IG2 Form - Risk Assessment
IG2 Form - Risk Assessment
IG2 Form - Risk Assessment
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming
that the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’
while completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the
relevant resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
You should aim to complete this section in 150 – 200 words.
Topic Comments
Name of organisation* LFL
Number of workers 15
General description of the organisation LFL is a port logistic company that has a dock where ships and supply vessels come in for their
deliveries and supply. We have offices, warehouse storage areas, and a mechanic workshop.
Our warehouse and storage areas are been rented out for other clients and we are not authorised to
go in our client’s yards unless for working purpose. The activities of the port are very low at this time
compare to the workshop were we have to do some vehicle repairs and maintenance daily. The
mechanic workshop operates from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Mondays – Saturdays and is closed every
Sundays. Workers are only required to work 7 hours per day. Typical activities undergoing in the
workshop includes, but not limited to:
engine repairs, and maintenance of Forklift, heavy duty cranes 90tons Real Stacker,
mini bus, pickup trucks, we don’t do body work and painting, this type of work is been
done outside the company.
The garage is been divided into FOUR SECTIONS.
- Mechanic work bay area: that is where repairs and general maintenance of all the
vehicles, heavy equipment and trucks are been carried out, the description of work
on this area include jacking up of the equipment, and make safe on the axle stands
or the blocks remove and replace damage components, of all the vehicles.
The risk assessment will cover the mechanic workshop with garage divided into four sections,
the mechanic work bay area, the tire repair bay area, the machine shop area, and the
electrical work bay area.
The environment is an open space, well ventilated area there is enough space for vehicles to
park while work is on-going the workers are not exposed of any type of extreme heat because
Description of the area to be included
the working area is well shade they are working under a well-constructed roof, they have a
in the risk assessment
changing room, the work shop has a pit were they normally change oil for vehicles, the
workshop has enough light to illuminate the environment and they don’t work at night, they
have some spill kit box on site to absorb all the oil leaks and spill, they don’t have any fuel
storage tank like Diesel and petrol they do buy from gas station.
The LFL HES Manager has the main responsibility for Health, Environmental, and Safety. The
Any other relevant information MD and the Chief Finance Officer (CFO) has the responsibilities to approve all required safety
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must
be factual.
After reviewing all the resource information, I went to the workshop to meet the site in-charge
and his team, and I was told to join them on their daily tool box talk.
After joining the toolbox talk, I started my risk assessment by touring around the workshop
with the Site In-charge and talking to each worker who was doing their task. The garage has
consulted; been divided into four sections; the mechanic work bay area, tire repair bay area, machine
shop, and electrical work bay area. I looked at each section thoroughly to identify if there are
who you spoke to; and
hazards present in the area and whether control measures are in place and being maintained.
how you identified:
This will help me to assess whether the current controls are adequate. The information I
- the hazards;
gathered from each of the workers was not sufficient and convincing at all, because they were
- what is already being done;
not aware of the hazards present in the workshop, such as slips due to spillage of oil and
grease on the working floor and noise caused by the operation of various machines in the
- any additional controls/actions
workshop. A lot of workers were not aware that there were earplugs, dust masks, and spill kits
that may be required.
available and the reasons why they should wear and use them.
I inspected the safety records to find out the safety performance of the workshop over the last
2 years, whether there are recurring incidents, how these incidents are addressed by the
management, and how the performance is progressing.
When assessing the control measures, I also referred to some of the HSE’s Approved Code of
Practice or Guidance documents. For example, when looking at control measures for noise in
the workplace, a brief guide to controlling the risks, INDG362, Noise at work: A brief guide to
controlling the risks INDG362 (hse.gov.uk)
Gas Cutting work Gas cutter, Good and leak proof hose Gas monitoring 2 days Project In-
General site pipe is being used. devices shall charge
Defective workmen be installed
Use of Flash back
Hose pipe
Fire and arrester.
Explosion Regular checking of hose
causing injury or pipe.
Gas cutter, Use of safety goggles as Training shall 1 day HES In-
General site per the intensity of be given to charge &
workmen radiation workers Project In-
Ultraviolet Radiation can
Radiation damage the eyes
and the skin of
the persons
Leakage from gas Gas cutter, Regular checking the Gas monitoring Routine Project In-
cylinders. General site valves of the cylinder and alarm charge
Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further Timescales Responsible
hazard harmed and doing? controls/actions for further person’s job
how? are required? actions to title
Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further Timescales
hazard harmed and doing? controls/actions for further
how? are required? actions to Responsible
be person’s job
completed title
Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further Timescales
hazard harmed and doing? controls/actions for further
how? are required? actions to Responsible
be person’s job
completed title
Fork lift operation Operator, Only fit and inspected fork Path for forklift 2 days Workshop
Workmen, lift shall be deployed operation shall In-charge
Collision/ be made on
Authorized operator shall
Learner number: Learner name: Page 12 of 36
Hit by/ Engineer be deployed shop floor
Daily check shall be done Banksmen
Fall of loaded materials
Injury/ Limit switch working shall shall be
Fracture/ be ensured deployed for
Fatal signaling
Reverse horn shall be in
working condition
Clear access shall be
provided for forklift
Signal man shall be
Safe work load shall not
be exceeded
Functioning of cut-off
device for lift shall be
All rotating parts shall be
Side-view mirror shall be
Steering and levering
functioning shall be
Reverse horn shall be in
working condition and
No hindrances to
operator’s view shall be
Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further Timescales
hazard harmed and doing? controls/actions for further
how? are required? actions to Responsible
be person’s job
completed title
Cleaning of vehicles Pump operator, Use of proper tools for Robots for 60 days Project In-
Helper cleaning cleaning charge
Use of hand or other body vehicles shall
Only authorized and
parts for cleaning of pump be involved
trained persons shall be
Trapping of engaged for cleaning
hand, other body work.
parts between Ensure nobody is using
moving parts
Cut, crush
Use of wrong posture and Driver, Operator, Procedure for manual Job rotation 1 day Workshop In-
method Helper handling shall be and frequent charge
adopted. breaks shall be
Kinetic principles of given.
Musculoskeletal manual handling shall be
disorders briefed and ensured
Using unsafe ladder Driver, Operator, Proper ladder shall be Ladder shall be 1 day Workshop In-
leading to fall from height Helper used and ladder shall be secured charge
properly secured at top
and bottom.
Physical injuries, Ladders as per standards
fractures shall be used
Charging of the battery Electrician, Wash the battery before Fire retardant 3 days Project In-
Helper placing it to charge bed. cables shall be charge
Fire and Explosion used for power
Smoking, naked flames
shall be prohibited within supply and
Physical injury a radius of 3mts. from the equipments
battery charging facility.
Proper ventilation shall be
DCP type fire extinguisher
shall be made available
near the area
Electric shock Electrician, Use of MCB/ ELCB Batteries shall 1 day Workshop
Helper be kept and In-charge
All battery charges shall
be provided with a 3 core stored in a dry
power cable, sockets, place.
Fatal or electric three pin plugs.
burn injuries Proper earthing shall be
Regular inspection shall
be carried out for the
PPE’s are being used i.e.
hand gloves, safety
shoes, safety helmet etc.
Mechanical Maintenance- Mechanic, Ensure use of Proper
various activities Helper hand tools are provided
Use of defective hand Training shall be provided
tools for use and storage of
Personnel injury hand tools.
Ensure PPEs i.e. hand
gloves, face shield, safety
goggles, helmet
Noise caused by Mechanic, All the machines shall be Acoustic 10 days Project In-
operation of various Helper regularly maintained to screens shall charge
machines in workshop I.e. avoid excessive noise. be placed to
Lathe, Grinding machine Ear plugs shall be worn reduce noise.
Learner number: Learner name: Page 18 of 36
May cause to by workmen working in Job rotation
irritation/ high noise area. and frequent
diversion of breaks shall be
attention from given.
work and in a
long time,
damage to ears
of persons
Improper storage of Mechanic, Proper housekeeping Fire 2 days Workshop
various consumables at Helper shall be maintained extinguishers In-charge
workshop I.e. Tyres, Oils, before activity. shall be
Lubricants Electrodes, Flammable materials/gas provided.
Gas Cylinders ,Cotton May cause to cylinders/liquids/lubricants Safety Data
waste etc. come in Fire Hazard shall be stored separately Sheet of
contact with fire leads to severe at the designated material shall
accidentally injuries of location. be displayed.
persons. Safe distance shall be
ensured between
Cotton waste shall be
disposed suitably.
Spillage of oil and grease Mechanic, Proper drainage system Secondary 5 days Workshop &
on working floor. Helper shall be constructed to containment project In-
avoid stagnation of provision shall charge
oil/diesel. be provided
Can cause fall of Handling of diesel/oils
person leads to shall be carried out by
injury. funnel.
Fitting of tyres in Driver, Vehicle should always be Vehicle 4 days Workshop In-
vehicle Mechanic, positioned in leveled and positioning charge
Helper even surface. spots shall be
Positioning of vehicle in identified and
Wheel stoppers/chock
sloppy/uneven/damaged/ Toppling/fall of marked.
vehicle blocks shall be kept
non-compacted surface
behind the wheels of
vehicle after positioning.
Damaged inlet hose and Driver, ISO certified air hoses
improper fitment Mechanic, shall be used. Hose shall
Helper be free of cuts, joints, tear
and wear.
Leakage of
pressurized air Ensure prompt inspection
causing prior to filling of
pressurized air
personnel injury
PPEs like safety helmet,
Face shield, leather hand
Housekeeping Driver, Working area shall be Regular Routine Project In-
Mechanic, cleaned periodically and disposal of charge &
Improper house keeping Helper proper housekeeping wastes through Workshop In-
shall be maintained. authorized charge
Fire caused by
Adequate number of agency shall be
waste clothes ensured
dustbins shall be
Dustbins shall be
segregated according to
the wastes dumped. i.e.
food waste(green),
hazardous waste(red),
recyclable(blue), bio
medical waste(yellow)
Driver, Working area shall be
Mechanic, cleaned periodically and
Compressor Operation Workmen, Air Compressors are Workshop
People in nearby procured from reputed In-charge
Substandard equipment area. vendors with IS make
Failure of
Bursting of
Unguarded rotating parts Operator, All rotating parts are Sensor devices 3 days Workshop
Workmen guarded shall be In-charge
Inspection of compressor provided to
Entanglement ensure guard.
Poor Condition of Hose Workmen, Reinforced hoses are Inspection shall 1 day Workshop
People in nearby used. be carried out In-charge
area. Couplers are used to join
the hoses.
Bursting of Hose
Outlet pressure is
controlled by quick shut
Lathe Operation Lathe Operator, Eye protection provided Barriers to be 2 days Workshop In-
Workers provided to charge
Safe distance between
Flying particles job and face shall be stop flying
Contact with eye ensured particles
of face causes
Ejected workpiece piece Operator , Sufficient clamping Hydraulic 3 days Workshop In-
due to inadequate Workmen clamp shall be charge
Adequate tightening of
clamping bolts installed
Injury or fracture
Safe running speed
Correct tool suitable for
Electricity Operator Insulated cables used Emergency 3 days Workshop In-
stop button charge
Sheath protection
Electrocution provided in cable route shall be
ELCB, MCCB, Fuse shall
be installed in power CPR training
supply system shall be
Pinch points Operator Guards shall be provided Chuck guard 2 days Workshop In-
in all rotating parts and and workpiece charge
Injury due to moving parts. guard shall be
contact Safe distance shall be provided.
No loose clothes
Training given to
Defective tools Operator Tools shall be inspected Workshop In-
before use charge
Injury due to Sharp points shall be
contact protected
Discarding of defective
Hot surfaces Operator, Lubrication shall be done Temperature 3 days Workshop In-
Workers monitoring charge
Coolant supply during
operation system shall be
Burn injuries due provided.
Thermal insulation on hot
to contact. Training shall
be given.
Hand gloves worn
Hazard category and Who might be What are you already What further Timescales
hazard harmed and doing? controls/actions for further
how? are required? actions to Responsible
be person’s job
completed title
Drilling machine Operator Jig & fixture for clamping Hydraulic 10 days Workshop In-
of workpiece clamp shall be charge
Insufficient clamping of Injury due to Inspection after clamping provided
workpiece kickback of work
Experienced operator
Flying particles Lathe Operator, Eye protection provided Barriers to be 2 days Workshop In-
Workers provided to charge
Safe distance between
job and face shall be stop flying
Contact with eye ensured particles
of face causes
Ejected workpiece piece Operator , Sufficient clamping Hydraulic 3 days Workshop In-
due to inadequate Workmen clamp shall be charge
Adequate tightening of
clamping bolts installed
Injury or fracture
Safe running speed
Correct tool suitable for
Electricity Operator Insulated cables used Emergency 3 days Workshop In-
stop button charge
Sheath protection
Electrocution provided in cable route shall be
Pinch points Operator Guards shall be provided Barriers shall 2 days Workshop In-
in all rotating parts and be provided charge
Injury due to moving parts.
contact Safe distance shall be
No loose clothes
Training given to
Defective tools Operator Tools shall be inspected Workshop In-
before use charge
Injury due to Sharp points shall be
contact protected
Discarding of defective
Moral, general legal and financial arguments LFL has a moral duty for health & safety of our workers relate to ethical and responsible behaviours. Our
workers come to work to earn a wage, not to be put at risk that can lead to serious injury and even death. It is
not morally correct to sacrifice human health because of the work activities they carry out now. Some of the
ill-health conditions that could be contracted or injuries that could occur, will have a major impact on the lives
of the workers and their family/friends. Long term injuries/ill-health and also likely to have a major impact on
our workers’ mental health. The mental health of other workers could also be affected if they are witness to
any serious injuries to other workers.
Financial impacts could be broken down into two categories. Costs associated with:
Insured costs (injury cover, ill health cover, damage cover)
Uninsured costs (product/material damage, plant/building damage, tool/equipment damage, legal
costs, fines)
The effect of potential costs of accidents to the LFL may include: expenditure on emergency supplies;
clearing of the site, production process or occupied space, diverting of supervisors’ time, production delays
and consequent overtime expenditure, loss of expertise/experience, investigation time and clerical efforts,
sick pay and temporary labour, and loss of contracts, reputation and sales.
The organisation could also find that civil claims form workers made ill by these work activities could be
made. The likely amount of compensation payable for civil claims can be substantial. In addition to this legal
fee (solicitors, barristers, courts etc) would also be likely to be very high and it may not be recoverable from
the insurance company.
Any potential accidents would have a significant impact on the business which could result in loss of
Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Surveillance system shall be installed to monitor PPE wearing at site
(hazard category ‘working without PPEs’).
Specific legal arguments There are specific legal duties that LFL need to meet. Under the OSHA 1910.132 – General
Requirements there is a duty to ensure that 1910.132(a) protective equipment, including PPE for
eyes, face, head, and extremities, protective clothing, respiratory devices, and protective shields
and barriers shall be provided to affected workers, used, and maintained in a sanitary and reliable
condition wherever it is necessary by reason of hazards 1910.132(c) all PPE shall be of safe design
and construction for the work to be performed 1910.132(d)(1) the workplace shall be assess to
determine if hazards are present, or are likely to be present, which necessitate the use of PPE. If
such hazards are present, or likely to be present, the employer shall:
select, and have each affected employee use, the types of PPE that will protect the
affected employee from the hazards identified in the hazard assessment;
communicate selection decisions to each affected employee;
select PPE that properly fits each affected employee;
verify that the required workplace hazard assessment has been performed through a
written certification that identifies the workplace evaluated;
defective or damaged PPE shall not be used; and
affected employee are provided with training (when PPE is required; what PPE is
necessary; how to properly don, doff, adjust, and wear PPE; limitations of PPE;
proper care, maintenance, useful and disposal of PPE; and
understanding of each affected employee of the training
Instructions, awareness, and trainings are given to the workforce to keep them aware the
importance of wearing properly their PPE at all time while they are working in the area, but
these instructions and trainings are usually ignored; LFL are, therefore, failing in this duty.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity. Likelihood of injuries occurring from working in and around the mechanic workshop is quite high.
This should include: The severity of the risk occurring could be serious. Injuries are likely to be range from minor injuries
such as pinch point, slips/trips, slightly more serious injuries such as cuts, or very serious injuries
justification for the timescale that you I have given a timescale of 1 day for this to be completed. I would hope that this will be the
indicated in your risk assessment; and maximum amount of time that this project will need to be completed.
Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Secondary containment provision shall be provided
(hazard category ‘Spillage of oil and grease on working floor’).
Specific legal arguments The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSW Act) requires employers to ensure the health and
safety of all employees and anyone who may be affected by their work, as far as is reasonably
practicable. This includes taking steps to control slip and trip risks.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require employers to assess risks
(including slip and trip risks) and where necessary, take action to address them.
how widespread the risk is Risks could be to any of the technicians working in the area only.
justification for the timescale that you I have given a timescale of 5 days for the workshop and project in-charge to make necessary
indicated in your risk assessment; and arrangements to prevent the spillage of oil and grease on working floor by:
constructing a proper drainage system to avoid stagnation of oil/diesel
using of funnel when handling of diesel/oils.
minimizing tray kept below while handling liquids to avoid spillage on the floor.
cleaning of spillage immediately.
whether you think the action will fully I believe that this action will reduce the risks of slipping over greasy floors to a minimum.
control the risk.
Planned review date/period with reasoning The LFL Policy is to review the risk assessment every 3 months. Therefore, the review date is set
for November 30, 2022. The following will also be reviewed before this date, considering if there is
o any new equipment, working procedures, or changes in the work methods;
o a change in relevant legislation or other standards that affects the LFL; and
o a significant change to the number of workers or to the shift patterns (staggered
start) that are worked.
How the risk assessment findings will be Through email circulation, hard copies, training, and meetings with the top management and project
communicated AND who you need to tell team, a summary of the risk assessment and actions to be taken will also be posted on the
company and project site bulletin boards that all workers have access to.
How you will follow up on the risk assessment A follow-up inspection and audits will be conducted to make sure that the actions are closed by the
to check that the actions have been carried affected employee or concerned department on time.