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3 types of serous coat:

1. Peritoneum
2. Pleura (covering lungs)
3. Periicarduim (covers heart)

all of these contain 2 layers: parietal and visceral.

Peritoneal organs:

• Intraperitoneal organs are fully covered by visceral peritoneum.

✓ Stomach
✓ Liver
✓ Jejunum, ileum
✓ Sup and asc duodenum
✓ Appendix
✓ 50% cecum
✓ Tran, sigmoid colon
✓ Sup 1/3 or rectum
✓ spleen

• Mesoperitoneal organs are covered partly by peritoneum and partly by adventitia

✓ 50% cecum
✓ Assend, descend colon
✓ Middle 1/3 of rectum
✓ Tail of pancreas

• Retroperitoneal organs lie on the posterior abdominal wall and are covered by adventitia
with peritoneum only on their anterior surfaces

✓ Inf 1/3 or rectum

✓ Descending duodenum
✓ Pancreas except tail
✓ Kidneys
✓ Adrenaline glands
✓ Ureters

Structures of peritoneum:

• Mesentery – present b/w organs and post abd wall. part that attaches to the posterior
abdominal wall it's called root and visceral portion which covers organs. ileum and jejunum,
transverse and sigmoid (mesocolon), appendix (mesoappendix), sometimes cecum and sup
1/3 or rectum
• Omentum – double visceral layer present between organs. Present between the liver, lesser
curvature of the stomach and the duodenum.
*behind hepatoduodenal lig is epiploic foramen which connects general. It connects the
omentum Bursa to the general peritoneum sac.
* boundaries of epiploic foramen:
✓ Anteriorly by hepatoduodenal ligament
✓ Posteriorly by hepatorenal ligament of the liver
✓ Superiorly by liver
✓ inferiorly by duodenum

Anterior to small intestinal loops is the greater omentum

Starts from the stomach descends on the anterior abdominal wall, descends to pubic symphysis then
returns moves superiorly upwards and ends on the transverse colon. It has 4 layers: 2 descending to
pubic symphysis and 2 ascending to the transverse colon.

It is between the stomach and transverse colon.

Hepatic Bursa is near the liver and separated by falciform ligament.

General peritoneal SAC is peritoneal cavity.

Omental Bursa is behind the stomach and has one foramen epiploic through which they can see the

Epiploic foramen connects the omentum bursa to the general peritoneal sac.

Borders of omentum bura:

✓ behind the stomach

✓ ant by post wall of stomach and lesser omentum (hepatoduonenal lig)
✓ post by parietal peritoneum behind which are panc and other organs
✓ sup by liver
✓ inf by transverse colon.

It has projections called recesses: sup, inf and splenic.

Male peri:

One pouch

Closed sac

Woman peri:

2 pouches

Opens and connects to ext env.

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