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Molecules 26 05327 With Cover
Molecules 26 05327 With Cover
Md. Habibur Rahman, Johny Bajgai, Ailyn Fadriquela, Subham Sharma, Thuy Thi Trinh,
Rokeya Akter, Yun Ju Jeong, Seong Hoon Goh , Cheol-Su Kim and Kyu-Jae Lee
Special Issue
Plant Derived Natural Products and Age-Related Diseases
Edited by
Prof. Dr. Manuela Bartolini and Prof. Dr. Luiz Antonio Soares Romeiro
Therapeutic Potential of Natural Products in Treating
Neurodegenerative Disorders and Their Future Prospects
and Challenges
Md. Habibur Rahman 1,2,† , Johny Bajgai 1,† , Ailyn Fadriquela 3 , Subham Sharma 1,2 , Thuy Thi Trinh 1,2 ,
Rokeya Akter 2 , Yun Ju Jeong 1 , Seong Hoon Goh 1 , Cheol-Su Kim 1 and Kyu-Jae Lee 1, *
Abstract: Natural products derived from plants, as well as their bioactive compounds, have been
extensively studied in recent years for their therapeutic potential in a variety of neurodegenerative
Citation: Rahman, M.H.; Bajgai, J.; diseases (NDs), including Alzheimer’s (AD), Huntington’s (HD), and Parkinson’s (PD) disease. These
Fadriquela, A.; Sharma, S.; Trinh, T.T.;
diseases are characterized by progressive dysfunction and loss of neuronal structure and function.
Akter, R.; Jeong, Y.J.; Goh, S.H.; Kim,
There has been little progress in designing efficient treatments, despite impressive breakthroughs
C.-S.; Lee, K.-J. Therapeutic Potential
in our understanding of NDs. In the prevention and therapy of NDs, the use of natural products
of Natural Products in Treating
may provide great potential opportunities; however, many clinical issues have emerged regarding
Neurodegenerative Disorders and
Their Future Prospects and
their use, primarily based on the lack of scientific support or proof of their effectiveness and patient
Challenges. Molecules 2021, 26, 5327. safety. Since neurodegeneration is associated with a myriad of pathological processes, targeting multi-mechanisms of action and neuroprotection approaches that include preventing cell death and
molecules26175327 restoring the function of damaged neurons should be employed. In the treatment of NDs, including
AD and PD, natural products have emerged as potential neuroprotective agents. This current review
Academic Editors: Manuela Bartolini will highlight the therapeutic potential of numerous natural products and their bioactive compounds
and Luiz Antonio Soares Romeiro thatexert neuroprotective effects on the pathologies of NDs.
as gradual progression over the years, even reaching decades [4]. Furthermore, oxidative
stress, neuroinflammation, dysfunction in mitochondria, dysfunctional protein misfolding
and agglomeration, and other biological processes have been linked to neurodegenera-
tion [4,7,8]. These biological pathways have been implicated in the development of NDs
and their pathogenesis. To date, extensive research has attempted to explain the process
and potential therapeutic goals in the battle against NDs [9]. Neuroprotection strategies and
relative mechanisms, therefore, function best by interaction with the pathophysiological
transition process to interrupt or postpone the neurodegeneration process [4,10,11]. Natu-
ral products are known and have been used for their medicinal properties since ancient
times. Natural products and their bioactive compounds have been extensively researched
and analyzed in recent years, with a focus on biological processes, nutritional principles,
potential health, and therapeutic benefits. In recent decades, numerous studies have con-
firmed the protective effects of natural products and their bioactive compounds against
a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, reproductive diseases,
cancers, and NDs [12–14]. Natural products for the treatment of NDs have emerged as
potential neuroprotective agents. This current review highlights the therapeutic potential
of numerous natural products and their bioactive compounds that exert neuroprotective
effects on the pathologies of NDs.
respond to the reparation and survival of the secondary inflammatory or growth factor
repair response [36–38]. Mitochondria are the place of oxidative phosphorylation that
help to maintain low cytosol Ca2+ concentration [39]. Excessive Ca2+ absorption and ROS
development lead to a decline inmitochondrial membrane functionand the opening of mi-
tochondrial pores [40]. Several environmental toxins are identified as complex I inhibitors
and cause ND-related characteristics [41,42]. The direct association between mitochondrial
dysfunction and PD [43,44] was deduced from a discovery of complex I deficiency in
the substantia nigra of patients who had died with PD [43,44], followed by evidence of
mitochondrial defects in skeletal muscles, platelets, and lymphoblasts in a proportion
of cases [45]. The mitochondrial deficiency within the brain appeared to be confined to
the substantia nigra. These mitochondrial functional changes occur early prior to the
death of the neuron. In the caspase-independent process, the apoptotic factor is converted
into the nucleus and results in fragmented DNA or chromatin condensation [46,47]. As
neurodegeneration is associated with multifactorial pathological mechanisms, multiple
action mechanisms are a promising strategy in ND prevention and therapy.
Figure 1. Different biological processes, including oxidative stress and neuroinflammatory and mitochondrial dysfunctions,
have been involved in the development and pathogenesis of NDs.
3.1. Luteolin
Luteolin (Lu) is a crystalline yellow flavonoid, common in the plant families Bryophyta,
Pteridophyta, Pinophyta, and Magnoliophyta. The food sources of Lu are carrot, onion,
celery, olive oil, peppermint, thyme, and oregano [49]. Some Lu molecules have a range
of pharmacological properties, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial,
anti-cancer, and neuroprotective properties [50,51]. These various pharmacological and an-
tioxidant effects are combined with its ability to scavenge oxygen and nitrogen species [52].
A study showed that Lu (20–100 µM) effectively attenuated zinc-induced tau hyperphos-
phorylation not only through its antioxidant activity, but also through the regulatory
mechanisms of the tau phosphatase/kinase system [48]. The decrease in intracellular
ROS production increased SOD activity, and the restoration of mitochondrial membrane
permeabilization has inhibited caspase-based apoptosis [53]. In addition, the amyloid
precursor protein (APP) expression was down-regulated and decreased the secretion of
Aβ [54]. In addition, Lu enhanced the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2)
routeβ and induced the activation of the neuronal cell extracellular signal-regulated ki-
nase (ERK1/2) [55,56]. One of the study reported the concentration of Lu (10–20 µM)
increased the neuronal survival, which acts with greater efficacy and equalμpotency than
vitamin E [49].
3.2. Quercetin
Quercetin (QCT) is known as a flavonoid in a wide range of food products, such
as capers, apples, tomatoes, pasta, green tea, and black and red wines [48]. QCT is a
potent herbal antioxidant and is one of the most common flavonoids in edible plants [57].
One study reported the therapeutic efficacy of QCT in improving learning, memory, and
cognitive functions in AD [58]. Pharmacologically, QCT has anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-
inflammatory, and anti-amyloid effects [48]. QCT has been described to induce the gradual
removal of end products associated with plasma with a recorded half-life of 11–28 h,
enabling the body to generate QCT daily [59]. The risk of neurotoxicity can increase through
a rise in the number of QCT aglycons entering the central nervous system parenchyma in
Molecules 2021, 26, 5327 5 of 20
3.3. Resveratrol
Resveratrol (RSV) belongs toa class of polyphenolic stilbene compounds [69]. RSV is
one of the most important red wine flavonoids in grapes, nuts, and other fruits [70]. About
12.5% of participants experienced headaches in the short dose study of RSV, but showed no
serious adverse effects [71]. Many studies have reported cardiovascular, anti-cancer, anti-
viral, blood-glucose-decreasing, and side effects of RSV [72–74]. RSV (10 and 20 mg/kg)
primarily works by scavenging ROS as a strong antioxidant by enhancing glutathione
(GSH) [75]. The loaded lipid core RSV nanocapsules are elevated compared with free RSV
in brain tissue [76]. The gastrointestinal lumen absorbs RSV well, but due to its rapid
metabolism and removal, it has poor bioaccessibility [77]. In different forms, the binding
of RSV (50 µM) to Aβ was greater, but it was more strongly attached to monomeric Aβ
1–40 than to its fibrillary form [78]. By induction of non-amyloidogenic APP cleavage,
RSV reduced Aβ and increased the clearance of Aβ [79]. RSV (100 and 200 µM) can also
inhibit C-reactive protein and ERK1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)[80]. RSV
(2.5–40 mg/mL) inhibited the inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide by reducing
inflammatory factors, such as nitric oxide, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin
(IL)-1β, and IL-6 of astrocytes [81]. Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) elimination led to
a decreased downstream TNF-α and IL-6 levels [82]. A meta-analysis showed that RSV
significantly decreased Profile of Mood States (POMS) including vigor and fatigue but
had no significant effect on memory and cognitive performance [83]. However, other
studies have shown that the BBB plays an important role in Aβ clearance and that its
breakdown can result in ineffective clearance [84]. RSV increased claudin-5 expression and
decreased the receptor for advanced glycation end products in vivo [85], protecting the
BBB integrity [86].
3.4. Apigenin
Apigenin (AP) belongs to a subgroup of flavonoids, flavones, based on a skeleton of
2-phenylchromen-4-one (2-phenyl-1-benzopyran-4-one) [87]. To date, very little evidence
suggests that AP in a normal diet promotes in vivo adverse metabolic reactions. AP has anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer characteristics [88]. It is also a strong inhibitor of
the enzyme metabolizing several prescription drugs in the body, cytochrome P450 [89]. AP
is a highly soluble and intestinally permeable flavonoid. Different transport processes in
the intestine can well absorb AP; however, the duodenum is the main absorption site [90].
It also functions as a cell growth, anti-carcinogenic, and enzyme inhibitor, as well as
antigenotoxic, anti-inflammatory, and free radical scavenging [91]. In addition, in a double
transgenic mouse model of AD (APP/PS1), a review of the neuroprotective potential of AP
Molecules 2021, 26, 5327 6 of 20
suggested that apigenin could enhance AD-associated memory impairment, decrease the
load of Aβ plaque, and inhibit oxidative stress [92].
3.5. Genistein
Genistein is one of the most commonly known isoflavone found in numerous soy
products and has been investigated for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and proapop-
totic properties; estrogen receptor affinity; protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibition; and
other cellular and physiological functions [93]. Current evidence strongly indicates that
soy isoflavones protect against a variety of chronic conditions including atherosclerosis,
postmenopausal estrogen deficiency, and hormonally based breast or prostate cancer [94].
Recently, some researchers have found the neuroprotective activity of genistein. A study
reported that genistein (100 µM) was found to be effective against toxicity induced by the
Aβ31-35 peptide in primary neuronal cells obtained from newborn Wistar rats [95]. It has
been confirmed that genistein, a phytoestrogen able to cross the BBB, has antioxidants
from ultraviolet light and chemical insults. Another research reported that in cultured
hippocampal neurons, genistein has a neuroprotective effect against Aβ25-35-induced
apoptosis [96]. Exposure to aged Aβ25-35 for 24 h has been shown to double the DCF
fluorescence strength compared with controls for 24 h [97]. Emerging evidence indicates
that estrogen and estrogen-like chemicals have beneficial effects on ND, especially PD.
Interestingly, genistein exhibited a preventive effect on neuronal degeneration caused by
increased oxidative stress [98]. In addition, genistein can cross the BBB [99], and it has
proven to be safe for a long time (over 1 year) in the clinical trial at concentrations up to
150 mg/kg/day.
3.6. Hesperidin
Flavanone-glycosides rich in citrus fruit, lemon, sweet orange, and grapes are also
called hesperidin (C28 H34 O15 ) [100]. Hesperidin administration for 16 wks helped boost
learning and memory function by increasing the recognition index in the transgenic mouse
model of APPswe/PS1dEE [101]. It corrects mitochondrial disorders caused by Aβ by
lowering levels of malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide and restoring GSH deple-
tion and total antioxidant ability (T-AOC). A protein kinase that has a prominent role
in mitochondria and AD functions is glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β). It has an
important impact on the protein tau hyperphosphorylation and the mitochondrial tar-
get [102]. Increasing oxidative damage triggers the activation of this protein kinase. By
inhibiting the restoration of this kinase, hesperidin theoretically rescued cognitive deficits
and showed mitochondrial neuroprotective effects. It was the potential mechanism by
which hesperidin lowered the Aβ1-40 level [100]. Hesperidin also inhibited learning and
memory impairments resulting from aluminum chloride (AlCl3 )-induced AD, functioning
as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. In the rat hippocampus and brain cortex, hesperidin
attenuated APP expression through the NF-κB-dependent pathway and suppressed Aβ1-
40 and β-and γ-secretase levels [49,103]. The neuroprotective role of hesperidin was
reported in the signals of up-regulating B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) and down-regulating
Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax) [104–106]. In addition, hesperidin has been reported to
have neuroprotective effects in many neurological disorders, such as cerebral ischemia,
HD, and PD, at 50 and 100 mg/kg oral doses [107]. The hesperidin of citrus flavonoid has
neuroprotective effects andmay pass through the BBB. Hesperidin inhibits the release of
glutamate and exercises an excitotoxic neuroprotection in rat hippocampus with kainic
acid [108].
3.9. Cyanobacteria
Cyanobacteria are prokaryotic, photosynthetic, self-producing species that are closely
related to bacteria and are commonly referred to as blue-green algae. They are members of
the Oscillatoriaceae family. Researchers have been very attentive to their potential phar-
macological properties and advantages for various medical conditions [120,131]. Spirulina
platensis is a multicellular planktonic, alkaliphilic cyanobacterium. It has been widely
studied and recognized for its proper nutritional components. Subsequently, it may protect
itself against dopaminergic neuronal loss triggered by MPTP in substantia nigra. Spirulina
platensis has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help it defend against PD
Molecules 2021, 26, 5327 8 of 20
Table 1. Representative natural products and their bioactive substances with neuroprotective activity in the treatment of
AD related disease model.
Table 2. Representative natural products and their bioactive substances with neuroprotective activity in the treatment of PD
related disease model.
Table 2. Cont.
Table 3. Numerous medicinal plant extracts used in clinical trials and their outcomes.
6. Concluding Remarks
Therapeutic potential for natural products and natural bioactive compounds to be
neuroprotective has been supported by various research studies. Natural products and
important bioactive compounds are needed to prevent and treat various NDs without
causing harmful adverse effects. Since several functional pathways are found in neurode-
generative pathologies, ND prevention and treatment approaches have an important role
to play. For natural products and bioactive substances, it is preferable to use various modes
of action to display neuroprotective effects. Furthermore, the ability of natural products
and their bioactive compounds to cross the BBB is essential for neuroprotective activity.
It is important to develop new methods and techniques, such as nanotechnology, for the
delivery of natural compounds and drugs in order to enhance the role of natural products
and bioactive compounds in ND prevention and therapeutic fields, in order to promote
access to the brain of neuroprotective products.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.-J.L., M.H.R. and J.B.; writing—original draft prepara-
tion, M.H.R.; writing—review and editing, J.B. and A.F.; preparation of the tables and figures, R.A.,
S.S., S.H.G. and T.T.T.; visualization, Y.J.J., C.-S.K.; supervision, K.-J.L. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available within the article (tables
and figures).
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Editage (Cactus communication Korea Ltd.)
for language editing.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Molecules 2021, 26, 5327 12 of 20
6-OHDA 6-hydroxydopamine
AD Alzheimer’s disease
AlCl3 Aluminum chloride
AP Apigenin
APP Amyloid precursor protein
Aβ Amyloid-beta
Bax Bcl-2-associated X proteins
BBB Blood-brain barrier
Bcl2 B-cell lymphoma 2
CAG Cytosine-adenine-guanine
DHM Dihydromyricetin
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
ERK Extracellular signal-regulated kinase
GSH Glutathione
GSK-3β Glycogen synthase kinase-3β
HD Huntington’s disease
IL Interleukin
L-DOPA Levodopa
Lu Luteolin
MAPK Mitogen-activated protein kinase
MPP+ 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium
MPTP 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
NDs Neurodegenerative diseases
NF-κB Nuclear factor-kappa B
Nrf2 Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2
PD Parkinson’s disease
POMS Profile of Mood States
PTK Protein tyrosine kinase
QCT Quercetin
ROS Reactive oxygen species
RSV Resveratrol
SOD-1 Superoxide dismutase-1
T-AOC Total antioxidant ability
TNF-α Tumor necrosis factor-α
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