Soal SAS Kelas 4 Keempat

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Tema/Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : IV
Semester : II (Dua)
Hari / Tanggal : Rabu,22 Mei 2024
Waktu : 09.00-10.10
Petunjuk Umum:
1. Tulislah identitas dan nama muatan/mata pelajaran pada lembar jawaban yan telah disediakan!
2. Tuliskan semua jawaban di lembar jawaban!
3. Bacalah setiap butir soal dengan baik sebelum di jawab!
4. Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal yang di anggap mudah!
5. Tanyakan kepada pengawas apabila ada soal yang kurang jelas!
6. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum lembar soal dan lembar jawaban diserahkan kepada
-------SELAMAT BEKERJA-------
I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf A, B, C atau D untuk jawaban yang paling tepat !

1. What time is it? 4. What time is it in the picture?

A. It’s ten minutes past seven 12.30 PM A. It’s ten o’clock
B. It’s a quarter pas eleven B. It’s a quarter pas eleven
C. It’s half past twelve C. It’s half past twelve
D. it’s twelve minutes past three D. it’s nine o’clock

2. A quarter past eight is… 5. Read the dialogue to answer the questions.

A. 18.30 C. 08.15 Mother : Andi, can you buy some snacks at the
market tomorrow?
B. 18.15 D. 08.30
Andi : Yes sure, what time mom?
Mother : The market usually opens at ten o’clock
3. He plays football at 04.20.
Andi : Okay mom
04.20 in English is…
A. It’s twenty minutes past four What time does Andi go to the market?

B. It’s fourty minutes past two A. 09.10 C. 12.30

C. It’s twenty minutes past twelve B. 11.15 D. 10.00
D. it’s fourty minutes past four

Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Semester II / SDN ….. / tahun pelajaran 2023/2024

6. She will arrive… 7 o’clock. 12. They________ television in the evening.

A. On C. In A. Watch

B. At D. During B. Watches
C. Watched
7. They have study… Monday morning.
A. On C. In 13.We should________ our teeth before sleeping
B. At D. During A. Cook C. Play

B. Pray D. Brush
8. Read the dialogue to answer the questions.
Joshua : Do you get up at 4 o’clock?
14. Read the dialogue to answer the questions.
Aisyah : …
Joshua : ____________
A. No, I get up at 5 o’clock
Cici : I water the flowers at 09.30.
B. Yes, I get up at half pas two
A. What time do you have breakfast?
C. No, I get up at 4 o’clock
B. What are you doing cici?
D. Yes, I get up at quarter past ten
C. When do you water the flowers?
9. I ___________at 07.15 in the morning. D. How to plant the flowers?
A. Have brunch 15. Read the dialogue to answer the questions.
B. Have dinner
Aisyah : Do you you want to go tonight?
C. Have breakfast
Made : Oh sorry I can’t Aisyah, I will do my
D. Have lunch homework from the afternoon.
What does Made do at night?
10. She ___________at 19.00 Pm.
A. Do his homework C. Take a bath
A. Have dinner
B. Has dinner B. Have lunch D. Prepare to school
C. Have breakfast
16. I sweep the floor every day.
D. Has lunch
The underlined word means?

11. We ________ kite in the field. A. Membersihkan C. Mengepel

A. Kick B. Menyapu D. Merapikan
B. Play
17. Sometimes they walk to school.
C. Read
D. Has lunch The underlined word means?
A. Terkadang C. Sering
B. Tidak pernah D. Selalu

Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Semester II / SDN ….. / tahun pelajaran 2023/2024

18. 23. _______ is land transportation.

A. Helicopter C. Air Ballon

B. Boat D. Train

Joshua is _______now.
A. Slept C. Sleep 24. _______ is an air transportation for rescue
B. Sleeping D. Sleeps

A. Plane C. Helicopter
19. Cici goes to Japan by ______
A. Truck C. Plane B. Ambulance D. Boat

B. Boat D. Bike
25. Read the dialogue to answer the questions.
Aisyah : I have seen a big _____ in the harbor
20. They go to school ___ motorcycle. yesterday.
A. By C. At Made : Yeah, I have seen it.
B. To D. Go What public transportation they talking about?

Joshua is_______ on the bed. A. Ship C. Plane

A. Slept C. Sleep B. Truck D. Boat
B. Sleeping D. Sleeps

Joshua is_______ on the bed.

A. Slept C. Sleep
What kind of transportation
B. Sleeping D. Sleeps is in the picture above?
A. Train C. Ship
B. Fire truck D. Motorcycle

22. Read the text to answer the questions.

Today is Sunday. Aisyah and her family get up at
half past five in the morning. At seven o’clock,
they visit grandma in Surabaya by plane. They
arrive home at half past nine by Train in the
Joshua is_______ on the bed.
A. Slept
What C. Sleep they use to get home?
public transportation
B. Plane
A. Sleeping D. Sleeps
C. Train
B. Car D. Bus

Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Semester II / SDN ….. / tahun pelajaran 2023/2024

II. Isilah titik -titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban singkat!

1. Joshua goes to market … seven o’clock.

2. (10.50) It is ten minutes … eleven.
3. (08.15) It is … to nine
4. Father … (membaca) a book every day.
5. I … (Menyiram) the mango tree at 09.00
6. Fahri … (Tidak pernah) came late to school
7. I always … (berdoa) before eating
8. Mr. Surya goes to Jakarta by … (pesawat)
9. Helicopter is an … (udara) transportation
10. … (Perahu) is a small water transportation

III. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini dengan benar!

1. I always get up at 07.00 Am. 07.00 in English is …

2. Fahri usually takes a bath at 04.30 Am, 04.30 in English is …

Text for question number 3-5

Made and his family are going on holiday, they woke up at seven o’clock.
Before leaving they had breakfast at quarter past eight. Then they left by train from Jogja
to Surabaya for five hours. After arriving in Surabaya they stayed at a hotel.

3. What time do they have breakfast?

4. What transport do they use to Surabaya?

5. How long did take them to go to Surabaya?

Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Semester II / SDN ….. / tahun pelajaran 2023/2024

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