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Front cover
Course Exercises Guide
Essentials of Service Development for
IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5
Course code WE751 / ZE751 ERC 1.1
August 2016 edition
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Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Exercises description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1.1. Initialize the lab environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.2. Work with the WebGUI home page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
1.3. Work in the Blueprint Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
1.4. Examine and edit a service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
1.5. Test a service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17
1.6. Export a configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19

Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

2.1. Initialize the lab environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.2. Create a basic MPGW to validate SOAP messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Section 1: Create a multi-protocol gateway for the Booking service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Section 2: Configure an HTTP front side protocol handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Section 3: BookingServiceProxy MPGW testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20

Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

3.1. Initialize the lab environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.2. Add more capability to the BookingServiceProxy MPGW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Section 1: Schema Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Section 2: Schema Validation Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Section 3: SOAP Envelope Schema Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Section 4: Content-based Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Section 5: SQL Injection Threat Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Section 6: Transforming with XSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13

Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

4.1. Initialize the lab environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4.2. Add error processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Section 1: Add an Error Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Section 2: Test the default error policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
Section 3: Create the error rule and add it to the service policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Section 4: Test the error rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Section 5: Add an On Error action to the policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Section 6: Test the On Error action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
Section 7: Add another Error rule and On Error action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
Section 8: Send a message to test the new error-handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19

Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

5.1. Initialize the lab environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5.2. Generate a certificate-key pair on the DataPower gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
5.3. Create cryptographic objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
5.4. Create SSL/TLS objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16
5.5. Verify web service behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21
5.6. Add an HTTPS handler to the BookingServiceProxy service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
5.7. Test the HTTPS handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24
5.8. Configure an SSL Proxy Booking MPGW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28

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TOC 5.9. Test the SSL connection between the BookingServiceSSLProxy and the BookingServiceProxy . . 5-30

Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

6.1. Initialize the lab environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
6.2. Test the existing MPGW with SoapUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6.3. Test the existing BookingServiceProxy by using the load test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
6.4. Create a log target for SLM log messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
6.5. Add SLM criteria to the MPGW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
6.6. Test the SLM action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
6.7. Change the SLM statement to “shape” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
6.8. Test the SLM action with “shape” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19

Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

7.1. Initialize the lab environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
7.2. Import a pattern into your application domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
7.3. Deploy a pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
7.4. Test the generated service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11

Appendix A. Exercise solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

Part 1: Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Part 2: Importing solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2

Appendix B. Lab environment setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

Part 1: Configure the SoapUI variables for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
Part 2: Confirm that the Booking and Baggage web services are up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
Part 3: Identify the student image IP address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-6
Part 4: Port and variable Table values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7

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Exercises description


Exercises description
FLY airline case study
The exercises in this course build upon a common case study: the FLY airline services. The
services are composed of a Booking Service web service and a Baggage Service web service.
The services are implemented as a BookingServiceBackend MPGW and a
BaggageStatusMockService MPGW, both running within the FLYService domain.
The Booking Service has one operation: BookTravel. The SOAP request that is named
BookingRequest contains billing details, payment card details, booking type, and the
reservation code. The SOAP response is a BookingResponse, which contains the confirmation
code and much of the original message. The endpoint is:
The Baggage Service has two operations:
▪ BaggageStatus. The SOAP request that is named BaggageStatusRequest contains the
passenger’s last name and their reference number. The SOAP response is
BaggageStatusResponse, which contains the status of each bag that is attached to the
passenger’s reference number.
▪ BagInfo. The SOAP request that is named BagInfoRequest contains the ID number of the
bag in question. The SOAP response is BagInfoResponse, which contains the status of the
bag and which passenger it belongs to. The Baggage Service does not have a WSDL, and
cannot be proxied by a web service proxy. The endpoint is:
Technically, the FLY airline services are self-contained MPGWs that mimic a web services back
end that might be on WebSphere Application Server.
This application minimizes its dependencies on data sources by relying on data from a flat file,
and allowance of read-only operations.
This course includes the following exercises:
▪ Exercise 1: First exposure to the DataPower developer environment
Import an MPGW and update its handler listening port. Examine some of the configuration.
Test the service with a browser and a cURL command. Export the service.
▪ Exercise 2: Creating a BookingService gateway
Create a simple MPGW that proxies the back-end Booking Services web services. Test with
▪ Exercise 3: Enhance the BookingService gateway
Enhance the BookingServiceProxy MPGW to validate, filter, and transform the message.
Test with SoapUI.
▪ Exercise 4: Adding error handling to a service policy

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Exercises description

pref Add an error policy, error rule, and On Error action to the MPGW. Use the probe and
SoapUI to observe the processing behavior.
▪ Exercise 5: Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL
Generate the key materials and create the crypto objects needed to support SSL. Add an
HTTPS FSH to the Booking Service MPGW. Use cURL to test the HTTPS FSH. Create a
second MPGW that calls the Booking Service MPGW over HTTPS. Create the SSL-related
objects. Use SoapUI to test the SSL behavior. Use the system log and the probe to observe
the internal behavior.
▪ Exercise 6: Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway
Create a log target. Create an SLM Resource Class object to identify the type of traffic to
monitor. Add an SLM action to the MPGW service policy. Test with a load test from SoapUI.
Change the SLM sanction. Test again and see the difference in behavior with the different
▪ Exercise 7: Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service
Import a pattern. Configure the points of variability. Deploy the pattern into a new service.
Edit the generated service to examine its configuration. Use SoapUI to test the service.


Most of the exercise steps use the Blueprint Console rather than the WebGUI because the
Blueprint Console is replacing the WebGUI in some future release. Because it is a “technical
preview”, there are still a few bugs in the interface. The most noticeable bug in V7.5.0.0 is when the
scroll bar in a window does not respond, or does not display properly. Until the bug is fixed in a fix
pack, you can easily get around the problem. Click somewhere in the window to get focus, and then
use the up arrow and down arrow keys to scroll the window contents.

In the exercise instructions, you see that each step has a blank preceding it. You might want to
check off each step as you complete it to track your progress.
Most exercises include required sections, which must always be completed. These exercises
might be required before doing later exercises. Some exercises also include optional sections
that you might want to do if you have sufficient time and want an extra challenge.

If you are using the IBM remote lab environment:

As of June 2016, the environment that is used to support the IBM-supplied images and DataPower
gateways is Skytap. Each student is supplied an Ubuntu student image and a DataPower gateway.
• Ignore all offers to upgrade any of the software on the image. The image and exercise steps are
designed to operate at the supplied levels of the contained software.
• The supplied image is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The desktop uses Unity, which is different than the
more common Gnome desktop. Some hints on using Unity are at:

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Exercises description

pref • A noticeable difference is that the menus on the windows within the desktop are not typically
visible. When a window is the “active” window, that window does not have any menu items, but
the application type is displayed in the black bar that spans the top of the desktop. In the
following screen capture, observe that the browser window does not have a menu bar, and that
its type of “Firefox Web Browser” is listed in the black bar.

If you hover the mouse over the black bar, the menu items for the active window are displayed.

Another noticeable difference is that when a window is maximized, the Close, Minimize, and
Restore buttons are not visible until you hover the mouse in the black bar.
This Unity behavior is discussed in the “Hidden Global Menus” section of the previously
mentioned howtogeek.com page.

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Exercises description

pref • The IBM supplied environment has pre-assigned values for some of the variables, such as the
IP addresses of the student image and the DataPower gateway, the student number, and the
initial password. The following graphic shows those assignments.


Online course material updates might exist for this course. To check for updates, see the Instructor
wiki at http://ibm.biz/CloudEduCourses.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment


Exercise 1. First exposure to the

DataPower developer
Estimated time

In this exercise, you use the WebGUI and Blueprint Console to examine a multi-protocol gateway,
edit the gateway, and test the service by using a browser and by using the cURL command.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Log in to the WebGUI
• Use the navigation bar
• Use an object catalog
• Connect to the Blueprint Console
• Import a service
• Edit a multi-protocol gateway
• Review the actions in a policy editor
• Test a service from a browser and a cURL command
• Export a service

In this exercise, you are guided through interactions with the WebGUI. You start off by working in
the navigation bar. You connect to the other web interface, the Blueprint Console. Because you are
going to test a service in a later section, you import and update a Hello World multi-protocol
gateway service. You then test the Hello World service, and you look at the responses and the log
messages that are generated. Finally, you export the modified service configuration.

To complete this exercise, you need:
• Access to the DataPower gateway

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

• cURL, to send a request from a terminal window
• Services in the FLYServices domain
• Access to the <lab_files> directory

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

Exercise instructions

• Remember to use the domain and port address that you were assigned in the exercise setup.
Do not use the default domain.
• The references in exercise instructions refer to the following value:
- <lab_files>: Location of the student lab files. Default location is:
- <dp_internal_ip>: IP address of the DataPower gateway development and
administrative interface.
- <nn>: Assigned student number. If no instructor is present, use “01”.
- <studentnn>: Assigned user name and user account. If no instructor is present, use
- <studentnn_password>: Account password. In most cases, the initial value is the same
as the user name. You are prompted to create a password on first use. Write it down.
- <studentnn_domain>: Application domain that the user account is assigned to. If no
instructor is present, use “student01_domain”.
- <mpgw_helloworld_port>: 12nn7, where “nn” is the two-digit student number. This
number is the listener port for the HelloWorld MPGW.
- <dp_WebGUI_port>: Default port is 9090, listening port for the WebGUI.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

1.1. Initialize the lab environment
Some setup activities are required to properly configure the lab environment and determine IP
addresses and ports.
__ 1. If you have not yet performed the setup activities, you must go to Appendix B: Lab
environment setup. Complete those activities before proceeding.
These activities need to be performed only once for the course.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

1.2. Work with the WebGUI home page
In this section, you log in to the WebGUI for your user account. You are guided through accessing
some of the options on the WebGUI home page. At the end of this section, you switch to the
BluePrint Console.
Be sure to look at the Preface section of this exercise for the substitution values that are entered
during the exercise.
__ 1. Use a web browser to log in to the DataPower WebGUI.
__ a. Connect to the WebGUI home page: 


If you get an "untrusted connection" message, choose to accept it.

__ b. Enter:
- User Name: <studentnn>
- Password: <studentnn_password>
- Domain: <studentnn_domain>

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

__ c. If this attempt is the first time that this account is accessed, you are prompted to change
the password. Write down the new password somewhere. If you had to create a
password, you are logged out of the WebGUI. Log back in, with the new password.
__ 2. The WebGUI home page - the Control Panel view - is displayed. Examine the right side of
the banner area of the page. Note the Domain value. Verify that you are not in the default
__ 3. Expand the main menu choices in the navigation bar.
__ 4. Examine the Control Panel area of the WebGUI home page. Most of the links here are also
available in the navigation bar.
__ 5. Generally, there are several ways to get to many of the functions in the WebGUI. This fact is
demonstrated by accessing the Multi-Protocol Gateway catalog in different ways over the
next several steps.
In the Services area of the Control Panel, click the Multi-Protocol Gateway link.

__ 6. The page changes to the multi-protocol gateway (MPGW) catalog, which lists all the defined
MPGWs in this domain. It also has a button to initiate the creation of an MPGW.

You can click the name of any of the MPGWs to view or edit their configurations. Because
you are in a fresh domain, no gateways are listed in the catalog yet.
MPGWs are covered in detail in a later unit.
__ 7. Click Control Panel in the navigation bar. This link should be visible at the upper-left side of
the WebGUI page.
__ 8. You are back on the WebGUI home page, or the Control Panel. This time, select Services >
Multi-Protocol Gateway > Edit Multi-Protocol Gateway.
__ 9. The multi-protocol gateway catalog page appears as before. It should still be empty. This
step demonstrates that there are typically multiple ways to get to many of the configuration
pages within the WebGUI.
__ 10. Click Control Panel.
__ 11. You are now back on the main web page for the WebGUI. Click Blueprint Console.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment



You can connect directly to the Blueprint Console and bypass the WebGUI by entering:

__ 12. This action opens the Blueprint Console on a new tab in your browser.


For the DataPower V7.5.0 firmware, the Blueprint Console is considered a “Technical Preview”. It
will replace the WebGUI in a future release. This course will use the Blueprint Console wherever
possible to prepare you for future releases. The steps use WebGUI when the Blueprint Console
support is not currently available. Regardless of which web interface is used, the contents of the
configurations are identical.

__ 13. The Blueprint Console “home” page is the All Services page. The Control Panel page does
not exist in the Blueprint Console.


From this point forward, you can work in either web interface, although you should work primarily in
one or the other.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

1.3. Work in the Blueprint Console
In this section, you are introduced to the Blueprint Console. At the end of the section, you import an
existing service configuration.


The screen captures are usually for an example user account. Your account name might be
different. Be sure to follow the lab instructions for naming your objects and specifying values.

__ 1. Examine the banner of the All Services page. The upper left has the Open icon (three
horizontal lines) to open the navigation area.

__ 2. Click the Open icon.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

__ 3. The navigation area expands.

__ 4. You work with this area throughout the lab exercises. For now, use the Close icon (left
arrow) to close the area.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

__ 5. The right side of the banner has a question mark. Click the down arrow to see the choices:
- The About choice displays the firmware version.
- The Knowledge Center choice links to the DataPower Knowledge Center web page.

__ 6. The next item to the left of the question mark displays the user account. Click the down
arrow to see the Logout option. Use this option when you want to log out of the Blueprint

__ 7. The item to the left of the user account lists the domain that you are currently in:
student01_domain in the screen capture example. Click the down arrow to see the other
domains that you have access to.

__ 8. Click FLYServices.
__ 9. The banner now indicates that you are in the FLYServices domain. The All Services page
lists an HTTP service and several MPGWs.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

The services are grouped by Service Type, alphabetically. If you hover over a column
header (Service, Status, Service Type, Front side URL), you see an up/down arrow at the
right edge of the column. You can select that to reorder the sort in that column.
In the upper right is a Filter field. Enter http in that field.
__ 10. The list is filtered for any column that contains ”http”.

The POT_WWW service contains “http” in its Service Type column.

__ 11. An “X” is displayed at the end of the Search field. Click X to remove the filter. The list should
refresh to contain all four services.
__ 12. Right now, you are displaying “all services” regardless of service type. In the navigation
area, click HTTP Service.
__ 13. You should now see just the single HTTP service. Click Multi-Protocol Gateway in the
navigation area.
__ 14. The list displays the three MPGWs only. Click All Services in the navigation area to see all
services regardless of type.
__ 15. The Actions column has a single icon, View Log. Since this is a read-only domain, options
to delete or create a service do not show.
__ 16. Click BaggageStatusMockService.
__ 17. The configuration page for the MPGW is displayed. Since you have read-only access, any
attempt to modify the configuration displays a “permission denied” error message. The
details of configuring an MPGW are covered in later lectures.
__ 18. Switch back to your student application domain - <studentnn_domain> - by selecting it from
the domain indicator in the banner. This domain has full read/write access.
__ 19. The next activity is to import an MPGW configuration into your application domain. Click the
Open icon to expand the navigation area.
__ 20. Click Import Configuration.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

__ 21. On the Import Configuration page that appears, click Browse.

__ 22. Select the import file: <lab_files>/intro/HelloWorldMPGW.zip

__ 23. Leave the other fields at their defaults, and click Next.
__ 24. On the next page, you can see the list of objects and embedded files that are in the import
file. The new objects and files are automatically checked for import. Notice the XSL style
sheet file (helloxslworld.xsl) and the JavaScript file (hellojsworld.js). Click Import.
__ 25. The next page should indicate a successful import. Click Close.
__ 26. You now have a HelloWorld MPGW in your All Services list. You will investigate it in the
next section.
__ 27. Just below the banner, a notification is displayed.

__ 28. Click Save changes to commit your new configuration to the domain’s configuration file.


When the gateway is started, each domain’s configuration is read from a cfg file on the gateway file
system. When a configuration is completed (by clicking Apply or Done), that object is now active
and usable in the domain. However, it exists only in memory, and is not yet persisted. By clicking
Save changes, you write all memory-only configurations to the cfg file in the file system.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

1.4. Examine and edit a service
In this section, you examine the HelloWorld MPGW service that you imported in a previous step.
You update the port that this service listens on.
__ 1. From the All Services list, select the HelloWorld MPGW.
__ 2. The HelloWorld MPGW configuration page is displayed. First, you examine and update the
front side protocol handler. For an MPGW, the front side protocol handler defines how the
service receives client requests. On the middle right side, find the Front Side Protocol
__ 3. Click HelloWorld_HTTP_FSH. This action causes the handler name to appear in the
following selection box.

__ 4. Click the edit button (pencil icon).


The plus sign icon is used to create an object.

The pencil icon is used to edit the existing object that is displayed in the selection box.

__ 5. The Front Side Protocol page opens. On the left side is the navigation tree. Only one object
is listed, the handler. Notice that it indicates the type of handler: HTTP Front Side Handler.
__ 6. On the upper right is a question mark. Click this icon to display online help for this object.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

__ 7. The Actions menu lists more operations that you can perform on the object.

__ 8. Beneath the name of the object is the Main section. Notice that it has “twistie” icon (down
arrow). The twistie can be clicked to expand and contract the section. The HTTP front side
protocol handler has only the Main section.
__ 9. A “circled i” icon shows to the right of the field names. You can hover over that icon to get
some help for that field.
__ 10. This object defines the port that the service listens on, and what other HTTP options are
supported. Change the Port to the <mpgw_helloworld_port> value.
__ 11. Click Apply to save the new handler configuration.
__ 12. The handler window closes. Click Apply on the Multi-Protocol Gateway page if it is enabled.
This action saves the MPGW with the new definition of the handler.
__ 13. On the left side of the page, notice that the Type setting is dynamic-backends. This setting
indicates that the service policy is going to determine the back-end application URL. For this
case of the HelloWorld MPGW, no back-end application is called. A response is sent back
to the client from the MPGW itself. This situation is called a “loopback” type of service.

__ 14. The last examination of HelloWorld is of the service policy. Look for HelloWorld as the
Multi-Protocol Gateway Policy. Click the edit button.
__ 15. A policy editor window opens. In the Configured Rules section, click the xsl_rule. This
action makes the row of the selected rule change to a bold font. More importantly, it makes
the selected rule become the rule that is displayed in the rule area.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

__ 16. Hover the mouse over the action icon on the left, the Match action.

__ 17. In the hover box, observe the URL match specification: */xsl. This specification indicates
that this rule gets control if the received URL ends in “/xsl”.
__ 18. The next action, which is an equal sign in a triangle, is the action that specifies that this
service is a loopback service.
__ 19. The last action, the circle with the curvilinear patterns, indicates that a style sheet is
executed. Double-click that action.
__ 20. A Transform action window opens. By the Transform File field, click View.
__ 21. A browser window opens that lists the contents of the helloxslworld.xsl style sheet.
The style sheet writes a message to the DataPower system log, and writes HTML to
produce the “hello world” browser page.
__ 22. Close the browser page.
__ 23. Click Cancel on the Transform action page.
__ 24. Back on the policy editor in the Configured Rules section, click the javascript_rule.
__ 25. In the rule area, hover over the Match action.

__ 26. In the hover box, observe the URL match specification: */javascript. This specification
indicates that this rule gets control if the received URL ends in “/javascript”.
__ 27. The next action, which is an equal sign in a triangle, is the action that specifies that this
service is a loopback service.
__ 28. The last action, a square with braces ({}), indicates that JavaScript is executed.
Double-click that action.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

__ 29. A Configure GatewayScript action window opens. By the GatewayScript file field, click
__ 30. A browser window opens that lists the contents of the hellojsworld.js file. The code
writes a message to the DataPower system log, and writes HTML to produce the “hello
world” browser page.
__ 31. Close the browser page.
__ 32. Click Cancel on the GatewayScript action page.
__ 33. Close the policy editor window.
__ 34. In the notification area beneath the banner, click Save changes to write the new
configuration to the configuration startup file.


If you get a window that states something like “Other domains contain unsaved changes” when you
attempt to save your configuration, select your domain and proceed.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

1.5. Test a service
In this section, test the service, both from a browser and from the cURL command.
__ 1. Open a browser.
__ 2. Enter the URL to request the XSL version of HelloWorld (be careful that you use http):
__ 3. The service responds.

__ 4. The page title comes from the <title> HTML element. The page contents come from the
HTML <body>. Notice the sample URL, especially the URI section.
__ 5. If you want, you can go back into the policy editor of the service and review the XSL style
__ 6. Enter the URL to request the JavaScript version of HelloWorld:
__ 7. The service responds.

__ 8. As before, the page title comes from the <title> HTML element. The page contents
come from the HTML <body>. Notice the sample URL, especially the URI section.
__ 9. If you want, you can go back into the policy editor of the service and review the
GatewayScript code.
__ 10. On the Multi-Protocol Gateway page, click Actions > View Log.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

__ 11. A window opens that displays the system log for entries that relate to this MPGW. The
screen capture shows the right side of the log. Look in the messages column. Notice the
entries that were generated in the XSL and in the javaScript code.

__ 12. Leave the log window open.

__ 13. Open a terminal window.
__ 14. Enter a cURL command to send an HTTP request for the XSL web page:
curl -G http://<dp_public_ip>:<mpgw_helloworld_port>/xsl


cURL is a command line tool to send and receive HTTP requests. In later exercises, you use
another tool that is called SoapUI to send more complex requests.

__ 15. You get a text response that contains the HTML to construct the Hello World XSL page.
__ 16. Use the same terminal window to enter a cURL command to send an HTTP request for the
JavaScript web page:
curl -G http://<dp_public_ip>:<mpgw_helloworld_port>/javascript
__ 17. You get a text response that contains the HTML to construct the Hello World JavaScript
__ 18. You should notice a difference in the text between the HTML text that is generated from the
raw JavaScript, and the HTML text that is generated from the XSL style sheet.
__ 19. If you want, you can switch to the log window, and click Refresh Log. You should see the
two new, but similar messages.
__ 20. Close the log window.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

1.6. Export a configuration
You export your updated configuration, and examine its contents.

__ 1. Click Open > Export Configuration.

__ 2. An Export Configuration window opens. Select Export data for select configurations
from the current domain and click Next.
__ 3. Enter a file name of MyUpdatedMPGW.
__ 4. Leave the format as Zip bundle and source as Running configuration.
__ 5. For Available objects, select Multi-Protocol Gateway. In the lower list, select HelloWorld.
__ 6. Click the right arrow button to move HelloWorld into the Objects to export list.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

__ 7. Leave the remaining selections as-is, and click Download.

__ 8. The objects are exported to a zip file. Click Save File.

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

__ 9. The zip file downloads to the browser. Open the zip file (which might happen automatically).
You can use File Roller to expand the file.

The dp-aux folder contains DataPower environment settings.

The local folder contains the files from the local:/// directory: helloxslworld.xsl and
The export.xml file contains the XML-formatted configuration for the MPGW and its
referenced object. If you examine the contents, you can find a <LocalPort> element that
contains your updated port number.
The zip file can be sent to a source repository, can be imported into another domain, or can
be imported on another gateway.
__ 10. Close the editor and file browser if open.
__ 11. Click All Services in the navigation area.
__ 12. The HelloWorld MPGW now shows in the All Services list. Notice that the Actions column
has a delete (trash can) icon.
If you want, you can log out of the Blueprint Console and the WebGUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 1. First exposure to the DataPower developer environment

Exercise review and wrap-up
In this exercise, you maneuvered around the WebGUI, worked in the Blueprint Console, imported a
service, edited the service, and tested it from a browser and a cURL command, and exported the

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway


Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService

Estimated time

This exercise shows you how to create a basic multi-protocol gateway (MPGW). You learn the
basic steps necessary to implement a message flow within the DataPower gateway. You use the
SoapUI tool to send a SOAP message to the MPGW that you created. After DataPower processes
the message, a response SOAP message is sent back to SoapUI and displayed in the response

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Create a multi-protocol gateway
• Test the message flow by using the SoapUI graphical test tool

The DataPower gateway provides the capabilities to set up multiple MPGWs, or virtual firewalls, to
protect back-end applications. Each of these firewalls operates on a port with a policy that consists
of a set of rules. Each rule contains actions that complete one or more functions.
An MPGW has functions similar to a proxy server. The client accesses the MPGW as if it is the
actual web service. The client does not know the real location of the web service system. The
gateway can examine the incoming request from a client. The message content can be
transformed or enhanced. The message itself can be rejected for failed authentication or
malformed content. Finally, the message can then be forwarded to the actual web service that is
running in the trusted domain. The MPGW service can also be configured to accomplish
content-based routing, where an appropriate back-end server is selected based on the contents of
the message or the identity of the client.
In this exercise, the MPGW performs some basic functions: it proxies the client requests to the
actual back-end service, and it verifies that the message is a valid SOAP message.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

A typical deployment topology is displayed here.

For the exercises in the lab, the topology is simplified:

• The typical back-end application service that is running on a server in the trusted domain is
implemented as a service on the gateway itself. A supplied MPGW named
BookingServiceBackend listens on port 9080 of the <dp_internal_ip> Ethernet interface in the
FLYServices domain. This service listens on the <dp_internal_ip> interface because it is
supposed to be hidden from the clients.
• The student develops DataPower services by using the WebGUI and Blueprint Console. The
WebGUI and Blueprint Console are enabled on port 9090 of the <dp_internal_ip> Ethernet
interface. The student works in the student-specific domain.
• When the student creates the BookingServiceProxy MPGW in this exercise, the MPGW is
visible to clients on the <dp_public_ip> Ethernet interface.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

• The BookingServiceBackend web service of BookingServiceProxy listens on the
<dp_internal_ip> interface. Therefore, the back-end URL of BookingServiceProxy points to that
IP address.

To complete this exercise, you need:
• Access to the DataPower gateway
• SoapUI, to send requests to the DataPower gateway
• The BookingServiceBackend web service that runs on the DataPower gateway in the
FLYservices domain
• Access to the <lab_files> directoryExercise instructions
You configure an MPGW to proxy messages to a preconfigured back-end web service.

• Before starting this lab, complete the steps in Exercise 1: First exposure to the DataPower
developer environment.
• Remember to use the domain and port address that you were assigned in the exercise setup.
Do not use the default domain.
• The references in exercise instructions refer to the following values:
▪ <lab_files>: Location of the student lab files. Default location is: /usr/labfiles/dp/
▪ <image_ip>: IP address of the student image (use /sbin/ifconfig from a terminal
window to obtain the value).

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

▪ <dp_internal_ip>: IP address of the DataPower gateway development and administrative
functions that are used by internal resources such as developers.
▪ <dp_WebGUI_port>: Default port is 9090, listening port for the WebGUI.
▪ <dp_public_ip>: IP address of the public services on the gateway that is used by customer
and clients.
▪ <nn>: Assigned student number. If no instructor is present, use “01”.
▪ <studentnn>: Assigned user name and user account. If no instructor is present, use
▪ <studentnn_password>: Account password. In most cases, the initial value is the same as
the user name. You are prompted to create a password on first use. Write it down.
▪ <studentnn_domain>: Application domain that the user account is assigned to. If no
instructor is present, use “student01_domain”.
▪ <was_server_port>: Port number that the back-end web services listen on. The default
port is 9080.
▪ <mpgw_booking_port>: 12nn1, where “nn” is the two-digit student number. This number is
the listener port for the MPGW that proxies the BookingService web service.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

2.1. Initialize the lab environment
Some setup activities are required to properly configure the lab environment and determine IP
addresses and ports.
__ 1. If you have not yet performed the setup activities, you must go to Appendix B: Lab
environment setup. Complete those activities before proceeding.
These activities need to be performed only once for the course.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

2.2. Create a basic MPGW to validate SOAP
In this exercise, you create an MPGW that proxies a SOAP message to a back-end web service.
The MPGW is tested with the SoapUI tool by sending already created SOAP messages to the
back-end web service.
This lab implements the scenario that is described in three essential steps:
• Section 1, "Create a multi-protocol gateway for the Booking service"
• Section 2, "Configure an HTTP front side protocol handler"
• Section 3, "BookingServiceProxy MPGW testing"

Section 1: Create a multi-protocol gateway for the Booking service

Configure a new multi-protocol gateway on the IBM DataPower Gateway gateway to forward
requests to the BookingService web service.
__ 1. Use the Firefox icon that is on the desktop to start the Firefox browser.

__ 2. Click the DataPower link that is in the toolbar. Ensure that the URL is
__ 3. Enter the User Name of <studentnn> and the Password of <studentnn_password>.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

__ 4. Select the <studentnn_domain> domain from the Domain list, then click Login.

__ 5. After a successful login to DataPower, the main console appears.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway



If your gateway has the B2B module that is installed, the Control Panel shows an extra row of B2B
icons. This potential difference has no effect on the exercises.

__ 6. In this exercise, you use the Blueprint Console to configure the gateway. Click the Blueprint
Console in the navigation bar.
__ 7. The Blueprint Console tab opens, with All Services displayed. On the right, click New
Service > Multi-Protocol Gateway.

__ 8. Enter BookingServiceProxy as the name of the new gateway. You can optionally enter
a description for the gateway in the summary field, such as Booking Service for FLY
__ 9. In the XML Manager field, leave the default XML manager selected.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

__ 10. In the Multi-Protocol Gateway Policy field, click the circled plus sign icon (“new”) to create
a multi-protocol gateway policy.

__ 11. Enter BookingServicePolicy as the processing policy name.

__ 12. Click Apply Policy.
__ 13. Configure a message processing rule to forward any client request message to the
back-end service.
__ a. In the processing rule editor for BookingServicePolicy, click New Rule.

__ b. Set the processing rule direction to Client to Server.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

__ c. Double-click the Match action icon to configure it. The Match icon is automatically
placed on a rule when a rule is created. Any actions on the rule path that are not
configured yet are highlighted in yellow.

__ d. Click the circled plus sign icon (“new”) to add a matching rule.
__ e. Create a matching rule with the following settings:
- Name: MatchAnyURI
- Match with PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expression): not selected

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

- Combine with Boolean OR: not selected

__ f. Under the Rules section click Add to add a rule.

__ g. Set the Matching Type to URL and the URL match property to: *

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

__ h. Click Apply to save the matching rule configuration.

__ i. Click Done to use the new MatchAnyURI matching rule. The yellow highlighting
disappears from the Match action icon.
__ 14. Create a second document processing rule. This response rule processes the message
from the back-end server on its way back to the client.
__ a. In the processing rule editor for BookingServicePolicy, click New Rule.
__ b. Set the processing rule direction to Server to Client.

__ c. Double-click the Match action icon to configure it.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

__ d. From the Matching Rule list, select the previously created MatchAnyURI.

__ e. Click Done to use the MatchAnyURI matching rule.

__ f. Click Apply Policy to save the changes.
__ g. Notice that a Results action is automatically added to each rule. Because no other
actions exist in the rules, the Results action copies the message content that is passed
in to the rule to the output context of the rule.
__ h. Confirm that the new document processing rules are in the list of configured rules.

__ 15. Click Close Window to close the BookingServicePolicy document policy editor.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway



The multi-protocol gateway policy has two document processing rules that are defined:
• A Request Rule that accepts request messages from the client with a URL path of any URI and
forwards the messages to the back-end server.
• A Response Rule accepts any response message from the back-end server and forwards the
response to the client.
The remaining steps in this section assign the address of the actual FLYService web service and
various quality of service settings.

__ 16. Set a static back-end connection to the BookingServiceProxy web service.

__ a. On the Multi-Protocol Gateway page, select static-backend as the back-end
connection type.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

__ b. Set the back-end URL to: http://dp_internal_ip:9080/BookingService


The value dp_internal_ip is a predefined “Host Alias” setting, and an administrator typically defines
it. The setting assigns an IP address that is associated with any reference to the “dp_internal_ip”
variable. This technique makes it easier to migrate DataPower services across environments, such
as from Development to Test. In this case study, the back-end web service is running as a service
on the gateway itself. In a typical situation, the back-end URL would point to a server that is running
somewhere within the trusted domain.

__ 17. Make sure that the Response Type field is set to SOAP.


The Request Type and Response Type settings determine the validation steps that the gateway
applies to incoming and outgoing messages.
• JSON validates the message as well-formed JSON data.
• Non-XML represents flat file text or any binary file format. The gateway passes the message
itself without modification. However, processing rules can authenticate, authorize, or route the
message to another destination.
• Pass through literally transmits the message through the gateway without any processing or
• SOAP validates the message against the SOAP schema in use. In effect, the gateway checks
whether the message contains a valid SOAP envelope for web service messages.
• XML verifies that the message contains a well-formed XML document.

__ 18. Make sure that the Back attachment processing format is set to Dynamic.


Instead of converting large amounts of binary data into text, many web service engines allow binary
data to be stored as attachments to the SOAP message. Two common binary data encoding
schemes are used in the industry:
• Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) defines an encoding format for sending binary
information over Internet email messages. Some web services use this scheme to efficiently

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

transmit binary files as an attachment on a text-based SOAP message. Most web services
engines, including the IBM WebSphere web services run time, support this standard.
• Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) was a separate Internet standard that
Microsoft proposed as a simpler method to encapsulate binary information in a web service
message. Although some web services supported DIME, the newer SOAP Message
Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) specification now supersedes DIME.
Unfortunately, most vendors support only one scheme or the other. DataPower services, such as
the multi-protocol gateway, solve this problem by automatically converting attachments between
these two types.
The front attachment processing format setting determines how the service interprets
attachments that are sent from the client. On the other side, the back attachment processing
format determines how the service encodes attachments in outgoing messages from the service to
the back-end resource.
For example, to convert message attachments from a DIME format to MIME, set the front
attachment processing format to DIME and the back attachment processing format to MIME.
These settings affect messages that contain attachments.

__ 19. Leave the Back Side Timeout value set to 120 seconds.
__ 20. Leave the Stream Output to Back set to Buffer Messages.


The other setting, Stream Messages, continuously sends parts of the request message to the
back-end resource unless the gateway encounters some information that causes the message to
fail validation.

__ 21. Leave the HTTP Version to Server set to HTTP 1.1.

__ 22. Leave the Propagate URI setting to on.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

__ 23. Leave the Compression set to off.
Your back-end resource settings look like the following screen capture.

Section 2: Configure an HTTP front side protocol handler

The multi-protocol gateway is configured to forward requests to the FLYService web service.
However, the gateway does not support any incoming requests at this moment.
Create a front side protocol handler to receive client requests over an HTTP connection.
__ 1. Create an HTTP front side protocol handler that is named HTTP_12<nn>1.
__ a. Beside the Front Side Protocol list, click the circled plus sign icon (“new”).

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

__ b. Select HTTP Front Side Handler from the list.

__ c. Configure the new HTTP front side handler with the following values. Leave all other
settings at the default values.
- Name: HTTP_12<nn>1 (The format of the name is used to identify the port number
that is configured within the object by looking at the name.)
- Local IP address: <dp_public_ip> (You can choose to use the host alias variable
“dp_public_ip” as the address, rather than the hardcoded IP address.)
- Port Number: <mpgw_booking_port> as assigned by the instructor.

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

The following screen capture is an example of the settings for student99, and that uses
the host alias for the IP address rather than a hardcoded address.


The local IP address value of <dp_public_ip> indicates that the front side protocol handler can
receive messages on the Ethernet interface on the gateway that is defined for access from the
public. You can specify a Host Alias with this name so a specific IP address is not indicated in the
handler, which makes the service more portable across deployed appliances.

__ d. Click Apply to save the changes that are made to the HTTP front side handler.
__ 2. Apply the multi-protocol gateway.
__ a. Click Apply to save the changes that are made to the multi-protocol gateway (at the
upper right).
__ b. Verify that the Multi-Protocol Gateway status is up.

__ c. In the notification area at the top of the page, click Save Changes.
__ 3. Examine the multi-protocol gateway settings for all front side protocol handlers.
__ a. Locate the Request Type setting below the Front Side Protocol list. Verify that the
expected request message type is SOAP, matching the setting for the Response Type.
__ b. Leave the Front attachment processing format as Dynamic.
__ c. The Front Side Timeout value determines the number of seconds that any front side
handler idles before abandoning a transaction. Leave this value at 120 seconds, or 2

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

__ d. The Stream Output to Front setting determines whether the gateway can start sending
portions of the response message back to the client. Leave this setting at Buffer

__ e. The multi-protocol gateway BookingServiceProxy is now ready for testing.

Section 3: BookingServiceProxy MPGW testing

Test the MPGW configuration by using the SoapUI tool. The following steps ensure that the
back-end web service is operational. In addition to testing the availability of the web service, it is
also a useful troubleshooting technique to verify network connectivity to the back-end web service.
__ 1. On the desktop, locate and start the SoapUI tool if it is not already running.
__ 2. In the project tree, expand the BookingServices project until 01 – Initial Request is

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

__ 3. Double-click 01 – Initial Request to open the request window. If a double-click does not
work, right-click the request and click Show Request Editor.
__ 4. In the URL address field, verify that the pre-filled URL matches the following string:
http://${dp_public_ip}:${mpgw_booking_port}/BookingService . The string “${xxx}”
indicates that a SoapUI global property is referenced. Recall that you set these properties to
your specific values in the Lab Setup exercise.

__ 5. Click the green Submit arrow that is to the left of the URL address field to send an HTTP
POST request to the BookingServiceProxy. The pane on the left side of the Request
window contains the SOAP message that is sent as part of the POST.
__ 6. If everything worked properly, you should see <book:BookingResponse> xml tree on the
Response tab.

If you received an error, you can try to determine the cause by looking at the logs.
There’s a convenient View Log link that is found towards the top of the multi-protocol
gateway configuration page. You can also view the logs from the Control Panel by
clicking the View Logs icon.
At this point, you created a multi-protocol gateway service that acts as a proxy and
verified that it works. In later exercises, you add more functions to the service.

End of exercise

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Exercise 2. Creating a BookingService gateway

Exercise review and wrap-up
In this exercise, you created a multi-protocol gateway.
The gateway created was the BookingServiceProxy that is built upon through this course, adding
more functions. The MPGW was configured with a request and response rule that matches all
incoming URIs.
You were also introduced to the SoapUI tool, which is used throughout this course as a testing tool.
SoapUI sends SOAP messages to the DataPower gateway, and you can focus on DataPower
development instead.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway


Exercise 3. Enhancing the

BookingService gateway
Estimated time

This exercise shows you how to add validation, filtering, and transformation to a multi-protocol
gateway (MPGW). These steps involve working with the actions and policy editor. You use the
system log to debug the service behavior.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Perform advanced configuration of an MPGW
• Configure a document processing policy with more actions
• Test the MPGW policy by using the graphical SoapUI tool
• Perform basic debugging by using the system log

In most cases, multi-protocol gateways (MPGWs) are designed to do much more than proxy a
request to a back-end application server. MPGWs are used to validate the input message so that
only appropriate messages reach the back-end servers. In this exercise, you use several
techniques to check messages. Schema validation and SOAP envelope validation confirm the
basic format of the message. Filtering checks the contents of the message, and decides on
whether to allow the message to continue to be processed. Lastly, you might want to change the
format and contents of the message, either on the input side or on the response side. In this
exercise, you change the response message to decode a field, obscure a sensitive field, and
eliminate unneeded fields.

To complete this exercise, you need:
• Access to the DataPower gateway
• Completion of the previous exercises (see the Preface section in the exercise instructions for
• SoapUI, to send requests to the DataPower gateway

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

• The BookingServiceBackend web service that runs on the DataPower gateway in the
FLYServices domain
• Access to the <lab_files> directory

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

Exercise instructions
In this exercise, you adjust the configuration of your BookingServiceProxy MPGW.

• Before starting this lab, complete the steps in Exercise 2: Creating a BookingService gateway.
• Remember to use the domain and port address that you were assigned in the exercise setup.
Do not use the default domain.
• The references in exercise instructions refer to the following values:
▪ <lab_files>: Location of the student lab files. Default location is: /usr/labfiles/dp/
▪ <image_ip>: IP address of the student image (use /sbin/ifconfig from a terminal window
to obtain value).
▪ <dp_internal_ip>: IP address of the DataPower gateway development and administrative
functions that are used by internal resources such as developers.
▪ <dp_public_ip>: IP address of the public services on the gateway that is used by customer
and clients.
▪ <dp_WebGUI_port>: Port of the WebGUI and Blueprint Console. The default port is 9090.
▪ <nn>: Assigned student number. If no instructor is present, use “01”.
▪ <studentnn>: Assigned user name and user account. If no instructor is present, use
▪ <studentnn_password>: Account password. In most cases, the initial value is the same as
the user name. You are prompted to create a password on first use. Write it down.
▪ <studentnn_domain>: Application domain that the user account is assigned to. If no
instructor is present, use “student01_domain”.
▪ <FLY_booking_port>: Port number that the back-end BookingServices web services listen
on. The default port is 9080.
▪ <mpgw_booking_port>: 12nn1, where “nn” is the two-digit student number. This number is
the listener port for the MPGW that proxies the BookingService web service.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

3.1. Initialize the lab environment
Some setup activities are required to properly configure the lab environment and determine IP
addresses and ports.
__ 1. If you have not yet performed the setup activities, you must go to Appendix B: Lab
environment setup. Complete those activities before proceeding.
These activities need to be performed only once for the course.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

3.2. Add more capability to the
BookingServiceProxy MPGW
The BookingServiceProxy multi-protocol gateway is expanded to include more capabilities:
Schema validation, SOAP envelope validation, content-based filtering, SQL injection protection,
and message transformation by using a style sheet. You add new actions to the service policy of
the BookingServiceProxy, and test the results with the SoapUI tool.
The final result is an airline reservation that is booked by using the DataPower
BookingServiceProxy MPGW.
This lab implements the scenario that is described in six essential steps:
• Section 1, "Schema Validation"
• Section 2, "Schema Validation Test"
• Section 3, "SOAP Envelope Schema Validation"
• Section 4, "Content-based Filtering"
• Section 5, "SQL Injection Threat Filtering"
• Section 6, "Transforming with XSL"

Section 1: Schema Validation

An XML schema describes the structure of an XML document. Validating an XML document
against a schema is one step to assuring that the structure and content of the document is valid
and safe. The process of validating an XML document against a schema is generally considered to
be processor intensive, resulting in increased server load. For this reason, organizations often
disable schema validation to reduce load (and cost) on application servers, especially when they
are running on a mainframe. This approach is generally considered a security risk.


Although it is not covered in this exercise, a similar capability exists for validation of JSON input.

IBM DataPower Gateway appliances solve this problem by providing near wirespeed schema
validation to messages before they reach the application server. Messages that fail validation are
rejected by default (this behavior can be customized).
In this section, you add a Validate action to your existing request rule within the service policy. The
Validate action determines the schema from a WSDL that you upload.
__ 1. Connect to the DataPower WebGUI:
__ 2. Enter the User Name of <studentnn>, Password of <studentnn_password>, and Domain
of <studentnn_domain>.
__ 3. Click Login.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

__ 4. Click Blueprint Console.
__ 5. The All Services page is displayed. Click the BookingServiceProxy multi-protocol gateway
__ 6. Your MPGW is displayed. You need to edit the service policy to add the new behavior. Click
the pencil (edit) button in the Multi-Protocol Gateway Policy field.

__ 7. Expand the policy editor so that you can see all the configured rules at the bottom. Make
sure that the Client to Server rule is selected (it is bold). Currently, only a Match action and
Results action are in the rule.
__ 8. Click and drag a Validate action and drop it to the right of the Match action.

__ 9. Configure the new Validate action (outlined in yellow).

__ a. Double-click the Validate action to open the Validate action configuration window.
__ b. Select the Validate Document via WSDL URL in the Scheme Validation Method
__ c. Click Upload to upload the appropriate WSDL document.

__ d. Click Browse.
__ e. Select BookingService.wsdl in the <lab_files>/BookingService/ directory.
__ f. Click Open.
__ g. Click Upload.
__ h. Click Continue on the “Upload successful” page.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

__ i. After uploading the WSDL file, make sure that the Validate configuration window
contains the required values.

__ j. Click View. A window opens that displays the BookingService.wsdl file.

Scroll to the BookingType element. You can widen the window to eliminate the word
wrap. Notice that the BookingType element restricts its values to "I" for Internal and "E"
for External. This schema restriction is tested in the following section.

__ k. Close the viewing window.

__ l. Click Done. The Validate action is now configured.
__ 10. Click Apply Policy at the top of the policy editor to activate your changes.
__ 11. Click Close Window in the upper-right corner of the policy editor.
__ 12. Click Apply on the Multi-Protocol Gateway window if it is enabled.

Section 2: Schema Validation Test

__ 1. If the SoapUI tool is not already open, open it from the SoapUI icon that is on the desktop.
__ 2. In the SoapUI window, expand the BookingServices project until you can see the 01 –
Initial Request request, if it is not already open.
__ 3. The URL address field should still contain your specific port number. Click the green Submit
arrow to POST the request again. The request should be successful as it was before. This
result indicates that the message successfully passed schema validation.
__ 4. If you want, close the “01 – Initial Request” window.
__ 5. Open 02 – Invalid Booking Type.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

In this sample payload you see that the <book:BookingType> has the value of EXTERNAL,
which is not valid against the schema.
__ 6. Click the green Submit arrow to send the request to your MPGW.
__ 7. Because “EXTERNAL” is not a valid BookingType, it failed schema validation that resulted
in a SOAP fault back to the client.

The returned error message indicates that an internal error occurred but no other details are
provided. This generic error response is by design to prevent malicious attackers from
gaining detailed information about the underlying service. You can see detailed information
about the failure in the DataPower log.
__ 8. On the Multi-Protocol Gateway configuration page, click the Actions > View Log link from
the upper-right side of the page.

__ 9. A log window opens. It reveals the underlying reason for the “Internal Error” message. A
later lecture discusses how to customize the error messages to the client.

__ 10. Close the log window.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

Section 3: SOAP Envelope Schema Validation
The Multi-Protocol Gateway service that you configured expects requests and responses to
conform to SOAP standards. This setting is found towards the middle of the Multi-Protocol Gateway
main configuration page (see following screen capture).

__ 1. In SoapUI, close the 02 – Invalid Booking Type and open 03 – Missing SOAP Envelope.
__ 2. Note that the input document does not have an enclosing SOAP envelope. Click the green
Submit arrow to POST the XML to BookingServiceProxy.
__ 3. The request should fail again. To see details about the failure, click the Actions > View Log
link on the Multi-Protocol Gateway configuration page.

__ 4. If you want, you can close the log window. If you keep it open, you need to click Refresh
Log to get the newest entries.

Section 4: Content-based Filtering

You can easily extend the built-in threat protection by defining custom filters. A custom filter is an
XSL template that makes an “accept” or “reject” decision based on defined custom logic.
The “accept” and “reject” decision are accomplished by using special built-in extension functions for
XSL. The <dp:accept> and <dp:reject> extension functions are used to tell the processing rule how
to proceed with the message. The following XSL template inspects the <ReservervationCode>
element to make sure that it starts with the string “JK”.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway


Listing of file: ReservationCode_Filter.xsl

Now you add a filter action to your processing rule.

__ 1. Edit the MultiProtocol Gateway Policy.
__ 2. In the policy editor window, select the request rule that contains the Validate action. This
selection makes the rule active in the edit area.
__ 3. Drag a Filter action onto the rule as shown in the following screen capture. Be sure to drag
the Filter action after the Validate action.

__ 4. Double-click the yellow outlined filter action to complete its configuration.

__ a. Click Upload to upload the appropriate file.
__ b. Click Browse.
__ c. Select ReservationCode_Filter.xsl in the <lab_files>/BookingService/ directory.
__ d. Click Open.
__ e. Click Upload.
__ f. Click Continue on the “Upload successful” page.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

__ g. After uploading the transform file, make sure that the Filter window contains the required

__ 5. In the Configure Filter Action window, click Done.

The processing policy should now look like the following screen capture.

__ 6. Click Apply Policy to make your changes active.

__ 7. In SoapUI, close 03 – Missing SOAP Envelope and open 04 – ReservationCode Invalid.
Notice that the reservation code does not start with “JK”.
__ 8. Click the green Submit arrow to POST the request to BookingServiceProxy. You should
receive a SOAP fault with an error message as shown in the following image.

Section 5: SQL Injection Threat Filtering

SQL Injection is an attack technique that is used to exploit websites and services that construct
SQL statements from user-supplied input. For example, assume that a web service expects a
SOAP request that contains a <last-name> element that is used for looking up a customer.
The web service uses an SQL statement with substitution parameters similar to the following SQL
After the substitution takes place, the resultant SQL statement will be:

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

However, if the value submitted in the <last-name> element contained a malicious SQL injection
threat, it might look like this sample code:
<last-name>KAPLAN’ OR ‘1’=‘1</last-name>
The SQL statement would become:
The service returns the details about ALL employees, since the WHERE clause evaluates to true
for every record in the EMPLOYEE table (because of the ‘1’ = ‘1’ clause).
IBM DataPower Gateway Appliances can protect against such SQL injection threats by using a
special SQL injection threat filter. It works the same way as the filter you tried in the previous steps,
except that the logic is a bit more complex.
The SQL Injection Threat filter has two parts: the base style sheet filter (that uses <accept/> and
<reject/>), and an XML file that contains the various patterns to search for. Keeping the patterns in
a separate XML file makes it easier to create more customized patterns.
__ 1. In the policy editor window, drag another Filter action onto the processing rule to the right of
the previously added filter action.

__ 2. Double-click the yellow outlined filter action to complete its configuration.

__ 3. Change the upper drop-down box for the Transform File to show: store:///
__ 4. In the lower drop-down box, select: SQL-Injection-Filter.xsl

__ 5. Click Done.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

__ 6. Click Apply Policy to activate these changes.
The policy now protects against malicious SQL injection threats. Your next test contains
a SOAP message with an SQL injection threat in it. The contents of the
book:HolderName element contain the threat:
<book:HolderName>Olivia Holdt' or '1'='1'</book:HolderName>
__ 7. In SoapUI, close the 04 – ReservationCode Invalid and open 05 – SQL Injection. Notice
the injection attack as shown previously in the test case.
__ 8. Click the green Submit arrow to POST the message to BookingServiceProxy.
__ 9. The request should fail due to “Message contains restricted content (from client)”.
__ 10. If you want, you can open the log. Notice the error messages that indicates the SQL
injection attack detection.

Section 6: Transforming with XSL

At the heart of DataPower Gateway appliances is a high-speed XSL compiler and execution
engine. In fact, most of the built-in functions are engineered by using XSL. Some of the built-in style
sheets can be found in the store directory. XSL developers can easily copy and modify the IBM
provided style sheets to create functions or support emerging standards before IBM makes them
When a style sheet is referenced for the first time, it is compiled by using a patented optimizing XSL
compiler for execution on specialized IBM DataPower hardware, then cached in memory for
high-speed recall and execution.
IBM augmented XSL with a rich set of extension functions that enable you to easily add complex
processing functions to your processing rules. For example, extension functions exist for
performing base-64 encoding and decoding, encryption and decryption, and date/time functions.
Functions also exist for communicating with off-box web services and LDAP servers.


With each release of the firmware, more of the extension functions are mirrored in GatewayScript

In this section, you are introduced to how XSL templates are used within processing rules.
In the following steps, you add a transform action to the response (server to client) rule instead of
the request rule. Therefore, because the transform action modifies the overall structure of the
message, it does not match the schema that the backend service is expecting, the request fails. To
avoid this situation, you modify the response that is returned to SoapUI.
__ 1. In the policy editor, towards the bottom, click the Server to Client rule to make it the active
rule in the editor.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

__ 2. Click and drag a Transform action and drop it after the match action.

__ 3. Double-click the yellow outlined transform action to display its configuration settings.
__ 4. Click Upload to upload the appropriate Transform File.
__ 5. Click Browse.
__ 6. Select BookingResponse_Transform.xsl in the <lab_files>/BookingService/
__ 7. Click Open.
__ 8. Click Upload.
__ 9. Click Continue on the “Upload successful” page.
__ 10. After uploading the transform file, make sure that the Filter window contains the required

__ 11. Click Done to save the transform action.

__ 12. Click Apply Policy to apply the changes to the overall policy.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

__ 13. Click the Close Window link to close the policy editor.
__ 14. If needed, click Apply on the Multi-Protocol Gateway configuration page.
You’re now ready to run another transaction through your multi-protocol gateway service. Before
you do that, look at what the XSL template does to the message.
In all the successful responses that you received so far, all of the request details were included in
the response, and the <book: ConfirmationCode> was base64 encoded.
The BookingResponse_Transform.xsl template looks for a few different patterns:
▪ When a book:Expiry or book:CVV tags are found, no additional steps are taken and these
tags and any children of these tags are removed from the output.
▪ When a book:ConfirmationCode tag is encountered, it changes it into a
<book:ConfirmationText> tag and then decodes the original tag’s value. dp:decode() is an
extension function that performs the base64 decoding.
▪ When a book:Number tag is encountered, it uses the substring() function to get the last four
numbers and replace the other numbers with asterisks.
▪ For anything else that does not match, an identity transform is used to copy it to the output
Partial listing of file: BookingResponse_Transform.xsl


This transform can be done by using GatewayScript. Because the input document is XML, XSL is a
better choice.

__ 15. In SoapUI, close 05 – SQL Injection and open 01 – Initial Request.

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

__ 16. Click the green Submit arrow to POST the message to BookingServiceProxy, then inspect
the response. Notice that the book:ConfirmationCode tag was replaced with a
book:ConfirmationText tag, and that its contents are no longer base64 encoded. Also, the
book:Expiry and book:CVV is removed and the book:Number is masked.

__ 17. When everything is working properly, you can save your configuration by clicking Save
changes in the message area at the top of the page.

End of exercise

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Exercise 3. Enhancing the BookingService gateway

Exercise review and wrap-up
In this exercise, you configured the BookingServiceProxy MPGW.
The BookingServiceProxy multi-protocol gateway is expanded to include more functions. First, a
Validate action is configured, then tested, to perform schema validation. Next, SOAP envelope
schema validation is configured and tested. Thirdly, the MPGW is configured for Content Based
Filtering. Then, the MPGW is configured for SQL injection threat protection. Finally, the
BookingServiceProxy is configured to transform the response message by using a custom XSL
style sheet and XPath.
The final result is an airline reservation that is booked by using the DataPower

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy


Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a

service policy
Estimated time

In this exercise, you add an On Error action and an error rule to a service policy, and create an error
policy at the service level.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Configure an error policy at the MPGW service level
• Configure a service policy with an On Error action
• Configure a service policy with an Error rule

Message processing within a service is expected to occasionally have errors. Policies can use On
Error actions and error rules to deal with errors that occur within rule processing. Also, one can
use an error policy at the MPGW service level to deal with errors that are not handled at the service
policy level. This exercise creates an error policy, and adds an error rule and an On Error action to
provide documentation on invalid messages that are sent to the MPGW.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy


To complete this exercise, you need:
• Access to the DataPower gateway
• Completion of the previous exercises (see the Preface section in the exercise instructions for
• SoapUI, to send requests to the DataPower gateway
• The BookingServiceBackend web service that runs on the DataPower gateway in the
FLYServices domain
• Access to the <lab_files> directory

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

Exercise instructions

• Before starting this lab, complete the steps in Exercise 1: First exposure to the DataPower
development environment.
• This exercise also depends on the previous completion of Exercise 3: Enhancing the
BookingService gateway.
• Remember to use the domain and port address that you were assigned in the exercise setup.
Do not use the default domain.
• The references in the exercise instructions refer to the following values:
▪ <lab_files>: Location of the student lab files. Default location is: /usr/labfiles/dp/
▪ <image_ip>: IP address of the student image (use /sbin/ifconfig from a terminal
window to obtain value).
▪ <dp_internal_ip>: IP address of the DataPower gateway development and administrative
functions that are used by internal resources such as developers.
▪ <dp_public_ip>: IP address of the public services on the gateway that is used by customer
and clients.
▪ <dp_WebGUI_port>: Port of the WebGUI. The default port is 9090.
▪ <nn>: Assigned student number. If no instructor is present, use “01”.
▪ <studentnn>: Assigned user name and user account. If no instructor is present, use
▪ <studentnn_password>: Account password. In most cases, the initial value is the same as
the user name. You are prompted to create a password on first use. Write it down.
▪ <studentnn_domain>: Application domain that the user account is assigned to. If no
instructor is present, use “student01_domain”.
▪ <FLY_booking_port>: Port number that the back-end BookingServices web services listen
on. The default port is 9080.
▪ <mpgw_booking_port>: 12nn1, where “nn” is the two-digit student number. This number is
the listener port for the MPGW that proxies the BookingService web service.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

4.1. Initialize the lab environment
Some setup activities are required to properly configure the lab environment and determine IP
addresses and ports.
__ 1. If you have not yet performed the setup activities, you must go to Appendix B: Lab
environment setup. Complete those activities before proceeding.
These activities need to be performed only once for the course.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

4.2. Add error processing
For this part, you add default error processing to the multi-protocol gateway by creating an error
policy. The error policy takes control when an error occurs that conforms to the error match
condition you create. Error policy is where the default error processing is configured, allowing more
granular error processing to occur at the error rule and On Error action levels.
Next, you add error handling to an existing document processing policy. This error rule takes
control when your validation or transformation rule has an error. The error rule contains a
Transform action that produces an HTML document that indicates the error.
Finally, you add an On Error action to the existing request rule. On Error actions specify the
processing rule that is called during any errors in subsequent actions. The request rule to specify
different error handling, processing rules at different steps within the request rule, is allowed. This
action also applies to response rules.
This exercise is divided into the following sections:
• Section 1, "Add an Error Policy"
• Section 2, "Test the default error policy"
• Section 3, "Create the error rule and add it to the service policy"
• Section 4, "Test the error rule"
• Section 5, "Add an On Error action to the policy"
• Section 6, "Test the On Error action"
• Section 7, "Add another Error rule and On Error action"
• Section 8, "Send a message to test the new error-handling"

Section 1: Add an Error Policy

__ 1. Log in to your domain in the WebGUI.
__ 2. Switch to the Blueprint Console.
__ 3. Open your multi-protocol gateway BookingServiceProxy for editing.
__ 4. On the Configure Multi-Protocol Gateway page, click the Advanced tab.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

__ 5. Scroll down, and add an Error Policy by clicking new (+).

__ 6. Name the new error policy: BookingServiceProxy_ErrorPolicy

__ 7. Click Add to create a Policy Map.
__ 8. For the Matching Rule, click new (+) to create a matching rule.
__ 9. Notice that an object tree appears on the left. Because the error policy object references the
matching rule object, the tree is presented to show you where in the containment you are.

__ 10. In the Main area of the Matching Rule configuration page, enter a name of:
__ 11. In the Rules section, click Add to add a rule.
__ 12. In the Edit Rules window, select a matching type of Error Code, and enter an error code of
0x0* (zeros). This value matches all generic error codes.


In firmware V7.5.0.0, the values field remains labeled as “URL match” instead of “Error code”. This
label mismatch does not cause a problem.

__ 13. Click Apply to save the new matching rule.

__ 14. In the Policy Maps area, click new (+) to create an Error Action.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

EXempty __ 15. In the Main area of the page, enter a name of: ErrorPolicyAction
__ 16. Select a Mode of Static (Local).
__ 17. In the local page location section, click Upload > Browse, and go to the file:
__ 18. Click Open and Upload to retrieve the html file. Because a static mode was
selected, the identified file is a static HTML file that is returned to the client.

__ 19. Click Apply to exit the error policy window.

__ 20. The error policy page closes.
__ 21. Click Apply again to save the Error Policy in the multi-protocol gateway.

Section 2: Test the default error policy

__ 1. If SoapUI is not already open, open SoapUI by clicking the icon that is on the

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

__ 2. In the project tree, expand the BookingService project until 01 – Initial Request is visible.

__ 3. Double-click 01 – Initial Request to open the request window.

__ 4. In the URL address field, verify that it still contains
__ 5. Click the green Submit arrow to POST the request to BookingServiceProxy.
__ 6. Because no errors exist in the message that is submitted to DataPower, you see the
expected <book:BookingResponse> XML tree in the response tab.

__ 7. Close the 01 – Initial Request window.

__ 8. Double-click 08 – Request Error to open the request window.
__ 9. The URL address field should be:
__ 10. Look at the new input message on the request tab. Notice the incorrect element
<book:PaymentCardDetailsBad>. This element fails the schema validation.
__ 11. Click the green Submit arrow to send the error request.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

__ 12. The request error sends up a SOAP message with an invalid element
<PaymentCardDetailsBad> so an error is detected and the default_error.html is
returned. The HTML is in the response tab.

In later sections, you see how you can retrieve transaction-specific information in a style
sheet and present it to a client.


Notice the value of the second header (<h2>) which states the “Default error processing has
occurred”. The HTML that was in the error policy for the MPGW generated this text. This distinction
in error processing is important. As you configure error rules and an On Error action, you use style
sheets to report the error message. Because the Error Policy is the default error processing, use of
the On Error action and error rule override the Error Policy. Therefore, you can confirm other error
processing that takes precedence by a different error message.

Section 3: Create the error rule and add it to the service policy
__ 1. Examine the custom-error.xsl file that is used to transform error messages.
__ a. In the Ubuntu File Browser, go to: <lab_files>/errors. The File Browser icon is in the
launcher on the left side of the desktop.
__ b. Right-click and open the custom-error.xsl style sheet in an editor to view it. This file
is used to return a custom error message. It returns an HTML response that includes a
traceable transaction number, error code, error subcode, and the error message for
correlation during problem discovery.


Note the following style sheet code:

Transaction ID:
<xsl:value-of select="dp:variable('var://service/transaction-id')" />

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

This code uses the DataPower extension function dp:variable to retrieve the service variable
var://service/transaction-id, and append it to the HTML text Transaction ID:
You find similar code for other service variables.

__ c. Close the editor and the File Browser.

__ 2. Edit the BookingServiceProxy service to add the error rule to the service policy.
__ a. Edit the BookingServicePolicy multi-protocol gateway policy by clicking the pencil (edit)
icon. The current configuration of the policy is displayed.
__ b. Click New Rule to create a rule.
__ c. Enter BookingServicePolicy_ErrorRule in the Rule Name field. Usually, you use the
default rule name, but in this case, you want a specific name.
__ d. From the Rule Direction list, select Error.
__ e. Double-click the Match icon.
__ f. In the “Configure a Match action” window, select the Matching Rule that you created in
an earlier step: GenericErrorcode
__ g. Click Done.
__ h. In the policy editor, drag the Transform icon onto the rule configuration path after the
matching rule.
This action is used to transform the error message that the DataPower device generates
into an HTML file that includes some of the service variable values.
__ i. Double-click the Transform action.
__ j. Select Transform with XSLT style sheet.
__ k. Click Upload > Browse, and go to the file: <lab_files>/errors/custom-error.xsl
__ l. Click Open > Upload > Continue, and then click Done.
__ m. In the policy editor, click Apply Policy. You now have three rules that are listed in the
Configured Rules section at the bottom of the window.

__ n. Click Close Window.

__ o. Click Apply to save the changes to the multi-protocol gateway.

Section 4: Test the error rule

__ 1. In the SoapUI project tree, expand the BookingServices project until 01 – Initial Request is

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

__ 2. Double-click 01 – Initial Request to open the request window.
__ 3. Verify that the URL address field is:
__ 4. Click the green Submit arrow to POST the request to BookingServiceProxy.
__ 5. The response should be a <book:BookingResponse> normal response.
__ 6. You now examine a new transaction by using the DataPower probe. Start the multi-step
probe for BookingServiceProxy.
__ a. Click Actions > Show Probe at the top of the Multi-Protocol Gateway configuration

__ b. Click Enable Probe at the top of the transaction list page. Then, click Close in the
Action Completed Successfully window.

__ 7. In SoapUI, double-click 08 – Request Error to open the request window.

__ 8. If any response tab contents are visible, clear them.
__ 9. Verify that the URL address field is:
__ 10. Click the green Submit arrow.
__ 11. You receive an HTML result that contains the service variables that are generated from
custom-error.xsl. The error message text in the response is the error message that is
generated internally. The error message specifies the reason for the failure, a faulty
Notice how this error message is different than the error message you received before. The
difference is because the new Error Rule taking precedence over the default Error Policy.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

This result also shows the dynamic retrieval of transaction-specific values such as
transaction ID.

__ 12. Now you examine this transaction in the probe. In the probe’s Transaction List window, click
Your transaction has a plus sign (+) in front of the magnifying glass icon.
__ 13. Expand the entry.


The red color of the Request message processing identifies an error in the request rule. When the
processing rule experienced an error, control was passed to the error rule,
BookingServiceProxy_ErrorRule. The error rule that is processed successfully is represented in
the black color text.

__ 14. Click the magnifying glass for the request.

__ 15. In the probe transaction window, the INPUT context is listed in the bottom half. Notice the
<book:PaymentCardsDetailsBad> element, which is not part of the schema.
__ 16. At the top of the window, the selected request rule is shown.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

__ 17. You can see the Validate action, but what happened to the rest of the actions in the rule?
First, notice that the focus of this window is right after the Match action is processed, and
just before the first processing action, Validate, is about to be executed. You can tell that this
condition is the case because of the square brackets around the magnifying glass on the left
(execution goes left to right, similar to the policy editor).
__ 18. Now click the magnifying glass after the Validate is processed.

__ 19. The probe indicates that the Validate faction failed, and displays the error message. Since
the request rule terminated processing, the other actions do not display because they never


The probe shows only what happened, not what can possibly occur.

__ 20. Close the request rule transaction window.

__ 21. In the transaction list window, click the magnifying glass for the error.
__ 22. Recall that the error rule has a Transform action only. The initial focus is just before the
Transform action is processed. Notice that the INPUT context is the original message with
the invalid element.
__ 23. Click the Transform action icon. The details of the action are listed.

__ 24. Notice that the Transform action refers to the error style sheet:
__ 25. Now click the magnifying glass after the Transform action.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

__ 26. The content area shows the OUTPUT context. It contains the message that is returned to
the client, which is the HTML produced by the style sheet. Notice that the response contains
the transaction ID and other specific information. The style sheet retrieved this information
when it executed.
__ 27. Make a note of the transaction ID in the HTML.
__ 28. Click the Service Variables tab.
__ 29. This tab is a list of some of the DataPower variables that relate to this execution. Scroll
down towards the bottom to find your transaction ID. You see the variable that contains it,
“var://service/transaction-id”. That name is the same variable that was used in
custom-error.xsl to retrieve the ID. Using the probe, you can examine many of the
DataPower variables without having to write style sheets to expose them.


Another variable might have the same number as your transaction ID. That variable is for the global
transaction ID, which helps with debugging chained services. Because this execution is the first,
and only, service in this execution, the transaction ID and global transaction ID are the same value.

__ 30. Close the transaction window.

__ 31. In the transaction list window, click View Log.
__ 32. A log window opens. You can search on the transaction ID that you recorded to see the log
__ 33. Close the log window.
__ 34. Keep the transaction list window open.

Section 5: Add an On Error action to the policy

In this section, you add an On Error action to the request rule. This action sets the error handling
for any subsequent actions in the rule.
This particular On Error action specifies the already-existing error rule as the error handler. You
see some differences in the error message that is generated and the probe details.
__ 1. Go back to the BookingServiceProxy policy editor.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

__ 2. Be sure that the request rule is displayed on the rule configuration path. If not, select the
request rule in the Configured Rules section.

__ 3. Drag the Advanced icon to the configuration path before the Validate action.

__ 4. Double-click the Advanced icon to open the Configure Action page.

__ 5. Scroll down to select On Error, and click Next.


In firmware V7.5.0.0, you might not be able to scroll the list of advanced actions by using the scroll
bar. If so, then click in the list and use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the list.

__ 6. Set the Error Mode to Cancel because you want the rule to terminate after the error
__ 7. For the Processing Rule, use the list to select BookingServicePolicy_ErrorRule.
__ 8. Leave the Error Input field empty. The default behavior is to have the failed action context
become the input context for the Processing Rule.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

__ 9. Leave the Error output field empty. The Transform action in the error rule sets the OUPUT

__ 10. Click Done.

__ 11. Click Apply Policy, and then Close Window on the policy editor.
__ 12. Click Apply on the Multi-Protocol Gateway configuration page.

Section 6: Test the On Error action

__ 1. In SoapUI, verify that the 08 – Request Error request window is still open. Clear the
Response tab so that you can see the new response.
__ 2. Click the green Submit arrow and submit the error request.
__ 3. You receive an HTML result that contains the service variables that are generated from
custom-error.xsl, as before.
__ 4. From the Multi-step Probe Transaction list, select Refresh.


Depending on conditions, saving a service might disable the probe. If that happens, click Enable
Probe and run the test again.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

__ 5. Expand your transaction as before. You see request and call probe entries.

__ 6. Click the magnifying glass for the request. The transaction ends at the validation as before,
but in reality the On Error action takes control, and calls the error rule.
__ 7. On the Transaction List window, notice that the probe entry is of type call. Click the
magnifying glass for the call. This probe is for running the error rule.
The Transform action is still using custom-error.xsl.
The output context displays the HTML you received on the SoapUI response tab, which
contains the error message for the validation error.


When an error occurred on the BookingServiceRequest rule, the processing implemented the
configuration of the On Error action. Notice that the processing type of call is shown on the
multi-step probe for the processing action. Before, when using the Error Rule, the processing type
of error was used.

__ 8. Close the Probe Details window.

__ 9. From the Multi-step Probe Transaction list, select Disable Probe to stop the probe
recording for this service.


You can open the system log and see the On Error action and error rule processing. You should
• Both an information and debug level message that details the setting of the On Error action
• The Validate action execution, and its failure
• The BookingServicePolicy_ErrorRule executing

Section 7: Add another Error rule and On Error action

__ 1. Open the policy editor again, and click New Rule.
__ 2. Name the new error rule: BookingServicePolicy_filter_ErrorRule

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

__ 3. Create it the same way as the previous error rule, but in the Transform action, upload
filter-custom-error.xsl instead. For more information, see the previous section Create
the error rule and add it to the service policy.
__ 4. Click Apply Policy to commit the new error rule.

__ 5. Select the request rule with the Filter actions (probably named
BookingServicePolicy_rule_0) to move it to the rule configuration path.
__ 6. Using the Advanced icon, add an On Error action just before the first Filter action.
__ 7. On the Configure On Error Action page, set the Error Mode to Cancel and leave the Error
Input and Error output fields at (none). For the Processing Rule, select the newly created

__ 8. Click Done.
__ 9. Confirm that the rule looks like the image:

__ 10. Click Apply Policy and close the policy editor.

__ 11. Click Apply to save the MPGW.

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

Section 8: Send a message to test the new error-handling
__ 1. For this test, you send a message that has a valid schema, but has an element with SQL
injection. Double-click 05 - SQL Injection to open the request window.
__ 2. Verify that it still has the correct endpoint URL:
__ 3. Click the green Submit arrow to send the error request.
__ 4. On the response tab, notice that the HTML contains the text “Illegal operation attempted”
and “This error will be reported to Application Security”. You must scroll to the right in the tab
to see the “illegal operation” text. This response is different from the response for an invalid


The second On Error action overrides the previous one. Therefore, this new On Error action
directed the failing message to the second error rule, which produced a different error message for
the client.

__ 5. Click Save changes in the message area to commit the MPGW to the domain
__ 6. Close any SoapUI request windows.

End of exercise

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Exercise 4. Adding error handling to a service policy

Exercise review and wrap-up
In this exercise, you examined the two ways to manage errors that occur while a policy is running:
error rules, and On Error actions.
You also saw the effect of adding the On Error action to call a different error rule within the same
request rule.
Because this service is an MPGW, you also created an error policy at the service level.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL


Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic

objects and configuring SSL
Estimated time

This exercise shows you how to create cryptographic objects in DataPower, and how to use them to
configure SSL connections. You create the cryptographic objects that you need to support an SSL
connection: crypto key, crypto certificate, crypto identification credentials, and crypto validation
credentials. These objects are used as part of an SSL client profile, SSL server profile, or SNI SSL
server profile that defines one end of an SSL connection. You create and modify multi-protocol
gateways (MPGWs) to use an SSL connection between them.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Generate crypto keys by using the DataPower cryptographic tools
• Create a crypto identification credential by using a crypto key object and a crypto certificate
• Validate certificates by using a validation credential object
• Create an SSL client profile that initiates an SSL connection request from a DataPower service
• Create an SSL server profile that accepts an SSL connection request from a client
• Create an SNI SSL server profile that accepts an SSL connection request with an SNI
extension from a client

The end goal of this exercise is to provide an SSL connection between the existing
BookingServiceProxy MPGW and a new BookingServiceSSLProxy MPGW.
To define the SSL endpoints in DataPower, several objects need to be configured. In the first half of
the exercise, you create the crypto objects that you need for the SSL connection:
• Generate the asymmetric keys and certificates, and create the related crypto objects
• Create identification credential objects and validation credential objects
• Create the SSL profiles that specify the characteristics of the SSL endpoints
In the second half of the exercise, you modify the BookingServiceProxy MPGW to support an
HTTPS front end, which acts as an SSL server. You test that HTTPS handler by sending an HTTPS

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

request from cURL (Step 1 in the figure). Next, you create a BookingServiceSSLProxy, which acts
as an SSL client when calling the HTTPS front side handler of the BookingServiceProxy MPGW.
You send an HTTP request from SoapUI to the BookingServiceSSLProxy to test the SSL
connection (See Step 2).
You do the following activities:
• Create an HTTPS front side handler, with an associated SSL SNI Server Profile, for the
BookingServiceProxy MPGW
• Verify the correct behavior of this HTTPS handler
• Create a BookingServiceSSLProxy MPGW that calls the BookingServiceProxy over SSL
• Test the SSL connection by using SoapUI

To complete this exercise, you need:
• Access to the DataPower gateway
• Completion of the previous exercises (see the Preface section in the exercise instructions for
• cURL to send SSL SNI requests to the DataPower gateway
• SoapUI, to send requests to the DataPower gateway

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

• The BookingServiceBackend web service that runs on the DataPower gateway in the
FLYServices domain
• Access to the <lab_files> directory

Exercise instructions

• This exercise depends on the previous completion of Exercise 3: Enhancing the
BookingService gateway for the MPGWs used in this exercise.
• Remember to use the domain and port address that you were assigned in the exercise setup.
Do not use the default domain.
• The references in exercise instructions refer to the following values:
▪ <lab_files>: Location of the student lab files. Default location is: /usr/labfiles/dp/
▪ <image_ip>: IP address of the student image (use /sbin/ifconfig from a terminal
window to obtain value).
▪ <dp_internal_ip>: IP address of the DataPower gateway development and administrative
functions that are used by internal resources such as developers.
▪ <dp_public_ip>: IP address of the public services on the gateway that is used by customer
and clients.
▪ <dp_WebGUI_port>: Port of the WebGUI. The default port is 9090.
▪ <nn>: Assigned student number. If no instructor is present, use “01”.
▪ <studentnn>: Assigned user name and user account. If no instructor is present, use
▪ <studentnn_password>: Account password. In most cases, the initial value is the same as
the user name. You are prompted to create a password on first use. Write it down.
▪ <studentnn_domain>: Application domain that the user account is assigned to. If no
instructor is present, use “student01_domain”.
▪ <FLY_booking_port>: Port number that the back-end BookingServices web services listen
on. The default port is 9080.
▪ <mpgw_booking_port>: 12nn1, where “nn” is the two-digit student number. This number is
the listener port for the MPGW that proxies the BookingService web service.
▪ <mpgw_booking_ssl_port>: 12nn2, where “nn” is the two-digit student number. This port
number is the listener port for the BookingServiceProxy web services over HTTPS.
▪ <mpgw_booking_client>: 12nn3, where “nn” is the two-digit student number. This port
number is the listener port for the BookingServiceSSLProxy services over HTTP.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

5.1. Initialize the lab environment
Some setup activities are required to properly configure the lab environment and determine IP
addresses and ports.
__ 1. If you have not yet performed the setup activities, you must go to Appendix B: Lab
environment setup. Complete those activities before proceeding.
These activities need to be performed only once for the course.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

5.2. Generate a certificate-key pair on the
DataPower gateway
In this section, you create a certificate-key pair on the DataPower gateway. The certificate-key pair
can be used during SSL connections. Although the message data exchange is encrypted with a
symmetric key, the initial SSL handshake protocol uses the asymmetric certificate-key pair. As an
SSL server, the generated certificate that contains your public key is presented to any SSL clients.
An SSL client uses the certificate to encrypt the SSL handshake protocol messages, which only
your private key can decrypt.
__ 1. Use a web browser to log on to the DataPower WebGUI:
__ 2. Switch to your own student domain.
__ 3. Switch to the Blueprint Console.
__ 4. Generate a certificate-key pair on the DataPower gateway.
__ a. From the Open menu, start typing crypto in the search field. Select Crypto Tools from
the list. (Another approach is to click Administration > Miscellaneous > Crypto tools.)
__ b. The Generate Key tab uses the information that is entered on this page to generate a
certificate-key pair. The fields from Country Name down to Common Name are part of
the distinguished name. Enter the following information for the distinguished name:
- Country Name (C): US
- State or Province (ST): CA
- Locality (L): Los Angeles
- Organization (O): IBM
- Organizational Unit (OU): Software Group
- Common Name (CN): StudentClient

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ c. The remaining fields are for certificate-key pair information. Enter the following
information and leave the remaining fields at their default values:
- Export Private Key: on
- Object Name: StudentClientKeyObj


If you do not select on for export private key or export self-signed certificate, then you cannot
download the keys. They are placed in the cert:/// directory, which does not allow downloading
of the key-related files.

__ d. Click Generate Key.

__ e. Click Confirm to proceed with generating the private key and self-signed certificate. A
pop-up window indicated a successful completion.


This action generates a private key and self-signed certificate and places them in the DataPower
gateway temporary:/// directory. Two objects, each with the name StudentClientKeyObj, are
created for both the private key and self-signed certificate.
In addition to generating the private key and self-signed certificate, a certificate signing request
(CSR) is also generated. A CSR is a request message sent to a certificate authority (CA) to create
a digital certificate. A CSR consists of identifying information (common name, for example) and
your public key. The request is signed with your private key, but the actual private key is not
included in the request. The CA issues a signed digital certificate that replaces your self-signed

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ 5. Generate a certificate-key pair for use by an SSL server.
__ a. Change the following values in the Crypto Tools form. All other entries remain the same.
- Common Name: ServerA
- Object Name: ServerAKeyObj

__ b. Click Generate Key.

__ c. Click Confirm to proceed with generating the private key and self-signed certificate.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ 6. Generate a certificate-key pair for use by an SSL SNI server.
__ a. Change the following values in the Crypto Tools form. All other entries remain the same.
- Common Name: ServerB
- Object Name: ServerBKeyObj

__ b. Click Generate Key.

__ c. Click Confirm to proceed with generating the private key and self-signed certificate.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ 7. Generate a certificate-key pair for use by an SSL server.
__ a. Change the following values in the Crypto Tools form. All other entries remain the same.
- Common Name: ServerC
- Object Name: ServerCKeyObj

__ b. Click Generate Key.

__ c. Click Confirm to proceed with generating the private key and self-signed certificate.

1+1 2 Example

In a typical production environment, The ServerA certificate can represent the website of Company
A. Similarly, the ServerB certificate can represent the website of Company B, and the ServerC
certificate can represent the website of Company C.
The clients that access those sites with HTTPS expect the appropriate certificate to be returned
during the SSL handshake.

__ 8. Verify the generation of the private key and certificate objects you created.
__ a. From the Open menu, type key in the search field. Select Crypto Key from the list.
(Another approach is to click Objects > Crypto Configuration > Crypto Key.)

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ b. Verify that you see the four objects referencing the generated private key files.

__ c. Now type cert in the search field. Select Crypto Certificate from the list. (Another
approach is to click Objects > Crypto Configuration > Crypto Certificate.)
__ d. Verify that you see the objects that reference the generated self-signed certificate files.


The objects that DataPower generates with the same name are separate objects. They point to
different files in the cert: directory. You can edit the key or certificate to see the specific file name.

__ 9. View the private keys and self-signed certificates that were exported to the temporary
__ a. From the Open menu, click Files.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ b. Expand the temporary: directory. You see the exported private keys, the self-signed
certificates, and the CSR files: 
For example, the ServerAKeyObj-privkey.pem is the private key file. The
ServerAKeyObj-sscert.pem is the self-signed certificate file. The ServerAKeyObj.csr
is the certificate signing request.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

5.3. Create cryptographic objects
__ 1. Create the client identification credential object.


An identification credential object defines the relationship between the private key and its
associated certificate, and is used to reference a certificate-key pair during an SSL connection. You
create an identification credential that references the certificate-key objects that were created in the
previous steps. The identification credential object is used to identify yourself during an SSL
connection, and to participate in the SSL handshake.

__ a. From the Open menu, type cred in the search field.

__ b. Click the Crypto Identification Credentials link.
__ c. On the Configure Crypto Identification Credentials list page, click New.
__ d. On the next page, enter the following information:
- Name: StudentClientIdCred
- Crypto Key: StudentClientKeyObj
- Certificate: StudentClientKeyObj

__ e. Click Apply.
This action creates an identification credential object. If a third-party CA signed the
certificate, you can specify CA certificates in the Intermediate CA Certificate field.
2. Create the Server A identification credential object.
__ a. On the Crypto Identification Credentials list page, click New.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ b. On the next page, enter the following information:
- Name: ServerAIdCred
- Crypto Key: ServerAKeyObj
- Certificate: ServerAKeyObj
__ c. Click Apply.
This action creates an identification credential object. As before, if a third-party CA
signed the certificate, you can specify CA certificates in the Intermediate CA
Certificate field.
3. Create the Server B identification credential object.
__ a. On the Crypto Identification Credentials list page, click New.
__ b. On the next page, enter the following information:
- Name: ServerBIdCred
- Crypto Key: ServerBKeyObj
- Certificate: ServerBKeyObj
__ c. Click Apply.
4. Create the Server C identification credential object.
__ a. On the Configure Crypto Identification Credentials list page, click New.
__ b. On the next page, enter the following information:
- Name: ServerCIdCred
- Crypto Key: ServerCKeyObj
- Certificate: ServerCKeyObj
__ c. Click Apply.
5. The Crypto Identification Credentials list page should show the four credentials:

6. Create a Validation Credential object to verify the servers

__ a. From the Open menu, type valida in the search field. Select Crypto Validation
Credentials from the list.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL



A validation credential object is used to validate the authenticity of certificates and digital
signatures that are presented to an SSL endpoint.

__ b. On the Crypto Validation Credentials list page, click New.

__ c. Enter the following information:
- Name: ServersValCred
- Certificates: ServerAKeyObj (select it from the list)
__ d. Click Add to add the ServerAKeyObj certificate.

__ e. Use the Add button to add ServerBKeyObj and ServerCKeyObj to the list of certificates.
The list then contains the three server certificates.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ f. Leave the remaining fields at their default values. Click Apply to save the Crypto
Validation credential. This validation credential validates any of the three server
certificates, if one is presented.

1+1 2 Example

If the client uses this validation credential, it accepts the certificates for Server A (Company A),
Server B (Company B), and Server C (Company C).

7. Create a Validation Credential object to verify the client.

__ a. On the Configure Crypto Validation Credentials list page, click New.
__ b. Enter the following information:
- Name: ClientValCred
- Certificates: StudentClientKeyObj (Use Add to select it from the list)
__ c. Leave the remaining fields at their default values. Click Apply to save the Crypto
Validation credential.
8. Click Save changes in the banner.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

5.4. Create SSL/TLS objects
Now that you created the necessary cryptographic objects to support SSL/TLS connections, you
create the SSL/TLS objects that services, such as a multi-protocol gateway, can use.
1. Create an SSL Server profile for ServerA.
__ a. From the Open menu, type ssl in the search field. Select SSL Server Profile from the
__ b. On the SSL Server Profile list page, click New.
__ c. Enter ServerA in the Name field.
__ d. Leave the Protocols at the default settings of enabled TLS V1.0, TLS V1.1, and TLS
__ e. Leave the Ciphers list at its default.
__ f. Select ServerAIdCred from the Identification credentials list.
__ g. Click Apply.

1+1 2 Example

In the example of a typical production environment, the ServerA SSL server profile represents the
website for Company A. Its identification credential refers to the ServerA certificate that is sent on
an SSL handshake.

2. Create an SSL Server profile for ServerB.

__ a. On the SSL Server Profile list page, click New.
__ b. Enter ServerB in the Name field.
__ c. Clear the Enable TLS version 1.0 check box under Protocols.
__ d. Leave the Ciphers list at its default.
__ e. Select ServerBIdCred from the Identification credentials list.
__ f. Click Apply.
3. Create an SSL Server profile for ServerC.
__ a. On the Configure SSL Server Profile list page, click New.
__ b. Enter ServerC in the Name field.
__ c. Clear the Enable TLS version 1.0 check box under Protocols.
__ d. Clear the Enable TLS version 1.1 check box under Protocols.
__ e. Leave the Ciphers list at its default.
__ f. Select ServerCIdCred from the Identification credentials list.
__ g. Set Request client authentication to enabled. The page repaints.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ h. Leave Require client authentication and Validate client certificate set to enabled.
__ i. Set Send client authentication CA list to disabled.
__ j. Select ClientValCred from the Validation credentials list.
__ k. Click Apply.


ServerA supports TLS V1.0, V1.1, and V1.2, and does not request client authentication.
ServerB supports TLS V1.1 and V1.2, and does not request client authentication.
ServerC supports TLS V1.2 only, and requires client authentication.

4. Click Save changes in the banner.

5. Create an SSL Host Name Mapping object.
__ a. From the Open menu, type ssl in the search field. Select SSL Host Name Mapping
from the list.
__ b. On the SSL Host Name Mapping list page, click New.
__ c. Enter AllServersMap in the Name field.
__ d. Under Host Name to SSL Server Profile Mapping, click Add.
__ e. Enter *serverA in the Host name matching expression field.
__ f. Select ServerA from the SSL Server Profile list.

__ g. Click Add to create another map.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ h. Use the following values for the new map:
- Host name matching expression: *serverB
- SSL Server Profile: ServerB
__ i. Click Add to create another map.
__ j. Use the following values for this new map:
- Host name matching expression: *serverC
- SSL Server Profile: ServerC
__ k. Click Add to create another map. This map captures all SNI server names that don’t
match any of the other three.
__ l. Use the following values:
- Host name matching expression: *
- SSL Server Profile: ServerC

__ m. Click Apply to complete configuration of the SSL Host Name Mapping object.
6. Click Save changes in the banner.
7. Create an SSL SNI Server Profile.
__ a. From the Open menu, start typing sni in the search field. Select SSL SNI Server
Profile from the list.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ b. On the SSL SNI Server Profile list page, click New.
__ c. Enter AllServersProfile in the Name field.
__ d. Select AllServersMap from the Host name to profile mapping list.

__ e. Click Apply.
__ f. Click Save changes in the banner.
__ 8. Create an SSL Client profile.
__ a. From the Open menu, start typing ssl in the search field. Select SSL Client Profile
from the list.
__ b. On the SSL Client Profile list page, click New.
__ c. Enter StudentClientProfile in the Name field.

__ d. Select Yes from the Use custom SNI Hostname list.

__ e. Enter serverB in the Custom SNI hostname field.
__ f. Select StudentClientIdCred from the Identification credentials list.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ g. Select ServersValCred from the Validation credentials list.

__ h. Click Apply.
__ i. Save the configuration.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

5.5. Verify web service behavior
Before configuring the SSL support, verify that the web service is operating correctly. Also, attempt
to use HTTPS to access the same web service.
__ 1. If required, open the SoapUI tool by clicking the SoapUI icon on the desktop.
__ 2. In the project tree, expand the BookingService project until 01 – Initial Request is visible.
__ 3. Double-click 01 – Initial Request to open the request window.
__ 4. In the URL address field, verify that it still contains:
__ 5. Click the green Submit arrow to POST the request to BookingServiceProxy.
__ 6. You should see the <book:BookingResponse> on the response tab.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

5.6. Add an HTTPS handler to the
BookingServiceProxy service
In this section, you add an HTTPS handler to the BookingServiceProxy service so that it can handle
HTTPS requests. Because the BookingServiceProxy still has the HTTP handler, it can still receive
HTTP requests. Because the clients are initiating the SSL request, the BookingServiceProxy
service is configured as the SSL server.
__ 1. Open the BookingServiceProxy multi-protocol gateway configuration page.
__ 2. In the Front Side Protocol section of the page, create a handler that uses HTTPS.
__ a. Under Front Side Protocol, click the new icon. A list of Handler types appears.
__ b. Select HTTPS Front Side Handler.

__ c. The handler configuration dialog box opens. Enter: HTTPS_12nn2

__ d. For the Local IP address, use <dp_public_ip>, or its alias.
__ e. Use the Port Number: <mpgw_booking_ssl_port>
__ f. Near the bottom of the page, select SNI Server Profile from the SSL server type list.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ g. Select AllServersProfile from the SSL SNI server profile list.

__ h. Click Apply.
__ 3. The new HTTPS handler now shows as one of the gateway front side handlers.

__ 4. Click Apply for the service.

__ 5. Save the configuration.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

5.7. Test the HTTPS handler
In this section, you use the command line tool cURL to send the same booking request as with
SoapUI, but you change the protocol to HTTPS, and change the port in the URL. You need to use
cURL because it offers greater flexibility for testing against SNI-compliant servers, and the installed
version of SoapUI does not send the SNI extension.
__ 1. Open a terminal window.
__ 2. Change to the Documents directory with the following command: cd Documents
__ 3. Copy the BookingRequest.xml file to your current directory. Execute the following
command (do not miss the ending period):
cp /usr/labfiles/dp/BookingService/BookingRequest.xml .
__ 4. Issue the ls command to verify the BookingRequest.xml file copied successfully.
__ 5. Issue the curl command to send the request to the HTTPS Front Side Handler of the
gateway. This command takes the following form. Note the double dash characters before
resolve and data-binary.
curl --resolve serverA:<mpgw_proxy_ssl_port>:<dp_public_ip> --data-binary
@BookingRequest.xml https://serverA:<mpgw_proxy_ssl_port>/BookingService
-k -v
For example:
curl --resolve serverA:12972: --data-binary
@BookingRequest.xml https://serverA:12972/BookingService -k -v


The “-k” parameter tells cURL that is does not have to validate the server certificate. The “-v”
parameter sets the response are “verbose”.
Notice that the URL uses the hostname of “serverA”. The “--resolve” tells cURL to create a dynamic
DNS cache, and resolve the hostname into an IP address.
Further down in the verbose response, you can see the “Host” HTTP request header that contains
the “serverA” hostname from the URL.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

Just before the HTTP request headers, you can see the server certificate that was presented to
cURL; it is from ServerA. The SSL server code in DataPower checks the Host HTTP request
parameter and attempts to resolve that hostname to the correct SSL server profile.

__ 6. Examine the response to verify that it is a booking request response.

__ 7. Run another request without using the SNI support of curl. These commands should all be
on one line.
curl --data-binary @BookingRequest.xml
https://<dp_external_ip>:<mpgw_proxy_ssl_port>/BookingService -k -v
For example:
curl --data-binary @BookingRequest.xml -k -v

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

The SSL server attempted to resolve the hostname of “” to an SSL server
profile, and could not resolve it.

__ 8. Return to the DataPower Blueprint Console and examine the configuration of the SSL SNI
__ a. From the Open menu, start typing sni in the search field. Select SSL SNI Server
Profile from the list.
__ b. On the SSL SNI Server Profile list page, click AllServersProfile.
__ c. On the AllServersProfile configuration page, click Actions > View Log.
__ d. Notice that the error indicates a problem with parsing the TLS extension from the client.

__ e. Close the log window.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ f. Set the Default server profile to ServerA.

__ g. Click Apply.
__ h. Save the configuration.
__ i. Reissue the curl command in the terminal window. It succeeds.

Although the SSL client did not send an SNI extension, the SNI SSL server profile now
has a default SSL server profile that it can use.
__ j. Close the terminal window.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

5.8. Configure an SSL Proxy Booking MPGW
In this section, you add another MPGW to your domain. This MPGW receives an HTTP request
from SoapUI, and acts as an SSL client to send the request on to the BookingService Proxy HTTPS
handler. This MPGW is added strictly to provide an opportunity to configure an SSL client in a
DataPower service; it acts as a simple proxy only.
__ 1. Click the Services icon on the Blueprint Console.
__ 2. Click New Service > Multi-Protocol Gateway.
__ 3. Enter BookingServiceSSLProxy as the Multi-Protocol Gateway name.
__ 4. Create a service policy.
__ a. Click the new icon to create a Multi-Protocol Gateway Policy.
__ b. In the policy editor, enter BookingSSLpolicy as the policy name and click Apply
__ c. Click New Rule.
__ d. Configure the Match action to use the MatchAnyURI matching rule.
__ e. Set the Rule Direction to Client to Server.
__ f. Click New Rule again.
__ g. Configure the Match action to use the MatchAnyURI matching rule.
__ h. Set the Rule Direction to Server to Client.
__ i. Click Apply Policy. The policy editor automatically adds a Results action to each rule.

__ j. Close the policy editor window.

__ 5. Create a front side handler for SoapUI to call.
__ a. Click the new icon to create a front side handler.
__ b. Select HTTP Front Side Handler.
__ c. Enter HTTP2_12nn3 as the front side handler name.
__ d. Enter dp_public_ip as the alias for the Local IP address.
__ e. Enter a port number of <mpgw_booking_client>.
__ f. Click Apply to save the front side handler configuration.
__ 6. Enter the Default Backend URI as

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ 7. Now that the backend is using SSL, you need to configure the SSL Client Profile.
__ a. Select Client Profile from the SSL client type list.

__ b. Select the StudentClientProfile from the SSL client profile list.

__ 8. Scroll down the MPGW and set Propagate URI to off.

__ 9. Click Apply.
__ 10. Save the configuration.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

5.9. Test the SSL connection between the
BookingServiceSSLProxy and the
In this section, you test the SSL connection between the two MPGWs by invoking the
BookingServiceSSLProxy over an HTTP connection. The BookingServiceSSLProxy connects to
the BookingServiceProxy over an SSL connection.
__ 1. If required, Open the SoapUI tool by clicking the SoapUI icon on the desktop.
__ 2. In SoapUI, open 09 – SSL Request.
__ 3. Ensure that the POST URL includes the ${mpgw_booking_client} in the URL. A
proper configuration appears as shown in the following figure:

__ 4. Click the green Submit arrow to POST the message to BookingServiceSSLProxy. The
request should return a successful booking reservation.


The SoapUI request sent an HTTP Post SOAP request to the HTTP front side handler of the
BookingServiceSSLProxy. The BookingServiceSSLProxy passed the request by using the SSL
Client configuration out of the back end, which called the HTTPS front side handler of the
BookingServiceProxy. The communication between the BookingServiceSSLProxy MPGW and the
BookingServiceProxy is SSL. The reply is returned to the originating client.

__ 5. You investigate the chained MPGWs further. Open each MPGW and enable the probes.
Click Flush to remove any previous entries.
__ 6. Use SoapUI to submit the request again.
__ 7. Open the probe for the first service, BookingServiceSSLProxy.
__ 8. Refresh the list.
__ 9. Expand the transaction entry, and select the magnifying glass for the request.
__ 10. Click the magnifying glass at the end of the request, following the Results action.
__ 11. Click the Service Variables tab.
__ 12. Scroll to the bottom until you find the variable var://service/transaction-id. The following
images show some sample entries.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ 13. Just a few entries further down, you see the entries for the incoming request
var://service/URL-in, and the outgoing request, var://service/URL-out. Notice that the
incoming request is over HTTP, and the outgoing request is over HTTPS.

__ 14. Scroll back up the list to find the variable var://service/global-transaction-id.

__ 15. Notice that the transaction-id and global-transaction-id have the same value. Because this
transaction is the originating transaction in a possible chain of services, the global
transaction ID is the originating transaction ID.
__ 16. Click the Headers tab.
__ 17. Notice the X-Global-Transaction-ID HTTP header, and that it has the same value as the
global transaction ID. DataPower added this header automatically. This behavior is how the
following services get the global transaction ID.
__ 18. Close this request entry.
__ 19. Switch to the probe for the BookingServiceProxy.
__ 20. Refresh the list.
__ 21. Expand the transaction.
__ 22. Click the request entry.
__ 23. Click the Headers tab.
__ 24. Notice the X-Global-Transaction-ID header, and that its value is the same as from the
previous probe.
__ 25. Click the Service Variables tab.
__ 26. Scroll down until you see the variable var://service/global-transaction-id. Notice that it
has the same value as the HTTP header, and the same value as the global transaction ID
specified in the previous transaction.

__ 27. Scroll towards the bottom until you see the variable var://service/transaction-id. Notice
that it has its own unique transaction ID.

The global transaction ID can be used to correlate different DataPower transactions that are
involved in the same client request.

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

__ 28. Scroll a bit further down to the URL-in and URL-out service variables. Notice that it is
HTTPS coming in, and HTTP going out.

__ 29. Disable the probes, close the probe transaction list windows, and close any log windows.
__ 30. If it is visible in the banner, click Save changes.


If you want to try mutual authentication, recall that the ServerC SSL server profile requires mutual
authentication. You can change the Custom SNI hostname in the StudentClientProfile SSL client
profile to serverC and send the SoapUI request again.
You can set the log filter to crypto, and the server and client authentication should be listed.

End of exercise

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Exercise 5. Creating cryptographic objects and configuring SSL

Exercise review and wrap-up
In this exercise, you generated key and certificate objects on the DataPower gateway. The key and
certificate objects are used to create an identification credential objects and validation credential
objects. These objects are referenced by the various SSL profile objects that are needed to create
an SSL connection.
You used these objects to configure both server-side and client-side SSL on two separate
multi-protocol gateways.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway


Exercise 6. Implementing a service level

monitor in a multi-protocol
Estimated time

In this exercise, you specify SLM criteria to a multi-protocol gateway. You then send a series of
requests, and observe the responses and log entries. To receive SLM-only log messages, you
create a custom log target.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Specify service level monitoring criteria for a multi-protocol gateway
• Inspect and edit an SLM policy object
• Create an SLM Resource Class object
• Create a custom log target for SLM events

In an earlier exercise, you created a BookingServiceProxy multi-protocol gateway. A test suite
is configured in SoapUI to send a BookingRequest SOAP message to the BookTravel
operation multiple times. In the first section, you run the script to see the non-monitored responses.
Because the SLM-related log messages might be difficult to find in the plethora of log messages,
you then create a custom log target that captures only the SLM-related log messages.
In another section, you create an SLM Resource Class object that identifies a specific resource
request. The MPGW service policy is edited to add an SLM action to the request rule. As part of
specifying the SLM action, you define an SLM Policy object. The SLM resource class is used in the
configuration of the SLM statement within the SLM policy. Again, you run the load test to observe
the SLM behavior. The SLM behavior is then changed from throttling to shaping. Another load test
is run to observe the new behavior.

To complete this exercise, you need:
• Access to the DataPower gateway

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

• Completion of the previous exercises (see the Preface section in the exercise instructions for
• SoapUI, to send requests to the DataPower gateway
• The BookingServiceBackend web service that runs on the DataPower gateway in the
FLYServices domain
• Access to the <lab_files> directory

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

Exercise instructions

• This exercise also depends on the previous completion of Exercise 4: Adding error handling to
a service policy.
• Remember to use the domain and port address that you were assigned in the exercise setup.
Do not use the default domain.
• The references in exercise instructions refer to the following values:
▪ <lab_files>: Location of the student lab files. Default location is: /usr/labfiles/dp/
▪ <image_ip>: IP address of the student image (use /sbin/ifconfig from a terminal
window to obtain value).
▪ <dp_internal_ip>: IP address of the DataPower gateway development and administrative
functions that are used by internal resources such as developers.
▪ <dp_public_ip>: IP address of the public services on the gateway that is used by customer
and clients.
▪ <dp_WebGUI_port>: Port of the WebGUI. The default port is 9090.
▪ <nn>: Assigned student number. If no instructor is present, use “01”.
▪ <studentnn>: Assigned user name and user account. If no instructor is present, use
▪ <studentnn_password>: Account password. In most cases, the initial value is the same as
the user name. You are prompted to create a password on first use. Write it down.
▪ <studentnn_domain>: Application domain that the user account is assigned to. If no
instructor is present, use “student01_domain”.
▪ <FLY_booking_port>: Port number that the back-end BookingServices web services listen
on. The default port is 9080.
▪ <wsp_proxy_port>: 12nn5, where “nn” is the two-digit student number. This port number is
the listener port for the BookingServiceWSProxy service.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

6.1. Initialize the lab environment
Some setup activities are required to properly configure the lab environment and determine IP
addresses and ports.
__ 1. If you have not yet performed the setup activities, you must go to Appendix B: Lab
environment setup. Complete those activities before proceeding.
These activities need to be performed only once for the course.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

6.2. Test the existing MPGW with SoapUI
Send a SOAP message to the BookingServiceProxy MPGW over HTTP.
__ 1. In SoapUI, expand the BookingServices project until BookTravel - 01 - Initial Request is
__ 2. Double-click BookTravel - 01 - Initial Request to open the request.
__ 3. Ensure that the endpoint URL appears as:
__ 4. Click the green Submit arrow to POST the message to BookingServiceProxy.
The response tab shows a valid booking response.
You confirmed that the SOAP message is working properly. You load test the system by using this
message in the following sections.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

6.3. Test the existing BookingServiceProxy by
using the load test
A SoapUI load test is provided to simulate numerous invocations of the BookTravel operation.
The test sends a <BookingRequest> message ten times.
In this section, you use the load test to invoke the web service without any SLM statements in
__ 1. Log in to your domain, and switch to the Blueprint Console.
__ 2. Use Administration > Debug > Troubleshooting to set the Log Level to debug. This level
gives you the most detailed log entries.
__ 3. Open BookingServiceProxy from the All Services page in the Blueprint Console.
__ 4. Edit the BookingServicePolicy service policy.
__ 5. Scroll down to the Configured Rules section. Verify that no SLM actions exist in any of the
request rules. You can hover the mouse over each action to get its specifics.

__ 6. Close the policy editor for now.

__ 7. Enable the Multi-Step Probe so you can easily review the messages sent to the web service
__ a. Click Actions > Show Probe link that is at the upper right of the MPGW configuration

__ b. Click Enable Probe.

__ c. Click Close to close the enable probe confirmation window.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

__ d. Leave the probe transaction list window for the BookingServiceProxy open. You
return here often for the remainder of the exercise.

__ 8. In SoapUI, expand the TestSuite folder until SLM LoadTest 10 is visible.

__ 9. Double-click SLM LoadTest 10 to open the load test window. The load test sends 10
requests to the BookingServiceProxy in 10 seconds.
__ 10. Review the details of the Load Test.
__ a. The Limit of 10 in seconds defines how long the load test runs. This test runs for 10
__ b. Threads is the number of concurrent users. Only one is required for this test.
__ c. Test delay is the delay in milliseconds between message transmissions. The value is
set to 1000, so the load test sends one message every second.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

__ d. The Test Step of 01 - Initial Request is the literal SOAP message that is getting
sent to the URL location that is defined in the step. This request is message that you
sent in the previous section:

__ 11. Click the green Submit arrow to begin the load test. The values in the columns in the load
test change as the messages are sent. The process runs for 10 seconds.
__ 12. Wait 10 seconds for the SLM Load Test to complete processing before moving onto the
next step.
__ 13. Return to the probe transaction list window for the BookingServiceProxy and click

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

The BookingServiceProxy successfully processed the 10 messages. The entries are
displayed in the probe window. When errors occur in the probe, the transactions are listed in
red. All black transactions indicate successful execution.
The IP address for your transactions can be different than the one displayed here.

__ 14. Click Flush to remove all the transactions that are listed in the multi-step probe.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

6.4. Create a log target for SLM log messages
When many requests are sent to the web service, SLM-related messages can be hard to find in the
system log. In this section, you create a log target that collects only SLM log messages.
__ 1. In the Blueprint Console, enter log in the Open menu search field.
__ 2. Select Log Target in the choices. The list of defined Log Targets is displayed. You should
see the default-log in the list.
__ 3. Click New.
__ 4. Set the following values on the Main twistie:
__ a. Name: SLMtarget
__ b. Target Type: File
__ c. Log Format: XML
__ d. Fixed Format, Feedback Detection, and Identical Event Detection: off

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

__ e. File Name: logtemp:///SLMtarget.log

__ 5. Expand the Event Subscriptions twistie and add an event:

__ a. Click Add under the Events Subscriptions list.
__ b. Specify the following values:
- Event Category: slm

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

- Minimum Event Priority: debug

__ c. Click Apply for the log target.

__ 6. Click Apply again.
__ 7. Observe the new transaction that the BookingServiceProxy processes.
__ a. In the Blueprint Console, click Status > View Logs > System Logs. The default system
log is displayed.
__ b. In SoapUI, click the green Submit arrow to send the message ten times again.
__ c. On the System Log page, click the “refresh log” icon - the circling arrows. The entries
__ d. For the Target field, change it from default-log to SLMtarget.


If a custom log target is defined with a Log Format of XML, the log is included in the Target list, and
can be viewed.

__ e. The SLMtarget log is still empty because no SLM criteria exists yet. Switch the log back
to default-log.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

6.5. Add SLM criteria to the MPGW
No SLM action currently exists in the service policy. If you want to manage the message traffic, you
must add an SLM action.
When travel booking requests exceed five requests per minute, you want to reject the new
The first step is to define the resource that you want to monitor: the requests to book travel. That
information is specified in the SLM Resource object. This object is used in the SLM action that is
added to the MPGW.
__ 1. Create an SLM Resource Class object to identify the target traffic.
__ a. In the Blueprint Console, enter SLM resource in the Open menu search field.
__ b. Select SLM Resource Class.
__ c. From the SLM Resource Class list, click New.
__ d. On the SLM Resource Class page, enter a name of BookingRequestResource.
__ e. Set the Resource Type as XPath Expression.
__ f. An XPath Filter field appears. It expects the XPath expression that identifies the
resource. You use the XPath Tool to create it. Click it.
__ g. You need a sample XML document that represents a typical request. Use the Upload
button to place <lab_files>/BookingService/BookingRequest.xml in the
local:/// directory.
__ h. Set NameSpace Handling to local.
__ i. In the lower part of the page, the sample file appears. Click in the
<book:BookingRequest> element.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

__ j. The derived XPath expression appears.

__ k. Click Done.
__ l. The XPath expression is placed in the XPath Filter field. Click Apply.
__ 2. Edit the BookingServicePolicy of the BookingServiceProxy to add an SLM action.
__ a. Use the Services icon to list the services.
__ b. Click BookingServiceProxy to open its configuration page.
__ c. Edit the BookingServicePolicy service policy.
__ d. In the policy editor, verify that the Client to Server rule is selected.
__ e. Drag the Advanced action to the rule and place it right after the Match action.
__ f. Scroll the list of available actions until you see the SLM action.
__ g. Select the SLM action and click Next.
__ h. A Configure SLM Action page is opens. Click the new (“+”) button for the SLM Policy.
__ i. An SLM Policy page opens. Give it a name of LimitBookingRequests, and leave the
evaluation method at Execute All Statements.
__ j. Click the Statement twistie, and click Add.
__ k. Enter the following values for the statement:
- Identifier: 1

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

- User Annotation: Terminate at 5
- Resource Class: BookingRequestResource
- SLM Action: throttle
- Threshold Interval Length: 30 seconds
- Threshold Level: 5

__ l. Click Apply.
__ m. Click Done to save the SLM action.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

__ n. Click Apply Policy to save the updated rule.

__ o. Close the policy editor window.

__ 3. Click Save changes.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

6.6. Test the SLM action
Now that you specified some SLM criteria, run the load test to see the results.
__ 1. On the probe transaction list window, click Flush.
__ 2. In SoapUI, click the green Submit arrow to send the 10 requests.
__ 3. On the probe transaction list window, click Refresh.
__ 4. You should see the first five entries in black. The remaining entries are in red. The red
entries indicate the transactions that were “throttled” because they exceeded the 5
transactions in 30 seconds.
__ 5. To verify that the transaction failed because of the throttling, click the transaction number in
the transaction list of the last transaction.

__ 6. The log for this transaction opens. Scroll down the log until you find the red entries for the
transaction errors.

The transaction was terminated because it exceeded the limits set by the SLM statement
within the SLM policy.
__ 7. Close the log window.
__ 8. Click Flush to clear the transactions in the list.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

6.7. Change the SLM statement to “shape”
In this section, you change the SLM statement within the SLM policy to “shape” the traffic, rather
than outright “throttle” it. The “shape” action buffers the traffic to stay within the limit.
__ 1. From the Blueprint Console Open menu, enter slm in the search field.
__ 2. Select SLM Policy. For this section, you directly edit the SLM policy object rather than go
through the MPGE service policy.
__ 3. On the SLM Policy list page, click LimitBookingRequests.
__ 4. Expand the Statements twistie.
__ 5. Change the user annotation to Shape at 5.
__ 6. Change the SLM action to shape.
__ 7. Leave the other settings as-is. Click Apply.

__ 8. Click Save changes.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

6.8. Test the SLM action with “shape”
You send the same messages to the service, but with a different SLM action.
__ 1. Return to SoapUI and click the green Submit arrow in the SLM LoadTest 10 window to
begin the load test. The process runs for 10 seconds.
__ 2. Wait at least 60 seconds for the transactions to complete processing before moving onto the
next step.
__ 3. Return to the probe transaction list window and click Refresh.
__ 4. This time, all of the transactions are in black; none failed due to the SLM action.
__ 5. You can see the SLM shaping behavior in the log. Because the shaping behavior is
configured to start at the sixth transaction within the 30-second window, click the transaction
number of the sixth transaction.

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

__ 6. Scroll to almost the bottom of the list, and search for the start of the SLM entries (The tid,
client, and msgid columns were contracted in the screen capture to make the image fit.).

Notice that the shape action was triggered at 2:25:44 in the test.
The transaction is buffered until the SLM restriction is released. That occurred at 2:26:02.
At the top, the next action in the rule, the On Error action, is executed.
__ 7. Close the log window.
__ 8. In the transaction list window, disable the probe.
__ 9. Close the transaction list window.

End of exercise

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Exercise 6. Implementing a service level monitor in a multi-protocol gateway

Exercise review and wrap-up
In this exercise, you modified the BookingServiceProxy MPGW to enforce SLM criteria. You
created an SLM policy object, and configured an SLM statement. You tested the behavior of the
throttle and shape SLM actions.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service


Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern

to deploy a service
Estimated time

In this exercise, you play the role of a pattern deployer. You specify the values for the exposed
points of variability (POV) in a specific pattern, and deploy the pattern into a new generated service.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Import a pattern
• Specify the values for the points of variability in the pattern
• Deploy the pattern into a generated service

A pattern creator created a pattern that generates a multi-protocol gateway (MPGW) that secures
access to the Booking Service web service. The security is provided by a AAA policy that uses
LDAP to store authentication and authorization information. In this exercise, you generate a service
to implement this behavior. You import the pattern into your student domain. You then use the
Blueprint Console to “deploy” the pattern into a generated service, specifying the values that are
exposed by the pattern creator. These values “customize” the pattern into a generated service for
your specific situation. You test the deployment by using SoapUI to invoke the web service.

To complete this exercise, you need:
• Access to the DataPower gateway
• Completion of the previous exercises (see the Preface section in the exercise instructions for
• SoapUI, to send requests to the DataPower gateway
• The FLYServices domain that contains the back-end web service
• Access to the <lab_files> directory
• An LDAP server that is pre-loaded with the authentication entries that are used by the service

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

Exercise instructions

• Remember to use the domain and port address that you were assigned in the exercise setup.
Do not use the default domain.
• The references in exercise instructions refer to the following values:
▪ <lab_files>: Location of the student lab files. Default location is: /usr/labfiles/dp/
▪ <image_ip>: IP address of the student image (use /sbin/ifconfig from a terminal
window to obtain value).
▪ <dp_internal_ip>: IP address of the DataPower gateway development and administrative
functions that are used by internal resources such as developers.
▪ <dp_public_ip>: IP address of the public services on the gateway that is used by customer
and clients.
▪ <dp_WebGUI_port>: Port of the WebGUI. The default port is 9090.
▪ <nn>: Assigned student number. If no instructor is present, use “01”.
▪ <studentnn>: Assigned user name and user account. If no instructor is present, use
▪ <studentnn_password>: Account password. In most cases, the initial value is the same as
the user name. You are prompted to create a password on first use. Write it down.
▪ <studentnn_domain>: Application domain that the user account is assigned to. If no
instructor is present, use “student01_domain”.
▪ <FLY_booking_port>: Port number that the back-end BookingServices web services listen
on. The default port is 9080.
▪ <mpgw_patterns_port>: 12nn8, where “nn” is the two-digit student number. This port
number is the listener port for the BookingService MPGW that is generated from a pattern.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

7.1. Initialize the lab environment
Some setup activities are required to properly configure the lab environment and determine IP
addresses and ports.
__ 1. If you have not yet performed the setup activities, you must go to Appendix B: Lab
environment setup. Complete those activities before proceeding.
These activities need to be performed only once for the course.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

7.2. Import a pattern into your application
Before deploying the pattern, you must first import it.
__ 1. Log in to your student domain studentnn_domain on the gateway.
__ 2. Switch to the Blueprint Console.
__ 3. Use the Open menu to click Import Configuration.
__ 4. For the File field, browse to <lab_files>/Patterns, and select the file

__ 5. Click Next.
__ 6. The Import Configuration page shows the files that are imported from the .zip file.

▪ The “Exemplar” file is placed in the config: directory. It is an exported version of the original
source service.
▪ The “Pattern” configuration contains the specifics of how this pattern must be deployed, and
what values are exposed.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

▪ The “Deployment Policy” configuration is the standard DataPower deployment policy object
that manages the actual value substitutions in the source configuration to make it the
generated service.
__ 7. Click Import.
__ 8. The page should show a successful import. Click Close.


Normally, a pattern is imported by using the Blueprint Console. You use this technique to import the
pattern so that you can see the constituents of the imported .zip file. The underlying files are not
shown when importing a pattern from within the Blueprint Console.

__ 9. Save the changes.

The pattern should now be available in the Blueprint Console.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

7.3. Deploy a pattern
__ 1. In the navigation area, click the Patterns icon.

__ 2. The page repaints to list any patterns in this domain. You should see the new pattern that is
listed in the navigation area, and the pattern details shown in the display area.


If the new pattern does not display initially, switch to the WebGUI tab, and reinitiate the Blueprint
Console. Then, click the Patterns icon in the navigation area again.

__ 3. Read the documentation on the pattern in the display area.

__ 4. Click Deploy.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

__ 5. In the presented Deploy pattern window (be sure to use the scroll bar on the right), enter:
▪ Service name: BookingServiceProxyFromPattern
▪ Description: My service generated from a pattern
▪ Destination URL: http://<dp_internal_ip>:9080/BookingService
▪ HTTP Connection – IP address: <dp_public_ip>
▪ HTTP Connection – Port: <mpgw_patterns_port>
▪ Authenticate with LDAP – Host: <image_ip>
▪ Authenticate with LDAP – Port: 389
▪ Authenticate with LDAP – LDAP bind DN: cn=admin,dc=ibm,dc=com
▪ Authenticate with LDAP – LDAP bind password: passw0rd
▪ Authorize with LDAP – Host: <image_ip>
▪ Authorize with LDAP – Port: 389
▪ Authorize with LDAP – LDAP bind DN: cn=admin,dc=ibm,dc=com
▪ Authorize with LDAP – LDAP bind password: passw0rd


The fields that are listed in the deployment wizard are the “points of variability” that the pattern
creator decided to expose to a pattern deployer.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

__ 6. Click Deploy pattern.

__ 7. The service is generated. The Deploy Pattern page closes. A temporary window states that
the service was generated successfully.
__ 8. In the navigation area, click the Services icon.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

__ 9. The newly generated service should appear in the list.

__ 10. Select the service.

__ 11. On the Multi-Protocol Gateway configuration page, notice the following points:
▪ The Summary field contains the text that you entered in the Description field in the Deploy
Pattern wizard.
▪ The name of the Multi-Protocol Gateway Policy is the name of the policy object from the
source service (BookingServiceProxy), prefixed by the generated MPGW name.
▪ The Default Backend URL field contains the URL string that you entered in the wizard.
This field does allow the use of host aliases.
▪ The Front Side Protocol handler object gets a unique name that uses the same naming
pattern that was used for the service policy.

__ 12. Open the front side handler object and notice that it uses the HTTP Connection - Port value
from the wizard.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

__ 13. Edit the BookingServiceProxyFromPattern_BookingServicePolicy service policy.
__ 14. Select the Client to Server rule.
__ 15. In the rule, double-click the AAA action.

__ 16. To deploy this service from the pattern, you did not need to know the intricacies of
configuring a AAA policy. The creator of the pattern needed the skill. Edit the AAA policy
within the AAA action.
__ 17. The first page of the policy defines how to extract the user’s identity. In this case, the AAA
policy uses the HTTP authentication header. Scroll down to click Next.


If the scroll bar on the right does not work correctly, click inside the page and use the arrow keys to

__ 18. This section of the AAA policy defines how to authenticate the user’s identity that it extracts.
In this case, it uses an LDAP server. You should see the LDAP parameters that you entered
in the pattern deployment wizard. It also defines how to map the authenticated identity to a
different credential (“None”). Scroll down and click Next.
__ 19. The next page defines how to extract the requested resource (“URL sent by client”), and
how to map the resource (“None”). Click Next.
__ 20. The next section specifies how to authorize the extracted user for the requested resource.
Again, you should see the LDAP parameters that you entered during pattern deployment.
Click Next.
__ 21. The last page of the AAA policy wizard shows some post-processing options, of which none
are of importance for now. Click Cancel.
__ 22. Cancel the AAA action.
__ 23. Close the policy editor.
__ 24. Save the changes.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

7.4. Test the generated service
In this section, you test the new MPGW that uses an LDAP server for authentication and
__ 1. In SoapUI, open the Booking Service requests until you see the 16- AAA LDAP Request.
__ 2. Open the request.
__ 3. Click the Auth tab that is in the bottom portion of the 16 - AAA LDAP Request.

__ 4. Enter student as the Username, and passw0rd as the Password.

__ 5. Ensure that the Outgoing WSS and Incoming WSS are blank.

__ 6. Ensure that the endpoint URL appears as:

__ 7. Click the green Submit arrow to POST the message to BookingServiceProxyFromPattern.
__ 8. Confirm that the <book:BookingResponse> is received.
__ 9. On the Multi-Protocol Gateway configuration page, click Actions > View log.
__ 10. At the top of the log page, set the Filter to information. This setting makes the log show
only the entries that are at “information” level or more severe.

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

__ 11. Scroll down a page or two to the “request” set of entries. Look for the entries that indicate
LDAP activity.

__ 12. If you want, you can change the Filter in the log to debug to see more details.
__ 13. In SoapUI, change the password to an invalid value. The response displays a SOAP fault of
“rejected by policy”.
__ 14. Close the log window.

End of exercise

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Exercise 7. Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a service

Exercise review and wrap-up
In this exercise, you deployed a pattern into a new MPGW service. After successful deployment,
you tested the service for successful execution.
You were able to deploy a service that used a capability (LDAP) that you did not need expertise on.

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Appendix A. Exercise solutions


Appendix A. Exercise solutions

This appendix describes:
• The dependencies between the exercises and other tools.
• How to load the sample solution configurations for the various exercises. The solutions were
exported from the appliance into a .zip file. You can import a sample solution into your

Part 1: Dependencies
Certain exercises depend on previous exercises, and on other resources, such as the need for the
back-end application server to support service calls. The back-end application server that is on
each student image uses the variable <image_ip>. The image_ip variable is the literal IP
address of the student image. Students can discover their IP address by opening a terminal
window, and entering: /sbin/ifconfig
Table 1. Dependencies
Uses Uses
Exercise on Uses Uses Baggage Booking
cURL SoapUI web web
exercise service service
1: First exposure to the Yes
DataPower developer
2: Creating a BookingService Yes Yes
3: Enhancing the BookingService 2 Yes Yes
4: Adding error handling to a 3 Yes Yes
service policy
5: Creating cryptographic objects 3 Yes Yes Yes
and configuring SSL
6: Implementing a service level 4 Yes Yes
monitor in a multi-protocol
7: Using a DataPower pattern to Yes Yes
deploy a service
If the class is using the standard images and setup, the LDAP server is running on the student
image. The Baggage and Booking services are running as services on the DataPower gateway.
Therefore, each student is using a different IP address for the student image. Assuming that each
student has their own DataPower virtual gateway, each student also has different IP addresses for
the gateway.
If the exercises are run in the IBM remote lab environment, like Skytap, the IP addresses might be
the same for each student because each student has a unique entry point into the virtualized

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Appendix A. Exercise solutions

Part 2: Importing solutions


The solution files use port numbers that might already be in use. You must change the port
numbers of the imported service. You might also find it necessary to update the location of the
back-end application server that provides the web services.

__ 1. Determine the .zip file to import from the following table:

Table 2. Exercise solution files
Exercise Compressed solution file name
1: First exposure to the DataPower developer N/A
2: Creating a BookingService gateway dev_Ex02_SimpleMPGW.zip
3: Enhancing the BookingService gateway dev_Ex03_AdvMPG.zip
4: Adding error handling to a service policy dev_Ex04_Errors.zip
5: Creating cryptographic objects and dev_Ex05_SSL.zip
configuring SSL
6: Implementing a service level monitor in a dev_Ex06_SLM.zip
multi-protocol gateway
7: Using a DataPower pattern to deploy a N/A
Booking and Baggage FLY Services dev_FLYservices_domain.zip
__ a. The .zip file names begin with the naming convention dev_ExNN, where NN
represents the two-digit exercise number.
__ b. To import a solution to begin a new exercise, import the solution for the previous
exercise. For example, if you are ready to start Exercise 4, you would import
__ 2. Import the .zip solution file into your application domain.
__ a. From the Control Panel, in the vertical navigation bar, click Administration >
Configuration > Import Configuration.
__ b. Make sure that the selection for From is ZIP Bundle and the selection for Where is File.
__ c. Click Browse and navigate to your respective .zip solution file.
__ d. Click Next.
__ e. In the next page, leave the files selected. Scroll down and click Import.
__ f. Make sure that the import is successful. Click Done.
__ 3. Be sure to update the port numbers and application server location to your local values.
Because private keys (key files) are not exported, you also must create keys and
certificates. In some exercise solutions, the key files are exported in the local: directory.
After import, you move those files into the cert: directory.

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Appendix A. Exercise solutions

__ 4. The lab exercises call two web services, Booking Service and Baggage Service. Both of
the web services are in the FLY service domain. To perform the labs on another DataPower
appliance, be sure to import the dev_FLYservices_domain.zip file in the FLYServices

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Appendix B. Lab environment setup


Appendix B. Lab environment setup

The appendix instructs how to set up the lab environment, including:
• Defining the literal variable values in SoapUI
• Testing the Booking and Baggage web service back ends
• Identifying the IP address of your student image
• Populating a convenient table with all the required variables that are used by this course

Part 1: Configure the SoapUI variables for use

The SoapUI tool supports specification of properties to reduce the redundant entry of the same
value for testing. For these exercises, the client testing usually accesses the public interface of the
student-created DataPower services. Rather than requiring the students to constantly enter the
same value, the public IP address of the appliance is configured as a SoapUI property.
__ 1. Obtain the required variables for this course. The variable information can be found in at
least on one of the following locations, based on the type of course you are taking:
▪ On the image desktop as a background
▪ On the image background from the SPVC you logged in to
▪ In an email you received with instructions for this course
▪ From your instructor if you are in a classroom (virtual or literal) environment
The variables are:
- The DataPower appliance’s public IP address <dp_public_ip>
- The DataPower appliance’s internal IP address <dp_internal_ip>
- The (your) student image IP address <image_ip>
- Your student number (it is a two-digit number) <nn>
__ 2. Open SoapUI by using the icon on the desktop.


If you get a "new version available" message, close the message window and do not download or
install any upgrades.

__ 3. Click File > Preferences.

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Appendix B. Lab environment setup

__ 4. Click the Global Properties choice.
__ 5. Update the values for the following variables.
__ a. Double-click the Value cell for the dp_internal_ip property.
__ b. Replace the value (x.x.x.x or with the literal value of the <dp_internal_ip>
address in the cell. That is, replace with the IP address of the DataPower
appliance that is being used for your class.
__ c. Press Enter while the cursor is in the cell. This action registers the new value.
__ d. Double-click the Value cell for the dp_public_ip property.
__ e. Replace the value (x.x.x.x or with the literal value of the <dp_public_ip>
address in the cell. That is, replace with the IP address of the DataPower
appliance that is being used for your class.
__ f. Press Enter while the cursor is in the cell. This action registers the new value.
__ g. Double-click the Value cell for the mpgw_booking_port property.
__ h. Replace “nn” with your appropriate student number. For example, if you are student
01, the value for mpgw_booking_port of 12nn1 is updated to 12011.
__ i. Press Enter while the cursor is in the Value cell. This action registers the new value.

__ j. Repeat the previous steps g - i for the remaining values.

__ k. Click OK.
__ l. Click File > Save Preferences.

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Appendix B. Lab environment setup

SoapUI is now configured for all exercises in this course. The SOAP message that is
sent to DataPower when using SoapUI references these variables. No further SoapUI
configuration is required, unless stated in the specific exercise.
When SoapUI recognizes the dp_public_ip reference in a request
(“${dp_public_ip} “), it substitutes the correct IP address into the URL.

Part 2: Confirm that the Booking and Baggage web services are up
Test the Booking web service and the Baggage web service. The following steps ensure that the
back-end web services are operational. In addition to testing the availability of the web service, it is
also a useful troubleshooting technique to verify network connectivity to the back-end web service.
__ 1. In the project tree, expand the BaggageServices project until Web Service Test -
Baggage is visible.

__ 2. Double-click Web Service Test - Baggage to open the request window. If a double-click
does not work, right-click the request and click Show Request Editor.
__ 3. Ensure that the following information is preconfigured in the request message.
▪ Method: POST
▪ Endpoint: http://${dp_internal_ip}:${FLY_baggage_port}/BaggageService
▪ Media Type: application/xml

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Appendix B. Lab environment setup


▪ Soap message:

__ 4. Click the green Submit arrow to send the request message directly to the BaggageService
web service for FLY airlines.

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Appendix B. Lab environment setup

__ 5. Confirm that a successful BagInfoResponse response is returned in the response tab.


If you do not get the correct response, there can be several reasons for the failure:
▪ The variables that are entered in SoapUI General Preferences are not installed on the
DataPower appliance.
▪ The DataPower appliance is unreachable from your student image due to some network
connectivity issue.
Verify that you entered the correct values for the SoapUI variables. If the values are correct,
escalate for assistance.

__ 6. Close the Web Service Test - Baggage window.

__ 7. In the project tree, expand the BookingServices project until 00 – Web Service Test -
Booking is visible.

__ 8. Double-click 00 – Web Service Test - Booking to open the request window. If a

double-click does not work, right-click the request and click Show Request Editor.
__ 9. Confirm that the URL address field contains:

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Appendix B. Lab environment setup

__ 10. Click the green Submit arrow that is to the left of the URL address field to send the SOAP
request test message directly to the FLY Airlines Booking web service.
__ 11. If everything worked properly, you should see <book:BookingResponse> xml tree in the
Response tab.


If you do not get the correct response, there can be several causes:
• The variables that are entered in SoapUI General Preferences are wrong.
• The FLYService domain that contains the web services is not installed on the DataPower
• The DataPower appliance is unreachable from your student image due to a network
connectivity issue.
Verify that the values that you entered for the SoapUI variables are correct. If you still have
problems, you must contact whatever support you have for the class.

__ 12. Close the 00 - Web Service Test - Booking window.

Part 3: Identify the student image IP address

On Linux, you can discover the IP address by running the ifconfig command. Open a terminal
window. The terminal window is available from the icon on the desktop. From within a terminal
window, run the ifconfig command that includes the full path, as follows:

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Appendix B. Lab environment setup

> /sbin/ifconfig

When the IP address of the local student image is obtained, update the information in table B1 for
the variable <image_ip>.
Close the terminal window.

Part 4: Port and variable Table values

If you want to have a single reference for all variables that are used in this course, the following
table is supplied. You might want to tear these two pages out of your book, or print both pages if you
have a PDF, as a quick reference point.
__ 1. Complete the following table with the values supplied by the instructor.
Table B-1. Developers course variable and port assignments table
Object Value (default)
Lab files location
<lab_files> /usr/labfiles/dp
Location of student lab files for this course

Student information

<studentnn_password> student<nn>


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Appendix B. Lab environment setup

IP address of the student image

Logins that are not DataPower

<linux_user> localuser

<linux_user_password> passw0rd

<linux_root_user> root

<linux_root_password> passw0rd

DataPower information
IP address of the public services on the
IP address of the DataPower appliance
development and administrative functions
<dp_WebGUI_port> 9090
Port number for the WebGUI
<dp_its_http_port> 9990
Port for the HTTP interface to the
Interoperability Test Service
<dp_FLY_baggage_port> 2068
<dp_FLY_booking_port> 9080

Server information
<SoapUI_keystores> /usr/labfiles/dp/WSSecurity/
<SoapUI_keystores_password> myjkspw
<ldap_password> passw0rd
<ldap_server_port> 9080
Port number for the LDAP administration
<ldap_server_root_dir> /opt/ibm/ldap/V6.3/bin

<ldap_user_name> cn=root
<http_server_port> 80

<http_server_root_dir> /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/

<logger_app_port> 1112

Student-built DataPower services

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Appendix B. Lab environment setup

<mpgw_booking_port> 12nn1

<mpgw_booking_ssl_port> 12nn2

<mpgw_ssl_booking_port> 12nn3

<mpgw_mq_port> 12nn4

<wsp_booking_port> 12nn5

<mpgw_helloworld_port> 12nn7

<mpgw_patterns_port> 12nn8

<mpgw_baggage_port> 12nn9

End of appendix

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2016.

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