Flyer Essentials in Health Research Methodology

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Klinische Forschung
Klinische Forschung

Essentials in Health
Research Methodology
A key requisite Course fees
for conducting CHF 750 each module

scientific research The course fees contain all course

materials and provision during tea/
As in any field of science the methods coffee breaks.
applied in health research are consis-
tently and rapidly evolving. This course The Department of Clinical Research
provides participating students with (DKF) offers training grants for mem-
an overview of the state of the art bers of DKF clinical research groups.
research methods commonly used in Applications for training grants can be
Health Sciences, hereby facilitating submitted when registering for the
the students’ understanding of re- program.
search methodology as a whole
and their ability to critically assess The course is free of charge for PhD
research results. students registered with the PhD
Program Health Sciences (PPHS).
Through four overall modules, stu-
dents are introduced to different health
research experts from the Faculty of
Medicine at the University of Basel. Registration
Consequently, the course provides an
excellent opportunity for collaboration Please visit our website https://dkf.
and networking within the field of aca-
demic health research in Basel. for further information and to register

The number of participants is limited.

Target audience Applications will be considered based
on the date of receipt.
This course is open for everyone inte-
rested in health research methodology.
It is especially appropriate for PhD
students, PostDocs, MDs and Clinical
Research professionals from academia
or industry with minimum Master‘s
Course structure and content

Choose single modules or book all 4

Health Economics, Public Health and

Module 1
Public Health Policy

Qualitative Research, Questionnaires

Module 2
and Surveys

Observational Studies and Analysis of

Module 3
Observational Datasets

Module 4 Randomized Controlled Trials

Each module will be covered by face-to-face sessions (1 day in total) in combina-

tion with pre-reading and home assignments.

Upon successful completion, parti- Details on course dates, registration
cipants will receive a certificate of and further informati­on are available
participation. on the our website

Workload approximately
15h for each module, including
pre-reading and home
since 1460.

Universität Basel
Departement Klinische Forschung
c/o Universitätsspital Basel
Spitalstrasse 8-12
CH-4031 Basel

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