Def by Slip Twin
Def by Slip Twin
Def by Slip Twin
BCC no close packed plane compared to FCC dislocation must move on {111} {, {112} and
{123} planes, CRSS is high, YS is also high.
HCP CRSS depends on c/a ratio is greater than 1.633, CRSS is low, but metal with low c/a
ratio CRSS is equal to or greater than HCP
Purity of metal: Purer the metal Lower is CRSS
Purity of Ag changes from 99.999 to 99.93 CRSS is raised by a factor
more than 3
Temperature: CRSS increases with decrease in temperature
=45o =0o
=90o 0 0.5 0
cos cos
Effect of orientation on tensile yield strength Slip in single HCP crystal
τ R = σ cosφ cosλ
Multiple Slip
Single slip
FCC crystal -Al
• The kink bands are local deformation bands with an arbitrary degree
of crystallographic rotation. This rotation usually increases with
increasing the strain. In fact, some rotation takes place inside
the kink bands during deformation.
Plastic Deformation of polycrystalline materials
Most of engineering materials are polycrystalline in nature containing large no. of
grains with different orientation
• Deformation and slip is more complex in polycrystalline materials.
• Due to random crystallographic orientation of the numerous grains and the
effect of neighboring atoms, the direction of slip varies from one grain to
• Grain boundary act as barrier to the movement of dislocations from one grain
to other.
• Beloiw 0.4 Tmp (on absolute scale) grain boundary are quite strong
• Intergranular fracture takes place
• Above 0.4 Tmp grain boundary sliding causing ---Transgranular fracture.
• Each grain is surrounded by others and deform in such way that shape is
compatible with the neighbour.
• For each crystal, slip occurs along the slip systems that has most favorable
• Slip on a single system within a grain will not satisfy the need of compatibility.
• Since plastic deformation of single grain is restrained by its neighboring grain a polycrystalline
material will have an intrinsically greater resistance to plastic flow than would single crystal.
• Prior to deformation the grains are equiaxed after deformation, the grains become
elongated along the direction in which specimen was extended.
• Better agreement : each grain undergoes the same shape change and the whole polycrystal
(taylor models).
Shear stress is maximum at an angle of 45o to the tensile axis the favourable oriented grains
will show slip system oriented around 45o.
(i) Due to mis orientation of slip in large angle grain boundary dislocation can not cross the boundary
(ii) Discontinuous slip restricted to grain boundary
(iii) Dislocation pile up create high stress concentration around the boundary
(iv) Due to this slip initiates in less favourable oriented grain
(v) Change of shape of grain boundary
boundary nb
Crystal 1
Elongation, %
Single crystal, Single crystal for
multiple system and poly crystal
Role of in deformation strengthening
The boundaries between grains in a polycrystalline aggregate are a region of
disturbed lattice of few atomic diameter wide.
Volume defect
disordered solid
For Cu- High angle grain Boundary 600 mJ m-2 twin Boundary 25 mJ m-2
Grain boundary hardening
2. The atomic disorder within a grain boundary region will result in a discontinuity of slip planes from one grain into the other.
ky= the locking parameter which measures the relative hardening contribution
of the grain boundaries. d = grain diameter.
The hall-petch equation was originally based on yield point measurements in
= Yield Strength, stress required to low carbon steel. It has been found to express the grain size dependence of the
propagate Lüder bands and are flow stress at any plastic strain out to ductile fracture and also to express the
constant and d is average diameter. variation of brittle fracture stress with grain size and the dependence of fatigue
strength on grain size.
• Original dislocation model for hall-patch equation was based on the concept
that grain boundaries act as barriers to dislocation motion.
• A more general model proposed avoids the description of the stresses at grain
boundaries and instead concentrates on the influence of grain size on
dislocation density , and hence on the yield or flow stress. The flow stress is
given in terms of dislocation density by
based on experiment,
Particle- Fiber-
reinforced reinforced
Particle-Reinforced Metal matrix
Composites composite(MMC)
• The term “large” is used to indicate that particle– • Metal matrix composites are high strength
matrix interactions cannot be treated on the atomic fracture toughness and stiffness are offered
or molecular level; rather, continuum mechanics is by metal matrices than those offered by their
used. polymre counterparts.
They can withstand elevated temperature in
• Most of these composites, the particulate phase is corrosive environment than polymer
harder and stiffer than the matrix. These composites.
reinforcing particles tend to restrain movement of • MMC are widely used in engineering
the matrix phase in the vicinity of each particle. applications where the operating temperature
lies in between 250 0C to 750 0C.
• Particle–matrix interactions that lead to
• Matrix materials: steel Aluminum, titanium,
strengthening occur on the atomic or molecular
copper, magnesium and super alloy.
level. The mechanism of strengthening is similar to
that for precipitation hardening
• Common large-particle composite is concrete, which is composed of cement (the matrix), and sand and gravel
(the particulates).
• Particles can have quite a variety of geometries, but they should be of approximately the same dimension in all
directions (equiaxed). For effective reinforcement, the particles should be small and evenly distributed throughout
the matrix.
• The volume fraction of the two phases influences the behavior; mechanical properties are enhanced with
increasing particulate content. Two mathematical expressions have been formulated for the dependence of the
elastic modulus on the volume fraction of the constituent phases for a two-phase composite.
• These rule of mixtures equations predict that the elastic modulus should fall between an upper bound represented
where E and V denote the elastic modulus and volume fraction, respectively, whereas the subscripts c, m,
and p represent composite, matrix, and particulate phases.
• Metals and metal alloys may be strengthened and hardened by the uniform dispersion of
several volume percent of fine particles of a very hard and inert material.
• The dispersed phase may be metallic or nonmetallic; oxide materials are often used.
• The strengthening mechanism involves interactions between the particles and dislocations
within the matrix, as with precipitation hardening. The dispersion strengthening effect is not
as pronounced as with precipitation hardening; however, the strengthening is retained at
elevated temperatures and for extended time periods because the dispersed particles are
chosen to be unreactive with the matrix phase.
Example: Thoria-dispersed nickel containing 3% Thoria, Sintered Aluminium Powder
(SAP), Aluminium-Aluminium oxide system
Fiber-Reinforced Composites
• The mechanical characteristics of a fiber reinforced composite depend not only on the
properties of the fiber, but also on degree to which an applied load is transmitted to the
fiber by matrix phase.
• Some critical fiber length is necessary for effective strengthening and stiffening of the
composite materials. this critical length is dependent on the fiber diameter (d) and its
ultimate (or tensile) strength (ϭf ) and on the fiber matrix bond strength (or shear yield
strength of the matrix, whichever is smaller) according to
• For a number of glass and carbon fiber matrix combination, this critical length is on the
order of 1 mm , which ranges between 20 to 150 times the fiber diameters
Estimation of strength and
Modulus of composites
P c, f, m = Load carrying by composite fiber and matrix respectively
The stress–strain
response of a Where c, f, m = stress in composite, fibers and matrix respectively
composite material Ac, f, m = cross sectional area of composite, fibers and matrix respectively
depends on the Area fraction of continuous phase is equivalent to the volume fraction of the phase
respective properties
of the matrix and
reinforcing phases,
their relative volume Therefore
fraction, the absolute
length of the fibers, From Hooke’s law
and the orientation of
the fibers relative to Young’s modulus for isostrain case is
the applied stress
The relative loads supported by
the fibers and matrix are given by
When the applied stress direction is perpendicular to the fiber axes or reinforcing plates, the
matrix and reinforcing phases are described as being in series with one another. Here the loads
in the two phases are equal such that
By combining this equation with Hooke”s law for the fiber and matrix components composite
modulus in the direction normal to the aligned reinforcing phase is
• Polymers are very large molecules made, when hundreds of monomers join together
to form long chain.
• Polymers may be naturally found in plants and animals (natural polymers) or may be
man made (synthetic polymers).
• Different polymers have a number of unique physical and chemical properties due to
which they find usage in everyday in life.
Types of polymers
• Natural polymers
• Homopolymer
• Copolymer
• Thermoplastics
• Thermosets
• When two or more different monomers together to polymerize their results is called as
• Thermoplastic:-
• A type of plastic that can be softened by heat, hardened by cooling , and then softened
by heat over and over again.
• Thermosets are hard and rigid at room temprature and do not soften on heating.
• Polymer chains are orient themselves in lines as they enter a mold but may be annealed so
the can recoil.
Types of deformation
• Elastic deformation: small – fully recoverable time dependent obeys hooks law occurs in
metal within elastic limit.
• Elastometric deformation: Very large time dependent fully recoverable does not obeys
hooke ’s law occurs.
• Plastic deformation : Large permanent time independent obeys hookes law occurs beyond
plastic limits.
• An elastic deformation: Small -fully recoverable time dependent – may or may not obey
hooke’s law-occurs in rubber and plastics.
• Viscoelastic deformation: Time dependant partially elastic and partially permanent -obeys
hookes law along with newtons law occures in polymers.
Stress –Strain Behavior of Polymers
Mechanical behavior of polymers
• Mechanical behavior of polymers depends on many factors like composition, strain rate
molecular weight, crosslink density and temperature.
• Brittle materials break at the stress maximum and at low strain, whereas ductile materials
undergo yielding followed by a drop in stress and break at noticeable lower stress but
much higher strain.
• At low stress, the deformation of most solid plastics is elastic. The applied stress is
proportional to the observed strain, and after removal of the load the material returns to its
original shape and size.
Characteristics of polymers
• Low density
• Medicine: many biomaterials especially heart valve replacement and blood vessels
are made up of polymers like dacron, teflon.
• Industry: Automobile parts, pipes, tanks, packing materials are used in industry.
• Sports: playground equipment, golf clubs, swimming pools and protective helmets
are produced from polymers.