is aligned with the tip of the calibration cone, and click the calibration button.

Step 3: Move the calibration cone to make a certain displacement relative to the previous point in the
positive direction of the Y-axis of the conveyor, and within the robot's motion range, move the robot
so that the tip of the robot tool is aligned with the tip of the calibration cone, and click the calibration
Robert user manual

Step 4: Lift the robot a certain distance, click the calculation button, and the calibration is completed.

15.1.4 Sensor calibration

If the sensor is used to identify the workpiece, the sensor needs to be calibrated on this interface;
If the visual is used to identify the workpiece, the visual needn’t to be calibrated on this interface, just
skip it.
Robert user manual

Step 1: Prepare a workpiece with a tip, place it at the width of the conveyor belt when it is working,
and install a sharp cone on the robot flange; move the conveyor belt, make the workpiece move past
the sensor position, trigger IO, and then continue to move the conveyor belt. Move the workpiece to
the calibration point within the robot's range of motion, move the robot to the workpiece, align the tip
with the tip; click the calibration button.

Step 2: Remove the calibration cone and the robot tip tool hand, and replace it with the actual work
piece and gripper; run the robot to the actual grasping height and posture, and click the calibration
Robert user manual

Step 3: Click the calculation button,and then the calibration parameters are stored.

15.1.5 Location settings

This interface is used to set some key positions and tracking ranges of the robot in the tracking
⚫ Tracking start X point
This parameter only records the value of the conveyor coordinate X axis (conveyor running
direction). During each tracking, only the workpiece exceeds this position, the robot will track.
Robert user manual

When the robot is in the previous tracking process, and the next workpiece has exceeded the tracking
start X point position, the robot will directly perform the tracking process of the workpiece after
completing the previous tracking process.
If the robot is not in the tracking process at this time, and the workpiece has not reached the X point
position of the tracking start at this time, the robot will wait at this position.

15.2 Programming
15.2.1 CONVEYOR_ON instruction
Conveyor belt tracking start instruction.

⚫ Reference point position data

You can select an existing location variable or create a new location variable. This point is the reference
point in the conveyor tracking process. It is recommended to set this point as the middle point of the
workpiece to be tracked. If you need to walk the track on the workpiece, set this point at the first point
of the track. You can choose P point, G point or workpiece point.
⚫ ID

The process number of the conveyor tracking process.

⚫ V

The maximum speed of the conveyor belt tracking process, the range is 1-9999.

The acceleration range of the conveyor belt tracking process is 1-100.

15.2.2 CONVEYOR_OFF instruction

Conveyor tracks ending instruction.

15.2.3 CONVEYOR_CHECKPOS instruction

Robert user manual

Start to detect external data instructions. After running this instruction, the controller starts to detect
the coordinate value sent by the external device, and then queues the coordinate value.

15.2.4 CONVEYOR_CHECKEND instruction

Stop detecting external data instructions.

15.3 Example
15.3.1 Use sensors and MOVJ trajectory
MOVJ P001 VJ = 20% PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Move to initial safe location
CONVEYOR_CHECKPOS ID = 1 Start detecting external data
TIMER T = 1 Delay of 1 second
WHILE (GI001 == 1) Inner loop, loop tracking
CONVEYOR_ON G001 ID = 1 V = 100 mm/s ACC = 20 Start conveyor belt tracking
TIMER T = 1 Stay over the workpiece for one second
MOVJ G002 VJ = 20% PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Walk the track on the workpiece
MOVJ G003 VJ = 20% PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Walk the track on the workpiece
MOVJ G004 VJ = 20% PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Walk the track on the workpiece
CONVEYOR_OFF ID = 1 End of the track
ENDWHILE Cyclic Tracking
CONVEYOR_CHECKEND ID = 1 Stop detecting data

15.3.2 Use sensors and the external dot function to follow the trail
When using this feature, only the insert CONVEYOR_ON instruction, the point P, G point selection
{External point}, and insert MOVCOMM under CONVEYOR_ON instructions.

MOVJ P001 VJ = 20% PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Move to initial safe location
CONVEYOR_CHECKPOS ID = 1 Start detecting external data
TIMER T = 1 Delay of 1 second
WHILE (GI001 == 1) Inner loop, loop tracking
CONVEYOR_ON OUTP ID = 1 V = 100 mm/s ACC = 20 Start conveyor belt tracking
TIMER T = 1 Stay over the workpiece for one second
MOVCOMM Use the external point function to follow the trajectory
CONVEYOR_OFF ID = 1 End of the track
ENDWHILE Cyclic Tracking
CONVEYOR_CHECKEND ID = 1 Stop detecting data
Robert user manual

15.3.3 Visual conveyor belt tracking

When using this function, only when inserting the CONVEYOR_ON instruction, select the "external
point" where P and G points are selected, and insert the MOVCOMM instruction under
NOP Start
INT I001 = 0 Define variable
MOVJ P008 VJ = 60% PL = 0 ACC = 60 DEC = 60 Safety points
VISION_RUN ID = 1 Vision Process 1 is turned on
CONVEYOR_CHECKPOS ID = 1 Conveyor belt workpiece detection
VISION_TRG ID = 1 Vision trigger
WHILE (I001 == 0) Loop capture
CONVEYOR_ON P005 ID = 1 V = 500 mm/s ACC = 50 Start of conveyor tracking (the first
point of the track)
MOVL P003 V = 500 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 50 DEC = 50 The second point of trajectory
MOVL P005 V = 500 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 50 DEC = 50 The third point of the track
MOVL P004 V = 500 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 50 DEC = 50 The fourth point of the track
MOVL P006 V = 500 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 50 DEC = 50 The fifth point of the track
MOVL P007 V = 500 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 50 DEC = 50 The sixth point of the track
MOVL P003 V = 500 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 50 DEC = 50 The seventh point of the track
CONVEYOR_OFF ID = 1 End of conveyor belt tracking
ENDWHILE End of loop
CONVEYOR_CHECKEND ID = 1 Conveyor belt workpiece detection
VISION_END ID = 1 Visual end
END End of program
Robert user manual

Chapter16 External transmission point

16.1 Parameter settings
The setting of external communication needs to enter the "Settings-modbus parameter-modbus
setting" interface.

⚫ In this interface, you can set whether the modbus is connected, the protocol used by the modbus
connection, the controller is the modbus master/slave, and the parameters when connected.
Robert user manual

This machine is the master station Parameter explanation

TCP(IP) IP address of the slave

TCP(Port) The connection port of the slave

RTU(ID) ID of the slave

RTU(Port) The port where the slave station modbus is

RTU(Baud rate) Modbus baud rate, need to be set

This machine is the slave station

TCP(IP) This IP is the IP of the controller itself

TCP(Port) The port used by this machine to connect, need

to be set
RTU(ID) The ID used by this machine to connect, need to
be set
RTU(Port) The port used by this machine to connect, need
to be set
RTU(Baud rate) The baud rate used by this machine to connect,
need to be set

16.2 Communication method

Due to the limitation of the address code, too many points need to be sent in batches, each sending up
to 30 points.
As long as the controller is connected to the PLC, the point can be sent, and the controller will
automatically store it.
Purpose Address Code Process
All points sending flag 1001 Set it to 1 when the PLC needs to send points, set
it to 2 after sending it, and set it to 0 when the
controller receives it.
The sending flag for sending 1002 When the PLC needs to send a point, set it to 1, the
once controller sets it to 0 after receiving it, and the
PLC sets it to 1 again for the next sending process
Number of points sent at one 1003 The number of points sent by PLC at one time, up
time to 30
Data stored at points According to Detailed explanation below
the number
Frame number of each frame 1004 The number must be changed every time the point
of data is issued, and it cannot be the same as the last time
Clear the controller point 1005 To discard the point queue that has been sent to the
queue flag controller, the PLC will set it to 1, and the
controller will reset it to 0 after it is cleared
Robert user manual

16.2.1 Data stored at points

A point data contains the values of 1 coordinate system and 6 axes (if it is a four-axis robot, it
contains the values of 1 coordinate system and 4 axes).
I-th point Address code Remarks
Coordinate system 1010+20*(i-1) 1≤i≤32
Whether to use 1011+20*(i-1) 1≤i≤32; send 0 to use, send
1 to stop use
The value of the j-th axis 1010+2+20*(i-1)+2*(j- 1≤i≤32, 1≤j≤9, the value
1) of the axis uses float type, so it
occupies 2 addresses

16.2.2 Example
Need to send 88 points. Since only 32 points can be sent each time, it needs to be divided into 3
transmissions, and the number of transmissions is 32, 32, and 24 respectively.
The process is as follows:
1. PLC set 1003 to 32, set the value of each address code used to store the data, set 1001 to 1, set
1002 to 1;
2. The controller detects that 1002 is 1, and 1001 is 1, and then takes out the data of the point to store
the address code according to the value of 1003, and then sets 1002 to 0;
3. PLC detects 1002 bit 0, set 1003 to 32, set the point to store the address code data, and then set
1002 to 1;
4. The controller detects that the value of 1002 is 1, and 1001 is 1. According to the value of 1003, it
takes out the data of the point to store the address code, and then sets 1002 to 0;
5. The PLC detects that the value of 1002 is 0, set 1003 to 24, set the point to store the address code
data, set 1001 to 2, and set 1002 to 1;
6. The controller judges that 1002 is 1, and 1001 is 2. According to the value of 1003, it takes out the
data of the point to store the address code, then sets the value of 1002 to 0, and then sets 1001 to 0.

16.2.3 Instructions MOVCOMM
This instruction is used to move the points stored in the controller according to the set interpolation
Parameter Value Remarks
Interpolation Joint The interpolation mode during movement, all
method Straight points are moved in this interpolation mode.
Speed Interpolation method is The maximum speed during movement
joint, ranges from 0 to 100
Robert user manual

Other interpolation
methods, ranges from 0 to
PL 0-5, 0 can be filled when Smooth transition
the interpolation mode is
Acceleration Acceleration during Maximum acceleration during movement
Deceleration Deceleration during Maximum deceleration during movement
Robert user manual

Chapter17 External Communication

17.1 TCP Protocol
When communicating with external equipments, TCP protocol can be selected.

17.1.1 Parameter Settings

The setting of external communication needs to enter the "Setup-Network Communication" interface.

⚫ Method: Use the controller as a server or client.

⚫ IP: When the controller is used as a server (the mode is selected as server), here is the controller
IP without modification. When the controller acts as a client, it needs to be set to the IP of the
server in the network.

⚫ Port: TCP communication port.

⚫ Frame header: In data communication, the frame header is used when the controller receives a
message from an external device.

⚫ Separator: In data communication, the separator is used when the controller receives a messages
from an external devices.

⚫ Terminator: In data communication, the terminator is ued when the controller receives a
message from an external device.

⚫ Base: Read the received message in decimal or hexadecimal.

17.1.2 Instructions SENDMSG Instruction
This instruction is used to send data to the connected external device, and can send character strings
and variables. Strings and variables can be mixed and sent. Sending information to external
equipment does not use the frame header, separator, terminator, and base set in the "Settings-
Network Communication" interface.
Robert user manual

If you want to send a variable, add $ before the variable.

For example:
Prerequisite: GD002=3.33, I001=10
Need to send data "The value of GD002 is 3.33, and the value of I001 is 10" to the upper
computer whose network setting process number is 3
The insert instruction SENDMSG is:
Sending characters: The value of GD002 is $GD002, and the value of I001 is $I001 instruction
This command is used to parse a set of data from external devices.
This instruction will store the data from the external device in multiple global variables. This
instruction will set the first variable.
For example:
Frame header: SS
Terminator: EE
The first variable type of the PARSEMSG instruction is GDOUBLE, and the first variable name is
External device sending data: SS,100.11,11.1,5,44,102,77.88,EE
The EXPLAIN instruction stores these 6 values in GD004, GD005, GD006, GD007, GD008, and
GD009, respectively.

Read the point sent by Ethernet or Modbus and store it in the position variable, and store the number
in the numerical variable.
Note: The method of use is the same as "External Point Function".
Parameter Meaning
Process number The process number of the network
Communication Use Ethernet communication or Modbus communication
Position Global position variable, local position variable can be selected
variable type
Position Position variable name; store the received point, multiple point position variables
variable name are extended, for example, the command position variable is filled with G003, and
3 points are received, then they will be stored in G003, G004, G005 respectively
Variable type Optional global integral type, local integral type
Variable name Variable name; store the number of points received
Note: Currently only Modbus is available.

17.1.4 OPENMSG
Robert user manual

Open the network communication corresponding to the process number. After running the
OPENMSG command, the communication is opened.
Parameter Meaning
Process The process number of the network communication to be opened.

Close the network communication corresponding to the process number. After running the
CLOSEMSG instruction, the communication is closed.
Parameter Meaning
Process The process number of the network communication to be closed.

17.1.6 PRINT
Screen output instructions. Custom characters can be output.
Parameter Meaning
Output Output characters. Any character can be entered

Read the network communication status to the corresponding global or local BOOL variable. If
communication is normal, it will be stored as 1; if communication fails, it will be stored as 0.
Parameter Meaning
Process The process number of the network communication to determine the connection
number status.
The type of Save the communication status to local BOOL variables or global GBOOL
saving variable variables.
Stored variable The variable name of the variable storing the communication status.
Robert user manual
Robert user manual

Chapter18 Data Upload

18.1 Basic Setting
The data upload function can automatically collect and upload the current robot running status and
parameters, and integrate the data into csv and txt files to upload to the specified server.
Click on the {Modify} button in the Settings - Data Upload to set the parameter required to connect
to the ftp server.

⚫ Data transfer switch

Once opened, it will start to connect to the ftp server and upload data. Turn on the switch after all the
parameters are filled in.
When the this switch is turned on, data collection and uploading will be automatically started.the
power-on will automatically start collecting and uploading data.
⚫ Upload method

Currently only the ftp protocol is supported. So please have an ftp server before using this feature.
⚫ File format

Currently, files in csv and txt format are supported. The contents of the file are the same and the file
format is different. CSV format is more convenient for data statistics.
⚫ Server IP

The IP address of the ftp server, please ensure that the controller is in the same network as the ftp
server, and that its gateway is same.
(The controller gateway is modified in Settings - System Settings - IP Settings)
⚫ Port

The port used by the ftp server’s ftp protocol. The port used by the general ftp protocol is 21.
⚫ Username

The username used to log in to the ftp server. You need to create the user in the ftp server first.
⚫ Password

The password used to log in to the ftp server.

Robert user manual

⚫ Path

The path to upload the file to the ftp server. This path is the path relative to the ftp root directory
⚫ Data collection cycle

At regular intervals, the controller collects the current data and stores it in the file to be sent.
⚫ Data upload cycle

At regular intervals, the controller will send the file with collected data to the directory specified by
the ftp server.
⚫ Whether to send the description document

The description file shall be sent before the first sending of the data after starting up or turning on the
{Data Transfer Switch}. Custom content is generally used to describe the current robot sequence
number and other information. If this switch is off, the documentation will not be sent.

18.2 Data Format

Once the connection parameters for FTP are configured, you need to configure the data format in the
sent data file. Use a special string to represent the parameters to be send when setting the data format.
For example, to send the current date in the format "2019-03-07", enter the following in the data
format: "$Y$%-$m$%-$d$%" (excluding quotes).
If the generated file is in csv format, each item should be separated by English commas.
The special string represents the parameters as follows:

18.2.1 Example of generating a csv file

The desired results are as follows
Description document file name: Robot-R1_year-month-day_hour: minute: second_INFO
Robert user manual

Content of Description file: Robot-R1, year-month-day, hour: minute: second, local IP, local MAC,
technical department, machining parts, 1-axis motor speed, 2-axis motor speed, 3-axis motor speed,
4-axis motor speed, 5-axis motor speed, 6-axis motor speed, 1-axis motor torque, 2-axis motor
torque, 3-axis motor torque, 4-axis motor torque, 5-axis motor torque, 6-axis motor torque, 1-axis
motor load, 2-axis motor load, 3-axis motor load, 4-axis motor load, 5-axis motor load, 6-axis motor
load, current controller status, current error code.
Data document file name: Robot-R1_year-month-day_hour: minute: second_DATA
Content of Data : Robot-R1, year-month-day, hour: minute: second, local IP, local MAC, 1-axis
motor speed, 2-axis motor speed, 3-axis motor speed, 4-axis motor speed, 5-axis motor Speed, 6-axis
motor speed, 1-axis motor torque, 2-axis motor torque, 3-axis motor torque, 4-axis motor torque, 5-
axis motor torque, 6-axis motor torque, 1-axis motor load, 2-axis motor load, 3-axis motor Load, 4-
axis motor load, 5-axis motor load, 6-axis motor load, current controller status, current error code.
The format of the data written is as follows:
Description document file name: Robot-R1_ $Y%-$m%-$d%_ $H%:$M%:$S%_INFO
Content of Description: Robot-R1, $Y%-$m%-$d%, $H%: $M%: $S%, $IP%, $MAC%, Technical
Department, Processed Parts, $RPM_J1%, $ RPM_J2%, $RPM_J3%, $RPM_J4%, $RPM_J5%,
$RPM_J6%, $Torsion_J1%, $Torsion_J2%, $Torsion_J3%, $Torsion_J4%, $Torsion_J5%,
$Torsion_J6%, $Load_J1%, $Load_J2%, $Load_J3%, $Load_J4%, $Load_J5%, $Load_J6%,
$StatusCode%, $ErrorCode%
Data Document File Name: Robot-R1_ $Y%-$m%-$d%_ $H%:$M%:$S%_DATA
Content of Data: Robot-R1, $Y%-$m%-$d%, $H%: $M%: $S%,$IP%, $MAC%, $RPM_J1%,
$RPM_J2%, $RPM_J3%, $RPM_J4%, $RPM_J5%, $RPM_J6%, $Torsion_J1%, $Torsion_J2%,
$Torsion_J3%, $Torsion_J4%, $Torsion_J5%, $Torsion_J6%, $Load_J1%, $Load_J2%,
$Load_J3%, $Load_J4%, $Load_J5%, $Load_J6%, $StatusCode%, $ErrorCode%
*The parameters related to the axis need to be manually input that axis, such as 1 axis relates to
speed: $RPM_J% needs to write 1 after J
Robert user manual

Chapter19 Robot Log

This system log is divided into a Teach pendent log and a controller log. The Teach pendent log is
mainly stored in the log generated by the operation on the Teach pendent. The controller log saves all
logs such as robot operation and parameter modification.

19.1 Teach pendent Log View

You can view the operation and error logs on the log interface.
The specific steps are as follows:
1. Click on {Log} to open the log view interface, View the log of the error type by default.

Note:Display the "error" type log firstly when entering the log interface.
2. Click on the "Type" tab above to switch the types of logs to view.
3. After select a log, click on the {Details} button below to view the log details.

Log description
Robert user manual

The log types include all, debug, operation, warning, and error. There are two types of logs:
"operation log" and "error log".
Operation log: This type of log saves the user's basic operations, such as creating new programs,
renaming programs and inserting instructions.
Error log: This type of log saves all system error and servo error information, including error code,
error time, error type, error content, solution and other information.

19.2 Log Export

The export of the log is divided into a Teach pendent log and a controller log;
19.2.1 Exporting Controller Logs
Robert user manual

You can import the controller log into the U disk by Click on the {Export Controller Log} button in
the system settings interface. The controller log is the most commonly used when looking for the
cause of a robot error.
Specific steps are as follows:
1. Insert a U disk in the "FAT32" format into the USB interface of the Teach pendent;
2. Enter the "Settings - System Settings" interface and the "Loggings" interface of the Teach pendent;
3. Click on the {Export Controller Log} button in the system settings interface and click on the
{Export} button in the system loggings interface to export 5/30/100 logs.
4. The export is complete. The controller's logs are stored in the “controller Log-current date and
time” directory on the U disk. The Teach pendent's logs are stored in the “controller Log-current date
and time” directory's teachbox.db file.
Robert user manual

Chapter20 Robot and External Shaft Parameter

20.1 Robot Parameters

In the DH parameter interface, the function of preset robot is provided. If the drop-down list
contains the type of robot you are using, you can quickly and easily set the parameters of the robot
through this function.
1. In the DH parameter interface, by clicking on the top left button {Preset Robot}

,the model of the robot that has been adapted can be

selected. After selecting, the DH parameters and joint parameters of the robot will be filled
2. When the preset robot is selected, the zeros need to be manually modified.
Robert user manual

20.1.1 DH parameters
To modify the DH parameters, it is necessary to enter the {Settings} - {Robot parameters} - {DH
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the interface {Settings} - {Robot Parameters} - {DH Parameters};

Six axis

Four-axis SCARA/Four-axis SCARA profile

Robert user manual

Four-axis palletizing
2. Click on the [Modify] button at the bottom;
3. Filling in according to the actual situation of your robot;

4. Click on the parameter value you want to modify (such as L2), then a soft keyboard will appear,
input the number you want to replace, and click on OK;
Robert user manual

5. Clicking on the [Save] button to complete the parameter modification. Meaning of each parameter

⚫ Preset robot
By imputting the joint parameters and DH parameters of the robot into the controller cabinet, the
steps of filling in parameters repeatedly can be omitted.
⚫ Robot coordinate system

Positive installation Inverted installation

⚫ Rod length
⚫ Coupling ratio
⚫ 5 axis direction
5-axis direction of the zero position
Robert user manual

Horizontal direction Vertical direction

⚫ Pitch
The pitch of the connecting rod responsible for the up and down movement in the four-axis
SCARA (for the four-axis SCARA is 3 axes, for the four-axis SCARA profiled is 1 axis)
⚫ J2+J3 minimum/maximum
Let the 2-axis and 3-axis of the four-axis palletizing robot move to J2max/J3max,
J2min/J3max, J2max/J3min, J2min/J3min respectively, record the value of J2+J3 in the four cases,
and remove the highest sum of the four values.

20.1.2 Joint parameter setting

Setting joint parameters needs to modify in {Settings/Robot Parameters/Joint Parameters Settings}.
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the "Settings/Robot Parameters/Joint Parameters Settings" interface;
2. At this time, the input box is grey and the value cannot be input;

3. After clicking on the modification button, the modification button becomes save button, and the
input box becomes white, so that the values can be input after the respective parameters;

4. Click on the {Save} and the modification is successful.

Robert user manual Meaning of each parameter

⚫ Positive limit
The maximum range of the forward direction of the robot joint.
⚫ Anti limit
The maximum range of negative direction of robot joints. (This value must be negative)
⚫ Reduction ratio
Reduction ratio of the reducer.
⚫ Encoder bits
The number of bits of the encoder.
⚫ Rated positive rotation rate
The rated rotation rate of the motor in the positive direction.
⚫ Rated reverse rotation rate
The rated rotation rate of the motor in the inverted direction. (This value must be negative)
⚫ Maximum positive speed
The maximum speed in the positive direction of the motor is a multiple of the rated positive speed. If
the rated positive speed is 3000 rpm and the maximum positive speed is 6000 rpm, filling in here
⚫ Maximum reverse speed
The maximum reverse speed of the motor is a multiple of the rated reverse speed. If the rated reverse
speed is - 4000 and the maximum reverse speed is - 6000, fill in here - 1.5 times. (This value must be
⚫ Rated positive speed
The rated positive direction speed of the robot joint is automatically calculated from the rated
positive speed, encoder number and deceleration ratio(The three-axis of the four-axis SCARA and
the one axis of the four-axis SCARA must also add the pitch), without filling in.
⚫ Rated reverse speed
The rated negative direction speed of the robot joint is automatically calculated from the rated
reverse speed, encoder number and deceleration ratio without filling in. (This value must be negative)
⚫ Maximum acceleration
The maximum acceleration of the robot joint motion is a multiple of the rated positive (negative)
velocity. If the rated positive speed is 300 degrees/s and the maximum acceleration is 1500
degrees/s, filling in here 5 times.
⚫ Maximum deceleration
The maximum deceleration of the joint motion of the robot is a multiple of the rated positive
(negative) velocity. If the rated positive speed is 300 degrees/s and the maximum acceleration is
1200degrees/s, fill in here - 4 times. It is suggested that the maximum acceleration is the same as the
maximum deceleration. (This value must be negative).
⚫ Model direction
Robert user manual

The model direction is set according to the joint positive direction sketch below. The '+' keys of each
axis should be in the same direction as the joint positive direction sketch. Choose 1 the same, and
choose -1 the opposite.
⚫ Actual direction of joint
The actual direction of the joint is set relative to the direction of the model (below is the positive
direction of the joint legend). Choose 1 in the same direction as the model, and choose - 1 in the
opposite direction, and set it according to the actual needs.
⚫ Gear backlash
Whenever the joint moves in the opposite direction, compensate the angle of the filled value. Positive direction sketch of joint:

Robot type Axis Positive direction

J1 counterclockwise
J2 up
J3 up
J4 counterclockwise
J5 down
J6 clockwise
J1 counterclockwise
Four-axis J2 counterclockwise
SCARA J3 down
J4 clockwise
Robert user manual

J1 counterclockwise
Four-axis J2 up
palletizing J3 up
J4 counterclockwise
J1 counterclockwise
J2 up
Four-axis joint
J3 up
J4 up
J1 counterclockwise
J2 up
5-axis joint J3 up
J4 counterclockwise
J5 down
J1 counterclockwise
Two-axis SCARA
J2 counterclockwise
J1 counterclockwise
J2 counterclockwise
J3 down
One axis J1 counterclockwise Multi-turn value overflow counting

Encoder multi-turn value overflow counting function, you need to fill in the minimum multi-turn
value and the maximum multi-turn value of the corresponding joint.

Encoder multi-turn value overflow counting function: Turn on the button to use this function.
Minimum value of multi-turn value: fill in according to the servo parameters of the main body.
Maximum value of multi-turn value: fill in according to the main body servo parameters.
Robert user manual

20.1.3 Cartesian parameters

Setting Cartesian parameters needs to be modified in {Settings/Robot Parameters/Cartesian
Parameters Settings}.
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the "Settings/Robot Parameters/Cartesian Parameters Settings" page;
2. At this time, the input box is grey and the value cannot be input;

3. After clicking on the modification button, the modification button becomes save button, and the
input box becomes white, so that the values can be input after the respective parameters;

4. Click on the {Save} and the modification is successful.

Robert user manual Meaning of each parameter

⚫ Maximum speed
Maximum linear speed when the robot runs
⚫ Maximum acceleration
The maximum acceleration of the robot is a multiple of the maximum speed. If the maximum speed
is 1000mm/s and the maximum acceleration is 3000mm/s, fill in here three times.
⚫ Maximum deceleration
The maximum deceleration of the robot when it is running is a multiple of the maximum speed. If the
maximum speed is 1000mm/s and the maximum deceleration is -3000mm/s, fill in here -3 times. It is
suggested that the maximum acceleration and the maximum deceleration are the same, and the
maximum acceleration and the maximum deceleration in the joint parameters are the same. (This
value must be negative)
⚫ Maximum sentakan
This parameter is reserved and is currently invalid

20.1.4 Robot range setting

Robot range limits are used to limit the range of motion of the robot in all status. There are two ways
to set it up: “Manual Fill” and “Calibration”.
When using the manual fill method to set the range, you can set the maximum and minimum
coordinate values that the robot can move on the X, Y, and Z axis after clicking on the Modify
When the range is set by range calibration, the mobile robot can record the value of the axis in the
current position of the robot by clicking on buttons such as "Calibration MX" and "Calibration mX"
on the interface, making it the maximum and minimum value of the axis in its range of motion. The
meanings of each button are shown in the table below.
Buttons Meaning
Minimum value of X-
axis in range of motion
Maximum value of X-
axis in range of motion
Minimum value of Y-
axis in range of motion
Maximum value of Y-
axis in range of motion
Minimum value of Z-
axis in range of motion
Maximum value of Z-
axis in range of motion

20.1.5 Zero position of the robot

Robert user manual Zero calibration

If the zero position of the robot is non-standard zero position, the user can align the robot according
to the counterpoint hole of the robot, and set the current robot position coordinates to zero position at
the zero position interface of the robot.
The specific operation steps are as follows:
1. Open the interface {Settings} - {Robot Parameters} - {Zero Position};
2. Under the "joint coordinate mode", the pose of each joint in zero position is shown in the
following figure. The lower arm is in the vertical status, the forearm is in the horizontal status,
and the wrist (the fifth joint) is also in the horizontal status. Zero-position interfaces (such as
grooves, lines, rulers, etc.) have been considered in the design of general robots;
3. Click on the {Set to zero} button that corresponds to the axis that you want to set the zero point,
or set the coordinates of all nodes to zero one-time by clicking on the {Set all sections to zero}
4. In the pop-up modification prompt box, click on {OK} to modify the robot zero setting as
shown in the graphic;

5. Click on the [OK] button;

6. The zero position of this axis (all axes) is set successfully.
⚫ In the servo ready status, press the DeadMan key, then press {Moving the robot here} to be sure
the robot Safety.
⚫ The speed value is automatically adjusted to 1% to operation, which can be manually adjusted to
increase the speed of movement.
⚫ When the current position is set to zero, the axis coordinate of the current position becomes (0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0).
Robert user manual

⚫ The current position coordinates of one or more axes can be set to zero coordinates. At this time,
the zero coordinates of the axis which are not set are the original zero coordinates.

-Without calibrating the origin position, teaching and playback operations can
not be carried out.
-In a multi-robot system, each robot must be calibrated its origin position.
-When there is a coupling relationship between the joint axes, such as the
common coupling relationship between the fifth axis and the sixth axis of the
robot, the zero data recorded by the sixth axis will be valid only when the fifth
axis must be in the zero position, otherwise, the zero data recorded by the sixth
axis will be invalid. Therefore, the zero data of the sixth axis must be recorded in
the zero position of the fifth axis. If there is no coupling relationship, each axis
can be independently calibrated zero position, and their respective zero position
will not affect the zero position of other joints.
-When all the axes used (body axis and auxiliary extension axis) are zero-
calibrated, the "all" indicator lights on the zero-calibration interface become
green, indicating that the robot has completed the zero-data calibration, and the
robot can move in Cartesian space. It will not affect the zero position of other
joints. Zero offset

The zero point offset can be used when the user needs to adjust the zero point, and the hand-filled value
can be input. The operation method is similar to the zero point calibration. Clear multiple lap value

Robert user manual

Please be careful to operate, this operation will cause the robot encoder value to be cleared, resulting
in the zero point data saved by the original factory to be cleared.
It may cause the following problems:
1. The robot loses accuracy;
2. The robot cannot operate normally;
3. The previously established point cannot be operated.

Clear multi-turn values of all axes: Clear the multi-turn values of all axes of the robot at one time.
(excluding external axes)
Clear after each joint: clear the multi-turn value of the axis. Single lap value

This function can modify the single-turn value corresponding to each axis

Please be careful to operate, this operation will cause the robot encoder value to be cleared,
resulting in the zero point data saved by the original factory to be cleared.
It may cause the following problems:
1. The robot loses accuracy;
2. The robot cannot operate normally;
3. The previously established point cannot be operated.
Robert user manual

20.1.6 Jog Speed

Setting the jog speed to enter {Settings} - {Robot Parameters} - {Jog Speed]}to modify.
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the interface {Settings} - {Robot parameters} - {Point velocity};
2. At this time, the input box is grey and the value cannot be input;

3. After clicking on the modification button, the modification button becomes save button, and the
input box becomes white, so that the values can be input after the respective parameters;
Robert user manual

4. Click on the {Save} and the modification is successful.

20.1.7 Motion parameters

{Motion parameters} provide two kinds of robot motion interpolation methods, as shown in the
following graphic.

* Whether to enable the dual-machine synchronization mode is only valid when both robots are 6-
axis robots
1. Click on the [Modify] button;
2. Select the robot interpolation methods;
Robert user manual

3. Click on the {Save} button. Meaning of each parameter

⚫ S type interpolation

⚫ Ladder type interpolation

Robert user manual

⚫ Remote mode speed

Remote mode actual running speed = remote mode speed * global speed
⚫ Absolute position resolution
When the difference between two points is less than the resolution, the running point is executed as
one point.
⚫ Whether to enable dual-machine synchronization mode
Dual-machine mode switch, when closed, it is in multi-machine mode, and the two 6-axis robots are
independent of each other; when it is turned on, it is in dual-machine mode, and the two-machine
instructions can be used in the robot 1 program to control the robot 2 cooperation. Close the dual-
machine cooperation and restart the controller to take effect
⚫ Run delay time
Delay when the program starts
⚫ Pause time
The time from running to stopping in the process of running the program in switching mode,
switching mode pause, remote stop, and remote pause

20.1.8 Slave configuration

Modifying the robot settings needs to be modified in {Settings} - {Robot parameters} - {Robot
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the interface {Settings} - {Robot Parameters} - {Slave Configuration};
This interface displays the number of slave stations currently connected to the controller; the
communication cycle can be modified, and the modification will take effect after restarting.
Robert user manual

Enter [Robot] interface.

In this interface, you can set the number of robots, robot type, servo selection, and the number of
external axes; after the number of robots is modified, the restart will take effect, and other parameter
modifications will take effect immediately. Note:The parameters will be reset after modifying the
robot type, please be careful to change the robot type.

Enter [Slave Axis] interface.

This interface can set the number of slave axes, servo selection, reduction ratio, number of encoder
bits, and the direction relative to the main motor. Meaning of each parameter

⚫ Communication cycle of robot
It is divided into 1ms, 2ms and 4ms.
⚫ Number of robots
One controller supports up to four robots.
⚫ Types of Robots
Robert user manual

Six-axis, six-axis special-shaped one, four-axis, four-axis SCARA, four-axis palletizing, one-axis,
five-axis, two-axis SCARA, three-axis SCARA, three-axis right angle, three-axis special-shaped one,
four-axis special-shaped one.
⚫ Number of external axis groups
The external axis type supports ground rail, single-axis/double-axis positioner, and supports up to 3
groups of external axes, the total number of axes is up to 5, and there can only be one ground rail.
⚫ Servo serial number
Servo corresponding serial number and model.
⚫ The currently supported servo types are as follows

Servo manufacturer Model

R8 series
Qingneng Dechuang RC series
Newstar AS260_3
Estun Estun Servo
Adtech QXE
Delta ASDA_A2
Aerospace Race Energy
Ruking Ruking
Research and control Research and control
Enpu Enpu
Xinje DS5
Erzhi Erzhi
Sanyo Sanyo

Inexbot X3EB
Robert user manual

Magic power Magic power

Panasonic MCDHT3520BA1
Kelier KJD4
Frame positive WA
Three-phase Three-phase
Tyco Tyco
Inovance Inovance_4
Homodyne cloud control Homodyne cloud control
Xinchuan Xinchuan
Huacheng Huacheng
⚫ The currently supported IO types are as follows
IO board manufacturer IO model

Huatai PWM

Mengtong Mengtong

Stone formation Stone formation

Taiwan State Taiwan State






20.1.9 Servo Parameters

Robert user manual

Open the interface {Settings}- {Robot Parameters} - {Servo Parameters}, in which the parameters of
the servo can be viewed.Currently only supports Detron and Huacheng servo read modification.

20.1.10 NP parameter
Open the [Settings]-[Robot Parameters]-[NP Parameters] interface, this interface for the drag
teaching, collision detection and other functions of the human-robot collaborative robot.

20.1.11 Interference zone range

Open the interface {Settings} - {Robot Parameters} - {Interference Zone}. After setting the
interference zone, the robot will output IO signal when it enters the interference zone.
Robert user manual

*Please do not reverse the maximum and minimum values; it supports calibration of 9 interference
zones at the same time.

20.1.12 Following error

Open the [Settings]-[Robot Parameters]-[Following Error] interface, you can set the maximum static
error, the maximum dynamic error, etc., unit ‱, range 1-10000000.

20.2 External axis parameters

20.2.1 External shaft calibration
Robert user manual

The [External axis calibration] interface contains the calibration status of the set external axis group
and the current collaborative external axis group number.

External axis positive direction:

Robert user manual

O1 (lower axis): The positive direction is the opposite direction for the robot.
O2 (Upper Rotating Axis): The positive direction is anticlockwise from top to bottom.
External axis calibration:
⚫ Earth orbit calibration: After setting up the earth-orbit joint parameters and gear rack
ratio, turn on the cooperation switch to consider it has been calibrated

⚫ Calibration of dual axis positioner:

Robert user manual

Return to the zero point of the external axis double axis, and find a calibration point on the external
axis rotating disk.
PC1: The O2 axis starts from the origin and rotates in the positive direction to about +100 degrees,
and the tip of the tool hand is aligned with the calibration point of the external axis.
PC2: O2 axis rotates to +50 degrees in the negative direction, and the tip of the tool hand is aligned
with the calibration point of the external axis.
PC3: O2 axis rotates back to the zero position, the tip of the tool hand is aligned with the calibration
point of the external axis.

PC4: O1 axis rotates to +25 degrees in the positive direction, and the tip of the tool hand is aligned
with the calibration point of the external axis.
PC5: O1 axis is rotated in the positive direction to about +50 degrees, the tip of the tool hand is
aligned with the calibration point of the external axis.
Click calculate after calibration.
⚫ Calibration of single-axis flip positioner:
P1 is about +50 degrees in the positive direction, and the tip of the tool hand is aligned with the
calibration point of the external axis.
P2 is about +25 degrees in the positive direction, and the tip of the tool hand is aligned with the external
axis calibration point.
P3 is the origin of the external axis, the tip of the tool hand is aligned with the calibration point of the
external axis.
⚫ Single-axis disc positioner calibration:
P1 is +100 degrees in the positive direction, the tip of the tool hand is aligned with the calibration
point of the external axis.
Robert user manual

P2 is about +50 degrees in the positive direction, the tip of the tool hand is aligned with the
calibration point of the external axis.
P3 is the origin of the external axis, the tip of the tool hand is aligned with the calibration point of the
external axis.

Note for external axis command:

-When there are multiple groups of positioners, the robot can only cooperate with one group of
positioners at the same time. Through the coordinate system type-switch external axis, switch the
currently coordinated external axis group.
-MOVJEXT (external axis point-to-point): select two points on the external axis, and insert E001,
E002 into the alignment point of the robot (the coordinate of point E contains the position data of the
robot and the external axis).
-MOVLEXT (external axis straight line): select two points on the external axis, and insert E001,
E002 at the robot alignment point (the coordinate of point E contains the position data of the robot
and the external axis); when inserting, the SYNC synchronization selection is yes, the external axis is
not calibrated or not Synchronous operation cannot be started when selecting the cooperation group
-MOVCEXT (external axis arc): select three points on the external axis, insert the first point into
MOVJEXT or MOVLEXT; insert the robot alignment point into E001, E002, E003 (E point
coordinate contains the position data of the robot and the external axis); insert When SYNC is
selected, synchronous operation cannot be started when the external axis is not calibrated or the
cooperation group number is not selected.

20.2.2 Zero position

The interface {Zero position} include "current position", "current zero position", "set all joints to
zero position", "move the robot to this point".
Robert user manual

Motion joint S1, click on the middle {set to zero positon};

Motion joint S2, click on the middle {set to zero position};
If the position of the joint is correct, you can click on {set all joints to zero position} , or each joint
can be independently calibrated by clicking on {set to zero position}. Clear multiple lap value

Please be careful to operate, this operation will cause the robot encoder value to be cleared, resulting
in the zero point data saved by the original factory to be cleared.
It may cause the following problems:
4. The robot loses accuracy;
5. The robot cannot operate normally;
The points that have been established cannot be operated.
Robert user manual

Clear multi-turn values of all axes: clear the multi-turn values of all external axes of the robot at one
Clear after each joint: clear the multi-turn value of the axis. Single Lap Value

This function can modify the single-turn value corresponding to each axis

Please be careful to operate, this operation will cause the robot encoder value to be cleared, resulting
in the zero point data saved by the original factory to be cleared.
It may cause the following problems:
1. The robot loses accuracy;
2. The robot cannot operate normally;
3. The previously established point cannot be operated.

20.2.3 Joint parameters

{Joint parameters} includes "joint deceleration ratio", "encoder number", "joint positive limit" and
other parameters of the two joints.
Robert user manual

Rated positive speed * rack and pinion ratio

Rated positive speed of joint =
60 * reduction ratio Multi-turn value overflow counting

Encoder multi-turn value overflow counting function, you need to fill in the minimum multi-turn
value and the maximum multi-turn value of the corresponding joint.

Encoder multi-turn value overflow counting function: Turn on the button to use this function.
Minimum value of multi-turn value: fill in according to the servo parameters of the main body.
Maximum multi-turn value: fill in according to the main body servo parameters.

20.2.4 Jog speed

Enter the [Settings]-[External Axis Parameters]-[Jog Speed] parameter setting interface, this interface
can set the maximum jog speed and joint axis jog acceleration.
Robert user manual
Robert user manual

Chapter21 Multi-Machine Mode and Dual-Machine

21.1 Four-axis SCARA robot parameters
In the DH parameter interface, we provide a preset robot function. If the drop-down list contains the
robot model you are using, you can use this function to quickly and easily set the parameters of the

3. Click [Preset Robot] in the upper left corner of the DH

parameter interface to select the robot model that has been adapted. After selection, the DH
parameters and joint parameters of the robot will be automatically filled in.
4. After selecting the preset robot, you need to manually modify the zero point.

21.2 Setting the slave configuration

Select four-axis SCARA as the robot type on the slave configuration interface.

21.3 Set DH parameters

Fill in the robot’s rod length, coupling ratio, pitch and other parameters; this parameter will affect the
robot’s linear motion and accuracy.
If the robot accuracy is poor, you can return to this interface for 4-point calibration after the
configuration is complete, and calibrate the rod length parameters.
Note: Do not power on the robot to operate the robot before the DH parameters, joint parameters, and
zero are set.
Robert user manual

Four-axis SCARA Parameter description

⚫ Pre-built robots
By importing the robot joint parameters and DH parameters into the controller in advance, the steps
of filling in the parameters can be omitted
⚫ Robot coordinate system

Positive installation

Inverted installation
⚫ Length
The pole length parameter needs to be filled in as shown in the model diagram on the DH page.
Inaccurate filling will affect the robot motion accuracy.
⚫ Coupling ratio
Robert user manual

Please refer to the Inexbot commissioning manual for the calculation of the coupling ratio.
⚫ Pitch
The pitch of the connecting rod responsible for the up and down movement in the four-axis SCARA
(for the four-axis SCARA is 3 axes, for the four-axis SCARA profiled is 1 axis).

21.4 Set joint parameters

The setting procedure is the same as "Robot and external axis parameter setting".
Note: Do not power on the robot to operate the robot before the DH parameters, joint parameters, and
zero are set. The meaning of each parameter

⚫ Positive limit
The maximum range of the robot joint in the positive direction.
⚫ Reverse limit
The maximum range of the robot joint in the negative direction. (This value must be negative)
⚫ Reduction ratio
The reduction ratio of the reducer.
⚫ Encoder bits
The number of bits of the encoder.
⚫ Rated positive speed
The rated speed of the motor in the positive direction.
⚫ Rated reverse speed
The rated speed of the motor in the opposite direction. (This value must be negative)
⚫ Maximum positive speed
The maximum speed of the motor in the positive direction, and its value is a multiple of the rated
positive speed. If the rated positive speed is 3000 rpm and the maximum positive speed is 6000 rpm,
please fill in twice here.
Robert user manual

⚫ Maximum reverse speed

The maximum speed of the motor in the reverse direction, and its value is a multiple of the rated
reverse speed. If the rated reverse speed is -4000 rpm and the maximum reverse speed is -6000 rpm,
then fill in -1.5 times here. (This value must be negative)
⚫ Rated positive speed
The rated positive speed of the robot joint is automatically calculated from the rated positive speed,
the number of encoder bits, and the reduction ratio (the 3-axis of the four-axis SCARA and the one
axis of the four-axis SCARA must also add the pitch), no need to fill in.
⚫ Rated anti-speed
The rated negative speed of the robot joint is automatically calculated from the rated reverse speed,
the number of encoder bits, and the reduction ratio, so there is no need to fill in. (This value must be
⚫ Maximum acceleration
The maximum acceleration of the robot joint movement, and its value is a multiple of the rated
forward (reverse) speed. If the rated positive speed is 300 degrees/s and the required maximum
acceleration is 1500 degrees/s²,enter 5 times here.
⚫ Maximum deceleration
The maximum deceleration of the robot joint movement is a multiple of the rated forward (reverse)
speed. If the rated positive speed is 300 degrees/s and the required maximum acceleration is 1200
degrees/s²,enter -4 times here. It is recommended that the maximum acceleration is the same as the
maximum deceleration value. (This value must be negative)
⚫ Model direction
The direction of the model is set according to the schematic diagram of the positive direction of the
joint below, and the direction of each axis jog "+" key should be the same as the direction of the
schematic diagram of the positive direction of the joint. For the same, select 1;
⚫ Actual direction of joints
1 by default
⚫ Gear backlash
Whenever the joint moves in the opposite direction, the angle of the filled value is compensated, the
default is not filled. Schematic diagram of the positive direction of the joint:

Robert user manual

Robot type Axis Positive direction (top view or left view)

J1 counterclockwise
Four-axis J2 counterclockwise
J4 clockwise
Note: Please do not power on the robot before setting the positive direction of the joint.

21.5 Zero calibration

If the robot zero position is a non-standard zero position, the user can align the robot according to the
robot's alignment hole, and set the current robot position coordinate to the zero position on the robot
zero position interface.
The schematic diagram of the four-axis SCARA zero position is as follows:

Make sure that the robot is in this position and click to set all joints to zero.
Note: Do not power on the robot to operate the robot before the DH parameters, joint parameters, and
zero are set.
Robert user manual

-The origin position calibration is not performed, and the teaching and zero
return operations cannot be performed.
-For systems with multiple robots, each robot must perform origin position
-When there is a coupling relationship between the joint axes, such as the
common coupling relationship between the fifth axis and the sixth axis of a
robot, the fifth axis must be at the zero position, the zero data recorded by the
sixth axis will be valid, otherwise, the sixth axis The zero point data recorded
by the axis is invalid. Therefore, the zero position data of the sixth axis must
be recorded with the fifth axis in the zero position. If there is no coupling
relationship, each axis can be individually calibrated to the zero position, and
their respective zero positions will not affect the zero positions of other joints.
-When all the used axes (main axis and auxiliary extension axis) have
completed zero calibration, the "all" indicator on the zero calibration interface
turns green, indicating that the robot has completed the calibration of the zero
data and the robot can perform Movement in Cartesian space.

21.6 Set Cartesian parameters

The Cartesian parameter can directly use the default value. The meaning of each parameter

⚫ Maximum speed
Robert user manual

The maximum linear velocity when the robot is running.

⚫ Maximum acceleration
The maximum acceleration when the robot is running, this value is a multiple of the maximum speed.
If the maximum speed is 1000mm/s and the required maximum acceleration is 3000mm/s²,please fill
in 3 times here.
⚫ Maximum deceleration
The maximum deceleration when the robot is running. This value is a multiple of the maximum
speed. If the maximum speed is 1000mm/s and the required maximum deceleration is -3000mm/s²,
fill in -3 times here. It is recommended that the maximum acceleration and maximum deceleration
have the same value and the same as the maximum acceleration and maximum deceleration in the
joint parameters. (This value must be negative)
⚫ Maximum jerk
This parameter is a reserved parameter and is currently invalid.

21.7 External shaft

The MOVJEXT command is currently supported, and other external axis commands are temporarily
not supported. Non-6-axis robots do not need to calibrate external axes and can directly use the
MOVJEXT instruction.

21.7.1 Set up slave

The four-axis SCARA robot supports up to 5 external axes, and the number and type of external axes
need to be set in the slave configuration interface.

21.7.2 Set joint parameters

Set external axis joint parameters, the method is the same as setting robot joint parameters.
Robert user manual Parameter description

⚫ Joint forward and reverse
Modify this parameter to keep the positive direction of the jog axis consistent with the direction of
the model.
Ground orbit positive direction: consistent with the Y axis of the robot Cartesian coordinate system.
O1 positive direction (flip axis below): the positive direction is the opposite direction facing the
O2 positive direction (upper rotation axis): the positive direction is counterclockwise when viewed
from top to bottom.

21.7.3 Zero calibration

Move all axes of the robot to the zero position, click to set all joints to zero.
Robert user manual

After setting, you can power on and jog the external axis, click the external axis button

on the teaching box or the external axis shortcut keys in the teaching box. The status

bar is displayed as R1 (outside) .

21.8 4-axis SCARA robot left and right hand

The use of left and right hands is generally used to compress the moving space of the robot, and can
also be used to avoid obstacles. Generally, we only choose the rectangular coordinate system to set
the left and right hands, and the judgment method is based on the direction of the two axes. The left
and right hand functions can only be used for 4-axis robots.
In the command setting interface, you can choose left and right hands. After the setting is completed,
you need to click the [Manual Modification] button, and then click OK to complete.

21.9 Four-point calibration

Four-point calibration can be used to correct rod length and zero point.

Click the calibration button on the DH parameter interface to enter the 4-point
calibration interface.
Robert user manual

Point A, Point B, Point C, and Point D form a rectangle; fill in the lengths of L1 and L2 after
calibrating the 4 points, click Calculate, confirm that the calculation result is correct, and then click
to fill the result into the DH parameter.

21.10 2 point calibration

2-point calibration supports 4-axis SCARA and 4-axis palletizing. Click the [2-point calibration]
button at the bottom of the “tool hand calibration” interface to enter the “2-point calibration”
interface, as shown in the figure.

Fig. 2 point calibration

The specific calibration steps are as follows:
10. Find a reference point (the pen tip is the reference point), and make sure this reference point is
11. Start inserting the position point. When inserting a point, click [Mark this point] to insert 2
points. The larger the difference in posture of each point, the better.
12. After completing the 2-point mark, click [Calculate].
Robert user manual

If you are not satisfied with a certain point after calibration during the calibration process, you can
click the [Cancel Calibration] button corresponding to the row to cancel the calibration and calibrate
the point again.
After calibrating a point, you can click [Run to this point], and the robot will run to that point.
Move the robot to another position, and then click [Run to calculation result position], the robot will
move to the original calibration position, which is equivalent to the robot zero position.
[Mark the result position as zero point]: Set the position after calibration compensation as the zero
point position of the current robot.
[Clear all calibration points] The calibration points will be saved in the controller, and the calibration
results will be cleared only after clicking to cancel calibration, clear all calibration points, and switch
tools to manually enter the calibration interface.

The posture of each point, please try to take the posture in any direction. If the posture taken is
rotated in a certain direction, sometimes the accuracy is not accurate.
Please keep the reference point fixed during the calibration process, otherwise the calibration error
will increase.
Click the [Demo] button at the bottom to open the "Demo" interface and explain how to perform tool
Click the [Return] button at the bottom to return to the "Tool Hand Calibration" interface.
Robert user manual

Chapter22 Palletizing Process

22.1 Simple palletizing / complete palletizing options
Enter process/palletizing process/palletizing parameters, this interface is the entry for setting simple
palletizing and complete palletizing, and supports 9 process number parameters; when it is not
selected, it will display not set, and when it is set to simple palletizing, it will display set It is simple
palletizing. When it is set to complete palletizing, it will show that it is set to complete palletizing.
Clear parameters and copy parameters are for all parameters of the current process number, including
simple palletizing and complete palletizing parameters.

Click Simple palletizing to enter the simple palletizing setting interface.

Click complete palletizing to enter the complete palletizing setting interface.

22.2 Complete Palletizing

22.2.1 Parameter Settings
Complete palletizing parameters can be set according to the process of gripper settings, tray settings,
position settings, workpiece parameters, proximity parameters, overlapping mode, plane mode;
Robert user manual Gripper Setting

The gripper setting is to set the tool hand used in the palletizing process. For example, if two suction
cups take the material respectively (after one suction cup sucks, switch to another suction cup to take
material), then two grippers should be set. If the two suction cups are used to take at the same time, a
gripper is arranged.
Please mark the gripper (tool hand) in the {Settings - tool calibration} interface in advance, and then
set the gripper in this interface;
Robert user manual

Number of grippers: The number of grippers, according to the actual situation, up to 4 grippers can be
Tool number of gripper X: Set the tool number corresponding to the gripper, and calibrate the tool
parameters in advance.
Parameter value: The parameter value is the offset of the end of the tool which can only be selected
and cannot be calibrated. Tray Setting

The setting of the tray is the project of setting the user coordinates of the tray. In this interface, the
origin of the tray, the Y direction of the tray and the X direction of the tray should be calibrated.

User coordinate system: tray coordinates, select the user coordinate to calibrate the tray coordinate
(user coordinate) according to the needs. If the coordinate system position is changed in the user
coordinate calibration, the coordinate system will also be changed here.
Note: Please use the tool selected by the gripper 1 to calibrate. When the user coordinate (tray
coordinate) is not calibrated and the user coordinate parameter value is 0, the rectangular coordinate
system will be used by the robot.
When marking the X and the Y directions, it must be based on the original X and Y directions of the
robot and be rotated, otherwise, the marked Z direction of the tray will be downward, and the second
layer will be downward when palletizing. Position Setting

The position setting can set the palletizing workpiece point, auxiliary point and entry point. Please
use the gripper to set the selected tool for position marking;
Robert user manual

Work point: The first feeding point (or the last feeding point if it is a unloading process), will offsets
with the position of the workpiece automatically.
Auxiliary point: It can be used in conjunction with the workpiece point to make the workpiece safer
to be placed at the workpiece point. It is usually set above the feeding point. If the workpiece needs
to be rotated, it will be rotated before reaching the auxiliary point, which will be offset with the
position of the workpiece automatically.
Entry point: The entry point of the tray. In order to prevent the robot from colliding with other
objects, try to set the safe position of the robot as the entry point. This point will offset along the z-
axis following the position of the workpiece automatically.
Mark the point: The robot moves to the position first, then marks the point.
Run to this point: the value of the tag can only be moved to the point of the tag after Click oning
save; when not saved, the point to be moved is the point of the previous mark. To move to that point,
press the {DEADMAN} key and Click on the button.
Note: Please use the gripper to set the selected tool for position marking. Workpiece Parameter

The workpiece parameters can set the length, width, height and clearance of the palletizing
workpiece in the user coordinates;
Robert user manual

Length, width and height are respectively the YXZ direction lengths in the tray coordinate system
(user coordinate system)
Length: the length of the workpiece in the Y direction in the tray coordinate system
Width: the length of the workpiece in the X direction in the tray coordinate system
High: the length of the workpiece in the Z direction in the tray coordinate system
Tray Y direction clearance: Y-axis direction in the tray coordinate system, the length of the gap
distance between two workpieces
Tray X direction clearance: X-axis direction in the tray coordinate system, the length of the gap
distance between two workpieces Proximity Parameters

Proximity is used to avoid obstacles. It includes two ways: descending proximity and descending
Robert user manual

Proximity enable: Proximity function enable switch

Decrease proximity: First, from the entry point to the auxiliary point, the robot descends from the
auxiliary point along the z-axis of the tray, descends to the set proximity height, and then moves to
the workpiece point position according to the proximity distance. This method is used to avoid
obstacles when there are obstacles above the workpiece.

(Falling approach) (Approaching the way down)

Proximity the descending mode: First, from the entry point to the auxiliary point, the robot moves
from the auxiliary point to the proximity height above the set workpiece point, and then descending
from the proximity point along the tray Z direction to the workpiece point. Overlapping Mode

Overlapping mode can set palletizing layer selection, graphics template selection and other related
Robert user manual

Number of layers: the total number of layers, fill in according to the actual number
Repeated relationship: the repeated relationship between layers. If select the same, each layer uses
the same graphic template; if select alternate, then the graphics templates of each two layers
alternate; and if choose user-defined, the user selects the graphics template used for each layer
The same: each layer of graphic templates are the same, the palletizing is the same graphic template.
When this option is selected, only the first layer of the list on the right can be modified. After the
modification, all the layers below will be changed.

Alternate: Two graphic templates are used alternately. After selecting this item, only the first two layers
of the right list can be modified. After the modification, all the layers below repeat the graphic number
of the two layers.
Robert user manual

User-defined: Each layer of graphic template can be set separately.

Repeat: When the repeat relationship uses user-defined and the number of layers is large, if all the
layers repeat the graphic template of the first N layer, after filling in the graphic template of the first N
layer, select the N+1 layer, click on the button, the following layers will repeat automatically.

Compensation for the height of the unloading point: after filling in, the height of the unloading point
of all workpieces will be offset. If the value is positive, it will be offset to the Z+ direction. If the value
is negative, it will be offset to the Z-direction (this parameter is invalid when unloading)
Robert user manual

Fixed point height: after selected, the uploading height of each palletizing is the same, and the height
is the marked height of the workpiece point (only valid when palletizing)

Vertical alignment: after selecting vertical alignment, will palletizing one vertical column before the
next vertical column.
Robert user manual

Automatic layer alignment: If the middle layer is selected for automatic alignment, then the template
of each layer will be aligned automatically, and the X-axis Y-axis offset will be calculated

Auto-rotate attitude: After being selected, when palletizing, the tool cannot reach the auxiliary point
and feeding point with an inherent attitude, but it will automatically rotate when the tool's attitude is
rotated once. This function is only effective at auxiliary points and workpiece points using joint error
repair time.
Robert user manual

Graphic number: graphic template number

Height correction: After filling in, the height of the workpiece point, auxiliary point and entry point of
the palletizing will be offset. If the value is positive, the offset is in the Z+ direction. And if the value
is negative, the offset is in the Z-direction. (This parameter is only valid for the current layer) Plane Mode

Setting palletizing graphics template in plane mode;

Graphic number: the number of the graphic template

Template selection: divided into three fixed graphic templates and user-defined graphic templates,
which are row-column, crisscrossing, back-shaped, and user-defined.
X translation compensation: Offset of the overall graphic template relative to the original palletizing
position on the X coordinate of the tray coordinate system.
Y translation compensation: Offset of the overall graphics template relative to the original palletizing
position on the Y coordinate of the tray coordinate system
Number of X directions (row-column template, crisscrossing template): The number of workpieces in
the X direction (the number in the X direction of the crisscross is the number of long sides of the
workpiece on the X axis)
Number of Y directions (row-column template, crisscrossing template): Number of workpieces in the
Y direction (the number in the Y direction of the crisscross is the number of long sides of the workpiece
on the Y axis)
Overall rotation angle (row-column template, crisscrossing template, back-shaped template):
Clockwise rotation of the whole object around the first workpiece point.
Robert user manual

(Overall rotation angle 0 degrees)

(Overall rotation angle 180 degrees)

(overall rotation angle is 180 degrees, added layer auto alignment or set XY translation compensation)
Workpiece selection angle (row-column template, crisscross template, back-shaped template): the
angle at which all the workpieces of the graphic template are rotated clockwise with respect to the
angle of the first workpiece.
Preview: Preview the set of graphic templates, which can be used to check whether the graphic template
is set correctly.
Robert user manual

Rows-columns: the workpiece orientation of the entire layer of the graphic template is consistent, and
the palletizing is placed in sequence.

Crisscrossing: The workpiece direction has horizontal, vertical and crisscross arrangement (the number
of X-directions of the template is the number of workpiece lengths on the X-axis, and the number of
Y-directions is the number of workpiece lengths on the Y-axis)

Back-shaped: There are four workpieces in one layer, arranged in back-shaped (the third workpiece
rotates 180 degrees from the first, the second workpiece rotates 90 degrees clockwise from the first,
and the fourth workpiece rotates 90 degrees anticlockwise from the first)
Robert user manual

User-defined: User-defined graphic template

Total number of workpieces per layer: total number of workpieces for the template。
X offset: offset of the workpiece relative to the first workpiece point on the x-axis
Y offset: offset of the workpiece relative to the first workpiece point on the Y axis
Rotation angle: the angle at which the workpiece rotates relative to the angle of the first workpiece
Proximity direction: there are nine approaches from the auxiliary point to the workpiece point (vertical,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,)
Robert user manual

Height correction: after filling in, when palletizing the workpiece, the height of the workpiece point,
auxiliary point and entry point will be offset. When the value is positive, it will be offset in the direction
of Z+; when the value is negative, it will be offset in the direction of Z-. In this way, the height of the
workpiece point, auxiliary point and entry point can be corrected.
Drag settings: In addition to filling in the XY offset, user-defined can also drag and drop the workpiece
Note: before entering the drag settings, the total number of layer workpieces should be set in the user-
defined. Click on {Save}, and then click on {Modify and drag settings}. After the drag setting is
completed, Click on the save button in the drag setting, go back to the user-defined interface, Click on
{Save} again, and save the drag result to the controller.

Process number: the process number of the current parameter

Total number of workpieces: the total number of workpieces on this layer
Increase: add 1 workpiece
Robert user manual

Reduce: reduce 1 workpiece

Artifact/Canvas: the button can be closed to drag the artifact, the button is open to drag the canvas
Reset: reset canvas
Picture +: Picture zoom
Screen -: Screen zoom out
Single piece/whole: switch operation of single piece or whole piece
X+: Move a single piece/the whole to offset the step value in the positive X direction
X-: Move a single piece/the whole to offset the step value in the negative X direction
Y+: Move a single piece/the whole to offset the step value in the positive direction of Y
Y-: Move a single piece/the whole to offset the step value in the negative Y direction
Step: the offset value of X+, X-, Y+, Y-
Workpiece length: automatically align according to the workpiece length when dragging the
Workpiece width: automatically align according to the workpiece width when dragging the workpiece
Angle: the angle value when rotating forward/reversely
Forward rotation: clockwise rotation
Reverse: rotate counterclockwise
Current workpiece X: the X axis coordinate of the current workpiece
Current workpiece Y: Y axis coordinate of current workpiece

Increase and decrease function demonstration

1. Click the add button

2. Workpiece 11 appears in the interface, and the total number of workpieces is 11

3. Decrease usage is consistent with increase. Click Decrease, and the workpieces can be deleted in
reverse order. For example, there are currently 11 workpieces. After clicking delete, workpiece 11
will be deleted, and the total number of workpieces will be 10.
Robert user manual

Demonstration of artifact/canvas function

1. Close the button and drag a single workpiece

2. The button opens and drags the entire canvas, but it does not affect the workpiece coordinates.

Reset function demo

1. After clicking the reset button, the canvas returns to the initial position, but the canvas size is not
Robert user manual

Canvas+, Canvas-Function Demo

1. Click Canvas+ to enlarge the canvas

2. Click Canvas -, the canvas is reduced

Demonstration of single piece/whole offset function

1. Close the single/overall button
Robert user manual

2. Fill in the step value, which is also the value of offset X and Y, for example, fill in 1

3. Select the workpiece and click X+. For example, select workpiece 6, click X+, and the workpiece
will be offset by 2mm in the positive direction of X axis

4. The usage of X-, Y+, Y- is consistent with the usage of X+

5. Click the workpiece length, the step value will automatically enter the value of the workpiece
length, click the workpiece width, the step value will automatically enter the value of the workpiece
6. Fill in the angle value and click Forward.
Robert user manual

7. For example, when the angle is filled with 90, click forward rotation, the workpiece rotates 90
degrees clockwise; the method of using reverse rotation is the same as forward rotation.
8. The overall offset usage method is the same as the single piece
Current workpiece X, Y function demonstration
1. For example, when workpiece 6 is selected, the interface displays the coordinates of the workpiece
as X=2, Y=5

2. Fill 3on the X axis and 3 on the Y axis, you can see that the workpiece has been offset to the
filled position.
Robert user manual

22.3 Simple palletizing

22.3.1 Parameter settings
Simple palletizing parameters setting according to the process can be set position, workpiece
parameters, proximity parameters, overlapping mode, plane mode;

Current use type: simple palletizing, complete palletizing common palletizing number, need to set the
correct type before use.

22.3.2 Gripper Settings

Gripper setting the gripper (tool) for palletizing can be selected. Please calibrate the gripper (tool) in
the {Settings - tool calibration} interface in advance, and then set the gripper in this interface.
Robert user manual

Number of grippers: the number of grippers is set according to the actual situation.
Tool number of gripper X: set the corresponding tool number of the gripper, and calibrate the tool
parameters in advance.
Parameter value: the parameter value is the offset at the end of the tool, which can only be selected and
cannot be calibrated.

22.3.3 Position Setting

Simple palletizing only provides row-column mode palletizing. And all the palletizing directions and
position points are marked, even if the marking is not rectangular palletizing, it will be according to
the marking direction.
Simple palletizing only needs to set palletizing grip and marking six locations. The grip setting is the
same as the complete palletizing. When stacking, if there are more than one gripper for material taking
and stacking respectively, please mark the position point with the first gripper, and the actions of other
grippers will be calculated automatically.
Robert user manual

⚫ Initial workpiece point: the position point of the first workpiece when palletizing.
⚫ Column end: the position of the last workpiece in the palletizing column (X axis of the user
⚫ Line end: the position point of the last workpiece in the direction of the palletizing line (Y axis
of the user coordinate).
⚫ High end: the position point of the first workpiece on the last layer when palletizing.
⚫ Auxiliary point: the auxiliary point of palletizing is recommended to be set above the starting
workpiece point.
⚫ Entry point: the entry point of palletizing is recommended to be set as a safety point outside the
⚫ Number of layers: the total number of layers of palletizing.
⚫ Number of rows: the total number of palletizing lines.
⚫ Number of columns: the total number of palletizing columns.

22.4 Generate files

Standard palletizing and unloading procedures can be generated by using the generated file, and
parameters within the process number should be set in advance.
Simple palletizing file generation function, no IO prohibits use.
Robert user manual

Current use type: simple palletizing, complete palletizing common palletizing number, need to set the
correct type before use.
Process number: after the process number is selected, user need be sure that the current use type of
palletizing is set.
Program name: English letter beginning is required.
Function: palletizing and unloading.

Mark the point: Click on the corresponding point to calibrate the point.
Run to this point: Click on to run to the point to verify whether the point location teach is correct.
Robert user manual

Handheld solenoid valve: gripper IO output signal and solenoid valve DOUT port must be set. The
function of generating files only supports 1-way output. If multi-way output is needed, it can be
returned to the project after the operation file is generated to modify the output signal instructions.
Feeding permit signal: wait for the feeding permit signal before stacking and feeding, and choose
according to your own situation.
Gripper to take the material success signal: judge the grasp to take the material success signal.

Current palletizing total: cache the value of the current palletizing total variable into the set variable.
Current palletizing level: cache the value of the current palletizing level variable into the set variable.
Palletizing number of the current layer: cache the value of the palletizing number variable of the
current layer into the set variable.
Judge the end of palletizing: after palletizing is completed, change the value of variable to break out
of the while loop.
Robert user manual

22.5 Position debugging

Position debugging is used to set the palletizing parameters, and run to check points of each workpiece
point or modify part of the workpiece points. The workpiece points modified in the position debugging
will not change the value in the palletizing parameters.
Process number: process number of palletizing parameters.
Current layer: the layer where the parameter is currently displayed.
Upper layer: switch to the upper layer.
Lower layer: switch to the next layer.
Total number of workpieces in the current layer: total number of all workpieces in the current layer.
Apply to the same layer: apply the debugging results of the current layer to all the same plane parameter
graphics numbers of this layer.
Workpiece/Canvas: When the button is closed, you can click to select the workpiece; when the button
is open, you can drag the canvas, but you cannot select the workpiece.
Picture+: Enlarge the canvas.
Picture -: Shrink the canvas.
Reset: return the canvas to the initial position without changing the canvas size.
Overall offset-X offset: the overall offset of the workpiece on the X axis.
Overall offset-Y offset: the overall offset of the workpiece on the Y axis.
Overall offset-Z offset: the overall offset of the workpiece on the Z axis.
Angle of each workpiece: the angle at which all workpieces rotate individually.
Teaching point: change the workpiece point of the selected workpiece to the current coordinate.
To workpiece point: move to the workpiece point of the selected workpiece.
To auxiliary point: run to the auxiliary point of the selected workpiece.
To entry point: run to the entry point of the selected artifact.

Process number: stacking process number.

Number of coded parts: number of coded parts/total number of parts.
Robert user manual

Current layer number: the number of layers currently being coded/total number of layers (if stacking
needs to start in the middle, just set the number of layers to be coded).
Number of coded workpieces in current layer: number of coded workpieces in current layer/total
number of workpieces in current layer (if palletizing needs to start in the middle, just set the number
of coded pieces).
Reset: Clear the recorded palletizing data.

20.6 Status of Palletizing

Palletizing status can be used to view the status of palletizing, or in the need to palletizing in the
middle of the case has been set to achieve the number of layers.
Palletizing number will be reset after the controller restart, restart not reset.
Palletizing status can be viewed in {Status-palletizing status} or {Status bar-process-palletizing}.

Process number: the process number of palletizing.

Number of palletized pieces: number of palletized pieces/total number of palletized pieces.
Current level: the current level of palletizing /total level (if stacking needs to start in the middle, set
the number of layers that need palletizing.
The number of palletized workpieces of the current layer: the number of palletized workpieces of the
current layer/the total number of palletized workpieces of the current layer (if palletizing needs to start
in the middle, set the number of palletized workpieces).
Reset: Clear the recorded palletizing data.

22.7 Palletizing Instruction

22.7.1 PALON

Function Judge palletizing to begin

Process number Process No. 1-9

Robert user manual

Types Palletizing and

Variable of total Cache the value of the
number of stacks currently palletized
currently total variable in the set
Paramete variable
PALON rs Note: It is possible to
modify the variable
control code which
layer and which
Variable of current Cache the value of the
palletizing layer current palletize layer
variable into the set
Note: It is possible to
modify the variable
control code which
layer and which
Variable of current Cache the value of the
layer palletizing current layer palletize
number count variable into the
set variable
Note: It is possible to
modify the variable
control code which
layer and which
Variable name INT、GINT

Multiple palletizing Open, close.

Palletizing more than
one, open multiple
stacking to write one
of the procedures can
be stamped.
Example PALON ID=5 TYPE=0 {-}{-}{-} MULTI=0
Robert user manual

Note: At the beginning of palletizing, the 3 count variables of the PALON instruction will be directly
written to the configuration, without the need to use the FORCESET instruction to write files.


Function Select the gripper

P Process No. 1-9

P r
a o
r c
a e
m s
e s
t n
e u
r m
s b
G Gripper 1, gripper 2,
r gripper 3, gripper 4


Function Palletizing entry point

P Process No. 1-9

Robert user manual

a c
r e
a s
m s
e n
t u
e m
r b
s e
I Joint interpolation,
n linear interpolation,
t circular interpolation
r Joint interpolation:
p the robot will
o move to this point
l by joint
a interpolation

Linear interpolation: the robot will move to this

point in by linear interpolation
Circular interpolation: the robot will make an arc
palletize with the other two points (MOVJ/MOVL
and MOVC)

VJ Speed range 2-9999

Robert user manual

PL Smooth transition range 0-5

ACC Acceleration range 0-100

DEC Deceleration range 0-100

XY optimization Optimize the XY axis motion path

Z Optimization To optimize the z-axis motion path, a fixed point

should be inserted before stacking
When the height of the entry point is lower than that
of the fixed point, the entry point will be on the
same line with the fixed point and the auxiliary
point in height (side view the same line,
overlooking is not the same line, XY axis remains
When the height of the entry point is between the
fixed point and the auxiliary point, the height of the
entry point remains unchanged
When the entry point height is above the fixed point
and the auxiliary point, the height of the entry point
is optimized to the level of the fixed point
When the entry point and auxiliary point height are
higher than the fixed point, the height of the entry
point will be optimized to the level of the auxiliary
Example PALENTER ID=2 MovJ VJ=30 PL=2 ACC=20 DEC=20 OFF ON


Function Palletizing auxiliary point

P Process No. 1-9

Robert user manual

P u
a m
r b
a e
m r
e I Joint interpolation,
t n linear interpolation,
e t circular interpolation
r e
s r
Joint interpolation: the robot will move to this point
by joint interpolation
Linear interpolation: the robot will move to this
point in by linear interpolation
Circular interpolation: the robot will make an arc
palletize with the other two points (MOVJ/MOVL
and MOVC)

V Speed range 2-9999

P Smooth transition
L range 0-5
A Acceleration range 0-
C 100
Robert user manual

D Deceleration range 0-
E 100
x ACC=20 DEC=20

22.7.5 PALREAL

Function Palletizing workpiece point

P Process No. 1-9

P u
a m
r b
a e
m r
Robert user manual

e I Joint interpolation,
t n linear interpolation,
e t circular interpolation
r e
s r Joint interpolation:
p the robot will move
o to this point by
l joint interpolation
a Circular
t interpolation: the
i robot will form a
o circular path with
n the other two
m points (the
e previous point
t insert
h MOVJ/MOVL, the
o next point movc)
V Speed range 2-9999
P Smooth transition
L range 0-5
A Acceleration range 0-
C 100
DEC Deceleration range 0-100


x ACC=20 DEC=20


Function Palletize reset, palletize status empty

Robert user manual

Parame P Process No. 1-9


22.7.7 PALOFF

Function Judge the end of Palletizing

P Process No. 1-9

P o
a c
r e
a s
m s
e n
t u
e m
r b
s e
Robert user manual

v 0、1

22.8 Usage scenarios

22.8.1 Scenario 1 -- Feeding point is fixed and palletized layer by layer Setting parameters
Click on the right {Menu bar - process - palletizing process - complete palletizing}.
Process number 1 is selected here according to the actual situation.
Click on the {Gripper settings}.
Select the gripper and choose according to the actual situation. Here, choose the number of gripper
and the tool number of gripper 1 (the tool number of gripper is the tool number, and the gripper needs
to be set in the interface of {setting - tool calibration}. Here, you can only select and click on {Save}.
Robert user manual

Click on the {Next page} to enter tray settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter tray
Calibrate the tray coordinate system (user coordinate system) according to the actual tray, and Click
on {Save}.
Note: tool calibration is required when calibrating the pallet. The Z axis of the calibrated coordinate
system cannot be downward.
Click on the {Next page} to enter position settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter position
Calibrate workpiece point, auxiliary point and entry point according to the actual situation, and click
on {Save}.
Note: calibration needs to be done by tool.
On the following page into the workpiece parameter settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to the
workpiece parameter Settings)
According to the actual situation to fill in size parameters of the workpiece, set to long here "50",
"30", "15" high, clearance is 0. Click on the {Save} on the following page to proximity parameter
settings (can also click on {Back to navigate} to enter parameter settings).
Setting up according to the actual situation, you can skip it if you don't need it.
Click on the {Next page} into overlapping mode settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to overlap
Number of layer can be written according to actual condition, the number is set to "10", the
relationship between the overlapping is set to the "same", choice of the first layer graphics number
"1", don't fill in the other parameters, click on {Save}.
Click on the next page into plane mode settings (or Click on back to navigate to plane mode).
Select graphic number "1", template "crisscross", number in X direction "1", number in Y direction
"3", other parameters are not filled in, click on {Save}, and can click on {Preview} to view the set
graphic template.
Note: Integral rotation is the integral rotation of 180 degrees at the center of the first workpiece.
Click on {End} to complete parameter setting.
Robert user manual Compile program

NOP Start
BOOLEAN A001 = 0 Insert the variable
PALCLEAR ID = 1 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
WHILE (A001 == 0) Looping statements
MOVJ P001 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming inlet point
WAIT (DIN4 == 1) T = 10 Reclaiming judgment
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
MOVJ P002 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 1 Signal of reclaiming
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALON ID = 1 TYPE = 0 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Palletizing began
PALGRIPPER ID = 1 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Discharging cargo entry point
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for Discharging cargo
PALREAL ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Discharging cargo workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 0 Signal of discharging cargo
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALOFF ID = 1 A00 End of palletizing
Robert user manual

22.8.2 Scenario 2 -- The reclaiming point is fixed and the discharging

cargo point is highly compensated Parameter setting
Open {Process - Palletizing process – Complete palletizing - Overlapping mode}, Fill in "100" for
height compensation of the discharging cargo point, and Click on {Save} for other parameter
setting steps, please refer to scenario 1. Compile program

Note: please fill in the relevant parameters according to the actual situation
Robert user manual

NOP Start
BOOLEAN A001 = 0 Insert the variable
PALCLEAR ID = 1 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
WHILE (A001 == 0) Looping statements
MOVJ P001 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming inlet point
WAIT (DIN4 == 1) T = 10 Reclaiming judgment
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
MOVJ P002 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 1 Signal of reclaiming
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALON ID = 6 TYPE = 0 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Palletizing began
PALGRIPPER ID = 1 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Discharging cargo entry point
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALREAL ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Discharging cargo workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 0 Signal of discharging cargo
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALOFF ID = 1 A001 End of palletizing

22.8.3 Scenario 3 -- Discharging cargo point is fixed, corrected layer

height Parameter setting
Robert user manual

Open {Process - Palletizing process - Complete palletizing - Overlapping mode}, fill in "50" for each
height correction and Click on save.
Refer to scenario 1 for additional parameter setup steps. Compile program

NOP Start
BOOLEAN A001 = 0 Insert the variable
PALCLEAR ID = 1 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
WHILE (A001 == 0) Looping statements
MOVJ P001 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming inlet point
WAIT (DIN4 == 1) T = 10 Reclaiming judgment
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
MOVJ P002 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 1 Signal of reclaiming
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALON ID = 1 TYPE = 0 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Palletizing began
PALGRIPPER ID = 1 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Discharging cargo entry point
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALREAL ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Discharging cargo workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 0 Signal of discharging cargo
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALOFF ID = 1 A001 End of palletizing
Robert user manual

22.8.4 Scenario 4 -- Reclaiming point is fixed, fix the height of the

discharging cargo point, and vertical direction Parameter setting
Open {Process - Palletizing process - Complete palletizing - Overlapping mode}, Select the vertical
direction and Click on {Save}. For other parameter setting steps, please refer to scenario 1.
Note: if vertical arrangement is used, the overlapping relationship needs to be changed to "same".
Click on the {Vertical arrangement} button, and the overlapping relationship will automatically
become "same".
Robert user manual Compile program

22.8.5 Scenario 5 -- The reclaiming point is fixed, the overall rotation

NOP Start
BOOLEAN A001 = 0 Insert the variable
PALCLEAR ID = 1 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
WHILE (A001 == 0) Looping statements
MOVJ P001 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming inlet point
WAIT (DIN4 == 1) T = 10 Reclaiming judgment
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
MOVJ P002 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 1 Signal of reclaiming
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALON ID = 1 TYPE = 0 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Palletizing began
PALGRIPPER ID = 1 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Discharging cargo entry point
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALREAL ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Discharging cargo workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 0 Signal of discharging cargo
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALOFF ID = 1 A001 End of palletizing

of the discharging cargo point is 180 °, XY translation compensation

Robert user manual Parameter setting

Open {Process - Palletizing process - Complete palletizing - overlapping mode}
Layer fill in according to actual condition, the layer is set to "10", the relationship between the
overlapping is set to "turn", the first layer graphics number "1", the second layer graphics number
selection "2", don't fill in the other parameters, Click on {Save}.
Open {Process - palletizing process - full palletizing - plane mode}
Select graphic number "2", template "crisscross", number in X direction "1", number in Y direction
"3", overall rotation Angle "180", X translation compensation "50", Y translation compensation
"100", other parameters are not filled by default, Click on {Save}, click on {Preview} to view the set
graphic template.
Refer to scenario 1 for additional parameter setup steps.
Robert user manual Compile program

NOP Start
BOOLEAN A001 = 0 Insert the variable
PALCLEAR ID = 1 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
WHILE (A001 == 0) Looping statements
MOVJ P001 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming inlet point
WAIT (DIN4 == 1) T = 10 Reclaiming judgment
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
MOVJ P002 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 1 Signal of reclaiming
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALON ID = 1 TYPE = 0 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Palletizing began
PALGRIPPER ID = 1 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Discharging cargo entry point
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALREAL ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Discharging cargo workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 0 Signal of discharging cargo
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALOFF ID = 1 A001 End of palletizing
Robert user manual

22.8.6 Scenario 6 -- The reclaiming point is fixed, and the workpiece

is rotated 90 degrees at the reclaiming point Parameter setting
Open {Process –Palletizing process - Complete palletizing - overlapping mode}
Layer fill in according to actual condition, the layer is set to "10", the relationship between the repeat
is set to the "same", the first layer graphics number choice "3", the other parameters do not fill in,
click on {Save}.
To open {Process - palletizing process - full palletizing - plane mode}
Select graphics number "3", template select " row-column ", number in X direction fill "2", number
in Y direction fill "3", rotation Angle of workpiece select "90", other parameters are not filled by
default, click on {Save}, click on {Preview} to view the set graphics template.
Refer to scenario 1 for additional parameter setup steps.
Robert user manual Compile program

22.8.7 Situation 7 - Unloading

NOP Start
BOOLEAN A001 = 0 Insert the variable
PALCLEAR ID = 1 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
WHILE (A001 == 0) Looping statements
MOVJ P001 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming inlet point
WAIT (DIN4 == 1) T = 10 Reclaiming judgment
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
MOVJ P002 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 1 Signal of reclaiming
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALON ID = 1 TYPE = 0 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Palletizing began
PALGRIPPER ID = 1 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Discharging cargo entry point
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALREAL ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Discharging cargo workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 0 Signal of discharging cargo
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALOFF ID = 1 A001 End of palletizing Parameter setting

Robert user manual

Click on the right {Menu bar - Process - Palletizing process - Complete palletizing}
Process number 1 is selected here according to the actual situation
Click on the {Gripper settings}.
Select the gripper and choose according to the actual situation. Here, choose the number of gripper
and the tool number of gripper 1 (the tool number of gripper is the tool number, and the gripper needs
to be set in the interface of {Setting - tool calibration}). Here, you can only choose not to calibrate,
and click on {Save}.
Click on the {Next page} to enter tray settings (or click on back to navigate to enter tray Settings)
Calibrate the tray coordinate system (user coordinate system) according to the actual tray, and click
on {Save}.
Note: The calibration tray needs to be calibrated by tool. The Z axis of the calibration coordinate
system cannot be downward.
Click on the {Next page} to enter position settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter position
Calibrate workpiece point, auxiliary point and entry point according to the actual situation, click on
Note: When calibrating, it needs to be calibrated with a tool. The point of unloading workpiece is still
calibrated according to palletizing. Unloading is to start from the last workpiece at the highest level.
Click on the {Next page} to enter workpiece parameter settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to
enter workpiece parameter Settings)
Fill in the size parameters of the workpiece according to the actual situation. Set the length "50",
width "30" and height "15" here, and the gap is 0. Click on {Save}.
Click on {Next page} to enter proximity parameter Settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter
proximity parameter Settings)
You can skip it if you don't need it
Click on the {Next page} to enter the overlap mode setting (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter
the overlap mode)
Fill in the number of layers according to the actual situation. Here, set the number of layers to "10"
and the overlapping relationship to "the same"
Click on the {Next page} to enter plane mode Settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to flat mode)
Select graphic number "1", template "crisscross", number in X direction "1", number in Y direction
"3", other parameters are not filled in by default, click on {Save}, Click on preview to view the set
graphic template.
Note: the whole rotation is the whole rotation of the first workpiece center 180 degrees
Click on {End} to complete parameter setting of process number 1.
Robert user manual Compile program

NOP Start
BOOLEAN A001 = 0 Insert the variable
PALCLEAR ID = 1 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
WHILE (A001 == 0) Looping statements
PALON ID = 1 TYPE = 1 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Unloading began
PALGRIPPER ID = 1 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 20 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Reclaiming inlet point
WAIT (DIN4 == 1) T = 10 Reclaiming judgment
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 20 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALREAL ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 20 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Reclaiming workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 1 Signal of reclaiming
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 20 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALOFF ID = 1 A002 Unloading began
MOVJ P001 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Discharging cargo entry point
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
MOVJ P002 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Discharging cargo workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 0 Signal of discharging cargo
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Auxiliary point for discharging cargo

22.8.8 Situation 8 - Palletizing after unloading Parameter setting
Robert user manual Unloading parameters

Click on the right {Menu bar - Process - Palletizing process - Complete palletizing}
Process number 1 is selected here according to the actual situation.
Click on the {Gripper Settings}.
Select the gripper and choose according to the actual situation. Here, choose the number of gripper
and the tool number of gripper 1 (the tool number of gripper is the tool number, and the gripper needs
to be set in the interface of {Setting - tool calibration}). Here, you can only choose not to calibrate,
and click on {Save}.
Click on {Next page} to enter tray Settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter tray Settings).
Calibrate the tray coordinate system (user coordinate system) according to the actual tray, and click
on {Save}.
Note: The calibration tray needs to be calibrated by tool. The Z axis of the calibration coordinate
system cannot be downward
Click on {Next page} to enter position settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter position
Calibrate workpiece point, auxiliary point and entry point according to the actual situation, click on
Note: When calibrating, it needs to be calibrated with a tool. The point of unloading workpiece is still
calibrated according to palletizing. Unloading is to start from the last workpiece at the highest level.
Click on the {Next page} to enter workpiece parameter Settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to
enter workpiece parameter Settings).
Fill in the size parameters of the workpiece according to the actual situation. Set the length "50",
width "30" and height "15" here, and the gap is 0. Click on {Save}.
Click on {Next page} to enter proximity parameter Settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter
proximity parameter settings)
You can skip it if you don't need it
Click on the {Next page} to enter the overlap mode setting (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter
the overlap mode)
Fill in the number of layers according to the actual situation. Here, set the number of layers to "10"
and the overlapping relationship to "the same"
Click on the {Next page} to enter plane mode Settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to plane
Select graphic number "1", template "crisscross", number in X direction "1", number in Y direction
"3", other parameters are not filled in by default, Click on {save}, Click on {Preview} to view the set
graphic template.
Note: the whole rotation is the whole rotation of the first workpiece center 180 degrees.
Click on {End} to complete parameter setting of process number 1.
Robert user manual Pallet parameters

Click on the {Complete palletizing}.
Select process no. 2 and fill in the parameters of process no. 2 according to the steps of process no. 1.
Note: Unloading parameters are consistent with palletizing parameters Compile program

Robert user manual

NOP Start
BOOLEAN A001 = 0 Insert the variable
BOOLEAN A002 = 0 Insert the variable
PALCLEAR ID = 1 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
PALCLEAR ID = 2 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
WHILE (A001 == 0) Looping statements
PALON ID = 1 TYPE = 1 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Unloading began
PALGRIPPER ID = 1 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 20 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Reclaiming inlet point
WAIT (DIN4 == 1) T = 10 Reclaiming judgment
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 20 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALREAL ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 20 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 1 Signal of reclaiming
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 20 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALOFF ID = 1 A002 Unloading end
PALON ID = 2 TYPE = 0 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Palletizing began
PALGRIPPER ID = 2 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 2 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Discharging cargo entry point
PALSHIFT ID = 2 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALREAL ID = 2 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Discharging cargo workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 0 Signal of discharging cargo
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 2 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALOFF ID = 2 A001 End of palletizing
ENDWHILE End of Looping
Robert user manual

22.8.9 Situation 9 - Stop palletizing and continue palletizing Parameter setting
Before palletizing process parameters setting parameter
Please refer to the parameter setting steps in scenario 1
Process parameter setting after interruption.
Open {Status - palletizing status}
Select the process number selected when setting process parameters. Here, select the process number
1 set before
If previous settings have been palletized to number 5 of layer 1
Then fill in "1" for the current layer and fill in "5" for the number of palletizing workpiece on the
current layer and click on {save}. Compile program

Robert user manual

NOP Start
BOOLEAN A001 = 0 Insert the variable
PALCLEAR ID = 1 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
WHILE (A001 == 0) Looping statements
MOVJ P001 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming inlet point
WAIT (DIN4 == 1) T = 10 Reclaiming judgment
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
MOVJ P002 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 1 Signal of reclaiming
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALON ID = 1 TYPE = 0 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Palletizing began
PALGRIPPER ID = 1 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Discharging cargo entry point
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALREAL ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Discharging cargo workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 0 Signal of discharging cargo
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALOFF ID = 1 A001 End of palletizing

22.8.10 Situation 10 - Multiple grippers for palletizing Parameter setting
Click on the right {Menu bar - process - palletizing process - complete palletizing}
Robert user manual

Process number 1 is selected here according to the actual situation

Click on the {Gripper Settings}.
Choose the gripper. Choose according to actual situation, select "4" for the number of gripper, Select
"2" for tool number of gripper 1, "4" for tool number of gripper 2, "5" for tool number of gripper 3,
and "1" for tool number of gripper 4 (The gripper tool number is the tool number. The grip needs to
be set in the interface of {Settings - tool hand calibration} first), Select only here, and click on
Click on {Next page} to enter tray Settings (or Click on back to navigate to enter tray Settings).
Calibrate the tray coordinate system (user coordinate system) according to the actual tray, and click
on {Save}.
Note: when calibrating the tray, it is necessary to calibrate with a tool hand (just calibrate with any
grip). The Z axis of the calibrated coordinate system cannot be downward.
Click on {Next page} to enter position Settings (or Click on back to navigate to enter position
Calibrate workpiece point, auxiliary point and entry point according to the actual situation, Click on
Note: calibration needs to be done by tool.
Click on the {Next page} to enter artifact parameter Settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter
artifact parameter settings).
Fill in the size parameters of the workpiece according to the actual situation. Set the length "50",
width "30" and height "15" here, and the gap is 0. Click on {Save}.
Click on the {Next page} to enter proximity Settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter
proximity Settings).
You can skip it if you don't need it.
Click on the {Next page} to enter overlap mode Settings (or click on the {Back to navigate} to enter
overlap mode).
Fill in the number of layers according to the actual situation. Here, set the number of layers to "10"
and the repeat relationship to "the same".
Click on the {Next page} to enter flat mode settings (or click on {Back to navigate} to enter flat
Select graphic number "1", template "crisscross", number in X direction "1", number in Y direction
"3", other parameters are not filled in by default, click on {Save}, Click on {Preview} to view the set
graphic template.
Note: the whole rotation is the whole rotation of the first workpiece center 180 degrees.
Click on {End} to complete parameter setting.
Robert user manual Compile program

NOP Start
BOOLEAN A001 = 0 Insert the variable
PALCLEAR ID = 1 Clear unprecedented palletizing data
WHILE (A001 == 0) Looping statements
MOVJ P001 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming inlet point
WAIT (DIN4 == 1) T = 10 Reclaiming judgment
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
MOVJ P002 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 1 Signal of reclaiming
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
MOVJ P003 VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 Reclaiming auxiliary point
PALON ID = 1 TYPE = 0 {-} {-} {-} MULTI = 0 Palletizing began
PALGRIPPER ID = 1 GRIPPERS = 1 Gripper choice
PALENTER ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 OFF OFF
Discharging cargo entry point
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALREAL ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Discharging cargo workpiece point
DOUT OT#(5) 0 Signal of discharging cargo
TIMER T = 1 Time delay
PALSHIFT ID = 1 MovJ VJ = 30 % PL = 0 ACC = 20 DEC = 20
Auxiliary point for discharging cargo
PALOFF ID = 1 A001 End of palletizing
Robert user manual

Chapter 23 Welding process

23.1 Welding settings

23.1.1 Settings of welding device

To set up the welding device, go to {Process/welding Settings/welding equipment Settings} for
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the {Process/welding Settings/welding equipment Settings} page.
2. Click on the {Modify}, the modify button becomes save, click on the {Selection box} under
function selection, and select the function you need.

Weld back function: At the end of welding, the welding gun will receive a signal, and the welding
wire will withdraw to prevent collision with the workpiece when going to the next welding spot;

Arc break function: The welding current exceeds the rated load rate of the welder, and the welding
machine has a short-term protection. The arc is broken, and the welding wire is drawn back to
prevent adhesion to the workpiece;

Arc extinguishing analog zero setting function: Analog voltage and current return to zero;

Arc detection T: the arc starting signal is sent when the welding starts, and the arc is detected for a
certain delay time;
Robert user manual

Arc detection confirmation time: it is used to set the continuous time when the system detects the
successful arc initiation signal, that is, the system defaults to the successful arc initiation only when
the system continuously detects the successful arc initiation signal and continues to set the parameter;
Arc exhaustion detection time: it is used for the continuous time when the system detects the
withdrawal of the successful arc initiation signal. The system considers arc extinction successful only
when the parameter is set when the system continuously detects the withdrawal of the successful arc
initiation signal.
Early air T: this parameter is used to set how long in advance the arc starts before the protection gas
is sent. During welding, in order to prevent the welding wire from being oxidized by air, the protection
gas needs to be sent, and it cannot wait until the welding, so the gas needs to be sent in advance.
Delay shut-off T: this parameter is used to set how long the arc extinguishing delay is before the
protective gas is off. After the arc extinguishing signal is sent, the welding wire has not been cooled
yet. If the protective gas is stopped at this time, oxidation will still occur, so the gas needs to be delayed
The input box below the function setting is whitened. You can enter the value after the respective

3. Click on {Save} and the modification is successful.

23.1.2 Welding parameter setting

To set welding parameters, go to {Process/welding Settings/welding parameters Settings} to modify.
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the {Process/welding process/welding parameter setting} page.
Robert user manual

Select the appropriate label at the welding parameter label. At this time, the welding parameter value
cannot be filled in. After clicking modify, the modification button becomes save and the welding
parameter value can be modified.

Welding parameter label: there are so many choices wire, low carbon steel wire, alloy structural steel
wires, alloy structural steel and non-ferrous metal welding wire, welding wire, stainless steel wire of
different wire need different arc voltage and arc current, arc starting time, welding voltage, welding
current, arcing voltage, arcing current, arcing time, anti-sticking wire voltage, anti-sticking, anti-
sticking silk filament current time, so you can set 1 to 10 different parameters of welding wire, later
have to do is call;
Arc starting voltage, current, time: the voltage, current and time applied when heating the welding
Welding voltage and current: the voltage and current applied during welding;
Anti-sticking wire voltage, current, time: at the end of welding, after the controller gives the arc
extinguishing signal to the welding machine, in order to prevent the welding wire from cooling and
sticking, a strong pulse is given to make the welding wire fuse.
Arc extinguishing voltage: refers to the highest power frequency voltage allowed to be applied to
the arrester under the condition that the arrester can extinguish the arc when the power frequency
continuous current crosses the zero value for the first time. The arc extinguishing voltage should be
greater than the highest power frequency voltage that may appear on the working bus of the arrester,
otherwise the arrester may explode because it cannot extinguish the arc.
Arc extinguishing current: the current given by the arc extinguisher when arc extinguishing is
needed during welding;
Robert user manual

Arc extinguishing time: according to different arc extinguishing media, the arc extinguishing time is
different, generally in milliseconds.
Flying arc: in the process of moving from other points to the starting point of welding, start the
setting of {advance air supply process/welding setting/welding equipment}, setting

The robot moves from the point W1 to the welding starting point P001. When the robot still needs 4s
to move to the point P001, the robot starts to supply air. When it reaches the point P001, the robot
starts to arc directly. For example, it takes 10s for W1 to move to the point of P001.The robot starts
to supply air at 6s, while it reaches the point of P001 at 10s, and starts to arc at the same time.

When the robot's movement time from W1 to the welding starting point P001 is less than 4s, it will
stay for a period of time after reaching P001 before starting the arc. For example, it takes 1s for W1
to move to P001, and it takes 1s to move to P001. The robot will stay at P001 for 3s, and it will start
arcing at 4s.

Arc starting without flight: after moving from other points to the starting point of welding, air supply
is started in advance;
After the robot moves from point W1 (other points) to the welding starting point P001, it starts to air
supply. When 4s comes, the robot will start to arc.
Robert user manual

2. Click on {Save} and the modification is successful.

23.1.3 Voltage and current matching of welding

Setting welding voltage and current shall be modified in {Process/welding setting/welding voltage and
current matching}.
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the {Process/welding setting/welding voltage and current matching} page.
2. The current and voltage input box is gray and cannot input values.
Robert user manual

Click on the {Modify} and the {Modify} button becomes {Save}. The current and voltage input box
becomes white. You can enter a value after the respective parameter.

The voltage and current sent by the controller to the welding machine are proportional to
the actual voltage and current of the welding machine. Connect the controller with the
welding machine, open the Teach pendent, and the interface is shown in the figure. Set a voltage
parameter at V1, click on {Send}, and you can see a corresponding voltage will appear on the
Robert user manual

welder. Fill the voltage into V1, and operate as above at V2. In this way, the voltage on the controller
can be set. Similarly, the current can be set.
3. Click on {Save} and the modification is successful.

23.1.4 Manual operation

Manual operation of setting shall be modified in {Process/welding setting/manual operation}.
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the {Process/welding Settings/manual operation} page.

2. When the welding enablement is turned on, the robot performs the welding function.

Manual arc starting mode: when the robot moves from the welding starting point P001 to the
welding ending point P004, turn on the welding enabling, the robot will start the arc, and turn off the
welding enabling, the robot will extinguish the arc;
For example, in the running mode, when the robot is in motion, the welding enabling is turned on at
P002 and the welding enabling is turned off at P003. Then, when the P002 is moved to P003, the
robot maintains the arc starting status; when the P003 is moved to P004, the robot maintains the arc
extinguishing status.
When the robot moves from W1 (other points) to the welding starting point P001, turn on the
welding enable, and the robot will not arc; After reaching P001, the robot will arc.
Robert user manual

No manual arc starting mode: when the robot moves from the welding starting point P001 to the
welding ending point P004, the welding enabling key is invalid (even if the welding enabling key is
turned on, the robot will not start the arc).
Manual spot welding: Click on modify, change the modify button to save, set the spot welding
current, spot welding voltage, maximum time, and Click on save. Press the manual spot welding
button for a long time (press and hold is effective, but release is not effective) to carry out welding.
Release the button, and the robot stops welding.
Maximum time: the maximum time the manual spot welding button is allowed to be held down. For
example, if the maximum time is set to 5s, hold down the manual spot welding, and the robot welds
5s, beyond 5s. Even if the manual spot welding button is held down, the robot will not weld.
The purpose of setting the current and voltage is to confirm and correct whether the current and
voltage match;

Set current: enter the current value in the input box. Click on "set" and the corresponding value will
be displayed.
For example: enter 200 in the input box, Click on Settings, the welder will display 200A.
Robert user manual

Set voltage: enter the voltage value in the input box, Click on "set", the welding machine will display
the corresponding value.
For example: enter 200 in the input box, Click on Settings, and the welder will display 200V.
3. Click on back to modify successfully.
4. In order to facilitate the use of welding, we now add {Process mode}/{Welding} in the status bar.

Click on the {Welding} button, a manual welding window will pop up.
Its function is consistent with {welding setting} - {manual operation}.

23.1.5 Swing welding parameters

Weaving parameters need to be modified in {Process/welding Settings/swing welding parameters}.
The relevant steps are as follows:
Enter the page of {Process/welding setting/swing welding parameters};
Robert user manual

Swing welding is a welding operation in which the heat source of the welding seam swings regularly
on the welding part. The effect diagram of swing welding is shown below.

There are two swing modes, sine and zigzag; swing frequency, swing amplitude, initial direction,
horizontal deviation Angle, vertical deviation Angle and other different parameters can be adjusted,
which can be set according to the actual needs of the industrial site.
1. The parameter input box is gray and cannot input values, among which 9 swing welding files are
2. Select the swing welding file to be modified, Click on the modify button at the bottom, and all input
boxes become inputable.
3. Click on the {Save} button to complete the save after input.

23.1.6 Welding IO Settings

Welding IO Settings need to go to {rocess/welding Settings/welding IO Settings} to modify.
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter the page of {Process/welding setting/welding IO setting}.
After click on the {Modify}, the {Modify} button will be saved and the input box will be whitened.
You can select ports after the respective functions.

2. Click on {Save} to modify successfully.

Robert user manual

Note: The effective value of the welding speed of the welding gun anti-collision in the IO emergency
stop function is valid below 100mm/s, and the anti-collision may be invalid if it exceeds 100mm/s.
The specific data size is related to the sensitivity of the welding gun anti-collision device.

23.1.7 Intersecting line Settings

The intersecting line setting needs to be modified in {Process/Welding Process/Intersecting Line
The relevant steps are as follows:
1. Enter {Process/Welding Process/Intersecting Line Settings} page.
2. Click {Modify} and the text box on the right becomes editable, you can edit or clear the data.

3. Calibration before use can reduce the error. Click on calibration to enter the calibration interface.
If you don’t know how to calibrate, there is a demo button in the interface, you can view it, as shown
in the figure.
Robert user manual

4. Click Save, the modification is successful.

23.1.8 Welder selection Settings

Robert user manual

Welding machine selection settings need to be modified in {Process/Welding Process/Welder

Selection Settings}.
Proceed as follows:
1. Enter the {Process/welding Settings/swing welding parameters} page;

2. Click {Modify} to select the method of controlling the welding machine.

3. Click {Save}, save successfully.

Robert user manual

23.2 Use case

23.2.1 Normal arc welding

Parameter setting:
1. Enter {Process/welding setting/welding device setting} and set the time.

2. Enter {Process/welding setting/welding parameter setting} and set the welding parameters.

3. Enter {Process/welding setting/welding IO setting} and set IO.

All parameter values have no specific meaning and are only used as examples.
Use case
Robert user manual

Instruction meaning:
1. The robot moves to the welding starting point P001.
2. ARCON#1(including 4s advance air delivery time and 1s arc detection time).
Start arc starting, perform welding parameter no. 1.
0~4s,4s's advance air feeding time (at 0s, start air feeding, detect gas, gas detection signal
output high level, that is, DO port 1-4 light on; After 4s, the arc starting signal is provided,
that is, the DO port 1-1 light is on at 4s.).
4~5s,1s arc detection time (if the successful arc initiation signal detected within 1s is high
level, that is, the DI port 1-1 light is on, and the program continues to run; if not, an error of
"waiting for arc initiation signal timeout" will be reported)
3. Robot moves to welding end point P002.
In this process, the robot starts the welding function. The arc starting voltage is 100V, the
arc starting current is 10A, and the arc starting time is 10s.
Welding voltage is 200V, welding current is 20A.
(All values correspond to the actual voltage and actual current of "current and voltage

match", not setting voltage and setting current).

4. ARCOFF (arc exhaustion detection time including 3s and delayed gas shutdown time
for 5s).
0~3s,3s arc exhaustion detection time (at 0s, arc initiation signal output low level, that is,
DO port 1-1 lamp out; If the arc starting signal detected within 3s is low, that is, the DI port
1-1 lamp goes out, and the program continues to run. If it cannot be detected, an error of
"waiting for arc killing signal timeout" will be reported.).
3~8s,5s delay gas off time (at 8s, stop the air supply, gas detection signal output low level,
that is, DO port 1-4 lights out;).
Operating steps:
One Program preparation: Click on the {Project}, click on the {New}, enter the program name,
click on the {Ok}.
1. Move the robot to the welding starting point, click on {Insert}, select {Motion control
class}, select {MOVL}, click on the {Ok}, change the speed value, click on the {Ok}.
2. Click on the {Insert}, select {Welding control class}, select {ARCON}, click on {Ok},
enter the file number (the file number corresponds to the value in the welding parameter setting
interface), and click on the {Ok}.
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3. Move the robot to the end of welding, click on the {Insert}, select {motion control class},
select {MOVL}, click on the {Ok}, modify the speed value, click on the {Ok}.
4. Click on the {Insert}, select {Welding control class}, select {ARCOFF}, click on the
{Ok}, and click on the {Ok}.
Two Track confirmation: after the program is written, turn the key and switch the teaching box
from teaching mode to operation mode. Click on the {Star} to confirm whether the robot's
running track is correct and meets the needs.
Three Welding: Welding: after confirming the correct running track, the machine can perform
the welding function only when the welding enable is turned on; Welding enable opening
method: switch the teaching box to teaching mode, Click on the {Process} button in the upper
right corner, and the pop-up box 1 will appear.

Select {Weld} and the pop-up box 2 will appear

Select enable, ,enable open;

When the program is running in the mode, press {Stop} and then {Start}, and the program will
restart, and the welding function will no longer be performed;

23.2.2 Use case of swing welding

Parameter setting: enter {Process/welding setting/swing welding parameters} and set parameters
Robert user manual

All parameter values have no specific meaning and are only used as examples.

Use case.

Operation meaning
The meanings of steps 1~2, 3~4 and 6 are referred to the usage cases of arc welding;
3 WVON#1
Swing welding begins. Execute the parameters in swing welding file 1. (if it is WVON#2, swing
welding begins. Execute the parameters of swing welding file 2).

Swing welding: sinusoidal wave

The relation of frequency, amplitude and track velocity in setting of swing welding parameters:

 m  1000
Oscillation frequency F = V  60
 min  S  mm
Robert user manual

 m 
v 1000
 min 
The amplitude of oscillation S =
F  Hz   60
F Hz  S mm 60
Welding speed V =

Start direction +1, start from a certain point and go upward first:

Starting direction -1, start from a certain point and go down first:

Original graphics:

Horizontal deflection angle: 30 degrees deflection angle

Robert user manual

Vertical deflection angle: 30 degrees deflection angle

5 WVOFF swing welding is completed.

Operating steps:
One Program preparation: Click on {Project}, click on {New}, enter the program name, click on
1. Move the robot to the welding starting point, click on the {Insert}, select {motion control
class}, select {MOVL}, click on the {ok}, change the speed value, click on the {ok}.
2. Click on the {Insert}, select {Welding control class}, select {ARCON}, click on the {Ok},
enter the file number (the file number corresponds to the value in the welding parameter setting
interface), and click on the {ok}.
3. Click on the {Insert}, select {Welding control class}, select {WVON}, click on the {Ok},
and enter the file number (the file number corresponds to the value in the interface of swing
welding parameters).
4. Move the robot to the end of welding, click on the {Insert}, select {motion control class},
select {MOVL}, click on the {ok}, modify the speed value, click on the {ok}.
5. Click on the {Insert}, select {Welding control class}, select {WVOFF}, click on the {ok},
Click on {ok}.
6. Click on the {Insert}, select {Welding control class}, select {ARCOFF}, click on the {Ok},
Click on the {Ok}.
Two Track confirmation: after the program is written, turn the key and switch the teaching box
from teaching mode to operation mode. Click on {Star} to confirm whether the robot's running track
is correct.
Three Welding: after confirming the correct running track, the machine can perform the welding
function only when the welding enable is turned on; the case of arc welding in the enabling mode is

23.2.3 Use case of fish scale welding

Robert user manual

All parameter values have no specific meaning and are only used as examples.

Operational meaning:
The meanings of steps 1~2, 3~4 and 6 refer to welding cases.
3 TIGWELDON Fish scale welding begins

The robot arcs, and the robot welds 2s (that is, T=2s) at P001, and then the robot arcs out and walks
3mm (that is, L2=3mm) to W1.
The robot arcs at W1, welds 2s at W1, arcs out, and walks 3mm to W2.
①Arcing,②Welding 2 s,③Arc extinction,④Empty go 3mm. Cycle the previous 4 steps until
running to the end of welding (P002).
5 TIGWELDOFF Fish scale welding is finished
Robert user manual

3 TIGWELDON Fish scale welding begins;

The robot starts arc starting from point P001 and runs from L1 to point W1 (the distance between
P001 and W1 is 3MM, i.e., the welding distance). Then the robot stops arc and walks 3MM (i.e., L2=
3MM) to point W2.
The robot arcs at W2, and the robot welds to W3 while running from W2. Then the robot arcs out and
walks 3mm to W4.,

①Arcing,②Welding 2 s,③Arc extinction,④Empty go 3mm. Cycle the previous 4 steps until

running to the end of welding (P002).

5 TIGWELDOFF Fish scale welding is finished

Operating steps:
One Program preparation: Click on the {Project}, click on the {New}, enter the program name,
click on the {Ok}
1. Move the robot to the starting point of the welding.
2. Click on the {Insert}, select {Motion control class}, select {MOVL}, click on the {Ok},
change the speed value, click on the {Ok}.
3. Click on the {Insert}, select {Welding control class}, select {ARCON}, click on the {Ok},
enter the file number (the file number corresponds to the value in the welding parameter setting
interface), and click on the {Ok}.
4. Click on the {Insert}, select {Welding control class}, select TIGWELDON, click on the
{Ok}, and select fish scale welding type: select 1: select T // select 2: select L1 for the first line
of parameters, and enter the corresponding value;
Robert user manual

5. Move the robot to the end of welding, click on {Insert}, select {Motion control class},
select {MOVL}, click on {Ok}, modify the speed value, click on the {Ok}.
6. Click on the {Insert}, select {Welding control class}, select {TIGWELDOFF}, click on the
{Ok}, click on the {Ok};
Click on the {Insert}, select {Welding control class}, select {ARCOFF}, Click on the {Ok},
and click on the {Ok}.
Two Track confirmation: after the program is written, turn the key and switch the teaching box
from teaching mode to operation mode. Click on the {Star} to confirm whether the robot's running
track is correct.
Three Welding: after confirming the correct track, the machine will perform the welding function
after turning on the welding enable. The case of enabling open mode arc welding is described.
Robert user manual

Chapter 24 Laser State Searching Process

24.1 Laser state searching process parameter setting

Parameter setting: enter {Process/ State searching Process/Laser Tracking} to set parameters, the file
number corresponds to the file number in the instruction, the laser manufacturer chooses according to
actual use.

24.1.1 Laser configuration

Enter {Laser Tracking/Laser Configuration/} to set the communication between the laser and the
Robert user manual

Device No: the corresponding host computer device.

IP: The IP of the connected host computer. It is necessary to ensure that the controller, host
computer, and teaching box are in the same network segment to connect.
The port number: The port number of the Teach pendent and the host computer must be consistent.
Communication status: When the laser is turned on, it will display connected.
Read and write timeout time: If the laser does not receive data in a few seconds when reading and
writing, it will time out.
Read and write cycles: The number of milliseconds it takes for the host computer to read and write
data once.
Laser return value scale factor: the ratio of the actual coordinate value to the coordinate value
returned by the laser.
Response timeout: The timeout period between the robot query command and the laser response
command during communication with the laser.

24.1.2 Laser calibration

Enter {Laser Tracking/Laser Calibration} to calibrate the laser.

Seven points are calibrated according to the figure. When calibrating, ensure that the welding seam
surface is parallel to the laser, and the laser must be perpendicular to the welding seam. During the
calibration process, the posture needs to be kept unchanged. At the same time, make sure that each
point of the calibration can be seen in the debugging software without jitter. After calibrating the
seven points, it can move to this point to check, and then click to calculate if there is no error. If the
point is inaccurate during the positioning process, you need to recalibrate the laser or tool.

24.1.3 State searching parameters

Enter {Laser Tracking/ State Searching Parameters} for parameter setting.
Robert user manual

Parameter table number: one number corresponds to a kind of weld, and corresponds to the type of
Laser task number: corresponding to the weld type, fill in according to the weld type description of
the laser manufacturer.
Seek type:
(1) Benchmark state searching: after calibrated the search point, the robot will convert the searched
point into a variable, and insert the instruction to walk to the point;
(2) Correction state searching: According to the needs of the workpiece or weld, after selecting 1-4
points for reference positioning, the weld can be translated and rotated left and right on the plane
according to the number of points, and the robot tool hand can still find and follow the weld. It is
usually used for welding a large number of the same workpieces in the same batch.
x direction compensation: compensate a certain length in the tool coordinate system of the weld
position recognized by the laser
Y direction compensation: Same as above
Z direction compensation: Same as above
Dynamic positioning distance: the robot’s dynamic state searching distance, you need to visually
check how far you can reach the weld, otherwise you cannot find the weld
Dynamic seek speed: the speed during dynamic state searching
Dynamic seek point selection: According to the read-write cycle and dynamic state searching
distance, calculate how many points the laser will read within the distance. Also, when the laser just
touches the weld, there will be height errors or interference from other directions of non-weld gaps,
which must be filtered out to ensure the points can be accurately found by dynamic state searching.

24.2 Types and cases of state searching

Robert user manual

24.2.1 Single-point state searching

Single-point state searching (two-point, three-point, four-point state searching) is to insert a
corresponding number of static state searching instructions between the start and end of the search, to
ensure that there is a moving point before each static search and the laser can find the weld on the
upper computer. The single-point positioning function is mainly used to check the calibration
accuracy after the robot and the laser are calibrated; the realization method is to take the data to the
robot through the laser and then the robot to the point.

P002: As a safety point for laser operation.

P001: Align the laser line of the laser to the position you want to find, here the laser line shall prevail
Search start: turn on the laser.
Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning, and appear in
pairs with the start of search
Straight line G001: run to the point of the previous search

24.2.2 Two-point state searching

The two-point positioning function is mainly used for intermittent welding and straight weld
applications. Two points are taken by laser and the point data is sent to the robot, and the robot walks
two points to form a straight line. Two static state searching points are required in the command.
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the laser.

Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
Straight line: run to the point of the previous search.

24.2.3 Two-point state searching variable attitude function

The two-point state searching variable attitude refers to the search for one posture and the welding
for one posture. It is mainly used for the state searching posture to interfere with the workpiece
during welding. This problem can be solved by changing the posture. The command is the same as
the two-point state searching. Only the robot poses differently when searching.
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the laser.

Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
Straight line: run to the point of the previous search.
Note: The setting path of robot attitude change is as follows (variables> global position variables>
find the global position variable parameter G001 you set up> adjust to the posture you want to
apply> click to write to the current position).The global position and state searching point used here
do not conflict. The ABC attitude value of G003 is taken out and assigned to the running points G001
and G002.

24.2.4 Three-point arc function

The three-point arc function means the laser search three points on the arc, and then uses the arc
instruction to command the three points to form an arc. The function is mainly used in arc workpiece
welding scenarios;
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the laser.

Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
Arc: Substitute the variables saved in the previous three-point state into the arc command, so that the
robot will follow the state searching point to follow the arc;

24.2.5 Three-point calculation of projection points

The three-point calculation projection point is to take three points on the two sides of the workpiece
intersection, two points on one side determining a straight line, and the drop foot is determined by the
projection point of a point on the other side on the straight line. The value is recorded in the global
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the laser.

Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: select 3 points to calculate the projection point. Calculate the projection
point G004 through the point data of G001, G002 and G003.
Straight line: run to the point of the previous search.

24.2.6 Four points determine the intersection of two straight lines

The four-point calculation intersection is to take four points on the two sides of the workpiece, two
points on one side determining a straight line, and a straight line through the other side. Calculate the
drop foot values of the two straight lines and record them in the global variables.
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the laser.

Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, Rwhich is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: select 4 points to calculate the projection point. Calculate the projection
point G005 through the point data of G001, G002, G003 and G004.
Straight line: run to the point of the previous search.

24.2.7 Three-point state searching calculation of coordinate system

The three-point state searching is to take three points on the two sides of the workpiece intersection,
and calculate the user coordinate system through these three points. This method is used in most
welding situations. If the calculated user coordinate system is different from the original user
Robert user manual

coordinate system, then the point or weld in the original user coordinate system will become the
point or weld of the calculated user coordinate system. Three-point offset is supported One-point or
two-point offset function and rotation offset;

Search start: turn on the laser.

Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: choose 3 points to calculate the user coordinate system. Use the three
variables found before to calculate the user coordinate system 1.
Note: First perform benchmark search to calculate a coordinate system. Use the calculated coordinate
system point teaching to write the weld seam as follows (P007 is changed to the required weld seam
program). Change to correction search, execute the job file again, and change the point position
through the difference of the coordinate system
Robert user manual

24.2.8 Four-point state searching calculation of coordinate system

The four-point state searching function refers to taking four points on the workpiece, taking two
points on any side, and obtaining the user coordinates through calculation, so that a new user
coordinate will be obtained every four-point state searching. The trajectory within the coordinates
will not change. The three-point state searching is to find three points on both sides of the workpiece,
and the intersection can also be calculated. In the four-point state searching, if the two points
searched are not in the same plane of the workpiece, the overall size of the workpiece can be
calculated, and the overall user coordinate system of the workpiece can be calculated;
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the laser.

Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: choose 4 points to calculate the user coordinate system. Use the four
variables found before to calculate the user coordinate system 2.
Note: First perform benchmark search to calculate a coordinate system. Use the calculated coordinate
system point teaching to write the weld seam as follows (P007 is changed to the required weld seam
program). Change to correction search, execute the job file again, and change the point position
through the difference of the coordinate system
Robert user manual

24.3 Positioning offset

24.3.1 1D offset
Use case: After single-point state searching, the workpiece can only move in one direction, and the
positioning direction must be the same as the offset direction.

Search start: turn on the laser.

Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: Select a few-dimensional offset according to the location of the state
searching point and the actual situation. The offset direction is G001, and the offset amount is G002.
Robert user manual

State searching offset: Use offset commands to compensate errors when welding a large number of
workpieces. There are different usages for single-point to four-point offsets, depending on the actual
situation. Use the calculated G002 offset to calculate the G001 offset point. P002 can be replaced
with the required weld.
Note: Before executing the search offset function, be sure to perform a benchmark state searching to
make the robot record the reference position of the workpiece. Perform the correction state searching
again to perform the offset function. (The " state searching parameter setting" is introduced in the
front of the document)

24.3.2 2D offset
After the two-point state searching, when the workpiece is not rotating, only the offset in the XY
direction occurs

Search start: turn on the laser.

Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Robert user manual

Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: Select a few-dimensional offset according to the location of the state
searching point and the actual situation. The two offset directions are G001 and G002, and the offset
amount is G003.
State searching offset: Use offset commands to compensate errors when welding a large number of
workpieces. There are different usages for single-point to four-point offsets, depending on the actual
situation. Use the calculated offset of G003 to calculate the offset points of G001 and G002. P007-
P008 can be replaced with the track you want.

24.3.3 2D offset + rotation

After the three-point state searching, the workpiece can be wholly rotated and the XY directions can
be offset. Perform the benchmark state searching at the first time. Perform the correction state
searching when the offset occurs at the second time.
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the laser.

Static state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: Select 2D offset + rotation, offset P005, calculate user coordinate with
three points
Switch user coordinate system 3: Switch to the calculated user coordinate system
Straight line: P007-P008 will be offset according to the different user coordinates calculated each
time.P007-P008 can be replaced with the required weld (user coordinate system during teaching).
Here is the coordinate during teaching, not the calculated coordinate system 3.
Robert user manual

Chapter 25 Arc State Searching Process

25.1.1 Set arc state searching parameters

State searching file number: corresponding instruction file number
Benchmark state searching: perform the first search
Second state searching: in some cases the benchmark state searching is not very accurate or some
manufacturers use the second state searching when the benchmark state searching is too fast
State searching distance: the movement distance from the starting point of the commanded state
Speed: the speed when search state
Automatic return: return after the welding gun touches the state searching point
Automatic return distance: the distance to go back from touching the workpiece
Automatic return speed: the speed of moving back from touching the workpiece
Out of deviation range:

25.1.2 Introduction to arc state searching points

As shown in the figure: the dynamic state searching preparation point at point a; the start point of
dynamic state searching at point b; the robot moves in the direction of vector ab to find the position,
Robert user manual

and the welding wire touches the workpiece and stops immediately to indicate the state searching
position; the state searching distance (point b is the starting point), speed is set in the process
If it is required to return automatically after finding the position, the robot will automatically return
from c to d (return distance and speed are set in the parameters). Select in the arc state searching
process parameters: benchmark state searching, configure other parameters; run the program, the
program will stop at the state searching calculation command (normal), and close the benchmark
state searching switch in the parameters. Run the program again, the 6th line will calculate the
displacement vector of the workpiece offset and save the displacement in the position variable G010;
the 7-9th lines will offset the weld as a whole according to the displacement in G010.

25.2 Use Types and Cases of Arc State searching

25.2.1 Single point state searching

The single-point state searching function is mainly used to check the calibration accuracy after the
robot and the external signal environment are built; the realization method is to use the tool hand to
touch the workpiece to take the data to the robot, and then the robot runs to the point.

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the point found by the arc into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
Straight: run to the point of the previous search

25.2.2 Two-point state searching

Robert user manual

Take two points through the arc and give the point data to the robot. The robot walks at two points to
form a straight line. In the instruction, two or four state searching points are needed.

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the point found by the arc into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
Straight: run to the point of the previous search.

25.2.3 Two-point state searching variable attitude function

The two-point state searching variable attitude refers to the search for one posture and the welding
for one posture. It is mainly used for the state searching posture to interfere with the workpiece
during welding. This problem can be solved by changing the posture. The command is the same as
the two-point state searching. Only the robot poses differently when searching.
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the point found by the arc into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
Straight: run to the point of the previous search.
Note: The setting path of robot attitude change is as follows (variables> global position variables>
find the global position variable parameter G001 you set up> adjust to the posture you want to
apply> click to write to the current position).The global position and state searching point used here
do not conflict. The ABC attitude value of G003 is taken out and assigned to the running points G001
and G002.

25.2.4 Three-point arc function

The three-point arc function means the laser search three points on the arc, and then uses the arc
instruction to command the three points to form an arc. The function is mainly used in arc workpiece
welding scenarios;
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the point found by the arc into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
Straight: run to the point of the previous search.
Arc: Substitute the variables saved in the previous three-point state searching into the arc command,
so that the robot will follow the state searching point to follow the arc;

25.2.5 Three-point calculation of projection points

The three-point calculation projection point is to take three points on the two sides of the workpiece
intersection, two points on one side determining a straight line, and the drop foot is determined by the
projection point of a point on the other side on the straight line. The value is recorded in the global
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the point found by the arc into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: select 3 points to calculate the projection point. Calculate the projection
point G004 through the point data of G001, G002 and G003.
Straight: run to the point of the previous search.

25.2.6 Four points determine the intersection of two straight lines

The four-point calculation intersection is to take four points on the two sides of the workpiece, two
points on one side determining a straight line, and a straight line through the other side. Calculate the
drop foot values of the two straight lines and record them in the global variables.
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: select 4 points to calculate the projection point. Calculate the projection
point G005 through the point data of G001, G002, G003 and G004.
Straight line: run to the point of the previous search.

25.2.7 Three-point state searching calculation of coordinate system

The three-point state searching is to take three points on the two sides of the workpiece intersection,
and calculate the user coordinate system through these three points. This method is used in most
welding situations. If the calculated user coordinate system is different from the original user
coordinate system, then the point or weld in the original user coordinate system will become the
Robert user manual

point or weld of the calculated user coordinate system. Three-point offset is supported One-point or
two-point offset function and rotation offset;

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: choose 3 points to calculate the user coordinate system. Use the four
variables found before to calculate the user coordinate system 1.
Note: First perform benchmark search to calculate a coordinate system. Use the calculated coordinate
system point teaching to write the weld seam as follows (P007 is changed to the required weld seam
program). Change to correction search, execute the job file again, and change the point position
through the difference of the coordinate system
Robert user manual

25.2.8 Four-point state searching calculation of coordinate system

The four-point state searching function refers to taking four points on the workpiece, taking two
points on any side, and obtaining the user coordinates through calculation, so that a new user
coordinate will be obtained every four-point state searching. The trajectory within the coordinates
will not change. The three-point state searching is to find three points on both sides of the workpiece,
and the intersection can also be calculated. In the four-point state searching, if the two points
searched are not in the same plane of the workpiece, the overall size of the workpiece can be
calculated, and the overall user coordinate system of the workpiece can be calculated;
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: choose 4 points to calculate the user coordinate system. Use the four
variables found before to calculate the user coordinate system 1.
Note: First perform benchmark search to calculate a coordinate system. Use the calculated coordinate
system point teaching to write the weld seam as follows (P010 is changed to the required weld seam
program). Change to correction search, execute the job file again, and change the point position
through the difference of the coordinate system.
Robert user manual

25.3 Positioning offset

25.3.1 1D offset
Use case: After single-point state searching, the workpiece can only move in one direction, and the
positioning direction must be the same as the offset direction.
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: Select a few-dimensional offset according to the location of the state
searching point and the actual situation. The offset direction is G001, and the offset amount is G002.
State searching offset: Use offset commands to compensate errors when welding a large number of
workpieces. There are different usages for single-point to four-point offsets, depending on the actual
situation. Use the calculated G003 offset to calculate the G001 offset point. P007 can be replaced
with the required weld.

25.3.2 2D offset
After the two-point state searching, when the workpiece is not rotating, only the offset in the XY
direction occurs
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
State searching calculation: Select a few-dimensional offset according to the location of the state
searching point and the actual situation. The two offset directions are G001 and G002, and the offset
amount is G003.
State searching offset: Use offset commands to compensate errors when welding a large number of
workpieces. There are different usages for single-point to four-point offsets, depending on the actual
situation. Use the calculated offset of G003 to calculate the offset points of G001 and G002. P007-
P008 can be replaced with the track you want.

25.3.3 2D offset + rotation

After the three-point state searching, the workpiece can be wholly rotated and the XY directions can
be offset. Perform the benchmark state searching at the first time. Perform the correction state
searching when the offset occurs at the second time.
Robert user manual

Search start: turn on the arc signal.

Dynamic state searching: save the weld found by the laser into a variable, which is convenient for
future calculation or direct movement to the point.
Search end: turn off the arc signal, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
Straight line: P007-P008 will be offset according to the different user coordinates calculated each
time.P008-P009 can be replaced with the required weld (user coordinate system during teaching).
Here is the coordinate during teaching, not the calculated coordinate system 3.
State searching calculation: Select 2D offset + rotation, calculate user coordinate with three points.
Switch user coordinate system 3: Switch to the calculated user coordinate system
Robert user manual

Chapter 26 Laser Tracking Process

Parameter setting: enter {Process/Welding Process/Laser Tracking} to set parameters, the file
number corresponds to the file number in the instruction. The laser is selected according to actual

26.1.1 Laser configuration

Enter {Laser Tracking/Laser Configuration/} to set the communication between the laser and the

Device No: the corresponding host computer device.

IP: The IP of the connected host computer. It is necessary to ensure that the controller, host
computer, and the Teach pendent are in the same network segment to connect.
The port number: The port number of the Teach pendent and the host computer must be consistent.
Robert user manual

Communication status: When the laser is turned on, it will display connected.
Read and write timeout time: If the laser does not receive data in a few seconds when reading and
writing, it will time out.
Read and write cycles: The number of milliseconds it takes for the host computer to read and write
data once.
Laser return value scale factor: the ratio of the actual coordinate value to the coordinate value
returned by the laser.
Response timeout: The timeout period between the robot query command and the laser response
command during communication with the laser.

26.1.2 Laser calibration

Enter {weld seam tracking/laser calibration} to calibrate the laser.

Seven points are calibrated according to the figure. When calibrating, ensure that the welding seam
surface is parallel to the laser, and the laser must be perpendicular to the welding seam. During the
calibration process, the posture needs to be kept unchanged. At the same time, make sure that each
point of the calibration can be seen in the debugging software without jitter. After calibrating the
seven points, it can move to this point to check, and then click to calculate if there is no error. If the
point is inaccurate during the positioning process, you need to recalibrate the laser or tool.

26.1.3 Tracking parameters

Enter {Weld seam tracking/Tracking parameters} for parameter setting.
Robert user manual

Parameter table number: similar to the process number of other processes, the parameters of
different users can be saved, which can be selected in the instruction.
Laser task number: corresponds to the previous device number.
Tracking mode: (1) Absolute type is precise tracking. In the case of known weld seams, accurate
tracking can be performed by locating the starting point or directly moving to the vicinity of the weld
seam. Accurate tracking can ensure that the tool hand can be accurately moved along the weld as
long as the laser can recognize the weld, even if the weld is offset or the tool hand changes posture
during the tracking process. (For the time being, only linear movement is supported)
(2) Incremental type is fuzzy tracking. Fuzzy tracking is used when there is no need for too precise
tracking. After calibration, the robot tool hand will remain motionless on the weld, and will only
move in the direction perpendicular to the weld according to the movement of the weld.
Sensitivity: Laser sensitivity during incremental tracking.
x direction compensation: compensate a certain length in the tool coordinate system of the weld
position recognized by the laser
Y direction compensation: Same as above
Z direction compensation: Same as above
Outlier handling: The robot will stop when it encounters an unrecognized point during tracking (For
the time being, only stop is supported to ensure that the robot will not run away because it cannot
find the point).
Abnormal point allowable length: the length of the laser sweep to the non-weld point.
How long to open the end point: After teaching the end point of the weld, calculate the point to fill
in the distance, and the robot will stop when it reaches it.
End point confirmation length: the maximum distance traveled after reaching the end point.
Seek hold function: In the fuzzy tracking, according to the taught welding seam to make up the
difference, after reaching a certain position, it will keep tracking at that position.
Seek hold trigger time: compensation time during fuzzy tracking, suitable for short welds.

26.2 Tracking use cases

Robert user manual

26.2.1 Straight line tracking (absolute mode)

In order to ensure that the welding gun can remain on the identified weld seam for welding
operations, a straight line is shown to determine the direction of the weld seam, and then the laser is
used for real-time scanning and tracking. Similar to the state searching, the welding gun can also
change its posture during tracking. If you need to change the posture, you only need to change the
posture at the teaching point.

P002 P003

Robot tracking trajectory

Laser tracking starts: turn on the laser

Straight line: P002 is the starting point, and P003 is the ending point. P002 can be placed before the
laser tracking. PL must be 5. If there is obvious acceleration and deceleration, please modify the
reading and writing cycle in the laser configuration until it does not pause.
Laser tracking ends: turn off the laser. The file number should be the same as the beginning.

26.2.2 Linear tracking (incremental mode)

In order to ensure that the welding gun can remain on the identified weld seam for welding
operations, a straight line is shown to determine the direction of the weld seam, and then the laser is
Robert user manual

used for real-time scanning and tracking. The height of the welding torch can only be maintained at
the calibration height when making up the difference along the weld.
After the sensor is installed, the host computer displays the result. Note that the laser line is in the
middle of the image after the sensor is installed;

1) Adjust the one-axis detection mode so that the weld tracker can detect the weld stably;
2) When installing the sensor, pay attention to adding an insulating board. Don't make the weld
tracker and the welding gun directly contact to prevent the sensor from being burned out;
3) After the sensor is installed, ensure that the laser line is located in the middle of the image as much
as possible, and ensure that a large part of the laser line is in focus.

2. The robot industrial computer (, the Teach pendent (, the laser
industrial computer (, and the laser host computer ( are connected to the
switch by the network cable to form a local area network; (IP is in the same network segment, check
the network connectivity by {ping} these URLs separately from the host computer)
3. Turn on the host computer. If there is no laser image, turn off the firewall, and click the {Close
Video} button.
4. Adjust the posture of the tool hand: the laser line is perpendicular to the weld (-5°~+5°); in the tool
coordinate system, x axis is parallel to the laser line, the y axis is parallel to the weld, and the z axis
is perpendicular to the plane of the weld and the laser line.
5. If the tool hand moves along the XYZ axis in the coordinate system and does not follow the
horizontal and vertical direction of the weld, it is necessary to adjust the posture according to the
principle of the right hand rule until the final tool hand XYZ moves correctly.
6. After teaching the height, click the calibration button on the lower left of the upper computer
software. The calibrated parameter table number can no longer be used as a parameter of absolute
tracking 1, and can only be used to initialize the sensor, or you can change a parameter table number.
P002 in the figure below is the calibration point, and the tracking height remains unchanged after
calibration. Before calibration, the tool coordinates need to be calibrated. Using the Teach pendent as
Robert user manual

a tool coordinate, move to the weld seam that needs to be tracked, and jog in the X and Z directions.

Ax1 and ax2 should be opposite to the XZ direction in the tool

coordinates. The value of ax1 in the positive X direction is reduced. The same is true for ax2.

P002 P003

Robot tracking trajectory

Laser tracking starts: turn on the laser.

Straight line: P002 is the starting point, and P003 is the ending point. P002 can be placed before the
laser tracking. PL must be 5. If there is obvious acceleration and deceleration, please modify the
reading and writing cycle in the laser configuration until it does not pause.
Laser tracking ends: turn off the laser, the file number should be the same as the beginning.
Robert user manual

Chapter27 System Settings

This chapter will mainly introduce the ways of viewing and upgrade of the software version, the
system date, time settings, and the setting the controller IP.

27.1 Making a U disk in FAT32 format

A U disk in FAT32 format is required to upgrade programs, import and export parameters and
programs in this system. The steps to make a FAT32 format U disk are as follows:
1. Prepare a computer and a USB flash drive. Please note that the contents of the U disk will be
completely emptied and irreversible during the manufacturing process. Please backup the contents of
the U disk;
2. Plug the U disk into the USB port of your computer;

3. Open {My Computer} or {This Computer} interface on WIN10 system;

4. At this time, the disk character of the U disk should be available. If it does
not appear, please unplug and insert the U disk again. If it does not appear, please replace the U disk;
5. Right click on the disk character, in the menu that appears, click on the {Formatting};

6. In the pop-up interface Settings as shown below;

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7. Click on the {Start} button and click on the {OK} button in the pop-up confirmation interface;

8. When the “Formatted” window pops up, the U disk in FAT32 format is completed.

27.2 Version view and upgrade

In the Settings-System Settings-Version Upgrade View interface, you can view the versions of the
Teach pendent and controller software, and upgrade the Teach pendent software.
The steps for upgrade the Teach pendent software are as follows:
1. Put the upgrade file (.zip format, which does not need to be unzipped, and the file name cannot
contain special characters such as brackets) into the root directory of the U disk. And (The U disk
must be in FAT32 format) insert the U disk into the USB port of the Teach pendent.
Robert user manual

2. Click on the {Detect Upgrade} button under {Settings} - {System Settings} - {Version and

3. Select the automatically detected upgrade file in the list.

4. Click on the {OK} button.
5. After the software upgrade successfully, the Teach pendent will automatically restart. After the
restart, the upgrade is successful.

27.3 Uploading Files

To upload ENI files and other files to the controller, follow these steps:
1. Prepare a computer and a U disk;
2. Create a new folder in the U disk called upgrade;

3. Put the file to be uploaded into the upgrade folder;

Robert user manual

4. Insert the U disk into the USB port of the Teach pendent;
5. Open the Settings - System Settings - Version Upgrade interface;
6. Click on the upload file button;

7. Select the file to upload from the detected files that pop up and Click on the OK button.

27.4 System Date and Time Settings

The system date and time can be set in the system setting interface.
Specific steps are as follows:
1. Open the system settings interface.
2. Click on the {Modify} button.
3. Select Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute from Date Settings and Time Settings.

4. Click on the {Save} button.

27.5 IP Settings
 In the Settings - system Settings -IP Settings interface, you can modify controller IP,
Teach pendent IP and the IP connected by the Teach pendent.
 Do not modify the IP if it is not necessary, so as not to cause usage malfunction.
 If the controller IP is modified to a non-default value (, please record the
controller IP by yourself.
Robert user manual

 The Teach pendent connection IP is used when one Teach pendent is connected to
multiple controllers at the same time.
The specific steps to modify the current connection IP of Teach pendent are as follows:
1. Click on {System Settings} - {IP Settings}.
2. Click on the {Modify} button corresponding to “connect IP”;
3. Change to the required IP address and it will take effect immediately.
The specific steps to modify the IP of the current controller are as follows:
1. Click on {System Settings} - {IP Settings}.
2. Click on the {Modify} button corresponding to “Controller IP”;
3. Change to the required IP address and it will take effect immediately.
The specific steps to modify the IP of the Teach pendent are as follows:
1. Click on {System Settings} - {IP Settings}.
2. Click on the {Modify} button corresponding to "Teach pendent IP";
3. Change to the required IP address and it will take effect after reboot.

27.6 Exporting Programs

Click on the {Export Programs} button below the system settings interface to export the programs to
the U disk.
Specific steps are as follows:
1. Insert the U disk (which must be in FAT32 format) into the USB port of the Teach pendent. .
2. Click on {Settings} - {System Settings} - {Export Programs}
3. The exported programs, separated by date and type, is exported to "robotJobxxx" (current date and
time) directory in the root of the U disk.

27.7 Importing Programs

Click on the {Import Programs} button below the system settings interface to import the programs
into the Teach pendent.
Specific steps are as follows:
1. Create a new folder named "robotJobxxx (number)" in the U disk and create a new folder named
"R1" inside the folder.
2. Put the programs with the suffix ".JBR" in the R1 folder.
3. Insert the U disk (which must be in FAT32 format) into the USB interface of the Teach pendent;
4. Click on {Settings} - {System Settings} - {Import Programs};
5. The system pops up all related directories in the U disk, select the program directories to be
imported, and Click on the {OK} button.

27.8 One-click Backup System

Click the {One-key Backup System} button on the system setting interface to back up all relevant
files such as the program, teach pendant software, controller software, robot parameters, process
parameters, etc., to the U disk at one time.
Robert user manual

Specific steps are as follows:

1. Insert the U disk into the USB port of the teach pendant.

2. Click {Settings} - {System Settings} - {One-key Backup System}.

27.9 Modifying Teach pendent Configuration

Click the {Modify Teach pendent Configuration} button on the system setting interface to modify
some function parameters saved on the Teach pendent.
Specific steps are as follows:
1. Click the {Modify} button to modify the parameters and save

27.10 Exporting Controller Configuration

Click on the {Export Configuration Parameters} button below the system settings interface to export
the controller configuration parameters to the U disk.
The controller configuration parameters are reserved as robot, IO, external axis, process parameters
and other configuration parameters.
Specific steps are as follows:
1. Insert the U disk into the USB port of the teaching-programming pendant;
2. Click on the {Settings} - {Export Configuration Parameters} button;

3. Click on the {OK} button.

4. Wait for the export.

27.11 Importing Controller Configuration

Click on the {Import Configuration Parameters} button below the system settings interface to import
the local configuration parameters into the Teach pendent.
Specific steps are as follows:
1. Insert the U disk into the USB port of the Teach pendent.
2. Click on the {Settings} - {Import Configuration Parameters} button.
3. The system pops up all relevant files in the U disk (other format files are not displayed). Select the
program to be imported, and click on the {OK} button.
Robert user manual

4. Wait for the import.

27.12 Exporting Logs

The export of logs is divided into Teach pendent logs and controller logs;

27.12.1 Exporting logs

Click the {Exporting Logs} button in the system setting interface or the {Export} button in the log
interface to import the logs to the U disk.
*When we look for the cause of robot errors, the controller logs are the most commonly used.
Specific steps are as follows:
1. Insert a "FAT32" format U disk into the USB port of the Teach pendent;
2. Enter the {Settings}-{System Settings} interface or {Logs} interface of the Teach pendent;
3. Click the {Export Controller Logs} button in the system setting interface or{Export} button in the
log interface, you can choose to export 5/30/100 logs;
4. Finish the export. The logs of the controller are saved in the "controller Log-current date and time"
directory of the U disk; the log of the Teach pendent is saved in the teachbox.db file in the "controller
Log-current date and time" directory.

27.13 Language Change

The instruction and interfaces of the system can switch between Chinese and English languages
respectively. To switch languages, follow these steps:
1. Go to {Settings - System Settings - Modify Teach pendent Settings} interface;
2. Click on the {Modify} button.
3. Select the desired instruction language or interface language;
4. Click on {Save}. After saving, the command language takes effect immediately, and the interface
language needs to be restarted to take effect.
Chinese language instruction
Robert user manual

English language instruction

Chinese language interface

English language interface

Robert user manual

27.14 Clearing the Program

The clear program function can clear all the programs in the system at once, and used in situations
where there are too many and useless programs.
The steps to clear are as follows:
1. Go to {Settings - System Settings - Other Settings} interface;
2. Click on the {Clear Program} button;

3. Click on the {OK} button in the pop-up dialog box.

27.15 Restore Factory Settings

Restoring the factory settings will clear all robot parameters, programs, etc., please be careful! Be
sure to backup all parameters and program files before performing this operation!
Proceed as follows:
1. Go to {Settings - System Settings - Other Settings} interface;
2. Click on the {Restore Factory Settings} button;
Robert user manual

3. Click on the {OK} button in the pop-up dialog box.

27.16 Screen calibration

The screen calibration function is suitable for T30 model Teach pendent.
Proceed as follows:
1. In the power-on state, press the left [O] + middle [coordinates] + right [STOP] physical button at
the same time, the Teach pendent pops up a prompt "calibration file has been deleted, take effect
after reboot Teach pendent ", manually reboot the Teach pendent to enter the calibration interface;
2. According to the example, use the stylus to click the center of the cross of 1-5 points to complete
the calibration.
Robert user manual

Chapter28 Appendix-Instruction Set

28.1 Motion control
28.1.1 MOVJ-Point to point Function
Use joint interpolation to move to the target point. When the robot moves to the target point, it is
used in a section that is not restricted by the trajectory. Parameter description

●P/G: Use local position variables (P) or global position variables (G). When the value is "New",
insert this instruction to create a new P variable, and record the current position of the robot to the P

●VJ: The speed of joint interpolation, the range is 1-100, and the unit is percentage. The actual
movement speed is the maximum speed of the axis in the robot joint parameters multiplied by this

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set it to
the same value as VJ.

●DEC: Deceleration rate, the range is 0-100, unit is percentage. It is recommended to set it to the
same value as VJ.

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVJ P001 VJ = 10 % PL = 1 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVJ G002 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

28.1.2 MOVL- Linear Function
Use linear interpolation to move to the target point. When the robot moves to the target point, the end
posture of the robot remains unchanged. Parameter description

●P/G: Use local position variables (P) or global position variables (G). When the value is "New",
insert this instruction to create a new P variable, and record the current position of the robot to the P
Robert user manual

●V: Movement speed, the range is 2-9999, the unit is mm/s.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVL P003 V = 200 mm/s PL = 2 ACC = 20 DEC = 20 0

28.1.3 MOVC- Arc Function
The robot moves in a circle through the 3 points taught by circular interpolation.

If the robot axis is taught by circular interpolation, the movement command is MOVC.

The starting point of the first arc of a single arc and continuous arc can only be MOVJ or MOVL.

■Single arc

When there is only one arc, as shown in the following table, use arc interpolation to teach the three
points of P1-P3.

If using joint interpolation or linear interpolation teaching to enter P0 before the arc, the path of P0-
P1 will automatically become a straight line.

P000- Joint/Line


■Continuous arc

As shown in the following table, when there are more than two consecutive arcs whose curvature
changes, the arcs will eventually separate one by one. Therefore, as shown in Figure 4, please add
joints and linear interpolation points at the connection point between the previous arc and the next
Robert user manual

P000- Joint/Line

P001-P002- Arc Parameter description

●P/G: Use local position variables (P) or global position variables (G). When the value is "New",
insert this instruction to create a new P variable, and record the current position of the robot to the P

●V: Movement speed, the range is 2-9999, the unit is mm/s.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVJ P001 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVC P002 V = 100 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVC P003 V = 100mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

28.1.4 MOVCA- Circle Function
Through the starting point and two passing points of the teaching circle, the robot walks a complete

Prerequisites for instruction insertion

Click the "Tools" button in the upper status bar to select the previously calibrated tool hand.
Robert user manual

There are four instructions for inserting steps.

1.Click "Insert", click "Coordinate Switching Type", select "SWITCHTOOL", select the previously
calibrated tool number.

2. Move to any point of the circle you want to draw as shown in Figure P1, click Insert, click the
motion control category, and select movj or movl;

3. Then move to any point of the circle you want to draw as shown in Figure P2 (it must be different
from the point in step 2), click the "coordinate system" button in the upper status bar, select the "tool"
coordinate system, and click "insert", Click "Motion Control" and select movca.

4.Then move to any point of the circle you want to draw as shown in Figure P3 (it must be different
from the point in steps 2 and 3), click the "coordinate system" button in the upper status bar, select
the "tool" coordinate system, and click "insert" , Click "Motion Control" and select movca. Parameter description

●P/G: Use local position variables (P) or global position variables (G). When the value is "New",
insert this instruction to create a new P variable, and record the current position of the robot to the P

●V: Movement speed, the range is 2-9999, the unit is mm/s.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVJ P001 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 SPIN=1 0

MOVCA P002 V = 100 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 SPIN=1 0

MOVCA P003 V = 100mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 SPIN=1 0

Robert user manual

28.1.5 MOVS- Curve interpolation Function
In welding, cutting, welding, primer coating and other operations, if free curve interpolation is used,
teaching operations for irregularly curved workpieces can become easier.

The trajectory is a parabola passing through three points.

If free curve interpolation is used to teach the robot axis, the movement command is MOVS.

■Single free curve

As shown in the table below, use free curve interpolation to teach the four points of P1-P3.

If you use joint interpolation or linear interpolation teaching to enter the P0 point before the free
curve, the trajectory of P0-P1 will automatically become a straight line.

P0- Joint/Line

P2-P5- Curve interpolation

■Continuous free curve

Use coincident parabola synthesis to build a trajectory.

Unlike circular interpolation, the connection of two free curves cannot be the same point or there can
be no other commands.

P0- Joint/Line
Robert user manual

P1-P5- Curve interpolation

P6- Joint/Line

Establish a synthetic trajectory in the case of coincident parabola. Parameter description

●P/G: Use local position variables (P) or global position variables (G). When the value is "New",
insert this instruction to create a new P variable, and record the current position of the robot to the P

●V: Movement speed, the range is 2-9999, the unit is mm/s.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVJ P001 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVS P002 V = 100 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVS P003 V = 100mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVS P004 V = 100 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVS P005 V = 100mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

28.1.6 IMOV- Increment Function
It moves from the current position according to the set incremental distance by joint or linear
interpolation. Parameter description

●B: Incremental variable. Four coordinate systems of joint, right angle, tool, and user can be
selected. The corresponding axis is filled with positive numbers for the positive direction; negative
numbers for the opposite direction; if it does not move, fill with 0.


■When B is the value in the joint coordinate system, it is VJ. The speed range of joint interpolation
is 1-100, and the unit is percentage.
Robert user manual

■The actual movement speed is the maximum speed of the axis in the robot joint parameters
multiplied by this percentage. When B is the value in rectangular, tool, or user coordinate system,
this place is V. The range of motion speed is 2-9999, and the unit is mm/s.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to
V*10% or VJ.

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to
V*10% or VJ.

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

IMOV S001 VJ = 10 % RF PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

IMOV S002 V = 1000 mm/s BF PL = 1 ACC = 100 DEC = 100 0

28.1.7 MOVJEXT- External pivot point to point Function
The robot moves to the teaching position by joint interpolation, and the external axis uses joint
difference compensation to move. Parameter description

●E: At the same time, the variables of the robot and external axis position data are recorded. When
the value is "New", insert this instruction to create a new E variable, and record the current position
of the robot and the external axis to the E variable.

●VJ: The speed of joint interpolation, the range is 1-100, and the unit is percentage. The actual
movement speed is the maximum speed of the axis in the robot joint parameters multiplied by this
percentage. The speed of the external axis changes with the speed of the robot.
Robert user manual

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set it to
the same value as VJ.

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set it to
the same value as VJ.

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVJEXT E001 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

28.1.8 MOVLEXT- External axis linear Function
The robot moves to the teaching position by linear interpolation, and the external axis moves by joint
compensation. Parameter description

●E: At the same time, the variables of the robot and external axis position data are recorded. When
the value is "New", insert this instruction to create a new E variable, and record the current position
of the robot and the external axis to the E variable.

●V: The robot movement speed, the range is 2-9999, the unit is mm/s. The speed of the external
axis changes with the speed of the robot.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●SYNC: Whether the robot moves synchronously with the external axis, when "Yes" is selected, the
robot cooperates with the external axis to walk a straight line. When "No" is selected, the robot walks
in a straight line in space, and the external axis independently moves to the target angle.
Robert user manual

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to
V*10%. Usage examples

MOVLEXT E002 V = 10 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 1 DEC = 1 SYNC = 0

28.1.9 MOVCEXT- External shaft arc Function
The robot moves to the teaching position by circular interpolation, and the external axis uses joint
difference compensation to move. Parameter description

●E: At the same time, the variables of the robot and external axis position data are recorded. When
the value is "New", insert this instruction to create a new E variable, and record the current position
of the robot and the external axis to the E variable.

●V: The robot movement speed, the range is 2-9999, the unit is mm/s. The speed of the external
axis changes with the speed of the robot.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●SYNC: Whether the robot moves synchronously with the external axis, when "Yes" is selected, the
robot cooperates with the external axis to walk the arc. When "No" is selected, the robot walks in a
circular arc in the space, and the external axis independently moves to the target angle.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction.
Robert user manual Usage examples

MOVLEXT E002 V = 10 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 1 DEC = 1 SYNC = 1 0

MOVCEXT E003 V = 10 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 1 DEC = 1 SYNC = 1 0

MOVCEXT E004 V = 10 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 1 DEC = 1 SYNC = 1 0

28.1.10 SPEED - Global speed Function
The motion speed of all motion commands below the SPEED command is: command speed * speed
in the upper status bar * percentage of SPEED. Parameter description

●Global speed (%): Speed percentage: 1-200. Usage examples

SPEED = 9 %

28.1.11 SAMOV - Fixed point move Function
The robot moves to a set absolute position by joint interpolation.

If you don't want to move a certain axis, please leave blank at the coordinate of that axis. (Don’t fill
in 0) Parameter description

●B: For absolute position, four coordinate systems of joint, right angle, tool, and user can be
selected. If the corresponding axis is not filled in, the corresponding axis will not move.


■When B is the value in the joint coordinate system, it is VJ. The speed of joint interpolation, the
range is 1-100, and the unit is percentage.

■The actual movement speed is the maximum speed of the axis in the robot joint parameters
multiplied by this percentage. When B is the value in rectangular, tool, and user coordinate system, it
is V. The range of motion speed is 2-9999, and the unit is mm/s.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to
V*10% or VJ.

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to
V*10% or VJ.
Robert user manual

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

SAMOV R001 VJ = 10 % RF PL = 2 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

28.1.12 MOVJDOUBLE - Point-to-point for dual robots Function
When set to two robots, make two robots move to the target position by joint interpolation at the
same time. Start and stop at the same time. Parameter description

●E: Record the variables of the position data of the two robots at the same time. When the value is
"New", insert this instruction to create a new E variable, and record the current positions of the two
robots to this E variable.

●VJ: The speed of joint interpolation, the range is 1-100, and the unit is percentage. The actual
movement speed is the maximum speed of the axis in the robot joint parameters multiplied by this
percentage. The speeds of the two robots are synchronized.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set it to
the same value as VJ.

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set it to
the same value as VJ.

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVJDOUBLE E001 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

28.1.13 MOVLDOUBLE - Linear motion of dual robot Function
When set to two robots, make the two robots move to the target position through linear interpolation
at the same time. Start and stop at the same time. Parameter description

●E: Record the variables of the position data of the two robots at the same time. When the value is
"New", insert this instruction to create a new E variable, and record the current positions of the two
robots to this E variable.
Robert user manual

●V: The range of robot movement speed is 2-9999, and the unit is mm/s. The speed of the two
robots is synchronized.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVLDOUBLE E001 V = 100 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

28.1.14 MOVCDOUBLE - Circular motion of dual robots Function
When set to two robots, make the two robots move to the target position through circular
interpolation at the same time. Start and stop at the same time. Parameter description

●E: Record the variables of the position data of the two robots at the same time. When the value is
"New", insert this instruction to create a new E variable, and record the current positions of the two
robots to this E variable.

●V: The range of robot movement speed is 2-9999, and the unit is mm/s. The speed of the two
robots is synchronized.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVLDOUBLE E001 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVCDOUBLE E002 V = 100 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVCDOUBLE E003 V = 100 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

Robert user manual

28.1.15 MOVCADOUBLE - Full circle movement of dual robots Function
When it is set to two robots, make the two robots move to the target position in a full circle
interpolation at the same time. Start and stop at the same time. Parameter description

●E: Record the variables of the position data of the two robots at the same time. When the value is
"New", insert this instruction to create a new E variable, and record the current positions of the two
robots to this E variable.

●V: The range of robot movement speed is 2-9999, and the unit is mm/s. The speed of the two
robots is synchronized.

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVLDOUBLE E001 VJ = 10 % PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVCADOUBLE E002 V = 100 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

MOVCADOUBLE E003 V = 100 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 10 DEC = 10 0

28.1.16 MOVCOMM - External point Function
Move to the point sent by the external device to the controller via Modbus in the specified
interpolation mode. Parameter description

●Interpolation mode: the interpolation mode used when moving to the target point, including joints,
straight lines, and curves.


■When B is the value in the joint coordinate system, it is VJ. The range of joint interpolation speed
is 1-100, and the unit is percentage.
Robert user manual

●The actual movement speed is the maximum speed of the axis in the robot joint parameters
multiplied by this percentage. When B is the value in rectangular, tool, and user coordinate system, it
is V. The range of motion speed is 2-9999, and the unit is mm/s..

●PL: Smooth transition level, the range is 0-5.

●ACC: Acceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to
V*10% or VJ.

●DEC: Deceleration ratio, the range is 0-100, the unit is percentage. It is recommended to set to
V*10% or VJ.

●TIME: Time, the range is a non-negative integer, and the unit is milliseconds. Advance the time to
execute the next instruction. Usage examples

MOVCOMM MovL V = 10 mm/s PL = 0 ACC = 1 DEC = 1 0

28.1.17 EXTMOV - External axis follow-up Function
The external axis follows the robot follow-up command at a multiple of the robot linear velocity or at
a constant speed. Parameter description

●External axis: one of O1 and O2 can be selected for follow-up (O3 is not currently supported).


■Follow-up type: change the speed with the real-time linear speed of the robot.

◆K: external axis speed (°/s) = K* linear speed (mm/s).

■Constant speed type: run at a constant speed.

◆Speed value source: optional INT/DOUBLE/GINT/GDOUBLE/hand fill.

◆Variable name: When the speed value source is INT/DOUBLE/GINT/GDOUBLE, which variable
is used to select.

◆Manual filling value: when the speed value source is manual filling, it is used to input the constant
running speed value. Usage examples


28.1.18 GEARIN - Electronic gear Function
Robert user manual

Command to make an axis of an external axis move with an axis of the robot. Parameter description

●Spindle: J1~J6 axis of optional robot

●External axis: one of O1 and O2 can be selected for follow-up (O3 is not currently supported).

●Proportional relationship K: follow-up shaft speed (°/s) = K* main shaft speed (°/s). Usage examples

GEARIN J1 O1 22.22

28.1.19 GEARIN - Electronic gear Function
Command to make an axis of an external axis move with an axis of the robot. Parameter description

●MRESET: select all axes or a single axis Usage examples


28.2 Input and output

28.2.1 DIN-IO Input Function
Read the digital input value of the IO board and store it in an integer or Boolean variable. Parameter description

●Variable type: the variable type that stores the input value into the target variable.

●Variable name: The variable name that stores the input value to the target variable.

●Input IO board: If there are multiple EtherCAT IO, you can choose which IO board is.

●Enter group number: The input is read in groups, which are one, four, and eight groups. If one
channel is one group, 16 DIN ports are 16 groups. If there are four channels in one group, then 1-4
channels, 5-8 channels, 9-12 channels, and 13-16 channels are each in one group. If there are 8
channels in one group, 1-8 channels and 9-16 channels are each in one group. The data read into the
variable is to convert the input port value from binary to decimal and store it in the variable.

For example: a group of 8 channels, the value of port 1-8 is 10110101, then starting from port 8 is
10101101. Convert it to decimal as 173, then store it in variable as 173.
Robert user manual Usage examples

DIN I001 IN#(5)

28.2.2 DOUT-IO Output Function
Set the corresponding IO port on the IO board to high or low. Parameter description

●Output IO board: If there are multiple EtherCAT IO, you can choose any IO board.

●Enter group number: The input is output according to the group, which are one group for one
channel, one group for four channels, and one group for eight channels. If one channel is one group,
the 16 DOUT ports are divided into sixteen groups. If there are four channels in one group, then 1-4
channels, 5-8 channels, 9-12 channels, and 13-16 channels are each in one group. If there are 8
channels in one group, then 1-8 channels and 9-16 channels are each in one group.

●Variable source: divided into manual selection and variable type. Manual selection is to tick the
box below, output 1 for selected ones, and output 0 for unselected ones. For example, when the
output group number is 4 outputs, for the second group, port 1 and port 3 are selected in the selection
box below, and the other two are left blank, then when running this command, the output ports of the
IO board will be 5-8 The output value of port No. is 1010. When the variable source selects INT,
GINT, BOOL, GBOOL, the corresponding variable value will be converted to binary and output to
the IO board.

Example: If the variable value is 173, it will be 10101101 when converted to binary. If 8 channels are
a group, and the binary value is output from port 8, then the value of port 8-1 is 10101101, and the
value of port 1-8 is 10110101.

●Variable name: When the variable source is INT, GINT, BOOL, GBOOL, select the variable name
to be output here.

●Time: the time to reverse the output, the output is reversed after the specified time. For example,
DOUT1=1, time is 2, then DOUT1 outputs high level for 2 seconds and then turns to low level. Usage examples

DOUT OT#(5) I001 0

28.2.3 AIN-Analog input Function
Read the input value of the corresponding analog input port into the target variable. Parameter description

●Analog input port: the analog input port to be read.
Robert user manual

●Variable value source: the variable type of the target variable.

●Variable name: the variable name of the target variable Usage examples

AIN D001 B001

28.2.4 AOUT-Analog output Function
Set the output value of the corresponding analog output port to the defined value. Parameter description

●Analog output port: the port to be output.

●Variable value source: the variable type of the value to be output.

●New parameter: When the variable value is customized, enter the hand-filled data here, the range
is 0-10V, and the corresponding port will output the value.

●Variable name: The variable name of the variable whose value is to be output. Usage examples


28.2.5 PULSEOUT- Pulse output Function
According to the set pulse frequency and number, output on pin 4 (PWM+) of the DB9 terminal on
the R1 PWM IO board. Parameter description

●Number: Number of pulses.

●Frequency: pulse frequency. Usage examples


28.2.6 READ_DOUT-Read output Function
Read the output status of the digital output port and store it in the target variable. Parameter description

Robert user manual

●Variable type: the variable type of the target variable to be stored

●Variable name: The variable name of the target variable to be stored.

●The value of the read output port is read in groups, which are one group for one channel, one
group for four channels, and one group for eight channels. If one channel is one group, the 16 DOUT
ports are divided into sixteen groups. If there are four channels in one group, then 1-4 channels, 5-8
channels, 9-12 channels, and 13-16 channels are each in one group. If there are 8 channels in one
group, then 1-8 channels and 9-16 channels are each in one group.

For example: a group of 8 channels, the value of port 1-8 is 10110101, then starting from port 8 is
10101101. If it is converted to decimal, it is 173, then the variable is 173. Usage examples


28.3 Timer class

28.3.1 TIMER-Delay Function
The delay is executed according to the set value, and then continues to run. Parameter description

●Variable value source: If you choose custom, you can manually fill in the value at the new
parameter. If other variables are selected, the length of time corresponding to the variable value will
be delayed.

●New parameter: When the variable value is selected as custom, manually fill in the value here, the
range is (0~9999], and the unit is second.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selection is variable, select the corresponding
variable name here. Usage examples

TIMER T = 10

28.4 Operation class

28.4.1 ADD-Addition Function
Addition operation (+), A=A+B. Parameter description

●Variable type: The variable type of the summand A.
Robert user manual

●Variable name: The variable name of the summand A.

●Variable value source: The variable type of addend B, you can choose to fill in custom or other
variable types.

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, this input box is valid, and the
value filled in is the value of B.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects a variable, here is the variable name of
B. Usage examples

ADD GI001 22. Meaning: GI001=GI001+22.

ADD GI002 I003. Meaning: GI002=GI002+I003.

28.4.2 SUB-Subtraction Function
Subtraction operation (-), A=A-B. Parameter description

●Variable type: Variable type of minuend A

●Variable name: Variable name of minuend A

●Variable value source: Variable type of minus B, you can choose to fill in custom or other variable

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, this input box is valid, and the
value filled in is the value of B.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects a variable, here is the variable name of
B. Usage examples

SUB GI001 22. Meaning: GI001=GI001-22.

SUB GI002 I003. Meaning: GI002=GI002-I003.

28.4.3 MUL-Multiplication Function
Multiplication operation (*), A=A*B. Parameter description

●Variable type: Variable type of multiplicand A
Robert user manual

●Variable name: Variable name of multiplicand A

●Variable value source: Variable type of multiplier B, you can choose to fill in custom or other
variable types.

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, this input box is valid, and the
value filled in is the value of B.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects a variable, here is the variable name of
B. Usage examples

MUL GI001 22. Meaning: GI001=GI001*22.

MUL GI002 I003. Meaning: GI002=GI002*I003.

28.4.4 DIV-Division Function
Division operation (÷), A=A÷B. Parameter description

●Variable type: Variable type of dividend A

●Variable name: Variable name of dividend A

●Variable value source: Variable type of divisor B, you can choose to fill in custom or other
variable types.

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, this input box is valid, and the
value filled in is the value of B.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects a variable, here is the variable name of
B. Usage examples

DIV GI001 22. Meaning: GI001=GI001÷22.

DIV GI002 I003. Meaning: GI002=GI002÷I003.

28.4.5 MOD-Modulo Function
Modulo operation (Mod), A=A Mod B. Parameter description

●Variable type: Variable type of dividend A
Robert user manual

●Variable name: Variable name of dividend A

●Variable value source: Variable type of divisor B, you can choose to fill in custom or other
variable types.

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, this input box is valid, and the
value filled in is the value of B.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects a variable, here is the variable name of
B. Usage examples

MOD GI001 22. Meaning: GI001=GI001 Mod 22.

MOD GI002 I003. Meaning: GI002=GI002 Mod I003.

28.4.6 SIN-Sine Function
Sine operation (sin), A=sin(B), the unit of B is radians (rad). Parameter description

●Variable type: Variable type of result value A

●Variable name: Variable name of result value A

●Variable value source: Variable type of sine radian value B, you can choose to fill in custom or
other variable types.

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, this input box is valid, and the
value filled in is the value of B.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects a variable, here is the variable name of

28.4.6 .3 Usage examples

SIN GI001 22. Meaning: GI001= sin(22).

SIN GI002 I003. Meaning: GI002= sin(I003).

28.4.7 COS-Cosine Function
Cosine operation (cos), A=cos(B), the unit of B is radians (rad). Parameter description

●Variable type: Variable type of result value A
Robert user manual

●Variable name: Variable name of result value A

●Variable value source: Variable type of cosine radian value B, you can choose to fill in custom or
other variable types.

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, this input box is valid, and the
value filled in is the value of B.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects a variable, here is the variable name of
B. Usage examples

COS GI001 22. Meaning: GI001= cos(22).

COS GI002 I003. Meaning: GI002= cos(I003).

28.4.8 ATAN-Arctangent Function
Arctangent operation (cos), A=arctan(B), the unit of B is radians (rad). Parameter description

●Variable type: Variable type of result value A

●Variable name: Variable name of result value A

●Variable value source: Variable type of arctangent radian value B, you can choose to fill in custom
or other variable types.

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, this input box is valid, and the
value filled in is the value of B.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects a variable, here is the variable name of
B. Usage examples

ATAN GI001 22. Meaning: GI001= arctan(22).

ATAN GI002 I003. Meaning: GI002= arctan(I003).

28.4.9 LOGICAL_OP-Logic operation Function
Logic operation (and or not), B001 = I001 and I002. Parameter description

●Type of parameter 1: The variable type of parameter 1 involved in the operation.
Robert user manual

●The name of parameter 1: The variable name of parameter 1 involved in the operation.

●Operation type: logical AND (&&), logical OR (|| ), logical negation (!).

●Type of parameter 2: The variable type of parameter 2 involved in the operation.

●The name of parameter2: The variable name of parameter 2 involved in the operation.

●The type of variable where the result is stored: the type of variable where the result of the
operation is stored.

●The name of the variable where the result is stored: the name of the variable where the result of the
operation is stored. Usage examples

LOGICAL_OP B001 = I001 AND 10; Meaning: GI001= arctan(22).

ATAN GI002 I003. Meaning: GI002= arctan(I003).

28.5 Condition control

28.5.1 CALL - Call subroutine Function
Call another program, after the called program has finished running, return to the next line of the
original program CALL instruction to continue running. Parameter description

●CALL: The name of the called program. Usage examples

CALL [Program]; meaning: call the program Program.

28.5.2 IF - If Function
If the condition of the IF instruction is met, the instruction between IF and ENDIF will be executed;
if the condition of the IF instruction is not met, it will jump directly to the ENDIF instruction and
continue to run the instructions under ENDIF, without running the instruction between IF and

The judgment condition of IF is (comparison number 1 comparison method comparison number 2).
For example, the comparison number 1 is 2, the comparison number 2 is 1, and the comparison
method is ">". Because 2>1, the judgment condition is satisfied. If the comparison method is "<" or
"==", the judgment condition is not established.

The IF instruction can be used alone or in combination with ELSEIF and ELSE instructions.
Robert user manual

Note: ELSEIF and ELSE instructions cannot be used separately from IF instructions!

Note: When the beginning of the program is IF and the last line is the ENDIF instruction, please
insert a 0.1 second TIMER (delay) instruction above the IF instruction or below the ENDIF,
otherwise the program will crash when the conditions of the IF instruction are not met. status.

When inserting an IF instruction, an ENDIF instruction will be inserted at the same time. When
deleting an IF instruction, please be careful to delete the corresponding ENDIF instruction, otherwise
the program will not be executed.

IF instruction can nest another IF instruction or other conditional judgment instructions such as
WHILE and JUMP. Parameter description

●Parameter type: the type of comparison number 1, the input value of variable or digital or analog

●Parameter name:

If the parameter type selected is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL),
then here is the variable name of the comparison number 1.

If the parameter type selected is the input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of the digital
input or analog input.

●Comparison method:

== equals

<Less than

> Greater than

<= less than or equal to

>= greater than or equal to

!= Not equal

●Variable value source: the type of comparison number 2, user-defined or variable or digital, analog
input value.

●New parameter:

If the variable value source selected type is custom, it is not selectable here.

If the variable value source selected type is variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE,
GBOOL), then here is the variable name of comparison number 1.

If the variable value source selected type is input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of digital
input or analog input.

●Source parameter: If the variable value source is customized, fill in the value of comparison
number 2 directly here.
Robert user manual Usage examples


Other instructions, such as MOVJ, etc.


28.5.3 ELSEIF - Else if Function
The ELSEIF instruction must be inserted between IF and ENDIF. One ELSE instruction or multiple
ELSEIF instructions can also be inserted between ELSEIF and ENDIF.

When the condition of IF is met, the instruction between ELSEIF and ELSEIF and ENDIF will be
ignored, only the instruction between IF and ELSEIF will be run, and then jump to the line of
instruction below ENDIF to continue running.

When the condition of IF is not satisfied, it will jump to the ELSEIF instruction to judge the
judgment condition of ELSEIF. If it is met, run the instruction between ELSEIF and ENDIF, and
then continue to run the instruction under ENDIF; if it is not met, jump directly to the line of
instruction under ENDIF to continue running.

If multiple ELSEIFs are nested in IF and ENDIF, when the judgment condition of IF is not
established, the judgment condition of the first ELSEIF is first judged, if it is established, the
instruction between the first ELSEIF and the second ELSEIF is executed; if it is not established Then
judge the second ELSEIF judgment condition, and so on.

Note: When deleting the IF instruction, you need to delete the corresponding ELSEIF and ENDIF
instructions, otherwise the program will not run. Parameter description

●Parameter type: the type of comparison number 1, the input value of variable or digital or analog

●parameter name:

If the parameter type selected is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL),
then here is the variable name of the comparison number 1.

If the parameter type selected is an input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of digital input or
analog input.

●Comparison method:

== equals

< Less than

> Greater than

<= less than or equal to

Robert user manual

>= greater than or equal to

!= Not equal

●Variable value source: the type of comparison number 2, user-defined or variable or digital or
analog input value.

●New parameter:

If the variable value source selected type is custom, it is not selectable here.

If the variable value source selected type is variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE,
GBOOL), then here is the variable name of comparison number 1.

If the variable value source selected type is input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of digital
input or analog input.

●Source parameter: If the variable value source is customized, fill in the value of comparison
number 2 directly here. Usage examples


Other instructions 1, such as MOVJ, etc.


Other instructions 2, such as MOVJ, etc.


28.5.4 ELSE - Else Function
The ELSE instruction must be inserted between IF and ENDIF, but an IF instruction can only be
embedded with one ELSE instruction.

When the judgment condition of IF is established, the instruction between IF and ELSE will be
executed and then jump to the next line of instruction of ENDIF to continue running, without running
the instruction between ELSE and ENDIF.

When the judgment condition of IF is not established, it will jump to the instruction operation
between ELSE and ENDIF, instead of running the instruction between IF and ELSE.

Note: When deleting the IF instruction, the corresponding ELSE and ENDIF instructions must be
deleted, otherwise the program will not run. Parameter description

No Usage examples

Robert user manual


Other instructions 1, such as MOVJ, etc.


Other instructions 2, such as MOVJ, etc.


28.5.5 WAIT - Wait Function
WAIT is waiting, you can choose whether there is waiting time. When the "TIME" option is not
checked, when the judgment condition is not established, it will stay in the WAIT instruction and
wait until the judgment condition is established. If the "TIME" option is checked, it will continue to
run the next instruction after waiting for the duration of this parameter. If the condition becomes true
while waiting, the next instruction is run immediately. Parameter description

●Parameter type: the type of comparison number 1, the input value of variable or digital or analog.

●parameter name:

If the parameter type selected is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL),
then here is the variable name of the comparison number 1.

If the parameter type selected is an input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of digital input or
analog input.

●Comparison method:

== equals

< Less than

> Greater than

<= less than or equal to

>= greater than or equal to

!= Not equal

●Variable value source: the type of comparison number 2, user-defined or variable or digital or
analog input value.

●New parameter:

If the variable value source selected type is custom, it is not selectable here.

If the variable value source selected type is variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE,
GBOOL), then here is the variable name of comparison number 1.
Robert user manual

If the variable value source selected type is input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of digital
input or analog input..

●Source parameter: If the variable value source is customized, fill in the value of comparison
number 2 directly here.


Optional, unchecked will wait forever until the condition is met.

Select to fill in the waiting time (seconds). After waiting for this time, even if the condition is still not
established, it will still jump to the next line to continue running. Usage examples

WAIT(GI001==2)T = 2

28.5.6 WHILE - Circulation Function
When the conditions of the WHILE instruction are met, the instructions between the two instructions
WHILE and ENDWHILE will be run cyclically. If the judgment condition is not met before running
to the WHILE instruction, it will jump directly to the ENDWHILE instruction when running to the
WHILE instruction without running the instruction between WHILE and ENDWHILE; if it is in the
process of running the instruction between WHILE and ENDWHILE, judge If the condition becomes
unsatisfied, it will continue to run until it reaches the ENDWHILE line, no longer loop but continue
to run the instructions below ENDWHILE.

The judgment condition of WHILE is (comparison number 1 comparison method comparison

number 2). For example, the comparison number 1 is 2, the comparison number 2 is 1, and the
comparison mode is ">", then 2>1, the judgment condition is established; if the comparison mode is
"<" or "==", the judgment condition is not established.

Note: Inserting the WHILE instruction will also insert the ENDWHILE instruction. If you want to
delete the WHILE instruction, please delete its corresponding ENDWHILE instruction at the same
time, otherwise the program will not run.

When the beginning of the program is WHILE and the last instruction is ENDWHILE, please insert a
0.3 second TIMER instruction at the beginning or end of the program. Otherwise, the program will
crash when the conditions of the WHILE instruction are not met.

When the instruction inside WHILE does not have a motion instruction or may fall into an infinite
loop under certain circumstances, please insert a 0.3-second TIMER (delay) instruction between
WHILE and ENDWHILE. Otherwise, it may happen when the conditions of the WHILE instruction
are met. Cause the program to crash.

The WHILE instruction can nest multiple WHILE, IF or JUMP and other judgment instructions at
the same time. Parameter description

Robert user manual

●Parameter type: the type of comparison number 1, the input value of variable or digital or analog

●Parameter name:

If the parameter type selected is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL),
then here is the variable name of the comparison number 1.

If the parameter type selected is the input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of the digital
input or analog input.

●Comparison method:

== equals

< Less than

> Greater than

<= less than or equal to

>= greater than or equal to

!= Not equal

●Variable value source: the type of comparison number 2, user-defined or variable or digital or
analog input value.

●New parameters:

If the variable value source selected type is custom, it is not selectable here

If the variable value source selected type is variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE,
GBOOL), then here is the variable name of comparison number 1.

If the variable value source selected type is input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of digital
input or analog input.

●Source parameter: If the variable value source is customized, fill in the value of comparison number
2 directly here. Usage examples

Other instructions 1, MOVJ, etc.
Other instructions 2, MOVJ, etc.
ADD D001 1
Other instructions 3
ADD GI001 1

28.5.7 LABEL - Label Function
Robert user manual

The destination label of the JUMP instruction. Parameter description

●Tag name: the name of the tag, use a string beginning with a letter. Usage examples


28.5.8 JUMP - Jump Function
JUMP is used to jump, and must be used in conjunction with the LABEL instruction.

JUMP can be set to determine whether there is a condition. When it is set as no judgment condition,
the instruction will jump directly to the corresponding LABEL instruction and then continue to run
the next line of LABEL instruction.

When set to have a judgment condition, if the condition is met, it will jump to the LABEL instruction
line; if the condition is not met, the JUMP instruction will be ignored and the next line of the JUMP
instruction will continue to run.

LABEL label can be inserted above or below JUMP, but cannot jump across programs.

LABEL label name must be two or more characters starting with a letter.

Inserting the LABEL label has no effect on the operation of the program, but it must comply with the
rules of program operation, for example, it cannot be inserted on the MOVC instruction or on the
local variable definition instruction. Parameter description

●Label name: The label name and options of the inserted LABEL instruction.

●Judging condition:

Options. If selected, you can set the judgment condition.

If not selected, it will jump directly after running to JUMP.

●Parameter type: the type of comparison number 1, the input value of variable or digital or analog

●Parameter name:

If the parameter type selected is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL),
then here is the variable name of the comparison number 1.

If the parameter type selected is an input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of digital input or
analog input.

●Comparison method:
Robert user manual

== equals

< Less than

> Greater than

<= less than or equal to

>= greater than or equal to

!= Not equal

●Variable value source: the type of comparison number 2, user-defined or variable or digital or
analog input value.

●New parameter:

If the variable value source selected type is custom, it is not selectable here.

If the variable value source selected type is variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE,
GBOOL), then here is the variable name of comparison number 1.

If the variable value source selected type is input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of digital
input or analog input.

●Source parameter: If the variable value source is customized, fill in the value of comparison
number 2 directly here. Usage examples



Other instructions 1, MOVJ, etc.

JUMP *C1 WHEN(I001==0)

Other instructions 2

28.5.9 UNTIL - Until Function
The UNTIL instruction is used to jump out during a movement. That is, pause during one movement
of the robot and start the next process. When the conditions are met, regardless of whether the current
robot is running or not, it immediately pauses and starts an instruction below the ENDUNTIL

UNTIL's judgment condition is (Comparison Number 1 Comparison Method Comparison Number

2). For example, the comparison number 1 is 2, the comparison number 2 is 1, and the comparison
mode is ">", then 2>1, the judgment condition is established; if the comparison mode is "<" or "==",
the judgment condition is not established.
Robert user manual

Note: Inserting the UNTIL instruction will also insert the ENDUNTIL instruction at the same time. If
you want to delete the UNTIL instruction, please delete its corresponding ENDUNTIL instruction at
the same time, otherwise the program will not run. Parameter description

●Parameter type: the type of comparison number 1, the input value of variable or digital or analog

●Parameter name:

If the parameter type selected is a variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE, GBOOL),
then here is the variable name of the comparison number 1.

If the parameter type selected is an input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port number of digital input or
analog input.

●Comparison method:

== equals

< Less than

> Greater than

<= less than or equal to

>= greater than or equal to

!= Not equal

●Variable value source: Variable value source: the type of comparison number 2, user-defined or
variable or digital or analog input value..

●New parameter:

If the variable value source selected type is custom, it is not selectable here.

If the variable value source selected type is variable (INT, DOUBLE, BOOL, GINT, GDOUBLE,
GBOOL), then here is the variable name of comparison number 1.

If the variable value source selected type is input value (DIN, AIN), this is the port of digital input or
analog input.

●Source parameter: If the variable value source is customized, fill in the value of comparison
number 2 directly here. Usage examples

Other instructions
Robert user manual

28.5.10 CRAFTLINE - Craft skip Function
Special craft instruction, after running this instruction in the program, it will jump to the
corresponding line number in the special craft interface. Parameter description

●New parameter: the corresponding number of rows in the dedicated process interface. Usage examples

28.5.11 CMDNOTE - Comment instruction Function
Instructions comments. You can use this instruction to add comments at appropriate locations in the
program for easy debugging. Parameter description

●Note content: Support Chinese and English. Usage examples

##Inexbot$$;Meaning: The content of the note is "INEXBOT".

28.5.12 POS_REACHABLE - Arrival judgment Function
Arrival judgment command, used to judge whether the target point can be reached, the variable of the
point can be reached, and the variable can be set to 0. Parameter description

●Position variable name: P point and G point can be selected.
●Exercise type: MOVJ, MOVL can be selected.
●State storage variable type: can be stored in BOOL, GBOOL.
●State is stored in variable name: BOOL, GBOOL variable name. Usage examples

POS_REACHABLE MOVJ P001 B001; Meaning: Calculate whether the MOVJ interpolation can be
used to run to the P001 position, the value of B001 can be reached 1, but the value of B001 cannot be
reached 0.
28.5.13 CLKSTART - Timing begins Function
Robert user manual

The CLKSTART instruction is used for timing. Run this command to start timing, and record the
time in a local or global DOUBLE variable. Parameter description

●Serial number: The serial number of the timer. 32 timers can be used simultaneously.
●Stored variable type: store the timed time into the local DOUBLE variable or the global
GDOUBLE variable.
●Saved variable name: The variable name of the variable to save the time. Usage examples

CLKSTART ID = 1 D001;Meaning: Process number 1 starts timing, and the timing result is stored
in D001.
28.5.14 CLKSTOP - Timing stops Function
The CLKSTOP instruction is used to stop the timing of the timer corresponding to the serial number.
The value stored in the variable will not return to zero after stopping. Parameter description

●Serial number: The serial number of the timer to stop timing. Usage examples

CLKSTOP ID=1;Meaning: the timing of process number 1 stops.

28.5.15 CLKRESET - Timer reset Function
The CLKRESET instruction is used to reset the timer corresponding to the serial number to zero. If
this command is not used, the next time the CLKSTART command is run, the time will be
accumulated. Parameter description

●Serial number: The serial number of the timer to be reset to zero. Usage examples

CLKPESET ID=1;Meaning: Reset the timing result of process number 1.

28.5.16 READLINEAR - Read line speed Function
Read the robot linear speed into the variable in real time. Parameter description

●Variable type: the type of variable stored, GINT/GDOUBLE is optional.
Robert user manual

●Variable name: The name of the stored variable. Usage examples

28.6 Variable class
28.6.1 INT-Integer
(Define the variable directly to the local variable interface to operate to cancel the instruction) Function
Define local integer variables and assign them at the same time. This instruction must be inserted at
the head of the program. Parameter description

●Variable type: fixed as INT here.
●Variable name: The variable name of the INT variable to be created, ranging from 1-999.
●Variable value source: Assign values to new variables, you can choose custom hand-filled or other
●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, fill in the initial value of the new
variable directly here.
●Source parameter: Source parameter: When the variable value source selects the variable type,
then select the variable name here and assign the value of another variable to the variable. Usage examples

INT I001 = 11
INT I002 = GI003
28.6.2 DOUBLE-Integer
(Define the variable directly to the local variable interface to operate to cancel the instruction) Function
Define local floating-point variables and assign them at the same time. This instruction must be
inserted at the head of the program. Parameter description

●Variable type: here has been fixed as DOUBLE.
●Variable name: The variable name of the DOUBLE variable to be created, the range is 1-999.
●Variable value source: Assign values to new variables, you can choose custom hand-filled or other
●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, fill in the initial value of the new
variable directly here.
●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects the variable type, select the variable
name here, and assign the value of another variable to the variable.
Robert user manual Usage examples

DOUBLE D001 = 11
DOUBLE D002 = GD003
28.6.3 BOOL- Boolean
(Define the variable directly to the local variable interface to operate to cancel the instruction) Function
Define local Boolean variables and assign them at the same time. This instruction must be inserted at
the head of the program.
Note: The original variable is A000, and it is renamed to B000. Parameter description

●Variable type: here has been fixed as BOOL.
●Variable name: The variable name of the BOOL variable to be created, ranging from 1-999.
●Variable value source: Assign values to new variables, you can choose custom hand-filled or other
●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, fill in the initial value of the new
variable directly here.
●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects the variable type, select the variable
name here, and assign the value of another variable to the variable. Usage examples

BOOLEAN B001 = 1

BOOLEAN B002 = GB002

28.6.4 SETINT- Assignment integer Function
Assign values to existing integer variables. Parameter description

●Variable type: You can choose to assign the variable as a local or global integer variable.

●Variable name: The variable name to be assigned.

●Variable value source: You can choose custom hand-filled or other variables.

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, fill in the value directly here.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects the variable type, select the variable
name here, and assign the value of another variable to the variable. Usage examples

Robert user manual

SETINT I001 = 2

28.6.5 SETDOUBLE- Assign floating point Function
Assign values to existing floating-point variables. Parameter description

●Variable type: You can choose the variable to be assigned as a local or global floating-point

●Variable name: The variable name to be assigned.

●Variable value source: You can choose custom hand-filled or other variables.

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, fill in the value directly here.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects the variable type, select the variable
name here, and assign the value of another variable to the variable. Usage examples

SETDOUBLE D001 = 2.11

28.6.6 SETBOOL- Assign Boolean Function
Assign values to existing boolean variables. Parameter description

●Variable type: You can choose to assign the variable as a local or global Boolean variable.

●Variable name: The variable name to be assigned.

●Variable value source: You can choose custom hand-filled or other variables.

●New parameter: When the variable value source selects custom, fill in the value directly here.

●Source parameter: When the variable value source selects the variable type, select the variable
name here, and assign the value of another variable to the variable. Usage examples

SETBOOL B001 = 1

28.6.7 FORCESET - File writing Function
Robert user manual

During the running of the program, all calculations and assignment operations change the values in
the cache and will not be stored in the system files, that is, the values of all global variables will be
restored when the program stops.

To force the global value variable in the content to be written to the file, you can use the FORCESET
command. Parameter description

●Variable type: select the variable type to be forced to write to the file.

●Variable name: The variable name to be forced into the file. Usage examples


28.7 Variable class

28.7.1 WITCHTOOL-Switching tool hand Function
Switch the currently used tool coordinate system during program running. Parameter description

●Tool coordinate: the tool number of the tool hand coordinate system to be switched to. Usage examples


28.7.2 SWITCHUSER-Switch user coordinates Function
Switch the currently used user coordinate system during program running. Parameter description

●User coordinate: the serial number of the user coordinate system to be switched to. Usage examples


28.7.3 USERCOORD_TRANS-User coordinate transformation Function
The B and C user coordinate systems are superimposed (×), and the result is placed in the A user
coordinate system.
Robert user manual Parameter description

●User coordinate A: The result is stored in the user coordinate system, here is the serial number of
the user coordinate system.

●User coordinate B: the serial number of the user coordinate system.

●User coordinate C: the serial number of the user coordinate system. Usage examples


28.7.4 SWITCHSYNC-Switch external axis Function
When the external axis moves in cooperation, switch the external axis group in advance. Parameter description

●External axis group number: the group number of the robot. Usage examples


28.8 Network communication

28.8.1 SENDMSG-Send data Function
Send string information to another network device. Parameter description

●ID: The process number in the setting-network setting interface.

●Send character: The character string to be sent. To send a variable, you need to add the ‘$’
character before the variable. To send the ‘$’ character, two ‘$’ symbols are required. Support escape
characters and formatted output. Usage examples

SENDMSG ID = 1 #this is $D001#

28.8.2 SENDMSG-Send message Function
Analyze the message sent by another network device via TCP, and store the message parameters into
multiple variables.
Robert user manual

When a TCP receives a multi-digit value, it will store the value in multiple variables. The variables
used are the first variable, and the first variable is extended downward. That is to say, if the three-
digit values A, B and C are sent and the first variable name is GI006, then A will be stored in GI006,
B will be stored in GI007, and C will be stored in GI008. Parameter description

●ID: Process number in the "Settings"-"Network" setting interface.

●First variable type: the type stored in the first variable.

●First variable name: The variable name stored in the first variable.

●Clear the cache after parsing: clear the cached message after parsing the message Usage examples

PARSEMSG ID = 1 GI006 CLEARCAHE = 0;Meaning: store the received message in variable
GI001, and clear the cached message after parsing is complete.

28.8.3 READCOMM-Read Function
Read the point sent by Ethernet or Modbus and store it in the position variable, and store the number
in the numerical variable. Parameter description

●Process number: The process number of the network communication to be opened.

●Communication method: use Ethernet communication or Modbus communication.

●Position variable type: global position variable and local position variable are optional.

●Location variable name: The location variable name. The received points are saved, and the
position variables of multiple points are saved sequentially. For example, the command position
variable is filled with G003, and 3 points are received, and they are stored in G003, G004, G005

●Variable type: optional global integer type and local integer type.

●Variable name: variable name; stores the number of points received. Usage examples


28.8.4 READCOMM-Read Function
Open network communication.
Robert user manual Parameter description

●ID: The process number in the setting-network setting interface. Usage examples


28.8.5 CLOSEMSG-Close message Function
Turn off network communication. Parameter description

●Process number in "Settings"-"Network" setting interface. Usage examples


28.8.6 PRINTMSG-Output message Function
Print a string by means of a prompt bar. Parameter description

●Output character: the character string to be printed. To print variables, add the'$' symbol before the
variables. If you want to print the ‘$’ symbol, you need two ‘$’ symbols. Support escape characters
and formatted output. Usage examples

PRINTMSG #this is $D001#

28.8.7 MSG_CONNECTION_STATUS-Get message about

connection status Function
Get the connection status of a process number in the network settings. Parameter description

●Craft number: Need to know the Craft number of network settings.

●The state is stored in the variable type: BOOL/GBOOL is optional.

●State is stored in variable name: variable name.

Robert user manual Usage examples


28.9 Position variable class

28.9.1 USERFRAME_SET-User coordinate modification Function
Change the value of an axis of the user coordinate system. Parameter description

●User coordinate number: the user coordinate number whose value is to be changed.

●User coordinate parameter: the user coordinate axis whose value is to be changed.

●Variable type: You can choose hand-filled value or other variables.

●Variable name: When selecting other variables, select the variable name here, and the value of the
variable will be assigned to the axis corresponding to the user coordinate.

●Hand-filled value: When the variable type selects the hand-filled value, directly fill in the target
value to be changed here. Usage examples



28.9.2 TOOLFRAME_SET-tool coordinate modification Function
Change the value of one axis of the tool coordinate system. Parameter description

●Tool coordinate number: The tool coordinate number to be changed.

●Tool coordinate parameter: the tool coordinate axis whose value is to be changed.

●Variable type: You can choose hand-filled value or other variables.

●Variable name: When selecting other variables, select the variable name here, and the value of the
variable will be assigned to the axis corresponding to the user coordinate.

●Hand-filled value: When the variable type selects hand-filled value, directly fill in the target value
to be changed here Usage examples

Robert user manual

TOOLFRAME_SET ID = 1 TX GI001;Meaning: Change the X axis offset parameter of tool hand 1

to the variable value of GI001.

TOOLFRAME_SET ID = 2 TY 99;Meaning: Change the X axis offset parameter of tool hand 2 to


28.9.3 READPOS-Read point Function
Read the value of a certain axis of a position variable into a floating-point variable. Parameter description

●Variable type: The type of floating-point variable to be read, local or global.

●Variable name: The variable name of the floating-point variable to be read.

●Position variable type: The type of position variable to be read, current position, local position
variable or global position variable.

●Location variable name: When the location variable type selects local location variable or global
location variable, select the corresponding variable name here. If you choose P$INT, P$GINT,
G$INT, G$GINT, select the corresponding integer variable name here. For example, select P$INT,
variable name I001, I001=33, then the obtained position variable is P033.

●Position variable coordinate system: The coordinate system of the position variable value to be

●Position variable axis: the axis whose position value to be read is in the corresponding coordinate
system. Usage examples


28.9.4 POSADD-Point to add Function
Position variable addition operation (+), this instruction can add the value of a single axis of position
variable (global, local), and then assign it to the axis. Parameter description

●Location variable type: The type of location variable to be changed, local or global.

●Location variable name: The variable name of the location variable to be changed.

●Position variable coordinate system: To change the coordinate system corresponding to the
position variable axis.
Robert user manual

●Position variable axis: To change the axis of the position variable in the corresponding coordinate

●Variable type: You can choose hand-filled value or other variables.

●Numeric variable name: When selecting other variables, select the variable name here, the value of
the variable will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and then
assigned to the position variable.

●Hand-filled value: When the variable type selects the hand-filled value, directly fill in the target
value here, the value will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and
then assigned to the position variable. Usage examples

POSADD P001 RF 1 788

28.9.5 POSSUB-Point to subtract Function
Position variable subtraction operation (-), this instruction can subtract the value of a single axis of
position variable (global, local), and then assign it to that axis. Parameter description

●Location variable type: The type of location variable to be changed, local or global.

●Location variable name: The variable name of the location variable to be changed.

●Position variable coordinate system: To change the coordinate system corresponding to the
position variable axis.

●Position variable axis: To change the axis of the position variable in the corresponding coordinate

●Variable type: You can choose hand-filled value or other variables.

●Numeric variable name: When selecting other variables, select the variable name here, the value of
the variable will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and then
assigned to the position variable.

●Hand-filled value: When the variable type selects the hand-filled value, directly fill in the target
value here, the value will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and
then assigned to the position variable. Usage examples

POSSUB P001 RF 1 88

28.9.6 POSSET-Copy the points

Robert user manual Function
This instruction can modify the value of a single axis of position variables (global, local). Parameter description

●Location variable type: The type of location variable to be changed, local or global.

●Location variable name: The variable name of the location variable to be changed.

●Position variable coordinate system: To change the coordinate system corresponding to the
position variable axis.

●Position variable axis: To change the axis of the position variable in the corresponding coordinate

●Variable type: You can choose hand-filled value or other variables.

●Numeric variable name: When selecting other variables, select the variable name here, the value of
the variable will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and then
assigned to the position variable.

●Hand-filled value: When the variable type selects the hand-filled value, directly fill in the target
value here, the value will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and
then assigned to the position variable. Usage examples

POSSET P001 RF 1 88

28.9.7 COPYPOS-Copy all the points Function
Copy the values of all axes of one position variable to another position variable. Parameter description

●Position variable type: The type of position variable whose value is to be retrieved. You can select
the current position, which means assigning the current robot position to another position variable.

●Location variable name: The variable name of the location variable whose value is to be retrieved.

●Position variable type: The variable type of the position variable being assigned.

●Location variable name: The variable name of the assigned location variable. Usage examples



Robert user manual

28.9.8 POSADDALL-Add all the points Function
Position variable addition operation (+), this instruction can add the values of position variables
(global, local) several axes, and then assign them to the axis. Parameter description

●Location variable type: The type of location variable to be changed, local or global.

●Location variable name: The variable name of the location variable to be changed.

●Position variable coordinate system: To change the coordinate system corresponding to the
position variable axis.

●Position variable axis: To change the axis of the position variable in the corresponding coordinate

●Variable type: You can choose hand-filled value or other variables.

●Numeric variable name: When selecting other variables, select the variable name here, the value of
the variable will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and then
assigned to the position variable.

●Hand-filled value: When the variable type selects the hand-filled value, directly fill in the target
value here, the value will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and
then assigned to the position variable. Usage examples

POSADDALL G001 RF I001 GI001 D001 GD001 10.1 10

28.9.9 POSSUBADD-Subtract from all the points Function
Position variable subtraction operation (-), this instruction can subtract the values of position
variables (global, local) several axes, and then assign them to the axis. Parameter description

●Location variable type: The type of location variable to be changed, local or global.

●Location variable name: The variable name of the location variable to be changed.

●Position variable coordinate system: To change the coordinate system corresponding to the
position variable axis.

●Position variable axis: To change the axis of the position variable in the corresponding coordinate
Robert user manual

●Variable type: You can choose hand-filled value or other variables.

●Numeric variable name: When selecting other variables, select the variable name here, the value of
the variable will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and then
assigned to the position variable.

●Hand-filled value: When the variable type selects the hand-filled value, directly fill in the target
value here, the value will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and
then assigned to the position variable. Usage examples

POSSUBALL G001 RF I001 GI001 D001 GD001 10.1 10

28.9.10 POSSETALL-Change all points Function
This instruction can modify the values of several axes of position variables (global and local). Parameter description

●Location variable type: The type of location variable to be changed, local or global.

●Location variable name: The variable name of the location variable to be changed.

●Position variable coordinate system: To change the coordinate system corresponding to the
position variable axis.

●Position variable axis: To change the axis of the position variable in the corresponding coordinate

●Variable type: You can choose hand-filled value or other variables.

●Numeric variable name: When selecting other variables, select the variable name here, the value of
the variable will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and then
assigned to the position variable.

●Hand-filled value: When the variable type selects the hand-filled value, directly fill in the target
value here, the value will be added to the value of the axis corresponding to the position variable, and
then assigned to the position variable. Usage examples

POSSETALL G001 RF I001 GI001 D001 GD001 10.1 10

28.9.11 TOFFSETON-Start of trajectory deviation Function
This instruction can offset the robot's trajectory in real time.
Robert user manual Parameter description

●Offset coordinate system: To change the coordinate system corresponding to the running track.

●Offset type: You can choose hand-filled value or other variables.

●Offset: When the variable type selects hand-filled value, directly fill in the target value here, and
the robot's trajectory coordinates will be added to this hand-filled value.

●Numerical variable name: When selecting other variables, select the variable name here, the
trajectory coordinates of the robot will be added to the value in this variable. Usage examples

TOFFSETON RF GI001 I002 2 3 4 5

28.9.12 TOFFSETOFF-End of trajectory offset Function
End the trajectory offset, and the subsequent motion trajectories will no longer offset.. Usage examples


28.10 Program control

28.10.1 PTHREAD_START-Start thread Function
Start the background task. The background task ends when executed once. To edit background tasks,
please go to the "Settings"-"Background Tasks" interface to program. Parameter description

●Background task: background task name. Usage examples


28.10.2 PTHREAD_END-Exit thread Function
Close open background tasks. Parameter description

●Background task: background task name
Robert user manual Usage examples


28.10.3 PAUSERUN-Pause running Function
Pause the program. Parameter description

●Type: The type of program to be suspended, including all, main program, and background

●Program: The name of the program to be suspended. Usage examples




28.10.4 CONTINUERUN-continue running Function
Continue to run the paused program (stopped programs cannot be continued). Parameter description

●Type: The type of program to continue running, including all, main program, and background

●Program: The name of the program to continue running. Usage examples




28.10.5 STOPRUN-Stop running Function
Stop all programs. Parameter description

Robert user manual

No. Usage examples


28.10.6 RESTARTRUN- Rerun Function
Re-run the stopped program. Parameter description

No. Usage examples


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