A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve personal fitness.
B. Performance The learner modifies the individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness.
Addresses barriers (low level of fitness, lack of skill and time) to exercise (PE7PF-IIIb33)
The learner describes the nature and background of the dance (PE7RD-IVc- 1)
Exercise programs: Training Guidelines, FITT Principles Endurance, Muscle-bone-strengthening activities, Folk (Subli)/
indigenous, ethnic, traditional/ festival dance
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
3. Textbook Pages Copiaco,H.P.; Lugue, V.P.; Ramirez, V.E.; et Al. (2013). Our world of MAPEH. Vibal group Inc., Gregorio Araneta Ave., Quezon City, pp. 299 –
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
A. Reviewing Let the students recall the The teacher will ask the students Teacher – led review on the Teacher – led review on the
previous lesson or level of performances they to recall and make a list of steps classifications of folk dance fundamental dance positions
presenting the got from the pretest. Ask in folk dance that they have through pictures. of the arms and feet through
new lesson whether they were able to performed when they were in pictures
(ELICIT) maintain or enhance their elementary through boardwork.
fitness from the pre-test. The teacher will ask volunteer
students to identify and
demonstrate the steps within the
B. Establishing a The teacher will play a Group Activity - Picture Puzzle: The students will answer the
purpose for the music video of Galaw puzzle LOOP A WORD.
lesson Pilipinas that promotes The teacher will ask each group .
(ENGAGE) physical fitness and to pick 1 envelope containing cut- The teacher will pick words
wellness. The teacher will out pictures associated to Folk from the puzzle and
ask the students to follow Dance. Each group will form the demonstrate the steps and
the dance moves. picture and identify/ name the the students will follow.
https://www.youtube.co picture. The group which finishes (Follow the Leader)
m/watch?v=VpGmi... the first and with the correct
answer wins the game.
C. Presenting Based on the music video, Based on the activity, the teacher The teacher will ask the
examples/ the teacher will ask the will ask the students/ groups to students:
instances of the students the following describe the picture they formed.
new lesson questions: 1. What are the different
(EXPLORE) steps that you performed?
1. What are the different
dance moves presented in 2. Can you identify each
the music video? step?
D. Discussing new The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the Major The teacher will discuss and
concepts and FITT principles through a Classifications of Philippine Folk demonstrate the
practicing new PowerPoint presentation. Dance according to Cultural fundamental dance steps in
skills #1 Origin folk dance that can be
performed both in 2/4 and ¾
time music.
E. Discussing New The teacher will ask the following The teacher will discuss the:
Concepts And questions:
Practicing New Different dance formation
Skills # 2 What do costumes, props, and and Position.
accessories of local and
indigenous tell about the dances? Fundamental positions of
arms/hand and feet.
Are costumes an important Demonstrate the fundamental
aspect of cultural performances position of arms/hand and
and dances? Why? feet and the combination of
hands and feet with the 32
How can dance help you accompaniments of music
achieve the desired level of with 4/4 measure. Counting
fitness? one, two, three, and four to a
F. Developing Divide the class into groups. Note: Perform warm up The teacher will divide the
mastery (leads to Each group should provide exercise and cool down class into 5 groups with 8
formative specific examples of FITT exercise before and after members. Each group will
assessment) principles associated to executing the figures to avoid pick 2 basic dance steps
(EXPLAIN) dance (folk). dance related injuries. (5 min) written on the task card and
Group Activity: Each group perform it.
will practice and perform the
Fundamental Dance
Positions of the arms and
G. Finding Practical Group Activity: After they The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
Applications Of created specific examples of following questions: students how do these
The Concepts FITT principles associated dance activities help you
And Skills In to dance, each will explain What did you feel while achieve the desired level of
Daily Living and execute their work. performing the basic steps of fitness?
folk dance?
H. Making The teacher will ask to the The teacher will ask the
generalizations learners why are the learners the following
and abstractness fundamental arm and feet questions:
to the lesson positions important in folk
(ELABORATE) dance? Why is it important to know
the fundamental dance step
in folk dance?
A. Number of learners
who earned 80% in the
evaluation: _________
B. Number of learners
who scored below 80%
who needs additional
activities for
remediation: _________
D. Number of learners
who continue to
require remediation:
E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked
well? Why did these
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?