Ibad Synopsis
Ibad Synopsis
Ibad Synopsis
Research Synopsis
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Guide Signature
The study on consumer preference for ready-to-eat meal products in day-to-day lifestyle aims to investigate
the behaviors and preferences of consumers towards ready-to-eat foods. Understanding consumer behavior in
this context is crucial for marketers to tailor their products effectively. Previous research has identified key
factors influencing consumer choices, such as health-orientation, taste-orientation, convenience-orientation,
and tradition-orientation (Hyun-Joo Bae,2010)
Ready-to-eat food is food that is offered or exposed for sale without additional cooking or preparation, which
is packaged on the premises where they are being sold and are ready for consumption. Canned foods,
convenience foods, fast foods, frozen foods, instant products, dried foods, preserved foods, etc. all come
under Ready-to-Eat foods (Selvarajn, 2012)
Research on the behavioral patterns of customers for ready-to-eat food items highlights the need to focus on
customer satisfaction and understanding consumer needs to excel in the competitive market (Gaurav
Ready-to-eat (RTE) foods are increasingly popular with the consumer predominantly due to their
convenience of consumption and ease of preparation and storage and consumer appeal factors such as
convenience, value, attractive appearance and texture (Harper, 1981)
The marketing of RTE foods should not only consider the attitudinal and product factors of the product itself.
Other factors like packaging play a very important role in determining the quality and sales of the product
itself (Margretts, 1998)
Ready-to-eat/use products are a rapidly growing sector in the market because of increased consumer demand
for fresh, healthy, convenient and additive-free prepared products. However, especially freshly prepared food
items are highly perishable and prone to major spoilage mechanisms of enzymatic discoloration, moisture
loss and microbial growth. Good manufacturing practices along with appropriate packaging materials are
required to control these spoilage mechanisms(Zehra AYHAN,2011)
To understand the consumer behavior towards RTE products
To understand the role of RTE products while travelling
To explore the consumption patterns and frequency of ready-to-eat meals among residents of Delhi NCR.
Research design
Quantitative study
a. Methodology for data collection
4. Sample Size: 80
Limitation would be the survey area of Delhi NCRP
Bae, H. C., Chae, M., & Ryu, K. (2010). Consumer behaviors towards ready-to-eat foods based on
Sharma, G. (2012). A study of behavioral pattern of the customers for ready to eat food items. Social
Ayhan, Z. (2011, August 1). Effect of packaging on the quality and shelf-life of Minimally
FOOD PRODUCTS. In JETIR, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (Vol. 9,
Literature review
Goindi, G., Sinha, B., & Bhatt, V. (2021). A Study on Consumer Perception towards Ready-To-Eat
https://www.ijrpr.com/ http://wwjmrd.com/upload/ready-to-eat-food-perception-food-preferences-
Bhanga, S. (2009), “New era of Indian ready to eat food (Retort food – Having shelf life up to 18
months)”,www.ebookpp.com/re/retort-pdf.html, January 2009
Patel, D., & Rathod, R. (2017). Ready to eat Food Perception, Food Preferences and Food Choice: A
Theoretical Discussion. In World Wide Journal, World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Ramo, A. (2016, July 15). Formulating freshness in foods. 2016-07-13 | Prepared Foods.
Doingsoon. (2023, July 21). The changing landscape of consumer behavior in the FMCG industry.
Project Report BHCT452
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I, hereby confirmed that the chosen topic is already discussed with me and I shall
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