Construction Vessel

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Construction vessel guideline for the offshore

renewables industry

1st edition

September 2014

Published by
The Energy Institute is a professional membership body incorporated by Royal Charter 2003
Registered charity number 1097899
The Energy Institute (EI) is the chartered professional membership body for the energy industry, supporting over 19 000 individuals
working in or studying energy and 250 energy companies worldwide. The EI provides learning and networking opportunities to support
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The EI’s purpose is to develop and disseminate knowledge, skills and good practice towards a safe, secure and sustainable energy system.
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Copyright © 2014 by the Energy Institute, London.

The Energy Institute is a professional membership body incorporated by Royal Charter 2003.
Registered charity number 1097899, England
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ISBN 978 0 85293 684 9

Published by the Energy Institute

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Front cover image courtesy of: London Array Limited




Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Regulatory framework overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4 Health and safety management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.1 Marine control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2 Client representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3 Simultaneous operations (SIMOPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5 Vessel selection, matrix and flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5.1 Vessel failure modes/limitations (failure modes effects analysis (FMEA)) . . . . . . . . . . 16

6 Construction vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.1 Vessel station keeping systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.1.1 Dynamic positioned (DP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.1.2 Non-dynamic positioned (NDP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.2 Vessel types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.2.1 Barge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.2.2 Jack-up barge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.2.3 Wind farm installation vessel (WIV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.2.4 Heavy lift vessel (HLV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.2.5 Dynamic positioning diving support vessel (DPDSV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.2.6 Air range diving support vessel (ARDSV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.2.7 Offshore support vessel (OSV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.2.8 Cable lay vessel (CLV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.2.9 Rock dump vessel (RDV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.2.10 Flotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

7 Vessel related assurance audits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

7.1 Site data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.2 Activities and durations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.3 Vessel facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
7.4 Vessel related management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

8 Marine warranty surveyor (MWS) scope of work – generic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

8.1 General requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
8.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

9 Major construction equipment audit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


Contents continued...

10 Training and competencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

10.1 Marine personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10.2 Project team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

11 References and further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


A Vessel selection process flowchart

B Vessel selection guide

C Vessel matrix



The Crown Estate and the Energy Institute (EI) have collaborated on the development of good practice
in the offshore renewables industry, to support the safe and successful delivery of renewable energy
projects for the UK. This has led to the publication of Construction vessel guideline for the offshore
renewables industry.
This guideline is designed to follow on from Vessel safety guide – Guidance for offshore renewable
energy developers (Vessel safety guide) published by RenewableUK in January 2012 and is intended
to assist by providing guidance to developers and the supply chain for the construction of an UK
offshore wind farm project.
Offshore wind is expected to become a major UK industry, bringing significant inward investment,
thriving businesses and jobs. As landlord of the seabed, The Crown Estate has taken a proactive
approach to supporting the offshore wind industry in order to help realise its full potential. Since
2000, there have been a number of leasing rounds for the development of offshore wind projects,
with each leasing round generally increasing in scale and technical complexity as the industry has
developed. The wave and tidal industry has experienced a number of leasing rounds for wave and tidal
projects and current developments are at a very early stage of initial commercialisation. Therefore,
this guideline mainly focuses on assisting offshore wind development projects, but many sections of
information can also be used to assist wave and tidal projects.
Due to the increased size and complexity of projects, their being further offshore and the anticipated
increased need for further vessel development and capabilities, this guideline aims to assist
development teams in the planning and resourcing of renewable sector related projects located
within the UK waters.
This guideline is intended to provide industry-specific guidance. Whilst the EI and the contributors
have applied reasonable care in developing this publication, no representations or warranties, express
or implied, are made by the EI or any of the contributors concerning the applicability, suitability,
accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein and the EI and the contributors accept
no responsibility whatsoever for the use of this information. Neither the EI nor any of the contributors
shall be liable in any way for any liability, loss, cost or damage incurred as a result of the receipt or use
of the information contained herein.
This guideline will be reviewed in line with the publication development and content of technical
publications issued by the Energy Institute.
Suggested revisions are invited and should be submitted through the Technical Department, Energy
Institute, 61 New Cavendish Street, London, W1G 7AR. e:



Development of this guideline has been funded by The Crown Estate.

The Crown Estate would like to express their grateful acknowledgement to the following companies
and organisations that have contributed to the preparation of this guideline either through their
active participation workshops, providing images and commenting on earlier draft versions of the
EDP Renewables
First Energy Development Ltd
Fugro SeaCore
G9 Offshore Wind Health and Safety Association
Health and Safety Executive
International Maritime Contractors Association
London Offshore Consultants
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Scottish Power Renewables
Seaway Heavy Lift
Subsea 7
Siemens PLC
Swire Blue Ocean



This guideline has been produced to assist developers in planning offshore renewable industry
operations with particular focus on offshore wind farms in the UK. The guideline also aims to
assist in reducing the construction risk and provides a solid foundation for safe and efficient
offshore operations. This guideline is designed to follow on from the Vessel safety guide
and is intended to assist by providing guidance to developers and the supply chain for the
construction of an offshore wind farm.
A comprehensive understanding of construction hazards and the challenges of the offshore
environment is vital to the successful delivery of a project. It is essential therefore to embed
the analysis of risk into a project from the earliest design stage and to capture the lessons
learnt from previous projects. In addition, specific offshore experience and guidance where
available also provide a key role in development project planning.
The Vessel safety guide supports the process of assessing vessel safety; it also provides
information to developers in order to better evaluate the issues related to offshore operations
with regard to the selection of vessels and associated equipment for the construction phase
of a project. Some of that information, particularly the supporting information contained in
Annexes A, B and C, is again presented in this guideline in order to better understand the
capabilities of the vessels and associated operating criteria; however, for detailed information
the vessel owners should be contacted.
The most important element is that the health and safety strategy is fully integrated into the
offshore construction project from the outset and as an on-going process throughout the
life cycle. This will not only deliver a safer project but, from experience and lessons learned
in other offshore industries, will deliver a technically and commercially successful project as
Merchant Shipping Regulations are complex but give valuable and legal information and
guidance to vessel owners and operators. It is essential to plan for compliance from the
outset to ensure that vessels do not face delays or operating restrictions. Merchant Shipping
and Health and Safety Regulations cover operational or occupational hazards over which the
Owner and Master of the vessel have direct personal control, and can manage those risks by
providing appropriate work equipment, properly qualified staff and ensuring safe working
practices. However, there are many risks that operators cannot easily quantify, where the
cost of mitigation is high and it is important that all operators face a level playing field of
costs, or where the consequences are so serious and widespread that Government and/or the
international community has decided what protection has to be provided. These matters are
covered in Merchant Shipping Regulations for the design and construction of vessels, and the
qualifications and training of the persons on them.
In summary, the aim of this guideline is to:
−− Offer information and insight on key health and safety and related elements in the
selection of vessels and project equipment for offshore operations, to mitigate risks,
provide a solid foundation for the decision making of developers and also assist the
expectations of the supply chain.
−− Enable developers to raise the necessary questions of contractors and sub-contractors.
−− Provide developers with key information to enable them to instruct third parties to
ensure an appropriate selection.
−− Provide developers with information to inform the audit of all vessels and equipment
prior to contracting together with the vital assessment of the supplier’s capability,
training record and experience of key personnel.
−− Provide a comprehensive reference to the applicable regulations and other applicable



The scope of this guideline covers six main areas; these areas are listed below along with a
brief summary of their content.
Regulatory framework:
−− A summary overview of the regulations that may need to be followed by the project
developer or the contractor.

Health and safety management:

−− An insight into the fundamentals of good health and safety practice.
−− Guidance to ensure that health and safety is fully integrated into the offshore
construction project from the outset and remains an on-going and embedded
process throughout the life cycle.

Vessel selection, matrix and flowchart:

−− The information provided here is to assist developers to make informed decisions
that take health and safety into account. Vessel types are introduced along with their
various operating ranges. By understanding and taking account of the operating
envelope, project managers can have more confidence in the project having lower
risks. The construction vessels utilised within the offshore renewables industry vary
widely and there are several types within each category. The matrix within the
Annexes has been developed to provide guidance together with images. The full
matrix is shown in Annex C. There is awareness that there will be a new generation
of offshore wind farm vessels in construction and this guideline deliberately only
addresses those currently in operation. The vessel matrix and flow chart of decision
making demonstrates how the whole project design, vessel selection and operations
are closely interconnected and therefore that health and safety needs to be considered
from the very start through a 'Safe by Design' approach. Safe by Design is about
incorporating safe design principles in the design, construction and maintenance
of workplaces. A number of countries include safe by design requirements in their
health and safety legislation. This is to ensure that hazards and risks that may exist in
the design of a workplace are eliminated or controlled at the design stage as far as
reasonably practicable.

Vessel assurance audit:

−− Provides initial information on the benefits and scope of appropriate vessel audits.
Major construction equipment audit:
−− Provides guidance on the major equipment items and the audit processes that should
be followed.

Training and competencies:

−− This section provides an overview of the training and competencies that key personnel
and their staff should have whilst working on an offshore construction job. These
areas are set out to follow the flowchart process illustrated in Annex A in terms of
project design, vessel selection and operations stages.

The target audience for this guideline is considered primarily to be duty holders such as:
−− developers;
−− project managers;


−− package managers;
−− health and safety teams, and
−− supply chain equipment manufacturers.

This guideline can be used to inform the supply chain as a useful reference to provide an
overview of the expectations of developers. As a consequence, the supply chain can benefit
from a more integrated approach in many aspects of project planning, including the training
of personnel and expectations for audit and performance.



Regulatory requirements address a number of aspects including:

−− Flag state and classification requirements.
−− Minimum numbers of marine personnel on board.
−− Training and competencies.

There are specific regulations that apply to vessels and given vessel types (see section 11
for a list of the regulations and references). There is a wide range of design, operations and
propulsion methods now in the industry and an overview of the regulatory regime is provided
in Table 1. The table refers to using jack-up vessels as an example for explanatory purposes
only. This table is not exhaustive and additional reference may be made to documents in
section 11. Detailed professional guidance should be sought in order to confirm applicable
regulations for a particular project.

Table 1 Regulatory regime (example)

Principal regulatory regime for safe Critical factors

construction (Manned/unmanned refers to
condition in-transit and
SOLAS1/load line (international Manned and with up to 12 non-crew
conventions), or MODU code (alternative) carried, including jack-ups
Classification society rules
Load line (convention or national rules) Unmanned, including jack-ups
SCV Code (MGN280)/Brown Code or Manned, including jack-ups, up to 12
equivalent flag state rules non-crew carried and <24 m load line
MARPOL (marine pollution) Prevention of pollution
MLC 2006 (Maritime Labour Convention) Standards of existing international
maritime labour and conventions
SOLAS or EU – for a passenger ship/load Ship-shaped2 Manned with more
line, or special purpose ships (SPS) code vessels (including than 12 non-crew
WTIVS) carried
Classification society rules
MODU Code3 Jack-ups and
Classification society rules semi-subs
For construction requirements, SOLAS applies to non-passenger ships ≥ 500 gross
tonnage, but flag/coastal state requirements may apply.
Non-self-propelled-jack-ups and non-semi-submersibles.
For new ships built for offshore renewables, this may be the SPS Code with additions
from the MODU Code.


The responsibility for the Maritime and Health and Safety Regulation of the offshore
renewables industry within the United Kingdom Renewable Energy Zone (UK REZ) lies
predominantly with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE). As basic guidance, vessels when afloat are regulated typically by the MCA
and when fixed, for example jacked-up, by the HSE. A Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) has been established between the MCA and the HSE to ensure coordination between
organisations.Table 2 summarises the responsibilities of the respective organisations.

Table 2 Organisational responsibilities

MCA Responsible for enforcing all Merchant Shipping Regulations in respect of

occupational health and safety, the safety of vessels, safe navigation and
operation (including manning levels and crew competency). Merchant
Shipping Health and Safety Regulations extend to all those working on the
ship, and all shipboard activities carried out by the crew under the control
of the ship’s Master. The MCA is responsible for enforcing IMO, MLC (2006)
and ILO requirements.
HSE Statutory body whose main function is to make arrangements to secure
the health, safety and welfare of people at work and to protect the public
from dangers arising from work activities. The HSE’s statutory powers and
responsibilities are derived from the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
(HSWA) and associated relevant statutory provisions including the Docks
Regulations 1988 and other related legislation.
Its powers under the HSWA are extended to activities offshore under the
Application Outside Great Britain Order where these activities involve
preparing for and being involved in construction of offshore energy
IMO The primary purpose of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is to
develop and maintain a comprehensive regulatory framework for shipping
which includes safety, environmental issues, and legal concerns, as well as
encouraging technical cooperation, maritime security and the efficiency of
Examples include but are not limited to:
−− International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
−− International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG)
−− International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
−− MLC (Maritime Labour Convention), 2006

The selection of a suitable vessel that is safe and appropriate for the range of intended
activities needs to be a well-established process that takes into account the regulations that
govern vessel build, maintenance and operation.



Within the UK and its territorial waters there are statutory legal requirements on vessel
owners and other organisations in control of work to both ensure the health and safety of
persons at work and the safety of the vessel. UK Merchant Shipping Act-based legislation
(not when dealing with the prevention of pollution from ships – i.e. MARPOL) is generally
limited in its application to UK ships anywhere and other ships within UK territorial waters.
Beyond territorial waters, the enforcement authority for a ship's maritime safety standards
falls on the flag State. This can include forms of LOLER and PUWER if the flag is EU.
Project developers should therefore take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that there
are adequate management arrangements (vessel and shore based) to ensure the safety of
the vessel and the health and safety of the crew, passengers and project workers on the
vessel. Therefore, prior to vessel selection there should be a suitability audit or audits of those
arrangements to determine if they are adequate.
For the safety of the vessel and crew the responsible organisation will be the vessel owner, with
statutory roles and responsibilities for the vessel Master. The operational safety management
system for the vessel should comply with:
−− International Safety Management (ISM) Code requirements of the IMO, if 500 gt or
−− Managed in accordance with MCA requirements.
−− A documented procedure for jack-ups that includes all key requirements of the ISM
Code if not ISM compliant.

Furthermore the vessel operator should be able to demonstrate that all vessel work equipment
including lifting equipment is maintained to ensure safety and inspected by a competent and
suitably qualified person. Suitable certificates and/or records of maintenance should be made
available for audit.
The organisation responsible for the health and safety of project works should be clearly
identified as part of the client's and/or principal contractor's duties under the Construction
(Design and Management) Regulations 20071 (CDM). The responsible organisation should be
able to demonstrate, prior to the commencement of work, that it has adequate arrangements
to successfully manage health, safety and environment.
There are a number of different management systems available but all should have the
following principles:
−− Adequate arrangements for the effective planning of good health and safety,
including a systematic approach to the completion of a risk assessment that identifies
the most appropriate measures to control risk.
−− Organisation for health and safety including arrangements which involve employees
when determining health and safety control measures, provision of effective means
of communication and consultation, securing competence by the provision of
adequate information, instruction and training, its evaluation and where necessary
−− Establishing the means to control risk including clear and concise health and
safety responsibilities for all persons involved in the work, the setting of suitable
performance standards and sufficient supervision.

1 Under review at time of publication.


−− Proactive and reactive arrangements to monitor performance including work

place inspections, incident investigations, with appropriate recording and reporting
−− Reviewing the health and safety performance and the effectiveness of the health
and safety arrangements detailed here.

Once a suitable vessel has been selected then attention should be given to the deck layout,
with particular attention to safe access and egress, safe lifting operations and work at height.
Where the work activities are not the responsibility of the vessel owner then there should be
a bridging or interface document to ensure there is compatibility between the two operating
management systems.
Prior to the commencement of work the project developers should check that there are
adequate arrangements for cooperation, coordination and communication between all
organisations and individuals on the vessel and relevant shore-based personnel. This could
include daily briefings, toolbox talks, HAZID, risk assessments and information alerts.


With the increasingly large number of vessels operating on site, a robust marine control
centre, providing marine coordination and a strong protocol for communications, is essential
to ensure safe and efficient operations. This may include a marine coordination base at the
onshore operations base as well as a control centre offshore.


Where appointed, a client representative (client rep) plays a key role in ensuring effective
coordination and communication of relevant contractual, operational and health and safety
matters particular to the project/vessel. In carrying out this role the client rep should have
sufficient training, knowledge and experience to enable them to undertake the defined
responsibilities they are required to carry out; this would include, but not be limited to:
−− Understanding of the contract and contractual requirements.
−− Adequate experience and familiarity of vessels (general and specific).
−− Adequate knowledge and understanding of the planned tasks and activities to be
−− Adequate health and safety knowledge.
−− Adequate marine knowledge.


The role of the marine coordinator both onshore and onsite is a vital element to safely
manage the complex simultaneous operations that are an intrinsic part of the construction
phase of an offshore wind farm.
A marine coordinator should be appointed to manage all vessel traffic and to coordinate
emergency response activities in the event of an incident, this being a requirement of an


emergency response cooperation plan (ERCoP). IMCA M 203 Guidance on simultaneous

operations (SIMOPS) gives further information on SIMOPS.
SIMOPS occur when two or more potentially conflicting activities or process operations are
being coordinated in the same location at the same time, which is very typical on an offshore
wind farm.



As the industry has evolved, a range of vessels has been developed, adapted and utilised
and with offshore wind farms moving into deeper waters, a new generation of vessels is
coming into operation. The overall concept and holistic view in the selection of vessels,
including how vessels work alongside one another, how they operate and dependencies and
interdependencies within an emergency situation, is essential.
In addition, other purpose built vessels are entering the market, some already utilised within
the oil and gas industry and others built specifically for the installation of offshore wind
farms. There are also new installation methods that are evolving, often previously used in the
oil and gas sector such as 'float-over' installation for substations. With larger turbines and a
range of foundation designs being used, this will encourage other types and new vessels to
enter the industry. For example, installation vessels may increasingly remain on site and the
components will be transported to site by transportation barges.
Furthermore, with the Round 3 REZs being typically further offshore, it will require significantly
longer export cables that may necessitate larger purpose-built cable lay vessels capable of
carrying a full length of cable and the range of lay equipment required. Alongside the vessels
themselves is the wide range of project equipment that is required. This should be assessed
onboard in its fully operational condition and subject to an audit as described in section 9.
Towed jack-ups were initially used as a stable platform from which to make the sensitive lifts
required for turbine installation. However, as the need arose to carry larger deck loads and
accommodate the significant increase in size of the components, in particular the blades, the
building of much larger, self-propelled units with Dynamic Positioning (DP) has evolved. The
Nautical Institute states that the definition of DP is:
'a vessel capability provided via an integration of a variety of individual systems and functions.
A computer control system automatically maintains a vessel's position and heading by using
its own propellers and thrusters. Position reference sensors, combined with wind sensors,
motion sensors and gyrocompasses, provide information to the computer pertaining to
the vessel's position and the magnitude and direction of environmental forces affecting its
This has enabled units to complete the installation works much more efficiently and quickly
move to the next location.
The nature of the industry now requires 24/7 operations and this requires an in-depth
assessment of the training and competencies of all offshore personnel. The process flowchart
provided in Annex A gives an overview of the complete selection process, with further details
to be considered covered in Annex B.
The vessel matrix in Annex C illustrates the different types of vessels now being utilised in the
industry. It also provides generic guidance on these types of vessels with their typical activities
and operating criteria, although for full specifications it is recommended that the owner of
the vessel be contacted.
The types and/or characteristics of vessels currently being utilised in the industry include the
−− anchored barges;
−− transportation barges (TBs);
−− wind farm installation vessels (WIVs);


−− jack-up barges (JUBs);

−− heavy lift vessels (HLVs);
−− dynamic positioned diving support vessels (DPDSVs);
−− air range diving support vessels (ARDSVs);
−− offshore support vessels (OSVs);
−− cable lay vessels (CLVs);
−− rock dump vessels (RDVs), and
−− flotels.

There are other associated vessel types that would be holistically considered; these could
include crew transfer vessels (CTVs), guard vessels, supply vessels, anchor handling tugs
(AHTs) and stand-by vessels, and many other types, and these have also not been included
in Annex C.


IMCA published a document2 to highlight best practice in the use of Failure Modes and
Effects Analysis (FMEA) techniques when applied to the technical systems associated with
offshore vessels. FMEA is a technique that assists in the identification and countering of
potential weak points in the early design phase of products and processes.
It is important to specify the standard to which the FMEA is to be carried out. The use of
a clearly defined methodology for carrying out the FMEA will allow the required in-depth
study to be attained without the uncertainty and indiscipline that a less structured approach
would bring. Consequently, whoever requires the analysis to be undertaken will know that
it has been performed in a structured manner. They will have increased confidence that
all operators understand the capabilities and any limitations, allowing achievement of best
Standards that are usually referred to when carrying out an FMEA include:
−− US Department of Defence MIL-STD-1629A.
−− IEC 60812: Analysis techniques for system reliability.
−− Procedure for FMEA.
−− BS 5760-5 Reliability of systems, equipment and components. Guide to failure
modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMEA and FMECA).
−− IMO MSC Resolution 36(63) Annex 4 – Procedures for failure mode and effects
analysis (whilst this is primarily for high speed craft under the HSC Code, it gives
good guidance on FMEA procedures).

There are other standards, such as that included in the Japanese Industrial Standard, which
use similar techniques, but the ones listed here are sufficient for reference purposes.
Where DP vessels are concerned, the FMEA should also make use of all current DP related
guidelines that can assist in improving the redundancy and operability of a DP vessel. These
include IMO MSC Circular 645 Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems and
IMCA M 103 Guidelines for the design and operation of dynamically positioned vessels.

2 IMCA M 166 Guidance on failure modes and effects analysis (FMEAs)


These guidelines provide a good guide as to which shipboard systems relating to DP require
to be covered.
Specifying a standard will not guarantee an acceptable FMEA but it will guarantee an
acceptable procedure and format for carrying out an FMEA. It will not dictate what areas
should be analysed in a particular system or to what level of detail they should be analysed.
Only an expert analyst fully conversant in the standard selected, the system architecture, the
characteristics and performances of the different components of the system can achieve this.
Also, specifying an FMEA standard will not limit design innovation, as has been stated in
some circles. The FMEA does not carry out the design itself but analyses a particular design,
be it innovative or traditional design, for weaknesses with respect to failure modes.



The following vessels are a selection of the major types currently in use for the construction
phase of an offshore wind farm. Whilst the list is intended to be thorough it focuses on the
major types only and does not seek to reflect all the vessels available.


The use of dynamic positioning (DP) systems for station keeping has become standard for
newly built vessels, and an upgrade on older commercial vessels. Station keeping capability
is required to maintain the vessel's position during offshore support operations. Station
keeping performance is essential not only for safety (collision, diving operation, etc.) but also
for operability; therefore, the DP system is considered as one of the most critical systems on
board the vessel.

6.1.1 Dynamic positioned (DP)

The Nautical Institute states that the definition of DP is:

'a vessel capability provided via an integration of a variety of individual systems and functions.
A computer control system automatically maintains a vessel's position and heading by using
its own propellers and thrusters. Position reference sensors, combined with wind sensors,
motion sensors and gyrocompasses, provide information to the computer pertaining to
the vessel's position and the magnitude and direction of environmental forces affecting its
The computer program contains a mathematical model of the vessel and information
pertaining to the wind and current drag of the vessel and the location of the thrusters. This
knowledge, combined with the sensor information, allows the computer to calculate the
required steering angle and thruster output for each thruster. This allows operations at sea
where mooring or anchoring is not feasible due to deep water, congestion on the sea bottom
(pipelines, templates) or other problems.
DP may either be absolute in that the position is locked to a fixed point over the bottom, or
relative to a moving object like another vessel or an underwater vehicle. The vessel can also
be positioned at a favourable angle towards wind, waves and current, called weathervaning.
Based on IMO MSC Circular 645 Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems
these are stated as follows:
Equipment Class 1 has no redundancy (DP-1):
−− Loss of position may occur in the event of a single fault.

Equipment Class 2 (DP-2):

−− Has redundancy so that no single fault in an active system will cause the system to
fail. Loss of position should not occur from a single fault of an active component
or system such as from generators, a thruster, switchboards, or remote controlled
valves. It may occur after failure of a static component such as a cable, pipeline or
manual valve.


Equipment Class 3 (DP-3):

−− Which also has to withstand fire or flood in any one compartment without the
system failing. Loss of position should not occur from any single failure including a
completely burnt fire sub-division or flooded watertight compartment.

Whilst DP vessels can be used in shallower water their efficiency becomes more significant
in water depths in excess of 30 m, and with the Round 3 REZs being in the area of 35 m to
45 m or deeper, it is likely that DP vessels will be used much more extensively.

6.1.2 Non-dynamic positioned (NDP)

There are some advantages to having NDP vessels, as vessels operating DP will have
disadvantages including: complex systems with thrusters, extra generators and controllers,
high initial costs of installation, high fuel costs, a chance of running off position by system
failures or blackouts, underwater hazards from thrusters for divers and remote operated
vehicles combined with higher maintenance of the mechanical systems.


6.2.1 Barge

Barges are utilised extensively in the offshore renewables industry for a range of activities,
−− accommodation units;
−− transportation of components, and
−− inter array cable lay.

These barges range in size and facilities from a truly 'dumb' barge to more sophisticated
barges that can be ballasted and moored and are able to carry a range of deadweight cargo
or equipment; a selection of these barges is described within the vessel matrix (Annex C).


6.2.2 Jack-up barge

Jack-up barges have been the main 'workhorse' of the industry over the last decade as, when
jacked-up, they provide a fully stabilised platform for the various sensitive lifts required in the
installation of a turbine.
With several of the Round 2 projects and all Round 3 REZs being further offshore and in
deeper water, several purpose built units have been developed that are able to carry a larger
number of turbine components and operate in deeper water conditions. In order to offer
increased efficiency, they are self-propelled and several have the capability to operate on DP
for final positioning and relocation.
During the development of the initial Round 1 offshore wind farms, smaller jack-ups were
utilised that ranged in size and had accommodation units added as required. The need for
24/7 operations has brought much larger vessels into the industry and delivered significant
improvements in efficiency.
The barges utilised in Round 1 offshore wind farms and in the beginning of Round 2 projects
were typically 30 m by 20 m, a deck load of 400 t and able to operate safely in water depths
up to 25 m. They were typically equipped with a crane of 180 t capacity and a dedicated pile
gate to hold a monopile of up to 3 m in diameter during driving operations.
Larger jack-up barges were built or converted with six or eight legs for increased stability and
an ability to work in water depths up to 40 m. These would be typically 60 m by 32 m and
able to carry both a higher deck load and a larger number of personnel of up to 50 persons
to accommodate the more complex project requirements.
Whilst the term 'jack-ups' is still in use and relevant, it has in part been superseded by the
purpose built wind farm installation vessel (WIV) that again will typically 'jack-up'. This newer
type of vessel is able to work in significantly deeper water depths and offers a wider range
of capabilities.

6.2.3 Wind farm installation vessel (WIV)

These are new generation purpose built vessels specifically designed for the requirements of
offshore wind farm projects. They will typically be self-propelled and able to operate on DP
whilst moving to location and when relocating between work sites. They will then 'jack up'
to provide the required stable work platform.
With the significantly increased water depths and wind farm projects becoming further
offshore, larger deck loads are required and these vessels are now able to meet this
requirement whilst operating in the more hostile environments.


WIV types are in the order of up to 160 m in length with a significant beam of up to
50 m and a draught of 10 m. This provides a capacity to carry and install up to 12 units of
the 3,6 MW wind turbine generators (WTG). They can operate in water depths of up to 60 m
and 'jack-up' 15 m above the ocean surface to provide a stable platform minimally affected
by the wind and waves.
In addition, main crane capacity is now typically in the order of 1 200 t and the vessel will
have accommodation for over 100 persons with a helideck for crew change and essential

6.2.4 Heavy lift vessel (HLV)

The term 'heavy lift' has different parameters in the offshore renewables industry compared
to the oil and gas industry; however, several of the same types of vessels are in use.
As described in 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 jack-ups and WIVs are used for many of the sensitive lifts
in the installation of a turbine, in particular the nacelle and blades. The heavy lift vessels are
more typically used for the installation of foundations and substation structures.
With the REZs moving into water depths of 35 m to 65 m it is probable that there will be
an increasing number of tripod foundations and other variations that will require HLVs for
These vessels are substantially larger and are both mono-hulls of typically 180 m in length
and 36 m in beam. There currently is the capacity to have significant deck space of up to
2 500 sqm and a load capacity of 5 000 t.
There is likely to be accommodation for more than 120 persons and a fully equipped helideck.
There are also semi-submersible heavy lift vessels that provide even more deck capacity and
crane capacity. These vessels are up to 200 m in length and can have two main cranes that
can operate independently or carry out a tandem lift; each crane will typically have the
capacity of up to 7 000 t.

6.2.5 Dynamic positioning diving support vessel (DPDSV)

These are very specialised vessels that offer a wide range of capabilities including a built-in
diving system that offers both air, surface supplied diving operations, through to bell deployed
fully integrated saturation systems. Working alongside are typically remote operated vehicles
(ROV) and work remote operated vehicles (WROV). Both the diving bells and ROV are often
deployed through a central moon pool.


DPDSVs are large, typically around 100 m in length with a beam of 20 m, with a project
crane capacity of approximately 120 t. They are normally fitted with an integrated 18 man
saturation diving system, together with an air diving capability and possibly both ROVs and
These vessels are relatively hi-cost but can offer a versatile stand-alone option for construction
projects with sufficient deck space to accommodate cable laying, stabilisation and heavy
lifting capabilities to carry out a variety of tasks in addition to subsea requirements.

6.2.6 Air range diving support vessel (ARDSV)

These are smaller anchored vessels that have been in common use in shallower waters
associated with Rounds 1 and 2. They are capable of carrying out surface supplied air diving
operations to a depth of 50 m.
Typically 30 – 50 m in length with a beam of 6 – 12 m. Diver deployment is usually over the
side or stern of the vessel. They generally have limited lifting capability with a crane capacity
of up to approximately 30 t.
Before considering these vessels for diving in deep water, informed assessment of all aspects of
the proposed activities is essential; particular consideration should be given to the following:
−− Environmental conditions: these vessels, due to size and anchored moorings, are less
tolerant to adverse weather and tidal conditions than larger DP vessels.
−− Safety: surface orientated air diving in deep water carries an increased risk of
decompression related incidents; major diving contractors now limit air diving to
30 m to minimise this risk.
−− Productivity: air diving is restricted to the amount of time a diver can stay at his
maximum working depth.

6.2.7 Offshore support vessel (OSV)

OSVs will be similar to a DSV but less specialised and not necessarily requiring the same level
of DP redundancy. They will often provide a different range of services, including supply
vessel function and may have fire fighting and medical support facilities.
There is a wide range of support services these vessels can provide, which could include:
−− safety standby vessels;


−− supply vessels/crew change;

−− construction support, or
−− anchor handling tugs (AHT).

6.2.8 Cable lay vessel

The early offshore wind farms were close to shore and in a more sheltered 'near shore'
environment and consequently simple barges were utilised with carousels and cable lay
equipment installed as required.
As the wind farms have moved further offshore and the cable routes for the export cables
have become more exposed, more sophisticated vessels are required. The export cable
lengths from some of the Round 3 REZs are in excess of 100 KM and more larger purpose
built cable lay vessels are required with integrated carousels to be able to carry these much
longer lengths of cable safely.
The new generation of cable lay vessels is multi-purpose; they are able to lay, trench and
survey the cable from an integrated system; with a dead weight of up to 8 500 t, a vessel
length of 120 m, with a beam of 28 m and a DP-2 system, these vessels are able to lay heavy
and long export cables.

6.2.9 Rock dump vessel

Rock dump vessels are increasingly used within the offshore renewables industry for a range
of activities, including cable protection, crossings protection and scour; with the accuracy
that a rock dump can now be deployed, this is an efficient option.
The latest generation of rock dump vessels is up to 175 m in length with a beam of 26 m and
a dead weight of more than 25 000 t; operating typically on DP-2 they are able to accurately
dump up to 3 000 tons/hour through a flexible fall pipe system.


6.2.10 Flotel

The use of 'flotels', offshore accommodation units, has increased with projects further
offshore and with larger workforces. Ranges of different units are in operation from small
anchored cruise liners, jack-up accommodation units and offshore support vessels that may
also provide support in stores and workshop facilities.
These units provide an offshore facility for 24/7 operations without the need for the time
consuming and sometimes arduous travel to site from a port, they can be moored alongside
a facility with a hydraulic gangway to provide access.



The process of assessing a vessel and the associated project equipment is complex and it is
recommended that an appropriately qualified and experienced organisation and specific,
experienced and qualified individuals be appointed to carry out the evaluation.
Detailed knowledge of the project and the range of activities to be executed should
comprehensively inform the evaluation. It is also important that information relating to the
soil conditions, weather and tidal conditions is made available to the contractors and the
evaluation team.
The major consultancies offer marine warranty surveyors (MWSs) who have well-established
checklists that ensure a thorough and professional audit process is undertaken. The audit is
often alongside a review of installation method statements and may include an evaluation of
sea-fastenings design and calculations.
A generic scope of work for a MWS is included in section 8 and this can be tailored accordingly
since this scope of works should be developed to reflect the specific needs of each project.
In addition, each MWS will typically have a generic suitability survey format that should be
reviewed and customised so as to fully inform the selection process and reflect all appropriate
risks (see 7.4).


The location where the primary project activities are to be carried out should be clearly
identified and well documented. Validated vessel operations data should also be provided
to assess the vessel(s') capability to perform the tasks and the foreseeable risks for the site.
The assembled data should be provided to both the contractor and also the audit and survey
teams to ensure they are fully informed and able to assess the vessel(s) in context.
The selection of a construction vessel is often made ideally based on past experience of the
vessel (and its management, both office and crew), but as a minimum from vessel specification
datasheets. It is essential that mandatory inspections be completed using a competent
surveyor (specialised where necessary e.g. crane/jacking systems) to ensure that vessel
(and crew) not only performs, but performs reliably to charterer's expected performance.
Multiple surveys using specialist surveyors may be required to produce findings to allow
the (competent) developer/project manager to make an informed decision to take a vessel


A clear understanding of the activities that are to be carried out, the nature of operations
and overall duration of the project are all important in selecting a suitable vessel. The actual
schedule of activities and frequency of operation should also be considered.



The vessel facilities required should be documented to reflect the type of operation to be
undertaken, including the number of both marine and project team and associated manning
levels. These facilities will need to be assessed to ensure the safety and needs of the persons
on board are fully met in both normal operating conditions and in an emergency situation.


A suitability survey will typically address the following factors:

−− vessel general particulars;
−− certification and documentation;
−− management;
−− hull structure and condition;
−− machinery;
−− lifesaving appliances;
−− fire fighting equipment;
−− health, safety, security and environmental inspection;
−− on-hire/off-hire survey(s);
−− critical systems, or
−− vessel quay side interface parameters.

In addition there will be sections that reflect the type of vessel and these may include:
−− tug supplement;
−− barge (deck, submersible, launch) supplement;
−− heavy lift vessel supplement;
−− DP vessel supplement;
−− anchor assisted mooring supplement;
−− dive support vessel supplement;
−− cable laying supplement;
−− jack-up vessel supplement;
−− rock dumping vessel supplement;
−− transportation barge supplement;
−− helicopter supplement, or
−− accommodation supplement.




The following scope of work is provided solely for guidance as to the generic duties that
may be required of an MWS or other third party. Depending on the developer’s resources an
MWS may be engaged throughout a project (possibly in a part-time role) to review design
and/or amend documentation. It will be important for the MWS to have a firm understanding
of all planned offshore activities in order to make fully informed assessments and to fulfil
the intended role of the MWS in supplying independent 3rd party review to provide the
appointed insurance companies with adequate professional assurance.


The services provided by the MWS will in principle cover the following:
−− meeting attendance;
−− document reviews;
−− vessel(s) and equipment survey(s), and
−− on-site surveillance.

The MWS organisation will provide a multi-disciplined team of suitably qualified and
experienced personnel, who will be available to provide the range of services at an agreed
time frame and will have full responsibility and authority for the efficient and timely execution
of the services.


The MWS should participate in kick-off meetings and should review all relevant documents
and issue certificates of approval, recommendations, protocols and reports for the following:
−− Conditional, suitability survey of installation vessels, barges and equipment and
survey of mobilised installation set-up on the vessels and barges.
−− Planning of the installation of sub-stations, accommodation platforms, foundations
and wind turbines.
−− Planning of the installation of the export cables and inter array cables.
−− Manufacturing and supply of inter array cables and export cables.
−− On-site surveillance and approval.
−− Vessel selection criteria should be assessed against site conditions.



The inspection and audit of the major construction equipment is equally as important as
the vessel inspection and audit. It should also be fully informed by the same site and project
information; in addition, each element of construction equipment should fully comply with
both relevant regulations and design criteria and be appropriate for the tasks it is required
to perform.
Certain types of construction equipment will be an integral part of the vessel, for example
the crane, whilst others will be mobilised for the specific project and quite often reflect the
design requirements for installation works.
Types of major construction equipment and their compatibility could include:
−− crane(s);
−− hydraulic hammers;
−− ROVs and WROVs;
−− monopile upending frame;
−− pile guidance tool(s);
−− drilling equipment, and
−− dive systems.

In addition, there will be specifically designed rigging for lifting and handling that should be
fully certified, stored and handled correctly. It is also recommended that a level of spares be
agreed for all major construction equipment.
The inspection and audit of the construction equipment should be carried out by a person
or company experienced with the particular equipment and the operation. Furthermore, it
is essential that the equipment be inspected after installation on the vessel and in a fully
operational status so that both the functions and health and safety factors can be fully



The selection of a vessel suitable for work to operate in a UK Renewable Energy Zone (REZ)
has to take account of a wide range of factors. A vital and significant element is the training,
competencies and manning levels of both marine personnel and project team.
In order to deliver safe management and professional operation the training, qualifications
and experience of all marine crew is vital together with appropriate manning levels.


The Master and crew of a self-propelled jack-up are required under the provision of the
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch Keeping for
Seafarers (STCW), to be available as required by the vessel’s Safe Manning Certificate;
this includes Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) operator’s certificates.
Competences may be demonstrated through Certificates of Competence (CoC) issued under
the provisions of STCW.
The areas of competencies that should be assessed include:
−− Vessel and safety management systems.
−− Health and safety management, including first aid.
−− Marine operations, equipment and communications.
−− GMDSS system and operation of radio equipment.
−− Understanding of meteorology in the marine environment.
−− Management of vessel stability, floating and jacked-up.
−− Hazards of operating in an offshore wind farm (soil conditions, cables, unexploded
ordinance (UXO)).
−− DP operator's certificate (DPO).

Dependent on the type of vessel and other factors, 24/7 operations, including distance
offshore and from a safe haven that requires extended operations, the marine crew should
meet the requirements of:
−− STCW;
−− MGN 280 Small vessels in commercial use for sport3, and
−− Equivalent Certificates of Competence (CoC) provided, or approved, by the MCA.

Marine crew should already hold a medical certification appropriate to the type of vessel to
meet MCA or STCW requirements such as:
−− ENG1 Seafarer Medical Certificate.
−− ML5 Medical Report Certificate.
−− Seafarer Medical Certificates accepted by MCA MSN 1815 (M) Countries whose
Seafarer Medical Certificates are accepted as equivalent to the UK Seafarer Medical
Certificate (ENG1) from 1 July 2007.

3 Under review at time of publication.


IMO Resolution A.1079 (28) adopted 4 December 2013 provides recommendations for the
training of all personnel on mobile offshore units operating in the offshore environment.
This resolution provides an international standard for training that is complementary to that
required by the STCW code.
The International Jack-up Barge Association (IJUBOA) has worked extensively with barge
owner/operators and industry to develop a series of national occupational standards that
relates specifically to jack-up operations; IJUBOA has an official logbook recognised by
It is important that managers and key personnel recognise that there will probably be persons
from different cultures who speak various languages. The need for fluent communications
throughout both the marine crew and project team is vital to ensure good health and safety
practice and avoid miscommunication.


The project team training should be primarily based on risk assessment for the various
activities to be carried out and specific project requirements; these could include:
−− RenewableUK Marine Safety Training (MST).
−− STCW Personal Survival Techniques (PST).
−− Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET).
−− Safety Induction Training on joining a vessel covering the requirements of MCA MGN
390(M) or MGN 120(M).
−− DP Operators (DPO) certificate.
−− Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) (if helicopter transfers are to be used).

The project team should have medical certificates to confirm their fitness to work offshore by
having medicals carried out in accordance with either:
−− RenewableUK Medical fitness to work – Wind turbines – Guidelines for near offshore
and land based renewable energy projects.
−− Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) Offshore medical certificate.

The other significant area of training, experience and competence is with regard to all persons
involved with lifting activities. There needs to be a 'Responsible Person (RP)' with overall
responsibility for the coordination and control of work activities involving lifting operations.
The RP is typically but not limited to the project manager, installation manager, project
engineer or vessel master and they will normally appoint a 'Competent Person' (CP) to
plan all safety-critical operations. The CP is defined as a person who has the required level
of competence and experience to plan and supervise the required safety-critical activities,
including when there is a transfer of responsibility between individuals, and this should be
recorded within the project documentation.


11 References and further reading

The following list of documents provides an overview of the relevant health and safety
regulations, guidelines and codes of practice:
Energy Institute (EI)/G9 Offshore Wind Health & Safety Association (G9)
( and
The management of service vessels used in the offshore wind industry4
International Labour Organization (ILO) (
Maritime labour convention, 2006
International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) (
IMCA 012 Medical guidelines for non-marine crew working in the offshore environment
IMCA C002 Guidance document and competence tables: Marine division
IMCA D014 IMCA international code of practice for offshore diving
IMCA D035 The selection of vessels of opportunity for diving operations
IMCA D035 Guidance on the selection of vessels of opportunity for diving operation
IMCA M103 Guidelines for the design and operation of dynamically positioned vessels
IMCA 113 IMO Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems (MSC Circular 645)
IMCA M149 Common marine inspection
IMCA M166 Guidance on failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
IMCA M171 Crane specification document
IMCA M187 Guidelines for lifting operations
IMCA M189 Marine inspection for small workboats
IMCA M202 Guidance on the transfer of personnel to and from offshore vessel and structures
IMCA M203 Guidance on simultaneous operations (SIMOPS)
IMCA M205 Guidance on operational communications
IMCA M223 Guidance for the positioning of dynamically positioned (DP) jack-up vessels on
and off the seabed
IMCA R018 Guidelines for installing ROV systems on vessels or platforms
IMCA SEL 003 The initial and refresher familiarization of vessel crews
IMCA SEL 007 Basic safety training and vessel induction for non-marine personnel working
IMCA SEL 025 Guidance on the transfer of personnel to and from offshore vessels
International Maritime Organization (
Guide to maritime security and the ISPS Code
IAMSAR manual:
−− Volume I – Organization and management
−− Volume II – Mission coordination
−− Volume III – Mobile facilities
International convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, 1973 (MARPOL 1973/78)

4 Guideline currently under development, due to be published later in 2014.


International convention on load lines, 1966

International convention on search and rescue, 1979 (SAR 1979)
International convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for
seafarers, 1978 (STCW 1978) and supporting STCW Code
International maritime dangerous goods code (IMDG Code)
International safety management (ISM) code
MSC Circ. 645 Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems
MSC Circ. 738 Guidelines for dynamic positioning system (DP) operator training
Resolution A.1079(28) Recommendations for the training and certification of personnel on
mobile offshore units (MOUs)
Safety of life at sea convention (SOLAS), 1974
Ships’ routeing (a consolidation of requirements and guidance on routeing and reporting
systems under SOLAS chapter V)
Standards of training, certification and watch keeping for seafarers (STCW)
STCW Personal survival training (PST)
The convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea (COLREG),
SOLAS-related codes and guidelines that may be applicable:
Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) Code –
Resolution A.1023(26)
Guidelines for the design and construction of offshore supply vessels (OSV Guidelines) –
Resolution MSC.235(82)
The special purpose ships (SPS) code – Resolution MSC.266(84)

Note: The above list is not exhaustive. The scope of application of international standards
is subject to their implementation in UK Regulations that may also be EU-related. Detailed
technical regulations are normally contained in annexes to international conventions. SOLAS
and SOLAS-related documents may be subject to amendments, and earlier versions or
amendments may be applicable, depending upon a vessel’s date of construction.

UK Merchant Shipping Legislation

These are referred to in MCA published guidance, much of which is referred to under
Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
MGN 20 (M+F), Implementation of EC directive 89/391, Merchant shipping and fishing
vessels (health and safety at work) regulations
MGN 280 (M), Small vessels in commercial use for sport or pleasure, workboats and pilot
boats, alternative construction standards5
MGN 323(M+F), Explosives picked up at sea
MGN 325(M), Helicopter assistance at sea
MGN 332 (M+F), The merchant shipping and fishing vessels (lifting operations and lifting
equipment) regulations 2006

5 Plans are to replace this document late 2014 with a new, version 2 of the safety of small workboats and pilot boats
– a code of practice.


MGN 352 (M+F), The merchant shipping and fishing vessels (control of noise at work)
regulations 2007
MGN 353 (M+F), The merchant shipping and fishing vessels (control of vibration at work)
regulations 2007
MGN 371 (M+F), Offshore renewable energy installations guidance on UK navigational
practice, safety and emergency response issues
MGN 372 (M+F), Offshore renewable energy installations (OREIs): Guidance to mariners
operating in the vicinity of UK OREIs
MGN 390 (M), Construction standards for offshore support vessels and other special ship
types [planned to be replaced mid-2014]
MGN 432(M), Safety during transfers of persons to and from ships
MGN 436 (M+F), Whole-body vibration: Guidance on mitigating against the effects of shocks
and impacts on small vessels
MIN 444(M+F), MARPOL – Forthcoming amendments to MARPOL Annex IV – Sewage and
MARPOL Annex V garbage
MGN 448(M), Standards of training, certification and watchkeeping convention, 1978 as
Amended Manila amendments: Medical certification, hours of work and alcohol limits
MGN 468 (M), Voluntary towage endorsement scheme
MIN 469(M), Requirements for updating training in accordance with the 2010 Manila
amendments to the STCW convention 1978
MGN 471(M), Maritime labour convention, 2006: Definitions
MIN 472(M), New requirements for security training for shipboard personnel
MGN 490(M), Maritime labour convention: Application to small vessels of less than 200 GT
that are ordinarily engaged in commercial activities
MGN 491(M), Maritime labour convention: Application to workboats of 200 GT to less than
500 GT
MGN 492(M+F), Health and safety at work: Protecting those not employed by the ship owner
MGN 497(M+F), Dangerous goods – including chemicals and other materials – Storage and
use on board ship
MGN 505(M), Human element guidance – Part 1 fatigue and fitness for duty: Statutory
duties, causes of fatigue and guidance on good practice
MSN 1560, Survival at sea
MSN 1731(M+F), The merchant shipping and fishing vessels personal protective equipment
regulations 1999
MSN 1769(M), International labour organization convention (ILO)178 and recommendation
185 – Concerning the inspection of seafarers’ working and living conditions
MSN 1842(M), Maritime labour convention, 2006: Hours of work and entitlement to leave
application of the merchant shipping (hours of work) regulations 2002 and the merchant
shipping (maritime labour convention) (hours of work)(amendment) regulations 2014
MSN 1849(M), Maritime labour convention, 2006 – On-board complaints procedure

Additionally, there is new Workboat Code (currently as guidance) which can be found at:
'The MCA has procedures for permitting fishing vessels to undertake a limited number of
other operations including guardship duties. For further information contact the MCA at:'


Note: The above list is not exhaustive. MSNs are referred to in UK regulations and contain
statutory requirements. MGNs refer to, and contain guidance and interpretation on, the UK
and international requirements.
National Archives (
Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations 1998 (LOLER)
Manual handling operations regulations 1992 (as amended)
The construction (design and management) regulations 2007 (CDM)
The management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 – also the MS and FV (health
and safety at work) regulations 1997 (as amended)
Note: The above list is not exhaustive; a full list of regulations including LOLER can be found
via the national archives website.
RenewableUK (
First aid needs assessment – Guidelines for renewable energy projects
Guidelines for selection and operation of jack-ups in marine renewable energy industry
Health and safety training entry and basic-level health and safety training and competence
standards: Scope and application to large wind projects
Incident response: Offshore wind and marine projects
Marine safety training (MST)
Medical fitness to work – wind turbines – Guidelines for near offshore and land based projects
Offshore wind and marine health and safety guidelines
Safety circular: Notices to mariners
Vessel safety guide – Guidance for offshore renewable energy developers
Working at height & rescue training standard
Other resources:
Basic offshore induction and emergency training (BOSIET)
BS 5760-5 Reliability of systems, equipment and components. Guide to failure modes, effects
and criticality analysis (FMEA and FMECA)
IEC 60812: Analysis techniques for system reliability
IMO MSC resolution 36(63) Annex 4 – Procedures for failure mode and effects analysis
Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
US Department of Defense MIL-STD-1629A

Project design Vessel selection Operations

Vessel specifications
Start On hire survey
MWS suitability O
survey B
I Mobilise
Site data
Vessel management L project crew
Facilities for I
project crew S
Design details A Load project
Safety management T equipment
Deck space I
HAZID and loading O
Safety induction
MWS and class
Emergency response HSE manager
Scope and
NO methodology clarified NO Vessel suitable for
scope of work
Vessel trials
Risk assessment Crew training and N Marine coordination
Marine and project
crew integration S
MWS review Equipment and T Toolbox talks
spares Roles and E
Engineering review
Operational criteria
Safety management

Technical review Safety and marine

Vessel selection NO D Debrief of marine
NO YES management systems
criteria confirmed E and project crew
Equipment FATs M
YES B Demob equipment
I and personnel
Vessel resources Vessel suitable L
Stop NO and capability YES
for scope I
acceptable S
A Reinstate vessel
Consequence T
Design validated Result Vessel selected, personnel and I
Risk assessment completed Vessel facilities and capabilities equipment suitable for project O
Vessel and equipment capabilities assessed and suitable for scope of MWS
activities N Off hire survey
identified work

Annex A Vessel selection process flowchart

Vessel selection – significant factors

Scope of work Site data Vessel facilities Vessel operations Vessel management Mobilisation

Project crew Environmental Deck facilities Training and Safety management Load out protocol
–– Specific expertise –– Constraints –– Hydraulics competencies system –– Deck layout and
–– Training –– Mammals/wildlife –– Air (compressed) –– Key personnel –– ISM/SOLAS loading
–– Resources –– Marine conservation –– Rigging container –– Manning levels –– ERCoP –– Seafastening design
––Lighting ––Roles and duties ––Schedule

Vessel spread Met ocean Lifting Station keeping Health and safety plan On hire surveys and
–– Primary installation –– Wave periods –– Main crane –– Positioning systems –– CDM-C trials
–– BOP installation –– Weather windows –– Ancillary craneage –– Weather criteria –– HAXOP –– MWS survey
–– Support and crew –– Max wave heights –– Winches –– Activity –– Risk assessments –– DP trials
change ––Safety procedures ––Acceptance criteria

Activities Seabed conditions Project crew Operational limitations SMS bridging document Emergency response
–– Weather criteria –– Geotechnical –– Offices –– Bunkering capacity –– Interface vessel SMS –– Safety induction
–– Schedule –– Tidal –– Accommodation –– Stability and project H&S plan –– Vessel familiarisation
–– Supply of components –– Stability –– Recreational areas –– Deck space –– Clarify ISM/CDM –– Evacuation protocol
––Integrate ERCoP

Deck layout and loading Hazards Deployment/recovery Environmental Communications Project procedures
–– Seafastening –– UXO –– Craneage constraints –– Project channels –– AFC
–– Safe access –– Notices to mariners –– Rigging –– Accidental pollution –– Protocol –– Signed off by MWS
–– Vessel stability –– Pipeline crossings –– Seafastening –– Project noise –– Marine coordination –– Contractor
––Emissions familiarisation

Vessel positioning Other factors Emergency response Inductions Kick-off meeting

–– Dynamic positioning –– Distance offshore –– Medical facilities –– Project crew – marine –– Key personnel
–– Anchored –– Marine users –– Helideck induction –– Reporting protocol
–– Jack-ups –– Navigational risk –– Firefighting –– Marine crew – project –– Scope of work

Crew change and Hazardous materials Roles and responsibilities

personnel transfer –– Procedures –– Clear identification
–– Crew change boats –– Permit to work –– Clear authority
–– Gangways –– Storage –– Equipment
––Helicopters responsibility

Method statements Welfare

–– AFC –– Cabins
–– Project induction –– Galley and recreational
–– Toolbox talks –– Communications

Annex B Vessel selection guide

Pictorial reference Vessel type Accommodation Types Length Width/beam Draught Max lift Notes
(Pers – average) (metres – average) (metres – average) (metres – min to (tonnes – min to * Detailed vessel information is available via vessel owners or
max) max) specialist websites.
10 1 115* 32* 4 to 7 220 to 13 000
Barges are utilised for a range of activities including – accommodation units,
Barge 10 2 90* 30* 4 to 7 220 to 12 500
transportation of components and inter array cable lay.
10 3 84* 23* 4 to 7 220 to 6 500

20+ 1 and 2 30* 20* 2 to 11 280 to 1 600 Transport of components and inter array cable lay. Dedicated pile gate to hold
Jack-Up barge monopole up to 3 m.
50+ 3 60* 32* 2 to 11 280 to 1 600 Able to handle more complex projects.

Wind farm
Carry and install 12 units of the 3,6 MW wind turbine generators (WTG).
installation vessel 100 1 160* 50* 2 to 10 280 to 1 600
Jack-Up 15 m above sea level.

Heavy lift vessel 120 1 180* 36* 4 to 14 1 000 to 14 200 Fully equipped Helideck.

Semi submersible 120 2 200* 36* 4 to 28 1 200 to 14 000 Fully equipped Helideck.

Dynamic Working alongside are typically remote operated vehicles (ROVs) and work
positioning diving remote operated vehicles (WROVs).
Var* Var* 100* 20* 4 to 10 0 to 1 500
support vessel
(DPDSV) Fitted with 19-man saturation diving system.

Air range diving Diver deployment is usually over the side or stern of the vessel.
support vessel Var* Var* 40* 9* 2 to 11 0 to 30
(ARDSV) Generally limited lifting capability.

Range of support services including, fire fighting and medical.

Offshore support
Var* Var* 100* 15* 2 to 10 0 to 2 000 Can also provide safety standby vessels, supply vessels and crew change,
vessel (OSV)
construction support and anchor handling tugs (AHTs).

They are able to lay, trench and survey the cable from an integrated system.
Cable lay vessel Crew Var* 120* 28* 2 to 10 1 000 to 8 500
DP2 system.

Accurately dump up to 3 000 tons/hour through a flexible fall pipe system.

Rock dump vessel Crew Var* 175* 26* 2 to 15 1 000 to 25 000
DP2 system.

A range of different units in operation from small anchored cruise liners,

Flotel Var* Var* 100* 25* 3 to 15 0 to 2 000 jack-up accommodation units and multi purpose vessels that require support
in stores and workshop facilities.

Dynamic Positioning Loss of position may occur in the event of a single fault.
20+* DP1 Var* Var* 4 to 28 1 000 to 14 200
(DP) vessel Loss of position should not occur from a single fault of an active component
(DP systems can or system.
be built into most 20+ DP2 Var* Var* 4 to 28 1 200 to 14 000
commercial vessels) Loss of position should not occur from any single failure including burnt fire
20+ DP3 Var* Var* 4 to 28 1 200 to 14 000 sub division or flooded watertight compartment.
* Detailed vessel information is available via vessel owners or specialist websites.
Annex C Vessel matrix
Energy Institute
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London W1G 7AR, UK
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ISBN 978 0 85293 684 9

Registered Charity Number: 1097899

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