All Tax Law Exit Exam GMAN
All Tax Law Exit Exam GMAN
All Tax Law Exit Exam GMAN
A. Certainty C. Accountability
B. Productivity D. Economy
D. All
E. None
3. Tax withholding is the process of depositing money to be credited later against one's tax
6. Among the two available income tax systems our tax system is
based on ____________________________________
9. One of the following statements is correct about value added tax (VAT).
A. VAT creates cascading effect of a tax.
B. VAT is less comprehensive and less equitable tax system.
C. VAT increases the possibility of tax evasion.
D. VAT has more tax burden.
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10. VAT promotes capital investment and saving. What is tax burden? 6%
A. The administrative cost to the tax collecting authority should be kept at minimum.
B. The costs of compliance on the part of taxpayer in discharging their obligation to pay
Tax should be kept at minimum.
C. The effect of a tax in changing the behavior of tax payers/distortion effect of tax/ should
be kept at minimum.
D. All.
E. A and C.
13. According to some people, "the assignment of the power to levy value added tax (VAT)
to the federal government under the guise of undesignated tax is unconstitutional. VAT is
not undesignated tax; rather, it is a sales tax already designated and allocated to the federal
and the regional states depending on the source." Write an essay in which you reflect on
the validity or otherwise of this assertion. 15%
15. The classification of taxes into direct and indirect taxes is based on:
A. The ability of taxpayers to pay tax.
B. Whether the source of revenue is from home or abroad.
C. Whether the tax is implicitly shift able or not.
D. A and B.
E. None.
16. The administrative cost to the tax collecting authority and the costs of compliance on
the part of taxpayer should be kept at minimum. Which one of the following principles is
best explained by this idea?
A. Efficiency.
B. Equity.
C. Certainty.
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D. Flexibility.
E. None.
17. Which one of the following is incorrect about allocation of tax power under the
Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia?
A. Taxes not specifically allocated to the federal government are always left to the regional
B. Income tax from individual traders is under taxation power of regional states.
C. Income tax from companies and partnerships is under concurrent power of taxation.
D. Sales tax on federal enterprises exclusively belongs to the federal government.
E. None.
18. One of the following is an exclusive Federal tax power. Which is it?
A. Tax from large scale mining operations
B. Tax from companies I"
C. Income tax from employees of International organizations
D. Tax from small businesses in regions x
E. Income tax from persons working for regional governments,
19. Which one of the following taxes can be considered direct tax?
A. Value Added Tax
B. Turn Over Tax
C. Manufacturer's sales tax
D. Income tax
E. Custom duty paid by a company
20. Identify the income source that is not taxed based on schedule 'D'?
A. Income from winning lottery.
B. Income from legal advice rendered outside of Ethiopia -:
C. Capital gains tax
D. Income from casual rent of a house
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21. A tax imposed on international trade of goods is called?
A. Customs duty
B.Value Added Tax,
C. Turn Over Tax
D. Excise Tax
E. Stamp duty
22. One of the following items is excluded from gross income during taxation of “Schedule
A” taxpayers?
A. Overtime payments.
B. Fringe benefits.
C. Hardship allowances.
D. Payment in-kind by the employer to employees.
E. Back payments.
23. Identify the true statement regarding the difference between Zero rated transactions
and Exempted transactions in VAT?
A. In exemption no VAT is collected but in zero rating VAT is collected but only from
B. Persons dealing with exempted transactions are required to register for VAT whereas
traders dealing with zero rating are not.
C. Zero rated transactions are inside the VAT system whereas exempted transactions are
outside the VAT system.
D. Both are multistage VAT systems.
E. Exported items are exempted from VAT whereas as imported items are zero rated.
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26. The undesignated power of taxation included in the FDRE Constitution implies that
A. The two houses joint session determine which level ofgovernment can exercise the power
of taxation.
B. The two houses jointly determine the base and rates of the newly identified tax.
C. The two houses jointly determine how the proceeds obtained from such power is divided
between the levels of government.
E. The states determine the tax base and rate to a newly identified tax,
27. Which one of the following types of income is NOT encompassed in taxable income?
B. Casual income.
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29. Which one of the following types of tax is an additional tax rate added onto the rate of
an existing tax?
A. Excise tax.
B. Surtax.
C. Surplus tax.
D Turnover tax.-
30. Any compensation received or receivable by a victim of northern Ethiopia civil war
destruction is:
B. Taxable.
C. Exempt up to 15 % of ETB.
D. Exempt except to the extent of amount received or receivable which has been allowed as
deduction for any loss damage caused by such destruction.
A. Foreigners are required o pay tax from incomes they generate elsewhere.
B. Residents are required to pay income tax fom incomes they receive in Ethiopia only.
E. All Ethiopians are required to pay tax to Ethiopian government wherever they reside.
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32. Which one of the following taxation canons suggests relatively small cost of tax
administration against the tax revenue to be collected?
A. Horizontal equity.
B. Efficiency.
C. Certainty.
D. Simplicity.
E. Convenience.
C. Gross income is the amount of income on which actual income is charged,levied and
collected after all deductions have been made.
A. Earned income.
B. Every income.
C. Taxable income.
D. Aggregate income.
E. Selected income.
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36. Which of the following is NOT correct about Value Added Tax (VAT)?
C. it changes consumer behavior that they buy less of taxed goods and more of other goods.
38. Taxpayers who are not voluntarily or obligatorily registered for VAT shall pay
B. Income tax.
C. Excise tax.
D. Turnover tax.
A. It is a coercive imposition.
D. It regulates an economy.
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40. Classification of taxes into direct and indirect taxes is based on:
B. Tax accounting.
D. Mode of payment.
E. Tax assessment.
41. One of the following alternatives is NOT a purpose of tax. Which one is it?
C. Generation of revenue
D. Stabilization of an economy
A. Residence Jurisdiction.
B. Source Jurisdiction.
C. Age Jurisdiction.
E. It isn't known.
43. Which level of government is constitutionally empowered to levy and collect tax from
employees of a share company residing/located in a given regional state?
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44. Which one of the following sources of revenue is not primarily designed for collecting
revenue to the government?
D. Loans.
E. Donation.
45. Taxes in which the rate of tax remains constant irrespective of the extent of the tax base
is referred to as:
A. Progressive tax.
B. Proportional tax.
C. Regressive tax.
D. Digressive tax.
E. Constant tax.
46. Which one of the following alternatives is an advantage of indirect taxes over direct
D. Indirect taxes can prevent inflation better than the direct taxes
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48. From the following alternatives, one is TRUE about the VAT system of Ethiopia.
B. The Ethiopian VAT system recognized ‘origin principle’ of imposing Value added Tax.
D. Registered persons are not the only persons under obligation to collect Value Added
49. One of the following alternatives is recognized by the Ethiopian income tax law as a
unilateral solution to avoid double taxation.
50. One of the following principles of taxation advocates that a tax system should not
influence the economic decisions of tax payers.
A. Principle of independence.
B. Principle of neutrality.
C. Principle of certainty.
51. Which one of the following alternatives is TRUE about custom duties?
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