PCI or CABG For Left Main Coronary Artery Disease: The SWEDEHEART Registry
PCI or CABG For Left Main Coronary Artery Disease: The SWEDEHEART Registry
PCI or CABG For Left Main Coronary Artery Disease: The SWEDEHEART Registry
Received 20 September 2022; revised 21 March 2023; accepted 25 April 2023; online publish-ahead-of-print 8 June 2023
See the editorial comment for this article ‘How to treat left main coronary artery disease: the complementary lessons from trials and regis
tries’, by M. McEntegart and T. Gori, https://doi.org10.1093/eurheartj/ehad287.
Aims An observational nationwide all-comers prospective register study to analyse outcomes after coronary artery bypass graft
ing (CABG) or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in unprotected left main coronary artery (LMCA) disease.
Methods All patients undergoing coronary angiography in Sweden are registered in the Swedish Web-system for Enhancement and
and results Development of Evidence-based care in Heart disease Evaluated According to Recommended Therapies registry. Between
01/01/2005 and 12/31/2015, 11 137 patients with LMCA disease underwent CABG (n = 9364) or PCI (n = 1773). Patients
with previous CABG, ST-elevation myocardial infarction (MI) or cardiac shock were excluded. Death, MI, stroke, and new
revascularization during follow-up until 12/31/2015 were identified using national registries. Cox regression with inverse
probability weighting (IPW) and an instrumental variable (IV), administrative region, were used. Patients undergoing PCI
were older, had higher prevalence of comorbidity but lower prevalence of three-vessel disease. PCI patients had higher mor
tality than CABG patients after adjustments for known cofounders with IPW analysis (hazard ratio [HR] 2.0 [95% confi
dence interval (CI) 1.5–2.7]) and known/unknown confounders with IV analysis (HR 1.5 [95% CI 1.1–2.0]). PCI was
associated with higher incidence of major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE; death, MI, stroke,
or new revascularization) than CABG, with IV analysis (HR 2.8 [95% CI 1.8–4.5]). There was a quantitative interaction
for diabetic status regarding mortality (P = 0.014) translating into 3.6 years (95% CI 3.3–4.0) longer median survival time
favouring CABG in patients with diabetes.
Conclusion In this non-randomized study, CABG in patients with LMCA disease was associated with lower mortality and fewer MACCE
compared to PCI after multivariable adjustment for known and unknown confounders.
Key Question
How do the outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) compare to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in an
all-comer population with left main coronary artery disease? How can this guide the selection of revascularization strategy to improve
patient outcomes?
Key Finding
In this observational study, CABG was associated with lower mortality and fewer major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular
events in patients with left main coronary artery disease compared to PCI after adjustment for confounders during a median follow-up
of 4.7 years.
CABG = coronary artery bypass grafting, CAD = coronary artery disease, CI = confidence interval, PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention,
IPW adj. = inverse probability weighting adjustment, IV adj. = instrumental variable adjusted; MACCE = major adverse cardiovascular and cerebro
vascular events.
Keywords Left main coronary artery disease • Percutaneous coronary intervention • Coronary artery bypass grafting • Mortality •
Instrumental variable analysis • Cox regression
Introduction follow-up when comparing CABG with PCI.4 There is a significant and
beneficial interaction between time and PCI with regard to MI and peri-
Patients with untreated significant left main coronary artery (LMCA) interventional stroke, however this is offset by risk of spontaneous MI
disease have a poor prognosis and revascularization with coronary ar and new revascularization during follow-up.4
tery bypass grafting (CABG) or percutaneous coronary intervention The recommendations for choosing mode of revascularization of un
(PCI) is indicated.1–3 The 2018 ESC/EACTS Guidelines on myocardial protected LMCA disease is based on coronary anatomical complexity
revascularization, which relies on evidence from randomized clinical assessed by the Synergy between PCI with Taxus and Cardiac
trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses, suggest equivalent results for the com Surgery (SYNTAX) score,5 individual cardiac and extracardiac charac
posite of death, myocardial infarction (MI), and stroke up to 5 years of teristics, and patient preference. For patients with a low SYNTAX
PCI or CABG for left main coronary artery disease 2835
score (≤22), PCI and CABG have the same class and level of recom generation drug-eluting stent (DES) (Figure 1). The study was reviewed
mendation (I A), but for patients with intermediate SYNTAX score and approved by the local ethics committee in Stockholm, Sweden
(23–32) the recommendation for CABG is I A and for PCI (2015/1258–31).
IIa A. Only CABG is recommended (I A) for patients with very complex
coronary anatomy (SYNTAX score ≥33) and PCI is not recommended Outcomes
(III B) for such patients.4
All subjects were followed through the Swedish Population Register for
The recommendations are, to a large extent, based on RCTs that death, the Swedish National Patient Registry (NPR) for MI and stroke,
have been conducted in highly selected cohorts. Consequently, the and the SWEDEHEART registry for MI and repeat revascularization after
guidelines and the RCTs may not be fully applicable to the diversity the index angiography until the onset of outcome or until 31 December
of real-life patients and circumstances associated with revascularization 2015. New revascularization was defined as new PCI or new CABG during
of LMCA disease in clinical practice. Thus, we analysed the outcome of follow-up. Major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events
all subjects with LMCA disease undergoing revascularization with PCI (MACCE) were defined as death, MI, stroke, or new revascularization
or CABG in Sweden between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2015. (whichever occurred first) within the follow-up period.
Figure 1 Flowchart of patient selection. *Bare metal stent, bioresorbable vascular scaffold or self-expandable stent.
2836 Persson et al.
Creatinine clearance was calculated using the Cockcroft and Gault NSTEMI and/or unstable angina, but chronic coronary syndrome
equation.7 (CCS) was significantly more common in the CABG group (Table 1).
The CABG patients had a median EuroSCORE II risk of 4% (inter
quartile range 3%–7%), and 73% of the patients had normal left ven
Statistics tricular function. The left internal thoracic artery (ITA) was used in
Baseline characteristics of patients in the PCI and CABG groups were de more than 90% of the cases, whereas both ITA in 2% of the cases.
scribed as frequencies for categorical variables and the mean value with
Three or more distal anastomoses were performed in 77% of the pa
standard deviations for continuous variables. The chi-square test and
tients (Table 1).
t-test were applied separately to compare the distribution of characteristics
in the two groups at baseline. Due to an imbalance between the groups, we Two-hundred and eighty-five patients (16%) had first generation,
applied the inverse probability weighting (IPW) method to create a 1324 (75%) had second generation and 164 (9%) patients had third-
weighted population after which the distribution of characteristics was simi generation DES in the LMCA (see Supplementary data online,
lar in the two groups.8 Propensity scores and standard mean differences Figure S3). One thousand five-hundred fifty-seven patients (88%) had
prior and following IPW adjustments are presented in Supplementary one stent in the left main, 207 patients (11.5%) had two stents, and
Table 1 Baseline characteristics in 11 137 patients with left main coronary artery disease who had percutaneous
coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) from January 1st 2005 to December 31st 2015
Table 1 Continued
BMI: body mass index; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CCS: chronic coronary syndrome; NSTEMI: non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
had a larger benefit, with regard to MACCE for CABG vs. PCI, than pa There are several factors that make the comparison between
tients >70 years (Figure 4). CABG and PCI challenging: (i) the unequal number of patients in
To illustrate the difference in expected survival between CABG the groups; (ii) substantial differences in baseline characteristics; (iii)
and PCI, IPW-adjusted differences in median survival time for mortal unknown selection mechanisms for choice of the revascularization
ity in the whole cohort and subgroups are presented in Figure 5. method; and (iv) the PCI group, consisting of more frail patients,
There was a benefit in median survival time for CABG vs. PCI in had more hospitalisations due to non-cardiac events. Despite these
the whole cohort as well as in the subgroups. Furthermore, there challenges, it is important to analyse revascularization mode in rela
was a notable difference in IPW-adjusted median survival time of tion to outcomes in observational registry studies to complement
3.6 years (95% CI 3.3–4.0) in favour of CABG compared to PCI in pa RCTs. In RCTs, the external validity is restrained by the selection of
tients with diabetes. patients, omitting older, more frail patients with a large number of co
morbidities that are treated in the cardiology department in everyday
clinical practice.13–15
The main finding in this observational non-randomized study of all- Adjustments for baseline characteristics
comers with LMCA disease was that CABG was associated with lower The treatment decision, CABG or PCI, for patients with left main cor
mortality and fewer cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events com onary stenosis is based on a patient’s pre-treatment characteristics and
pared to PCI before and after multivariable adjustment for known personal preference.4,16,17 If these are imbalanced and associated with
and unknown confounders (Structured Graphical Abstract). the study outcome, the assessment of the treatment effect from an
PCI or CABG for left main coronary artery disease 2839
Figure 4 Inverse probability weighting adjusted hazard ratios for MACCE for PCI vs. CABG in subgroups.
observational study suffers from bias caused by confounding by indica the PCI group), site of LMCA lesion (shaft vs. bifurcation), proportion
tion. We have thus adjusted for known confounders with the IPW of calcified lesions or chronic total occlusions and heart team assess
method.8 ment (yes vs. no) are missing. The selection of revascularization
mode is to a large extent associated with administrative region (see
Supplementary data online, Table S1). We used statistical modelling
Adjustments for unknown confounders based on the IV to reduce bias due to unmeasured confounders. To
In our study, important confounders such as SYNTAX score, use IV analysis, one must identify a naturally varying phenomenon in
EuroSCORE (in the PCI group), left ventricular ejection fraction (in the observed data, which, like randomization in an RCT, predicts the
2840 Persson et al.
treatment assigned to the individual patient. A valid instrument must In the EXCEL trial, PCI and CABG showed comparable results with
fulfil some necessary criteria. First, the variable has to be strongly asso regard to the primary endpoint, a composite of death, stroke, or MI at 3
ciated (F-test >10) with the treatment received. Second, it must not be and 5 years of follow-up. Of note, total mortality was significantly higher
directly or indirectly associated with the outcome except through the in the PCI group than in the CABG group and CABG proved to be
effect of the treatment itself. The variable with these statistical qualities beneficial over PCI when adding revascularization to outcome at 5
is called an IV. We used the administrative region as the treatment- years.19 The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery has
preference instrument. The administrative region is frequently withdrawn its support from the current recommendation on treat
employed as an instrument because this variable type usually fulfils ment of left main disease in the 2018 ESC/EACTS myocardial revascu
the theoretical criteria for a valid instrument.10,11 Because administra larization guidelines. They state that there is a significant survival
tive region may be an imperfect instrument, the following variables advantage of CABG over PCI in the EXCEL trial and that the EXCEL
were entered into IV regression: age, gender, number of diseased cor investigators adopted a new definition for MI leading to results appear
onary arteries, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, year of treatment, body ing to favour the PCI option.22
mass index, diabetes mellitus, insulin treatment, estimated creatinine Patients in our observational study differ from the patients included
clearance, indication for revascularization, smoking status, previous in RCTs. The patients in our cohort were approximately 4 years older
MI, previous PCI, COPD, peripheral artery disease, history of cancer, compared to subjects in the NOBLE and EXCEL trials. CCS was the
and dialysis.10,11 predominant indication for index revascularization in the NOBLE and
EXCEL trials (82% and 53%, respectively) whereas the rate of CCS
was 30.9% in our cohort. In the NOBLE trial, complex lesions (chronic
total occlusions, non-left main bifurcation lesions requiring two stent
Comparison to other studies on
techniques or lesions with calcified or tortuous vessel morphology)
revascularisation strategies for were excluded and there was a high proportion of isolated left main dis
LMCA disease ease.18 In the EXCEL trial, patients with high anatomical complexity of
The two large landmark trials, the Nordic-Baltic-British Left Main coronary artery disease as defined by a SYNTAX score of ≥33, were
Revascularization Study (NOBLE) and Evaluation of XIENCE excluded. In our analysis, we have not excluded subjects based on
Everolimus Eluting Stent Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery the complexity of the coronary artery disease. In fact, almost half of
for Effectiveness of Left Main Revascularization (EXCEL) trial, evaluat the PCI patients had four or more stents. Furthermore, we have in
ing PCI vs. CABG for LMCA disease have reported conflicting re cluded patients that were stented with first-, second- and third-
sults.18–21 The NOBLE trial reported that CABG was superior to generation DES.
PCI in 1201 subjects up to 5 years of follow-up. The primary endpoint, In a meta-analysis of individual patient data from four clinical rando
a combination of all-cause mortality, non-procedural MI, any repeat mised trials comparing 5-year outcomes for PCI with DES (n = 2197)
coronary revascularization, and stroke, was more frequent in subjects with CABG (n = 2197) for LMCA disease, there was no significant dif
assigned to PCI. ference in 5-year mortality between groups.18,19,23–26 However,
PCI or CABG for left main coronary artery disease 2841
complementary Bayesian analysis suggested a probable mortality differ ≤70 years. The relatively larger procedural risks with CABG compared
ence (more likely than not <0.2% per year) in favour of CABG.26 This to PCI might lessen the beneficial effects compared to PCI in older
low, yet probable, excess risk for death within five years with PCI com patients.
pared to CABG in patients eligible for RCTs could result in larger dif
ferences between groups in our study of consecutive all-comers
including older, frailer patients with more comorbidities than patients IPW-adjusted median survival time
in RCTs. Since HRs are measurements of relative effects and not absolute treat
In a recent study from Canada, revascularization strategy in LMCA ment effects, they may be difficult to communicate to patients and phy
disease has been compared using clinical and administrative databases sicians when discussing revascularization options for LMCA disease. In a
in Ontario.27 Like our study, Tam et al. reported that CABG was the study of patients’ preferences, only 38% of the subjects with LMCA dis
preferred method for revascularization and propensity score matched ease or three-vessel disease consented to go through CABG, although
analysis showed that PCI was associated with higher mortality (HR 1.63 CABG was the recommended option over PCI (n = 763).17 Thus, we
[95% CI 1.42–1.87]) and higher MACCE rates (HR 1.77 [95% CI 1.57– analysed the IPW-adjusted median survival time for PCI and CABG
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