UCSP Module 1
UCSP Module 1
UCSP Module 1
This learning material will provide you with information and activities that will
help you understand socialization, its context, content, processes, and
After going through this learning material, you are expected to:
For a more thorough understanding of the topic, you have to perform the
activities ahead. Enjoy the exercises.
Directions: Read the case below and provide a short description to complete the
physical appearance
reactions to people
Write your short reflection here:
Directions: Complete the graphic organizer by providing words or phrases that you
have learned from the following people or social institutions. Note: It can be
values/traditions/norms, etc.
Socialization concerns both social structure and interpersonal relations. It contains
three key parts: context, content and process, and results.
Context refers to the culture, language, social structures and one’s position
within that particular society. It also includes history and the roles people and
institutions around them performed in the past. One's life context will significantly
affect the socialization process. For example, a family's economic class may have a
huge impact on how parents associate or deal with their children.
Research has found that parents emphasize the values and conducts most
likely to help children succeed given their condition in life. Parents who expect their
children to work blue-collar jobs are more likely to emphasize correspondence and
high regards for authority, while those who expect their children to pursue artistic,
managerial, or entrepreneurial professions are more likely highlights creativity and
While context sets the stage for socialization, the content and process
comprise the work of this undertaking. How parents assign chores or tell their
children to interact with police are examples of content and process, which are also
defined by the span of socialization, the methods used, the people involved, and the
type of experience.
Results are the outcome of socialization and refer to the way a person
conceives and conducts after undergoing this process. For example, with small
children, socialization exhibits focus on control of biological and emotional impulses,
such as drinking eating with bare hands rather than eating with spoon and fork or
asking permission before picking something up.
Here are some enrichment activities for you to master and strengthen the
basic concepts you have learned from this lesson.
Activity 3. My Reflection
Directions: Make a short reflection on the following statements based from your
understanding of the topic discussed.
Statements Reflection
Socialization plays an important role at an
early age.
Social interaction provides the means
which we gradually become able to see
ourselves and learn who we are and how
we fit into the world around us.
Scoring Rubric:
Criteria Description Points
Content The student was able to e provide 5
essential key concepts for each
Analysis Analysis and reflection were 5
clear and concise.
Organization This paper was well-written with 5
ideas easily conveyed to readers.
Great job! You have understood the lesson. Here is a more depth activity that
will help you understand more the processes and consequences of socialization.
Directions: Complete the table below. In the first column (Nature) list down and
discuss all the biological traits that you have inherited from your parents (e.g. color
of the hair, color of the skin, etc.) while in the second column (Nurture) list down all
the sociological traits handed down to you by your parents through the process of
socialization and learning (e.g. mannerisms, hobbies, values, etc.).
Then after listing down your answers, write why you consider such traits as
something biological or sociological.
Nature Nurture
Scoring Rubric:
Criteria Description Points
Content The student was able to provide
complete examples related to the
specific columns. 5
Explanation The was able to explain the information 5
(In each column) that corresponds with appropriate
column of the table.
Activity 6: Don’t Just Take it Essay!
Directions: Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.
1. Can learning take place in a society without the process of socialization?
2. How does social status and roles determine a person’s level of interaction in a
3. How can a person be considered as a functional member of the society?
Scoring Rubric
Criteria Description Points
The student was able to provide
important points and the ideas are 5
Analysis Analysis was clear and concise. 5
This paper was well-written with 5
ideas easily conveyed to readers.