5G Technology
5G Technology
5G Technology
Seminar Report
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement
For the award of the
Master in
Computer Application
I, BIKASH KUMAR BEHERA, do here by declare that, the seminar
work presented in this report tittled “5G TECHNOLOGY” submitted
to the Computer Application department, Veer Surendra Sai
University of eTechnology, Burla, for the award of the degree Master
in Computer Application, is my original work. I have not plagiarized
or submitted the same work for the award of any other degree.
This is to certify that the candidate,
Of 2022 admission batch, is a bonafide student of
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla.
The report work entitled
is his original piece of work to the best of my knowledge. No other
candidate has submitted the same report for the award of Master in
Computer Application of Veer Surendra Sai University of
Technology, Burla.
Submitted by:
Bikash Kumar Behera
The eventual goal of the forthcoming 5G wireless networking is to
have relatively fast data speeds, incredibly low latency, substantial
rises in base station’s efficiency and major changes in expected
Quality of Service (QoS) for customers relative to the existing 4G LTE
networks. In order to deal with state-of-the art technologies and
connectivity in the form of smart cell phones, internet of things
(IoT) devices, autonomous vehicles, virtual reality devices and
smart homes connectivity, the broadband data use has risen
at a fast rate. Further, to meet the latest applications, the
bandwidth of the system needs to be increased widely. This
development will be accomplished by using a modern spectrum with
higher data levels. In particular, the fifth generation (5G) mobile
network seeks to resolve the short comings of previous
telecommunication technologies and to be a possible primary
enabler for future IoT applications. This paper briefly discusses
the architecture of 5G, following by the security associated with the
5G network, 5G as an energy efficient network, various types of
efficient antennas developed for 5G and state of-the-art specifications
for IoT applications along with their related communication
Submitted by:
Bikash Kumar Behera
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. DEFINITION ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. PROPERTIES ....................................................................................................................... 2
2. EVOLUTION FROM 1G TO 5G ................................................................................................ 3
2.1. 1ST GENERATION ............................................................................................................... 3
2.2. 2ND GENERATION............................................................................................................... 3
2.3. 3RD GENERATION............................................................................................................... 5
2.4. 4TH GENERATION ............................................................................................................... 6
2.5. 5TH GENERATION ............................................................................................................... 7
2.6. COMPARISION OF ALL GENERATION ....................................................................... 9
2.6.1. SYMBOLS ................................................................................................................... 10
3. KEY CONCEPT ......................................................................................................................... 11
4. ARCHITECTURE OF 5G ......................................................................................................... 12
4.1. TERMINAL DESIGN ........................................................................................................ 12
4.2. COMPARISION WITH OSI MODEL ............................................................................. 12
4.3. OPEN WIRELESS ARCHITECTURE (OWA) .............................................................. 13
4.4. NETWORK LAYER .......................................................................................................... 13
4.5. OPEN TRANSPORT PROTOCOL(OTP) ....................................................................... 13
4.6. APPLICATION LAYER .................................................................................................... 14
4.7. FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTURE .................................................................................. 14
5. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE OF 5G ................................................................................ 18
5.1. HARDWARE OF 5G .......................................................................................................... 18
5.2. SOFTWARE OF 5G ........................................................................................................... 18
6. FEATURES, ADVANTAGES & APPLICATIONS ................................................................ 19
6.1. FEATURES ......................................................................................................................... 19
6.2. ADVANTAGES................................................................................................................... 19
6.3. DISADVANTAGES ............................................................................................................ 19
6.4. APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................................ 20
7. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 21
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 22
The world has seen a lot of changes in the field of communication. Today we no more use
landlines. Everyone possesses a mobile phone that functions 24X7. Our handsets not only keep
us connected with the world at large but also serve the purpose of entertainment gadget. From
1G to 2.5G and from 3G to 5G this world of telecommunications has seen a number of
improvements along with improved performance with every passing day.
The 5th generation is envisaged to be a complete network for wireless mobile internet, which
has the capability to offer services for accommodating the application potential requirements
without suffering the quality. The ultimate goal of 5G is to design a real wireless world, that is
free from obstacles of the earlier generations.
5G technology will change the manner in which cellular plans are offered worldwide. A new
revolution is about to begin. The global cell phone is around the corner. The global mobile
phone will hit the localities who can call and access from one country to another’s local phone
with this new technology. The way in which people are communicating will altogether upgrade.
The utilization of this gadget will surely move a step ahead with improved and accessible
connectivity around the world. Your office will shrink into your handset with this cell phone
that is going to resemble PDA (personal digital assistant) of twenty first century.
5G technology has a bright future because it can handle best technologies and offer priceless
handset to their customers. May be in coming days 5G technology takes over the world market.
5G Technologies have an extraordinary capability to support Software and Consultancy. The
www.studymafia.org Router and switch technology used in 5G network providing high
connectivity. The 5G technology distributes internet access to nodes within the building and
can be deployed with union of wired or wireless network connections. The current trend of 5G
technology has a glowing future.
5G Wireless System is a complete wireless communication with almost no limitation;
somehow people called it REAL wireless world. But till present day 5G wireless system
concept is only theory and not real, so it is not applicable for use. 5G (5th generation mobile
networks or 5th generation wireless systems) is a technology used in research papers and
projects to denote the next major phase of mobile telecommunication standards beyond 4G. 5G
is not officially used for any specification or official document yet made public by
telecommunication companies or standardization bodies. New standard releases beyond 4G are
in progress by standardization bodies, but are at this time not considered as new mobile
generations but under the 4G umbrella. The implementation of standards under a 5G umbrella
would likely be around the year of 2020.
→Worldwide cellular phone: Phone calls in any country can be done easily like a local phone
→Extraordinary data capabilities: Data capabilities of the 5G system is much higher than other
generation so you can store more amount of data with less problem in storing them.
→More power & features in hand held phones: You'll have all features of PDA & laptops in
your mobile phone, which makes it more powerful.
→Large phone memory, more dialling speed, more clarity in audio & video.
First Generation wireless technology (1G) is the original analog (An analog or analogue
signal is any continuous signal for which the time varying feature (variable) of the signal is a
representation of some other time varying quantity), voice-only cellular telephone standard,
developed in the 1980s. The prominent ones among 1G system were advanced mobile phone
system (AMPS), Nordic mobile telephone (NMT), and total access communication system
digitally encrypted. This digital encryption allows for the transfer of data in such a way that
only the intended receiver can receive and read it. Second generation technologies are either
time division multiple access (TDMA) or code division multiple access (CDMA). TDMA
allows for the division of signal into time slots. CDMA allocates each user a special code to
communicate over a multiplex physical channel. Different TDMA technologies are GSM, PDC,
iDEN, IS-136. CDMA technology is IS-95. GSM (Global system for mobile communication)
is the most admired standard of all the mobile technologies. GSM technology was the first one
to help establish international roaming. This enabled the mobile subscribers to use their mobile
phone connections in many different countries of the world’s is based on digital signals, unlike
1G technologies which were used to transfer analogue signals. GSM has enabled the users to
make use of the short message services (SMS) to any mobile network at any time. SMS is a
cheap and easy way to send a message to anyone, other than the voice call or conference. This
www.studymafia.org technology is beneficial to both the network operators and the ultimate
users at the same time. In comparison to 1G's analog signals, 2G's digital signals are very reliant
on location and proximity. If a 2G handset made a call far away from a cell tower, the digital
signal may not be enough to reach it. While a call made from a 1G handset had generally poor
quality than that of a 2G handset, it survived longer distances. This is due to the analog signal
having a smooth curve compared to the digital signal, which had a jagged, angular curve. As
conditions worsen, the quality of a call made from a 1G handset would gradually worsen, but
a call made from a 2G handset would fail completely.
➢ Developed in late 1980s & completed in late 1990s.
➢ Based on digital system.
➢ Speed up to 64 kbps.
➢ Services such are digital voice & SMS with more clarity.
➢ Semi global facility.
➢ 2G are the handsets we are using today, with 2.5G having more capabilities.
Fig.2.3 3G Mobile
➢ Developed between late 1990s & early 2000s until present day
➢ In 2005, 3G is ready to live up to its performance in computer networking (WCDMA,
WLAN and Bluetooth) and mobile devices area (cell phone and GPS).
➢ Transmission speed from 125 kbps to 2 Mbps.
➢ Superior voice quality.
➢ Good clarity in video conference
➢ Data are sent through technology called packet switching
➢ Voice calls are interpreted using circuit switching
➢ Fast Communication, Internet, Mobile T.V, E-mail, PDA, information surfing, on-line
shopping/ banking, Multi Media Messaging Service (MMS), 3D gaming, multi-Gaming
➢ Global roaming.
Fig.2.4 4G Mobile
➢ Developed in 2010.
➢ Faster & more reliable.
➢ Speed up to 100 Mbps.
➢ Both cellular and broadband multimedia services everywhere.
➢ High performance.
➢ Easy global roaming.
➢ Low cost
The gigantic array of innovative technology being built into new cell phones is stunning.
5G technologies which are on hand held phone offering more power and features than at least
1000 lunar modules. A user can also hook their 5G technology cell phone with their laptop to
get broadband internet access. 5G technology including camera, MP3 recording, video player,
large phone memory, dialling speed, audio player and much more you never imagine.
Fig.2.5 5G Mobile
Generation 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G
Years 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s
Data 2 Kbps 64 Kbps 2 Mbps 200 Mbps 1 Gbps
Standards AMPS TDMA, WCDMA Single unified Single unified
CDMA, standard standard
Technology Analog Digital Broadband Unified IP & Unified IP &
Cellular Cellular with CDMA, seamless seamless
IP combination combination
Technology of broadband, of broadband,
Services Mobile Digital Integrated Dynamic Dynamic
technology voice, SMS, high quality information information
(Voice) Higher audio, video access, access,
capacity & data wearable wearable
packetized devices devices with
Switching Circuit Circuit & Packet All packet All packet
Core PSTN PSTN Packet Internet Internet
Network Network
2.6.1. SYMBOLS
WWWW: A World-Wide Wireless Web is capable of supporting a comprehensive wireless-
based Web application that includes full graphics and multimedia capability at beyond 4G
TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access is a technology for sharing a medium by several users
by dividing into different time slots transmitting at the same frequency.
WAP: Wireless Application Protocol defines the use of TCP/IP and Web browsing for mobile
DAWN: Advanced technologies including smart antenna and flexible modulation are keys to
optimize this wireless version of reconfigurable ad hoc networks.
➢ Real wireless world with no more limitation with access and zone issues.
➢ Wearable devices with AI (Artificial Intelligence) capabilities.
➢ Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6), where a visiting care-of mobile IP address is assigned
according to location and connected network.
➢ One unified global standard.
➢ Dynamic Ad hoc Wireless Networks (DAWN), essentially identical to Mobile ad hoc
network (MANET), Wireless mesh network (WMN) or wireless grids, combined with
smart antennas, cooperative diversity and flexible modulation.
➢ User centric (or cell phone developer initiated) network concept instead of operator-
initiated (as in 1G) or system developer initiated (as in 2G, 3G and 4G) standards.
World Wide wireless web (WWWW), i.e., comprehensive wireless-based web
applications that include full multimedia capability beyond 4G speeds.
➢ Pervasive networks providing ubiquitous computing: The user can simultaneously be
connected to several wireless access technologies and seamlessly move between them
(See Media independent handover or vertical handover, IEEE 802.21, also expected to
be provided by future 4G releases). These access technologies can be a 2.5G, 3G, 4G
or 5G mobile networks, Wi-Fi, WPAN or any other future access technology. In 5G, the
concept may be further developed into multiple concurrent data transfer paths.
➢ Cognitive radio technology, also known as smart-radio: allowing Different radio
technologies to share the same spectrum efficiently by Adaptively finding unused
spectrum and adapting the transmission scheme to the requirements of the technologies
currently sharing the spectrum. This dynamic radio resource management is achieved
in a distributed fashion, and relies on software defined radio.
➢ High altitude stratospheric platform station (HAPS) systems.
➢ Group cooperative relay: A major issue in beyond 4G systems is to make the high bit
rates available in a larger portion of the cell, especially to users in an exposed position
in between several base stations. In current research, this issue is addressed by cellular
repeaters and macro-diversity techniques, also known as group cooperative relay, as
well as by beam division multiple access (BDMA).
Physical layer + Data link layer = OWA
➢ OSI layer 1 i.e., Physical layer & OSI layer 2 i.e., Data link layer define the wireless
➢ For these two layers the 5G mobile network is likely to be based on Open Wireless
Architecture (OWA).
➢ Wireless network differs from wired network regarding the transport layer.
➢ In all TCP versions the assumption is that lost segments are due to network congestion.
➢ In wireless, the loss is due to higher bit error ratio in the radio interface.
➢ 5G mobile terminals have transport layer that is possible to be downloaded & installed
which is based on Open Transport Protocol.
each of the radio access technologies is seen as the IP link to the outside Internet world.
However, there should be different radio interface for each Radio Access Technology (RAT) in
the mobile terminal. For an example, if we want to have access to four different RATs, we need
to have four different access - specific interfaces in the mobile terminal, and to have all of them
active at the same time, with aim to have this architecture to be functional applications and
servers somewhere on the Internet. Routing of packets should be carried out in accordance with
established policies of the user.
Application connections are realized between clients and servers in the Internet via
sockets. Internet sockets are endpoints for data communication flows. Each socket of the web
is a unified and unique combination of local IP address and appropriate local transport
communications port, target IP address and target appropriate communication port, and type of
transport protocol. Considering that, the establishment of communication from end-to-end
between the client and server using the Internet protocol is necessary to raise the appropriate
Internet socket uniquely determined by the application of the client and the server. This means
that in case of interoperability between heterogeneous networks and for the vertical handover
between the respective radio technologies, the local IP address and destination IP address
should be fixed and unchanged. Fixing of these two parameters should ensure handover
transparency to the Internet connection end-to-end, when there is a mobile user at least on one
end of such connection. In order to preserve the proper layout of the packets and to reduce or
prevent packets losses, routing to the target destination and vice versa should be uniquely and
using the same path. Each radio access technology that is available to the user in achieving
connectivity with the relevant radio access is presented with appropriate IP interface. Each IP
interface in the terminal is characterized by its IP address and net mask
Fig.4.4 protocol layout for the elements of the proposed architecture of 5G
and parameters associated with the routing of IP packets across the network. In regular inter-
system handover, the change of access technology (i.e., vertical handover) would mean
changing the local IP address. Then, change of any of the parameters of the socket means and
change of the socket, that is, closing the socket and opening a new one. This means, ending the
connection and starting e new one. This approach is not-flexible, and it is based on today’s
Internet communication. In order to solve this deficiency, we propose a new level that will take
care of the abstraction levels of network access technologies to higher layers of the protocol
stack. This layer is crucial in the new architecture. To enable the functions of the applied
transparency and control or direct routing of packets through the most appropriate radio access
technology, in the proposed architecture we introduce a control system in the functional
architecture of the networks, which works in complete coordination with the user terminal and
provides a network abstraction functions and www.studymafia.org routing of packets based on
defined policies. At the same time this control system is an essential element through which it
can determine the quality of service for each transmission technology. He is on the Internet side
of the proposed architecture, and as such represents an ideal system to test the qualitative
characteristics of the access technologies, as well as to obtain a realistic picture regarding the
quality that can be expected from applications of the user towards a given server in Internet (or
peer). Protocol setup of the new levels within the existing protocol stack, which form the
proposed architecture, is presented in Figure (Protocol Layout for the Elements of the Proposed
Architecture). The network abstraction level would be provided by creating IP tunnels over IP
interfaces obtained by connection to the terminal via the access technologies available to the
terminal (i.e., mobile user). In fact, the tunnels would be established between the user terminal
and control system named here as Policy Router, which performs routing based on given
policies. In this way the client side will create an appropriate number of tunnels connected to
the number of radio access technologies, and the client will only set a local IP address which
will be formed with sockets Internet communication of client applications with Internet servers.
The way IP packets are routed through tunnels, or choosing the right tunnel, would be served
by policies whose rules will be exchanged via the virtual network layer protocol. This way we
achieve the required abstraction of the network to the client applications at the mobile terminal.
The process of establishing a tunnel to the Policy Router, for routing based on the policies, are
carried out immediately after the establishment of IP connectivity across the radio access
technology, and it is initiated from the mobile terminal Virtual Network-level Protocol.
Establishing tunnel connections as well as maintaining them represents basic functionality of
the virtual network level (or network level of abstraction).
➢ It uses UWB (Ultra-Wide Band) networks with higher BW at low energy levels.
➢ This BW is of 4000 Mbps, which is 400 times faster than today’s wireless networks.
➢ It uses smart antenna either Switched Beam Antennas or Adaptive Array Antennas.
➢ It uses CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access).
➢ 5G will be single unified standard of different wireless networks, including LAN
technologies, LAN/WAN, WWWW- World Wide Wireless Web, unified IP & seamless
combination of broadband.
➢ Software defined radio, Packet layer, Implementation of Packets, Encryption,
Flexibility, Anti-Virus.
➢ 5G technology offer high resolution for crazy cell phone user and bidirectional large
bandwidth shaping.
➢ The advanced billing interfaces of 5G technology makes it more attractive and
➢ 5G technology also providing subscriber supervision tools for fast action.
➢ The high-quality services of 5G technology based on Policy to avoid error.
➢ 5G technology is providing large broadcasting of data in Gigabit which supporting
almost 65,000 connections.
➢ 5G technology offer transporter class gateway with unparalleled consistency.
➢ The traffic statistics by 5G technology makes it more accurate.
➢ Through remote management offered by 5G technology a user can get better and fast
➢ The remote diagnostics also a great feature of 5G technology.
➢ The 5G technology is providing up to 25 Mbps connectivity speed.
➢ The 5G technology also support virtual private network.
➢ The new 5G technology will take all delivery service out of business prospect.
➢ The uploading and downloading speed of 5G technology touching the peak.
➢ The 5G technology network offering enhanced and available connectivity just about the
➢ 5G provides data bandwidth of 1Gbps or higher.
➢ 5G is globally accessible.
➢ 5G provides dynamic information access beneficial to domestic user.
➢ 5G is available at low cost.
➢ High infrastructure costs for network expansion.
➢ Ongoing health concerns regarding radiation.
➢ Need to upgrade older devices.
➢ Initial expensive 5G service plans.
➢ Environmental impact from manufacturing and energy use.
➢ Wireless device with AI capabilities.
➢ Pervasive (Global) networks.
➢ Media independent handover.
➢ Radio resource management.
➢ High Altitude Stratospheric Platform Station (HAPS) systems.
➢ VoIP (Voice over IP) enabled device.
➢ With 6th sense technology.
➢ 3G – Operator Centric,4G – Services Centric Whereas 5G – User Centric
➢ We have proposed 5G wireless concept designed as an open platform on different
➢ A new revolution of 5G technology is available in the market in affordable rates, high
peak future and much reliability than its preceding technologies.
➢ This technology helps to promotes stronger links between people working in different
fields creating future concepts of mobile communication, internet services, Cloud
Computing, All pie network, and nanotechnology.
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5G
2. chat.openai.com
3. Studymafia.org
4. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org
5. www.academia.edu
6. https://learningnetworkstore.cisco.com