Latihan Kelas 5 Big

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1.Gina : What time do they have breakfast ? Y : It's.........
Guntur : .......... A. It is four past one.
A. They have breakfast at 06.00 a.m. B. It is one past twenty.
B. They have breakfast in the evening. C. It is one past four.
C. They have breakfast at 06.00 p.m. D. It is twenty past one.
D. They have breakfast in the night.
8. Look at this picture!
2.Look at this picture!

Udin : What time did she get up?

Asep : she got up at ......
A. One o’clock
B. Half past one
Gani : What time is it? C. Twelve o'clock
Cintia : It is . . . D. Twelve past one
A. half past six
B. six past half 9. Fauji : .......
C. half past five Imamul : It is fifteen past one
D. half to six A. What time?
B. When time today?
3. Rina goes to school at . . . (a quarter to ten) C. When time is it?
A. 09:45 D. What time is it?
B. 10:45
C. 09.15 10. Look at this picture!
D. 10:15

4. I take a bath at . . . (a quarter to nine)

A. 09:15
B. 09:45
C. 10:45
D. 08:45 Budi : What time is it, ji?
Fauji : It is .....
5. I take a nap at . . . (Twenty past ten) A. It is five to two.
A. 09:20 B. It is two to five.
B. 20:10 C. It is eleven to two.
C. 11.40
D. It is two to eleven.
D. 10:20

6. I go home at . . . (Five to five) 11. A half past seven is . . .

A. 05:05 A. 07.45
B. 06:05 B. 07.15
C. 04:55 C. 07.30
D. 05:55 D. 07.40

7. Look at this picture! 12. Imamul : I usually go home at 6 p.m in ....

A. the morning
B. the afternoon
C. the night
D. the yesterday

13. Arifin: I usually play a kite at 8 a.m in ....

X : What time is it ? A. the morning
B. the afternoon B. Sharpeners
C. the night
C. Globes
D. the yesterday
D. Scissors
14. It is half past four in ..... Fauji rides on 20. This tool can erase marker, chalk, or
bicycle. pencil. This is a . . .
A. the evening
A. Map
B. the afternoon
B. Glue
C. the morning
D. the night C. Eraser
D. Bag
15. Look at the picture !
21. This is a three-dimensional model of the
world, commonly found in classrooms. This is a
A. Globe
B. Map
C. Flag
D. Bookshelf
There is a . . . in my classroom
22. Look at the picture !
A. Table
B. Cupboard
C. Chair
D. Broom
16.I put some pens, some pencils, a ruler, and
some erasers in my . . .
Are there two vases in your classroom?. . .
A. Pencil case
A. Yes, there are
B. Clock
B. No, there are not
C. Broom
C. Yes, there is
D. Scissor
D. No, there is not
17. .....markers are there in the classroom?
23. in − the classroom − are − there −
A. What if
pictures − five
B. When The best arrangement is . . .
C. How many A. There are pictures five in the classroom
D. Where B. Are there the classrom in pictures five
18. Do you have a dictionary in your bag? C. Are there in the classroom five pictures
A. Yes, i did D. There are five pictures in the classroom
B. Yes, i am 24. The colour of Indonesia's flag is . . .
C. Yes, i does A. Red and blue
D. Yes, i do B. Black and white
19. Look at the picture ! C. Red and white
D. Black and brown

25. The teacher usually writes . . . . at the

front of the classroom
A. Bookshelf
B. Whiteboard
There are three red . . . C. Cupboard
A. Flags D. Calender
26. Look at the picture ! 31. How many tables are there in your
A. Twenty
B. Twenty two
C. Forty
There is a book . . .table D. Forty four
A. In
B. On
32. Look at the picture
C. Behind
D. Among

27. This chart shows the days of each month.

This is a . . .
A. Glue What shape is it?
B. Clock Circle
C. Calender Sphere
D. Broom Square

28. Look at the picture ! 33. look at the picture.

There are books . . . .globe What shape is it?

A. Among Cube
B. Beside Cone
C. Between Round
D. On
34. look at the picture.
Read the text below and answer the question!
(Question number 29-31)

This is our classroom. Our classroom is wide

and clean. There are a lot of things in it. There
are twenty two tables and forty four chairs. What shape is it?
There is also a whiteboard, a flag, a ruler, a Regtangular Prism
clock, a calender, some marker, and some Log
picture. Beside that, there are also; some
dusters and some brooms.
35. look at the picture.
29. Is your classroom dirty and narrow?
A. Yes, It is
B. No, It is not
C. Yes, there is
D. No, there is not What shape is it?
30. Is there a globe in your clasroom?
A. Yes, It is Semi circle

B. No, It is not Cylinder

C. Yes, there is
D. No, there is not 35. look at the picture.
B. Carrot
C. Burger
D. Candy

What shape is it? 41. The weather is hot today. I need a bottle
Circle of. . .
Sphere A. Milk
Wheel B. Hot tea
C. Orange juice
36. look at the picture. D. Hot coffee

42. My mother is cooking a bowl of porridge. It

consists of. . .
What shape is it? A. Rice and vegetables

Rectangle B. Sausage and honey

C. Meat and chocolate
D. Carrot and fruit
43. Rendy always eats. . . .in the morning
37. look at the picture.
A. Bread
B. Milk
C. Honey
D. Sugar

What shape is it? 44. Jack : . . . . .

Log Clara : My favorite food is meat ball. It's very
A. What is taste of that food?
B. What do your favorite food?
38. look at the picture. C. What is your favorite food
D. Do you favorite?

45. It is the favorite food of a mouse. It is. . .

A. Honey
What shape is it? B. Milk
Triangle C. Cheese
Cube D. Orange

39. look at the picture.

What shape is it?


40. This food tastes very sweet. Ants like to

eat it. It is. . .
A. Fruit

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