DEBATE: Do Interventions Based On Behavioral Theory Work in The Real World?
DEBATE: Do Interventions Based On Behavioral Theory Work in The Real World?
DEBATE: Do Interventions Based On Behavioral Theory Work in The Real World?
(2019) 16:36
Background: Behavioral scientists suggest that for behavior change interventions to work effectively, and deliver
population-level health outcomes, they must be underpinned by behavioral theory. However, despite
implementation of such interventions, population levels of both health outcomes and linked behaviors have
remained relatively static. We debate the extent to which interventions based on behavioral theory work in the real
world to address population health outcomes.
Discussion: Hagger argues there is substantive evidence supporting the efficacy and effectiveness of interventions
based on behavioral theory in promoting population-level health behavior change in the ‘real world’. However,
large-scale effectiveness trials within existing networks are relatively scarce, and more are needed leveraging
insights from implementation science. Importantly, sustained investment in effective behavioral interventions is
needed, and behavioral scientists should engage in greater advocacy to persuade gatekeepers to invest in
behavioral interventions.
Weed argues there is no evidence to demonstrate behavioral theory interventions are genuinely effective in real
world settings in populations that are offered them: they are merely efficacious for those that receive them. Despite
behavioral volatility that is a normal part of maintaining steady-state population behavior levels creating the illusion
of effectiveness, interventions fail in shifting the curve of population behaviors because they focus on individuals
rather than populations.
Hagger responds that behavioral interventions work in the ‘real world’ in spite of, not because of, flux in health
behaviors, and that the contention that behavioral theory focuses solely on individual behavior change is inaccurate.
Weed responds that the focus on extending the controls of efficacy trials into implementation is impractical, uneconomic
and futile, and this has squandered opportunities to conduct genuine effectiveness trials in naturalistic settings.
Summary: Hagger contends that interventions based on behavioral theory are effective in changing population-level
behavior in ‘real world’ contexts, but more evidence on how best to implement them and how to engage policymakers
and practitioners to provide sustained funding is needed. Weed argues for a paradigm shift, away from aggregative
attempts to effect individual behavior change towards a focus on disrupting social practices, underpinned by
understanding social and economic causation of the distribution and acceptance of behaviors in a population.
Keywords: Behavioural interventions, Health behaviour change, Efficacy, Effectiveness, Health outcomes, Implementation
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Hagger and Weed International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2019) 16:36 Page 2 of 10
Why have behavioral interventions not altered the course on how behavioral interventions can be developed by
of non-communicable disease pandemics? key workers within existing networks, who will ultim-
If interventions based on behavioral theory work in ately be responsible for implementing the intervention
changing behavior in ‘real world’ contexts, how have (e.g., health ministers, healthcare providers, school ad-
they not stemmed the tide of non-communicable disease ministrators and teachers, workplace health managers,
pandemics, as my colleague will contend? Knowledge community leaders, urban planners), and how users of
and implementation of effective interventions, whether the intervention (i.e., those whose behavior needs to
or not they are based on theory, seems to have had lim- change) can be involved in the implementation, is im-
ited impact in changing population-level participation in portant to ensure that interventions are practically rele-
health behaviors and reducing incidence of chronic dis- vant and sensitive to the contextual and cultural
ease [13]. Although there is substantive evidence that characteristics of target populations [64, 68]. In addition,
behavioral interventions are effective in changing behav- research on how theory-based behavioral interventions
ior across multiple contexts, populations, and behaviors, can be upscaled so their reach within target populations
and, arguably, those based on theory having greater ef- is maximized and the changes in health behavior and
fectiveness despite some of the aforementioned limita- health outcomes promised by formative research realized
tions, such knowledge is seldom translated to [69]. Research is needed to identify the conditions neces-
population-level change. This is largely because many sary to up-scale behavioral interventions in real world
behavioral interventions implemented at the community contexts, including identifying the partnerships needed
or even population level are relatively short lived, to fund, implement, monitor, and maintain interven-
under-funded, or fail due to poor implementation, tions; engaging stakeholders to assess the feasibility and
up-scaling, or translation [59]. Funding is a key issue; acceptability of implementing the intervention in the tar-
many behavioral interventions receive initial investment get community or setting [70]; assisting governmental
that is not sustained [60]. Interventions need sufficient agencies in developing multi-level and multi-sectorial
funding for the necessary networks and providers re- plans to implement interventions; and developing ways
quired to implement the intervention in practice. Even to embed interventions in existing networks throughout
though economic evaluation of many behavior change development from inception to implementation [69].
interventions has demonstrated their cost effectiveness
[61], investment in behavioral interventions pales com- Conclusion
pared to investment in procedures aimed at treating dis- In conclusion, interventions based on behavioral theory
ease [60]. It is unrealistic to expect health care providers have been shown to be effective in changing health be-
to identify, assimilate, and implement research findings havior. However, there is still need for more research on
reported in scientific outlets. The onus is on those pro- interventions that systematically and precisely map
ducing the evidence to actively engage governments, intervention content with theoretical determinants, and
stakeholders and policymakers, and outline the human the need for greater transparency in the reporting of
and economic advantages of preventive strategies like intervention content and protocols. Arguments that
behavioral interventions over a treatment-focused model such behavioral interventions do not work in the real
of healthcare provision [62]. world based on observations that pandemics of
Related to this, behavioral scientists need to better non-communicable disease continue to rise, and large
demonstrate how theory-based behavioral interventions scale interventions have not shifted population-level par-
that work in lab and field experiments, and have been ticipation in health behavior, as my colleague contends,
shown to be effective in larger randomized controlled are specious and miss the point. The issue is not that in-
trials and in real world contexts, can be implemented in terventions based on behavior theory do not work in
practice [9, 15, 63, 64]. Such evidence should be the changing behavior in ‘real world’ contexts, they do, ra-
focus of evidence presentations to government and pol- ther, it is a lack of investment in, and inadequate upscal-
icymakers advocating investment in, and implementation ing and implementation of, these interventions that has
of, behavioral interventions [65]. The expanding discip- failed to translate their efficacy into sustained, long-term
line of implementation science focuses on translation of change at the population level.
research findings into evidence-based practice, and is re-
ceiving increased attention in the fields of behavioral sci- AGAINST: Mike Weed - interventions based on
ence, public health, health promotion, and health policy behavioral theory do not work in the real world
[65–67]. In the context of behavioral interventions, im- Over 50 years positive population behaviors or health
plementation science examines the pathways and strat- outcomes for nutrition and physical activity have fallen
egies necessary for the uptake and implementation of or flatlined globally, and in individual countries. Data
interventions by policymakers and providers. Evidence shows: rising global obesity since 1975 [71], and in
Hagger and Weed International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2019) 16:36 Page 4 of 10
individual countries including England [72], Chile [73], The problem is this: the features of design and imple-
and Australia [71]; falling or flatlining fruit and vegetable mentation associated with good phase I-III trials to es-
consumption in USA since 1994 [74], and in Japan [75] tablish concept, efficacy, and comparative efficacy, have
and Brazil [76] since 1965; and rising physical inactivity important limitations for informing practice and policy
globally since 2001 [77], in Spain since 1995 [78], in decisions [85], which require more generalizable infor-
USA since 1997 [79], and in China since 1989 [80]. For mation relating to outcomes of societal consequence,
health outcomes, European Environment Agency data such as a sustained impact on health outcomes at popu-
show loss of healthy life years attributable to lation level. Such impact, or the potential for it, must re-
non-communicable diseases has grown by more than late to real world effectiveness “as evaluated in an
20% since 1990 [81]. These data illustrate global trends, observational, non-interventional trial in a naturalistic
and their replication in individual countries. setting” [86]. To establish effectiveness, phase IV trials
Something isn’t working! Noting disjoint between a require a more diverse set of methods than those re-
body of behavioral theory literature that appears to show quired to establish concept, efficacy and comparative ef-
promise at the individual level, and global and national ficacy in phase I-III trials, and must involve a diversity
data that shows no change in population behaviors and of settings, participants and deliverers [87]. However, in
health outcomes for half a century, Hallal et al. [82] reviewing studies purporting to examine effectiveness of
argue “after more than 60 years of scientific research… physical activity interventions in the real world (i.e.,
more of the same (in terms of research and practice) will phase IV trials), Beedie, Mann and Jimenez [88] found
not be enough” (p. 190). It appears behavioral theory has that many still tried to adopt laboratory style methods
a case to answer, and some fundamental questions to and controls that would be impractical or uneconomic
face. But is the problem scale-up of behavioral theory in in real-world settings [89].
population level interventions and policies, is it interven- Some authors [69, 84, 90] have advocated the RE-AIM
tion designs that act as the vehicle for behavioral theory, framework as a Phase IV tool to develop the effective-
or is it simply that behavioral theory itself does not work ness of interventions shown to be efficacious at phases
in the real world? I-III. But, with its focus on ensuring reach, adoption, im-
plementation integrity, and maintenance of the features
Behavioral theory interventions are efficacious not of the intervention over time, RE-AIM merely attempts
effective to deliver effectiveness by maintaining the controlled en-
For decades fields such as exercise physiology, public vironment of phase I-III trials in the real world, which
health, epidemiology and the behavioral sciences have as well as being impractical or uneconomic [89], is also
undertaken research showing that if behavioral theory is likely to be futile.
deployed “under scientifically controlled circumstances, Establishing effectiveness in phase IV trials is difficult,
behavior change is achievable for increasing physical ac- and requires longer timescales, and greater scale and re-
tivity” [69] (p. 1337). However, many “so-called effective sources than establishing concept, efficacy and compara-
physical activity interventions” (p. 1337) are small-scale, tive efficacy in phase I-III trials. As such, it is not
controlled efficacy trials that do not demonstrate effect- surprising that, in an area where research funding is
iveness or ecological validity, and leave gaps in the chain relatively sparse, and doctoral studies (which are time
of evidence between participants, theory, behavior and and resource limited) are often the bricks contributing
health outcomes [83]. An intervention is efficacious if it to edifices of knowledge, genuine phase IV effectiveness
works in cohorts who receive it, whereas it is effective if trials are rare [89]. Nevertheless, there is a moral obliga-
it works in cohorts who have been offered it [84]. This is tion to conduct them [87], otherwise advocacy for be-
confused in the literature, and interventions based on havioral theory interventions based only on efficacy
behavioral theory claim effectiveness when available evi- evidence risks wasting participants time (and hopes for
dence demonstrates only their efficacy [69]. their health) and taxpayers money on unproven inter-
Many trials of interventions based on behavioral the- ventions in unproven populations.
ory do not venture beyond controlled environments of
phase I-III trials, which seek to establish, respectively, Behavioral theory interventions are recipients not stimuli
concept, efficacy and comparative efficacy. Thus, at best, of behavior change
evidence demonstrates that impact on those who receive Analyses of national participation data suggest interven-
the intervention exceeds impact on those who receive al- tions based on behavioral theory may be recipients of in-
ternative interventions. But still, this shows only that an dividual behavior change, rather than the stimulus for it.
intervention is comparatively efficacious for those who This is because populations’ behaviors are qualitatively
receive it, not that it is effective, or comparatively effect- different to individual behaviors, and incorporate indi-
ive, in cohorts that are offered it [84]. vidual behavioral volatility within their steady state. For
Hagger and Weed International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2019) 16:36 Page 5 of 10
example, in England two national surveys, Active People behaviors in the first place. Furthermore, behavioral the-
(n = 150,000+) and Taking Part (n = 15,000+) [91, 92], ory is assumed to be universal: that is, it is assumed the
show population participation in sport and related phys- same behavioral theory can address any behavior, be that
ical activity has flatlined for 10 years, with no sustained smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet, or low phys-
change beyond +/− 2%. Furthermore, data synthesis ical activity – the transtheoretical model, which was de-
across six surveys shows falling or flatlining participation veloped for smoking cessation, is a case in point [97–
for 25 years [83]. However, both cross-sectional retro- 100]. Cleary these behaviors are underpinned by differ-
spective report data and panel time-series data from the ent antecedents, so why would we assume they can all
surveys also shows considerable individual behavioral be addressed by the same theory? Furthermore, categor-
volatility, with circa 20% of the population dropping out ies of behavior are not homogenous – the existence of
or doing less sport, 20% taking up or doing more sport, health inequalities is, in itself, evidence that the factors
20% maintaining participation, and 40% consistently that lead to behaviors in relation to, for example, diet,
doing no sport [83]. Consequently, within any 1 year differ across the population, and so poor diet is an ag-
circa 40% of the population change their sport participa- glomeration of behaviors rather than a single behavior.
tion behavior, but aggregate population level participa- Why would we expect that these multiple complex be-
tion is unchanged. Thus, steady state population haviors could all be addressed by the same theory?
behaviors incorporate considerable individual behavioral
change. This suggests behavioral theory interventions Conclusion
are reflecting and facilitating individual behavior changes I have argued that while interventions based on behav-
that take place as part of the steady state behaviors of ioral theory have been shown to be efficacious in the
populations, with participants often presenting as controlled environments of phase I-III trials, there is no
already motivated to change [88, 93]. Sport England’s evidence from genuine phase IV effectiveness trials to
Get Active: Get Healthy [94] first-year pilots, for ex- demonstrate they work in the real world. However, cru-
ample, claimed to be the stimulus for more than 30,000 cially, I argue that evidence from controlled trials of be-
people becoming active, but the evaluation showed the havior change interventions simply capture individual
majority of participants were “ready to change” when behavioral volatility that is a normal part of steady state
they joined. This suggests the interventions were the re- population behaviors. Furthermore, such interventions
cipients rather than the stimulus for individual behav- fail in shifting population behaviors because they focus
ioral changes, which are to be expected as a normal part on individuals rather than on the multiple complex fac-
of steady state population behaviors. tors that drive the distribution of behaviors in the popu-
lation. As such, behavioral theory within such
Behavioral theory interventions are not linked to the interventions is not an active ingredient, rather it is a
causes of behavior dormant recipient of behavior change. Put simply, be-
A health outcome stubbornly maintained in steady state havioral theory has no active influence on changing be-
population behaviors is widespread health inequality. It haviors in the real world.
is known that poor health outcomes, particularly
non-communicable diseases, correlate with social RESPONSE: Martin S. Hagger
deprivation, low employment, poverty, poor housing, I am grateful to my colleague for raising important
and other indices of multiple deprivation [95]. Behav- points on the implementation of theory-based behavioral
ioral theory provides neither the explanation nor, interventions and the need for more evidence for the ef-
through interventions targeting individuals, the solution fectiveness of behavioral interventions in ‘phase IV’ tri-
to such problems, which must focus on wider causal sys- als. These are good points that have been made many
tems that underpin the social practice and economy of times elsewhere [64], including my opening statement.
behaviors such as low physical activity and poor diet. However, as an argument against the proposal, his state-
Undoubtedly, it is the focus on the individual rather ment is not fit-for-purpose. As I predicted, my colleague
than the population that undermines the real-world ef- claims that interventions based on behavioral theory do
fectiveness of behavioral theory. The etiological model not work in changing behavior in ‘real world’ contexts
on which it is based – that poor health outcomes are because there has been no year-on-year change in rates
caused by exposure to a substance, for example, sugar, of non-communicable diseases and health-related behav-
and that health outcomes can be improved by modifying ior participation at the population level. He also suggests
or moderating individual behaviors to remove or reduce that behavior theory focuses solely on individual behav-
exposure [96] – is fundamentally flawed. This is because ior, targets only the motivated, and fails to incorporate
solutions – interventions based on behavioral theory – structural determinants of behavior. Here I illustrate
have no relationship to causes – the factors that lead to how his arguments reflect a poor understanding of
Hagger and Weed International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2019) 16:36 Page 6 of 10
behavioral theory, and are not based on appropriate evi- systems that underpin… behaviors such as low physical
dence, or, in some instances, any evidence at all. activity and poor diet”. This argument is incorrect, my
My colleague’s argument that interventions based on colleague probably equates all behavioral theories as the-
behavioral theory do not work is flawed. He equates “be- ories of individual behavior, which reflects a deficient
havioral interventions” with “theoretical basis”, and knowledge of behavioral theory. Many behavioral theor-
therefore claims theory-based interventions do not work ies incorporate socio-demographic, structural, and
because behavioral interventions have not been shown group-level variables as determinants of behavior, and
to work. As I argued in my opening statement, it is im- propose how they interact with psychological determi-
portant to make a clear distinction between interven- nants [21, 32, 39, 40]. Similarly, my colleague argues
tions based on behavioral theory, those merely ‘inspired’ that: “Undoubtedly, it is the focus on the individual ra-
by behavioral theory, and those that do not encompass ther than the population that undermines the real-world
theory at all [8, 56]. My colleague fails to make this dis- effectiveness of behavioral theory.” I agree that a simple
tinction, and ignores evidence demonstrating the effi- causal narrative, such as a sole focus on individual be-
cacy, and effectiveness, of interventions demonstrably havior change [96], will not be effective in reversing
based on behavioral theory in real world contexts [36, population-level incidence of non-communicable dis-
41, 43, 101–103]. ease. However, this is not a failure of behavioral theory
A further problem with his argument is to cite evi- per se; many theories encompass individual, structural,
dence of population-level non-change in rates of and ecological determinants of behavior [105]. Rather, it
non-communicable disease and health-related behavior points to a need to incorporate interventions based on
as evidence that behavioral theory does not work in the behavioral theory into policy and practice through ad-
real world. It’s a poor argument without foundation. vances in implementation science [65–67].
This is typified in his argument that the 25-year “falling Finally, my colleague suggests that theory-based be-
or flatlining” of physical activity participation is some- havioral interventions target only the motivated. This is
how illustrative of a failure of behavioral interventions. not a new argument, intervention designers have been
This inference, which is speculative, is based on survey aware of this problem for years, and it is a problem that
data on sport in which no intervention is identified. To pervades mostinterventions, regardless of their theoret-
make matters worse, this argument also infers that ical basis. However, this is not the case for all interven-
population-level changes in sport participation should tions, and some of the most effective interventions work
reflect a desirable health-related outcome, a position he in changing behavior independent of motivation and in
himself has argued against [83]. ‘real world’ contexts without the strict controls associ-
He also argues that considerable flux occurs in individ- ated with laboratory research [36, 51, 102].
uals’ behavior over time while a “steady state” is gener- In conclusion, I commend my colleague for identifying
ally observed, suggesting that behavioral interventions the need for more effectiveness trials and translation ef-
capture this “volatility” rather than actual change. Yet, forts for theory-based behavioral interventions. However,
no evidence on theory-based behavioral interventions is his arguments against the effectiveness of behavioral the-
offered to illustrate this point – the “Get Active: Get ory in ‘real world’ contexts reflect an acute lack of un-
Healthy” campaign he cites, a sport-oriented interven- derstanding of behavioral theory, are based on incorrect
tion without basis in behavioral theory, provides no rele- inferences regarding behavioral theory, fall back on emo-
vant data to verify this claim. Researchers designing tive language in an attempt to persuade, make no prac-
trials of behavioral interventions are all too aware of the tical suggestions on the way forward for behavior
issue of time-dependent variability in health behaviors, change, and, as a consequence, should be summarily
and include appropriate covariates in their analyses to dismissed.
demonstrate intervention effectiveness is in spite of, not
because of, population-level variation in behavior. How- RESPONSE: Mike Weed
ever, better evidence than that cited by my colleague The arguments for behavioral theory barely warrant re-
supports his contention that population level change in buttal. The volume of evidence presented for effective-
health behaviors has not been achieved [104]. Behavioral ness [25–51] demonstrates that those who receive
scientists’ should shoulder some of the blame for this behavioral theory interventions show changes in behav-
failure by not advocating better implementation of ef- ior compared to those who do not. This is evidence of
fective interventions, but so too should all involved in efficacy, not effectiveness, a distinction not well under-
the ‘chain of development’ of behavioral intervention stood in the literature. The appeal to implementation
from basic research to implementation. science is an attempt to extend controlled efficacy trial
My colleague also argues that: “Behavioral theory can environments into implementation, focusing, for ex-
provide neither the explanation…on the wider causal ample, on maximising intervention fidelity [66] to
Hagger and Weed International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2019) 16:36 Page 7 of 10
achieve an illusion of effectiveness that is impractical, Theorists become self-reinforcing and self-referential
uneconomic and largely futile for achieving behavior devotees, advocates for theory rather than outcomes.
change at scale. Finally, the litany of under-funded and Empirical deficiencies are attributed to imprecise specifi-
unsustained interventions, which are presented as a re- cation or poor implementation, prompting calls for more
sult of poor communication by behavioral theorists and meticulous use and more controlled implementation, or
poor understanding by policy makers, suggests behav- for tweaks at the margins of theory. Social ecological ap-
ioral theorists are collaborating in their own victim nar- proaches, which co-opt social perspectives to support
rative. Investment in implementing interventions has existing individualistic behavioral solutions, rather than
not been sustained because interventions have not been to interrogate and understand social and economic caus-
shown to be effective. But worst, because “implementa- ation, are an example of the latter. Kuhn [109] suggests
tion science” has sought to extend the controls of phase these circumstances create the structure for scientific
II and III efficacy and comparative efficacy trials into im- revolutions, in which empirical deficiencies can no lon-
plementation, opportunities have been squandered to ger be explained away at the margins or blamed on
upgrade evidence by conducting genuine phase IV ob- methods, and the old paradigm is displaced in favour of
servational, non-interventional effectiveness trials in nat- a new approach. I propose that new approach should be
uralistic settings. a social practice framework [96, 107, 109] that deploys
legislative mandating as a tool to disrupt social practices,
If not behavioral theory, then what? underpinned by understanding of social and economic
Behaviors change regularly and often. In England, circa 18 causation. This should displace the current dominant in-
million adults change their sport participation each year dividualistic behavioral paradigm that provides solutions
[91, 92], yet population sport participation levels have that are not connected to causes. It’s time to burn down
remained stable for quarter of a century [83]. Shifting the the house: the time for revolution is now!
curve of population behaviors requires an entirely different
approach than changing individual behavior. Successes in Joint conclusion
the former include the use of seatbelts, and reductions in Although the current debate has showcased our different
drink-driving and in smoking in public spaces, but they re- perspectives, it has also highlighted points of agreement.
sult from legislative mandating, not effective behavioral the- We both agree that interventions based on behavioral
ory interventions. theory are efficacious in changing health-related behav-
Since the 1960s in England, tobacco advertising, and iors. We also agree that there are problems with current
then tobacco sponsorship, was regulated, restricted and evidence for the effectiveness of behavioral interven-
then banned, followed by increasing restrictions and then tions, but we disagree on the nature and extent of these
a ban on smoking in public spaces, with a ban in cars and problems and their implications for drawing conclusions
rented social housing now also being considered. Latterly, about the ‘real world’ effectiveness of behavioral theory.
warnings then graphic images of increasing severity and Beyond this, we also disagree on the implications of the
size have been required on tobacco products, which now evidence base as it stands for advancing effective,
cover the whole packaging. Legislation has regulated mes- long-term solutions to the increasing prevalence of
sages and mandated behaviors, including mandated en- non-communicable diseases.
gagement with efficacious fear appeal interventions to
ensure intervention fidelity and deliver effectiveness that Hagger
would not otherwise be possible. Now, 50 years on, society While evidence for real world effectiveness of interven-
no longer supports the social practice of smoking, and not tions based on behavioral theory applied in real world
only is the tobacco industry not permitted to reinforce contexts is limited, it is not absent. Good examples of
smoking as a desirable behavior, it is required to under- theory-based interventions that have demonstrable
mine it. The role of behavioral theory in this process has real-world effectiveness in changing behavior exist (e.g.,
been minimal; success is attributable to understanding the graphic warnings on tobacco products). Behavioral inter-
meanings attached to smoking as a social practice [106], ventions offer a range of strategies that, if appropriately
the ways in which it is reinforced [107], and to addressing implemented, can and will make lasting changes in be-
social and economic causation [96] through incremental havior at the population level. However, I recognize the
legislative mandating [108] that disrupts the social practice need to develop the evidence base of effective large-scale
of smoking. behavioral interventions that can be embedded within
existing networks, and are sensitive to the social and cul-
Is it time for a scientific revolution? tural norms of the target population. The interventions
The academic practice of the development of behavioral need to be sustainable through, for example, their in-
theory shows the signs of paradigmatic science [109]. corporation into routine care or standard practice.
Hagger and Weed International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2019) 16:36 Page 8 of 10
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