Astm C1036 01

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Designation: C 1036 – 01

Standard Specification for

Flat Glass 1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1036; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This specification covers the requirements for annealed, 3.1 For additional definitions of terms, Refer to Terminol-
monolithic flat glass of rectangular shape supplied as cut sizes ogy C 162.
or stock sheets. This specification is applicable for laboratory 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
and field evaluation only to the extent that such evaluation can 3.2.1 bevel—an angled surface at the edge of a lite of glass.
be carried out in accordance with the test method(s) prescribed 3.2.2 blemish —an imperfection in the body or on the
herein. surface of the glass. For the purpose of this specification
1.2 This specification covers the quality requirements of blemishes are divided into three categories:
flat, transparent, clear and tinted glass having glossy, appar- crush blemish—a lightly pitted condition with a dull
ently plane and smooth surfaces. The glass is intended to be gray appearance.
used primarily for mirrors, coatings, glazing, and general linear blemish—Scratches, rubs, digs, and other
architectural or similar uses. similar imperfections.
iTeh Standards
NOTE 1—Reflective distortion is not addressed in this specification.
NOTE 2—There may be blemishes or other glass quality requirements point blemish—knots, dirt, stones, gaseous inclu-
sions and other similar imperfections
that are not addressed in this specification.
1.3 This specification covers the quality requirements of
3.2.3 chip depth—the measured distance of a chip from the
face of the glass into the thickness.
3.2.4 chip length —the distance parallel to the edge of the
decorative and general glazing applications. Document Preview
patterned or wired glasses intended to be used primarily for

1.4 The dimensional values stated in metric units are to be

glass from one edge of a chip to the other.
3.2.5 chip width—the perpendicular distance from the edge
of the glass to the inner edge of the chip.
regarded as the standard. The inch-pound units given in
ASTM C1036-013.2.6 cut sizes—glass ordered cut to its final intended size.
parentheses are for information only.
3.2.7 digs—deep, short scratches.
This standard does not purport to address all of the
3.2.8 dirt—a small particle of foreign matter embedded in
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
the surface of a flat glass sheet.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
3.2.9 fire cracks—small, sometimes microscopic fissures in
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
the edge of wired or patterned glass.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
3.2.10 flare—a protrusion on the glass edge or corner of an
2. Referenced Documents otherwise rectangular surface.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 3.2.11 gaseous inclusion—a round or elongated bubble in
C 162 Terminology of Glass and Glass Products 2,3 the glass.
2.2 Other Standards: 3.2.12 knot—an inhomogeneity in the form of a vitreous
NFRC 300 Procedure for Determining the Solar Optical lump.
Properties for Simple Fenestration Products4 3.2.13 lines—fine cords or strings, usually on the surface of
sheet glass.
3.2.14 patterned glass—rolled flat glass having a pattern on
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C14 on Glass one or both surfaces.
and Glass Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C14.08 on Flat 3.2.15 ream—a linear distortion due to non-homogeneous
Glass. layers of flat glass.
Current edition approved June 10, 2001. Published August 2001. Originally
published as C 1036 – 85. Last previous edition C 1036 – 91 (1997).
Latest issue, unless otherwise specified by the agency applying Specification
C 1036.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.02.
National Fenestration Rating Council, 1300 Spring Street, Suite 500, Silver
Spring, MO 20910.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

C 1036 – 01
3.2.16 rub—abrasion of a glass surface producing a frosted 4. Classification and Intended Use
appearance. NOTE 3—When referencing this specification, the user shall indicate the
3.2.17 scratch—damage on a glass surface in the form of a title and date of the specification and the type, class quality (including
line caused by the relative movement of an object across and in cut-size or stock sheets), size and thickness of the glass.
contact with the glass surface. 4.1 Types, Classes, Forms, Qualities, and Finishes—Glass
3.2.18 shell chip—a circular indentation in the glass edge shall be of the following types, classes, forms, qualities, and
due to breakage of a small fragment out of an otherwise regular finishes, as specified (see below):
surface. 4.1.1 Type I—Transparent Flat Glass:
3.2.19 stock sheets—glass ordered in sizes intended to be Class 1—Clear:
cut to create final or cut size (that is, uncuts, intermediates, Quality Intended Use
jumbos, lehr ends). Quality-Q1 Recommended or intended, or both,
(cut-size or for use in the production of high quality mirrors.
3.2.20 stone—a crystalline inclusion in glass. stock sheets)
3.2.21 string—a straight or curled line, usually resulting
Quality-Q2 Recommended or intended, or both,
from slow solution of a large grain of sand or foreign material. (cut-size or for use in the production of general
3.2.22 tinted glass—glass formulated to give light or heat or stock sheets) use mirrors and other applications.
both, reducing capability and color. Quality-Q3 Recommended or intended, or both,
3.2.23 v-chip—a v-shaped imperfection in the edge of the (cut-size or for architectural applications including
glass lite. stock sheets) reflective and low emissivity
coated glass products,
3.2.24 vision interference angle—the angle at which distor- and other select glazing applications.
tion in transmission first appears (See Fig. 1)
Quality-Q4 Recommended or intended, or both,
3.2.25 wired glass—flat glass with a layer of wire mesh (cut-size or for general glazing applications.
embedded in the glass. stock sheets)

iTeh Standards
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ASTM C1036-01

FIG. 1 Vision Interference Angle

C 1036 – 01 Class 2 Tinted: 5.1.1 Edge Requirements—Edges of glass shall be supplied
Quality Intended Use as specified.
Quality-Q1 Not available NOTE 4—Edges may be supplied or specified, or both, as factory cut,
Quality-Q2 Recommended or intended, or both,
seamed, ground, polished, beveled, mitered, etc. See manufacturers’
(cut-size or stock sheets) for use in the production of general literature for more information.
use mirrors and other applications. Shell Chips—Shell chips are permitted. (See Table 6
Quality-Q3 Recommended or intended, or both, for acceptance criteria.)
(cut-size or stock sheets) for architectural applications including
reflective and low emissivity coated glass V-Chips—V-Chips are not permitted.
products, and other select glazing applications. 5.1.2 Dimensional Tolerances —Tolerances for length,
width, squareness, and thickness shall be in accordance with
Quality-Q4 Recommended or intended, or both,
(cut-size or stock sheets) for general glazing applications. Table 1.
5.1.3 Blemishes —Allowable blemishes are addressed in
4.1.2 Type II—Patterned and Wired Flat Glass:
Section 6 and in Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4.
Class 1 - Clear
Class 2 - Tinted: 5.1.4 Uniformity—For cut sizes of glass with a thickness of
6 mm (1⁄4 in.), or less the glass shall not vary in thickness more
Quality Intended Use
than 0.1 mm (.004 in.) over a 100 mm (4 in.) area.
Quality-Q5 Intended for use where design and aes-
thetic characteristics are major consid- 5.1.5 Distortion—Reams, strings, lines and other allowable
erations. distortion (in transmission) are addressed in Section 6 and
Table 5.
Quality-Q6 Intended for general glazing where
functional characteristics are a consid- 5.1.6 Squareness—The squareness requirements for cut
eration and where blemishes are not a glass are shown in 6.1.8 and in Table 1.
major concern.
5.2 Requirements for Type II, (Patterned and Wired Flat
Form 1
iTeh Standards
Wired Glass, polished both sides
5.2.1 Wired (Forms 1 and 2) Form 1 (Polished Both Sides)—Glass may contain

waviness that does not interfere with vision normal to the
Form 2 Wired Glass, patterned surfaces surface. Form 2 (Patterned One or Both Sides)—Glass shall
Form 3
Document Preview
Patterned Glass
not contain fire cracks. Dimensional Tolerances—Tolerance for length,
Finish Description width, and thickness shall be in accordance with Table 7.
Finish 1 (F1) Patterned one side ASTM C1036-01 Wire and Mesh—Diameter of wires shall be from
0.43 mm to 6.4 mm (0.017 in. to 0.025 in.) Discoloration and
Finish 2 (F2) Patterned both sides
slight distortion of wire are permissible. Wired glass may
contain numerous gaseous inclusions along the wire.
Mesh Description Mesh M1, diamond shall be welded. Opening in
Mesh 1 (M1) Diamond the mesh shall not exceed 32 mm (11⁄4 in.) between wire
intersection measured across diagonal corners of the diamond.
Mesh 2 (M2) Square Mesh M2, square shall be welded. Opening in the
mesh shall not exceed 16 mm (5⁄8 in.) between wire intersec-
Mesh 3 (M3) Parallel strand
tions measured along a side of the square.
Mesh 4 (M4) Special Mesh M3, parallel strand, spacing shall be as
specified. Mesh M4, as specified.
Pattern Description 5.2.2 Patterned (Form 3):
Pattern 1 (P1) Linear Dimensional Tolerances—Finishes F1 and F2, pat-
Pattern 2 (P2) Geometric terns P1, P2, P3, and P4. Tolerances for patterns P1 and P2 for
length, width, and thickness shall be in accordance with Table
Pattern 3 (P3) Random 8. Check with the manufacturer for thickness and dimensional
tolerances on Random pattern P3 and Special pattern P4.
Pattern 4 (P4) Special Patterned glass shall not contain fire cracks. Surface Pattern Quality Q5—Surface pattern shall be clear, sharp,
5. Requirements defined and free of obvious disfiguration that affects the
5.1 Requirements for Type I (Transparent Flat Glass): appearance of the pattern.

C 1036 – 01
TABLE 1 Dimensional Tolerance for Rectangular Shapes of Type 1 Transparent, Flat GlassA
Cut Size Length and Cut Size Squareness Stock Sheet Tolerance
Thickness Thickness Range
WidthA D1–D2

Designation Traditional
mm in. Length and WidthA
mm Designation
min max min max 6 mm (6 in.) 6 mm (6 in.) 6 mm (6 in.)
1.0 micro-slide 0.79 1.24 0.031 0.049 1.6 (⁄ )
1 16 2.0 (⁄ )
5 64 6.4 ⁄

1.5 photo 1.27 1.78 0.050 0.070 1.6 (1⁄16) 2.0 (5⁄64) 6.4 ⁄

2.0 picture 1.80 2.13 0.071 0.084 1.6 (1⁄16) 2.0 (5⁄64) 6.4 ⁄

2.5 single 2.16 2.57 0.085 0.101 1.6 (1⁄16) 2.0 (5⁄64) 6.4 ⁄

2.7 lami 2.59 2.90 0.102 0.114 1.6 (⁄ )

1 16 2.0 (⁄ )
5 64 6.4 ⁄

3.0 double-1⁄8 in. 2.92 3.40 0.115 0.134 1.6 (1⁄16) 2.0 (5⁄64) 6.4 ⁄

4.0 ⁄
5 32 in. 3.78 4.19 0.149 0.165 1.6 (1⁄16) 2.0 (5⁄64) 6.4 ⁄

5.0 ⁄
3 16 in. 4.57 5.05 0.180 0.199 1.6 (1⁄16) 2.0 (5⁄64) 6.4 ⁄

6.0 ⁄
14 in. 5.56 6.20 0.219 0.244 1.6 (1⁄16) 2.0 (5⁄64) 6.4 ⁄

8.0 ⁄
5 16 in. 7.42 8.43 0.292 0.332 2.0 (5⁄64) 2.8 (7⁄64) 6.4 ⁄

10.0 ⁄ in.
38 9.02 10.31 0.355 0.406 2.4 (3⁄32) 3.4 (1 ⁄ 8 ) 6.4 ⁄

12.0 ⁄ in.
12 11.91 13.49 0.469 0.531 3.2 (⁄)
18 4.5 ( ⁄ )
11 64 6.4 ⁄

16.0 ⁄ in. 15.09

iTeh Standards
16.66 0.595 0.656 4.0 (5⁄32) 5.7 (7⁄32) 6.4 ⁄
58 14

19.0 ⁄ in.
34 18.26 19.84 0.719 0.781 4.8 (3⁄16) 6.8 (1 ⁄ 4 ) 6.4 ⁄

22.0 ⁄ in.
21.44 23.01 0.844 0.906 5.6 (7⁄32) 7.9 (19⁄64) 6.4 ⁄

Document Preview
25.0 1 in. 24.61 26.19 0.969 1.031 6.4 (⁄)
14 9.0 ( ⁄ )
11 32 6.4 ⁄

Length and width of cut size and stock sheets of flat glass include flares and bevels.
Within the 3.0 designation there are some applications that may require different thickness ranges (see manufacturer). Quality Q6—Surface pattern shall be free of large

ASTM C1036-01
Place samples in a vertical position at a distance of approxi-
of blemishes. Scattered areas of non-uniform surface and mately 1 m (39 in.) from the viewer. The viewer shall look
scattered surface blemishes are permissible. through the sample at an angle of 90° (perpendicular) to the
surface using daylight, (with out direct sunlight), or other
NOTE 5—Patterned glass can vary slightly in both configuration and
color from run to run. uniform diffused background lighting that simulates daylight,
with a minimum illuminate of 160 foot-candles. If a blemish is
6. Test Methods detected, refer to Tables 2 and 3 for evaluation criteria.
NOTE 6—All visual inspections for blemishes shall be made with 20/20 6.1.3 Point Blemish Measurement—Point blemish size shall
vision (naked eye or corrected). be determined by measuring the length and width of the
6.1 Test Methods for Type I Glass (Transparent Flat Glass): blemish and calculating the average of the two dimensions.
6.1.1 Ream, Strings, Lines and Distortion— ( See Fig. 1) The allowable blemish sizes listed in Table 2 include associ-
Place specimen in a vertical position at a distance of approxi- ated distortion for Q1 and Q2, but Q3 and Q4 do not include
mately 4.5 m (15 ft.) from a zebra board with 25 mm (1 in.) associated distortion.
black and white diagonal stripes. The viewer shall look through 6.1.4 Blemish Detection for Crush—Place samples in a
the sample at a distance of 4.5 m (15 ft.) using daylight vertical position at a distance of approximately 2 m (78 in.)
(without direct sunlight) or other uniform diffused background from the viewer. The viewer shall look through the sample at
lighting that simulates daylight with a minimum illuminant of an angle of 90° (perpendicular) to the surface using daylight
160 foot-candles. Start with the glass specimen parallel with (without direct sunlight), or other uniform diffused background
the zebra board (identified as zero degrees) and perpendicular lighting that simulates daylight, with a minimum illuminate of
with the viewer’s line of sight. Rotate the specimen clockwise 160 foot-candles. If a blemish is detected refer to Table 2 and
from zero until it reaches the angle at which the distortion Table 3 for evaluation criteria.
appears and report that angle-referred to as the vision interfer- 6.1.5 Detection for Linear Blemishes (Scratches, Rubs,
ence angle. Refer to Table 5 for evaluation criteria. Digs, and Other Similar Blemishes)—Place samples in a
6.1.2 Blemish Detection for Point Blemish (Knots, Dirts, vertical position to the viewer. The viewer shall stand approxi-
Stones, Gaseous Inclusions and Other Similar Blemishes)— mately 4 m (160 in.) from specimen and look through the

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