Abdomen Lecture 5
Abdomen Lecture 5
Abdomen Lecture 5
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology
Dr. Mustafa
Development of the digestive system
❑The gut has four sections:
a. The pharyngeal gut or
pharynx: from the bucco-
pharyngeal membrane to the
respiratory (tracheobronchial)
b. The foregut: lies caudal to the
pharyngeal tube and extends as
far as the liver outgrowth.
c. The midgut.
d. The hindgut.
Dr. Mustafa
Early development of the digestive tract
o Basic subdivisions of the gut tube:
• Cranio-caudal and lateral
folding cause the opening of
the gut tube to the yolk sac
forming a pocket toward the
head end of the embryo called
the "anterior (or cranial)
intestinal portal" and a
"posterior (or caudal) intestinal
portal" toward the tail of the
embryo. Dr. Mustafa
Folding of the digestive tract
Dr. Mustafa
Dr. Mustafa
Embryonic folding
During folding:
✓ Somatic mesoderm is applied to the body wall to give rise to the parietal
✓ Visceral (or splanchnic) mesoderm is wraps around the gut tube to form
the mesenteries that suspend the gut tube within the body cavity.
✓ The mesoderm immediately associated with the endodermal tube also
contributes to most of the wall of the gut tube.
Dr. Mustafa
Embryonic folding
❑ Summary of germ layers contributions:
✓ Endoderm: mucosal epithelium, mucosal glands, and submucosal glands of
the GI tract.
✓ Mesoderm: lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, submucosal connective
tissue and blood vessels, muscularis externa, and adventitia/serosa
✓ Neural crest: neurons and nerves of the submucosal and myenteric plexus
Dr. Mustafa
Early development of the digestive tract
o Notice that:
o As a result of embryonic
folding, the endoderm is
enclosed inside the embryo
to form the lining of the
gut tube.
o The cranial part of the
foregut is called (primitive
pharynx), from which the
respiratory system develops.
{It gives also other
derivatives in the head and
neck}. Dr. Mustafa
Early development of the digestive tract
o In the head fold of the
✓Its cranial end is
closed by bucco-
pharyngeal membrane.
Vitello-intestinal duct
Dr. Mustafa
Early development of the digestive tract
o It lies between the
foregut and hindgut.
o It is connected to:
✓ Foregut: by the anterior
intestinal portal.
✓ Hindgut: by the
posterior intestinal Vitello-intestinal
portal. duct
Dr. Mustafa
Early development of the digestive tract
Dr. Mustafa
Development of the Foregut
o As a result of elongation of the gut tube, the following structures appear
in cranio-caudal direction:
✓ Fusiform stomach.
✓ Duodenal lobe.
✓ Midgut loop.
✓ Cloaca.
Dr. Mustafa
Early development of the digestive tract
✓ The midgut loop: which is connected to the vitello-intestinal duct.
Dr. Mustafa
o The abdominal part of the gut is connected to posterior abdominal wall by
dorsal mesentery: which is double layered mesentery & its name is
according to the GIT part attached to it: mesogastrium, mesoduodenum,
mesentery, mesocolon.
Dr. Mustafa
The derivatives of the gut regions are as follows:
✓ Trachea & respiratory • Distal 1/3 of
o Lower duodenum
tract transverse colon
✓ Lungs o Jejunum • Descending colon
✓ Esophagus o Ileum • Sigmoid colon
✓ Stomach o Cecum • Rectum
✓ Liver o Appendix • Upper anal canal
✓ Gallbladder & bile
o Ascending colon • Urogenital sinus
✓ Pancreas (dorsal & o Proximal 2/3 of
ventral) transverse colon
✓ Upper duodenum
The blood vessels of the gut
o Blood vessels derived from
dorsal aorta pass between
the two layers of
mesentery to supply the
o The celiac trunk: supplies
the foregut.
o The superior mesenteric
artery: supplies the midgut.
o The inferior mesenteric
artery: supplies the
Dr. Mustafa
The blood vessels of the gut
Dr. Mustafa
Development of the stomach Early appearance:
o At the age of 4 weeks, the stomach appears as a fusiform-dilatation in the
cranial most part of the abdominal foregut.
o It has:
✓ 2 ends: cranial (cardiac) and
caudal (pyloric) which lie in the
✓ 2 borders: ventral and dorsal (equal
in length).
✓ 2 surfaces: Rt. and Lt. which are
related to the Rt. and Lt. vagi.
✓ 2 peritoneal folds: ventral & dorsal
Late changes:
o The duodenum gets its arterial supply from both celiac and superior
mesenteric arteries (Derivative of foregut & midgut).
Congenital anomalies:
✓ Duodenal atresia: due to failure of
recanalization of the lumen.
✓ Duodenal stenosis: due to
incomplete recanalization of the
Re-canalization of duodenum
Development of the liver & extra hepatic biliary system
o During the 3rd week the hepatic diverticulum (liver bud) extends off
foregut & grows into mesoderm of ventral mesentery.
o The liver is developed from 3 sources:
- Liver bud (endoderm), Vitelline veins (mesoderm), Septum transversum
Development of the liver
1. Liver bud: a diverticulum from the convexity of the duodenum divides
i. Pars cystica gall bladder & cystic duct.
ii. Pars hepatica right & left hepatic duct, bile canaliculi & cords of
liver cells.
2. Vitelline veins: break into the blood sinusoids between the cords of
liver cells.
3. Septum transversum: gives the fibrous capsule and stroma of the liver.
o Common bile duct:
✓ Which connects liver and
foregut, is remnant of hepatic
Development of Gallbladder
✓ Develops as a secondary out-pouching from the hepatic diverticulum that
grows into ventral mesentery.
✓ Its connection to hepatic diverticulum will become cystic duct.
Commonest congenital Abnormalities
✓ Abnormalities of budding of developing gallbladder from hepatic duct can
create variety of gallbladder anomalies.
✓ Typically asymptomatic, creating difficulty during surgical procedures on
gallbladder or during imaging.
Ventral mesoderm
Development of the spleen
o The part of the dorsal mesogastrium which lies between the greater
curvature of the stomach & spleen is Gastro-splenic ligament.
o The part of the dorsal mesogastrium which lies between the spleen & left
kidney is Lienorenal ligament.
Gastro-splenic lig.
Linorenal lig.
Dr. Mustafa Karwad