I Mr. PRADEEP MUPPIRI Proprietor of M/s NALABHIMA PAKAM here by confirm the below.
• Major social policies of the Ministry of Labour and Employment “National Policy on Safety,
Health and Environment at Workplace” have been (& will be) complied with.
• Labour laws enacted by the Central Government, where the Central Government has the sole
responsibility for enforcement (ex. ESI, EPF etc.) have been (& will be) complied with.
• Labour laws enacted by Central Government and enforced both by Central and State
Governments (Child Labor Act, Contract Labor Act, Payment of Wages Act etc.) have been (&
will be) complied with.
• Labour laws enacted by Central Government and enforced by the State Governments (Trade
Union Act, Personal Injuries Act, Bonded Labor Abolition Act etc.) have been (& will be)
complied with.
• Labour laws enacted and enforced by the various State Governments which apply to
respective States have been (& will be) complied with.
• Shop & Establishment Act of each state (where the borrowing entity operates) has been
obtained, with a license under the act to carry out its activities. Terms and conditions of this
license wrt norms prescribed for working conditions, safety, hygiene, ventilation, employee
age etc. have been (& will be) complied with. The establishment / borrowing entity issubjected
to regular inspections and renewal of the license annually
• We are aware that Neo Growth has in place a structured grievance redressal framework
supported by a review mechanism. This redressal mechanism can be used not just by its
customers, but also by its employees, vendors and the community at large. This grievance
redressal policy is a part of Neo Growth’s Fair Practice code which is published in its website
• We are not engaged in, or deal with any business entity engaged in, the business or trade of
any product or activity deemed to be illegal under the laws or regulations in force in India, or
those appearing the following list of prohibited activities:
o Conversion or degradation of critical forest areas or forest-related critical natural
o Leasing or financing of logging equipment, unless an environmental and social impact
assessment indicates that; (i) all timber harvesting operations involved will be
conducted in an environmentally sound manner which minimizes forest destruction;
and (ii) the timber harvesting operations will produce positive economic benefits and
sustainable forest management systems.
o Construction of dams that significantly and irreversibly: (a) disrupt natural ecosystems
upstream or downstream of the dam; or (b) alter natural hydrology; or (c) inundate
large land areas; or (d) impact biodiversity; or (e) displace large numbers of
inhabitants (5,000 persons or more); or (f) impact local inhabitants' ability to earn a
o Production or trade in any product or activity deemed illegal under host country laws
or regulations or international conventions and agreements or subject to
international phase-outs or bans such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides/herbicides,
ozone depleting substances, polychlorinated biphenyls and other hazardous
substances, wildlife or wildlife products regulated under the Convention on
International Trade and Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and trans-
boundary trade in waste or waste products.
o Any impact on natural World Heritage Sites http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/ unless it
can be demonstrated through an environmental assessment that the project (i) will
not result in the degradation of the protected area and (ii) will produce positive
environmental and social benefits.
o Any impact on areas on the United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas
http://www.unepwcmc.org/ unless it can be demonstrated through an
environmental assessment that the project(i) will not result in the degradation of the
protected area and (ii) will produce positive environmental and social benefits.
o Extraction or infrastructure in or impacting protected area Categories I, II, III, and IV
(Strict Nature Reserve/Wilderness Areas and National Parks, Natural Monuments and
Habitat/Species Management Areas), as defined by the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature(IUCN).Projects in IUCN Categories V (Protected
Landscape/Seascape) and VI (Managed Resource Protected Area) must be consistent
with IUCN management objectives
http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/gpap_home/ unless it can be
demonstrated through an environmental assessment (i) there is no degradation of the
protected area and (ii) there are positive environmental and social benefits.
o Production of or trade in radioactive materials, including nuclear reactors and
components thereof.
o Production of, trade in or use of un-bonded asbestos fibres.
o Marine and coastal fishing practices, such as large-scale pelagic drift net fishing and
fine mesh net fishing, harmful to vulnerable and protected species in large numbers
and damaging to biodiversity and habitats.
o Use of forced labour or harmful child labour.
o Projects or companies known to be in violation of local applicable laws related to
environment, health, safety, labour and public disclosure.
o Projects or companies where the primary business activities are in the following
prohibited sectors: gambling; media communications of an adult or political nature;
military production or sales; alcoholic beverages (if contrary to local religious or
cultural norms); or tobacco and related products.
o Companies found by a court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction
engaging in unlawful monopolistic practices.