Florschutz & Becker, 1999
Florschutz & Becker, 1999
Florschutz & Becker, 1999
Table 1. Transit of a X-ray opaque MicropaqueTM diet in the digestive tract of previously
starved B. glabrata (experiment 1). Percentage of snails in which a given part of the digestive
tract was reached within a certain period are listed (N 20).
15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
stomach region 77.8
pro-intestine 22.2 50 50 12.5
mid-intestine I 50 50 50 30 12.5 12.5
mid-intestine II 37.5 70 50 50 25
post-intestine 37.5 37.5 75
digestive gland 100
Table 2. Transit of a X-ray opaque Micropaque diet in the digestive tract of previously
starved and fed B. glabrata compared with snails fed ad libitum. Percentages of snails in
which the digestive gland was reached within a certain period are listed.
15 min 30 min
Figure 1. Biomphalaria glabrata. Lateral view of the digestive tract (A) compared with two positive prints of
X-radiographs (B and C).
Abbreviations: bm, buccal mass; c, crop; dg, digestive gland; dgd, digestive gland ducts; e, esophagous; f, foot;
g, gizzard; mid-i, mid-intestine; p, pylorus; pro-e, pro-esophagus; pro-i, pro-intestine; post-e, post-esophagus;
st-r, stomach-region; t, tentacle.
Table 3. Transit of ThO2 in the digestive tract In all ad libitum feeding experiments (2–5),
of B. glabrata compared with the transit of cyclic feeding activity could be observed: after
the other X-ray opaque MicropaqueTM ( MO). the adaptation period snails fed continuously
Percentages of snails in which the digestive for 45–60 min. These feeding periods were
gland was reached within a certain period are
interrupted by 30–60 min rest periods. In the
afternoon, pauses within feeding periods were
15 min 30 min generally longer.
Although food transit was slowest in snails
ThO2 MO ThO2 MO fed ad libitum, considerable variations occurred
between individuals. One typical example
Percentage 95.2 59.3 100 78.4 from experiment 2 is shown in Figure 2. The
N 21 27 23 28 marker initially remained in the esophagus for a
certain period (see arrow at 15 min). Then
the first marker particles appeared in the diges-
tive gland. The filling process continued
Figure 2. Biomphalaria glabrata. Experiment 4. Transit of the X-ray opaque marker ThO2 in the digestive
tract visualised by positive prints of X-radiographs taken from the same snail. Lateral view. Time is indicated
as min after feeding the marker. Abbreviations as in Fig. 1.
Figure 3. Biomphalaria glabrata . Experiment 5. Transit of the X-ray opaque MicropaqueTM-particles in the
digestive tract, viewed by radiographs of the same snail. In this time profile, minutes after the start of the
feeding cycle are recorded. The different stages of filling and emptying of the digestive gland can be observed
especially well in this sequence.
while marker particles progressed into the a rhythmic filling and emptying of the digestive
pro-intestine and mid-intestine (see arrows at gland. The gland is filled continuously during
85 min) forming the faecal string. Meanwhile the first 60–110 min of the experiment (Fig. 3, 6
marker particles had been completely dis- and 67 min). The highly branched tubular
charged from the digestive gland and the loop system of the gland can be observed. After the
of the midintestine had been reached (see 95 filling process the organ is emptied abruptly
min). At 165 min the marked part of the faecal within at most 10 min (Fig. 3, 77 min) Figure 4
string had been discharged via the anus. indicates the return of particles released from
In snails which were fed the MicropaqueTM the tubules of the digestive gland to the eso-
diet ad libitum throughout the whole experi- phagus. After 34 min the initially taken up
ment (experiment 3), rhythmic activity of the material has reached the distal parts of the
digestive tract could be observed, together with digestive tract, and the esophagus is empty.
Figure 4. Biomphalaria glabrata . Experiment 5. Transit of the X-ray opaque MicropaqueTM-particles in the
digestive tract, viewed by radiographs of the same snail. In this time profile, minutes after the start of the
feeding cycle are recorded. The postesophagus and peristaltic waves are indicated by arrows.
However, 10 min later an increased number of living on algae and detritus (Thomas, Nuanko
particles and strong peristaltic and antiperi- & Sterry, 1985). This habit is reflected in the
staltic activity was observed. This must be the anatomy of the digestive tract (Fig. 1) and the
result of a retransport from more distal parts as dynamics of the digestive process are discussed
no fresh food particles or faecal materials from below.
previous meals were ingested. The return of Although long starvation intervals between
labelled particles from the digestive tract to the feeding periods cannot be considered a normal
esophagus occurred only in the afternoon. physiological state for B. glabrata, using starved
snails for measuring food transit rates can be
useful. Experiments on metabolism are often
DISCUSSION conducted under starvation (Horst, Becker &
Kemper, 1986) to make sure that the tested
Under natural conditions B. glabrata, like other diets were consumed by the snails in a sufficient
basommatophoran snails is a continuous feeder amount.
The fact that food transit in ad libitum-fed as already described by Krikgsmann (1925)
snails is slower than in starved ones cannot be and Heidermanns (1926) for the stylom-
attributed solely to the fact that the marker matophoran snail Helix pomatia, by Morton
proceeds faster in the digestive tract because (1979) for the slug Deroceras caruanae and by
the organs are depleted of food. After a 16 h Morgan & Last (1972) for the freshwater proso-
starvation period food particles can still be branch Melanoides tuberculata. Also Becker’s
found in the whole digestive tract with the (1983) microcalorimetric investigations on B.
exception of the esophagus. Rather it is likely glabrata support the idea of a rhythmic cellular
that feeding conditions such as starvation influ- activity. Nevertheless no information from
ence speed of food transit as a compensatory histological investigations on basommatophor-
effect: after good deprivation the amount of ans has been obtained. Meulemann (1972), for
food taken up is increased. This conclusion is in instance, excluded the possibility of a cyclic cel-
accordance with the findings of Calow (1975) lular activity in B. pfeifferi. Therefore, further
that in Planorbis contortus food absorption investigations with more sophisticated tech-
efficiency depends on feeding conditions. niques should help to decide whether a periodic
The comparison of the different results from activity is really present in basommatophorans.
experiments 1, 2 and 3 show that the food tran- A transport of particles into the esophagus
sit rates given might only be indicative values from the stomach region has not been de-
for other workers because the special experi- scribed previously. The pronounced peristaltic
mental conditions have a very important influ- and antiperistaltic movements of the esopha-
ence. gus support the theory of the foregut as one
In the present experimental approach we site of food resorption in B. glabrata. This
succeeded for the first time in visualising the is performed mainly in the afternoon when
1–2 h cycle of the digestive gland’s rhythmic snails interrupt their feeding activity for longer
activity. These results could be obtained be- periods and no newly ingested particles have
cause the marker substance MicropaqueTM was been transported into the foregut. This phe-
distributed throughout the lumina of the gland. nomenon is in concordance with the situation
Other authors, such as Walker (1972) and Veld- in the stylommatophoran D. reticulatum where
huijzen (1974) reported that the markers were Walker (1972) found resorption processes in
phagocytoxed (as ThorotrastTM) or did not the foregut, too.
enter the gland (various BaSO4-containing Despite these similarities the dynamics of
substances, such as MicropaqueTM). In both food transit in the investigated species differ
cases the filling and emptying of the gland could from those in D. reticulatum. This may reflect
not be visualised. When comparing Veld- the distinct habitats of the two pulmonates:
huijzen’s results with ours the question arises: in B. glabrata food transit through the digestive
why did the marker enter B. glabrata digestive tract is faster (max. 2 h) when compared to
gland but not that of the other basom- D. reticulatum (9–12 h) (Walker, 1972 and
matophoran snail L. stagnalis? Particle size and Triebskorn & Florschütz, 1993) Even retention
formulation of the X-ray opaque diets are not time of food particles in the foregut is shorter
likely to be crucial, because these factors are to in the former indicating more continuous feed-
be considered similar. Rather it seems probable ing behaviour by the freshwater pulmonate.
that preadaptation to the diets in B. glabrata On the other hand D. reticulatum, a terrestrial
might be of some significance: our snails were species, usually interrupts feeding during the
reared on the same type of Standen’s diet less favourable dry day time and spends these
before and during the experiments. The L. hours in the enzymatic digestion of plant
stagnalis, however, were fed on lettuce in the material in its large crop.
pre-experimental period, which is a completely Obviously the course of digestion in gastro-
different type of diet for the snail. pods can differ in a very pronounced manner
Although food transit in B. glabrata is as it is influenced considerably by ecological
slightly faster than in L. stagnalis the 1–2 h aspects. This fact must be taken into account in
rhythm of the digestive gland is in good accor- all investigations performed in this field.
dance with the one described for L. stagnalis by
Veldhuijzen, deducing a 2 h rhythm from the
analysis of the faeces composition. REFERENCES
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