PC Losses
PC Losses
PC Losses
4.1 Introduction
P 200 ksi
60 ksi
0 2 4 6
Strain (x1000)
Fig. 4.1 Effect of steel strength on prestress losses. (a) Member subjected to prestress force at
centroid. (b) Elastic stress–strain curve
Early attempts at prestressing were unsuccessful because losses were not fully
understood. Eugene Freyssinet, generally recognized as the founder of modern
prestressed concrete, was successful because he recognized the value of high-
strength prestressing materials and successfully incorporated high-strength materials
into his designs. Figure 4.1 illustrates such a need for high-strength reinforcement in
prestressed concrete. Figure 4.1a indicates a member one unit long subjected to a
prestressing force from a central internal tendon. The axial force produces an initial
strain in the concrete and that initial strain increases due to shrinkage and creep ε. For
discussion, assume that the total strain due to losses is 0.0015. A Grade
60 reinforcing bar is stressed to 0.002 strain, just below the yield stress of 60 ksi.
Figure 4.1b indicates the initial strain and the corresponding loss of stress due to the
0.0015 strain, in this case 0.0015 Es ¼ 45 ksi. The final stress is 15 ksi or a loss of
75% of the initial prestress. Next a high-strength strand is loaded to an initial stress of
200 ksi or a strain of 0.0066. The same loss of 0.0015 is applied. The final stress is
approximately 155 ksi corresponding to a loss of 22.5%.
Prestress losses affect the serviceability of prestressed members but have little
effect on the strength of a member, unless the tendon is unbonded. The losses
directly affect member deflection, camber, cracking, and amount of prestressing
reinforcement. Thus, loss calculations are necessary for prudent design. The defor-
mations required to develop the bending strength in beams with bonded tendons
generally include sufficient strain to recover losses. The recovery is validated during
detailed calculation of member strength or by assumed stress levels if empirical
nominal tendon stress equations are used.
4.3 Addressing Losses in Design 87
All prestressed members are subject to losses resulting from elastic shortening,
shrinkage, creep, and relaxation. In addition, post-tensioned members are subject
to losses resulting from anchor set and friction (Zia et al. 1979; ACI 423-10 2016).
The ACI Building Code (ACI 318-14) requires prestress losses to be considered in
the calculation of effective tensile stress in the prestressed reinforcement, fse. The
following loss mechanisms have historically been listed by the code for
(a) Prestressed reinforcement seating at transfer (initial)
(b) Elastic shortening of concrete (initial)
(c) Creep of concrete (long-term)
(d) Shrinkage of concrete (long-term)
(e) Relaxation of prestressed reinforcement (long-term)
(f) Friction loss due to intended or unintended curvature in post-tensioning tendons
Losses affect the serviceability of the member rather than strength, which is
primarily why they are not addressed prescriptively in the ACI Building Code.
Although discussed in the commentary, the code provisions do not directly address
the effect of losses on serviceability issues such as deflections, camber, and cracking
load. The code, however, addresses the effect of shortening on connections.
Losses are calculated at the tendon centroid and include consideration of the
stress and strain in the tendon. In the example presented in Fig. 4.1, the tendon is
concentric with the member, so no adjustment for tendon position is needed. For
beams and other eccentrically loaded members, changes in strain and stress are
calculated at the centroid of the tendon.
Depending on the method used, losses can be calculated at a selected section in
more simplified methods or along the entire length in more refined methods. For
precast pretensioned beams, the losses are usually calculated at the critical sections,
which are typically at midspan and the end of the member. For post-tensioned
members, the critical sections are at the member end, maximum positive moment
locations, typically close to midspan, and maximum negative moment locations,
usually over the supports. Applied concentrated loads or abrupt changes in curvature
are locations requiring attention and are considered critical locations. In more refined
methods, the losses can be estimated along the full length of the tendon.
In all cases, the loss calculations occur at service load levels and the member is
assumed to behave linearly elastic. Therefore, reinforcement stress changes may be
calculated as the stress in the concrete times the modular ratio n, the ratio of
modulus of elasticity of the prestressing reinforcement divided by the modulus of
elasticity of the concrete. Losses from various sources are cumulative.
The level of effort required to calculate losses varies depending on the experience
with a specific design, product, or construction method. For instance, a precast plant
that has been fabricating double tees for many years will have a backlog of data on
88 4 Partial Loss of Prestress
the long-term effects for their products. Likewise, a specialty engineer for a post-
tensioning company may use prestress loss data gathered over many years of
designing similar post-tensioned slab systems. The most important aspect of loss
calculations is to make a best estimate. If the calculated losses are too high, that is,
higher than actual losses, then more prestressing reinforcement is used and camber
increases. If the calculated losses are too low, the beam sags and cracks under service
load. Loss calculations should neither be overly conservative nor ignored.
Methods available for this task vary in complexity and accuracy. In general, the
methods are categorized as follows:
1. Lump sum
2. Detailed
3. Time-dependent
For engineers wishing to move forward with their coverage of prestressed
concrete design, lump sum losses provide a valid starting point for design and are
used in the examples in this book. Use of lump sum losses is presented with the
understanding that individual losses should be estimated to complete a design, which
can be completed using the remainder of this chapter. For a much deeper background
and a detailed coverage of the methods available for calculating losses, the reader is
directed to ACI 423.10 (2017). ACI 423.10 includes material such as detailed
treatment of creep by alternative approaches, losses affected by composite action,
and effects of shrinkage of composite decks.
Often detailed calculations can only be performed after the member section has been
selected and prestressing levels established. For decades engineers have used lump
sum losses, the total combined losses in the prestress based on experience or
historical data, to select the initial prestress. Later during the design development,
the detailed loss calculations are conducted and loss assumptions verified.
Beginning in 1963, the ACI Building Code commentary recognized lump sum
losses as an approach to calculating the total prestress loss in a member. The
commentary suggested the following values based on an ACI/ASCE Committee
323 report (1958).
In keeping with design practice, the lump sum losses noted here are used in most
of the examples in this book. Lump sum losses should be used with the understand-
ing that a detailed check of losses is eventually required to complete a design.
Assuming a pretensioned tendon is initially stressed to 200 ksi, a 35 ksi loss
represents approximately a 17.5% reduction in prestress. ACI/ASCE Committee
4.5 Detailed Losses 89
report 423.10 (2016) includes measured prestress losses for various members. The
report states that losses range between 9 and 39% with a mean value of 19%, or
37.5 ksi, and a coefficient of variation of 32% for normal weight concrete members.
The PCI Design Handbook (2017) suggests losses range between 25 and 50 ksi, or
12 and 25%. Both sources are consistent with the experimental data. For sand
lightweight concrete, the PCI Handbook suggests losses range between 30 and
55 ksi, or 17 and 27%. The PCI Handbook also suggests that it is sufficiently precise
to assume that elastic shortening is 40% of the total and that creep and shrinkage is
50% of the total loss. The AASHTO Bridge Design Specification (2017) specifies
slightly higher lump sum losses. The higher losses reflect, in part, the fact that bridge
members are often more heavily prestressed than building members.
ec e
eccentricity = 13"
When a prestressing tendon is released from the jack, there is a small amount of
movement, or set, as the anchor wedges move inward and the teeth on the wedges
bite into the steel. The amount of movement ranges between 1/8 in. and 1 in.
depending on the anchorage system. Anchor set of ¼ to 3/8 in. is common for single
stand systems and the larger values are for some center plug multistrand systems.
In pretensioning operations, anchor set is compensated by overstressing the
tendon to account for the seating. In post-tensioning operations, the loss of prestress
is calculated by dividing the anchor set by the length of the tendon to arrive at an
average strain then multiplying that strain by the strand modulus of elasticity to
determine the stress. If there is significant curvature in the tendon, friction affects the
distribution of losses.
Example 4.1: Calculate Anchor Seating Losses
In the examples that follow, the loss of prestress is calculated for a 60 ft
long AASHTO Type III beam, Fig. 4.2. The beam has a cross-sectional area of
560 in.2, a moment of inertia of 125,390 in.4, a weight of 583 plf, and a surface
volume-to-surface ratio of 4.09. Section properties can be found in Appendix C.2.
One beam is pretensioned with 16½ in. diameter strands which are deflected to an
eccentricity of 13 in. at midspan. A second beam is post-tensioned with two 8-strand
tendons placed in a parabolic drape creating an eccentricity of 13 in. at midspan,
shown in the figure below. For this, and the examples that follow, the specified
transfer strength of the concrete is f 0ci of 3500 psi and the 28-day strength is 6000 psi.
The beams are cured in a relative humidity of 35%. A ½ in. strand has an area of
0.153 in.2, a tensile strength of 270 ksi, and a modulus of elasticity of Ep ¼ 28,500 ksi.
The post-tensioned beam uses a corrugated steel duct with a wobble friction of
0.0001 and a curvature friction of 0.20.
Solution pretensioned beam: by stressing the strands to compensate for the anchor
set there is no calculated loss. The final stress in the tendon following seating is 0.75
fpu or fi ¼ 200 ksi. The area of a ½ in. strand is 0.153 in.2. For 16 strands the initial
prestress force is
4.5 Detailed Losses 91
corresponding to a force of 242.6 kips per tendon. ACI 318-14 Table
limits the stress in the tendon at the anchorage device to 0.70 fpu immediately after
transfer. Therefore, the maximum initial prestress force allowed by Code for the
post-tensioned beam is fi ¼ 270 ∙ 0.70 ¼ 189 ksi or an initial prestress force of
which controls in this case. The jacking stress would be fj ¼ 189 ksi +
14.8 ksi ¼ 203.8 ksi and the initial jacking force of 249.5 kips/tendon is used.
A post-tensioned tendon is anchored, or fixed, at one end and jacked from the other
end. As the tendon is drawn through the duct the force along the tendon is reduced by
friction due to the roughness and unintentional misalignment of the duct and by
contact along intentionally curved sections of the duct. Thus, the total loss due to
friction is the sum of wobble friction due to misalignment and curvature friction
due to the intentional curvature resulting from the alignment the duct in the member.
Wobble friction is a function of the duct material. Wobble friction values k are
assumed to be constant along the duct and present even in nominally straight ducts.
Total frictional losses due to wobble equal kl. Curvature friction is a function of the
angle of curvature α intentionally designed into the duct placement and the coeffi-
cient of friction μ between the tendon and the duct with a total effect equal to μα. The
effects of wobble and curvature friction are cumulative. Typical friction coefficients
are given in Table 4.1.
Calculation of friction losses in post-tensioned members can be complex
depending on whether jacking from one end is sufficient or, if the friction is high,
secondary jacking is required from the originally fixed end. Full development of
equations for frictional losses is given in Sect. 4.7.2. Derivation of properties for
calculating angular change is given in Sect. 4.7.3. Effects of anchorage with higher
tendon curvature, members with multiple tendon curvatures, and effects from
jacking from both ends are given in Example 4.8. For a simple member with a
combined wobble and curvature friction kl + μα less than 0.3, the loss of prestress ff
due to friction may be calculated as shown in Eq. (4.2).
The angular change in the tendon is found from Eq. (4.3) where y is the
eccentricity or drape of the tendon and l is the tendon length.
α¼ ð4:3Þ
8 13
α¼ ¼ 0:144 rad
60 12
Transfer of the prestress force from the tendon to the concrete results in elastic
shortening of the member. This shortening reduces the strain in the tendon. Treat-
ment of elastic shortening varies whether the member is pretensioned or post-
94 4 Partial Loss of Prestress
Pretensioned Members
where, Eps is the modulus of elasticity of the tendon, psi; Eci is the modulus of
elasticity of the concrete at the time of transfer, psi; Pi is the initial prestress force,
lbs; Ag is the gross area of the section, in.2; ep is the eccentricity of the tendon at the
critical section, in.; Ig is the gross moment of inertia of the section, in.4; and Mg is the
dead load moment due to girder weight, lb-in.; and the resulting negative value
means the prestressing stress is reduced.
The negative signs in Eq. (4.4) indicate a reduction in tendon stress. The prestress
eccentricity generates a positive camber; hence, the dead load moment of the girder
tends to deflect downward to elongate the tendon and its effect is entered as a
positive value.
Equation (4.4) uses the gross section properties, as is common in practice. Some
members have ducts that accommodate larger post-tensioning tendons. In situations
where there are large longitudinal voids or large amounts of reinforcement present in
the member, use of net or transformed section is warranted.
The modulus of elasticity of the concrete is given in Eq. (4.5). This format of the
equation comes from the ACI Building Code and is one of many formulations for the
modulus of elasticity. A study conducted by members of the ACI Building Code
committee concluded that the scatter in the modulus of elasticity did not justify use
of an alternative or “more precise” formulation. Thus, Eq. (4.4) is valid for general
use. Should a project require more precise determination of the modulus of elasticity,
the calculations should be based on project mixture design test data.
E ci ¼ 33wc 1:5 f 0ci ð4:5Þ
where, wc is the unit weight of the concrete in pcf often taken as 160 pcf for precast
concrete and 150 pcf for cast-in-place concrete, and f 0ci is the strength of the concrete
at the time of transfer in psi.
Post-tensioned Members
immediately after seating must be less than or equal to 0.70 fpu. This allows the
tendon to be stressed to account for seating losses and possibly elastic shortening. If
a single tendon is stressed to include elastic shortening, then the tendon undergoes
no axial loss from the initial member shortening. This condition occurs when
stressing beams with a single multistrand tendon and all strands are stressed simul-
taneously. It also occurs for slabs with monostrand tendons spaced such that the
stressing overlap is minimized.
Where multiple tendons are stressed individually, each successive tendon
stressing affects the previously stressed strand or tendon. The elastic shortening in
such cases is calculated based on one-half of the total initial prestress force. This
follows because last strand stressed has no effective elastic shortening and the first
strand stressed undergoes 100% of the shortening of all subsequent strands. Calcu-
lation of elastic shortening then follows the procedure indicated in Eq. (4.4).
Example 4.3: Calculate Elastic Shortening Losses, fES
The modulus of elasticity of the concrete at the load transfer is
E ci ¼ 33 1601:5 3500 ¼ 3, 951, 000 psi
Solution pretensioned beam: The concrete stress at midspan at the level of the
prestress tendon is
The corresponding elastic shortening loss is the stress in the concrete times the
modular ratio
Solution post-tensioned beam: The elastic shortening of the first tendon stressed is
the shortening due to stressing the second tendon. Thus, the change in concrete stress
at the level of the first tendon stressed due to a jacking force of 462.7 kips/2 is
28, 500
f ES ¼ 400 ¼ 2:9 ksi
96 4 Partial Loss of Prestress
For ease of calculation, a 1.5 ksi loss will be applied to each tendon resulting in
approximately the same total reduction in force.
Creep is the continued deformation of the concrete under sustained loads. Typically
creep deformations are calculated by applying a multiplier from Table 3.2 to the
elastic deformation. Creep occurs over an extended time and applying a creep
coefficient to the initial elastic losses overestimates the total creep strain. To account
for the time effects, two adjustments to the creep calculations are made. First, the
elastic shortening is adjusted to use 90% of the initial prestressing force. This
adjustment reflects the behavior that the prestressing force is decreasing over the
life of the structure. Second, the modular ratio uses the 28-day concrete strength,
again reflecting the growth of concrete strength over time.
Example 4.4: Calculate Creep Losses, fCR
The creep coefficient for 6000 psi concrete from Table 3.2 is Cc ¼ 2.4. The modulus
of elasticity of the concrete at 28 days is
E c ¼ 33 1601:5 6000 ¼ 5, 173, 000 psi
Solution post-tensioned beam: The tendon stress at midspan is 189 ksi-9.1 ksi
frictional loss or 179.9 ksi resulting in a prestressing force of
179.9 16 strands 0.153 in.2 per strand ¼ 440.4 kips. This gives a midspan
stress in the concrete of
Shrinkage is the volume reduction of the concrete due to hydration of the cement and
loss of water from the concrete as it cures. Linear elements such as beams and
columns shorten significantly due to shrinkage, which results in an equal shortening
of the tendon and a partial loss of prestress. The loss in stress in the prestressing
reinforcement is calculated by multiplying the shrinkage strain occurring after the
member is stressed by the modulus of elasticity of the reinforcement. While concrete
shrinkage has many causes, it is exceptionally sensitive to the relative surface-to-
volume ratio of the cross section and relative humidity of the air surrounding the
concrete. Thus, a wide thin member has more shrinkage than a square section and
shrinkage in a rain forest is less than that in a desert. The shrinkage loss can be given
where, fsh ¼ loss due to shrinkage; εsh,u ¼ total shrinkage occurring after application
of prestress; Eps ¼ modulus of elasticity of the tendon; V/S ¼ volume-to-surface
ratio of the member; RH ¼ relative humidity.
For pretensioned members, εsh,u is taken as 8.2 106. This value of εsh,u is valid
for post-tensioned members stressed within a few days of casting. If the member is
allowed to cure for more than a week, the value of the remaining shrinkage may be
reduced based on the shrinkage that has occurred prior to stressing. Similarly, the
post-tensioning losses for pretensioned beams integrated into a post-tensioned
structure should have the shrinkage losses adjusted accordingly.
Example 4.5: Calculate Shrinkage Losses, fsh
Solution pretensioned beam and post-tensioned beam: Using Eq. (3.4) for the
shrinkage strain, a V/S ratio of 4.5 and a 35% relative humidity gives a final
shrinkage strain
εsh, u ¼ 8:2 106 ð1 0:06 4:05Þð100 35Þ ¼ 4:03 104
Prestressing reinforcement losses due to relaxation of the steel are calculated using
Eq. (3.9), reproduced below for convenience.
fp logt f pi
¼1 0:55 ð4:7Þ
f pi 45 f pyi