Space Debris - Space Situational Awareness Research Studies
Space Debris - Space Situational Awareness Research Studies
Space Debris - Space Situational Awareness Research Studies
Foreword xv
Preface xvii
Acknowledgements xix
Nomenclature xxi
List of Figures xxv
List of Tables xxxi
Contents v
Space Debris and Space Situational
Awareness Research Studies
1.15 Shielding
1.16 Space Debris Observation
1.17 Debris Environmental Modelling
1.18 Areas of Further Research
4 Orbit Propagation 63
4.1 Orbit Propagators for Satellites
4.1 Orbital Decay of RS-1 Satellite with KS Differential Equations
4.2.1 Equations of Motion
4.2.2 Computer Package ‘OBLETRA’ For Orbit Predictions
4.3 RS-1 Orbital Decay in an Oblate Diurnal Atmosphere
4.4 Long-term orbit computations with KS uniformly regular
canonical elements with oblateness
4.4.1 Equations of motion
4.4.2 Canonical KS-Transformation
4.4.3 Perturbations and Numerical Results
4.4.4 Checks during Numerical Integration
4.4.5 Sun-Synchronous Orbit
4.5 Analytical approach using KS elements to short-term orbit
predictions including J2, J3 and J4
4.6 Analytical short-term orbit predictions with J2, J3, J4 in terms of
K-S uniformly regular canonical elements
4.7 Contraction of Satellite Orbits using KS Elements with Air Drag
for Low Eccentricity Orbits
4.8 Generation of Non-singular Analytical Theories for the
Contraction of High Eccentricity Satellite Orbits under the
Influence of Air Drag
4.9 Non-singular Analytical Theories for the Motion of Near-Earth
Satellite Orbits with Air Drag in terms of Uniformly Regular KS
Canonical Elements for Small Eccentricity Orbits
4.10 Orbit Propagation using Semi-Analytical Theory and its
Applications in Space Debris Field
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Contents ix
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Awareness Research Studies
Contents xi
Space Debris and Space Situational
Awareness Research Studies
References 205
Author Index 223
Subject Index 225
Contents xiii
Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Foreword xv
Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
March 6, 2024
The space around planet Earth is having tens of thousands of objects that pose a
potential threat to satellites and launch vehicles. Space Situational Awareness (SSA)
plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety, security and sustainability of space vehicles.
The Inter Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) is an international
governmental forum, established in 1993, to facilitate coordination and cooperation
among space agencies on matters related to space debris research, mitigation and
remediation. ISRO has become a member of IADC in 1996 and played an important role
to formulate the first set of Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines. ISRO has been actively
participating in all IADC meetings since 1996 especially in the working groups dealing
with space debris modelling and space debris mitigation.
As a responsible space faring nation, India has taken many proactive steps to deal the
menace of space debris. The controlled reentry of Megha-Tropiques-1 satellite from
its orbit by executing two de-boost burns with 11 N thrusters on 7th March 2023 was
one example in that direction. Another exemplary effort to minimise the space debris
from launch vehicle, ISRO has converted the final stage of PSLV, PS4, into an orbiting
microgravity platform, christened as POEM, and made it open to industries, academia
and start-ups to do experiments in space. The orbit is so chosen in a such a way that after
doing the microgravity experiments, the orbit of POEM will naturally decay and will
get destroyed during the re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere through the natural decay
of orbit.
One of the major issues still persisting is the prediction of the impact point of reentry
bodies within a few kilometers of accuracy at least days before the reentry event.
Presently only the track of the body is possible to be estimated. However, this does
not pose a major problem as 70% of earth is sea and most of the material burns in
atmosphere during the reentry, though there were some rare exceptions. To enable
reasonable good estimation of the impact point with a low CEP, accurate estimation
Preface xvii
of ballistic coefficient from TLEs is needed along with a good estimate of atmospheric
density from 120 to 300 km altitude.
With increased launch rate and more and more countries entering into the fray of
launching satellites, the menace of space debris has already become a daunting
task before the space faring nations. With the deployment of more and more large
constellation of satellites in LEO by many countries including the private firms, total
automation of Space Object Proximity Analysis (SOPA) is very essential to avoid untoward
incidences in space. Presently, debris with size of 10 cm and above in LEO are detected
and catalogued. However, debris within 3 to 10 cm size also can pose significant threats
despite with the presence of debris shield. Hence efforts shall continue to detect and
catalogue smaller sized objects too like the NASA space fence project.
The monograph brought out by the authors has comprehensively compiled the efforts
put in by generations of scientists and engineers in VSSC in the last few decades in the
area of space situational awareness. I appreciate the authors for the nice compilation
and editing of the monogram and look forward to an undergraduate level textbook
emerging from this for the posterity.
(Unnikrishnan Nair S)
Director, VSSC and IIST
x viii Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
An understanding of the space environment and the potential operational hazards
is essential and is critical for safe and sustainable operations in outer space. The most
serious threats are posed by space debris which are non-functional and human-made
objects in Earth’s orbit. They no longer serve any useful purpose. These objects can
vary in size, from tiny paint flecks to large defunct satellites and spent rocket stages.
Space debris are not spread uniformly through space, but they are concentrated
near the regions that are used by active satellites. This monograph deals with various
aspects of space debris and space situational awareness studies.
The authors believe that the monograph will be a knowledge addition for all those
who work-in the area of space debris and space situational awareness.
The authors express their deep gratitude to Dr. S. Somanath, Chairman, Indian Space
Research Organisation, for his encouragement in this endeavour. The authors express
their gratitude to Dr. S. Unnikrishnan Nair, Director, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
(VSSC) for his constant encouragement during the preparation of this document and
for getting the monograph reviewed by experts. The technical review by Dr. V. Ashok,
Associate Director (R & D), VSSC and Dr. M. M. Patil, Deputy Director, Aeronautics Entity,
VSSC has helped to improve the quality of the monograph and their contributions
are gratefully acknowledged.
In the pursuit of the research problems and technical contributions reported in this
monograph, the authors acknowledge the association of their colleagues: Shri A.
Agarwal, Prof. M. R. Ananthasayanam, Shri S. Arun Kumar, Dr. V. Ashok, Shri Priyankar
Bandyopadhyay, Smt. G.P. Beena, Smt. P. Bhanumathy, Shri Deepak Negi, Dr. B.
Deependran, Shri D. A. Deniel, Shri R. Devasia, Dr. Pooja Dutt, Shri J. Fletcher, Shri A. S.
Ganeshan, Shri N. S. Gopinath, Smt. Shraddha Gupta, Shri A. Kandari, Shri A. Kumar,
Smt. T. R. Saritha Kumari, Ms. C. S. Lawrence, Smt. Leelamma Mani, Shri S. P. Mathew,
Smt. Bulbul Mukherjee, Dr. M. Mutyalarao, Dr. Lila S. Nair, Shri S. Nandhu Raj , Smt. S.
Nirmala, Shri P. Padmanabhan, Shri A. Painuly, Shri S. Parameswaran, Dr. M.Y.S. Prasad,
Dr. M. Xavier James Raj, Shri J. Raja, Shri S. C. Rathnakara, Dr. D. Sudheer Reddy, Shri
N. G. Reddy, Shri A. Sabarinath, Dr. Himani Saini, Ms. Sharon S. Saji, Dr. Harishkumar
Sellamuthu, Shri A. Selvam, Shri S. Shajahan, Shri M. S. Siva, Ms. M. J. Smibi, Shri K. J.
Sreejith, Dr. P. V. Subba Rao, Shri V. V. Vijay and Shri S. Xavier.
Acknowledgements xix
Space Debris and Space Situational
Awareness Research Studies
a : Semi-major axis
a : Area parameter in the modified Laplace distribution
AC : Casualty area
ADR : Active Debris Removal
Aeff : Effective area
ASAT : Anti-Satellite Test
B : Ballistic coefficient
B* : (ρ0/2) B
CA : Total casualty expectancy
Cd : Drag coefficient
CAM : Collision Avoidance Maneuver
CM : Crew Modules
COLA : Collision Avoidance Analysis
d : Diameter
e : Eccentricity
ESA : European Space Agency
f : True anomaly
f (n, h/hp, i, e, B, t) – Joint probability density function (pdf ); n is number density,
h is altitude or the perigee altitude hp, i is inclination, e is eccentricity, B is ballistic
coefficient, t is time.
GA : Genetic algorithm
GEO : Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit
GMT : Greenwich Mean Time
GSO : Geo-synchronous orbit
GTO : Geostationary Transfer Orbit
hp : Perigee altitude
Nomenclature xxi
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List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Sources and sinks of space debris
Figure 1.2 Spread of fragments created by Cosmos-Iridium collision (image
credit: Celestrack, AGI)
Figure 1.3 LEO and GEO region (Image credit: CNES)
Figure 1.4 Growth of Catalogued Population (Source: ODQN March 2023 [1])
Figure 1.5 Mass of catalogued objects in Earth orbit as on 03 Feb 2023 by U.S.
Space Surveillance Network. (Source: ODQN March 2023)
Figure 1.6 The near Earth (up to 2000 km) altitude population. Population
growth is evident at all altitudes between the 15th edition (04 July
2018) and 16th edition (01 May 2022). ODQN March 2023
Figure 1.7 Number of CAMs (till September 2023)
Figure 1.8 Black out zones within launch window
Figure 1.9 Oppositely oriented nozzle configuration ensures equal thrust in
opposite direction and no orbital change
Figure 1.10 Cartosat-2 de-orbiting at end-of-life
Figure 1.11 Re-entry Manoeuvres of Megha-Tropiques-1
Figure 1.12 PMD of a typical GEO satellite
Figure 2.1 The Gabbard Diagram from the TLEs of PSLV-TES Spent Upper Stage
Breakup Fragments after 31 Days of Breakup
Figure 2.2 The Distribution of Apogee, Inclination, Eccentricity and B* from the
TLEs of PSLV-TES Spent Upper Stage Breakup Fragments after 31
Days of Breakup
Figure 2.3 Histograms of the Semi-major Axis of the Catalogued GEO
Figure 2.4 The distribution fit for the semi-major axis of the non-functional
GEO objects using the tertiary mixture of the Laplace distributions
for the year 2004
Figure 2.5 The distribution fit for the semi-major axis of the non-functional
GEO objects using the tertiary mixture of the Laplace distributions
for the Laplace distributions for the year 2002
Figure 2.6 Comparison of SIMPLE model with observations for the year 2000
to 2004
Figure 2.7 Histograms of the Eccentricity of the catalogued GEO objects
Figure 2.8 The binary mixture of normal distribution fit for Eccentricity of the
non-functional objects
Figure 2.9 Histograms of the Inclinations of the catalogued GEO objects
Figure 2.10 Solar flux projections used by participating agencies. Only the
period from 2010 through 2060 is shown for clarity
Figure 2.11 Effective numbers of objects 10 cm and larger in LEO predicted by
the six different models. All models assumed no future explosion
and 90% compliance of the commonly adopted
Figure 2.11 Effective numbers of objects 10 cm and larger in LEO predicted by
the six different models. All models assumed no future explosion
and 90% compliance of the commonly adopted
Figure 2.12 Cumulative numbers of catastrophic collisions predicted by the six
models mitigation measures
Figure 3.1 Predicted evolution of the Iridium and Cosmos debris planes
30 days and six months after the collision
Figure 3.2 Cosmos 2251 debris (red) are more numerous and spread across a
greater altitude regime than that of Iridium 33 (blue)
Figure 3.3 The relationship between changes in inclination and right
ascension of ascending node
Figure 3.4 The scatter plot for velocity changes in PSLV-C3/PS4 fragmentation
Figure 3.5 The histograms for velocity changes in PSLV-C3/PS4 fragmentation
Figure 2.11 Effective numbers of objects 10 cm and larger in LEO predicted by
the six different models. All models assumed no future explosion
and 90% compliance of the commonly adopted
xxvi Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
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Figure 6.3 Fit of binary mixture of the modified Laplace distribution for the
Spatial density for the August 2007 data for inclinations of 95-105
Figure 6.4 Fit of binary mixture of the modified Laplace distribution for the
Spatial density for the December 2006 data for inclinations of
95-105 degrees
Figure 6.5 Fit of tertiary mixture of the modified Laplace distribution for the
Spatial density for the April 2010 data for inclinations from 0–180
Figure 6.6 Fit of tertiary mixture of the modified Laplace distribution for the
Spatial density for the April 2010 data for inclinations from 95–105
Figure 6.7 Fit of tertiary mixture of the modified Laplace distribution for the
Spatial density for the April 2010 data for inclinations from 98–99
Figure 6.8 COLA analysis for a typical LEO mission on the launch day
Figure 6.9 SOPA flow chart
Figure 6.10 Distribution of Resident Space Objects (RSO)
Figure 6.11 The Strategy for Optimal Collision Avoidance Maneuver
Figure 6.12 Variation of Cumulative Collision Probability with the Time of
Application of Impulse
Figure 6.13 Convergence of Genetic Algorithm in Case 1 and Case 2
Figure 6.14 Relation between Minimum (ΔV)2 and Cumulative Maximum
Collision Probability
Figure 7.1 Cumulative decay of PSLV-C3 debris fragments
Figure 7.2 Firing pulse durations for INSAT-2C relocation
Figure 7.3 Changes in INSAT-2C position during relocation operation
Figure 7.4 Orbital evolution of GSLV-D1 rocket body
Figure 7.5 The lmpact Probability and Casualty Expectancy Variations for
Circular and Elliptic Orbits
xxviii Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
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List of Tables
Table 1.1 Top ten worst historical break-up (source: NASA, ODPO)
Table 1.2 A Summary of on-orbit collisions
Table 1.3 Details of lift-off time change based on COLA recommendations
Table 2.1 Model parameters for number density of GEO objects in Semi-major
axis μ-Location parameter, λ-Scale parameter, p-Weight parameter
Table 2.2 Model parameters for number density of GEO objects in Eccentricity.
μ -Location parameter, λ-Scale parameter, p-Weight parameter
Table 2.3 Number of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations performed by participating
Table 2.4 Summary of the projected LEO population increase based on
regular launches and a 90% compliance of the commonly-adopted
mitigation measures
Table: 4.1 Orbital Parameters of RS-1 (20 July 1980 Epoch)
Table 4.2 Orbital parameters of Sun-synchronous Orbit
Table 4.3 BC Estimation of Phobos-Grunt with different TLE sets and re-entry
prediction (Re-entry epoch: 15th Jan 2012 17:45 UTC
Table 4.4 BC Estimation of SFERA with different TLE sets and re-entry
prediction (Re-entry epoch date: 24th Nov 2012)
Table 5.1 On-orbit or decayed-and-beyond-Earth-Orbit of Space objects
Table 5.2 Parameters of the lognormal distribution for the eccentricity of
catalogued debris objects
Table 6.1 Close conjunction objects within launch window (only 2 piggy-back
satellites are included for brevity)
Table 6.2 Details of Force Model
Table 6.3 Details of Collision Avoidance Maneuvers for LEO spacecraft carried
out in 2022
Table 6.4 Comparison of collision probability prediction between SIMPLE and
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xxxiv Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
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An Overview of Space Debris Environment and Relevant
Studies in ISRO
1.1 Introduction
Figure 1.2: Spread of fragments created by Cosmos-Iridium collision (image credit: Celestrack, AGI)
Low Earth Orbit (LEO) region extends up to an altitude of 2000 km. This is the most
densely populated region in space. Geosynchronous (GEO) region is a toroid shaped
zone at the +/-200 km altitude band around the Geostationary altitude of 35786 km
(i.e. from 35586 to 35986 km altitude) and +/-15 deg. latitude about the equator. These
two regions are called protected regions because they are highly utilised and any
space debris creation will have potentially severe impact on the space environment.
Figure 1.3 shows pictorially orbital regimes around Earth (IADC, 2021).
Low Earth Orbit (LEO) region extends up to an altitude of 2000 km. This is the most
densely populated region in space. Geosynchronous (GEO) region is a toroid shaped
zone at the +/-200 km altitude band around the Geostationary altitude of 35786 km
(i.e. from 35586 to 35986 km altitude) and +/-15 deg. latitude about the equator. These
two regions are called protected regions because they are highly utilised and any
space debris creation will have potentially severe impact on the space environment.
Figure 1.3 shows pictorially orbital regimes around Earth (IADC, 2021).
The U.S. Space Command (USSAPCECOM) tracks the space debris and has catalogued
objects sized typically 10 cm or more in LEO and 0.3 m or more in GEO. These
measurements are made through the ground based (generally radars and optical
telescopes) and space-based sensors. The non-catalogued objects less than 10
cm in size are measured through detection of samples by ground based sensors,
examination of returned spacecraft and through active measurements in orbit. The
knowledge of the smaller debris is based on the extrapolation of the incomplete data.
According to the latest figures provided by ESA’s Space Debris Office, as on 06 June
2023, there are about 36500 space debris objects greater than 10 cm, 1000000 space
debris objects greater than 1 cm to 10 cm and 130 million space debris objects
greater than 1 mm to 1 cm (ESA, 2023).
Figure 1.4 shows total number of catalogued space objects as a function of time
(Cowardin and Johnson, 2023). The four curves represent the population break down.
The curves show that fragmentations have dominated the population. Three major
chunks have been created by the ASAT tests on Fengyun 1C satellite by China in 2007
which has created more than 3000 debris. Accidental collision of Russia’s defunct
Cosmos 2551 satellite generated more than 2000 pieces of debris, and the recent
ASAT test on Cosmos 1408 by Russian Federation in 2001 resulted in around 2000
debris. The Figure 1.4 shows that there are about 3000 retired spacecraft and around
7100 operational spacecraft.
Figure 1.5: Mass of catalogued objects in Earth orbit as on 03 Feb 2023 by U.S. Space Surveillance
Network. (Source: ODQN March 2023)
Figure 1.6: The near Earth (up to 2000 km) altitude population. Population growth is evident
at all altitudes between the 15th edition (04 July 2018) and 16th edition (01 May 2022). ODQN
March 2023
Space debris poses a serious threat to operational satellites which might be damaged
or even catastrophically destroyed due to collision. The debris have very high
orbital velocity. In LEO, it is in the order of 7-8 km/s which gives high momentum
approximately ten times the speed of a bullet. The general rule is that the space
debris follows a power law distribution i.e. there are more small sized debris than
large debris. With such high speed, even millimetre sized debris can create serious
problem for mission operations including the human space flight and robotic
missions. It may be noted that debris of size 0.4 mm can penetrate the space suit
of astronauts during spacewalk and threaten the safety of astronauts. The big
tracked objects represent only the tip of the iceberg but most of the mission ending
catastrophes are dominated by small (mm to cm sized) debris impacts. There can be
a risk of debris collision for launch vehicles as well. Even though no satellite launch
vehicle was reported to have been hit by debris so far, the third stage of a Minuteman
ICBM was reportedly destroyed in collision with uncatalogued space debris during a
flight on January 15, 1998 (Sundahl, 2000).
Major perturbing forces such as atmospheric drag, luni-solar attraction, solar
radiation pressure may result in the re-entry of space debris in to Earth’s atmosphere
(Vallado, 2001). An object experiences very high aerodynamic load that may cause its
structure to break-up during the re-entry. The intense aerothermal heating further
causes most of the fragments to ablate, except for those having very high melting
point. Such surviving objects poses risk to human life, property and environment on
surface of the Earth.
From the previous discussions, it is evident that space debris poses a serious risk to
space activities. As we continue to add more and more material to the near-Earth
environment, we only increase the potential of more collisions, as more and more
fragments are generated. Finally, this may lead to a cascading effect creating a
self-sustaining cloud of debris around the Earth. This scenario is known the Kessler
Syndrome, after its proponent Kessler, a NASA scientist. In his 1978 seminal paper
(Kessler and Cour Palais, 1978), he showed that even without any new launches,
such a cascading event can be triggered due to collision among the orbiting objects
themselves, the resultant artificial debris belt would severely hinder any future space-
based activities. Therefore, various analysis, mitigation and remediation techniques
are in place to address the space debris problems.
Over the years ISRO has developed substantial capabilities for space debris related
analyses and have made significant contribution to protect operational Indian assets
and mitigate space debris (Anil Kumar, 2022). The current activities are focussed on
• Establishing a robust, indigenous observational capability of space objects,
including space debris, through a network of tracking facilities
• Evolving a reliable, end-to-end operational mechanism to process tracking
• Continual assessments of space situations to enable safe mission operations
• Dissemination of Space Situational Awareness (SSA) information in a timely
Mission Nominal liftoff time (IST) Delayed Actual liftoff time (IST)
PSLV-C18/ 12 Oct 2011, 11:00:00 1 min 12 Oct 2011, 11:01:00
PSLV-C21/SPOT-6 06 Sep 2012, 09.00:00 2 min 06 Sep 2012, 09.02:00
PSLV-C20/SARAL 25 Feb 2013, 18:00:00 5 min 25 Feb 2013, 18:05:00
PSLV-C23/SPOT-7 30 Jun 2014, 09:49:00 3 min 30 Jun 2014, 09:52:00
PSLV-C32/ 10 Mar 2016, 16:00:00 1 min 10 Mar 2016, 16:01:00
PSLV-C36/ 07 Dec 2016, 10:24:00 1 min 07 Dec 2016, 10:25:00
PSLV-C39/ 31 Aug 2017, 18:59:00 1 min 31 Aug 2017, 19:00:00
PSLV-C40/ 12 Jan 2018, 09:28:00 1 min 12 Jan 2018, 09:29:00
PSLV-C42/ 16 Sep 2018, 22:07:00 1 min 16 Sep 2018, 22:08:00
Novasar S1-4
PSLV-C43/Hysis 29 Nov 2018, 09:47:00 30 sec 29 Nov 2018, 09:47:30
PSLV-C53/DS-EO 30 Jun 2022, 18:00:00 2 min 30 Jun 2022, 18:02:00
PSLV-C55/ 22 Apr 2023, 14:19:00 1 min 22 Apr 2023, 14:20:00
LVM3-M4/ 14 Jul 2023, 14:35:13 4 sec 14 Jul 2023, 14:35:17
PSLV-C56/ DS-SAR 30 Jul 2023, 06:30:00 1 min 30 Jul 2023, 06:31:00
The figure shows the “black-out” zones within the launch window, over which the
lift-off timings were prohibited for the PSLV-C53 launch to avoid close approach risk
with other space objects.
1.10 Passivation
The geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) is a highly eccentric orbit with the perigee
normally at low altitudes (170 to 800 km) and the apogee near the geostationary
altitude of around 36000 km. The evolution of objects in GTO orbits is determined
by a complex interplay of atmospheric drag and luni-solar gravity and such orbits
are characterized by periodic changes in perigee altitudes. The initial orientation of
PMD is one of the most important mitigation measures to limit the growth of space
debris as it plays a vital role in decongesting operational orbits, critical for sustainable
space operations. LEO satellites are required to be de-orbited after completion of
their mission to comply with the 25-year rule. A direct re-entry from LEO orbit is an
ideal but fuel-intensive disposal strategy. In case of a controlled re-entry, the air traffic
and maritime traffic authorities are informed about the re-entry time, trajectory and
the associated ground area. IADC recommends that the satellites in GEO orbits are
manoeuvred away from the GEO belt to ensure that they do not interfere with other
satellites in the geostationary orbit. The spacecraft is placed in an orbit that remains
above the GEO protected region for at least 100 years. The fuel is completely depleted
and all energy sources are “passivated” after de-orbiting/re-orbiting to minimise the
possibility of post-mission breakup.
In order to limit post-mission long-term presence in the LEO regime, ISRO’s LEO
satellites are de-orbited at their end-of-life satisfying the UN/IADC guideline to the
maximum possible extent. ISTRAC is responsible for operating and maintaining
the mission defined orbits for LEO satellites. The technical requirements can be
summarised as below:
a. Controlled re-entry to uninhabited regions is preferred. If not possible, the
satellite must be removed from the LEO region no more than 25 years after the
end of mission operations. This is done by lowering the altitude. An increased
drag in the lower orbit causes faster decay in the orbit’s altitude and results in
natural uncontrolled re-entry of the satellite.
b. Fluidic passivation is done by expending fuel usually by executing orbit
manoeuvres. Electrical passivation is done by switching off systems like reaction
wheels and telemetry transmitters followed by disconnecting batteries.
Two options were considered. The first option was to expend the entire fuel for perigee
reduction. Assuming no contingency, this option would result in an orbit of 630 x 380
km; this orbit would have a lifetime of less than 5 years. The second option was to
de-boost to a lower circular orbit of altitude 505 km, this option was not selected
because the satellite could end up orbiting near an operational constellation like
Starlink if an unforeseen unrecoverable anomaly occurred during the de-boost stage.
A lower circular orbit also had a longer orbital lifetime compared to the first option.
The de-boost delta-v was planned to be delivered over multiple orbit manoeuvres
because there was a limitation on the maximum burn duration. Each manoeuvre was
screened for post-manoeuvre conjunctions for the next 7 days. Post-manoeuvre orbit
determination was performed at the earliest opportunity using the on-board GPS
measurements. The post-OM orbit was used to evaluate the performance of each
manoeuvre. The predicted trajectory was used for satellite look-angle generation till
the GPS measurement-based orbit was available.
The 1st manoeuvre was executed on March 6th, 2020. Till March 20th, 2020 five
manoeuvres were carried out. The next 21 de-orbit manoeuvres were done during
the period from May 19th 2020 to September 3rd, 2020. The perigee by this time was
about 390 km and about 3 kg of fuel was left. The satellite at this stage was used for
a few exercises related to spacecraft automation. Then it was decided to lower the
perigee by expending all remaining fuel, this was done to rule out the possibility
of frequent conjunctions with ISS. In all 30 de-orbit manoeuvres, 23 kg of fuel was
expended to deliver a cumulative delta-v of 69 m/s. The final orbit achieved was
In order to limit post-mission long-term presence in the GEO regime, ISRO’s GEO
satellites are re-orbited to super-synchronous orbits at their end-of-life satisfying
the IADC guideline to the maximum possible extent. Master Control Facility (MCF)
is responsible for maintaining the in-orbit GEO satellites and also performs the post-
mission disposal of GEO satellites. The execution involves close coordination with the
neighbouring satellite operators and extensive planning for the migration of satellite
services to other replacement satellites. In one of the earliest re-orbiting operations,
INSAT-2C was re-orbited during June–July 2003, using only left-over vapour and
the deorbiting operation was continued for 44 days. The first successful re-orbiting
which was fully compliant with IADC guidelines was of INSAT-2DT during August
2004. In general, the first manoeuvre is planned to exit the collocated constellation
(if applicable). Then alternating burns at apogee and perigee are executed to ensure
that the intermediate orbits are circular. The manoeuvres are continued till the super
GEO orbit is reached in compliance with IADC guidelines. After re-orbiting to disposal
orbit, the final passivation burn to depletion is carried out by performing inclination
change, instead of changing the semi-major axis by an in-plane manoeuvre to avoid
any possible increase in eccentricity.
Accurate prediction of the re-entry time for uncontrolled space objects is challenging
due to various factors influencing the atmospheric re-entry process. A numerical
method is typically employed for the re-entry time prediction; it involves gathering
data in terms of two-line element sets (TLEs) or state vectors (SV) from multiple
sources and combining them using sophisticated algorithms, such as the Kalman
filter, to improve the object’s orbit estimation accuracy. Once an estimate of orbit
is made, a high-fidelity orbit propagator which solves the governing differential
equation of orbital motion in the presence of various perturbations is used to estimate
the re-entry time and location. The ballistic coefficient, representing the ratio of the
object’s mass to its drag characteristics, is a crucial parameter in re-entry prediction.
Estimating the ballistic coefficient for uncontrolled space objects is challenging due
to their irregular shapes, unknown masses, and uncertain aerodynamic properties.
Atmospheric models accounting for various factors such as solar activity and
seasonal variations play a crucial role in orbit propagation as the drag experienced
by an object depends on the density of the surrounding air.
Over the past couple of decades, ISRO developed several methodologies for re-
entry time and impact location prediction of space objects making uncontrolled
atmospheric re-entry. All these methods approach the re-entry prediction problem
as an optimal initial parameter estimation problem, such as Constant Gain Kalman
Filter Approach, KS Elements with Genetic Algorithm (KSGEN), Response Surface
Methodology with Genetic Algorithm (RSMGA), STKOptim (Optimization using
System Tool Kit), STKLtOptim(Life time optimization with System Tool Kit), ABPRO
(Automated Back Propagation) (Dutt et al., 2023).
During re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere space debris may/may not completely
burn and may pose ground casualty risk. Hence it is very essential to estimate the
survival status of re-entering objects/spent stages and risk assessment. ISRO has
also developed in-house methodologies for aerothermal break-up and survivability
analysis. The basic inputs are the object’s re-entry trajectory, structural components,
and atmospheric model. These are used in the computation of the heat flux,
evaluation of thermal response and finding break-up altitudes of various components
for determining debris footprint.
1.15 Shielding
ISRO has undertaken project NETRA (NEtwork for space objects TRacking and
Analysis) to establish independent end-to-end capability to detect, identify, track,
and catalogue space objects, including spaced debris to safeguard national space
assets. The main three elements of the project are: one phased-array, multi-object
tracking Radar to be located at Chandrapur, Assam; one optical telescope capable of
tracking a 40 cm object in geostationary orbit, being established at Hanle, Ladakh;
and a Control Centre, which is operational at Bengaluru, Karnataka to function as
a hub of all SSA related activities, including observational data processing, object
identification and cataloguing. The expansion of the observational network is also
envisaged by adding more telescopes and radars.
Objects less than 10 cm are difficult to track individually; hence a statistical estimation
is made of the population density based on measurements. These density models
are generated over the years with cumulative measurements. The centimetre sized
objects are derived from the dedicated radar campaign. The encountered sub-
millimetre debris population are inferred from the analysis of retrieved surfaces and
in-situ impact sensors. The population is also characterized based on the ground-
based simulations of hypervelocity collisions with satellite and rocket bodies, and
ground-based simulations of explosive fragmentations. These data generated from
experiments and campaigns are used for validation and improvement of the debris
flux models which can be deterministic or statistical in type or a combination. Such
models are useful in risk and damage assessment, prediction of debris detection
rates for measurements, collision avoidance measures, and in the analysis of the
The area of space debris provides an ample scope for further technical research in
the areas of shielding, active collision avoidance, debris removal, LEO end-of-life
disposition, passivation, re-entry disposal etc. In shielding, experimental studies
on hypervelocity impact, materials research for bumper design, theoretical and
numerical studies of the impact are the important topics for investigation. Theoretical
models and engineering analyses for cost-effective passivation methods is of great
technological significance. Statistical risk analysis models for fragmentation and
re-entry risks need to be improved. Studies on thermal degradation of spacecraft
and material survival during re-entry are needed to make more precise prediction
and evaluation of re-entry risk. Active debris removal methods are to be further
investigated. Space debris removal with tethers is an interesting concept that
needs further engineering feasibility studies. Destruction by laser or use of laser
to accelerate the orbital decay may be useful, but must be performed so that it
does not create additional objects. Debris catchers or sweepers may be feasible if
discrimination or avoidance between debris and useful spacecraft can be realized.
The aerospace community is working to illustrate the effectiveness and cost of
typical mitigation scenarios. Long-term environment models are useful in such work.
Focussed efforts are also required to devise methods for measuring and estimating
existing space debris particularly in the sub-centimetre sizes. Finally, the proliferation
of multiple large constellations of satellites, each comprising more than hundreds
and thousands of satellites will pose serious challenges due to the sheer number of
Chapter 2 deals with space debris environment and its sources. It includes modelling
of orbital breakup in space and an IADC comparison study on stability of the future
LEO environment.
Chapter 3 deals with simulations of some on-orbit explosions and orbital break-ups.
Simulation of some historical on-orbit breakups using new models is studied.
Chapter 6 concerns with conjunction analysis and modelling. Space debris proximity
analysis in powered and orbital phases during satellite launch is discussed. Statistical
conjunction analysis and modelling of low-earth orbit catalogued objects is studied.
Wavelets are also used for doing this analysis. Modelling of Sunspot cycle is done
with different techniques.
Chapter 7 deals with space debris mitigation and risk estimation in India. Estimation
of on-ground risk due to uncontrolled re-entries from eccentric orbits is studied.
Re-entry prediction studies of IADC re-entry test campaigns and other risk objects
in GTO are presented in Chapter 8. Different techniques including genetic algorithm,
response surface technique and Kalman filter are used.
Chapter 9 presents the challenges and future directions to cope with the space
debris issues.
Space Debris Environment and its Sources
Space debris is any object orbiting Earth but is no longer functional. This can be as
large as a discarded rocket stage or as small as a microscopic chip of paint. Much
of the debris is in low Earth orbit (LEO) within 2,000 km of Earth’s surface, some are
in medium Earth orbit (MEO) between 2000 and 35786 km, and some debris are
be found around the geostationary orbit 35786 km (
As of 2023, the United States Space Surveillance Network was tracking more than
26,000 pieces of space debris larger than 10 cm sized. According to the United States
Space Surveillance Network, there are about 200,000 pieces of space debris between
1 and 10 cm sized. There are also millions of pieces smaller than 1 cm. Objects below
600 km orbit take around 25 years or less before re-entering Earth’s atmosphere.
Objects above 1,000 km will orbit for centuries. Because of the high speeds at which
objects orbit Earth (up to 7.5 km per second), a collision with even a small piece
of space debris can damage a spacecraft depending on the direction of velocity
vector with relative velocity more than 10 km per second. For example, space shuttle
windows often had to be replaced because of damage from collisions with debris
smaller than 1 mm (
The amount of debris in space threatens both crewed and uncrewed spaceflight.
The risk of a catastrophic collision of a space shuttle with a piece of space debris
was 1 in 300. (For missions to the Hubble Space Telescope, with its higher and
more debris-filled orbit, the risk was 1 in 185.) If there is a greater than 1-in-100,000
chance of a known piece of debris colliding with the International Space Station
(ISS), the astronauts perform a debris avoidance manoeuvre in which the ISS’s orbit
is manoeuvred to avoid collision. On particularly dangerous occasions, such as in
November 2021, when the ISS passed through the debris cloud from a Russian anti-
satellite test, astronauts closed the station’s hatches and shelter in their spacecraft.
On January 22, 2013, the Russian laser-ranging satellite BLITS (Ball Lens in the Space)
experienced a sudden change in its orbit and its spin, which caused scientists to
abandon the mission. The culprit was believed to have been a collision with a piece
of Fengyun-1C debris. Fragments from Fengyun-1C, Iridium 33, and Cosmos 2251
account for about one-half of all debris below 1,000 km at that time.
With the increasing amount of space debris and the advent of mega-constellations
of thousands of satellites, there are fears that collisions such as that between Iridium
33 and Cosmos 2251 could set off a chain reaction (called the Kessler syndrome after
American scientist Donald Kessler) in which the resulting space debris would destroy
other satellites and so on, with low Earth orbit eventually becoming unusable. To
forestall such a debris buildup, space agencies have begun taking steps to mitigate
the problem, such as burning up all the fuel in a rocket stage so it does not explode
later or saving enough fuel to deorbit a satellite at the end of its mission.
The British satellite RemoveDEBRIS, which was launched in 2018 and deployed from
the ISS, tested two different technologies for removing space debris: capture with
a net and capture with a harpoon. RemoveDEBRIS also attempted to test a dragsail
to slow down the satellite so that it could reenter the atmosphere, but the sail failed
to deploy. Satellites in geostationary orbit that are near the end of their missions
are sometimes moved to a “graveyard” orbit 300 km higher, and in January 2022
the Chinese Shijian-21 satellite pulled the defunct Beidou-2 G2 far past the usual
graveyard orbit to a new orbit 3,000 km higher than the belt of geostationary
satellites (Gregersen, 2023).
Anil Kumar et al (2002) and Anil Kumar (2004) obtained the basic structure of the
‘ASSEMBLE’ model based on an analysis of the characteristics of the parameters of
the fragments of the PSLV-TES Mission spent upper stage breakup on 19 December
2001 as given by the TLE set of the USSPACECOM catalogue. If one is able to utilize,
as is done in this study, the orbital characteristics soon after the breakup, the velocity
distribution of the fragments can be obtained more accurately and later derive their
physical properties from the available empirical relations.
The INDIAN PSLV-TES Mission was launched on 22 October 2001, from the Sriharikota
Range, presently the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) of the Indian Space Research
Organization (
After the successful completion of the satellite mission, the spent upper stage of
PSLV was inserted in an orbit of nearly 675 km x 550 km at an inclination of 97.9 deg.
The rocket body exploded on 19 December 2001 after which the fragments were
tracked and catalogued in USSPACECOM TLE sets. The details of the breakup event
were reported in Portman (2002).
The USSPACECOM catalogued TLEs for the 301 fragments of the explosion, were
available on 20th January 2002. Based on the TLE data, it was possible to infer the
kinematic orbital characteristics of the catalogued fragments. However, the other
desirable fragmentation properties such as the mass and the characteristic area were
not possible to obtain from the TLE data. The orbital decay of the debris fragments
depended strongly on the ballistic coefficient. The damage from a collision depended
on the mass ‘m’ of the fragments. The observable radar cross section of a fragment
depended on its characteristic area Aeff or the diameter ‘d’. These were strongly
related to the actual physical mechanism and the intensity of the explosion or
collision. The detailed breakup being unknown and random in order to estimate the
above, use of one of the available empirical relations in the literature was required
(Bandyopadhyay et al., 2004b; Anil Kumar et al., 2005a).
Figure 2.1: The Gabbard Diagram from the TLEs of PSLV-TES Spent Upper Stage Breakup
Fragments after 31 Days of Breakup
Figure 2.2: The Distribution of Apogee, Inclination, Eccentricity and B* from the TLEs of PSLV-TES
Spent Upper Stage Breakup Fragments after 31 Days of Breakup
with the suffix 0 stands for the parent body and the suffix ‘i’ for the ith fragment,
cos (θi) = sin (ф0) sin (фi) + cos (ф0) cos (фi)
As the altitude of the parent body and the fragments at the instant of breakup is
same, the true anomalies of the fragments and the parent body could be calculated
utilizing the equation for radial distance
where r is radius vector at the break up, valid for the fragments and parent body, a is
semi major axis and e is eccentricity of the parent body or the fragments as the case
might be.
The delta velocities estimated for each of these fragments ranged from 0.2 m/s to 400
m/s with an average of 52.5 m/s. The calculated components of the delta velocities,
radial Vr, transversal Vt, and normal Vn, imparted to the fragments both in plane and
out of plane were useful to obtain further knowledge about the process of explosion.
Since there was no data, it was very difficult to infer the mass of the debris fragments.
It was compelling to depend on some empirical relations to arrive at the distribution
of the mass of the fragments. The literature provides a large number of relations,
which could be utilized for explosions (high intensity or low intensity) and collisions
based on the explosion or collision experiments. The number and the mass
distribution depend on the density and shape of the parent mass, the directionality,
and the intensity of explosion or collision. Anil Kumar et al. (2002) utilized the
rescaled relations given by Reynolds (1991) if the satellite mass differs considerably
from 1000 kg:
Nm = {
fm = the ratio of the reference mass of 1000 kg to the satellite mass Mt.
The above expression estimates the number of fragments created by the explosion of
PSLV-TES as 868 with the mass ranging from nearly 56 kg to 2 grams, which accounts
for a mass of about 840 kg. This means that for the largest 301 objects the cumulative
sum of mass is 840 kg. These mass values have been scaled up to conserve the total
initial object mass of 885 kg.
The approximate lifetimes of fragments was estimated by Anil Kumar et al. (2002)
using the TLE data with the software “SatEvo”. The study indicated that 204 objects
decayed by the end of 2002 and about 25 will remain in orbit even after 1000 days.
m = 52.67 Aeff1.42,
where the coefficient and the exponent are related to the density of the breakup
body material. In the present study the values are obtained from the B* and a
modified maximum likelihood estimation of the coefficient and the exponent in the
above relation as
m = 46.62 Aeff1.22.
where d is the size of the fragment in meters and ΔV in km/sec describes the peak in
the velocity distribution curve. In order to provide the dispersion in ΔV, the velocity
is picked randomly from a triangular distribution whose minimum is 0.1 times and
maximum is 1.3 times, respectively, of the peak of ΔV. The intensity of explosion is
calculated using the conservation of momentum:
where Mt is the mass of the parent body, mi is the mass of the ith fragment, V0 is the
velocity of the parent body just before explosion, ΔV0 is the incremental velocity
required for the parent body for such an explosion and ΔVi the delta velocities to the
ith fragment.
This new approach for the modelling of the breakup in low Earth orbits will be useful
for any a priori assessment of intentional or unintentional breakups.
Anil Kumar et al. (2005) brought out the statistical nature of the characteristics of
the tracked non-functional GEO (Geo-stationary Earth Orbit) debris objects and
proposed a distribution model of the GEO environment by utilizing the approach of
SIMPLE (Stochastic IMPressionistic Low Earth) Model used for LEO (Low Earth Orbits).
It was noted that the catalogued objects around 800 across the years 1998 to 2004,
had the same semi-major axis mode (highest number density) around 35750 km
above the Earth. Just by properly excluding the objects in the small bin of operational
region, say (35700, 35800) km containing about 40 percent of objects, the rest of the
objects had a number density distribution of single Laplace distribution with two
parameters, namely location and scale. It was further noticed that the percentage
of objects in the bin around mode was nearly same across the years. The Laplace
Figure 2.3 provides the histograms of the semi-major axis of the catalogued objects
for one set in the 2004. It may be noted that the first plot shows a very high peak at
its modal value, in which the objects can be considered as those of the functional
satellites. Second plot in Figure 2.3 is the frequency distribution of the non-functional
objects after removing about 40 % of the functional objects. Studies indicated that
the semi-major axis of these non-functional objects could be best fitted with the
Tertiary mixture of Laplace distributions as used for the SIMPLE model for LEO
(Ananthasayanam et al., 2002).
Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5 provide the distribution fit for the semi-major axis of the
non-functional GEO objects using the tertiary mixture of the Laplace distributions for
the year 2004 and 2002. Table 2.1 provides the estimated distribution parameters for
the semi-major axis for the years 2000 to 2004, quoted each for set of TLEs in January.
It may be that these parameters do not vary significantly across the years, expect
for the first scale parameter. The weight parameters are selected as 0.3 and 0.5 after
some sensitivity studies as they do not vary much across the TLE sets considered. It
is seen that this parameter is not sensitive in the distribution fit. A model is proposed
by estimating the parameters across the five years based on a least square technique,
which is close to the average of the parameters across the years. Hence the values
can be taken as (μ1 λ1 μ2 λ2 μ3 λ3 p1 p2 ) = (35500, 800, 36500, 250, 25900, 0.3,
Figure 2.5: The distribution fit for the semi-major axis of the non-functional GEO objects using the
tertiary mixture of the Laplace distributions for the Laplace distributions for the year 2002
Figure 2.6 provides a comparison between the model prediction and the
measurement frequencies for all the five years from 2000 to 2004. It may be noted
that the matching is quite good.
The distribution parameters for the eccentricity are provided in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2: Model parameters for number density of GEO objects in Eccentricity. μ-Location
parameter, λ-Scale parameter, p-Weight parameter
The parameters are not found varying much across the years. Based on the results
of Table 2.2, the suggested model parameters are: (μ1 λ1 μ2 λ2 p1 ) = (-7.95 0.95
-6.23 0.75 0.65).
It may be noted that the inclination of the functional satellites are nearly 0 deg. And
the distribution of the inclination of the non-functional objects is shown in Figure
2.9. This shows the pattern of inclination distribution for a typical set of GEO debris
objects for the year 2004. Similar pattern is observed in all other years. Uniform
distribution is proposed for inclination as generalized assumption.
Modeling studies of the orbital debris population in low Earth orbit had suggested
that the environment has already reached the level of instability. Mitigation measures
commonly adopted by the international space community, including those of the
Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) and the United Nations,
might be insufficient to stop the future population growth. An official IADC modeling
study was conducted to assess the stability of the current LEO debris population.
Results from six different models were consistent - even with a 90% compliance of
the commonly-adopted mitigation measures and no future explosion, the simulated
LEO debris population increased by an average of approximately 30% in the next
The solar flux projections used by participating agencies for the period from 2010
through 2060 are shown in Figure 2.10. There is reasonable correlation in terms of
the magnitude and phase. The UK model was adopted by JAXA/KU’s LEODEEM for
the simulations.
Figure 2.10: Solar flux projections used by participating agencies. Only the period
from 2010 through 2060 is shown for clarity
The study results are presented below. The number of MC simulations employed by
each model to generate these results is shown in Tab. 2.3. The total MC runs of the
six models is 725.
In all cases, the models predict a population growth. The average increase is 30% in
200 years. The short-term fluctuation, occurring on a timescale of approximately 11
years, is due to the solar flux cycle.
Figure 2.11: Effective numbers of objects 10 cm and larger in LEO predicted by the six different
models. All models assumed no future explosion and 90% compliance of the commonly adopted
mitigation measures
The population increase at the end of the 200-year projection (the year 2209)
predicted by the six models are shown in Figure 2.13. The initial environment (year
2009) is also included for comparison. The number of objects at any altitude, at a
given point in time, is a balance between sources and sink. The former includes new
launches, fragments generated from new collisions, and fragments decayed from
higher altitudes (due to atmospheric drag) while the latter includes objects decayed
toward lower altitudes (due to atmospheric drag). Overall, there is a general
population increase above 800 km.
Figure 2.13: The initial (dashed curve) and projected LEO environment in year 2209
Table 2.4: Summary of the projected LEO population increase based on regular launches
and a 90% compliance of the commonly-adopted mitigation measures
From the study it is shown that catastrophic collisions are expected to occur every 5 to
9 years. Remediation measures, such as active debris removal, should be considered
to stabilize the future LEO environment.
On-Orbit Breakup and Environment Modelling
3.1 Introduction
Since the launch of first satellite in 1957, more than 560 spacecraft breakup events
have occurred by 2021 (Ren et al. 2023). Two breakups occurred in 2022 (Cowardin
and Johnson, March 2023). Three minor breakups occurred in first quarter of
2023.The debris from spacecraft breakup has accounted for more than 35% of all
the catalogued debris (Cowardin and Johnson, June 2023). A satellite breakup is
usually destructive disassociation of an orbital payload, rocket body, or structure
with a wide range of ejecta velocities. A non-catastrophic collision only results in
minor physical damage to the target. The impact can be the result of an intentional
intercept with kinetic energy weapon or the result of a random collision with space
debris. The explosion may be caused by abnormal residual propellant and battery,
and the impact may also cause incidental internal explosion, which is essentially the
combination of impact and explosion.
The impact of millimetre sized space debris can cause perforation on the satellite
surface and cause some functions to fail, but the satellite may still retain its remaining
functions and continue to work in orbit. Due to the low detectability of cm. sized
space debris, it is difficult for satellites to manoeuvre in orbit to avoid its impact.
Once the cm. sized space debris collides with the satellite, the huge kinetic energy
can lead to the satellite breakup. In February 2009, the operational communication
satellite Iridium 33 of the United States and the decommissioned communication
satellite Cosmos 2251 of Russia collided at an altitude of 790 km with a relative
velocity of more than 11 km/s, resulting in the breakup of both satellites. This event
produced 1715 catalogued objects and countless small fragments that could not
be catalogued and identified. 1021 are still in orbit till early 2023 (Cowardin and
Johnson, March 2023).
Figure 3.2: Cosmos 2251 debris (red) are more numerous and spread across a greater altitude
regime than that of Iridium 33 (blue)
Due to the differential orbital periods of the debris, their orbital planes gradually
separated and form a shell about the Earth. Figure 3.1 illustrates the predicted orbital
planes 30 days and six months after the collision (Johnson, 2009). The debris from the
Iridium 33 spacecraft spread more slowly than those from Cosmos 2251 due to their
higher inclination. It may be noted from the same study, from Figure 3.2 that Cosmos
2251 debris (red) are more numerous and spread across a greater altitude regime
Breakup can be caused by accidental explosion due to residual fuel and battery or
deliberate explosion for the purpose of satellite self-destruction. On February 10,
2009, an active commercial satellite Iridium 33 and the deactivated Russian satellite
Cosmos 2251 accidentally collided with a speed of 11.7 km/s at an altitude of 789
kilometres, It was the first time a hypervelocity collision occurred between two
satellites. On February 3rd 2015, a Defence Meteorological Satellite of United States
experienced a single breakup event resulting in the creation of a new debris cloud.
The satellite was in a nearly circular orbit at an altitude of about 840 km and an
inclination of 98.75º (Anz-Meador and Shoots, April 2015).
Figure 3.3: The relationship between changes in inclination and right ascension of ascending
Figure 3.4: The scatter plot for velocity changes in PSLV-C3/PS4 fragmentation
Anil Kumar et al. (2002a) utilized the TLE data of the fragments of a breakup to
obtain the orbital parameters consisting of apogee or perigee height, eccentricity
and inclination in terms of suitable statistical distributions. These were found to be
Laplace distributions for apogee or perigee height (bounded by breakup altitude)
and inclination, and lognormal distribution for the eccentricity. The area-to-mass ratio
corresponding to the ballistic coefficient could also be represented by a lognormal
distribution. Further, in order to simulate the characteristics of any typical breakup,
it could be modelled in terms of the probability distributions for orbital parameters
namely apogee or perigee height, eccentricity and inclination. In order to specify
the mass and effective area of the fragments, some of the available deterministic
empirical relations could be utilized. The detailed procedure recommended in that
approach called ASSEMBLE (A Semi Stochastic Environment Modeling of Breakup
in LEO), was presented. The new approach for the modelling of the breakup in low
earth orbits was useful for any a priori assessment of intentional or unintentional
breakups. The model had been applied to simulate the Indian PSLV- TES Mission
spent upper stage breakup on December 19, 2001. The analysis was carried out
based on the TLE data of the debris fragments generated by the explosion as given
by the web sites with epochs around January 20, 2002. The intensity of explosion, in
terms of additional velocity requirement for such an explosion and the lifetime of the
generated fragments were estimated.
Anil Kumar et al. (2003a) utilized a new modelling approach for on-orbit breakup,
named ASSEMBLE (A Semi Stochastic Environment Modeling of Breakup In
LEO). Its genesis was on the hypothesis that the orbital parameters at the time of
breakup were based on an analysis of the TLE data of some of the fragmentation
events, obeyed certain statistical distributions. The apogee or perigee height and
inclination could be described in terms of Laplace distributions and eccentricity by
lognormal distribution. In order to expand the fragmentation scenario to mass, the
effective area and the ballistic coefficient, some empirical relations available in the
literature were utilized in ASSEMBLE. ASSEMBLE is described briefly followed by its
application in simulating some of the historical breakups. In particular, the results of
the simulations with respect to four major breakups, namely (1) SPOT 1 rocket body
on 13 November 1986, (2) COSMOS 1813 on January 29 1987, (3) STEP II rocket body
on June 3, 1996 and (4) CBERS I/ SAC I on March 11, 2000 were presented. All the
simulated results with the studied breakups compared quite well with observations
both at the time of breakup and at a later epoch.
Anil Kumar et al. (2005a) utilized a posterior modeling approach for on-orbit
breakup, named ASSEMBLE (A Semi-Stochastic Environment Modeling of Breakup
in LEO). This approach dealt with the on-orbit breakup of an object in space and
was based on an analysis of the available catalogued data provided by US Space
Surveillance Network (US SSN), of the fragments soon after the breakup. On-orbit
breakups created many fragments and each had its orbital characteristics such as the
semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, and other parameters such as size, shape,
the ballistic coefficient, and so on. The catalogued data provided only the orbital
characteristics of fragments besides a B* term related to ballistic coefficient B with
B* = (ρ0/2) B. The size and shape cannot be easily estimated on the basis of these
characteristics and hence needed to be obtained from empirical relations based on
some laboratory experiments. These relations provide estimates based on samples
only and not those of the population. But all these variables characterizing the
fragments are in some way connected due to the underlying physical process in an
explosion and one cannot assign arbitrary random values for their various properties.
The apogee and the eccentricity are related to radial and transverse components of
the velocity, while the inclination and the right ascension of the ascending node are
related to the normal component.
It was pointed out that the orbital parameters in Step 2 followed a joint distribution.
Hence, while simulating them, the cross-coupling between the parameters could
be taken into account. But the multiple correlations between those parameters are
mostly unknown. However, the assumption of zero correlation if assumed, and each
of the parameters independently simulated from the marginal distributions and
randomly coupled, did not significantly alter the fit characteristics as an ensemble.
ASSEMBLE model was used to carry out the simulation of the breakups of PSLV-TES
upper stage rocket body, STEP II rocket body, CBERS-I/SACI-1, COSMOS 1813 and
SPOT I rocket body.
Figure 3.6: The Gabbard diagram from the TLEs of PSLV-TES spent upper stage
breakup fragments after 31 days of breakup
Orbit Propagation
Low fidelity propagators are the fastest to use and thus are appropriate for design and
for planning; high fidelity propagators are the slowest to use but most appropriate
when accuracy is needed, like in operations. One should use a propagation model
appropriate for the type of analysis needed. Analytic propagators use a closed-form
solution of the time-dependent motion of a satellite to produce ephemeris or to
provide directly the position and velocity of a satellite at a particular time. Semi-
analytic propagators incorporate some numerical techniques instead of using only
approximations. Numerical propagators numerically integrate the equations of
motion for the satellite.
It is well known that the solutions of the classical Newtonian equations of motion
are unstable and these equations are not suitable for long-term orbit computations
numerically. Many transformations emerged in the literature to stabilize the
equations of motion either to reduce the accumulation of local numerical errors
Computer software ‘OBLETRA’ (Sharma and Mani, 1985) was developed for orbit
computation using the KS element equations of motion (4.1) to (4.4). Earth’s oblateness
terms J2 to J6 given in (4.13) were included along with an oblate atmospheric model
Orbit computation of the first satellite RS-1, launched by ISRO by its own rocket
SLV-3 from Sriharikota Range (SHAR) on 18th July 1980, was done for about 400
days. Numerical integration of the equations of motion was carried out with the
fourth-order fixed step size Runge-Kutta-Gill method with reference to 20 July 1980
epoch given in Table 4.1. The osculating and mean orbital parameters of RS-1 for
this epoch along with satellite mass and effective area are also provided in Table-4.1
(Sharma and Mani, 1985). Constant value of the drag coefficient 2.2 is used. Constant
rotational rate of atmosphere (Λ) with respect to Earth’s rotation is used as 1.2.
ε is the ellipticity of the Earth, H is the density scale height, a, e and ω are orbital
parameters: semi-major axis, eccentricity and argument of perigee, respectively.
Bhatnagar-Taqvi’s (1977) short-periodic expressions due to Earth’s second harmonic
(J2) and Gooding’s (1981) iteration scheme was used for mean and osculating
elements conversion (Sharma, 1990). ρρ0, the density at the osculating perigee,
was computed with CIRA 1972 Mean Reference Atmosphere. However, the effects
due to the variations in daily 10.7 cm solar flux (F10.7), averaged 10.7 cm solar flux,
daily averaged geomagnetic index (Ap) and semi-annular variations were computed
and implemented on ρρ0. The density scale height (H) during each revolution was
computed with the ¾ H theory of King-Hele and Scott (1969). After some numerical
Figure 4.1: Energy variation error (Δh) versus time for RS-1
Figs. 4.2 and 4.3 depict the computed and the observed values of semi-major axis
and eccentricity of RS-1 for the total computed orbital life (399.4 days) with integration
step size of 36 steps/rev. It was noticed that there was good agreement for
An orbit prediction package ‘SATODA’ for near-Earth satellite orbits was developed
by Sharma (1993a), utilizing the analytical expressions of Swinerd and Boulton
(1982) for secular changes of the semi-major axis and eccentricity per revolution in
an oblate diurnal atmosphere. The data for 10.7 cm solar flux (F10.7) and averaged
geomagnetic index (Ap) values was obtained from Solar Geophysical Data Prompt
Reports (Lincoln, 1980-1981). The package was utilized to study the orbital decay of
RS-1 satellite. A comparison between the predicted (post-facto) and observed values
of the orbital decay parameters semi-major axis ‘a’ and eccentricity ‘e’ with Jacchia
(1977) density model was found to be quite satisfactory as seen in Figures 4.4 and
4.5, respectively, showing the utility of the package and the importance of the oblate
diurnal atmospheric modeling for near-circular orbits.
Since the canonical approach to a given mechanical system converts the system
into a simpler form through transformations, in Sharma and Raj (1988) a detailed
numerical study was carried out of a canonical form of the KS theory with respect to
a complex force model. The derivation of canonical differential systems describing
the perturbed motion, is by no means trivial, since, for instance, the adopted law of
the time-transformation must be incorporated in the canonical set. The satisfaction
of this requirement implies the knowledge of more refined instruments of general
canonical theory as, for instance the enlargement of the phase space and the
appropriate restrictions on the initial conditions.
For detailed numerical study, we have chosen the uniformly regular KS canonical
elements (Stiefel and Scheifele, 1971; p 251) where all the elements αj, βj (j =1 to 5)
are constant in the Keplerian motion. We developed an orbit computation package
by including the effect of Earth’s oblateness. The recursion formulas of Legendre
polynomials were utilized to include up to any number of Earth’s zonal harmonic
terms Jn. However, the numerical computations were done with terms up to J36.
The integration of KS uniform canonical equations of motion was carried out with
fixed step size fourth-order Runge-Kutta-Gill method. Bilinear relations and energy
equation were used for checking the accuracies of numerical integration. It was
concluded from the study that a larger integration step size (say, 36 steps/rev.) could
be utilized for moderate eccentricity cases for accurate orbit computations during
long-term integrations.
From the application point of view, the package was utilized to study the long-
term behaviour of 900 km height near-circular sun-synchronous satellite orbit of
PSLV mission. The mean orbital elements were generated for 220 days time (nearly
3078 revolutions). The conversion of the osculating orbital elements to mean orbital
elements was done through Chebotarev’s (1964) first-order short-periodic variations
due to J2. Numerical integration was done up to J24 terms. The long-periodic terms
in eccentricity and inclination were found to have a period of 129.9 days. The extrema
of mean eccentricity and inclination were found to occur very near to + 90 degrees of
mean argument of perigee.
On any solution, the value of p0=2w0 is the negative of physical energy and the
value of Hamiltonian H is zero.
The generating function
transforms the above Hamiltonian
In this study (Sharma and Raj, 1988), we assumed that the only force acting on an
artificial satellite is those due to the Earth’s gravitational field with axial symmetry; in
which case, we have
where R is the equatorial radius, r the distance of the particle from the central
body. Jn’s are dimensionless constants known as zonal harmonics and Pn are
Legendre polynomials of degree n. With respect to V in (4.42), we developed an orbit
computation package through the uniformly regular KS canonical Equations (4.41).
For the economic computation of V and �V/�x with respect to Legendre polynomial
of any degree n, we have utilized the recurrence formulas of Legendre’s polynomials
Having starting values
satisfied by the canonical variables αi, βi and ui,wi (i = 1,2, 3,4) are used as checks for
numerical integration accuracies of the Equations (4.41) with respect to the force
model given by (4.42).
From the application point of view, we utilized the orbit computation package to
generate mean orbital elements of 900 km near-circular Sun-synchronous orbit for
220 days time (nearly 3078 revolutions). Its initial osculating orbital elements chosen
for the study along with mean elements are given in Table 4.2.The conversion of the
osculating orbital elements to mean orbital elements is done through Chebotarev’s
(1964) first-order short-periodic variations due to J2 (Sharma, 1990). It was noticed a
meter level accuracy in the osculating semi-major axis computation with 36 steps/
rev. after 60 revolutions. The mean orbital elements for this case were generated
after integrating Equations (4.41) with J2 to J24 terms up to 220 days time (nearly
3078 revolutions). It was noted that the mean semi-major axis (am) remains nearly
constant, while the mean right ascension of ascending node (Ωm varies almost
linearly during the 220 days time. The variation of mean eccentricity (em), argument
of perigee (ωm) and inclination (im) are depicted in Figure 4.4 up to 220 days time.
It was noticed from the Figure 4.4 that the eccentricity and the inclination have
long-periodic terms of period 129.9 days and occur almost at the same time. A slight
increase in the peak values of im was also noted. The extrema of these variations
occur when the argument of perigee is near to + 90 degrees. The argument of
perigee varies rapidly near the minimum of em and im. Variation of em and ωm, with
terms up to J2 and J6 was also shown in Figure 4.6 to show the effect of higher zonal
harmonic terms. It was noticed that the terms J3 to J24 have very significant effect on
em, ωm, and im. Effect of J7 to J24 was also noticed on em. The figure also depicted
that J2 has no long-periodic effect on em.
In Raj and Sharma (2003), a new non-singular analytical theory with respect to the
Earth’s zonal harmonic terms J2, J3, J4 was developed for short-periodic motion, by
analytically integrating the uniformly regular KS canonical equations. It showed an
improvement over the analytical solution in terms of the KS elements. The analytical
theory with respect to J2 was further simplified by Smibi et al. (2017) by analytically
integrating the uniformly regular KS canonical equations of motion using the
OPSAT software used for lifetime estimation of space objects was developed by Dutt
and Anil Kumar (2017). It used semi-analytical equations provided by Chao and Platt
(1991) for orbit propagation. The averaged equations of motion included J2 and J3
and atmospheric drag. The equations were integrated with a step size of one or a
multiple of orbit period. The integrations, which give the averaged drag effects on
semi-major axis ‘a’ and eccentricity ‘e’ with respect to mean anomaly M from 0 to
2π, were carried out with respect to the true anomaly f. It uses BFGS Quasi-Newton
algorithm to minimize least square error on apogee and perigee altitudes of a given
TLE set to estimate ballistic coefficient (BC). This BC is used for future orbit prediction.
It has been used for identification of potential candidate for active debris removal
(ADR) and future projection of space debris environment with ADR.
Broad features of the Orbit lifetime estimation process is provided in Figure 4.7.
OPSAT can be utilized for short- as well as long-term orbit predictions using TLE data.
Table 4.4: BC Estimation of SFERA with different TLE sets and re-entry prediction
(Re-entry epoch date: 24th Nov 2012)
OPSAT is evaluated for short-term and long-term orbit predictions. For short-term
orbit prediction 2–4 months TLE data of Phobos- Grunt (37872) and SFERA (38751) is
used. The re-entry epoch is known for these satellites. Different sets of TLEs are used
for ballistic coefficient (BC) estimation and the estimated BC is used for propagation.
The predicted re-entry date is matched with the actual re-entry date. An error of
about 10 days is observed when the matching TLE set is 2–3 months away from
the re-entry date while 0–1 day error when matching TLE set is 4–5 days away from
re-entry date. Tables 4.3and 4.4 give the analysis details for re-entry pre diction of
Phobos-Grunt and SFERA, respectively.
For long-term evaluation, Tran sit 1B (7.5 years data), Cosmos 1939 (5 years data)
and Tiantuo-1 (2.5 years data) are used. Tiantuo-1 (Figure 4.8), Cosmos 1939 (Figure
4.9) and Transit 1B (Figure 4.10) had re-entered on 31-10-2014, 29-10-2014 and
03-10-1967, respectively. The predicted re-entry date of Tiantuo-1 is same as the
actual date, while there is 1 day difference between predicted and actual re-entry
date of Cosmos 1939.
Figure 4.9: Perigee-Apogee profile of Cosmos 1939 (BC 60 kg/m2 in initial phase and later 55 kg/m2)
Modelling of the Space Debris Environment
5.1 Introduction
From the time of the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, the man-made space objects have
steadily increased. Now the objects are tracked by a number of space agencies. The
objects travel in different directions, at different altitudes, on different planes. Table
5.1 provides space objects on-orbit and decayed or beyond Earth orbit for different
countries and others. To display the distribution statistics, 01 May 2022 U.S. Satellite
Catalogue was categorized by their nominal variables (Anz-Meador et al. 2022).
US CIS France PRC India Japan Other Total
Payloads 4413 1467 80 636 104 196 83 1664 8643
rocket bodies 613 957 155 194 39 54 7 42 2061
751 795 151 336 6 38 14 17 2108
ed debris
breakup debris 3450 4935 202 3311 70 11 28 55 12062
316 221 7 4 0 1 12 2 563
Total 9543 8375 595 4481 219 300 144 1780 25437
US CIS France PRC India Japan Other Total
Payloads 1497 2054 11 103 15 84 32 153 3949
1044 5854 175 315 14 141 10 110 7663
Figure 5.1 shows the number of breakups by year since 1961 to 2022. 1981 had
maximum number of breakups of 10.
Figure 5.1: Number of breakups by year since 1961. Breakups after 18 July 2018 are shown in red.
(Anz-Meador et al., 2022)
Figure 5.2: Variation of Location Parameter for Eccentricity in Individual Altitude bins
The match had been very good for altitude above 1000 km and some mismatch were
observed between the fits below 1000 km across the years. That could be attributed
to the effect of drag in low altitudes and be viewed as short-term effects. The
characterization provided to help in a proper assessment of the space debris
environment in LEO. A Monte Carlo simulation of the orbital parameters, namely
perigee height, altitude and eccentricity, based on the SIMPLE characterization could
be used to obtain the closest approach, in a statistical sense, to a target object.
As the catalogued data consisted of only the objects of size greater than 10 cm to
obtain the risk assessment due to other un-catalogued objects, statistical simulation
of small objects was essential. That was a potential area of application of SIMPLE
structure as the statistical simulation of the complete LEO debris environment was
possible by expanding the SIMPLE scenario.
Also, SIMPLE structure gave insight into the evolution of the space debris scenario.
It brought out the equilibrium nature of source and sink of the space debris through
the parameters specifying the lognormality of the eccentricity and ballistic coefficient
and Laplace nature to altitudes and perigee height. It showed that the distribution
nature of the orbital parameters did not vary across the time and the variation was
only in numerical values of parameters, and was minor for altitude or perigee heights
and eccentricity, which described the distribution. The processes like explosions or
collisions or increased launch activity in a certain region in LEO such as constellations,
changed the equilibrium between source and sink, but that state of non-equilibrium
will be dissipated into background debris environment and will be brought back
again to the statistical equilibrium as represented by SIMPLE structure.
Efforts were taken to further model the parameters across the bins. An adequate
polynomial fit for the model parameter values across the altitude bins was generated.
The nature of the eccentricity and ballistic coefficient in each of the altitude bins and
perigee height bins were analyzed for appropriate distribution fitting and it turned
out that once again the nature of these parameters followed a lognormal distribution.
Finally, a brief recipe of the application areas of the overall SIMPLE model was also
With reference to the space debris, Ananthasayanam et al. (2006b) provided in detail
the in sight of the SIMPLE model into the physical process by characterizing the
distribution of the number density ‘n’, eccentricity ‘e’, and the ballistic coefficient ‘B’
of objects over whole of the LEO region for all inclinations put together and also
separately. The other called ‘local’ model characterized the distribution of ‘e’ and ‘B’ of
the debris across suitable local altitude and perigee bins useful for mission analysis
and risk assessment for spacecraft designers interested in specific altitude or perigee
height bins and inclination bands. The number density ‘n’ in all the gross models
could be represented in terms of a mixture of Laplace distributions. The SIMPLE
model captured closely all the peak fragment densities without loss of accuracy at
other altitudes. The distribution of ‘e’ and the ‘B’ in each and every gross and local
model could be represented by suitable lognormal distributions. Qualitatively the
parameters of the ‘n’ and ‘e’ distributions in the gross and the local models exhibited
statistically quasi-equilibrium state (though quantitatively the fragment density was
varying all over) across the time period from 1999 to 2002 and hence an average
was recommended as the model value. Since, the parameters of ‘B’ showed large
variations or trend in their values derived from the TLE data sets, the latest year 2002
value was suggested as a reference in the model.
It had been reported earlier that out of the on-orbit breakups up to 2002, most
of them of about 175 had occurred in that region of LEO. The marginal probability
density functions f (n, h, t), f (n, hp,t), f (n, e, t) and f (n, B, t) are considered, where
‘t ’ ranges from the year 1999 to 2002 and subsequently had been able to derive
whenever appropriate suitable time averaged marginal distributions for the purpose
of the model were required. The distribution of the orbital elements namely altitude,
perigee height, eccentricity and the ballistic coefficient values for one set of data in
each of the years (the first available set in the month of January) were analysed to
arrive at their characteristic probability distributions.
Figure 5.4: (a) Number density distributions in altitude and perigee for the year 2002 and
(b) eccentricity and B distributions of the debris objects for the year 2002
After analyzing many data sets all of which had a weight between 0.66 and 0.73,
both the weight parameters were fixed in the model at 0.7 and it was noticed that
the worked out location and scale parameters did not deteriorate the fit. It brought
out the fact that the location of the first peak and its dispersion on both sides could
be considered as constants. It means that there was some kind of quasi-equilibrium
state maintained in that region of LEO as far as the catalogued objects are concerned
though the number of debris themselves are changing. That phenomenon might
be attributed to various reasons including, the source mechanisms such as launch
activities, breakup of objects in space and rain down effect and also to sink
mechanisms such as decay of objects due to drag effects and solar activity variation
effects in the atmosphere. While the second scale parameters were qualitatively
the same across the years the third scale parameter defining the dispersion of the
third peak around 1450 km shows some slightly increasing trend perhaps due to the
much less drag decay but not significant enough for the present quasi-equilibrium
The parameters for an averaged model fit over the 4-year period namely 1999–2002
with tertiary mixture of Laplace distributions were found to be (790, 975, 1470, 160,
85, 95, 0.7, and 0.7), respectively, for three locations, three scales and two weights.
The marginal distributions for the number density of fragments with perigee heights
for each of the years were considered. A three-component mixture of Laplace
distributions was used to fit the model density with perigee height. It was noted that
the parameters did not vary significantly across the years. The bottom of Figure 5. 4
(a) showed once again the goodness of fit of the Laplace distribution for the perigee
height. As pointed out by the figures, the peaks of the number density of debris in
the altitudes and the perigee heights being different a separate study for the perigee
height was justified. The parameters for the averaged model fit for the perigee height
with tertiary mixture of Laplace distributions were obtained as (710, 870, 1450, 180,
140, 50, 0.5, and 0.8). First three were locations, next three were scales and last two
were weights. Eccentricity values for all the years showed a clear left skewing and
a high concentration close to the neighbourhood of zero. This nature pointed to a
log- normal distribution fit for the eccentricity. Table 5.2 provided the parameters for
the eccentricity in the data for various years. It also provided the sample mean and
standard deviation of the eccentricity across the period 1999–2002. Figure 5.4 (b)
showed a closer look at the goodness of fit of the model.
Location parameter Scale parameter Statistics
Estimate 95% Estimate 95% Mean Sigma
μ confidence ß confidence
limit limit
2002 -5.15 (−5.19, −5.12) 1.46 (1.44, 1.49) 0.0151 0.0248
2001 -5.12 (−5.16, −5.09) 1.16 (1.44, 1.49) 0.0155 0.0246
2000 -5.10 (−5.14, −5.06) 1.48 (1.45, 1.50) 0.0159 0.0251
1999 -5.03 (−5.07, −4.99) 1.43 (1.41, 1.46) 0.0165 0.0257
Five inclination bands (0, 36), (36, 61), (61, 73), (73, 91) and (91, 180) in degrees were
considered. It was observed that in terms of the altitude the number of tracked
objects in all the inclination bands followed a mixture of Laplace distributions with
eight parameters except for the third band (610, 730) as shown in Figure 5.5. For the
third band a single Laplace distribution with just two parameters alone was sufficient.
It was noted that the parameters corresponding to the different bands did not vary
significantly across the years.
Figure 5.5: Comparison of number density of debris from measurements and model distributions
in inclination band (610, 730)
Resident space objects population in highly elliptical orbits are significantly affected
by luni-solar gravity. Sellamuthu and Sharma (2021) using regularization developed
an analytical orbit theory with luni-solar gravity effects as third-body perturbations in
terms of Kustaanheimo–Stiefel (KS) regular elements. Numerical tests with different
cases resulted in good accuracy for both short- and long-term orbit propagations. The
analytical theory was tested with the observed orbital parameters of a few objects
in highly elliptical orbits. The analytical evolution of osculating perigee altitude was
found to be concurrent with observed data. Solar perturbation, when compared
with lunar perturbation, was established to be dominant over such orbits. Extensive
numerical comparison tests of the analytical solution (LSANAL) with the numerically
integrated solution (LSNUM) using varying step-sizes and initial conditions revealed
high accuracy in position and velocity. The tests revealed that LSANAL was stable for
relatively long-term predictions. For both short- and long-term computations, the
error evolution was found to be oscillatory owing to the fundamental specificity of
the KS space. The relative percentage and absolute errors in position and velocity
Figure 5.6: Comparison between observed and predicted osculating perigee altitude for Transtage
10 of Titan III C launch vehicle (Case A-NORAD ID: 2770)
The case A with NORAD ID 2770, had mass of 3103 kg. Its initial aosc, eosc and iosc
were 66181.3916 km, 0.837702 and 32.979886 degrees, respectively, at launch
epoch of 28 April 1967. The initial osculating perigee altitude (hp) was 4362.972 km.
As it is seen in Figure 5.6, even though lunar gravity is decreasing hp, solar gravity
is increasing hp, but the osculating perigee altitude computed from the analytical
solution with luni-solar gravity matched well with the osculating perigee altitude
computed from the TLEs.
Figure 5.7: Comparison between observed and predicted osculating perigee altitude for H-2A
Rocket Body (NORAD ID: 41037)
Conjunction Analysis and Modeling
6.1 Introduction
The number of space debris objects in the low Earth orbits, and the breakups in 2007
of Fengyun-1C of intentional collision (ASAT), 2009 of Cosmos 2251 of accidental
collision with Iridium 33 and 2021 Kosmos 1408 of Intentional collision (ASAT) have
added more risk to the satellites in this region. It was necessary to study the risk of
conjunctions in these orbits to plan a future course of action regarding the control
and mitigation of space debris objects.
‘m’ is location parameter and ‘s’ is scale parameter in the modified Laplace distribution.
Figure 6.1: Fit of binary mixture of the modified Laplace distribution for the Spatial density for the
August 2007 data for inclinations from 0-180 degrees
Figure 6.2: Fit of binary mixture of the modified Laplace distribution for the Spatial density for the
August 2007 data for inclinations of 98-99 degrees
Figure 6.4: Fit of binary mixture of the modified Laplace distribution for the Spatial density for the
December 2006 data for inclinations of 95-105 degrees
The events that occurred after 2007 such as Chinese anti-satellite test, explosion of
Briz-M upper stage, break up of Cosmos-2421 and collision of Cosmos-2251 with
Iridium-33 satellites had changed the spatial density patterns appreciably in low
earth orbits. This has increased the risk of collision between active satellites and
debris created by them.
Figure 6.5: Fit of tertiary mixture of the modified Laplace distribution for the Spatial density for the
April 2010 data for inclinations from 0–180 degrees
Figure 6.6: Fit of tertiary mixture of the modified Laplace distribution for the Spatial density for the
April 2010 data for inclinations from 95–105 degrees
Gupta et al. (2014a) carried out the close approaches to launch vehicle during
its ascent and satellite in its first orbit using close approach tool of STK. Several
pre-filters were used to reduce computational time. The computation was carried
out for entire launch window in very small intervals.
COLA analysis for a LEO mission is illustrated using the PSLV-C54 mission as an
example. This mission launched EOS-06 satellite as its primary payload along with 8
other piggy-back satellites the nominal lift-off time was 26th Nov 202 06:26:00 UTC.
Figure 6.8: COLA analysis for a typical LEO mission on the launch day
Table 6.1: Close conjunction objects within launch window (only 2 piggy-back satellites
are included for brevity)
Threat Object NORAD ID Min. Dist. Collision Lift-Off Time (IST) TIME FROM
(km) Probability 26.11.2022 LIFT-OFF
Threat objects with satellite EOS-06
THOR ABLESTAR 15783 0.296 1.78E-04 11:55:29.418 4436.835
FENGYUN 1C DEB 30898 0.231 2.57E-04 11:58:49.339 1990.052
FENGYUN 1C DEB 30437 0.363 1.18E-04 12:01:19.007 3452.830
COSMOS 2251 36000 0.069 3.22E-03 12:03:02.417 6544.401
Threat objects with piggy-back satellite-1
SL-24 DEB 27611 0.099 6.71E-04 11:55:25.115 11204.086
FENGYUN 1C DEB 30898 0.164 1.10E-04 11:58:49.314 1990.063
STARLINK-2460 48120 0.110 6.92E-04 12:00:26.240 5609.724
ARIANE 3 DEB 27740 0.450 1.51E-04 12:03:57.278 6421.647
STARLINK-1462 45770 0.095 9.30E-04 12:05:10.728 5612.562
100 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Threat Object NORAD ID Min. Dist. Collision Lift-Off Time (IST) TIME FROM
(km) Probability 26.11.2022 LIFT-OFF
Threat objects with piggy-back satellite-2
SL-24 DEB 27611 0.047 2.95E-03 11:55:25.177 11204.026
FENGYUN 1C DEB 30898 0.164 1.10E-04 11:58:49.314 1990.063
STARLINK-2460 48120 0.110 6.92E-04 12:00:26.240 5609.724
SOPA is carried out with integrated software comprise of commercial tool STK and
interface modules developed in MATLAB to automate the procedure. The interface
modules facilitate input/output processing, automatically feed input and fetch output
to STK and to compute collision probability of all conjunctions with close approach
distance less than 5 km. State vectors / ephemeris of LEO/GEO satellites are received
daily through mail/ftp links. TLEs and SP ephemerides of RSOs are downloaded
from space-track and for the analysis. The state vectors are propagated through
a numerical propagator while the TLEs of resident space objects are propagated
using SGP4 theory. Close approaches during next 7 days are computed using close
approach tool of STK. The conjunctions with close approach distance less than 5 km
are extracted and maximum collision probability is computed. A formatted report is
sent to team concerned. Figure 6.9 shows the flow chart for SOPA analysis.
Satellite state vectors are propagated for seven days using numerical propagator
(HPOP-High Precision Orbit Propagator) of STK. The details of the force model
considered in propagation are provided in Table 6.2.
102 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
The close approaches for the satellites in the analysis are computed using close
approach tool of STK. Close conjunctions are computed between IRS satellites and
resident space objects. Several pre-filters are used to reduce computational time.
The basic idea behind close approach processing is to first eliminate population
as possible via geometric properties, which takes considerably less time than
fully propagating these satellites and then computing close approaches. The final
determination of the existence of close approaches is always done by sampling the
ephemeris of the candidate and reference objects. The pre-filters are available as
part of Close Approach processing in STK are out of date pre-filter, apogee/perigee
pre-filter, orbit path pre-filter and time pre-filter. These filters are computationally
inexpensive methods for limiting the number of objects and the periods of time
for which brute force searching is needed. The proper use of the pre-filters reduces
the amount of time needed for close approach processing. After all pre-filters are
applied, the range filter is used to determine the final list of close approach objects
specified ranges are listed along with conjunction epoch.
IRS Satellites have been maneuvered several times for mitigating high-risk close
conjunctions. Based on SOPA analysis, collision avoidance maneuvers were carried
out 14 times for LEO Satellites in the year 2022. Details of these maneuvers are listed
in Table 6.3. The collision avoidance maneuver was executed between 1.2 to 16.2
hours before the TCA. Most of the maneuvers were executed at least 6 hours before
TCA. Only one maneuver required normalization maneuver to maintain satellite
ground track after CAM. All other mitigation maneuvers were optimized to serve as
regular ground track maintenance maneuvers as well.
Table 6.3: Details of Collision Avoidance Maneuvers for LEO spacecraft carried out in 2022
104 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
technique and extreme value distributions. SIMPLE Model provides the spatial
density with respect to altitude for objects below 2000 km and eccentricity less
than 0.2, through a tertiary mixture of Laplace distributions, which is characterized
by 8 parameters, namely, three location, three scale and two weight, for the whole
inclination band as well as five separate inclination bands, namely, (0, 36), (36, 61),
(6 1, 73), (73, 91) and (91, 180).
Based on the assumption that the probability of more than one collision is negligible
and by applying the arguments to a confined volume in space, the collision rate
between a specified object and all other objects in a given volume can be found for
an interval of time. Hence the probability depends on the object’s cross-sectional
area (A), average spatial density of all other object (S), the average relative velocity (V)
between the target object and other objects under consideration and the time (T).
This paper provides the comparison of the present estimates of collision probability
for different target orbits with the collision probability predictions using the NASA
DAS Version 1.53 Model. It was noted that the results are well compared as seen from
Table 6.4.
Table 6.4: Comparison of collision probability prediction between SIMPLE and DAS
106 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Table 6.5: Comparisons of Collision Probabilities at different Target Altitudes
For the analysis a typical representative set of resident space objects was taken. The
distributions of about 8300 objects according to their respective semi-major axis,
eccentricity, inclination, argument of perigee, right ascension of ascending node and
true anomaly are presented in Figure 6.10. The detection of close approaches to the
spacecraft of interest during a day is an important subset of the overall problem. The
maximum collision probability for a single close conjunction event is given as
For the present analysis, a very low order orbital propagation model has been
adopted. The model accounts for the oblateness of the Earth (J2 effect) through
changes in argument of perigee (ω), right ascension of ascending node (Ω) and
mean anomaly (M).The drag has been neglected in the present analysis. It is assumed
that osculating orbital elements of the spacecraft of interest as well as those of
other resident space objects are available at the starting point of the analysis. The
simplest way to predict a close conjunction event is to move forward in time along
the trajectory of two spacecrafts and to compute the distance between these two
at some regular intervals. Based on this information, the exact minimum approach
distance and time can be easily evaluated by any one-dimensional gradient-based
108 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
optimization scheme. The conjunction event detection algorithm also uses apogee-
perigee filter in order to eliminate resident space objects which cannot come closer
than a minimum specified miss distance. The mathematical formulation of various
filters is described by Hoots et al. (1984). The maximum probabilities of collision with
other resident space objects are computed for duration of one day assuming collision
radius of 10 m. The approach window is defined as time span wherein spacecraft of
interest and a resident space object remain within 25 km. The results are presented
in a Table 6.6.
Table 6.6: Close Conjunction Events with Resident Space Objects without Any Collision
Avoidance Manoeuvre
The secular changes in the orbital elements of the spacecraft of interest that take
place between the starting time of analysis and that of the application of impulse,
are computed by including the secular effects of J2 on ω, Ω and M. The cumulative
maximum collision probability was minimized using optimization techniques based
on genetic algorithm under constraints on ΔV and tf. The optimal collision avoidance
strategy is presented through a flowchart in Figure 6.11.
In the first case, the cumulative maximum collision probability was minimized under
the assumption that velocity addition in any direction was not more than 20 m/s.
To determine the bound on the time of application of impulse, results presented
in the Table 6.6 were analyzed. It was found out that an object came within 25 km
after 4771.19 s from the starting point. So it was decided to impart velocities before
that potential collision event could occur. The strategy also ensured considerable
reduction in search space. The optimizer based on genetic algorithm was initiated
with a population of 30 and was allowed to run for 25 generations. The minimum
value of cumulative maximum collision probability was found to be 6.36961x10-7.
The velocities imparted in transverse, radial and normal directions were17.503 m/s,
7.888 m/s and -7.891 m/s, respectively. For this case, the impulse had to be applied at
1611.724003 s after the starting point. The results were presented in Table 6.7.
110 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Table 6.7: Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre to Achieve Minimum Cumulative Collision
probability (Case 1)
To investigate further, the projection of objective function was taken on the time line
near the optimum value. The values of cumulative maximum collision probability
were computed with the converged values of velocity additions required but at
different points of time around the minimum. In Figure 6.12, the cumulative maximum
collision probability was plotted against the time of application of impulse. It was
seen that multiple minima existed and in some points collision probability changed
very sharply with the choice of time of application of impulse.In that scenario, an
evolutionary algorithm was expected to perform better than a traditional algorithm
in finding a minimum.
Figure 6.12: Variation of Cumulative Collision Probability with the Time of Application of Impulse
In the second case, total (AV)2 was minimized subjected to a constraint on cumulative
maximum collision probability. It is required that cumulative maximum collision
probability must be less than equal to 16x10-7. Here, the optimizer based on
genetic algorithm was initiated with a population of 30 and was allowed to run for
generations. The minimum value of the magnitude of AV was found to be 11.7 14
m/s. The velocities imparted in transverse, radial and normal directions were 0.475
m/ s, -11.21 m/s and -0.039 m/s, respectively.
For this case, the impulse had to be applied at 1729.95 1 165 s after the starting point.
The results are presented in a Table 6.8.
The convergence characteristics of optimization scheme for Case 1 and Case 2 are
presented below in Figure 6.13.
112 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Next, minimum (AV)2 values required to achieve different levels of cumulative
maximum collision probability was computed. It was found that minimum (AV)2
values increase as the required cumulative maximum collision probability values
were lowered. The variation in minimum (AV)2 to achieve a specified collision
probability was plotted in Figure 6.14.
Figure 6.14: Relation between Minimum (ΔV)2 and Cumulative Maximum Collision Probability
The change in orbit of satellite due to collision avoidance maneuver was usually
followed by orbit normalization maneuver to meet the satellite operational
constraints. Orbit normalization maneuver was carried out after the conjunction time
was passed. All close conjunctions in next 7 days after orbit normalization maneuver
were analyzed and it was ensured that there was no critical conjunction.
In many cases IRS satellites were maneuvered to avoid close conjunctions. During
the fourth quarter of 2017, four satellites were maneuvered owing to the risk of
collision identified in The SOPA analysis. Details of these maneuvers were listed in
Table 6.9. In all the four conjunctions, two maneuvers were carried out on the day of
conjunction. Other two maneuvers were carried out before the day of conjunction.
In the case of Resourcesat-2A, normalization maneuver was carried out to normalize
the orbital constraints.
Table 6.9: Details of Collision Avoidance Maneuvers Carried out during fourth quarter of
SOPA team notified a conjunction between Resourcesat-2and SL-16 R/B with close
approach distance of 177 m with collision probability of 1.33e-03 on 23 September
114 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
2017 18:53:03.130 UTC which was within the SOPA threshold. ISTRAC was requested
to plan collision avoidance maneuver. In order to avoid the probable collision,
maneuver of Resourcesat-2 was planned on 23 Sep 2017 08:42:20 UTC as per the
communication with ISTRAC. Detailed analysis was carried out with the details
provided by ISTRAC. Table 6.10 provided the close approach distance and collision
probability for different ΔV for Resourcesat-2 maneuver planned on 23 Sep2017
08:42:20 UTC.
A close conjunction alert between SARAL satellite and TANSUO 4 was notified by
SOPA team and the same was confirmed by JSpOC on 2 Dec 2017. A close approach
distance of 34 m (Max collision probability of 7.69e-003) at 04:00:26.937 UTC on 3
Dec 2017 was noticed. Since the close approach distance and maximum collision
probability values were within SOPA threshold values an alert notification was issued
to FDO, ISTRAC for carrying out the Orbit Maneuver for SARAL satellite. Subsequently,
an orbit maneuver was planned for SARAL on 2 Dec 2017 12:40:33.777 UTC with Δv
= 0.0210 m/s (Δa=0.0404 km). SOPA analyses with Post Maneuver Predicted State
vector of SARAL cleared the OM plan. The post orbits maneuver distance of 722 m
(with Max. Collision probability 1.71e-005) was noticed with TANSUO 4body, which
was out of SOPA threshold and no other objects had close conjunctions within 1 km
for the next 7 days. This maneuver was carried out on 2 Dec 2017 12.40:33.77 UTC
and the post maneuver state vector confirmed the analyses.
SOPA team issued a conjunction alert between CARTOSAT-2 satellite and Gravity
Probe B (NORAD No. 28230) to FDO, ISTRAC on 4 Dec 2017. The close approach
distance of 148 m between them at 06:31:13.692 UTC on 5 Dec 2017 was noticed.
Since the threat object RCS was very large (~19.6 m2), the Max. Collision probability
(1.84e-003) was within SOPA threshold values. An orbit maneuver with Δv = 0.0420
m/s (Δa = 0.078 km), was planned for CARTOSAT-2 at18:36:33.918 UTC on 4 Dec
2017. For the post orbit maneuver, the close approach distance of 608 m (with Max
Collision probability of 8.73e-005) was computed and no other catalogued objects
are within 1 km close approach for the next 7 days. Maneuver was cleared by SOPA
team to mitigate the close approach.
Solar activity prediction had been an important activity of the space science
community. Solar flux causes the upper atmosphere density variation and in turn it
affects directly the orbital lifetime of the near-Earth satellites. Accurate predictions
of the maximum sunspot number and other characteristics of solar cycle are useful
inputs for space mission planning, orbital assessments and re-entry time prediction
116 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
of risk objects. The sunspot number cycle prediction is a very difficult task owing
to high frequency contents, noise contamination, high dispersion levels, and high
variability both in the phase and amplitude. In several independent research papers,
Sabarinath, Anil Kumar and Beena had presented significant amount of research
work on this important topic. Some of the research papers are summarized below:
Sabarinath and Anil Kumar (2008) presented a new approach for describing the shape
of 11-year sunspot cycles by considering the monthly averaged values and brought
out a prediction model based on the analysis of 22 sunspot cycles from the year 1749
onward. It was found that the shape of the sunspot cycles with monthly averaged
values could be described by a functional form of modified binary mixture of Laplace
density functions, modified suitably by introducing two additional parameters in
the standard functional form. The six parameters, namely two locations, two scales,
and two area parameters, characterized the model. The nature of the estimated
parameters for the sunspot cycles from 1749 onward had been analyzed and
finally arrived at a sufficient set of the parameters for the proposed model. It was
seen that the model picked the sunspot peaks more closely than any other model
without losing the match at other places at the same time. The goodness of fit for
the proposed model was also computed with the Hathaway –Wilson – Reichmann
χ measure, which showed, on average, that the fitted model passed within 0.47
standard deviations of the actual averaged monthly sunspot numbers.
Sabarinath and Anil Kumar (2011) presented a stochastic prediction model for
the sunspot number cycle. The model was based on a modified binary mixture of
Laplace distribution functions and the moving average on the model parameters.
A six-parameter modified binary mixture of Laplace distribution function was used
for modeling the shape of a generic sunspot number cycle. The model parameters
were estimated for all the 23sunspot number cycles independently and the primary
prediction model parameters were derived using a moving average stochastic
model. Two correction factors termed as hump factors were introduced to get final
predictions. The two different hump factors were derived from the observed sunspot
numbers and the estimated model parameters for the modified binary mixture of
Laplace distribution function. The hump factors could be applied one at time over
the primary prediction model to get final prediction of a sunspot number cycle.
The model was used to predict the characteristics of the sunspot number cycle 24.
The methodology was validated using the previous sunspot number cycles, which
showed the adequacy and the applicability of the prediction model. The statistics
of the variations of sunspot numbers at the high solar activity period was used to
provide the lower and upper bound for the predictions using the model.
Sabarinath and Anil Kumar (2013) presented Box-Cox transformation and applied to
model the sunspot number cycle time series. All the past 23 cycles were modeled
Sabarinath and Anil Kumar (2018) presented the sunspot cycle prediction by a
hybrid model which employed multivariate regression technique and the binary
mixture of Laplace distribution (BMLD) function. The Expectation Maximization (EM)
algorithm was applied to the multivariate regression analysis to obtain a robust
prediction of the sunspot cycle. Sunspot cycle 24 had been predicted using this
technique. Multivariate regression model had been derived based on the available
cycles 1 to 23. This model could predict cycle 24 as an average of previous cycles.
Prediction from this model had been refined to capture the cycle characteristics such
as bimodal peak at the high solar activity period by incorporating a predicted peak
sunspot number from the BMLD model. This revised prediction had shown more
accuracy in forecasting the major discrete features of sunspot cycle like maximum
amplitude, the Gnevyshev gap, time duration from peak-to-peak amplitude, and the
epoch of peak amplitude. The refined prediction showed that cycle 24 will be having
peak amplitude of 78 with an uncertainty of±25. Moreover, the present forecast says
that, cycle 24 will be having double peak with a strong second peak compared to
the first peak. This hypothesis was found to be true with the realized data of cycle
24. Further, this technique has been validated by predicting sunspot cycles 22 and
23. A preliminary level prediction of sunspot cycle 25 has also been carried out using
the technique presented here. Present study predicts that, cycle 25 also will be a
modest cycle like the present cycle 24, and the peak amplitude may vary in a band
of 75–95. By combining the multiple regression models and BMLD model we could
predict the cycle 24 more accurately. These predicted sunspot cycle profile can be
used for predicting the solar flux intensity, and it can be directly used in satellite
orbital lifetime prediction tools.
Sabarinath et al. (2020) presented a new model, which was derived from the well-
known Maxwell-Boltzmann probability distribution function. A modification had
been carried out by introducing a new parameter, called area parameter to model
sunspot number cycle using Maxwell-Boltzmann probability distribution function.
118 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
This parameter removed the normality condition possessed by probability density
function, and fitted an arbitrary sunspot cycle of any magnitude. The new model had
been fitted in the actual monthly averaged sunspot cycles and it is found that, the
Hathaway, Wilson and Reichmann measure, the goodness of fit is high. The estimated
parameters of the sunspot number cycles 1 to 24 have been presented in this paper.
A Monte Carlo based simple random search is used for nonlinear parameter
estimation. The Prediction has been carried out for the next sunspot number cycle
25 through a model by averaging of recent cycle’s model parameters. This prediction
can be used for simulating a more realistic sunspot cycle profile. Through extensive
Monte Carlo simulations, a large number of sunspot cycle profiles could be generated
and these can be used in the studies of the orbital dynamics.
Beena et al. (2021) proposed a model which could unify many of the shape models
existing in the literature and showed that the shape of the sunspot number cycle
could be described as a product of a polynomial and a negative exponential
function. The proposed model had certain free parameters, which were needed to be
estimated from the observed sunspot number data. Since all the models reviewed
in this paper are a product of a polynomial and a negative exponential along with
a number of parameters, it was seen that all these models could be derived from a
modified generalized Gamma probability density function by transforming certain
parameters and fixing certain parameters. The parameters of the model from the
revised monthly averaged sunspot numbers available in the SIDC website were
estimated. A preliminary level prediction had also been attempted to forecast the
characteristics of sunspot number cycle 25.
120 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Monograph - 2024
Space Debris Mitigation and Risk Estimation
7.1 Introduction
The prime objective of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) had been
to develop space technology and its application to various national tasks. Since
1969, when it was set up, ISRO had established space systems like the INSAT for
telecommunication, television broadcasting and meteorological services, and the
Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) for resources monitoring and management.
ISRO had developed the satellite launch vehicles PSLV, GSLV and GSLV MK3 to place
these satellites in the required orbits. The primary aim of ISRO’s programme is to
promote development and application of space science and technology to assist in
all-round development of the nation. In the 1980s, ISRO initiated a major revolution
in India’s communication sector. The Indian national satellite (INSAT) System is one
of the largest in the Asia-Pacific region today. The INSAT System provides a variety of
communication services in S-band, C-band, Extended C-band and Ku band. It also
provides meteorological images through very high resolution Radiometer and CCD
cameras. INSAT system serves many other important sectors of the Indian economy.
Today, India has also the largest constellation of Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS),
which is providing services both at the national and global levels. Great emphasis
is placed on the operational use of remote sensing applications in the fields of
water resources, agriculture, soil and land degradation, mineral and groundwater
exploration, geomorphological mapping, coastal and ocean resources monitoring,
environment, ecology and forest mapping, land-use and land-cover mapping.
Unfortunately, over a period of time, international space initiatives have left behind
a plethora of space objects that no longer serve any useful functions, but pose risk
to space operations. Thus, space debris becomes an important subject for all space
faring nations in particular and humanity in general. The milestones in the space
debris mitigation measures in India are described in Adimurthy and Ganeshan (2006).
The space debris activities in ISRO have been addressed in the design and operational
phases of its launch vehicle and satellite programs. In the design of PSLV final stage,
which uses earth storable liquid propellants, a propellant venting system has been
designed. ISRO’s launch vehicle, GSLV, also employs passivation of the Cryogenic
Upper Stage at the end of its useful mission. The ISRO’s communication satellites in
Geo-synchronous orbit (GSO) are designed with adequate propellant margins for re-
orbiting to a higher orbit at the end of their useful life. The strategy is implemented
on a case-by-case basis consistent with national service requirements. The
propulsion systems, by design, are built as integrated systems with the spacecraft
bus and payload. The propulsion system is not separated in orbit. Also, these are
liquid propulsion systems and the ejecta do not contain any solid particles. In the
operational phase, the last stage of PSLV has been passivated beginning with PSLV-C4,
which was successfully launched on 12th September 2002. The options considered
for implementation of passivation are presented here. The pressure measurements
during the flight were telemetered indicating the successful implementation of
passivation of the stage. With the implementation of this passivation, the possibility
of on orbit fragmentation has been minimized in all the future flights of PSLV.
India’s launch vehicles, PSLV and GSLV, and the satellites IRS, INSAT and GSAT series
are designed in such a way that no operational debris is created in the launch and
deployment phases of the mission.
At the end of mission, the GEO satellites are planned to be re-orbited in accordance
with the IADC guidelines. Also, the batteries are safed in order to prevent an orbit
explosion. An example of the GSO satellite re-orbiting was presented in Parameswaran
(2003). The analysis of close approaches of space debris with active ISRO spacecraft
was carried out on a routine basis at the operational centers. ISRO developed the
models and software to predict the close approach of any of the debris to the
functional satellites as described by Bandyopadhyay et al. (2004a). The software are
being regularly used during the control and management of the orbiting spacecraft,
and are especially useful during the relocation of the geo-stationary satellites from
one orbital slot to another orbital slot. The analysis software can also be used for
planning the launch window. The planned lift-off time of PSLV-C4 launch vehicle in
September 2002 was modified by a few minutes to avoid possible close approach
by some of the existing space debris. In the area of analytical modeling related to
fragmentation, a number of approaches were developed to study the evolution of
break up fragments (Ganeshan et al., 1988; Ganeshan and Ananthasayanam, 1996,
1997; Ganeshan et al., 2001; Ananthasayanam et al. 2002, 2003; Anil Kumar et al. 2002,
2003 and Sharma et al. 2004a). Further modeling of fragmentation and subsequent
decay of space objects in LEO and Geostationary Transfer orbit (GTO) were made by
122 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Anil Kumar and Subba Rao (2002) and Bandyopadhyay et al. (2004a). In the area of
protection, hypervelocity impacts, a study was made using finite element techniques
by Mathew (2003). As a member of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space (UNCOPUOS), and through ISRO’s membership in the Inter-Agency Space
Debris Coordination Committee (IADC), India is contributing significantly to the
international efforts and activities in the field of space debris. This commitment is
amply reflected in its earlier hosting of the 21st and 28th IADC Meetings in Bangalore
and Thiruvananthapuram during March 2003 and March 2010, respectively.
Analyses of accidental fragmentation for both spacecraft and upper stages have
shown that vehicle passivation, i.e. removal of all forms of stored energy, would
124 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
decayed and only 54 have remained in orbit. A pictorial representation of the decay
till 1st October 2023 is shown in Figure 7.1. Different deterministic and stochastic
models, developed in ISRO, for fragmentation events, are reported in (Ganeshan
et al., 1988; Ganeshan and Ananthasayanam, 1996, 1997; Ganeshan et al., 2001;
Ananthasayanam et al. 2002, 2003; Anil Kumar et al. 2002, 2003 and Sharma et al.
ISRO’s communication satellites in GSO are designed with margins for re-orbiting to
a higher orbit at the end of their useful life. The strategy is implemented on a case-
by-case basis consistent with National service requirements. The re-orbiting and
decommissioning operation of INSAT-2C are briefly described here. The operations
are planned and executed by the Master
For the case of INSAT-2C, the above requirement translates to 281.4 km above GSO.
The initial Perigee height was 30 km below GSO and Apogee height was 30 km
above GSO. It was decided to raise the perigee first to reach the level of observed
apogee height and further maneuvers to alternate between perigee and apogee
rising suitably. Increasing the orbital height results in a westward drift. Necessary
operational procedures were worked out to effect the delta-velocity change to the
orbit. In particular, the following operational procedures were observed:
• Prior to the start of activities, all communication receivers and transponders were
switched OFF to avoid any interference to any other spacecraft while drifting.
• With the new orbital elements, critical evaluation of close approach to any other
listed spacecrafts was carried out. While crossing nearby spacecrafts, duration of
pulsing was limited to minimum, or not done to ensure mutual safety.
• As part of final passivation, spacecraft Ni-Cd batteries were disconnected from
Main Busses and the charge arrays from solar panels were also disconnected.
Self-discharge is expected to finally deplete the batteries of the stored energy.
• At the end of operations, all the unused thermal loads were also switched OFF,
which were earlier kept ON for thermal balance.
• All the propulsion valves were kept closed and it was also ensured that the system
was empty.
• The telemetry transmitters were switched OFF so that there was no RF emission
from the spacecraft.
The maneuver operations were started on June 10, 2003. The maneuvers were
continued for nearly 44 days to achieve a drift rate of 1.71o/day. The details of the
pulsing duration and orbit achieved each day are illustrated in the Figs. 7.2 and 7.3,
respectively. On average, thrusters were fired daily for 600 s with a number of pulses
of 130 ms duration.
126 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Figure 7.2: Firing pulse durations for INSAT-2C relocation
INSAT-2C was successfully decommissioned after its useful mission life on July 30,
2003. Though the target perigee height of 281 km above GSO could not be achieved
due to propulsion and visibility constraints, the achieved apogee height of 150 km
and perigee height of 127 km above GSO were commensurate with the system
constraints. Maximum efforts were taken so that interference to other satellites was
avoided during the 44 days of operation. The spacecraft was also passivated at the
final stage.
There is a need to protect a launch vehicle in its ascent phase, as well as the spacecraft
upon injection from any risk owing to debris collision, even though such risk is small.
One of the methodologies developed is that of SPAceDEbrisPROximity (SPADEPRO)
analysis, which is required for COLlision Avoidance or COLA studies. SPADEPRO refers
to assessment of collision risk between catalogued resident space objects and a
launch vehicle or a satellite of interest. The detection of close approaches to satellites/
launch vehicles during the launch and early post-deployment phase of their lifetimes
is an important subset of the overall problem. Potential collisions during this period
can usually be avoided by adjusting the time of launch within a specified launch
window. The basic philosophy of the Space Debris Proximity Analysis hinges on three
facets, namely,
• computation of collision probability between spacecraft of interest and other
resident space objects,
• assessment of acceptable collision probability,
• choice of appropriate interval for space debris proximity analysis.
For the computation of the collision probability between a spacecraft of interest and
other resident space objects, necessary inputs are:
• threshold for minimum conjunction distance,
• combined trajectory dispersion,
• effective collision radius.
The minimum conjunction distance between the spacecraft of interest and other
resident space objects within a specified time span is computed in a deterministic
sense. This is computationally expensive since trajectories of all the catalogued objects
need to be checked vis-à-vis that of the spacecraft of interest. So, before this process
can proceed, in order to avoid unnecessary computational burden and produce
a fast assessment, four filters can be used: an orbital separation filter, an apogee–
perigee filter, a time filter, and an epoch filter. The application of the filters drastically
reduced the number of catalogued objects to be considered in the proximity analysis.
The combined trajectory dispersion for the spacecraft of interest and a particular
catalogued object is to be determined for carrying out the space debris proximity
analysis. For the spacecraft of interest, trajectory dispersions are obtained through
Monte Carlo analysis and for a particular catalogued object, approximate trajectory
dispersion values can be fixed by considering the age of the orbital information of
the object and the type of orbit it represents. The procedural details are given in
Bandyopadhyay et al. (2004a). A typical result of the SPADEPRO analysis will be given
in terms of identification of time intervals during which the risks of collision with
128 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
debris is above an acceptable level. The launch of the spacecraft can be postponed
by a few minutes to avoid these high-risk intervals. Such a methodology has been
successfully implemented during the satellite launches of the Indian Space Research
Organization, for example the PSLV-C4 launch was postponed by a few minutes on
12th September 2002. Interestingly, one of the debris pieces that led to this brief
postponement is a fragment of PSLV-C3 rocket body.
Many spent upper stages are separated and left in the GTO, which is a highly eccentric
orbit with the perigee normally at low altitudes (180–800 km) and the apogee near
the geostationary altitude of around 36,000 km. The evolution of objects in GTOs
is determined by a complex interplay of atmospheric drag and luni-solar gravity.
These orbits are characterized by periodic changes in perigee altitudes caused by
gravitational perturbations of the Sun and the Moon. The initial orientation of the
orbit just after the launch with respect to the Sun and the Moon predominantly
determines the subsequent histories of the orbital evolution. The launch time plays an
important role. The combined influence of the luni-solar perturbations and drag can
result in lifetime variations from a few months to several decades. The desired effect
from the space debris point of view is a short lifetime. Unfortunately, one cannot
always use this natural phenomenon to limit the orbital lifetime, as the launch time
of a geostationary satellite is dictated by many other factors like thermal aspects and
eclipse time related to the spacecraft design. However, through appropriate choice
of the initial perigee altitude and launch time, the lifetime in GTO can be significantly
reduced. This feature was demonstrated both in the case of GSLV-D1 upper stage as
well as that of GSLV-D2. The predicted history for the orbital evolution of the GSLV-D1
spent third stage is presented in Figure 7.4. The uncertainties in the drag-related
parameters are taken into consideration in generating a dispersion band on the time
for decay. The apogee and perigee histories for orbiting third stage of GSLV-D1 were
obtained using monthly averages of actual solar activity indexF10.7 from April 2001.
In this study, using the NPOE software with numerical integration of the GTOs, the
Earth’s gravitational potential up to J6,6, luni-solar point mass gravitation with Sun
and Moon positions computed from JPL DE405ephemeris and MSIS90 atmospheric
model were used. Here one interesting point is to note a cross-over point in apogee
profile occurring around 530 days of the orbital life. In the case of lower drag, the
decay occurs owing to sharper decrease in perigee altitude after 530 days due to
sharper decrease in perigee from the influence of luni-solar gravity. It can be seen
that for the curves with higher drag the lifetimes are longer. Because of higher drag
the apogee altitude decreases faster which results in attenuation of luni-solar gravity
effects. In cases with higher drag the perigee remains at a relatively higher level as
compared to those of cases with lower drag.
130 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
The method is used to perform parametric study to assess the on-ground risk posed
by an object making uncontrolled re-entry from eccentric orbits. This method can
also be utilized to provide more realistic near-term risk assessment of on-ground risk.
• The time of flight, t, from perigee for eccentricity, e and time period, T, is evaluated
Once the impact probability is known, the total casualty expectancy is estimated
ρp(Φ) is the population density expressed in terms of latitude bins and AC is the
casualty area.
Figure 7.5: The lmpact Probability and Casualty Expectancy Variations for Circular and Elliptic
Figure 7.5: The lmpact Probability and Casualty Expectancy Variations for Circular and Elliptic
132 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
7.8 Active Debris Removal
Active Debris Removal (ADR) is necessary to stabilize the growth of space debris. Also
it is important that the newly launched objects comply with post-mission disposal
guidelines – especially orbital decay in less than 25 years. If this is not done, then
most of the required ADR effort would go to compensate for the non-compliance
of new objects. The IADC mitigation measures will reduce the growth, but long-
term proliferation is still expected, even with full mitigation compliance, and even
if all launch activities is halted. This is an indication that the population of large and
massive objects has reached a critical concentration in LEO.
Furthermore, an IADC study with six different models (Liou, Anil Kumar et al, 2013)
show that in an almost perfect scenario with 90% compliance with the mitigation
guidelines and with no explosions on orbit, the population suffers a steady increase,
and a collision could be expected every 5–9 years. All these studies clearly indicate
that the population of large and massive objects has reached a critical density in LEO,
and that mitigation alone is not sufficient. It is necessary to introduce a program of
active debris removal, in order to reduce the number of large and massive (mostly
physically intact) objects.
The SSO objects were first sorted on the basis of maximum RCS value and 20 such
objects were identified. Their orbital lifetime estimation was done using OPSAT
(Orbit Propagation using Semi-Analytical Theory) developed in-house and lifetime
tool of STK. Further, to determine the no. of objects crossing the orbit of an RSO,
all catalogued TLEs are evaluated using the perigee apogee and orbit-path filter
using STK’s conjunction analysis tool. An error of 30 km was considered, that is,
whenever an object qualifies these two filters within 30 km range, it is assumed that
it will cross the given orbit, sometime in future. Moreover, since these objects are in
similar orbital regime, orbital flux mostly remains same for all of them. On the basis
of these three criteria, Table 7.2 is generated. Table 7.2 gives the details of identified
RSOs in descending order of their maximum RCS value. It gives the name of the
object, its NORAD Catalogue Number or Satellite Number (it is a unique identifier
assigned by North American Aerospace Defense Command or NORAD to each Earth
orbiting artificial satellite or object in their satellite catalogue SATCAT), its maximum
RCS value, estimated BC (obtained from OPSAT), Decay date/Lifetime estimate
134 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
(obtained from STK, by using the estimated BC) and number of conjunction objects
(gives an estimate of orbital flux at the object’s altitude).The TLE set of RADARSAT-
2(NORAD#32382) and RADARSAT(NORAD# 23710) appear in a random fashion and
so could not be used for BC estimation. Also, BC of H2A R/B (NORAD# 24279) and
YOGAN 15 (NORAD#38354) could not be estimated because their apogee altitude
is above 1000 km. BC estimation and RCS history for some of these objects (in Table
7.2) are shown in Figure 7.7.
Table 7.2: List of Candidates from SSO selected on the basis of RCS
Implementation of space debris mitigation measures are highly essential since some
of them has the potential to damage an active satellite, leading to loss of mission, or
loss of life in the case of manned spacecraft. For manned flight orbits, space debris
mitigation measures are very much necessary due to crew safety implications.
Mitigation guidelines have been developed by IADC, reflecting the fundamental
mitigation elements of a series of existing practices, standards, codes and handbooks
developed by a number of national and international organizations. The Committee
on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space acknowledges the benefit of the qualitative
guidelines, which are accepted by the global space community. Many member states
and international organizations voluntarily take measures, through national
mechanisms or through their own applicable mechanisms, to ensure that these
guidelines are implemented, to the greatest extent feasible, through space debris
mitigation practices and procedures. These guidelines are applicable to mission
planning and the operation of newly designed spacecraft and orbital stages and, if
possible, to existing ones. They are not legally binding under international law.
136 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
The following guidelines should be considered for the mission planning, design,
manufacture and operational (launch, mission and disposal) phases of spacecraft
and launch vehicle orbital stages (United Nations, 2010):
• Limit debris released during normal operations;
• Minimize the potential for break-ups during operational phases;
• Limit the probability of accidental collision in orbit;
• Avoid intentional destruction and other harmful activities;
• Minimize potential for post-mission break-ups resulting from stored energy;
• Limit the long-term presence of spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stages in
the low-Earth orbit (LEO) region after the end of their mission;
• Limit the long-term interference of spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stages
with the geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) region after the end of their mission.
In the near future, it may become imperative for the space-faring nations to selectively
implement Active Debris Removal (ADR) to effectively contain the evolutionary
growth of space debris. Several simulation and technology-development studies are
seriously taken up at this juncture.
A typical summary is given below, while detailed theoretical, numerical and testing
studies are pursued in all the relevant integrated domains:
• Shoulder area of thermal protection system (TPS) must be protected to prevent
unpredicted heat in leak during re-entry. Until separation of service module,
this critical exposed surface is not protected. Hence, a protection shield is
recommended. This extension ensures not only the safety of crew, but also of the
high-pressure life support system gas bottles inside the annular region.
138 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
and supply system. Hence, additional protection shielding to fuel oxidizer tanks
and plumbing must be ensured.
• It is also necessary to embed certain impact monitoring sensors in solar array
drive, thermal radiator, extension shield of TPS to acquire any possible impact
data to be compared with ground experimental data. To get confirmation on
estimated debris flux data, it is desirable to extensively instrument the Orbital
Module of unmanned flights with sensors for measuring parameters like shock,
strain etc. and execute the mission for longer duration. Number of MMOD impacts
on Crew Module and Service Module can be measured and obtained real time
through telemetered data.
140 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Monograph - 2024
Re-entry Prediction Studies
Uncontrolled re-entry is when a space object is coming back to Earth without being
actively controlled by ground operators. In other words, it’s essentially “falling” back
to Earth. This can be dangerous for a number of reasons such as
• The object is moving very fast when it hits the atmosphere, creating a lot of
friction and heat. This can cause it to break up or even explode, leading to aero
thermal fragmentation.
• Even if the object doesn’t explode, it can still cause damage when it hits the
ground. For example, the Soviet satellite Cosmos 954 scattered radioactive debris
across Canada in 1978 after an uncontrolled re-entry.
• Even small pieces of debris can cause damage if they hit a populated area or an
important structure.
Predicting re-entry time and location is extremely important for a few reasons. First, it
allows authorities to warn people in the area regarding re-entry of big objects to take
necessary safety measures or evacuate if necessary. Second, it can help to minimize
the damage caused by the reentering object. Third, predicting re-entry time and
location can help researchers learn more about the physics of atmospheric re-entry,
which can help improve our ability to design safer and more efficient spacecraft.
The risk potential of re-entries was recognized at the occasion of Cosmos 954 (Jan.
1978), Skylab (July1979), and Salyut7 (Feb. 1991). An initial, limited IADC (Inter-
Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee) data exchange was realized for
the Cosmos 398 re-entry (Dec. 1995); a more formalized data exchange was later
implemented for the re-entry of the Chinese FSW-1-5 capsule (March1996). In
1997 plans were adopted to develop a web-based IADC Re-Entry Events Database
to facilitate the exchange of information on a re-entry object, on its orbit, and on
its predicted re-entry time and location; this data base is hosted by the European
Space Operations Centre of ESA; it is operational since 1998 (Klinkrad, 2010). The 13
IADC member agencies are: – ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) – CNES (Centre National
d’Etudes Spatiales) – CNSA (China National Space Administration) – CSA (Canadian
Space Agency) – DLR (German Aerospace Center) – ESA (European Space Agency)
– ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) – JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency) – KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) – NASA (National Aeronautics
and Space Administration) – ROSCOSMOS (State Space Corporation “ROSCOSMOS”)
– SSAU (State Space Agency of Ukraine) – UKSA (United Kingdom Space Agency).
The re-entry risk object qualification criterion was that the object or parts of it
may survive to cause potential significant damage, or the entry event may cause
radioactive contamination (Klinkrad, 2009).
The IADC runs annual re-entry prediction campaigns to test and improve the accuracy
of re-entry predictions. These campaigns bring together experts from different space
agencies and organizations to collaborate on re-entry predictions and data sharing.
The campaigns are intended to simulate real-world scenarios of high-risk reentries
and to test the effectiveness of the re-entry prediction models and communication
protocols used by the IADC. The campaigns also allow participants to share best
practices and identify areas for improvement in the prediction and response to
142 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
reentries. The IADC has been conducting these campaigns since 1998 and has made
significant progress in improving the accuracy and timeliness of re-entry predictions.
The past IADC re-entry prediction campaigns till 2016 were ( Pardini and Anselmo,
2017): Inspektor (1998), GFZ-1 (1999), Soyuz stage (2000), Vostok stage (2002),
Cosmos 389 (2003), Cosmos 2332 (2005), Coronas F (2005), Cosmos 1025 (2007),
Delta-2 R/B (2007), EAS ( 2008), Molniya 3-39 (2009), Vostok US (2010), UARS (2011),
ROSAT (2011), Phobos-Grunt (2012), GOCE (2013), Cosmos 1939 (2014), CZ-2D (2015),
CZ-2C (2016) and AVUM (2016).
The GTO is a highly eccentric orbit with the perigee normally at low altitude (180–650
km) and the apogee near geo-stationary altitudes. The combined influence of the
luni-solar perturbations and drag can result in lifetime variations from a few months
to several decades. The desired effect from the space debris point of view is a short
lifetime. The long-term evolution of objects in GTO can fall into two broad categories,
144 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
namely, decay predominantly by luni-solar gravity effect and decay by combination
of atmospheric drag and luni-solar perturbations. The atmospheric drag generates
a retarding force on the satellite and in that sense it is unidirectional in its effect by
reducing apogee and perigee altitudes. On the other hand, the effects of the Sun
and the Moon on the satellite are more complex and can result in either increase or
decrease in the perigee altitude. In view of this, it will be interesting to understand
the basic physics of the luni-solar perturbations. range, the orbit contracts under the
effect of drag resulting in significant reduction in apogee altitude. Subsequently, the
perigee altitude may increase under the influence of luni-solar perturbations and
may not lead to any immediate decay.
In the presence of a third body, a space object experiences a net differential perturbing
acceleration outward from the Earth whenever it is collinear with the Earth and the
perturbing body. However, when the object is perpendicular to the Earth and the
perturbing body, it experiences a perturbing acceleration towards the Earth. The
cumulative effect of this disturbing acceleration on the variation of perigee altitude
is illustrated in Figure 8.2 for solar gravity. The change of perigee altitude during
the course of a day essentially depends on the Sun azimuth angle with respect to
the spacecraft orbital plane. The rate of perigee variation is zero at the Sun azimuth
angles of 00, 900, 1800, 2700 and 3600, irrespective of the apogee altitude. However,
the higher the apogee altitude, the larger is the variation of perigee during a day, for
a particular Sun azimuth angle.
Figure 8.2: Perigee altitude variation during a day for different apogee altitudes with the variation
of Sun azimuth angle on spacecraft orbital plane. Nominal perigee altitude is taken as 150 km
For highly eccentric orbits like a GTO, the lifetime strongly depends on two
parameters, namely, the initial right ascension of ascending node of the spacecraft
and the solar longitude, both of which define Sun azimuth angle on spacecraft orbital
plane. These two parameters are functions of time. The data presented in Figure 8.3
is generated corresponding to 18th October 2001, for an orbit with the following
parameters: Perigee height = 177 km, apogee height = 31,950 km, argument of
perigee = 177.4940, inclination = 19.2530. There are several interesting observations,
which can be made from Figure 8.3. The first is that there are intervals of launch time
when the lifetime of the resulting orbit is very small. The more striking observation
is that there are zones in which a very small change in launch time can result in
significant changes in the lifetime.
Figure 8.3: Typical dependence of orbital lifetime on the time of launch during a day
Typical cases are illustrated in Figure 8.4 with launch at 00:03:00 UTC (Case 1) and
00:04:00 UTC (Case 2) on 18th October 2001. It may be noted that the lifetime for
Case 1 is only 1367 days but the lifetime for Case 2 is several decades. The bifurcation
occurs around 1075 days after the launch. When Λ for Case 2 crosses 1800, Λ for Case
1 is still around 1670, which is short of 1800. The rate of variation of perigee for Case
1 is negative, whereas for the Case 2 it is positive, as seen from Figure 8.4. At the same
time, in this case, the rate of change of apsidal line due to Earth’s oblateness (J2)
effect, approximately matches with that of the solar longitude leading to constant
Sun azimuth angle below 1800 on spacecraft orbital plane, which results in a
resonance. This resonance leads to a fairly constant Λ for a very long time. As a result,
the perigee altitude for Case 2 increases to a high value, where the influence due
146 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
to drag is lower. Hence, the lifetime for Case 2 is very high. In contrast, the perigee
for Case 1 continuously decreases from the bifurcation point and results in orbital
decay due to high drag, ending the life in 1367 days. It is observed that this kind of
resonance occurs when the apogee altitudes are between13, 000 and 16,000 km.
This is important, since at these altitudes the required rate of movement of apsidal
line is around 10 per day, which matches with that of the Sun. Variation of Sun
azimuth angle (Λ-dot) at various inclinations is depicted in Figure 8.5 for various
apogee altitudes with respect to perigee altitude of 150 km.
Figure 8.5: Variation of Λ-dot with apogee altitude at various inclinations. The bifurcation at a
given apogee altitude can occur in neighboring orbital evolution patterns when the Λ-dot is very
small, as indicated with the shaded area (Perigee altitude of 150 km is assumed)
The predicted history for the orbital evolution of the spent third stage is presented
in Figure 8.6. The uncertainties in the drag related parameters are taken into
consideration in generating a dispersion band on the time for decay.
The apogee and perigee histories for orbiting third stage of GSLV-D1 have been
obtained using monthly averages of actual solar activity index F10.7 from April 2001.
Typical value for the ballistic coefficient is 110 kg/m2 and dispersions on this value
are considered consistent with the observed TLE. In this study, using NPOE software
with numerical integration of the orbits, the Earth’s gravitational potential up to J6,6,
luni-solar point mass gravitation with the Sun and the Moon positions computed
from JPL DE405 ephemeris, and MSIS90 atmospheric model are used. Here one
interesting point is to note a cross over point in apogee profile occurring around 530
days of the orbital life. In the case of lower drag, the decay occurs owing to sharper
decrease in perigee altitude after 530 days due to sharper decrease in perigee from
the influence of luni-solar gravity. It can be seen that for the curves with higher drag
the lifetimes are longer. Because of higher drag the apogee altitude decreases faster
which results in attenuation of luni-solar gravity effects. In cases with higher drag the
perigee remains at a relatively higher level as compared to the cases with lower drag.
During the period following the cross over point, the perigee altitude continues to
fall marginally. The details of the methodology used in this study were presented in
Bandyopadhyay et al. (2001).
148 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
8.3.5 Re-entry time Estimation of GSLV-F01/CS and More
Mutyalarao and Sharma (2010) carried out the re-entry time of the cryogenic stage
of the Indian Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle GSLV-F01/CS as an optimal
estimation problem. The RSM with GA was applied to determine the optimal
estimates of ballistic coefficient (B) and eccentricity (e). The investigation employed
TLEs, determined 165 days before the re-entry epoch, 24 November 2007, 19:30
[Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)]. The decay location was characterized by longitude
of 5oN, and latitude of 2oE, and an orbital inclination of 19.3o. An accurate re-entry
time prediction of the cryogenic stage was made seven days before its re-entry. The
methodology selected offered an improvement over least squares method. The
study also showed that the object must have tumbled during the last day in the orbit.
It may be noted in Figs. 8.7 and 8.8 that there is a good comparison between the
observed and the predicted values of the mean apogee by the RSM with GA method
than the least square method. Towards the end of the orbital life, RSM with GA method
provides better estimates of the re-entry times than the least square method.
Figure 8.7: Orbital evolution of the spent Figure 8.8: Comparison between the observed
orbiting stage of GSLV-D1 and predicted mean apogee altitudes using
RSM with GA method
Figure 8.9: Variation of mean apogee altitude of GSLV-F04/CS (NORAD No. 32051)
with each zone label mentioned
150 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Table 8.1: Predicted reentry time in zones A to H
152 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Re-entry time Estimation of the upper stage of GSLV-D5
Fletcher and Sharma (2014) predicted the re-entry time of the upper stage (Norad
No. 39499) of the Indian geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle, GSLV-D5, which
inserted the satellite GSAT-14 into a GTO on January 05, 2014, with mean perigee
and apogee altitudes of 170 km and 35975 km. Four intervals A to D of near linear
variation of the mean apogee altitude observed were used in predicting the orbital
lifetime. For these four intervals, optimal values of the initial osculating eccentricity
and ballistic coefficient for matching the mean apogee altitudes were estimated
with the response surface methodology using a genetic algorithm. It was found that
the orbital lifetime from these four time spans was between 144 and 148 days as
shown in Table 8.3. The actual life time was found to be 154 days with re-entry date
of 8th June 2014.
Table 8.3: Computed values of initial osculating eccentricity and ballistic coefficient and
re-entry time for each zone using RSM and GA
Table 8.4: Computed values of parameters with predicted re-entry time of GSLV-D5/CUS (Re-entry
epoch: 8 June 2014 01:31 UTC a)
154 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Studies on Material Degradation under Re-Entry
For the spent upper-stage rocket and defunct spacecraft bodies re-entering the
Earth’s atmosphere, the extent of aero-thermal degradation depends on the rate of
energy dissipated during flight and on the thermal characteristics of the material. It is
well known that the re-entry trajectory and the aerodynamic heating are significantly
influenced by the aerodynamic drag. Deependran (2014) and Balakrishnan and
Kurian (2014) carried out a study involving the measurement of rarefied drag and of
material degradation under simulated re-entry heating. The rarefied drag coefficient
was experimentally determined by direct pressure measurements in a rarefied wind
tunnel. From the ensuing re-entry trajectory, the aerodynamic heating was estimated.
The material thermal response and the physical nature of degradation were studied
experimentally through transient heat flux simulations. Results of the experiments
were compared with numerical results of transient heat flux simulations.
Various space faring materials were considered for study and the sensitivity of the
thickness on degradation was brought out. It was found that aluminum alloys and
carbon fiber reinforced plastics have the potential for early degradation, whereas
columbium and similar high-temperature alloys would possibly survive the re-entry
heating environments.
Sharma and Anil Kumar (2005) proposed a new technique for the re-entry prediction
using Kalman filter approach with constant gains that are based on a minimization
of a suitable cost function derived out of estimated lifetime at different epochs of
Two Line Elements (TLE) sets and the measurements such as positional and velocity
components. Prediction of the orbital lifetime and the propagation of the osculating
orbital elements were carried out by utilizing the software based on KS element
equations. The constant gains were estimated by minimizing the suitable objective
function. The states considered were the position and velocity components of the
object derived from TLEs and ballistic coefficient (B= CD A/m). The constant Kalman
gains chosen as above are able to account for the modeling and measurement
errors. The main contribution in the study is the fusion of two objective functions,
based on least square error between the predicted states and measurements, and
the variation in the predicted re-entry at different TLE epochs. Comparisons of the
present approach with some of the known re-entry predictions are provided. In
the case of the re-entry of Cosmos 2332 Satellite, a total of 54 TLEs available from
17th Jan. to 28th Jan. 2005, obtained by request from, were
utilized for testing the algorithm. The actual re-entry reported was 28th Jan. 2005,
156 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Estimation of Orbital Life Time by estimating Ballistic
Coefficient using Genetic Algorithm
Anil Kumar and Subba Rao (2002) proposed a procedure for estimating the ballistic
coefficient by utilizing the genetic algorithm, by improving the orbital life time
(OLT) prediction accuracy from an initial set of two line elements of risk objects and
developed software ‘BALEST’. This was achieved by minimizing the variance of the OLT
predictions. Predictions were carried out using a simple and fast propagator based
on mean atmospheric models. In this approach the short-periodic variations in the
ballistic coefficient get averaged out while data noise also gets smoothed out and
the uncertainties in predicting atmospheric variations gets absorbed to the ballistic
coefficient estimation. The aim of this ballistic coefficient is only to improve the OLT
prediction accuracy, not necessarily to improve the ballistic coefficient estimates. The
precision of this approach has been verified over considerable number of simulations
based on numerical integration. Further, the performance of method with the decay
of some re-entered debris objects. SROSS-C2 (USSPACECOM Id 23099 U) and third
stage of SOYUZ 1 lA5 1 1U Launcher (US SPACECOM Id. 25947) is studied. Figure 8.11
provides the online re-entry prediction times from different epochs. It may be noted
that from the last 15 epochs the re-entry predictions are quite good.
The software ‘KSGEN’ developed in VSSC and described by Sharma et al. (2004 b) was
utilized for the re-entry predictions in the IADC re-entry campaigns. This software
is an integrated package of ‘KSNUM’ and Genetic algorithm. Effective ballistic
coefficient BC is estimated with respect to the state vectors from different epochs
that minimize the dispersions in the re-entry times from the state vectors under
consideration. KSNUM integrates numerically the KS element equations by including
the perturbing forces due to Earth’s flattening (J2 to J6) and air drag (analytical oblate
diurnal atmosphere), with the fourth-order Runge-Kutta-Gill method using Jacchia
1977 atmospheric density model.
The software required suitable values of solar flux (F10.7), magnetic index (Ap) and
interval for ballistic coefficient variation. F10.7 values utilized at the epoch are based
on an average of the 81 days just prior to the epoch TLE and for further propagation
the software used either predicted or estimated values in day-by-day basis. Similarly,
the Ap values were also updated based on the predicted and estimated values.
The limits for ballistic coefficients were taken as 70 and 85, which were found to
be sufficient enough after test runs of ‘KSGEN’. The TLEs were converted by SatSpy
software to position and velocity components for the numerical integration and
propagation by ‘KSGEN’. The execution of the program provided the best ballistic
coefficient estimated, which minimized the predicted re-entry time variations with
158 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
respect to each set of TLE data, together with the mean prediction and dispersions
on the predictions at the TLEs utilized. It also provided the prediction of the
re-entry for the latest available TLE. The mean prediction from the sufficient number
of TLE sets was considered as the re-entry prediction for the latest epoch. In all our
prediction exercises, we assumed that the object re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere
when it reaches an altitude of 90 km above the Earth.
The estimation of initial ballistic coefficient, B (= m/CDA) was made during the study
from different TLE epochs from 03-Januaray-2001, 18:16:09 (UTC) to the last TLE
epoch 31-May-2002, 16:40:02(UTC). The estimation of initial ballistic coefficient plays
an important role in minimizing the cost function that involves mean perigee and
apogee values. Six TLE epochs between January 2001 and May 2002, provided in
Table 8.9 were utilized for detailed study. Table 8.9 provides the estimated values
of ballistic coefficient (B). A numerical propagator NPOE (Numerical Prediction of
Orbital Events), was used for this purpose. Orbit propagation was carried out with
NPOE using the force model which included 36×36 Earth gravity model of GEM10B,
atmospheric drag perturbations, lunar and solar gravity effects. MSIS90 density
model with the monthly averaged values of solar flux (F10.7) and geomagnetic
activity (Ap) obtained from website was utilized to compute
the drag force.
Table 8.6: Computed values of initial ballistic coefficients (B) (Match TLE 28-May-2002, 10:51:54
Table 8.7: Computed values of initial ballistic coefficients (B) (Match TLE 28-May-2002, 10:51:54
160 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Table 8.7: Computed values of initial ballistic coefficients (B) (Match TLE 28-May-2002, 10:51:54
Two objects were considered, SROSS C2 satellite and SL-12 Rocket Body, which re-
entered or decayed on 12th July 2001 and 3rd March 2009, respectively. The re-entry
prediction of SROSS C2 satellite was carried out with a total of 14 TLE’s available for
the last five days (from 8th July 2001). From the latest TLE epoch of 12th July 2001,
00:38:01, the prediction was made as 12th July 2001, 4 hours 43 minutes against the
actual re-entry time of 4 hours 37 minutes. The difference of 6 minutes was noted.
The details of all the 14 predictions made from different TLE’s with their percentage
error, upper and lower bounds are provided in Table 8.8.
162 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
The percentage errors are computed by the following formula.
where, TCOM is the time of actual re-entry, TREF is the predicted time of re-entry,
TREF is the time corresponding to the initial TLE propagated. Maximum % error of
7.1 was noted.
164 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Re-entry Prediction of Phobos-Grunt and ROSAT
Mutyalarao and Raj (2012) presented a methodology to predict the re-entry time
of decaying space objects from low-Earth-orbit through an optimization technique.
Two parameters, initial eccentricity and ballistic coefficient were chosen for optimal
estimation. It is known that the errors are more for these two parameters based on
TLEs. These two parameters are computed with response surface method (RSM)
using genetic algorithm (GA) for the selected time intervals. The methodology was
verified by calculating the re-entry time of the decayed objects Phobos-Grunt and
ROSAT satellites from different epochs.
Mutyalarao and Raj (2014a) made a study to predict the re-entry time of re-entered
cryogenic upper stage of GSLV-D5 rocket using response surface method with
genetic algorithm. The orbital lifetime estimation of the spent CUS was analyzed
by downloading its TLEs of the last 5 days before its re-entry. High Precision Orbit
Propagator (HPOP) of STK software was utilized for propagating the orbit with
required perturbative forces. Table 8.10 provides the re-entry times of GSLV-D5/CUS
from 5 different epochs. As per the website information on 8th
June 2014, the rocket body re-entered at 0.0 hours (UTC).
Table 8.11 provided the final TLE epochs of selected TLE time intervals, estimated
values of B, e, predicted re-entry time and predicted re-entry time along with
percentage error [= (predicted re-entry time – actual re-entry time) / (actual re-entry
time – time of first TLE epoch used) 100] of each prediction.
Table 8.11: Computed values of parameters with predicted re-entry time of Phobos-Grunt satellite
(Re-entry epoch: 15 Jan 2012 17:45:00 UTCA)
166 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Table 8.12: Computed values of parameters with predicted re-entry time of ROSAT satellite
(Re-entry epoch: 23 Oct 2011 01:57:00 UTC)
Table 8.12 provided the final TLE epochs of selected TLE time intervals, estimated
values of B, e, predicted re-entry time along with percentage error for each prediction.
It was noted that the absolute value of percentage error in all the predictions was
less than 6.9 percent. The final prediction is 23rd October 2011 03: 58:00, which is
close to the actual re-entry time.
Optimization with Satellite Tool Kit (STK OPTIM) is an innovative approach to estimate
the essential ballistic parameter (EBP) of the risk object from a span of TLEs and
hence to predict re-entry time of the object. The technique uses High precision orbit
propagator (HPOP) of the software STK integrated with an optimization technique
to arrive at the best re-entry time prediction. Among the latest available TLEs in a
short span of time, three TLES are chosen, first at beginning, other at middle and
third at last part of the time span. These TLEs are propagated with a range of ballistic
parameters. The trajectories are then matched with the observed values obtained
from TLEs to estimate EBP. A multi objective function, considering the errors on
apogee and perigee predictions with the observed, is minimized to arrive at the EBP.
Three measures, namely, least square error, weighted least square error considering
the expected remaining life as weights, and normalized non-dimensioned errors on
apogee and perigee are employed as the objective function. Here in this methodology
For Phobos-Grunt, four predictions were made from TLEs available on last four days
(12th to 14th Jan 2012) of re-entry. TLEs were taken from space-track site. For first
prediction, a TLE on 12 Jan 2012 was chosen and the state available from it was
propagated using HPOP for different ballistic parameters ranging from 340 to 400
which provided different trajectory profiles.
Observed values of semi-major axis, apogee and perigee were obtained using 15 TLEs
on the same day. The above mentioned three objective functions were minimized
in least square sense through a random search technique (RST). The estimated EBP
for this case was 371.0686. The life time was calculated using this EBP with last TLE
used in the analysis. Table 8.13 provides the estimated EBP and the predicted re-
entry time along with the percentage error in prediction. It can be observed that the
percentage error for all the four cases is less than 6 %. The last prediction predicted
using TLE at epoch 15 Jan 2012 16: 36:03.905 UTC has difference of only 9 minutes
from actual re-entry time of Phobos-Grunt ( 15 Jan 2012 17:45 UTC).
168 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
It can be seen in Table 8.14 that the percentage error for ROSAT for all four cases is
less than 3.4 %. For the last prediction the difference in predicted re-entry time and
actual re-entry time (23 Oct 2012, 01:57 UTC) is only 12 minutes.
In this method Lifetime Optimization using Satellite Tool Kit (STK LTOptim), a set of
TLEs is selected and is propagated using HPOP propagator with a range of ballistic
coefficients. For each TLE, lifetime is calculated corresponding to each ballistic
coefficient in the range. The best ballistic coefficient which gives the minimum
dispersion on lifetime predictions from number of TLEs is estimated with an
optimization technique. The lifetime is then calculated using this optimized ballistic
coefficient using latest TLE. The re-entry time as per ESA for GOCE satellite was 11
Nov 2013 02:30 UTC. Table 8.15 provides the re-entry predictions made using STK
170 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Table 8.16: Prediction of re-entry time of CZ-2C rocket with RSM-GA method
172 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Table 8.18: Re-entry predictions for CZ-2C using STK LTOptim method
Mutyalarao and Anil Kumar (2018) studied the re-entry time prediction for CUS of
GSLV-F09 mission. CUS was inserted into GTO on 5 May 2017 and it re-entered on 10
Oct 2017. Optimal estimation of two initial parameters namely osculating eccentricity
and ballistic coefficient was considered based on linear variation of mean apogee
altitude. Optimal estimation of these two parameters was done using response
surface method with genetic algorithm. Accurate prediction of re-entry time with
decay location was carried out one day before its re-entry. The final re- entry time
announced by NASA was 10 Oct 2017 03:37: 00 UTC (±40 minutes). Good agreement
was noticed between predicted and actual re-entry time as seen from Table 8.19.
174 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Figure 8.12: Re-entry prediction methodology
Figure 8.13: Five zones for finding ballistic coefficient and eccentricity (Case 2)
Table 8.20: Eccentricity and ballistic coefficient (BC) used for 5 intervals
Sellamuthu et al. (2019) studied the re-entry of Molniya orbits which are highly
elliptical orbits (HEOs), with a period of ~12 hours, and are critically inclined (63.4o)
with the swath covering the high latitudinal regions of the Earth. Despite the
availability of high fidelity orbit propagators, the uncertainty in the initial parameters
can lead to an inaccurate prediction. The re- entry time prediction of Molniya satellites
was carried out as an optimal estimation problem. For carrying out optimal re-entry
176 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
estimation of Molniya satellites, eccentricity and ballistic coefficient were treated as
uncertain parameters. Optimal estimate of these design variables was determined by
using response surface method (RSM) and genetic algorithm (GA). Using Numerical
Prediction of Orbital Events (NPOE) software, the numerical propagation was carried
out with realistic perturbation model. By use of this method, accurate re-entry time
of six Molniya satellites were predicted with errors less than 5% when compared with
the actual data. Table 8.22 provides the launch log of the selected Molniya satellites.
Table 8.23 provides optimal solutions for Molniya satellites re-entry time prediction.
Figure 8.14 provides optimal and non-optimal apogee altitude solution compared
with TLE data for case 4.
Table 8.21: Predicted re-entry decay and percentage errors for 5 predictions
Figure 8.13: Five zones for finding ballistic coefficient and eccentricity (Case 2)
Table 8.23: Optimal solutions for Molniya satellites re-entry time prediction
178 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Regularized analytical orbit theory with solar
radiation pressure
Sellamuthu et al. (2020) derived a new non-averaged non-singular solution for
describing the orbital motion around the Earth under the influence of solar radiation
pressure (SRP), using Kustaanheimo-Stiefel (KS) regularization technique. Despite the
increase in the dimensionality of the system, there exists symmetry in the KS space.
Just three out of the ten equations are solved completely, while only initial conditions
are changed for the rest, to produce the dynamics. Performance evaluation of the
theoretical solution was carried out with the KS numerical orbit propagator under
the assumption of a cannon-ball SRP model for the object. Different high area-to-
mass ratio objects from high altitude orbits were considered for analyzing the
accuracy of the solution.
180 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
ballistic parameter (EBP) was implemented and had been found to work well for
re-entry predictions. The process required manual intervention due to reasons
namely, (i) wide search range, (ii) outlier removal, (iii) lack of good initial guess,
(iv) presence of invalid ballistic parameters in the search range, and (v) variation
in EBP during the re-entry exercise. The implementation of optimization logic for
EBP estimation to reduce user-interference and automatize the complete re-entry
prediction procedure was presented (proposed scheme). This is based on assessment
of optimization algorithms, for re-entry prediction of different space objects,
subjected to their sensitivity to initial guess, convergence and number of function
evaluations. Some failure cases were also presented and methodology implemented
to overcome these failure cases were discussed here.
Table 8.25: Comparison of optimization methods for EBP estimation using STKOptim method
182 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Table 8.26: Average percentage error during campaign for Starlink-26 and CZ-5B using four
The analysis shows that ABPro and STKLTOptim can be used for short-term re-entry
analysis. Time-based evaluation (long term) is done with the four methods using
three GTO and three LEO objects. More specifically, for GTO objects, ABPro gives less
error for the prediction with the last TLE, and RSMGA gives less errorfor the six- month
earlier predictions, STKOptim gives less error during the intermediate predictions.
For LEO objects, STKLTOptim gives less error for the predictions with the last TLE and
ABPro gives less error for the six-month earlier predictions, STKOptim and RSMGA
give less error during the intermediate predictions.
For this re-entry campaign, seven different agencies (two from ISRO, one from ISAC
and other from VSSC) participated. Others are Johnson - USA; Klinkrad - Germany;
Ivanov - Russia; Pardini - Italy; Nonaka – Japan. Ganeshan - INDIA communicated the
re-entry predictions to IADC, made by ISAC and VSSC using ‘KSGEN’ software (Sharma
et al., 2004b). It was learnt that the actual re-entry occurred on 24th Nov. 2003 at 22:
Table 8.27: COSMOS 389 satellite re-entry predictions made using ‘KSGEN’ (Actual re-entry time ≈
24th November 2003, 22:36 hrs. UTC)
Table 8.28: Percentage errors on re-entry predictions made by VSSC (Actual re-entry time ≈ 24th
November 2003, 22:36 hrs. UTC)
Table 8.29 provides the percentage errors on re-entry predictions made by different
Agencies. It may be noted that the ISRO had the minimum % error of 5.59 with 9
predictions. Next was Pardini from ASI with 6.11 % error with 9 predictions.
184 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Table 8.29: Percentage errors on re-entry predictions made by Different Agencies (Actual re-entry
time ≈ 24th November 2003, 22:36 hrs. UTC)
186 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
8.27.9 IADC Re-entry Test Campaign 2013/1: Re-entry of
GOCE Satellite (#34602)
Software “KSGEN”, “DRSM with GA”, “STK OPTIM” and “STK LTOptim” were utilized for
the re-entry predictions. 23 re-entry predictions were made by ISRO (VSSC). The last
re-entry prediction made by ISRO (VSSC) was 32 minutes away from the declared
re-entry time (APMD IADC Team, 2014a).
188 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
8.27.17 IADC Re-entry Test Campaign 2021/2: Re-entry of CZ-
5B rocket body (2021-035B, #48275)
The re-entry prediction results with the latest available TLE are given in Table 8.30.
It re-entered on 09-May-2021 02:14 UTC. There was difference of 28 minutes 18
seconds between the actual and the nominal re-entry time (Mutyarao et al., 2021).
Relative error (%) is calculated as: 100× (declared re-entry epoch – last predicted
epoch)/ (declared re-entry epoch – Orbit Epoch used in last prediction). Date format
190 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Space Debris and Space Situational
Awareness Research Studies
192 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Monograph - 2024
Future Concerns on Space Debris Environment and
Best Practices for Space Sustainability
9.1 Introduction
Space debris poses growing risks to the safety and sustainability of operations in
outer space. Historically fragmentation/break-up has been the major contributor to
the growth of space debris population, but several studies show that future debris
population will be driven by on-orbit collisions. If the business-as-usual approach is
continued, eventually triggering of Kessler’s syndrome would hinder future space
activities. It is well-recognized by all space-faring entities that collective efforts are
imperative to find a solution to this complex issue. Space debris mitigation measures
have evolved as part of such efforts. However, so far, they have been adhered to by
space-faring entities as voluntary, non-binding instruments and have partly been
adopted in national policies by some of the space-faring nations. Furthermore, as the
scope of space activities expand and diversify rapidly, newer challenges arise for the
safety of spaceflight, especially due to the proliferation of large constellations and
increasing preference towards small satellites. In this chapter we consolidate such
challenges along with the future directions to tackle this growing menace.which can
help improve our ability to design safer and more efficient spacecraft.
Space situational awareness (SSA), which involves continual monitoring of the space
assets, their activities, and the prediction of their impact on the space environment,
is an integral and indispensable part of safe and sustainable space operations. As
more and more satellites are being launched, it is imperative to have SSA capability
commensurate with the increase in object population to safeguard operational
space assets. A full-fledged SSA capability demands a widely distributed network of
Chapter 9 Future Concerns on Space Debris Environment and Best Practices for Space Sustainability 193
sensors (radars and optical telescopes) across the globe for a complete and repeated
coverage of all space objects.
194 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
With several SSA service providers, including commercial ones, it is not easy for
a new entrant in space arena to compare and to assess veracity of their data and
benchmark the accuracy of their conjunction assessment services.
• SSA data can be from multiple, sometimes disparate sources and of different
grades of accuracy. Considering the requirements of “fusion” of such data,
handling of a huge volume of conjunction alerts, and complex decision making,
high performance computing and storage requirements would be essential for
data processing and analysis, and for applying the appropriate concepts of data
analytics. As of now, the idea of fully autonomous collision avoidance as an end-
to-end solution seems to be highly complex and not viable, mainly due to the
human element involved in inter-operator coordination. Though it is expected
that such a system may be realisable in near future with advanced technology
(usage of AI and ML), considerable efforts and testing will be involved in its
• One collision avoidance manoeuvre to resolve conjunction with one spacecraft
may lead to conjunction risks with several other spacecraft. Resolution of multiple
conjunctions involving multiple active satellites will be challenging, even with
transparent sharing and exchange of data. One future possibility is to automate
the collision avoidance manoeuvres completely with AI tools when large number
of uncertainties are involved.
• At present, different operators adopt different methodologies for risk estimation
and also, different criteria and thresholds for identifying critical conjunctions. As
a result, in some cases, a conjunction between two operational satellites may be
deemed critical to one of the operators while it may be beyond the actionable
threshold of the other. In such cases, accurate observational data is essential to
make informed decisions to mitigate the risk of collision.
• For space actors intending to develop capabilities in the areas of SSA and
space debris research, there will always be a trade-off between developing the
software in-house and using readily available, proven commercial software. The
former provides better insight, customizability and control, but has a longer
development cycle while the latter can be very expensive.
• Orbit determination and trajectory prediction is challenging for objects having
low thrust manoeuvre capabilities and/or exhibiting irregular manoeuvring
pattern as traditional flight dynamics-based analyses would yield incorrect
prediction of their orbit evolution. This limitation can be overcome by using
operator shared ephemerides and to some extent, ML approaches in case the
satellite has definite, reasonably predictable pattern of manoeuvring.
Chapter 9 Future Concerns on Space Debris Environment and Best Practices for Space Sustainability 195
Challenges arising due to small satellites and large
The present trend in the space industry is towards miniaturization, resilience, and
responsiveness. Small satellites like cubesats, nanosats and picosats have emerged
as preferred options, enabling affordable access to space for many non-traditional
actors, including universities and other academic institutions. Similarly, large
constellations of satellites offer undeniably attractive advantages over the heavier,
custom-built conventional satellites in terms of better coverage of the region of
interest, reduced latency, and better resilience to failures. The constellations being
proposed and deployed at present are at least an order of magnitude larger in size
than their predecessors, with the number of satellites within a constellation typically
ranging from a few hundred to several thousand. Satellites in these constellations
typically have shorter life spans and require periodic replenishment for service
CubeSats and nanosats usually do not carry on-board propulsion and hence, are
devoid of manoeuvring capability while continuing to pose significant collision risk
to larger operational assets. As a result, the onus of collision avoidance falls single
handily on owner/operator of the manoeuvrable satellites.
196 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
is especially the case with States that lack adequate regulatory and administrative
provisions for this purpose. Such situations pose major challenges while conducting
collision avoidance procedures.
CubeSats and nanosats are often mass-produced using COTS components and are
more prone to on-orbit failures. Even with their relatively shorter orbital life-time, the
defunct objects would pose short-term collision risks to operational assets.
It is apparent that LEO will be hosting not just one, but multiple large constellations
simultaneously. Unlike space debris, which are non-manoeuvrable objects,
the trajectory of manoeuvrable spacecraft, especially those equipped with ion
thrusters, cannot be predicted by the straight-forward application of conventional
flight dynamics. Hence, the exchange of operational ephemeris is essential for any
meaningful decision-making on collision avoidance.
At present there are only a handful of operational large constellations; their operators
have so far readily cooperated by transparent sharing of data and information to
resolve the conjunction situations. In future, mitigating collision risk would entail
close coordination and negotiations with multiple operators from different nations.
Chapter 9 Future Concerns on Space Debris Environment and Best Practices for Space Sustainability 197
Unavailability of safe lift-off timings within launch
As per the recommendations on limiting orbital life-time, the satellites of large
constellations are initially deployed at 350 km to undergo testing and qualification.
They are also de-orbited at end-of-life below this altitude. Hence cumulatively they
also contribute to a sizable population of objects in VLEO. As a result, a launch vehicle
has to necessarily transit through multiple, crowded shells of large constellations,
and encounters with the satellites in constellations are inevitable. Furthermore,
some of the constellations consisting of thousands of satellites are planned to be
deployed around the 320-350 km altitude. All human spaceflight missions have to
traverse this orbital regime during their forward as well as return journey. Hence,
proliferation of large constellations would affect the availability of conjunction-free
liftoff timings within a launch window significantly and pose additional challenges
to safety of crewed missions.
At present there are only a handful of operational large constellations; their operators
have so far readily cooperated by transparent sharing of data and information to
resolve the conjunction situations. In future, mitigating collision risk would entail
close coordination and negotiations with multiple operators from different nations.
Such level of cooperation will be extremely challenging as it is likely to be dictated
by prevailing geopolitical relations.
Most of the satellites in large constellations are proposed to be placed in Low Earth
Orbit, and their average operational lifetime is typically between 5-6 years. The
currently deployed satellites in the large constellations have manoeuvring capability
and have provisions to be actively de-orbited at the end-of-mission. However, for
satellites belonging to constellation, the resilience of the overall system is given
preference. Even though the failed satellites have limited life-time, the sheer number
of satellites deployed in multiple large constellations is likely to result in a non-trivial
number of failed satellites adding to the already dense population of space debris
in LEO.
It may be noted that a few of the constellations are proposed to be deployed above
1000 km. In general, objects placed in orbits below 600 km are expected re-enter the
Earth’s atmosphere within 25 years as they experience higher drag forces. However,
defunct objects placed above 1000 km altitude tend to remain in space for hundreds
of years, making these altitude bands more collision prone.
198 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
The large constellation satellites are de-orbited at end of life to a lower orbit (typically
300 km) to drastically reduce their post mission life. While this is highly desirable
from sustainability point of view, there can be a virtual graveyard shell of satellites
at VLEO if there are numerous constellations. At present (as of Nov 2023) about 10
satellites of large constellations are found to re-enter the atmosphere per month.
With multiple large constellations the re-entries will also increase rapidly. Even if
the satellites are made of demisable components to limit ground casualty risks, the
cumulative effect due to ablation of materials due to re-entry heating is likely to have
significant impact on environment in the long run.
At present, space beyond the Earth is inhabited by only a few operational spacecraft,
the population is concentrated near Mars, the Moon, and the Sun-Earth Lagrange’s
points. Even with a handful of spacecraft, the greater uncertainty associated with the
orbital knowledge and the potentially chaotic dynamics make collision risk assessment
a necessity for the safety of operations. Learning from the experiences of operating
in Earth orbits which is plagued by unprecedented and ever-increasing congestion,
it is desirable to have specific forward-looking guidelines and best practices in place
to address the future accumulation of debris object and mechanisms for space traffic
9.12 Others
• The sharing of data amongst satellite operators or even taking specific actions to
evaluate the risk of collisions is not currently mandated. There is no centralised
approach to collision avoidance and it is entirely up to the spacecraft operators
to determine whether or not to conduct an evasive manoeuvre.
Chapter 9 Future Concerns on Space Debris Environment and Best Practices for Space Sustainability 199
• Owing to competition in market, operators may be often compelled to make
decisions that favour their economic interests over the sustainability of the space
Space weather events, such as solar storms and flares lead to geomagnetic storms
and influence atmospheric drag, which in turn affect orbital evolution of space
objects as well as the orientation and instrument performance of spacecraft. Any
severe event has a drastic effect on the orbit of a space object, the deviation between
the actual orbit and the predicted orbit may exceed the margins of safety in some
cases. As the orbital regimes get more crowded, accurate prediction of imminent
space weather events will be crucial to minimise the error in the prediction of the
orbital evolution for the safety of spaceflight and to initiate pre-emptive actions to
protect on-board sensitive instruments.
200 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
specific altitudes, in the vicinity of manned missions, spacecraft should have
manoeuvring capabilities and reliable communication.
• In the absence of a space traffic management system, a central entity facilitating
data sharing and providing updates on orbital flight plans would help in
its confidence and a common understanding among all space actors over
conducting manoeuvres in a crowded region. Additionally, use of standardized
communication protocols would enable effective and timely communication,
and would help in streamlining procedures for conjunction assessment and
collision avoidance.
• While the IADC debris mitigation guidelines recommend a 25-year limit for
orbital lifetime of objects in LEO, given the large number of spacecraft and the
associated high probability of collisions anticipated in the near future, shorter
post-mission orbital lifetimes should be considered to reduce the risk of collision
to operational assets.
• Widespread implementation of guidelines, standards and best practices for space
traffic management is necessary to ensure safe and responsible space operations.
Furthermore, voluntary best practices need to be supplemented with formal
regulatory mechanisms that would ensure safety of operations. It is therefore
important for all Member States to develop and adopt necessary measures to
regulate satellite launches, their operations and ensure compliance with existing
international debris mitigation standards at a domestic level.
• In particular, all operators should adopt measures to obtain timely and actionable
alerts to safeguard their assets from any impending hazard.
• An internationally accepted limit has to be evolved on the number of satellite
licenses that each State can issue to its entities.
• It needs to be impressed upon all space actors that the penalties for adopting
space debris mitigation measure are eventually superseded by the reward of
continued service of the space assets yielding revenue, science throughput, and
delivering societal benefits.
• Rocket launches and satellite re-entries release particles and gases into the
atmosphere that can have adverse effects. Mitigation lies in limiting the
development and use of rocket engines that produce certain harmful emissions
and adopting environment friendly, demisable components to address
re-entry risks.
• Satellite operators need to mitigate the adverse effects due to satellite streaks by
darkening their satellites. Astronomers are using tools to avoid or filter out light
reflections or radio transmissions from images/signals, similar tools are required
to process space debris observational data.
• Given the monumental increase in the number of objects in future and to
circumvent the aforementioned image corruption by large constellations, the
ground-based sensors need to be complemented with space-based sensors to
circumvent some of the aforementioned issues.
Chapter 9 Future Concerns on Space Debris Environment and Best Practices for Space Sustainability 201
• For mitigating accumulation of debris in LEO, the following best practices
• Satellites should be de-orbited on a fixed schedule with proper replacement
planned beforehand.
• Life extension of a satellite should be subject to PMD capability assessment
• Controlled re-entry should be attempted wherever feasibility exists
• Design for Demise-principles to be adopted for minimising the ground
casualty risks due to surviving parts of re-entering objects
9.15 Conclusion
While space-based activities are immensely beneficial also leads to increased space
debris because the presence of defunct objects in outer space significantly increases
the chances of collisions in crowded orbital regimes. Due to their high velocity (of
the order of 7-10 km/s), space debris on accidental collision can damage or destroy
satellites resulting in loss of commercial services, scientific observational data, and
even threaten national security. Cumulatively, the number of defunct objects arising
out of multiple large constellations and deployment of numerous small satellites
may not be trivial. The main concern is the presence of large number of objects in
orbit, whether functional or defunct, inherently increases the chances of collisions
in crowded orbital regimes. Fragments generated from one collision/fragmentation
event might trigger other fragmentation events leading to a cascading effect known
as Kessler’s syndrome. This will render space unusable for future applications.
Remediation lies in incorporating our understanding of space debris during mission
design, strict adherence to guidelines during operational phase, and post mission
disposal / active debris removal at the end of mission.
As the number of active satellites continues to grow sharply and are projected to
outnumber the debris population, Space Traffic Management (STM) concepts must
be incorporated to prevent on-orbit collisions. Therefore, enhanced coordination,
cooperation and collaboration among space-faring entities become imperative to
safeguard space assets. However, unlike air traffic, such an STM system is unlikely to
emerge in the near future through consensus among all nations due to the prevalent
geopolitical quagmire. Furthermore, studies indicate that stabilising the existing
object population in the heavily congested LEO region requires removal of at least 5
large objects per year through ADR. However, ADR is yet to reach a sufficiently high
level of technological maturity and is limited to demonstration missions. In addition,
several challenges remain to be addressed on the legal, economic, and technology
fronts. As of today, widespread implementation of existing best practices for
mitigating space debris is the only available option way for preserving outer space
for sustainable utilisation.
202 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Implementing space debris measures undeniably incur additional cost and effort,
but such measures also ensure the operational safety of a space-based platform,
allowing its sustained utilization. Incorporating space debris mitigation measures in
the early stages of design phases is recommended for cost-effectiveness. Improving
compliance with the mitigation guidelines hinges on raising awareness among
the emerging space actors on the extent of threats posed by space debris and
debunking the “Big Sky Theory”. It is also important to recognise space situational
awareness to be an essential and integral part of ensuring the safety of space
operations. In particular, space object tracking and monitoring capabilities need to
be commensurate with the increase in object population for a realistic assessment of
risks posed by space debris.
Cooperation and collaboration amongst space faring entities for data sharing, utilising
common pool of database /knowledge base contributed by multiple stakeholders
is essential for efficient operational management and informed decision making
to contain the space debris environment. Ultimately the future challenges require
novel approach and innovative solutions where public private partnership would
play a significant role.
Chapter 9 Future Concerns on Space Debris Environment and Best Practices for Space Sustainability 203
Space Debris and Space Situational
Awareness Research Studies
204 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
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222 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
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Author Index
Adimurthy V. 13, 20, 121, 144
Agarwal A. 22
Ananthasayanam M. 40, 61, 85, 87, 122, 125
Anil Kumar A.K. 12, 35, 37, 39, 46, 58, 59, 78, 95,104, 117, 118, 122,123, 125,
133, 14, 3,155,165, 170,173
Anselmo L. 143
Anz Meador P. 2, 55, 83, 123
Balakrishnan D. 155
Bandyopadhyay P. 13, 35, 56, 107, 122, 123, 128, 130, 148, 159
Beena G. P. 117, 119
Bhatnagar K. B. 66
Boulton W. J. 68
Chao C. C. 78
Chebotarev G. A., 70, 75
Cowardin H. 7, 53
Cour Palais B. G. 9
Culp R.D. 37
Deependran B. 155
Dutt P. 26, 78, 133, 177, 179, 180, 181
Fletcher J. 153
Foust J. 55
Ganeshan A. S. 121, 122, 125
Gooding R. H. 66
Gregersen E. 34
Gupta S. 13, 99, 101, 186
Hoots F. R. 46,109
Jacchia L. G. 46, 68, 69,158
Jehn R. 38, 39
Johnson A. 7, 53
Johnson Nicholas L. 54
Kelso T. S. 55
Kessler D. J. 9
King-Hele D. G. 66, 76
Klinkrad H. 1, 142
Kumar K. 130
Kurian J. 155
Kustaanheimo P. 64, 91, 174
Lawrence C. S. 176
Lincoln V. 68
Liou J. C. 46, 78, 133
Mani L. 65, 66
Mathew S. P. 123
McKnight D. S. 37
Metz. M. 143
Mukherjee B. 189, 190
Mutyalarao M. 99, 149, 150, 154, 165, 170, 173, 186, 187
Nair L. S. 77
Nandhu Raj S. 188
Parameswaran S. 122, 125
Pardini C. 143
Platt M.H. 78
Portman S. A. 35
Prasad M. Y. S. 13, 18
Raj M. X. J. 46, 70, 74, 77, 78, 99, 165, 170
Reddy D. S. 95, 98
Ren S. 53
Reynolds R. C. 39
Sabarinath A. 117, 118
Saji S. S. 76
Scheifele G. 46, 64, 70
Scott D. W. 66
Sellamuthu H. 91, 174, 176
Shajahan S. 113
Sharma R. K. 46, 65, 66, 68, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 91, 125, 130, 144, 149,
150, 153, 155, 158, 162, 174, 183, 185, 186
Smibi M. J. 76
Stiefel E. L. 46, 64, 70, 91, 174, 179
Subba Rao P. V. 123, 157
Sundahl M. J. 9
Swinerd G. G. 68
Taqvi Z. A. 66
Vallado D. 9
Vijay V. V. 138
224 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO
Monograph - 2024
Subject Index
Active Debris Removal 2, 29, 46, 50, 78, 133, 137, 202
Assemble Model for debris environment 35-36, 59-60
Atmospheric Re-entry 2, 26-27, 141
Break-up 1-2, 5, 9-10, 18, 24-28, 137, 193-194
Catalogued Population 6-8
Collision Avoidance 11, 12, 16, 99-106
Collision Probability 46, 85-86, 101, 109-116, 128
COLA 16-18, 99, 128
Comparisons of Re-entry Prediction Methods 170-173, 179-183
Conjunction Assessment 13, 95
Controlled re-entry 12, 20, 23, 202
Debris Environmental Modelling 28
Decay from high elliptic orbits 129, 144, 148, 174, 176
Decay of Debris Fragments 124-125
Fragmentation events 3, 58, 95, 124, 200
Future LEO environment 29, 45, 50
GTO Lifetime 19, 129, 145,155
KS differential equations 64, 70
KS uniformly regular canonical elements 70-74
Long-term orbit computations 46-50, 63-75
Luni-Solar perturbation 2, 91-93, 129-130, 144-145,159
Manoeuvrability 196-197
Mass distribution 8, 39
Modelling of sun spot numbers 116-119
Oblate diurnal atmosphere 68, 77, 158
On-orbit breakups 29, 59, 88
On-Orbit Collisions 4, 12-13, 193-194
Orbit Propagation 26, 63, 78, 91, 143, 158, 162, 177
Passivation 12-13,18-19, 24-25,122-127
Perturbations of Sun-synchronous orbit 6, 20, 75-76
Post Mission Disposal 12, 20-21, 24-25, 133, 200
Re-entry Comparison Studies 183-190
226 Space Debris and Space Situational Awareness Research Studies in ISRO