BP 6103381
BP 6103381
BP 6103381
Alley's Combined Queen and Drone Trap..14 Hives—Simplicity.
Alsike Clover.26 Hives— Simplicity, Ten-crate List.
AinericHn Bee Keeper.29 Hives—Simplicity, Parts of. '
Barnes’ Foot Power/Buzz Saw Machine... .25 Hives—Thin Walled..
Hives—Winter Case..8-^-iO
Bee Entrance Guards. 14
Honey Boan'ds.
Bee Escapes, Porter..13
Honey Knives...
Books for Bee Keepers.29
Ironing Tables.
Box Scraper.. ...14
Jars, Eastern Square. 07
Brood Foundation.16
Knives ... ^g
Brood Frames.10-11
Manum Swarming Basket. 2o
Brushes—Cogshall, Davis and Yucca.20
Miller Foundation Fastener..
Muth Glass Honey Jars.. ■ 27
Cages for Queens.26
Nails—Steel Wire..
Chaff Cushions. 26
Parker Foundation Fastener.2i
Clothes Reel.28
Pasteboard Boxes . 03,
Comb Basket.'.17
Perforated Zinc..
Comb Bucket.7.14
Pouder Glass Hon'y Jars.27
Comb Holder.13
Queen Cell Protectors.26
Comb Foundation.■..16
Quinby Hive Clasps..
Combined Crate. 23
Rabbets for Hives..
Dadant Uncapping Can..17
Rests for T Tins.24
Daisy Foundation Roller..21
Saws—Barnes’ Foot Power.25
Daisy Foundation Fastener.21
Division Boards—Plain and Chaff.12
Sections ....
Section Foundation..
Easterday Wire Imbedder.21
Section Holders for Dovetailed Hives....13
Electrotypes. 29 Section Holders for Falcon Case.5
Enameled Cloth...'..27 Separators—Tin and Wood.13
Extractors—Honey.16-17 Shipping Cases..22-23
Extractors — Wax. .18 Signs for Bee Keepers.21
Extractor Parts.17 Smokers. 19-20
Falcon Surplus Cases for Simplicity Spur Wire Imbedder.22
' Bodies and Falcon Chaff- Hives.4-5
Folding Bath Tub.28 Super—Perfect, for Dovetailed Hive.fr-7
Foundation..16 Super—Perfect, for Simplicity Hive-..24
Foundation Cutter—Carlin’s.18 "Tables, Folding Sewing.27
Foundation Fasteners.21-22 Tent..21
Fountain Pump or Sprinkler.14 Thermometers, Favorite.28
Frames—Brood.10-11 Tin Bound Sheets Enameled Cloth.27
Frames— Wide. 13 Tin Points for Honey Boxes..16
Frames—Wired.11 Transferring Implements.20
Glass./.23 T Supers. 24
Glass Honey Jars.27 T Tins.24
Gloves—Rubber. 19 Van Deusen Hive Clasps.-.13
Hill’s Device...14^ Veils . 19
Hive Carrier.:.13 Wash Bench.28
Hive Clasps—Quinby and Van Deusen....l3 Washing Machines.27
Hive Opener.14 Wax Extractors.18
Hives— Chautauqua.5 Winter Case.8-9-10
Hives— Dovetailed.5-6-7 WHre Imbedders.21-22
Hives—Dovetailed, with Winter Case.8
Hives—Dovetailed—Parts of.7 Wife Nails.24
Hives—Falcon Chaff.4 Wire—Tinned, No. 30. 12
(9\_ 1898
In presenting another Annual Catalogue to our customers and friends we can hardly add
anything to what has already been said in previous issues. Our facilities are unsurpassed, and
our ability to turn out first-class goods is well kn )wn to a host of bee keepers throughout
Christendom. We always strive to treat our customers honestly, courteously and with prompt¬
ness.—but we have always the advice to offer “ORDER EARLY.”
Our FALCON SECTIONS are unsurpassed in point of finish, accuracy of workmanship
and quality of material. They are without question the finest Sections manufactured. Our
goods have always been noted for their superior workmanship and quality and our large busi¬
ness has been built up on this fact more than any other.
We make almost everything that is described in this Catalogue. We have during the past
year added to our business a tin shop, so that we are not now dependent on others for our tin
work as heretofore.
If you do not find just what you want described in our Catalogue write to us and we will
give you special prices. We can furnish all kinds of Apiarian Supplies, whether we make them
or not, at lowest prices.
Dealers who issue a Catalogue will be furnished with Discount Sheet on application; others,
who handle supplies in a small way for the convenience of their neighbors, will be given special
Our Office, Factory, Saw-mill, Storehouses and Lumber Yards (see engraving on last page
of cover), occupy five acres and are situated at Falconer, N.Y., at the junction of the N. Y., P.
& O., B. & S. W. branch of the N. Y., L. E. & W. aqd D., A. V. & P. R. R., a branch of the
L. S. & M. S. R. R. and N. Y. C. & 11. R. R. R., and we have a switch running directly to our
factory, thus making our shipping facilities unsurpassed and enabling us to procure lowest rates
of freight. This is an advantage in buying of us which is doubtless often overlooked. Owing
to the fact of our being at a point of several competing roads we are able to obtain better freight
rates than places not as favorably located. We can ’‘bill through” to almost every point.
With sincere wishes for a successful season, we are, Yours very truly.
Due notice of changes of prices, if any, will be given in The American Bee Keeper.
As our goods are not excelled in any particular, WE GUARANTEE ENTIRE SATISFACTION.
There are a few articles, such as Nails, Glass, Foundation, etc., that are subject to change without notice, though
the lowest prices possible will be charged at all times.
It has become customary to give discounts for certain months, and you can always depend upon our allowing as
liberal discount, for such months, as are offered by our competitors.
Goods will be shipped by either express or freight, at the very lowest ruling rates.
S^All claims for damage or shortage must be made at once on receipt of goods. Do not in any case return goods
before you write and we have directed what disposition to make of them.
As U is possible that some may hesitate to entrust money to us, we will refer such, as to our responsibility and
integrity, to either the Jamestown National Bank, Chautauqua County Trust Company, First National Bank, or Union
Trust Company, of Jamestown, N. Y.; or inquiry can be made of any Commercial Agency.
Remittances can be made by draft on New York, Post OESce Money Order, Registered Letter, or Express Money Order.
When remitting by Registered Letter, all sums less than one dollar can be sent in Postage Stamps of any denomination.
Coi n is apt to wear through the envelope and be lost. Please do not send money in an envelope without its being Regist ered.
These hives are so well and favorably known
and in such general use that we shall con¬ plicity bottom and bodjt
inch halt-depth body'L^
tinue to carry them in stock.
half story cover, 10 Hoflma!
frames, alighting-board o?
ameled sheet, 2 T supe?,'
sections, foundation-start’
ers, wood separators and
No. 2 zinc honey board
No. 7. Simplicity \}i story hive for comb
honey ; consists of 1 bottom, 1 alighting-board”
1 body,one 3^-story cover, 10 Hoffman frames'
enameled sheet, 1 T super, with sections
foundation-starters, wood separators and one
No. 2 zinc honey-board.
No. 8. Portico 1 story hive for comb honev
consists of portico body with permanent bot¬
tom, half story cover, 10 Hoffman frames, en¬
ameled sheet, combined crate with sections
foundation starters and wood separators. ’
No. 9. Portico IK story hive for comb
honey ; consists of portico body with perman¬
ent bottom, half story cover, 7 Hoffman frames.
2 wide frames with sections, foundation-start¬
ers and tin separators in lower story, combined
crate with sections, foundation-starters, wood
Two-Story Simplicity Hive. separators and enameled sheet.
Alighting board is not shown in cut, but is Table of Prices of Foregoing Hives.
furnished with hives as priced below. Des¬
cription is given with each style, and the price These hives are furnished with gable covers
is given in a compact table, each style being unless otherwise ordered. If flat covers are
numbered. In ordering, order by number, desired the price will be the same. If covers
and when in flat, order in lots of 1, .5, 10, etc. are wanted covered with tin the price will be
These hives are Hirnished with Imp. Found¬ 5 cents per hive extra. Tin for covers ordered
ation fastening Hoffman frames, but if desired alone 10 cents per cover.
we will furnish them with any style of frame
priced in this Catalogue at no extra charge.
No.l. One story Simplicity Hive for extract¬
or ; consists of one body, cover, bottom, alight¬
ing-board, 10 Hoffman frames and enameled
No. 2. One story Simplicity Hive for comb
honey; body, cover, bottom, alighting-board,
7 Hoffman frames, 2 wide frames with tin
separators, and 16 sections with foundation
starters, and enameled sheet.
No. 3. Two story Simplicity Hive for ex¬ When larger quantities than given in above
tractor ; 2 bodies, 1 cover, 1 bottom and alight¬ table are wanted wbite for prices.
ing-board, 20 Hoffman frames and enameled
sheet. Tin separators instead of wood in Nos. 5 and
6, 15 cents per hive extra. In Nos. 7, 8 and
No. 4. Two story Simplicity Hive for comb 9, 8 cents per hive extra.
honey; 2 bodies, 1 cover, 1 bottom, 1 alight¬
ing-board, 10 Hoffman frames, 7 wide frames Nails Suitable for Above Hives.
with tin separators, enameled sheet, 56 sec¬
tions and foundation-starters. We put up in packages nails of the proper
size and quantity for hives as follows :
No. 5. Two story Simplicity Hive for comb
honey ; 2 bodies, 1 cover, 1 bottom, 1 alight¬ PRICE PER HIVE IN LOTS OF 1 5 10 50
ing-board, 10 Hoffman frames, enameled sheet, Nails forNo. 1 or No. 2 Simplicity Hive . 5 .20 ( .35 »1.60
2 T supers, sections, foundation starters, wood Nails for Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6 “ “ .10 .30 .55 2.25
separators and No. 2 zinc honey-board. Nails for Nos. 7, 8 or 9 “ “ 10 1 .25 1 .45 2.00
10 20 30 40 50
Bodies. 85 .30 2 80 5 48 8 14 10 75 13 30
Covers (gable). 50 .22 2 00 3 02 5 82 7 68 9 50
“ •* with tin.. 60 .27 2 50 4 90 7 27 9 60 U 87
Story-and-a-Half Hive. “ Flat. 50 2 00 3 92 5 82 9 50
“ with tin... 64 2 50 4 90 7 27 9 60 11 87
Hives Nos. 8 and 9 in the foregoing table are “ story “ 60 .35 3 00 5 94 8 73 11 52 14 25
like the above cut, and are called the Portico “ “ without tin 50 .27 2 50 4 90 7 27 9 60 11 87
Hive. Having a portico and permanent bottom Bodie a story %. .22 2 00 3 92 5 82 9 50
“ ^ H. 28 .12 1 00’ 1 96 2 91 3 84 4 75
makes it similar to the original Langstroth Portico body with
Hive. This hive is interchangeable with all permanent bottom,.. 1.30 .40 3 80; 7 45 11 06 14 60 18 05
kinds of Simplicity Hives, such as bodies, Portico body without
bottom.. 100 ..35 3 .30 9 60 12 67 15 67
covers, half stories, etc., and likewise takes Bottom. 50 .12 1 00 1 96 2 91 3 84 4 75
all inside material used in the Simplicity. Bottom with Alight¬
ing board. 60 .18 1 60 2 94 4 36 5 76! 7 12
For several ten crates we allow special dis¬ not mar the symmetry of the hive.
count depending upon quantity wanted. Will One or both sides will be furnished movahlB
name price upon application. at an additional cost per side of l.*) cents ^
Nails Suitable For Ten Crates. Those having Simplicity Hives and wishimr
Nails for Ten Crate No. 1 or 2, 25c; ten for . $2 2.5 to change to Chaff Hives, can get the ‘-pal
Nails for Ten Crate No. 3, 30c; ton for. 2 70 con,” less upper story, using their own for that
Nails for Ten Crate No. 4 or 5, 35c; ten for. 3 20 purpose. The price will be less the cost of
Simplicity body, 20 cents.
“FALCON” CHAFF HIVE. Any means that can be employed to increase
the warmth of a hive is an advantage. The
This hive is now so well known that a de¬ following is a simple arrangement to accom¬
tailed description is unnecessary. The follow¬ plish this very cheaply. Take ordinary build¬
ing cut shows the inside arrangement (also ing paper and tack to sides and ends of hives
on inside, which accomplishes the same pur¬
pose as when applied to buildings. To make
a nice finish a V shaped tin should be used
made so as to lap over the top edge of paper
and on bevel of top edge of out^de of hive.
A strip of tin an inch wide before bending
will be sufficient. This tin, however, is not
really necessary if the top edge of paper is
well tacked. While we do not consider this
lining a necessity for the “Falcon” more tiun
for any other hive, at the same time it will
readily be seen that the air space between the,
outside of hive and paper will add greatly to
the warmth, and the paper at the same time
acting as an absorbent will take up any super¬
fluous moisture and furnish in a great measure
the peculiar advantages of the old-fashioned
straw hive.
This lining will not interfere with inside
arrangement of hive, and should be put on
after the hive is nailed up complete. It can
be put in without difficulty when the bees are
in the hive. We will furnish the paper cut to
one movable side) when filled with a Simplicity fit the inside of “Falcon” hive as follows:
body for upper story. The Falcon Case with
Four pieces, two for side and two for ends, - —S jo
section holders as shown on this page is, how¬
In lots for ten hives, . . - . — 60
ever, generally preferred for surplus arrange¬
Four V shaped tins, two pieces 24 inches long and
ment. two pieces 20 inches long, - - - — 10
In lots for ten hives, ----- 80
Prices of Falcon Chaff Hive.
Paper and tin in lots for ten hives, - - — I 50
Hive complete, nailed and painted two coats, con¬
taining chaff cushions, division boards, ten brood
frames, seven wide frames, 5(1 sections, 4}4xl 15-10, Falcon Surplus Case for Upper Story to
foundation starters and separators, - - —$1 00 Chaff Hive.
In lots of 10, - - - - - — 3 50
Hive material for same as above, except starters, in
flat,.— 2 50
In lots of 10, - - - - - - — 2 25
Hive nailed and painted, without frames, but con¬
taining chaff cushions and division boards, - — 2 50
In lots of 10,.— 2 25
Hive in flat, with material for chaff cushions and
division boards and upper story, but wifhout
frames, - - - - - - — 155
In lots of five, - - — 1 45
In lots of ten, - — 1 40
Printed directions for nailing this hive are
put in each package.
As many persons wish a hive with movable This case holds nine section holders, each
sides, we have adapted the “Falcon” to the holding four sections 4J^x43i. The section
requirements. For obvious reasons it will be holder has no top bar, but is supplied with a
found convenient. The corner is so arranged wood separator which holds the ends together
as to make the hive just as warm for winter and makes a very stiff frame.
as though made solid, and looks exactly the This arrangement will be found far prefer¬
same with exception of iron clamps, which do able to the wide frame. The Falcon Hive
will be supplied with two of these cases in are removed from the half stories and one of
place of upper story wdieu desired, and prices them placed above and one below the lower
will be the same in all respects, whether sup¬ body. After covering the brood fraines prop¬
plied with Simplicity upper story or two cases. erly with cloth, the upper half story is tilled
with chaff or a chaff cushion can be used.
Price of Case Without Section Holders. The lower half story under brood frames is
Cases in flat, in lots of five.15 certs each left empty, or filled, or partially so, with chaff
Cases in flat, in lots of ten.12 cents each as thought best, thus making the space below
Cases in flat in lots of twenty-five..10 cents each frames as large or as small as desired.
We have adapted this case for the Simplicity This hive is almost as light as a Simplicity,
Hive. Each body will contain two cases, each which is often a great advantage as compared
case holding six section holders and each with chaff hives, and the dead air space is
holder four sections. Prices of cases and just as good as chaff, if not better, and the
section holders same as quoted for chaff hives. protection above and below brood chamber is
as good as any chaff hive.
Falcon Section Holders With
Planed Wood Separators.
100 section holders in flat. f2 00
500 section holders in flat, per 100. 1 75
1000 section holders in flat, per 100. 1 50
there is a bee space above them, but the of this cover over the gable style is that 4
bottom of frames are flush with the bottom can be used for tiering up, and is the same '
edge of hive. The bee space being made by appearance as the Higginsville cover.
tlie cleats inch, nailed to bottom board, This cover is the same as the regular Hi
as shown in cut. ginsvllle, with the exception that the eifd
The bottom is 14x21 cleats are two inches wide, only ^ inch wid ”
inches with cleat at each than the regular end piece. This extra width
end, the front one being allows room for a groove 3-16 inch wide tob
cut down level with the top of the board to made in each end parallel to the groove fn^
form an entrance. Strips are nailed on the cover proper, and 3^ inch below. Two
each side, which, with the cleat on back end pieces 7 inches wide and 3-16 thick go in th
of board, forms a base for hive to stand upon groove so that a circulation of air is allowed
and gives a bee space below the brood frames. over the 3-16 boards when cover is placed on
This bottom projects 2 inches in front of hive hive. These boards go just to the outside
forming a suitable alighting board. edge of hive. To stiffen the thin boards
piece 3ix3txl4 inches in length is slipped L.
tween the upper and lower cover boards.
The super is used same as regular Dove¬ No. 9 Dovetailed Hive, complete two-story
tailed Super; but liaving a bee space below for extracting, consists of 1 bottom board. '3
requires a honey boai’d. A No. II with a strip bodies. 1 cover. Id Hoffman brood frames. 3
across the middle and each end, forming a bee division boards, foundation starHu's for frames
space on under side is used. No. 13 zinc honey board and nails.
Perfect Supers are furnished with Dove¬ No. 10 is same as No. 9. without honey
tailed Hives Nos. 5 and 7, 6 and 8. board and foundation starters.
All Dovetailed Hives are supplied with Imp. No. 11 Dovetailed Hive, complete l ‘.< story
Foundation Fastening Hoffman frames unless for extracting; consists of 1 bottom. 1 body,
otherwise ordered. We will furnish any style 1 sui)er. 1 cover, 8 Hoffman full depth frames.
fran)e listed in this catalogue at same price 1 division board. 8 half-depth Hoffman frames.
if requested in order. As we now furnish 1 half-depth division board, foundation starters
these hives with foundation starters for brood for all frames, 1 No. 13 zinc honey board, and
frames, we recommend the use of our improv¬ nails.
ed foundation fastening frame. For descrip¬ No. 13 is same as No. 11, without honey
tion see page 11. All who have tried these board and foundation starters.
frames are much pleased with them, as is
evidenced by their invariably ordcing them Table of Prices of Dovetailed Hives. '
when ordering goods a second time. N’ld&l \Vt
Packing Dovetailed Hives for Shipping. each. 1 10 to
For shipping our Dovetailed hives are crated No. 1 dovetailed Hive, complete *1 70 »1 30 fio 80 290
by nailing a strip in the dovetailed ends of No. 2 dovetailed Hive, empty... 1 40 1 10 9 00 270
No. 3 dovetailed Hive, comidete . 2 30 1 70 14 40 370
sides and ends of the bodies. The cover and No. 4 dovetailed Hive, empty... 1 80 1 35 11 25 330
smaller parts are packed in a box made by No. 5 dovetailed Hive, complete 1 80 1 40 11 70 290
using the bottoms of hives for the sides and No. 6 dovetailed Hive, empty... 1 50 1 20 9 90 270
No. 7 dovetailed Hive, complete 2 40 1 80 15 30 370
ends and nailing thin boards on for top and No. 8 dovetailed Hive, empty... 1 00 ■ 1 45 12 15 330
bottom. By taking a little care in removing No. 9 dovetailed Hive, complete 2 00 1 50 12 60 330
crating the parts will not be injured. The No. 10 dovetailed Hive, empty... 1 05 1 25 10 35 320
No. 11 dovetailed Hive, complete 1 00 1 30 10 80 270
saving in weight in packing goods as above is No. 12 dovetailed Hive, empty... 1 40 1 10 1 9 00 260
considerable, which makes a corresponding
Five hives same rate per hive as ten.
reduction in freight charges. Prices on large quantities of Dovetailed Hives will be
Description of Dovetailed Hives. given upon application.
Brood frames for any of the Dovetailed Hives, pierced
No. 1 Dovetailed Hive consists of 1 bottom for wire and wire included at no e.vtra charge, if mentioned
board, 1 body, 1 super, 1 cover, 8 Hoffman in order.
brood frames, 1 division board, 1 follower, and Ventilated Higginsville covers will be furnished at same
price as regular cover, if mentioned in order.
1 wedge (tightening strip) for super, 6 section The Dovetailed Hive, made to take 10 frames instead of
holdeiti, 0 slotted separators, 34 sections, 8, in foregoing table, will cost extra as follows:
foundation starters for frames and sections, Nailed and painted, complete, - - - 25 cents.
In flat, complete, - - - - 15 “
and nails. In flat, empty, - - - - - 10 “
No. 3 is same as No. 1, without sections and Kabbets are furnished with all bodies, and flat tins with
foundation starters. all supers taking section holders. Improved foundation
fastening top bars for brood frames, furnished with all
No. 3 Dovetailed Hive consists of 1 bottom hives when so ordered.
board, 1 body, 2 supers, 1 cover, 8 Hoffman
brood frauK'S, 1 division board, 2 followers and Table of Prices of Parts of 8-Frame
3 wedges for supers, 13 section holders, 13 Dovetailed Hives.
slotted separators, 48 sections, foundation N’fd &j! IN B'LAT. IWt
starters for frames and sections, and nails. each, j 1 10 1 10
No 4 is same as No. 3, without sections and Bottom board. #0 15 $0 10 « 90 1 ■‘5
foundation starters. Cover—Higginsville, gable or flat 20 15 1 35 40
No. 5 Dovetailed Hive consists of 1 bottom Body, empty with metal rabbets. 40 30 2 20 80
Body, with frames and div. b’ds. . 65 55 4 40 120
board. 1 body, 1 perfect super, 1 cover, 8 Hoff¬ Body, with frames, starters and
man brood frames, 1 division board, 3 dummies, division boards. 75 60 4’ 90 125
1 follower and 1 wedge for super, 5 slotted Super, with flat tins only. 20 15 1 00 40
Super with perfect section rests. 30 25 1 75 60
separators, 34 sections, foundation starters Super as furnished with Nos. 1
for frames and sections, zinc honey board, and and 3 hives. 60 3 50 75
nails. Super as furnished with Nos. 2
and 4 hives. 40 30 2 20 60
No. 6 is same as No. 5, without sections and Perfect super as furnished with
foundation starters. Nos. 5 and 7 hives. , 60 46 3 50 75
No. 7 Dovetailed Hive consists of 1 bottom Perfect super as furnished with
Nos. 6 and ,8 hives. 40 30 2 20 60
board. 1 bodv. 3 perfect supers. 1 cover. 8 Super as furnished with No. 11
Hoffman brood frames, 1 division board, 4 hive. ... 50 35 2 70 60
dummies, 3 followers and 2 wedges for supers, Body with frames filled with foun¬
dation, ... 1 50 1 30 10 80 130
10 slotted separators, 48 sections, founda¬ Super with frames filled with
tion starters for frames and sections, zinc foundation, - - j JO 70 6 80 65
honey board, and nails. Nails included with all parts of hives.
No. 8 is the same as No. 7, without sections For parts of 10-fjame Dovetailed Hives, add 15 per cent,
and foundation starters. to prices in above table.
When larger quantities are wanted than are given in Prices of Dovetailed Hives in Combina¬
foregoing table, write for special prices. tion With Outside Winter Case.
[See description of Outside Winter Case.]
Description of Dovetailed Hives When
Ordered in Combination With Out¬
side Winter Cases. ORDER BY NUMBER.
and foundation starters.
No. 27 consists of 1 body, 2 “Perfect” supers,
1 super cover, 8 Hoffman brood frames, 1
division board, 4 dummies, 2 followers and 2
wedges for supers, 10 slotted separators, 48
sections, zinc honey board, outside winter case can be added. The shell is % inch thick,
case with extra half-story, cover and bottom, three pieces in height and are beveled so as to
foundation starters for frames and sections, shed water. The corners are
and nails. solid, same as a chaff hive. If
desired, however, they can be
No. 28 is same as No. 27, without sections made with corners that can be
and foundation starters. screwed together, so that when
the cases are stored away they
No. 29, complete two-story for extracting, can be taken apart and so oc¬
consists of 2 bodies, 1 super cover, 16 Hoffman cupy but little room. Quinby
brood frames, 2 division boards, 1 No. 13 zinc hive clasps can also be used on
honey board, outside winter case with extra the corners. These clasps will
half-story, cover and bottom, foundation start¬ HAEP STOEY facilitate taking the shells
ers for frames, and nails. CASE. apart, as it will require only a
moment to remove them. A gable cover is
No. 30 is same as No. 29, without starters
and honey board. used having a rim % inch thick, with roof
boards % inch thick, and ridge board % inch
No. 31, one-and-a^half-story for extracting, thick. There is a one inch ventilating bole in
consists of 1 body, 1 super, \ super cover, 8 each end. The bottom board is adjustable.
Hoffman full depth frames, 1 division board, The hive rests on strips % inch wide and %
8 half-depth Hoffman frames, 1 half-depth inch thick, rabbeted out % inch wide by M
division board, 1 No. 13 zinc honey board, out¬ inch deep. As these strips are the entire
side winter case with cover and bottom, founda¬ length of the bottom board the hive can be
tion starters for all frames, and nails. pushed forward or back as desired, the bottom
being 23 inches long. A strip inch slips
No. 32 is same as No. 31, without founda¬ in between the side strips of bottom board,
tion starters and honey board. and is to be kept under the back end of the
hivo as It is niovc^d forward or back. A strip and place aliove the frames whatever thick-
%\l}4 inches is ns(td in front of tlic liivo to iK'ss may be considered the lu'sl for climate in
form an (Mitrancc. wh('n the case is adjusted which the hive is used, or the empty case can
for w'itit(!r. and an aliglitin^ board is at¬ be left on the top of the hive ami the same
tached to tlie front edff(', of tiio bottom board. filleii with a cushion, allowing the packing on
T)i<' bottom is composed of two pieces % the sides of tlie hiv<? to come up to the top of
inch tliick and Skt' indies wide, and sets on a the case ; this will leavi' tin' brood chamber in
rim :i inches liiy;!! and % inch thick. Tlie end b(!tter shape to get at for examination, or for
pieces of the rim proji'ct beyond tiieside pi<>ces the purpose of f(>eding. When used without
% inch, so that tlie sliell sets down over tlie packing we are of the opinion that it is better
edjje of tlie bottom board and rests on tin' mid to h'ave the winter case on during tlu' sunum'r.
piecijs. Tills pr<!vents any cold from entering It is so coiistructi'd that it will not be in the
at till' bottom. Hy simply tacking some boards way at all, and will be a protection to the hivi!
on under side of rim to bottom board it can be during extremely hot weather. • As some may
filled with chaff so that tlie liive will have two think that the case will be in the way
inches of packing at the, bottom, or it can be when hamiling be.i's, the ca.se may be re¬
l(‘ft empty, making a dead air space. We ad- moved and the cov(>r placed din'ctlV on top
vis(‘. the use of this bottom board for both sum¬ of th(' flat cover of hive, as shown in illustra¬
mer and winter. While it is somewhat longer tion. This will form a ^
and wid(‘r than the hive, it is made so that very good shade for the
there is no chance of water getting into the
hive. In summer, when the winter case is not
used, the hive should be shoved to the back
(Uid of the bottom board, leaving a wide alight¬
ing board in front. For w'inter management
the hive should be placed in the centre of the
bottom board so that tluu'e will be just l}4
inches between ends of hive and shell. The
inch strij) is placed between the hive at till' back end, giving a double mitrance to
and outside case, covering the entrance. This the hive, and should it be desired to use the
outside case is so construct'd that there is not hive for nucleus hive, for two small swarms,
a nail exposed to the weather, which is a mat¬ queen rearing or any similar purpose, a divis¬
ter of much imiiortance, as where a nail is ion board can be placed in the middle of brood
driven through from tlie outside the frost fol¬ chamber and an entrance made at diagonally
lows it and accumulates on inside, whicli melts opposite ends of the hive. To do this will re¬
oft' during warm days and thus causiis a great quire no cutting of the hive, or anything more
amount of moisture, oti inside of hive. than slipping under I'acli end a thin piece of
The. Thin Walh-d Hive has the same inside wood cut the proper length.
dimensions as the Dovetaihul Hive, whose in¬ Wo believe this hivo and winter case to be
side mati'rial is interchangeable with it. It is the cheapest and most efficient for the several
. ’ somewhat cheaper than purposes that has yet been offered, ihui keepers
the regular Dovetailed having the regular Dovidailed hive will, with
Hive, having sides % this winter case, have the cheapest, most con¬
inch thick and ends % venient and safest winter hive that can txi
inch thick. The ends are obtained.
rabbeted out % inch Prices are given in the following tables :
square so tiiat the side
pii'ces slip into the Table of Prices of Thin Walled Hive.
Without bottom, but fitted with same inside
It is really a Dovetailed Hive in everything
furniture as the respective numbers for Dove¬
('xcept the name. Wo call it our Thin Walled
tailed Hive.
Hivo. The cover is made % inch thick with
end cleats % inch thick. When used with an N’led & Weight
outside winter case wo believe it to be the OUDEll BY NUMBKU8. Painted Of
most complete, and at the same time the cheap¬ Each. 1 ilT Ten
est winter hive in use. ■
T. W. No. 1. $\ 50 »1 20 iUO 00 245
There is a inch space between the hive 1 20 8 00 215
2 10 1 60 i;i no 300
proper and winter case, both on sides and “ “ 4. 1 00 1 16 10 40 260
(uids, and whether packed with chaff or used “ “ 6. 1 (50 J 20 11 00 240
“ “ f,. 1 30 1 00 0 00 216
with a dead air space, our experience with 14 no 300
2 20 1 00
hives leads us to believe that it will make in “ “ 8...... 1 70 1 25 11 40 260
every way as perfect a wintering hive as has “ “ fi. 1 80 1 30 11 80 270
ever been invented. Where it is desired to “ “ 10. 1 45 1 05 n 30 260
“ “11. 1 40 1 10 10 00 225
pack the hive with chaff for winter, the half¬ “ “ 12. 1 20 no 8 00 216
story and cover of hivo is removed and the
brood frames covered with burlap or cloth. Five hives same rate per hive as ten.
Then pack the sides with any suitable material The price of above hives vrith bottoms will be according
to whether Outside Winter Case Bottom or Thin Walled the top bar % inch thick on the side. The
Hive Bottom is wanted.
width of top bar is IM inches. The end bars
Add for Outside Winter Case Bottom per hive, 15 cents
Add for Thin Walled Hive Bottom per hive, 5 cents are lxJ4 inch. The bottom bar is inch
The projections on top bar are narrowed to %
Outside Winter Case. inch in width to allow more room for taking
For Eight Frame Dovetailed and Eight hold of frame. This frame is furnished with
Frame Thin Walled hives. improved foundation fastening top bar, as per
Nld. & jjj FLAT Wt.
following illustration, at same price.
DESCKIPTION. Painted_' of
___Each. Each. 5 10 10
Outside Winter Case with
cover and bottom. $1 25 .75 3 25 6 50 190
Outside W’inter Case with
cover only (no bottom) 1 00 .55 2 50 5 00 140
]4 story Winter Case. 15 .12 50 1 00 23
Simplicity Frame.
This is the all wood, old style frame, fur¬
nished with Simplicity Hives for many years.
It has an inserted comb guide.
Hoffman Self-spacing Frame.
This frame is the same as the thick-top
frame with the exception of the end bars,
which have projections on the sides which
serve the purpose of accurately spacing the
frame in hive. One side of the projection to
each end bar is cut V-shape, so that when
placed in the hive this V edge strikes the
square edge of end bar of adjacent frame.
The V edges of the end bars are on opposite
sides of the frame, and in nailing frame up in
this way there will be no difficulty in placing
it correctly in hive. All our hives are supplied
with this style of frame, unless otherwise spec¬
ified in order.
Improved Foundation Fastening Frame.
Thick-top Frames. This frame has a thick-top bar, and is self¬
As thick-top frames practically prevent the spacing, as it has projections on end bars same
building of burr combs, frames with a thick as the Hoffman frame. In addition, the top
top bar are almost universally used. The bar is so made that the foundation fastening
above frame has a top bar % inch thick in¬ strip holds the foundation absolutely in place,
cluding the comb guide, which is molded out perfectly straight and exactly in center of top
solid from a piece % inch thick. This leaves Wr. The work is done rapidly and the foun-
dation is securely fastened. The illustration the end bar and this staple strikes the tin rab¬
shows how the top bar is made. To put in bet, preventing end play.
foundation, insert edge in the groove, slip in
the fastening strip and push it up tightly To Wire Frames.
against the foundation, and tack in place with Horizontal wiring is generally conceded to
two or three small wire nails. This frame will be the simplest and most effective. End bars
be furnished with all hives when so ordered. are pierced with four holes, two inches from
center to center. Drive a tack at the upper
and lower hole of one end bar, fasten one end
of wire to one of these tacks and pass other
end through the other holes, back and forth
and parallel to each other, drawing wires taut
so as to take up the slack; wind the end of
wire around the other tack and drive tacks in.
End bars are so pierced that the lower wire is
about % inch from bottom bar.
To fasten foundation in wired frames, cut
the sheets % inch narrower than inside depth
of frame. If improved foundation fastening
frames are used, place upper edge of sheet in
groove and press foundation fastening strip in
place and tack with two or three small wire
nails. Or, if moulded top bar is used, place
upper edge of sheet of foundation against the
comb guide and press it firmly to same with
Daisy foundation roller. Frames are furnish¬
ed with end bars pierced and wire for wiring
at 10 cents extra per hundred frames.
Top bar is narrowed at ends, same as Hoffman
and thick-top bar frames. Price List of Brood Frames.
Where foundation, either in full sheets or Put I IN FLAT. wt.
starters, is used—and we particularly recom¬ NAME. up
100 10 100 1000 100
mend the use of it—this frame, we are quite
Hoffman. $2 50 .20 lU 80 *16 00 35
sure, will be found superior to any other. Imp. Fdn. Fastening (Hoff-
Foundation fastening top bars will be fur¬ man end bars). 2 50 .20 1 80 15 00 40
nished with thick-top bar and Hoffman frames Thick-top. 2 00 .18 1 50 12 60 35
Imp. Fdn. Fastening (thick-
at no extra charge. top frame, end bars). 2 00 .18 1 50 12 60 40
Simplicity. 2 00 .15 1 20 10 00 25
Half Depth Extracting (il4
inches. 2 00 .15 1 20 10 00 26
Half depth Extract’g (thick-
top or I. F. F. top bars).. 2 50 .20 1 70 14 00 30
Chaff Cushion Division Boards.
Those are made of thin wood, packed with
chaff and have cloth cushions, bottom and
ends, that they may fit closely in the hive and
be easily removed.
Plain Division Boards—No Chaff.
Nos, 1 and 11. Nos. 2, 12 and 13.
These are made of one thickness of lumber
and are the proper size to just fit the inside of Nos. 1 and 11 are sheets of zinc with imper¬
brood chamber of hive. We always furnish forated- margin, the center being perforated
them with Dovetailed Hives, but they are used same as full sized sheets.
more or less in all hives. We make these dif¬
ferent thicknesses: % division boards are used
in Simplicity and Falcon Chaff Hives, while
H or even 3-16 in. thick are used in Dovetailed
No. 5, For Simplicity Hive.
Price List of Division Boards.
_PESCKIPl'IOy. Each.) 10 Wt. of 10.
Table of Prices of Honey Boards.
Chaff Division Board, complete... .20 Ifl'sO 20 lb Wt. Price
Chaff division hoard, flat, no chaff. .10 90 1 13 •• No. NAMES ANI> DESCRIPTION. of
Plain division board, nailed... .10 80 ■ 10 “ Inches. 10
Plain division board, flat.I .00 1 50
1 Unbound zinc honey board. 15 14 X1934 $1 20
Perforated Zinc for Excluding Drones n 8 frame unbound zinc honey
board . 13 12 xl9}4 1 00
and Queens. 2 Wood bound zinc honey board ,. 16 14^x19^ 1 50
5 Slatted wood zinc, 10 frame. 22 14J4xUn'» 1 .SO
Slatted wood, 10 frame. 14J4xl9Vfe SO
8 frame Dovetailed slatted wood 15 t 13%x20 80
8 10 frameDovetailed slatted wood 16 x20 80
8 frame Dovetailed slatted wood
** zinc. 19 13%x20 1 50
10 10 frame Dovetailed slatted wood
23 16 x20 1 60
12 10 frame Dovetailed wood bound
22 16 x20 1 60
13 8 frame Dovetailed wood bound
20 13%x20 1 50
[Length 1 PRICE. Wt.
clasp for the corners of his
hive. It draws equally and
ASD FOn WHAT USED. Inches. 100 500 100 erfectly from both ways, and
Tin separators for 8 and 4 sec- 1 olds the corners firmly to¬
tion wide frames. 1796 *1 60 $7 50 25 lbs. gether.
Tin separators for 6 and 3 sec-
tion wide frames. 1396 5 50 18 “
Tin seps. for section holders.. 17% 1 60 7 50 25 “ Sample set (12 pieces constitute a set) 15 ceuts
Tin separators for T supers ... 17)4 1 60 7 50 25 “ By mail.28 ,,
Tin seps. for combined crates. 17)4 1 60 7 50 25 “ 10 to 25 sets, per set.12
Slotted wood separators 4^x18 25 to 50 sets, “ 11 “
for Dovetailed supers. 60 2 50 7 “ 50 to 100 sets, “ 10 “
Slotted wood separators 4)4x17
for perfect supers. 60 2 50 7 “
17, 17)4 Porter Bee Escape.
Sawed wood seps., 3)4 in. wide or 18 _40 1 80
Price, for Simplicity frames.. The above is placed over the frames and un¬
Will make to order for other frames, for. der the cushions, and forms a chamber for the
bees to cluster in, and permits them to pass
Box Scraper. freely from one comb to another.
Price, each
Ten. 45
One hundred. 4 OO
In the flat, per hundred. 3 50
By mail, additional, each. 05
Simplicity Hive Opener.
Very handy for cleaning bottom boards, An extremely handy tool in the m
propolis from frames, etc. apiary. When bodies and covers jw
Price, 25 cents. In lots of ten, $2.25. are propolized together it is difficult 1/
to separate them, and especially so ji
Alley’s Combined Drone and Queen Trap. without jarring and disturbing the
bees. With this opener it can be
done easily, quickly and without an- ||
noyance to the colony. It is light !i|i|
and can be carried around the yard ^
when engaged in examining swarms.
As it is adjustable it can be used on iMT
any hive that has hand holes. Cut'®^^
shows its construction.
Price each, 25 cents; by mail, 40 cents. Ten for $2.00.
Fountain Pump or Sprinkler.
Light Section. Extra Light Section.
v- jo_For still deeper frames, not over 13-M inches Price List of Cowan Extractors.
* deep or 18ls wide (.weight 60 lbs.) 8 00
15—2 frame Cowan for L frames: diameter of
\ny above numbers with milk can handles, 2,') cents extra. can 20 inches; weight, TO lbs,. - - - . };io 00
\ny above numbers with 60 lbs. space below, 50 cents extra. 1^0. IT—2 frame Cowan for frames not over 11 inches
Vny above numbers with 100 lbs. space below, *1.00 extra. deep; 22 inches diameter; weight i>0 lbs., - 11 OO
Any above numbers made for four frames, $5.00 extra. No. 18—2 frame Cowan for frames not over 12 inches
deep; 24 inches diameter; weight 120 lbs., - 12 00
Cowan Rapid Reversible Extractor. No. 20—2 frame Cowan for frames requiring larger
than 24 inch can,.14 0(i
No. 2.5—4 frame Cowan for L frames; 28 inches in
diameter; weight 150 lbs., .... 20 00
No. 30—6 frame Cowan for L frames; 31 inches diam¬
eter; weight 180 lbs.,.26 Oil
Comb Basket,
This is an excellent machine where rapid
To be hung in extractor, for brok¬
work is required. The machine does not re¬
en pieces of comb and for section
verse the frames automatically, but they are
(>,asily and quickly reversed by hand and with¬
Price 25 cents ; by mail, 35 cents.
out removing them from the extractor. The
four and six frame CoMuin Extractor is some¬
what different in construction, but does even
Dadant’s Uncapping Can.
more rapid work, as all the frames are re¬
versed at one time, they being connected, as
shown in illustration, by a sprocket wheel and
Quinby Knife.
This is same as Novice in every respect, ex¬
cept the point is curved to facilitate ’ the
uncapping of irregular pieces of comb. The
edge is sharp all around the blade, including
the point. ®
Bingham Knife.
With this the sun supplies sufficient heat to
render the wax, at the same time bleaching it Thi? has a thick blade beveled on under side
and making it of No. 1 quality.
of the edges and ground sharp. It has long
Price.$3 00
been the leading uncapping knife, as a stiff
Swiss Wax Extractor. blade is found much more convenient than a
This extractor is flexible one.
simple. In using, p
the refuse comb in
wire basket and place
inside the can, put
the cover and set i
whole over a pan or kettle of boiling: water. Abbott Honey Knife.
As the comb melts, replenish. This is all the This is practically the same as the Bingham.
attention the extractor needs.
Price.$2 50
We furnish a copper bottomed steam gene¬
rator, made expressly for this extractor, for
Jones Wax Extractor.
This, in principle, is same as above, but is
larger and more complete, and where a large
amount of work is to be done will be found the
most suitable.
Price complete, including boiler.f4 00 Ten Cent Honey Knife.
35-Cent Wax Extractor. This has a wide, thin blade, and will be
found very convenient for cutting up comb
This is an 8-quart dish pan, with a metal
sieve set in it. To use it, pour water in the honey, scraping off propolis, etc.
pan, put your comb in the sieve and set the
whole in the oven. As fast as the wax melts Price List of Honey Knives.
and falls in the water put more comb in the
Postage NAME. Price.
10 cents Bingham honey knife. fO 70
5 “ Quinby honey knife. 90
HONEY KNIVES. 5 “ Novice honey knife. 75
10 “ Abbott honey knife.-.. 70
5 “ Ten cent honey knife. 10
Price List of Bingham Smokers.
These veils
Smoke Engine]
have a rubber largest made..
band around the Conqueror...
top so as to fit the Plain.
* Little Wonder
hat snugly. The
We will furnish half dozen of any size at dozen rates.
lower edge is The four larger sizes have extra wide shields and double
coiled steel wire handles. These shields and handles keep
bound,to prevent the hands cool and clean. *
fraying. The Crane Smoker.
kinds of material
are given in the
following table:
No. 1 veil, made entirely of silk tulle.Each, 80 csnts
No. 2 veil, cotton tulle, with silk tulle face.. “ 50 “
No. 3 veil, cotton tulle throughout. “ 40 ‘
No. 4 veil, mosquito bar throughout. “ 25 “
Silk tulle, 24 in. wide (8 yds. weigh 1 oz.), .per yd, 50 cents
Cotton tulle, 24 in. wide (postage 2c per yard) “ 20 “
Mosquito bar, 06 in. wide, per piece of 8 yards.50 “
Silk tulle, for face of veil, 9x12 inches. 10 “
Above prices of veils and silk tulle include postage.
Postage on full piece mosquito bar, 15 cents.
This imbedder has a metal wheel with teeth 12-ib. Single Tier Shipping <uiase.
so arranged tliat by running along the wire, Showing Three Sections.
This is a better proportioned_ case than the
the wire is pressed into the foundation.
one showing two sections, and is preferred by
Price.15 cents. By mail.18 cents
many on account of its showing the honey
HONEY SHIPPING CASES. better. Glass required, 2x133^.
The lower one in cut in next column is the Crates for Shipping Comb Honey.
48-lb. Double Tier Shipping Case. These are made to hold nine 24-ft) single tier
These cases take two lights of glass to a side, or eighteen 12-ft) two row cases. Having han¬
3x18, the parting strip covering the sections dles, the crates are not as liable to rough hand-
1 in Box...
' of Sheets
Per Ten
Box of
50 feet..
The “Perfect” ple will project for end of T tin to rest upon.
For Simplicity Hive, is For bee space below, straight staples are
tho, only one yet invented driven into the sides of super % inch from
that perfectly pn'vents - bottom edge.
the propolizing of sec-
Bent .staples, about 400 to pound, 3 oz. 10 cents, 1 n> 40 cts.
tions. The bar or rest Straight staples (unbent), 3 oz, a cents, 1 ft 20 cents.
consists of a strip of
wood with nicely turned Price List of T Tins, Etc.
tinned edge's which pro¬
ject above the wood for sections to rest upon. DESCIIIPTIOX. of
The bar is V(!ry strong and will not sag in the 100 1000 100
least, and is wide enough to cover the projec¬ T Tins. 12, 13J4, 14 inches long or under tu 00 8 00 Tibs.
tion on the section formed by the curved open¬ T Tins, 16 in. and under to 14 in. long..] 1 2C 10 00 1 s “
ings, and is in every way a decided improve¬ T Tins, over 16 in. and up to 20 in. 12 50 10 “
Fiat Tins, 14 inches and under % wide 40 3 50 3 “
ment on tho T tin. The separators are made Flat Tins, 14 to 20 in. long, % wide_ _ 60 5 (-0
with insets for passage of bees, and cover the
edges of sections, where they would otherwise
Steel Wire Nails.
touch. In fact, bees have no access to the
edges of sections, except where they enter the We keep a large stock of steel wire nails of
section for storing honey. This super, having the very best grade. We shall bo glad to
a bee space below, does not require a honey
name special prices to any one wishing these
nails by the keg.
The T Super for Tiering up Inside the
Simplicity Hive. No. of PRI ras.
Length of Nails Nails'Per
ih. ^^fre.^ 1 lb. 10 lbs.
14 inch. n,777 No. 21 .20 81 70
^ inch. 10 000 No. 20 .15 1 20
inch. 7,500 No. 20 .12 1 00
% inch. 4,26!) No. 19 .10 80
?4 incli. 2,750 No. 18 .08 70
% inch. 2,350 No. 18 .08 66
1 inch. 2.069 No. 18 .08 62
114 incli. 1,246 No. 17 .07 60
114 inch. 761 No 16 .07
194 inch. 406 No. 14 .06 50
2 inch. 268 No. 13 .05 48
214 inch. 238 No. 13 .05
214 inch. 164 No. 12 .05 46
Prices of Crates and Supers. are the ones mostly used by bee keepers.
Page Feeder.
Benton Cage.
Chaff Cushions.
These are made of burlaps, and are filled
loosely with chaff and placed over the brood
For catching queens without injury. An chamber for winter protection.
excellent introducing cage. Description and Complete, without chaff.15 cents.
printed instructions with each cage. In lots of ten, each.lo
IVluth Square Class Jars for Extracted Ind., and only in full packages of 100 each.
1 lb. Jars, per 100, with corks. to
o- ox. .. ..
“ ’■
>• 22 SO
For covering frames and for feeders, 29 inches wide, per
yard, lo cents ; 10 yards, m.25. ^
Enameled Cloth.
Enameled cloth, 45 inches wide, per yard, 20 cents- I-*
yards, $2.25. ’ '
One and two pound jars are packed in boxes of half gross
each; half pound and five ounce jars in boxes of one gross
each. At above prices jars are shipped direct from factory
or Cincinnati, U.
Pouder Square Jars for Extracted Hcney.
This washer is the most practical machine
ever invented. It will wash perfectly clean
and does not injure the clothes. The frailest
w'oman, or a child twelve years old, can pper-
ate it with ease, and a washing can be done
with it in one third the time it takes by hand.
This style of washing machine is acknowl¬
edged by all to be the correct idea of a washer,
and the Empire contains all the very latest im¬
provements. Thousands of them have been
Price of No. 2 (regular sixe).$7 00
Price of Style A (large sixe). 8 00
Top 24x36
inches, made
of hardwood,
neatly finish¬
ed, 81.25 each.
89.00 per doz.
These are similar to the Muth jar and at the Legs fold un¬
prices quoted include corks. der top when
not in use.
All orders will be shipped from Indianapolis,
Every bee keeper should take at least one good bee paper.
Many times more than the subscription price will be saved
each year if the good advice therein is followed.
We can furnish electrotypes of engravings shown in
this Price List for 20 cents per square inch. If by mail,
25 cents per square inch.
To figure the size measure the blank space around the
Bird’s-eye view of the Office, Factory, Sawmill, Storehouses etc. of the Yf, T. FALCONER MFG. CO.,
situated at FALCONER, N.Y., 2K miles from Jamestown, on Jamestown Electric Street Railway, and at
Junction of Erie, B. & S. W. Branch of Erie, D. A.V. & P. and J. & L. E. Railroads.
Office; 2- Main Factory; 3—Foundation Factory; 4—Tin Shop; 5—Stables; 6-Sawmlll; 7 and 8—Steam Dry Kilns.
Storehouses on opposite side of factory not shown.
Our Main Factory is 230 feet lohg, and has an addition on opposite side 50 x lOOfeet. four stories high.