Creative Glass Blowing - Scientific and Ornamental
Creative Glass Blowing - Scientific and Ornamental
Creative Glass Blowing - Scientific and Ornamental
lass blowing
By James E. Hammesfahr & Clair L. Stong
0 00 30 00614705
Jennie D
By James E. Hammesfahr
Clair L. Stong
No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form
of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied
for public or private use without written permission from the publisher.
Bibliography 191
Index 193
Section I
Anyone can learn to blow glass. Pro vention of glass are obscure. One early
ficiency in the art comes rather easily account was written some 2,000 years
with practice, particularly to the arti ago by the Roman encyclopedist, Pliny
san who is steeped in the lore of the the Elder.
material. How did glass come into be- Volume XXXVI of Pliny’s Nat
ing? What properties explain its be ural History relates how a caravan of
havior? How does it react to manipu traders in minerals once camped on
lation? To what ends may it ap the white sands of the Belus River in
propriately be applied? The glass Phoenicia. Finding no rocks at hand,
blower who dismisses such questions the traders made a fireplace for cook
lightly is in the position of the cabinet ing their evening meal by piling on
maker who cannot distinguish oak the sand a circle of lumps of soda from
from pine-—knowledge essential for their cargo. On arising the next morn
the expression of his skill. So, we be ing they found among the dead coals
gin at the beginning. Who invented a translucent substance that shat
glass ? tered into fragments with razor-sharp
The full story of manufactured edges. Thus, according to Pliny, did
glass, like that of metallurgy, pre men chance upon the recipe for mak
dates recorded history. Primitive tools ing glass.
chipped from natural, volcanic glass Historians confess that Pliny did
appear to have been used throughout not hesitate to use his facile imagina
most of the past 500 centuries. Ob tion when spinning a tale. In this in
jects of manufactured glass have been stance, however, he enjoys some
dated as old as 3,000 years. The cir measure of support from modern glass
cumstances that surrounded the in technology. Although sand resists the
2 traders dined on seafood, discarding
Creative the bones and shells in the fire. Such
glass blowing
rubbish would have provided the es
sential lime and could possibly have
turned the trick. With the addition of
this lime, the formula reported by
Pliny would match that used for mak
ing most of the glass used today.
Somehow, the ancients hit on a good
recipe. The authors of this volume
have no wish to spoil the good story
told by Pliny.
Whatever the circumstances sur
rounding the invention of glass, the
material itself made little impact on
technology for some 3,000 years. A
few glass utensils from the early pe
riod, consisting mostly of rude bottles,
urns, and goblets, have been turned up
by archaeologists, but ancient potters
heat of an open fire, soda melts even remained loyal to their clay, and archi
in the flame of a candle. Moreover, tects continued to design structures
sand dissolves in melted soda much with unglazed windows.
as salt dissolves in water. Soda is a Then, at about the time Pliny wrote
good flux, or dissolving agent, for his history, an individual about whom
sand. The ingredients must be well nothing whatever is known thrust the
mixed, of course, if one expects to pro end of an iron pipe into a heated mix
duce glass lumps of substantial size ture of soda, lime, and sand, and from
—a detail that Pliny overlooked. He the adhering mass he blew a bubble of
also neglected to mention one essen glass—seemingly a trivial event. Yet,
tial ingredient of glass: a substance few strokes of genius have more pro
■ Figure 1-1. such as lime that imparts chemical foundly altered the course of human
A chunk of obsidian stability to the product. affairs..
(a natural glass) and an In the absence of lime the fused That shimmering sphere contained
arrow head chipped from
obsidian. Tools of such mixture of soda and sand dissolves in the seed of miracles. From it, in one
glass predate recorded water. Indeed, if the proportion of form or another, have come answers to
history. [Courtesy soda to sand is large the product be riddles as diverse as the nature of dis
photomedia department, comes water glass, the familiar ce ease, the structure of the universe, the
Corning Glass Works.] ment and a favorite preservative for nature of the atom, and the dynamics
eggs. The introduction of a small pro of the living cell. Without vessels of
portion of lime drastically alters the blown glass chemists could not have
properties of the fused mixture. It compounded the wonder drugs. Elim
then resists attack, not only by water, inate the bulb of blown glass and the
but by most other fluids and gases in global network of telephones would
cluding acids. Perhaps the Phoenician fall silent, as would radio and televi-
Figure 1-2. 3
An ewer dating back to Glass: its origins,
the Roman Empire, uses, and nature
probably Syria or Italy,
first century A.D. The
mold is blown of amber
glass and signed by
Ennion. [Courtesy
photomedia department,
Corning Glass Works.]
Figure 1-3.
A rose vase of lead
crystal. [Courtesy
Steuben Glass.]
Figure 1-4.
Arrays of laboratory
glassware form the
indispensable base of
modern technological
advances. [Courtesy
photomedia department,
Corning Glass Works.]
6 ter. The German physicist, Ernst entered the field of glass making in in
Creative Abbe, became interested in improving creasing numbers. The term “glass”
glass blowing
the microscope, and in 1876 he con no longer designated the product of
cluded that any striking advance had the ancients but became a generic
to await the development of glasses term. New glasses appeared by the
with controllable refractive index and hundreds. Some modern foam glasses
dispersion. The lens makers had are as light as feathers. Other special
reached a dead end. In 1884 he joined compositions are as heavy as iron.
with Otto Schott and Karl Zeiss to Some, in the form of fibers, are as soft
form the Jena glassworks of Schott as wool. Others are as hard as gem
and Sons. Within two years the firm stones. Still others are so flexible that
made new glasses from one or more they make good springs. Some are as
of 28 chemical compounds, including stiff and strong as steel. Normally,
such exotic elements as beryllium, ce glass at room temperature is consid
rium, niobium, erbium, and uranium, ered an excellent electrical insulator,
as well as boron, cadmium, and tin. but now fairly good conductors are
Abbe solved his problem and, inci also made of glass. Most glasses
dentally, opened the modern era of soften when heated to redness and
glass making. shatter if suddenly chilled. Some new
Early in the present century experi ones make splendid crucibles for re
menters at the Corning Glass Works, taining molten metals, and even w’hen
Corning, New York embarked on an white hot can be plunged into ice wa
organized program of scientific re ter without damage!
search to explore the full potentials of Silica remains the primary ingredi
glass. Similar efforts were soon un ent of most of the new glasses. It is
dertaken by other members of the in the flux that distinguishes one kind
dustry. The first results appeared in of glass from another. The fluxes are
1912 with the introduction by Corning mostly the oxides of metals. Their
of the borosilicate glasses, a group of combinations are seemingly myriad.
materials that exhibit remarkable re Thousands of different glasses can be
sistance to thermal shock. found in the marketplace. Diverse as
Products made of these glasses are the new glasses are, however, it is pos
marketed by Corning under the brand sible to group them into six major
name “Pyrex.” Borosilicate glasses families.
expand only about a third as much The largest family, the one that ac
when heated as soda-lime or lead counts for the lion’s share of all glass
glass. For this reason they can be sub currently manufactured, is still the
jected without damage to tempera product of the ancients—soda lime
ture changes that would shatter the glass. The formula is varied slightly
older glasses. Borosilicate glasses are by each manufacturer, but the prod
also relatively inert chemically. Boron uct remains essentially unchanged.
oxide is the principal ingredient of the Similar minor modifications of Raven
flux. croft’s lead glass make up the second
Following the development of the family. Lead glasses soften at a rela
borosilicate glasses qualified chemists tively low temperature and remain
plastic through a broad range of tem 7
peratures. Hence, lead glasses are con Glass: its origins,
venient to work. For this reason, neon uses, and nature
signs are usually made of this mate
rial. The high density of the flux
accounts for the high index of refrac
tion of the lead glasses. Lead glasses
also strongly absorb ultraviolet rays
and X-rays; this property has been
exploited for making special windows
that shield observers from the haz
ards of radiation.
The resistance of all glasses to
thermal shock increases with the pro
portion of silica in the melt because
silica tends to retain its dimensions
when heated. Moreover, silica is
highly stable chemically. The reason
silica exhibits little expansion with in
creased temperature is nof fully un
derstood, although theoretical ex
planations have been advanced.
When any compound is heated, the
vibrations of its constituent atoms
increase in intensity. The atoms then
need more room in which to vibrate.
They spread apart just enough to ac
commodate the added jiggle. So, the
material expands. The two modes of
vibration that occur may be illus cules of silica to accommodate the
trated by a helical spring which (1) side-to-side jiggle.) For this reason,
alternately stretches and contracts or the distance between silicon atoms in
(2) bows alternately from side to side. creases very little when silica is
Groups of atoms are linked into mo heated. The addition of fluxes to silica Figure 1-5.
lecular structures by forces of electri breaks the strong silicon-oxygen-sili-
cal attraction known as chemical con bridges that vibrate from side to • Oxygen
bonds. Molecules of silica consist of an side. Atoms of the flux, such as so
C«>) Silicon
atom of oxygen bonded between two dium atoms, become linked into the
atoms of silicon—a structure that structure. Vibrations of the first mode Sodium
may be likened to a helical spring (see then predominate: the molecule alter
Fig. 1-5, a). A large part of the ther nately stretches and compresses (1-5,
mal vibration in heated silica is con c). In this state the material must ex
fined to the side-to-side motion of the pand to make room for the longitudinal
oxygen atom (1-5, 6). (Nature left motion. The rate of expansion in
enough room between adjacent mole- creases in proportion to the added
8 flux. It is for this reason that both nomical telescopes, the bulbs of ultra
Creative hot lime and lead glasses shatter when violet lamps, the windows of optical
glcss blowing
thrust into ice water whereas glasses masers, and related scientific applica
that contain larger proportions of sil tions.
ica emerge from the water undam Silica is an almost perfectly elastic
aged. In borosilicate glasses, such as material. When deformed mechani
some Pyrex glasses, boron atoms are cally, it quickly returns to its former
linked into the silica structure by sili- shape, unless it is bent so much that it
con-oxygen-boron bonds that vibrate breaks. Because of this property, sil
most strongly in the side-to-side mode. ica in the form of fibers is an ideal
Hence these glasses have substantial material for use in suspending bal
resistance to thermal shock, although ances, the moving parts of electro
not as much as the high silica glasses. meters, and similar instruments.
Why not make glass of pure silica? Fused silica retains its shape even at
In general, the manufacture of such white heat. Hence it is much in de
glass is difficult. Pure silica reaches mand for laboratory crucibles and in
the plastic state of thick molasses at the form of vessels known as ignition
a temperature of about 3000 degrees tubes in which substances may be
Fahrenheit (1650°C). Bubbles of air burned to ash, without becoming con
that are naturally trapped between the taminated, during chemical analysis.
grains of sand cannot escape from Most remaining glasses are mem
the sticky mass. If the temperature is bers of one or another of two addi
raised to 4000 degrees (2310°C), the tional families; the so-called 96% sil
boiling point of silica, the mass, in ica glasses and the aluminosilicate
stead of becoming water-thin, evap group. A few years ago experimenters
orates! To eliminate the trapped air, at the Corning Glass Works chanced
the sand must be melted at high tem to observe that boro silicate glasses
perature under vacuum, a costly pro containing unusually large amounts
cedure. Fused silica glass may also of boron oxide were briskly attacked
be made by melting crushed crystals by dilute acid. They also noticed that
of quartz electrically, as well as by the the effect became more pronounced as
reaction of silicon chloride and water the rate at which a formed object
in an oxygas flame, both expensive cooled was lowered. The acid did not
procedures. Pure silica glass is now dissolve the glass completely. The bo
routinely made by melting silica un ron oxide and soda dissolved, but not
der vacuum. The product is a new the silica. Eventually, a procedure was
family of costly glasses for special ap developed in which a molded object is
plications. Fused silica is extremely immersed, after suitable heat treat
resistant to thermal shock and chemi ment, in hot dilute acid until the bo
cal attack. It transmits radiant en ron oxide and soda are leached away,
ergy from the ultraviolet end of the leaving a permeable skeleton of al
spectrum well into the infrared, with most pure silica. When the piece
lower energy loss than any other is dried and fired at a temperature of
glass. For these reasons it is of lim about 2200 degrees Fahrenheit the
ited use for the optical parts of astro pores close, resulting in a clear trans-
parent structure some 14% smaller substances listed in the periodic ta 9
than the untreated original. This ble of chemical elements. The number Glass: its origins,
glass exhibits little more thermal ex of varieties runs into the thousands. uses, and nature
pansion than pure fused silica and Currently, one manufacturer alone
about the same electrical properties, compounds some 200 experimental
resistance to chemicals, and transpar glasses per week! Space permits the
ency to ultraviolet light. Available mention of only a few.
from the Corning Glass Works under One subgroup of the optical glasses
the brand name Vycor, these glasses is based on the oxides of the rare
are used for chemical apparatus, earth elements, notably lanthanum
ultraviolet lamps, and windows in and thorium. These glasses contain
space capsules. no silica. Superficially, they resemble
Still another class of glasses, which ordinary lime or lead glass, and they
makes up the sixth family, is repre are clear and transparent. Prisms
sented by the aluminosilicate group, made of them have the remarkable
in which aluminum oxide and lime are property of strongly and almost
chief constituents. The material com equally bending light of all colors,
bines good electrical and chemical whereas conventional glasses bend
properties with resistance to high blue light at a relatively sharp angle,
temperature. Containing about 60% green light somewhat less, yellow
silica, this material does not require light still less, and red light least of
special processing and can be worked all. Dinnerware or costume jewelry
by conventional glass blowing tech made of this material would have lit
niques. When tempered it has good re tle appeal, and would lack luster and
sistance to thermal shock. It is spe sparkle. On the other hand, lantha
cially suited to applications that re num and thorium glasses make ideal
quire high strength at relatively high camera lenses because with minimum
temperatures, such as thermometers, correction they bring light of all col
combustion tubes, electronic vacuum ors to focus equally in the plane of the
tubes of the high-power type, and film. Their development has enabled
cooking ware used on stove burners. optical engineers to design cameras of
A seventh classification of optical remarkably high performance.
glasses can be made, although the Another glass containing silica and
group is scarcely a family because its soda, but with the rare earth neodym
members have little in common be ium oxide instead of lime, transmits
yond the fact that all are vitreous in all colors except the bright yellow that
nature. Their atoms are locked in ran is emitted by the sodium atoms from
dom array, not in the highly organized hot glass in the glass blower’s flame.
pattern of a crystal lattice. In one Known as “didymium” glass—be
sense these special glasses may be cause praesodymium, another rare
thought of as fused fluxes because earth metal, usually goes along with
many of them contain little or no sil the neodymium-—the material makes
ica. splendid goggles for glass blowers.
To compound them, glass makers It blocks out the dazzling yellow glare
have utilized more than half of the that obscures the small details when
10 the worker is fashioning small, dark and back again, without limit. In
Creative delicate pieces. Theatrical spotlights sunlight, the darkening may ap
glass blowing are also occasionally equipped with proach maximum intensity in a mat
“illusion pink” didymium filters for ter of seconds. The time required for
suppressing the yellow hue emitted by regaining the original transparency
incandescent electric lamps. Light so ranges from minutes to hours, de
filtered imparts an attractive glow to pending upon the composition, the
the flesh tones of performers. previous heat treatment, and the tem
In recent years, photosensitive perature. Windows of this glass
glass has also been developed. A would maintain daylight of constant
small amount of cerium oxide is added intensity in a room, whether the sun
to the melt in addition to controlled was shining or not. Spectacles made
amounts of antimony oxide and gold. from photochromic glass become sun
When the finished glass is exposed to glasses in the sun and clear in the
light, a chemical change occurs; the shade.
cerium oxide transfers electrons to Corning has also developed a series
the ions of antimony and gold. The of glasses that soften at relatively low
change is not at first apparent to the temperatures. These contain a large
eye. But when the piece is subse proportion of lead oxide and are called
quently heated, antimony transfers “solder” glasses. They are used for
electrons to the gold centers, which joining conventional glasses that be
grow and so coloi’ the glass a deep come rigid at relatively higher tem
blue. The sensitivity extends com perature. Although the solder glasses
pletely throughout the piece. If the ex are more reactive chemically than
posure is made through a photo lime, lead, or borosilicate materials,
graphic negative the resulting picture they are sufficiently inert for use in
creates a three-dimensional effect. numerous applications, particularly in
Another glass, made with silver and scientific apparatus such as vacuum
lithium, is highly soluble in hydro tubes. Solder glasses are compounded
fluoric acid at points of exposure to to expand and contract at the same
light after development by heat. This rate as the glasses to be joined. Other
property has become the basis of a physical properties, such as density,
chemical machining technique. In one viscosity, electrical resistivity, and
demonstration, 200,000 uniform holes, chemical durability, may differ how
each smaller than the thickness of a ever.
human hair, were etched in a 12-inch The solders are compounded into
square of the new glass. two types. One type melts at a rela
One of the more recent develop tively low temperature and may be re
ments to come from the laboratories melted at the same temperature. It
of the Corning Glass Works is a com solidifies as a vitreous mass. The sec
position that darkens when exposed ond type also melts initially at a rela
to light and then clears when the tively low temperature. By appropri
light is removed. This “Photo ate heat treatment, however, the
chromic” glass never loses its ability vitreous mass may be devitrified and
to change color, cycling from clear to changed to a crystalline form that
melts at substantially higher temper attempts to pull away from the un 11
ature. Solder of this type is used for yielding envelope and is expressed Glass: its origins,
joining glass parts, such as color tele by a force that tends to squeeze to uses, and nature
vision tubes, that must be heated gether the molecules of the envelope.
strongly following assembly. Hence, the envelope is subject to a
Solder glass is distributed in the force of compression. Conversely, the
form of a fine powder. To make a sol molecules of the interior undergo a
dered joint, the powder is mixed with pull, or tensile stress, as they are
a binder, such as collodion thinned by drawn simultaneously toward the cen
99 parts of acetone, to make a creamy ter by the natural shrinkage of the
paste. The paste is applied to the sur mass and outward by the unyielding
faces that will be joined. The coated envelope. The pressure of this tug-of-
surfaces are pressed into contact and war may amount to many tons per
dried. The assembly is then heated in square inch. Internal stresses always
an oven at a temperature sufficient to occur to some extent when glass cools
melt the solder but below the soften unevenly. Such stresses are relatively
ing temperature of the glass parts. trivial in fused silica and the 96%
The physical properties of all silica glasses because of the low ther
glasses can be somewhat modified by mal coefficient of expansion of these
heating and cooling the material at a materials.
controlled rate. Such heat treatment Similar stresses also appear when
is known as tempering or annealing, a glass piece of irregular shape cools
depending upon whether internal from the plastic state. The thin parts
stress in the glass is developed or re cool and shrink first, and eventually
lieved. The terms “annealing” and become rigid. Thicker parts solidify
“tempering” are borrowed from the later. As the rigid but still hot piece
field of metallurgy and these tech continues to cool, the hotter, thick
niques impart analogous qualities to parts shrink more than the thin parts,
the product; that is, they soften or but the glass can no longer flow and
harden it, respectively. Heat treat thus relieve the growing stresses. As
ment of metals alters the crystalline a consequence, internal forces develop
structure of the substance whereas in that remain in the glass when the
the treatment of glass, a noncrystal piece cools to room temperature.
line material, the effects are achieved The effect of stresses so developed is
by manipulating the patterns of in easy to demonstrate. Place an irregu
ternal stress. larly shaped piece, such as a water
Such internal stresses develop when tumbler with a thick bottom, in an
two or more regions in a mass of oven and heat it slowly to a tempera
glass are heated or cooled unequally. ture of 300 degrees or more, and
The surface of a molten mass cools then plunge the hot glass into ice
faster than the interior, and hardens water. Doubtless it will shatter. The
first. The interior, which is now en thin sides cool and shrink faster than
cased by a rigid envelope, continues the bottom. The resulting stress ex
to cool and shrink as it stiffens. Stress ceeds the breaking strength of the
develops when the shrinking interior glass. Stresses of this magnitude can
12 Polaroid No. 1 Polaroid No. 2 and examined with the aid of an easily
Creative constructed instrument that utilizes
glass blowing polarized light, that is, light that vi
brates in a single plane. Waves of or
dinary light vibrate simultaneously
in all planes, vertically, sideways, and
Polaroid sheets at right angles so on. Waves that vibrate in a single
Second sheet blocks light plane can be separated from the jum
a ble of vibrations making up ordinary
light by a special filter that consists,
Polaroid No. 1 Polaroid No. 2
in effect, of a grid of fine opaque lines.
A filtering material of this kind is
distributed in the form of plastic
sheets under the brand name “Pola
roid.” When a beam of ordinary light
falls on a sheet of Polaroid, only pola
Polaroid sheets aligned rized light is transmitted. All other
Second sheet transmits light light is largely absorbed. When the
b transmitted rays fall on a second sheet
of Polaroid they are fully absorbed if
develop in newly made pieces, which the grid-like structure of the second
promptly crack. In occasional pieces sheet is at right angles to the plane in
the internal stresses fall just short of which the light vibrates (Fig. 1-6, a),
the breaking point. These may crack but they are transmitted if the grid
spontaneously days, or even years, is parallel with the plane of vibration
later. Almost any external force, such (1-6, b). Glass has the property of al
as a small increase in temperature, tering the plane of polarized light, de
can initiate the rupture. In this case pending somewhat upon the magni
the sequence of events is reversed. tude of its internal stresses. This
The thinner portions of the warmed property can be used to detect the in
glass expand more quickly than the ternal stresses. A film of Polaroid is
thicker portions and so generate placed in front of an incandescent
forces that add to the internal stresses lamp. The observer looks at the light
already present. A mechanical shock, source through a second polarizing
such as a gentle tap, can have the film and rotates the film to the point
same effect. In short, the presence of of minimum light transmission. The
internal stress, in its net effect, low glass specimen is then placed between
ers the natural strength of the glass the two films. Patterns of internal
Figure 1 - 6. unless it is carefully controlled so that stress appear as bands of light and
tensile stress does not appear in the shade, whereas unstrained glass ap
surface of the piece. The piece gains pears uniformly clear. Detailed in
strength, however, if the surface is structions for making and using an
under compression and the interior instrument of this type (called a po
under tension. lariscope) are included in Section II
Internal stresses can be detected (see page 40).
Although the presence of internal 13
stress is normally undesirable, meth Glass: its origins,
ods have been developed for utiliz uses, and nature
ing it to produce glass of exceptional
strength, by the technique of temper
ing. For example, jets of cold air are
played on the surfaces of plate glass
which has been heated until it is
plastic. Thus chilled abruptly, the sur
faces are placed in a state of compres
sion and the interior in tension. Plates
so treated may be safely loaded by
tensile stresses that would break or
dinary glass. The loading opposes and,
in effect, cancels the built-in stress of
compression. In the interior of the
plate, where tensile stress is increased
by tempering, the strength of the ma a Let molten drop of glass fall
Prince Rupert's Drop”
resists force of
terial is almost unlimited because the into container of water hammer blow
glass is free of imperfections. Glass
so tempered is used for windows of
automobiles, show cases, windows of
telephone booths, scientific apparatus,
kitchen ware for use on stove surfaces,
and numerous similar constructions
that require great strength combined
c Grasp drop and snap off
with transparency. hair-like tip
The fascinating glass novelties
known as Prince Rupert’s drops pro
vide a dramatic demonstration of the
tempering effect. These small tear
drop-shaped objects are made by
dropping bits of molten glass into cold
water. Prepare them by melting the d Drop explodes into harmless granules
tip of a rod of lime glass about 2 mil
limeters in diameter in a gas flame.
Let a drop about % inch in diameter place the body of the drop flat on a
fall a distance of 4 or 5 inches smooth anvil and, while holding it by
into a container of warm water 10 or the tip, strike the body sharply with Figure 1-7.
more inches deep. Many of the drops a hammer. If all has gone well the
will break but some will survive. Fish hammer will bounce off the undamaged
out a chilled drop by its tip and exam glass.
ine it with the polariscope. The in Next, shield your eyes from the
ternal stresses will appear as a daz drop and snap off the slendei’ thread
zling pattern of rainbow colors. Next, of glass attached to the small end. The
14 entire drop will explode into minute attacked by certain substances, nota
Creative fragments (Fig. 1-7) ! The particles bly fluorine and hydrofluoric acid,
glass blowing and, to a lesser extent, caustic alkalies
have dull edges and will not cut you
even if you rub them between your such as sodium or potassium hydrox
forefinger and thumb. In effect, the ide. These reagents, particularly hy
broken tip acts as an imperfection drofluoric acid, are commonly used for
from which myriad fractures are prop etching glass. The surface to be
agated through the entire piece in re etched is coated with an inert varnish,
sponse to the imprisoned stresses. All such as one that has an asphaltum
tempered glass reacts in the same way base, through which the desired de
to surface damage. A tempered sheet sign is cut, and exposed to the rea
of plate glass can withstand astonish gent. If the fluid is placed in contact
ing loads, but when even a small area with the glass, a polished groove will
is chipped, the sheet bursts into frag be etched. Exposure to the fumes
ments. will make a matt impression. In addi
Internal stresses are relieved by tion, etching baths that contain potas
just the opposite technique. The glass sium or ammonium fluorides precipi
is heated slowly to the so-called an tate insoluble silica fluorides on the
nealing “point,” the temperature at glass surface and so produce a matt
which the molecular arrangement is so surface.
altered within a reasonable period of An effective etching solution for
time that the internal stresses disap glass of all kinds consists of 10 parts
pear. Actually, there is no “point” at (by weight) of ammonium fluoride, 4
which glass softens. Only crystalline parts of distilled water, and 1 part
substances have melting points. (Glass each of sulfuric acid and hydrofluoric
—like tar, pitch, and other amorphous acid. Mix the ammonium fluoride and
substances—is a fluid that becomes water in a plastic container, then add
more or less viscous depending upon the sulfuric acid slowly to prevent the
its temperature. Even at room tem temperature of the solution from ris
perature, glass must be regarded as a ing above 140 degrees Fahrenheit, and
supercooled fluid.) finally add the hydrofluoric acid. By
After the internal stresses have adding two parts of gum arabic in so
been relieved by heating the glass to, lution, the preparation can be con
say, the consistency of cold pine pitch, verted into an etching ink for applica
the temperature is gradually lowered tion by an ordinary pen. Store in a
—so slowly that all regions of the tightly capped plastic bottle. Warn
mass are at practically uniform tem ing: Do not breathe the fumes or let
perature during the cooling. The mass the solution come in contact with the
shrinks uniformly and no strains de skin. Hydrofluoric acid is extremely
velop. The treated piece is said to be caustic. In case of accidental contact,
“annealed.” wash off the fluid immediately in run
Although glasses, particularly the ning water and call a physician. The
varieties that contain a large propor acid penetrates the skin so that the ef
tion of silica, are relatively inert fects may not be apparent until hours
under ordinary conditions, they are after contact with the acid.
Most glass dissolves only slightly in ness are specified in millimeters. 15
water. Nonetheless, the so-called soft (There are 25.4 millimeters in 1 inch.) Glass: its origins,
glasses, such as soda-lime and lead Most manufacturers produce tubing uses, and nature
types, are impaired to some extent by in three weights, or wall thicknesses:
prolonged exposure to humid air, par thin, standard, and heavy. Glass is
ticularly in the smoggy atmospheres sold by the pound. When ordering
of metropolitan centers. Flux appears glass, specify the amount in pounds,
to dissolve from the surface and to re the diameter in millimeters, the
act with carbon dioxide and other con weight of the wall (thin, standard, or
taminating substances in the air to heavy), and the kind of glass desired
form carbonates that collect on the (lime, lead, borosilicate, and so on).
surface as a whitish or light gray Stocks should be stored flat on
film. Such aging spoils the glass. Glass shelves in a dust proof cabinet. Each
tubing or rod that has been stored kind of glass should be kept in a sepa
under unfavorable conditions for 10 rate compartment clearly marked with
years or more may be difficult to work, its type. Cold, clear glass of all types
may tend to shatter upon exposure to looks much alike, and feels much alike.
heat more readily than new glass, It is easy (and distressing) to mix
and, unless cleaned, may not seal ef the several varieties. Soft glasses can
fectively or have normal strength not successfully be joined to the hard
when blown or otherwise formed into varieties (the borosilicates) nor can
desired shape. Stocks of glass should the hard glasses be joined to the high
be limited to a five-year supply. Cor silica types. Should the stock become
roded and otherwise soiled glass may mixed, tests are available for identi
be cleaned by soaking for several days fying the several families.
in a 10% solution (by weight) of Lead glass scratches easily and will
chromium trioxide, followed by a thor turn black and opaque when heated
ough rinse in distilled water. This to softness in a fire that is rich in gas
treatment will remove foreign mat and lean in air, such as the flame of a
ter from the surface. Actually, the propane blow torch. The burning fuel
aged surface of the glass should be re has greater affinity for oxygen than
moved. This can be dissolved away the lead oxide. Hence the lead oxide
with hydrofluoric acid or a solution gives up its oxygen to the fuel and
of ammonium difluoride. Glass so is thereby reduced to metallic lead,
treated should be immersed for a few which stains the glass. There is no
minutes in a 5% solution of sodium convenient test for identifying lime
hydroxide, to neutralize the acid, and glass, but if one is working with only
then rinsed with distilled water. Obvi lead, lime, and borosilicate, a test is
ously, such treatment is warranted not needed for lime because borosili
only in the case of rare or costly glass. cate (Pyrex) can, like lead, be identi
No treatment is a substitute for clean, fied easily. First, borosilicate softens
fresh stock. at a much higher temperature than
Tubing and rod are supplied by either lime or lead glasses. It must be
manufacturers in standard lengths worked in a fire enriched by oxygen,
of 4 feet. Diameter and wall thick so try a suspected piece in the heat of
16 an air-gas flame. If it refuses to soften in the fire, while others at the same
Creative enough for convenient working, it is temperature remain stiff. The glass
glass blowing borosilicate. Pyrex brand No. 7740 that becomes plastic at the lower tem
glass, a popular kind of Pyrex, can be perature is said to be the “softer” of
positively distinguished from all othei' the two. It is somewhat difficult to
glasses, including quartz and high make a smooth joint between glasses
silica types, by a simple test. This of differing softness. Moreover, if the
test is based on the property of glass difference in the softening tempera
to bend light at a characteristic angle tures is great the joint may crack
that is expressed numerically as the when the piece cools because inter
“refractive index.” Glass, when im nal stresses tend to develop as the
mersed in a fluid of matching refrac glasses solidify and shrink at differ
tive index, becomes practically invisi ing rates.
ble. Pyrex brand No. 7740 glass has a When working with glasses of dif
refractive index of 1.474. So does a so fering softness, it always pays to
lution consisting of 16 parts (by vol make a “sealing” test before con
ume) of methyl alcohol and 84 parts of structing an object, to learn in ad
benzene. The solution is made up in vance if the joints—or “seals,” as they
a wide-mouthed jar equipped with a are commonly known—will break
close fitting screw top. The solution when they are cooled. The compatibil
may be kept for many years. To make ity of unknown glasses can be deter
the test, simply immerse the sus mined experimentally. For example,
pected glass in the solution. If it dis the ends of unfamiliar tubes may be
appears, it is Pyrex. (A faint, varicol heated to the plastic state and simply
ored outline may be detected if the pushed together so that they fuse.
specimen is viewed against a light.) If the resulting joint does not crack
The submerged portion of a length of when pooled in the air, the materials
tubing that is anything other than are likely to be compatible. A more ef
7740 glass (including lime and lead fective and interesting test is em
glasses as well as the high silica ployed by glass manufacturers. Draw
types) remains plainly visible. Lime the materials to be tested into slender
glass will similarly disappeai' in chloro rods about 6 inches long and 6 mil
benzene. Warning: Benzene is highly limeters in diameter. (See page 58
toxic. Avoid breathing the fumes. for the technique of drawing.) Next,
Open the container only in a well simultaneously heat about % inch of
ventilated room, preferably under a one end of each rod to the plastic
fume hood. state, and place the molten portions
Not all soft glasses expand and in overlapping contact (Fig. 1-8).
contract at the same rate when worked Squeeze the overlapped portions
in the fire. This is particularly true lightly between the jaws of a pair of
of colored glasses in which the various tweezers to assure a good joint. Then,
hues are imparted by the addition of without twisting the softened region,
metallic oxides in varying amounts bring the center of the joint to yellow
and by related modifications in the heat, remove from the fire, and quickly
flux. Some quickly become butter-soft stretch the molten glass into a thread
about 30 inches long. The smaller the 17
diameter of the thread after drawing, Glass: its origins,
the more sensitive the test. Thus it is uses, and nature
well to stretch the rods a little where
they have been pressed together with
the tweezers prior to the final heating
and drawing. Be sure to hold the
thread straight until it is cold and
rigid. Only then may it be released so
that you may observe the curvature. If
the glasses are compatible (i.e., if they
shrink at the same rate when cooled),
the thread will remain straight when
you release it. Such glasses can be
sealed successfully. On the other
hand, if, when released, the thread
curls into loops smaller than about
10 inches in diameter, the glasses are
incompatible and seals made between Overlap fused ends
(number of
parts in 10 Corning Annealing Softening
million per Class Works Strain point temperature temperature
degree C) code number (degrees C) (degrees C) (degrees C)
good practice. All glass should be to work with another class of glasslike
warmed gradually, even material that materials, known as colored enamels,
is well annealed. This is one good rea that are used for making colored de
son for practicing with lead and lime signs on glass. In general, enamels
glasses. Of necessity, the worker ac are compounded much as are conven
quires the habit of heating the ma tional glasses, but, for use, they are
terial slowly and of protecting it from ground to a fine powder that is mixed
drafts of cold air when it cools. The with an oil for application to a glass
habit sticks when he graduates to bo object. The decorated piece is fired in
rosilicate materials. an oven. The heat burns the oily me
The accompanying table lists the dium away and fuses the enamel to
characteristics of the more commonly the glass. The characteristics and col
used glasses. Study the data carefully ors of enamels, and the techniques of
before proceeding to Section II. applying them are discussed in Sec
The glass blower also has occasion tion VI.
Section II
The essential tools of the glass blower air, or gas and air enriched by oxy
are few in number, primitive in de gen, can be adjusted to meet the spe
sign, and relatively inexpensive. A cial requirements of the kind of glass
complete set may be purchased for being worked; it can be made “rich”
about $125, and the essential items for or “lean” in the proportion of gas to
less than $50. (A list of suppliers will air as desired. The necessity for this
be found in Sources of Tools and Ma adjustment arises from the chemical
terials at the end of the book.) Aside properties of the metallic oxides mak
from the gas burners, most of the ing up the glasses. A flame rich in gas
tools can be improvised from com tends to rob the oxides of oxygen,
monly available materials. Instruc thereby reducing them to metal. The
tions for making, adjusting, and using resulting metal discolors the glass.
them are presented in the following The prolonged heating of some glasses
pages. may cause some of the ingredients to
separate and crystallize. Glass so
transformed is said to be “devitrified.”
Glass fires
It loses its transparency, luster, and
Fires used for glass work differ from strength. For these reasons glass fires
those of ordinary gas burners in three must be considered chemical agents as
major respects. First, the flame of a well as sources of heat. Thirdly, glass
glass fire has a sharp boundary; the fires are designed to soften the ma
heat is concentrated where it is terial at about the pace at which the
wanted and the temperature is rela artisan works—not so quickly that the
tively high. Secondly, the fuel mix glass melts out of control nor slowly
ture, which consists of either gas and enough to waste time. Of course
20 inward. Simultaneously, convection
Creative carries the hot gases upward. As a
glass blowing consequence of these two motions, the
flame assumes the shape of a hollow
cone. The interior of the cone is com
posed of relatively cold fuel, a com
plex mixture of hydrocarbon mole
cules. Most of the heat is liberated by
the combustion of hydrogen that splits
off from the molecules. The light
comes from the residue, particles of
Too much air
Flame strikes back
carbon brought to incandescence in
Too much air
11 the heat of the burning hydrogen. The
and gas carbon fails to burn because of in
sufficient oxygen. The glowing parti
.,-Soot i Violet cles cool and escape from the flame as
soot. The soot is wasted fuel (Fig. 2-
Bright i 1, a). The production of heat can be
AL L* C greatly increased by supplying the fire
J®0®l Air vents
with enough oxygen to burn the car
Dark fully open
bon particles. When this is done, the
cone 1
41 flame turns from bright yellow to
blue; the carbon liberates heat in
stead of light.
Correctly adjusted To burn the carbon, air can be
fuel mixture mixed with the gas before it flows
from the end of the pipe. The opera
skilled craftsmen can work with al tion of bunsen burners and propane
t most any kind of fire. But the begin torches is based on this scheme. A
ner who attempts to blow glass by small jet of gas is admitted to the bot
Air vents closed means of a Bunsen burner is in the tom of a short pipe that has perfor
awkward plight of the piano student ated sides. Air, entrained by the jet,
who wears mittens. Don’t handicap flows into the pipe through the per
yourself with a poor fire. forations. The mixture is ignited as it
What accounts for the unique prop flows from the upper end of the pipe.
Gas control erties of glass fires? How are the The speed at which the flame travels
burners adjusted and used? Consider, through the gas, as well as the rate at
first, how a column of propane or il which heat is liberated, increases as
Figure 2-1. luminating gas burns in air. When the ratio of fuel to air decreases. If
gas that is flowing from an open pipe the rate at which the mixture flows
is ignited, it burns only at the bound from the top of the pipe exceeds the
ary, where the air and gas meet. Suf speed at which the flame travels down
ficient oxygen for supporting combus ward, the flame is blown from the end
tion is unavailable except at the inter of the pipe and the fire goes out
face. The combustion reaction travels (2-1, &). Conversely, if the velocity of
the combustion front exceeds the rate
of gas flow, the flame darts into the
pipe and burns inside. The fire is said
to “strike back” (2-1, c). When the
mixture contains almost but not quite
enough air for complete combustion
and the rate of gas flow just exceeds
by a little the velocity of the combus
tion front, the flame rests on the top
of the pipe in the form of two cones,
a relatively cool inner cone of bluish
green surrounded by a larger, hotter
flame of light transparent blue
(2-1, d). Most Bunsen burners include
a loose-fitting sleeve that may be slid
up and down the outside of the pipe
for regulating the amount of air that
enters the perforations, and a needle
valve for regulating the rate of gas
flow. These two controls are manip
ulated experimentally to produce the zles graduated in diameter for creat
desired stable flame. Propane blow ing the air jet (Fig. 2-2). Needle
torches are based on the same princi flames about Vs inch in diameter and
ple but usually have no provision for 1 inch long can be developed by set
regulating the flow of air. As men ting the pipe at minimum length and
tioned, either burner can be used for using an air jet of the smallest di
glass work although they are not rec ameter. The flame is made longer and
ommended for beginners. Both will bushier by extending the length of
blacken lead glass. the pipe and using larger air jets. The
To achieve a somewhat higher tem bushy flames are turbulent and noisy.
perature, blow a jet of compressed air, Most commercial blast burners in
positioned coaxially inside the pipe clude a third gas inlet for admitting
near the open end, into the cone of oxygen to the mixture. The addition
cold gas as it flows from the burner of oxygen causes the fire to burn at
pipe. The flow of both gas and air is higher temperature by reducing the
controlled by petcocks. The size, proportion of nitrogen in the fuel
shape, and temperature of the result mixture. Nitrogen, which composes
ing flame depends on the ratio of gas four-fifths of the atmosphere, makes
to air, the rate of gas injection, the ef no contribution to the heat liberated Figure 2-2.
fective length of the pipe, and the di by an ordinary fire. On the contrary,
ameter of the air jet. Blast burners this relatively inert gas absorbs heat
of this type, which are also known that would otherwise raise the tem
as “cannon fires,” are usually fitted perature of the flame.
with a sliding sleeve for altering the Temperatures intermediate between
length of the pipe, and a set of noz those of an air-gas fire and a fire en-
22 A burner of this type, in one form,
Creative consists of three parts: a pinion gear,
glass blowing a perforated bushing, and a straight
pipe. The gear and bushing fit snugly
against the inner wall of the pipe, near
one end of the pipe. The openings in
the bushing admit a fairly large
amount of fuel to the central hole of
the gear and less fuel to the spaces
between the gear teeth. The central
hole of the gear is the nozzle for
the central flame, and the spaces be
tween the gear teeth are nozzles for
the pilot flames (Fig. 2-3). The di
mensions of the openings are so pro
portioned that the relative velocity of
the gas mixture is correct at only one
critical pressure. The proportion of
gas to air in the fuel mixture is
equally critical because this ratio de
termines in part the speed at which
the flame travels through the mixture.
When the fuel is correctly adjusted,
Blue Light violet a burner of this type develops an in
tensely hot needle flame consisting
of two slender coaxial cones. The flow
Premixed gas of gas is laminar, not turbulent. A
and air Pilot flames Principal flame typical flame measures about % inch
in diameter at the base, comes to a
riched by oxygen are developed by sharp point at a distance of 3% inches,
mixing air and gas in almost explosive and emits a gentle hiss, the sign of
proportions (adding almost enough correct operation.
air to the gas for complete combus Such burners are known in the
tion) and forcing the compressed mix trade as “glass fires.” They can be
ture through a nozzle at a velocity mounted in various arrays. In one ar
slightly in excess of that at which the rangement, two or more are mounted
flame travels through the fuel mix side by side and directed to a common
ture. Under these conditions one focal point. A companion set directs
Figure 2-3. would expect the flame to be blown off flame to the same focal point from the
the end of the burner. This is pre opposite side. This arrangement cre
vented by surrounding the nozzle ates a so-called “crossfire.” Such cross
with pilot fires that continuously ig fires are used almost exclusively by
nite the mixture. In effect the pilot itinerant glass blowers who stage ex
fires stabilize the central flame by an hibitions of glass blowing in schools
choring it to the tip of the burner. and at recreation centers (Fig. 2-5).
The crossfire
Vs inch pipe elbow
The crossfire has no peer as a tool for
the beginner. It heats the work on
No. 3151 D
two sides simultaneously, thus mak new glass fire
ing a minimum demand on manipu (American Gas
Furnace Co.)
lative skill. The rate at which a cross
fire softens glass varies approximately I
Glass storage
Glass tubing and rod should be stored
flat on a convenient shelf that is
divided into labeled compartments for
the various sizes and kinds of glass.
Do not store tubing vertically unless
the tops are covered to prevent dust
from settling on the inner wall.
Miscellaneous supplies
Of first importance among the addi
tional materials is a supply of asbes
tos paper and an assortment of corks
in a range of sizes that fit the glass
tubing. The asbestos paper comes in
rolls approximately 36 inches wide
and in various weights. We prefer the
weight and quality of paper used by
manufacturers of neon signs. This
material is more flexible and porous
than the kind usually sold by hard
ware stores. Sign makers draw letter
ing full scale in reverse on the paper
to guide the glass blower in bending
the glass tubing. Usually it is possi
ble to purchase such used paper in ing in the fire can also be made of
expensively. Full rolls of new paper corks. To make one of these fixtures,
can be procured from distributors of first burn a center hole axially
neon sign supplies. The paper is used through the cork, which fits snugly
by glass blowers in innumerable ways: the short length of rod or tubing. A
as covering to protect hot glass from cork borer makes a cleaner hole, and it
cold drafts of air, as shields to protect is more convenient to use, of course.
the hands from heat, as small rolls in When the cork is inserted into the Figure 2-13.
the form of plugs to support glass work piece the small rod or tube
rods and tubes coaxially inside larger serves as a handle (Fig. 2-14).
tubes, and so on. Corks are used to In addition to the corks, an assort
plug the ends of tubing for blowing ment of stoppers (whimsically called
bulbs and other forms. Handy fixtures “policemen”) should be made of rub
for supporting short lengths of tub ber tubing in sizes to fit glass tubing
Figure 2-15.
The bucks
When making beads or glass fibers,
the glass blower draws molten mate
rial from the tip of a glass rod that
is supported in the fire. The rod rests
on a pair of improvised supports
known as “bucks” (Fig. 2-19). Bucks
can be made of two 6-inch lengths of
Figure 2-19. pipe, one of which telescopes inside
the other. We use %- and Vz-inch pipes. 37
The Vz-inch pipe is threaded on one end The tools of the
and is screwed into a pipe flange that glass blower
serves as a base for the tool. A tapped
lateral hole takes a thumb screw for
clamping the inner %-inch pipe. The
upper end of the %-inch pipe is
split and spread to form a V about IV2
inches wide at the top, as illustrated
(Fig. 2-19).
Flaring tools f
The pyrometer
The pyrometer is also homemade. It
consists of a pair of iron-constantan
thermocouples connected in series, and
a microammeter that indicates from
0 to 200 microamperes.
Figure 2-27. The thermocouple wire comes as a
twisted pair insulated by an asbestos
covering. Two lengths, each 3 feet
long, are required. Approximately one
half inch of the insulation is stripped
from all ends. The wires on one end of
each pair are twisted together as a
The tools of the
glass blower
pigtail splice and brazed. These two Examine the glass rod. If it has not
splices make up the thermocouple sagged at this temperature, repeat the
junctions (Fig. 2-27, a). At the other procedure. This time let the tempera
end of the wires the iron member of ture rise until the meter reads 65
one pair is similarly spliced and microamperes. If the rod still re
brazed to the constantan member of mains straight try again at 70 micro
the other pair. The two remaining amperes. The objective is to determine
ends are spliced to a convenient length the temperature at which the rod be
of copper extension cord. A 4-inch comes sufficiently plastic to sag per
length of 8-millimeter soft glass tub ceptibly in 5 minutes. In our oven,
ing is slipped over the junction end of this occurs at a current indication of
the pairs and softened in the fire until 75 microamperes. We then assume the
the glass shrinks into contact with annealing temperature to have been
the asbestos insulation (2-27, b). The reached at a current about 10% lower,
glass envelope merely protects the or, in our oven, at 67.5 microamperes.
asbestos from abrasion. The free end At this temperature we anneal glass
of the extension cord is connected to for 3 minutes per millimeter of glass
the terminals of the microammeter thickness. A similar procedure is fol
(2-27, c). lowed for determining the annealing
The instrument may be calibrated temperature (in terms of meter cur
in either of two ways. First, hold the rent) of other glasses, such as the
thermocouple junctions in the fire and borosilicates. ■
note which way the pointer of the me The pyrometer can also be cali
ter moves. If it moves backward re brated in degrees. We did this by pro
verse the connections. Next, place the curing a conventional mercury ther
junctions in the annealing oven, along mometer calibrated to 400 degrees
with a 12-inch length of 4-milli- Centigrade (752°F). The bulb of the
meter rod of lime glass supported near thermometer was inserted into the
the ends about an inch above the bot oven along with the pyrometer probe.
tom of the oven by blocks of Transite. As the temperature rose a tabulation
With the cover of the oven in place, was made: the indicated current was
switch on the power and let the unit listed in one column and the corre
heat until the meter indicates a cur sponding thermometer indication in
rent of 60 microamperes. Hold this the adjacent column.
current reading for 5 minutes by Next we procured a small alundum
switching one set of heating coils off crucible together with 2 pounds of
and on as required, then turn off zinc and 2 pounds of lead. These met
all heating units, and let the oven cool. als freeze at characteristic tempera-
glass blowing
Masking tape
guides file
Completed nick
piece by the stomach will result in most any mechanical or thermal shock
some bending force. The material will that, in effect, exerts tension on op
part as a clean, square break (Fig. posite sides of the nick will cause a
3-2). For short pieces, 4 inches or less clean break.
in length, grasp the glass through The file will become dull after mak
several folds of cloth to prevent an ac ing a few cuts. It is easily sharpened.
cidental cut if the glass shatters. Just grind the edges square on a car
Some experienced workers prefer to borundum wheel equipped with a fix
pull the glass apart by grasping the ture for supporting the flat side of the
tubing with the fingers of each hand file at right angles to the cutting edge
(palms down), putting the tips of the of the wheel.
thumbs together and tightening the Tubing larger than 20 milli
grip on the glass. This presses the meters in diameter can be cut most
thumbs tightly together and exerts conveniently by means of a heated
pull on the glass. It also invites a cut wire. The construction of the hot wire
should the glass shatter. has been discussed in Section II. To
Alternatively, tubing that has been prepare for making the cut, first file a
Figure 3-3. properly nicked can be parted simply nick completely around the piece (Fig.
by striking the glass a sharp (but not 3-3, a). To guide the file, wrap the
forceful) blow with an edge of the file glass with a layer or two of adhesive
on the side directly opposite the nick. masking tape at the point to be cut.
It can also be parted by touching one Place the smooth edge of the file
end of the groove with the molten tip against the tape and file the circular
of a glass rod. The heat expands, and nick (3-3, b). Remove the tape, let the
thus stretches, the glass. Indeed, al wire reach yellow heat and then place
a portion of the nick squarely in con
tact with the hot wire. A crack will
appear along the heated arc. Rotate
the glass to bring another zone into
contact with the wire (3-3, c). This
will extend the crack. Usually the
piece will part on the third shift. The
hot wire is a particularly effective de
vice for cutting large glass bottles
and jugs.
Rods and tubing may also be parted
by melting the glass. This operation
is called “fire-cutting” or “burning
off.” As an introductory exercise, light
and adjust the crossfires as explained
in Section II, select a standard length
of 6-millimeter glass rod, grasp the
rod at convenient points of balance,
and slowly warm (preheat) the mate
rial at a point about 20 inches from
one end by passing the rod directly
up and down through the focus of the
crossfire at the rate of about one pass
per second (Fig. 3-4, a). The rod
should be lifted about an inch above
the flame and lowered about an inch
below it during each pass.
After six or eight passes, support
the material steadily in the flame, but Try to move the hands in step. Pre
rotate the piece a full turn alternately vent the heated portion from twisting
clockwise and counterclockwise. After or wobbling out of shape. (No one can
a few seconds the rod will soften and do it perfectly.) Within a second or
feel “wobbly.” Note the yellow color, two the narrowed portion will reach
called “flare-off,” that the hot glass im the fluid state and part in the middle.
parts to the flame. While continuing Continue to rotate the severed ends in Figure 3-4.
to rotate the rod, stretch the ends the fire until the thinned tips have
apart about % inch (3-4, b). The cen been drawn into molten blobs by sur
ter of the heated portion will shrink face tension (3-4, c, d). Then lay the
appreciably as the rod is stretched glass aside on asbestos paper to cool.
and will quickly reach a bright yellow This completes the fire cut. When the
heat. Stretch the material another % 20-inch length has cooled, cut it in the
inch. middle by the same technique.
54 Fire-polishing
glass blowing The edges of glass that have been
separated by breaking the cold mate
rial are naturally sharp and, like all
broken glass, can cut you. For safety
all sharp edges should be removed,
particularly those on tubing that must
be put in the mouth for blowing. This
can be done by melting the edges in
the fire, an operation known as “fire
polishing.” Surface tension then
draws the softened glass into a
smooth, rounded contour. Select one of
the 10-inch lengths of 6-millimeter
rod that you have just fire-cut and,
with the file, cut off the rounded end.
Nick the glass about % inch from the
end, and brace the piece against the
bench so that the nick is even with the
bench top and faces away from the
bench. Then make the cut by striking
Nick and the tip of the rod immediately above
strike off end
the nick with the edge of the file (Fig.
3-5, o').
Preheat the cut end by passing the
glass up and down through the focus
of the crossfire, just as when preheat
ing for a fire cut. Then, while rotating
the rod by one hand, support the cut
end steadily in the fire (3-5 b). Yellow
flare-off will be observed almost imme
diately. After about 6 seconds the
edges will have melted and lost their
Finished piece sharpness. Inspect the end. The cor
ners will have become nicely rounded
(3-5, c). Rods smaller than 6 millime
ters will have a full polish within 4 or
Figure 3-5. 5 seconds. Larger rods require propor
tionately more time. The edges of tub
ing are similarly treated. When fire
polishing a tube, however, always plug
the opposite end with a cork, to pre
vent the flame from rushing through
the piece and burning your hand.
How to make balls of solid glass 55
Solid glass:
Frequent occasion arises for round basic operations
ing the end of a glass rod, either by
making the form of a hemisphere, as
on a stirring rod, or by making a com
plete sphere of a diameter substan
tially larger than that of the rod. The
required technique is merely an elabo
ration of fire-polishing.
Preheat the end of the rod, bring
the material to a complete fire polish,
and while supporting the rod hori
zontally in the fire continue heating
the tip of the glass. Within about 20
seconds, depending on the thickness
of the rod, surface tension will draw
the molten glass into a hemisphere.
Unfortunately, gravity is also at work. Stationary
Unless you rotate the piece uniformly,
the tip will sag. You can correct the
tendency to sag merely by rotating
the rod so that the bent end points up
ward. Held still in this position, the
glass will flow back into a hemisphere.
But, unless the material is rotated at
an appropriate rate, it will again sag
out of control.
Here, then, is the first skill you
must develop in the course of becom
ing a glass blower: the knack of rotat in the fire to take advantage of grav
ing hot glass at a rate that precisely ity, or to offset the effect of gravity,
counteracts the force of gravity (Fig. as the case may be. This is accom
3-6). The trick is not difficult to mas plished by rotating the work. Now,
ter if you follow a few simple rules. practice until you have made three
First, never soften more glass than rounded ends in succession. Lay them
you need for making a desired form. aside on asbestos paper to cool.
If you intend to impart a rounded Next, preheat and then soften the
shape to the end of a rod, heat only tip of another 10-inch rod. Your ob Figure 3-6.
the tip. Second, never soften the ma ject in this exercise will be to collect a
terial more than necessary to accom mushroom-shaped lump on the end
plish your objective. Obviously, stiff of a rod. While rotating the tip of the
glass is easier to control than runny rod in the focus of the crossfire, grad
glass. Watch the work as it softens ually lower your hand so the rod
and changes form. Alter its position slopes upward into the fire at an angle
56 of approximately 45 degrees (Fig. 3-
Creative 7, a). When the tip has heated to yel
glass blowing lowness, feed about Vie inch of addi
tional glass into the fire. Observe that
a bulge, one slightly larger in diame
ter than the rod, now forms at the tip.
Continue feeding glass into the fire as
the bulge grows. The bulge should be
well centered and should turn without
wobbling as you rotate the piece.
Incidentally, you may grasp the rod
with the palm of the hand up or down,
according to your preference, but you
should make the rotation by mov
ing your fingers and the thumb se
quentially, much as a walking cater
pillar moves its legs. First rotate the
rod by the thumb and index finger,
supporting the rest of the glass
against the base of the little finger
(Fig. 3-8, a). When the thumb and
index finger have reached the limit of
their travel, wrap the little finger and
its neighbor over the rod and then
draw them upward, a motion that con
tinues the rotation (3-8, b). The glass
is now supported against the inner
surface of the index finger (3-8, c).
Midway through the stroke, wrap the
large middle finger around the rod and
similarly stroke it upward until the
index finger and thumb are again in
position to resume work (3-8 d, e, f).
The motion may be clockwise or coun
terclockwise, according to preference.
You can, and should, practice this mo
tion on a length of cold rod, or even a
leadpencil, during odd moments until
it becomes second nature. Both hands
must become proficient.
Within a minute or two the grow
ing bulge at the tip of the rod will
doubtless begin to wobble. Drop the
work partially out of the fire until you
regain control. Your object is to turn
the rod in the direction and at the rate 57
that opposes the sag. If you rotate the Solid, glass:
piece too rapidly, the sagged portion basic operations
will be carried to the top; if you ro
tate too slowly, it will be carried to the
bottom. The whole point of the exer
cise is simply to learn the rate at
which hot glass sags, and to develop
skill in counteracting the effect. You
will learn the knack of it within
an hour or less. Don’t let the glass
become runny. If it does, move the
material to a cooler part of the fire.
Practice until you have accumulated
a nicely centered mushroom-shaped
bulge about twice the diameter of the
rod. Rotate it in the air until the glass
stiffens and then let the work cool on
a sheet of asbestos paper. Then make
five more good ones in succession.
Open your next practice session
by making still another mushroom d
shaped bulge of the same size. As this
bulge nears completion, gradually el
evate your hand to bring the rod into
the horizontal position. This will
greatly exaggerate the tendency of
the bulge to droop. If the work starts
to go out of control, move the glass
out of the fire so that it stiffens a lit
tle. When the bulge has been nicely
centered, resume heating the work.
Do not feed additional glass into the
accumulating mass. Simply rotate the
piece to keep the molten portion cen
tered on the rod. Within seconds, sur
face tension will convert the mush
room shape into a sphere (Fig.
3-7, b). When a perfect, well-centered
sphere has formed, remove and cool
the piece. (It is assumed that the cen
tering rotation is continued in air
until the glass has stiffened.) Make
five well-centered balls before you end
the session. Figure 3-8.
Having, completed these pieces, you
are prepared to make an amusing nov
elty. You will require at least one
rod of colored glass. If you do not
chance to have a stock in color, you
can make your own from an old col
ored bottle or other colored scrap. As
sume that you will make your own.
Put the colored bottle in a bag of
strong paper or cloth, gather the open
end of the bag around the neck of the
bottle, and with a hammer blow break
the glass. Take out a fragment about
1 inch square. Handle it carefully to
avoid cutting yourself. If a piece of
the desired size is not found, cut a
larger one to size by means of the
wheel-type glass cutter.
Grip the colored fragment with a
tong or tweezers and preheat it slowly
but fully in the crossfire (Fig. 3-9, a).
Move the piece up and down through
the focus of the flames, as when pre
heating rod, and shift it from side to
side so the flame sweeps the surface
uniformly. If the fragment is about
Vs inch thick, preheating may require
up to 20 or more passes at the rate of
a pass per second.
When a slight flare-off appears at
the edges, hold one corner of the frag
ment steadily in the fire. With your
other hand preheat and then soften
the tip of a convenient length of 6-mil-
ourn off limeter rod. Then place the softened
tip into contact with the softened cor
ner of the fragment (3-9, b). The two
will fuse (3-9, c). Press the glasses to
gether until the fused junction is
Figure 3-9. about twice as thick as the rod. Then
Solid glass:
basic operations
lift the work out of the fire just long into an egg-shaped bulge (3-9, /).
enough for it to solidify. Time may be saved at this point by
When the fragment can be sup twisting the fragment so that it is
ported by the rod without sagging, re worked into a roughly spherical ball.
move the tweezer and, using the rod The handles must be permitted to
as a handle, commence rotating the drift inward just enough to supply the
fragment about 2 inches above the fo needed glass. The operation is not dis
cus of the fire. This keeps the piece similar to that of making a spherical
hot for the next operation. You will bulge on the end of a rod, a procedure
add a second handle of rod to the op with which you are now familiar, ex
posite corner (or side) of the frag cept that now you are using both
ment. If permitted to cool, the frag hands. Continue heating the glass and
ment would develop internal strain as letting the handles drift inward un
a consequence of shrinking unevenly til the molten mass has become
and it might shatter when reheated. roughly spherical (3-9, p).
Fuse a second handle of rod to the Remove the work from the fire. Con
opposite side of the fragment by the tinue rotation. Just as the sphere
same technique (3-9, d). When it has starts to stiffen, stretch the glass into
been joined, lift the work from the a rod by pulling the handles apart
fire. Before the glass stiffens, pull the slowly (3-9, h). Try to time the pull so
handles apart slightly, just enough that the material stretches about 4
to align the handle. If the piece wob inches just as it solidifies. If one end
bles when spun by the two hands, re of the ball starts to pull out too much,
heat the junction of the first handle move the hands so the rod is pulled
until perceptibly soft, and again pull vertically, with the softer glass at the
and simultaneously rotate the rods bottom. Rising air will then cool the
(3-9, e). The piece should roll true, as thin end faster than the top portion of
though it were a straight rod. the glass, so that the end stiffens
While being rotated, the fragment somewhat. The thicker part will then
is now lowered into the fire and kept pull out into a uniform diameter. You
in alignment, without twisting, as it now have a thin rod of colored glass
softens. Each hand will sense the mo (3-9, i). Let it cool. Then melt off one
tion of the other by the force trans handle (3-9, j). Essentially, this is the
mitted through the plastic fragment. technique employed for manufactur
Do not pull the handles apart or ing all glass rod. The size of the fin
push them together. Shift the frag ished piece is determined by the
ment back and forth through the fo amount of available glass, plus the
cus of the crossfire while maintaining speed of the pull and the length of the
the rotation. As the fragment becomes stretch.
molten, surface tension will pull it Now return to the amusing novelty.
60 First, seal a rod of opaque white glass
Creative to one of crystal glass, burn off, and
glass blowing let the mass flow into a doorknob
shape (Fig. 3-10, a, b). Permit the
glass to solidify but keep it hot by ro
tating the work about two inches
above the crossfire. While thus manip
ulating the work with one hand fuse
the tip of the colored rod (opaque
white) to the center of the doorknob,
stretch the molten glass to form a short
rod and burn it off (3-10, c). Now, by
rotating the work in a horizontal po
sition let the short rod flow into a
sphere (3-10, d). Similarly add two
small spheres to opposite sides of the
sphere just made (3-10, e, /). Next,
select a rod of contrasting color, heat
the tip to softness, and stretch it into
a point that is bent to a right angle.
Shift the work to a position about 2
inches beneath the fire. While hold
ing both rods horizontally, rotate the
colored rod so the tip of the point en
ters the lower edge of the fire.
(3-10, g). With the glasses in this po
Heat tip
sition you can easily rotate the colored
rod through a half-circle to bring the
molten tip quickly into contact with
any part of the work (3-10, h).
Stop rotating the work. Hold it in a
position such that the two smallest
spheres are aligned horizontally.
(These spheres represent the ears of
the figure). Touch the upper surface
of the work at a desired place with
the molten tip of the colored rod.
The glasses will fuse. When you pull
the rod away some of the colored glass
will stick to the surface. The thin
thread of colored glass that forms
between the sphere and the tip of the
rod will be burned off if you lift the
work quickly through the fire.
r igure 3-10. By this technique you can “draw”
a funny face on the sphere; make the 61
eyes, nose, and mouth just as though Solid glass:
you were working with crayon (3-10, basic operations
i, j). Moreover you can draw in three
dimensions; make a projecting nose
easily by fusing the tip of the rod to
the appropriate point on the sphere
and burning it off to leave a short pro
jection. The nose can be shaped as de
sired by letting the sphere stiffen, re
heating the projection, and molding it
with an appropriate tool. Other fea
tures—ears, eyebrows, hair, and so
on—may be added in color according
to your taste and talent. When apply
ing the features, work at the edges of
the flame. Having completed the face,
rotate the work about an inch above
the focus of the crossfire for 2 min
utes and then lay it aside on asbestos
paper to cool.
After the piece has cooled, make a
similar sphere on the other end of the elevate your hand so the rod points
rod (Fig. 3-11, a). When it has com downward into the fire. Gravity will
pletely formed, place the molten mass pull the mass into the teardrop form;
on a block of Transite and with a flat the junction between the rod and
tool, such as a putty knife, press the sphere will become increasingly nar
sphere into a flat disk about the size row and so thin that eventually the
of a dime (3-11, b). Then, with the drop will fall, trailing a hair-like fila
tool covering only the disk, bend the ment of glass behind (Fig. 3-7, c).
handle upward to an angle of about Remove the work from the fire just
80 degrees and hold this position until before the neck becomes as thin as
the glass solidifies (3-11, c). Slight desired. (The glass continues to stretch
wrinkles may be removed by fire somewhat as it cools.) The final shape
polishing surfaces. You now have a of the teardrop is thus determined by
unique stirring rod for mixing drinks. the amount that you heat the material
Such spheres can easily be modified after pointing the rod downward and
into pear shapes or teardrops. First, also by the initial diameter of the
make the sphere by the technique of molten mass. You will quickly learn Figure 3-11.
supporting the tip of the rod at an to judge these factors by experiment.
upward angle in the fire until a mush Teardrops of appropriate proportions
room-shaped blob of glass has col make attractive stoppers for miniature
lected, and then support the tip hori urns and similar novelties. Other ap
zontally until surface tension pulls it plications are suggested in Sections
into a ball. When it reaches this form V and VI.
62 which the molten mass is pressed.
Creative Doubtless you will succeed in making
glass blowing a perfect maria of the end type on
your first try. Thereafter, you will
quickly learn to control its propor
tions by experiment. Having made a
good maria of this type, round off
the opposite end of the rod and you
have a handy muddler.
Marias are frequently required at
Heat an intermediate zone along the rod.
They are not quite as easy to make
as the end type because the hands
must move in unison as the rod soft
ens and is pushed inward to form
the bulge. To make one, grasp a con
venient length of rod by both hands
near the ends and, after preheating a
The maria zone near the middle, rotate the work
until it softens (Fig. 3-13, a). Before
Bulges can also be made by softening the piece becomes wobbly, press the
a rod in the middle and pushing the ends inward. To the best of your abil
ends together, or they can be made ity keep the rod straight and well
on the end of a rod simply by pushing aligned. Don’t let the softened zone
the molten tip against a flat surface, skid sideways. Observe that the
such as a sheet of asbestos paper or heated zone now bulges; its diameter
a block of solid carbon. A bulge, so has become larger than that of the
made, is called a “maria.” It has unaltered rod (3-13, b). Just before it
myriad applications. To make a maria, reaches red heat, the glass softens
heat the tip of a 6-millimeter rod to enough that the maria may be made. If
softness, remove it from the fire, point heated to redness, the material be
the softened tip straight down, and comes increasingly difficult to con
push it against any firm, smooth, trol; the ends that join the softened
fire-resistant surface (Fig. 3-12). zone tend to skid and to bend out of
The glass will spread out into a alignment as well as to twist when the
doughnut-shaped disk. If you have hands are rotated slightly out of step
been careful to push the rod straight with each other. Here, again, we en
down and have prevented it from counter the cardinal rule of the glass
Figure 3-12. skidding sideways, the disk will be blower: Never heat glass hotter than
perfectly centered, and it will run true absolutely necessary for accomplish
when you spin the rod. If it wobbles, ing your immediate objective. This
you have not pushed the rod straight rule will be mentioned again and
down, or you have let it skid, or both. again in the pages that follow. Fail
The diameter and thickness of the ure to observe it has discouraged more
Finished maria maria are determined by the length of beginners than has anything else. To
the softened zone and by the depth to summarize: Using both hands, heat a
zone in the middle of the glass rod.
Rotate the zone continuously in the Solid glass:
focus of the crossfire. As the zone basic operations
softens, push the ends of the rod
toward each other, while continuing
uniform rotation. A doughnut-shaped
bulge will form that is symmetrical
with respect to the rod. The bulge will
run true, like the wheel of an auto
mobile, only if the ends of the rod
are kept straight, in axial alignment.
Don’t soften the glass more than neces
sary. As the work is removed from
the fire, pull the ends slightly, just
enough to straighten the rod.
Don’t be discouraged if your first
marias wobble a bit. You can correct
this defect. Return the work to the
fire and heat the rod on one side at the
point where it joins the maria. When
the glass softens, bend the rod so the
maria is at right angles to the rod on
the side that has been softened. Let the
glass solidify. Do the same on the other
side of the maria. Remove the work
from the fire and stretch it enough
to straighten the rod. Wobbles are
caused, primarily, by skidding. The
softened zone becomes slightly S-
shaped. Watch for the S and correct
it by pushing the ends sideways, just
enough to restore alignment. Marias
may also become eccentric; that is, Push
when rotated they turn like a wheel
that is not centered on its axle. Eccen Marias of this type can be made in
tric marias are caused by failure to diameters as large as two or three
support the rod in a straight line. The times the diameter of the rod and,
rod is permitted to bend, to take the with practice, they can be made in rods
form of a broad V. When the ends are of almost any length. The form is used Figure 3-13.
pushed together while the rod is so in novelty glassware as the body of an
bent, an excess of glass is forced animal, ornamentation on miniature
away from the apex of the V. The ex candelabra, the stems of wine glasses
cess remains when the rods are and so on. In laboratory apparatus,
straightened. The result is the ob marias serve as stops and supports,
served eccentricity. The defect can filter barriers, poppet valves, and simi
not be corrected. lar constructions.
64 Wire work
glass blowing Many artisans specialize in so-called
“wire work,” the application of bits of
molten glass to wire. Indeed, this oper
ation was the first manufacturing en-
terprise to reach the new world from
Europe when in the sixteenth century
adventuring conquistadores founded
a glass factory in California for mak
ing wampum. Costume jewelry of al
most limitless variety can be made by
this technique, even by the novice.
As an introductory exercise, make
a bead of the kind used in a necklace.
You will need a stock of soft glass rod,
of approximately 8 millimeters in di
ameter, as well as a supply of straight
wires about 10 inches long and 0.051
inch in diameter (No. 16, American
Wire Gauge). Professional glass blow
ers prefer wire of the type known as
“low” brass. (See “Sources of Tools
and Materials,” page 189). You will
also require a pair of fixtures, or
bucks, for supporting the rod in the
fire (Section II, page 36 ). The tip of
the glass rod is heated by rotating the
rod. You can set up an appropriate fire
by removing the rear burner of the
crossfire, so the flame is directed hori
zontally toward the back of the bench.
Place the glass on the bucks so that
one end can be slid into the fire (see
Fig. 2-19). Preheat the end by sliding
the rod into and out of the flame at the
rate of about one pass per second.
Then advance about *4 inch of glass
into the fire (Fig. 3-14, a). Let it
soften and droop. When the glass has
reached yellow heat, grasp a wire,
much as you would manipulate a slen
der rod of glass, and preheat a zone
near the outer end. About three passes
through the flame will do.
Figure 3-14. Holding the wire horizontally, ro-
tate it between the thumb and first glass. Secondly, the glass may refuse 65
three fingers (so the top surface moves to wind onto the wire as a smooth, Solid glass:
basic operations
away from you) and touch the heated nicely rounded mass. It tends to bunch
zone of the wire to the region of the up, as a misshapen blob. This means
drooped glass—about a quarter of the that you are lifting the wire away
distance up from the bottom of the from the sagged mass too soon. As ex
blob (3-14, b). The glass will stick to plained, the glass at the rear of the
the wire and wind around it as the sagged portion is cooler and, hence,
wire turns. Pull the wire down slightly more rigid than the forward region
as you turn it and then move it up that is in direct contact with the
ward, winding continuously (3-14, c, flame. If you lift the wire close to the
d). The relatively solid, inner region sagged portion, the collected glass
of the sagged glass will act as a wiper (which is quite runny) is smoothed to
during the up stroke that limits the a spherical shape by the relatively
radius of the glass which accumulates solid mass. Finally, as the piece nears
on the wire. If the glass at the point completion and is about to be with
of contact with the wire is heated so drawn, the wire may melt. This can
that it is too thin, it will not accumu happen only if the wire is excessively
late. At the top of the upstroke pull exposed to the flame. Work on the re
the accumulated mass away from the gion of the glass that has sagged out
molten blob through the lower region of the center of the flame, below the
of the flame (3-14, e). focal point of the fire.
If all has gone well—and you have Having made one good bead, con
rotated the work continuously—an al tinue. Conserve wire (after becoming
most perfect sphere of glass will proficient) by spacing several beads
have formed on the wire. Continue the at Vz-inch intervals. Beginners may
rotation, reversing direction of rota experience difficulty when attempting
tion at will, until the bead solidifies. to space beads closely on the wire be
When cooled, the bead may be removed cause the heat tends to crack beads
from the wire by either of two meth that have cooled. Speed comes with
ods. Clamp one end of the wire in a practice, however, and the trouble van
vise, grasp the free end by a pair of ishes. As glass is consumed, advance
pliers, and stretch the metal. The wire the rod into fire with your free hand.
shrinks enough when thus stretched to When making beads for a necklace,
permit the bead to slide freely (3-14, do not strive for uniformity. Let
/). Alternatively, cut off the wire close chance determine the sizes. You can
to the glass and drop the bead into a sort the beads later for stringing.
container of nitric acid. Within a few A bead can be made on the tip of
hours the acid will have eaten the the wire, of course. Until fashion
metal away. Caution: Nitric acid is changed, hatpins that terminated in a
highly toxic and corrosive. Handle it black bead were popular. Map tacks
accordingly. and similar stickpins are still so
You may encounter three difficul made, and by hand! It is easy to
ties. First, the glass may not stick to change the spherical bead at the end
the wire. This indicates that the wire of a wire into a teardrop: after the
is not hot enough when touched to the sphere has formed just incline the
66 wire downward into the flame and ro
Creative tate as though you were making a tear
glass blowing
drop on the end of a rod (Fig. 3-15).
With practice it becomes possible to
pick up the end bead from the molten
glass and remove it from the flame at
once. By working quickly, the tear
drop forms before the glass stiffens,
so that extra heat is not needed.
Fuse wire to glass
An end bead can also be flattened,
and converted into a maria. First,
change the sphere into a pear shape
and then push the glass straight down
against a flat surface (Fig. 3-16, a).
Do not push the wire so far that it
makes contact with the base material
(3-16, &). If the base material is
rough it may mar the outer surface of
the maria. The polish can be restored
by exposing the surface to the flame
for a few seconds (3-16, c). When the
work cools, cut the wire off at a point
about % inch from the glass and bend
it into a small loop. You now have a
button (3-16, d). The wire loop takes
the thread.
Buttons of this type make attrac
tive glass eyes for toys. First, make
a maria of brown glass (or other de
sired color) on the end of a wire. When
it solidifies soften the end of a black
rod about 4 millimeters in diameter
and fuse it to the center of the but
ton (Fig. 3-17, a). Burn off the rod
and fire-polish the surface of the maria
(3-17, 6). The eye now has a black
pupil (3-17, c). Forms, such as sun
bursts, are made by fusing colored
rod radially to the edge of the button Figure 3-15.
and stretching the material to tapered
points that are bent into zig-zags by
means of tweezers before the glass
stiffens (3-17, d). When making such
forms, keep the entire piece heated
until the work is finished. Damaging
Solid glass:
basic operations
Figure 3-16.
Burn off
Figure 3-17.
Seal on rays
strains will develop and the piece will
68 almost certainly shatter if it is re
Creative heated after cooling. The variations
glass blowing
in form that can be imparted to such
pieces are limitless.
Beads also lend themselves to a
variety of shapes. For example, a
heart-shaped bead is easy to make.
Begin by forming a conventional
spherical bead near the end of a wire
(Fig. 3-18, a). When the mass has be
Heat come fully rounded, and is molten,
place the glass on a flat surface and
squash it into a pancake with a car
bon block, a spatula, or other con
venient tool (3-18, b). Then return the
piece to the crossfire, supporting the
wire vertically with your hand be
neath and slightly to one side of the
focus, so that the flame plays alter
nately on each side of the pancake as
Pinch and pull t the work is rotated (3-18, c). The
outer edges will soften and droop, pull
ing the glass into the form of an in
verted heart (3-18, d).
Egg-shaped beads are wound by
shifting the wire lengthwise while it
Pinch and pull is in contact with the drooped mass.
This form can be converted into a
rectangular shape by pressing the
glass on four sides. Doorknob shapes
are made by feeding excess glass onto
Pinch and pull
the central zone of a bead that would
otherwise become a sphere.
Multicolored beads also are easy to
make. After the desired shape has
solidified, add one or more colored
stripes by touching the softened tip
of a colored rod to the rotating piece,
Figure 3-18. as when adding a pupil to the glass
eye. The stripe (or polka dots, if de
Pull and
burn off sired) are then fired in place by ro
tating the bead in the flame. Interest
ing effects can also be achieved by
crushing glass of various colors into
fragments and, with a sieve, collect-
ing particles that are about the size
of granulated sugar. (The glass can 69
be pulverized safely by placing the Solid glass:
large pieces between two sheets of basic operations
galvanized iron of the kind sold by
tinsmiths, sealing the edges with ad
hesive tape, and pounding the sand
wich with a hammer.) The molten
bead is rolled in the mixture of col
ored fragments and then fire-polished.
The variety of interesting shapes
into which spherical beads can be
transformed is limited only by the
imagination of the artisan. Instead
of the heart shape, for example, the Burn off end of each tier
glass can be easily pulled into a mini before adding next tier
ature plume with a pair of tweezers.
The sequence of manipulations are de
picted in Figure 3-18, e to j. When
combined in symmetrical patterns,
such plumes make attractive elements
of costume jewelry.
Figure 3-23.
cut off
74 ing the molten tip of a rod to the base
Creative rod just at the basket’s bottom, then
glass blowing nipping lightly with cold wire cutting
A somewhat more attractive handle,
one that resembles twisted rope, can
be substituted for the plain rod. To
make the rope, gather a spherical mass
Form sphere of molten glass on the end of a rod
(Fig. 3-24, a) and immediately press
it into a disk (3-24, h) that is ap
proximately % inch wide and perhaps
yi6 inch thick. Then fuse a handle
of similar rod opposite to the point of
attachment (3-24, c). You may think
of this form as a maria set edgewise
in a rod. Now resoften the disk, re
move the work from the fire, and si
multaneously stretch and rotate the
handles in opposite directions (3-24,
dj. When the center portion has nar
rowed to the desired diameter (roughly
3 millimeters for this basket handle)
maintain just enough tension to
straighten the piece. Cut a 2-inch
length from the central portion and
install as the handle of the basket
(3-24, e).
Glass icicles
The identical technique can be used
for making glass “icicles” for your
Christmas tree. After completing the
twisting and stretching operation, cut
Twist and stretch
the piece in the middle (Fig. 3-25, a).
Then soften a narrow zone of one
Figure 3-24. piece at the junction between the rod
and the twist (3-25, 5), stretch the
twisted portion until it shrinks to a
diameter of about 4 millimeters, and
simultaneously bend a full loop ap
proximately % inch in diameter. Burn
off the excess rod close to the loop.
Solid glass:
basic operations
Burn off
Even more attractive icicles can be
made from colored scraps of sheet
glass. Fuse a selected scrap to rod
handles as when preparing to convert
such scrap into rod (see page 58).
When the material softens, pull and
stretch the mass into an icicle and
form the supporting loop.
A bird’s nest
A somewhat more advanced applica
tion of the network technique involves
the fabrication of a bird’s nest, re
plete with the bird and colored eggs.
Even if your tastes do not run to such
knickknacks, you are urged to do the
project as a familiarizing exercise.
The skill so acquired will serve you
well when you tackle more complex
operations involving combinations of
solid and blown forms.
Begin by making the bottom of a
basket. Next, select a rod of colored
stock, soften the tip, and fuse it to a
point slightly away from the center
of the network (Fig. 3-26, a). Burn
off the rod slightly above the junction,
say, about Vs inch above. Fire-polish
the projection, just enough to round
the end (3-26, b). When viewed from
above, this glass resembles a minia
ture bird’s egg. Add two more eggs,
arranged as desired. Complete the nest
by extending the network up and
around the eggs. The operation is sim
ilar to making the sides of the basket,
but now you must round the side gen
tly and extend it up and over as a
smooth curve (3-26, c). The nest and
its eggs is now complete. Figure 3-26.
76 To fashion the bird, collect a sphere
Creative of colored glass, about % inch in dia
glass blowing meter, on the end of a 4-millimeter rod
(Fig. 3-27, a). Let the sphere solid
ify, but keep it hot. Soften the tip of
an identical rod and fuse it to the hot
sphere. (Its position should be such
that it is pointing to the two of an
imaginary clock. Burn off the rod,
leaving just enough glass attached to
the sphere to form a ball about 3As inch
in diameter after the stub has been
rounded in the fire (3-27, b, c, d). This
ball will become the head of the bird.
Next, add the wings and tail. Proceed
by softening the tip of a 4-millimeter
glass rod of desired color. At a point
on the body, opposite the head, at ap
proximately the ten o’clock position,
stroke the heated tip sidew’ays against
the body of the bird, much as you
would stroke with a crayon. (Work
close to the fire so the “crayon” does
not stiffen.) Then lift the tip just
enough to clear the body, return it to
the beginning position, and stroke
again. Lift and return. Make a total of
three strokes and then lift the rod
away in an arc as illustrated (3-27, e,
f, g, h). The stroking action accom
plishes two objectives: first, the cir
cular cross section of the rod is altered
into a ribbon shape, which is thickest
on the side that points away from the
work; secondly, the texture of the
glass becomes ribbed, approximating
the appearance of feathers (3-27, i).
You have now made half of the bird’s
figure a-zi. tail. Add the remaining half by re
peating the operation in reverse on
the other side. The two halves of the
tail should merge at the body and di
verge outward (3-27, ;). Similarly
form and attach the wings.
and eye The eyes are made next. Soften and
make a narrow constriction in a rod 77
of black glass. The constriction should Solid glass:
be about the thickness of a common basic operations
pin. Cut the glass at its narrowest
point. Soften the tip and immediately
apply it to the eye position on the
bird’s head. You must work quickly.
The tip becomes molten immediately
when exposed to the fire and it cools
as promptly. Withdraw the rod, and
burn off the resulting filament of
glass and fire-polish the portion that
remains attached to the head. Simi
larly, make the second eye. Finally,
soften the tip of a yellow rod, apply it
to the beak position and withdraw.
Burn off the rod, leaving the tapered
beak attached. This completes the
bird (3-27, Zc). To perch it on the edge
of the nest, cut off the rod that has get a good bond, and then draw out
been serving as a handle and substi to form one half of the keel. Repeat
tute a wire holder (see Fig. 2-17, Sec this procedure in the opposite direc
tion II). Reheat the bird sloivly, soften
tion to finish the keel, which will be
the region where the rod was formerly 1% inches long (3-28, a).
attached, reheat the nest slowly, and With the keel as a base, build up
fuse the bottom of the bird to the edge the hull of network, rounding the
of the nest (3-27, Z). structure approximately as suggested
by the drawing (Fig. 3-28, 6). Keep
the structure hot as you work. Next,
Glass sloop fuse a saddle across the hull at a point
about a quarter of the hull length
The apex of the network technique has from the bow, attaching the ends of
been reached (for the beginner) when the saddle to the gunwales as illus
he completes a sailboat model. Again, trated (Fig. 3-28, c). Fuse the work
the prime objective is not the acquisi ing rod to the saddle and draw out
tion of a novelty but the manipulative past the stern of the hull to form
skill that develops during the con the boom. Fuse on and draw a flowing
struction. To make the vessel illus line from the stern to the end of the
trated, start by making a network boom, and burn off. (Aside from being
circle. Add a row of loops to the top part of the vessel, this line keeps the
and bottom edges of this circle (Fig. boom rigid when the saddle softens
3-28, a). To make the keel, heat the during the placing of the mast.) In
end of a 4-millimeter working rod and stall the mast by softening the end of
fuse it to the central area of the top a 4- or 6-millimeter rod and fusing it
of the circle, stroking a few times to to the saddle in the position shown
glass blowing
Add bowsprit
and booms
on, fuse % inch of the top juncture. stretched, will extend to the point of
To this, apply the gaff and then the attachment, a projection such as the
rest of the mast (3-28, e, /). By the mast or bowsprit. Now, moving the
same technique, install the bowsprit hands in unison, pass the rod back and
(3-28, e). Make a practice of rotating forth through the edge of the fire until
the construction 3 or 4 inches above it softens, then make the stretch,
the focus of the crossfire during inter wind the glass around the desired
vals when glass is not being actually point of attachment (a projection)
applied. This keeps the work heated. and burn off (3-28, /). When the
The rigging is now to be installed. rigging is complete (3-28, </), attach a
For this operation the vessel is held pennant to the tip of the mast by the
in a horizontal position beneath the technique used for making the bird’s
flames, and the lines are drawn out al wing. Novelties utilizing the network
most horizontally, from left to right. technique range from simple furni
Gravity and your judgment govern the ture, and the costumes of human fig
graceful flowing lines. With practice ures, to ships under full sail. The vari
and experience, your timing will be ety is limited only by the imagination
come perfected. of the artisan. To make a cat-rigged
Soften the end of a 4-millimeter sloop (a vessel having a single sail
rod, and fuse it to a desired point of without a gaff), leave off the gaff and
attachment. Support the rod parallel the ladders, and run all lines to the
to the mast as it solidifies. In this mast top, fusing the top juncture,
position the rod can be passed back drawing to a point, and burning off.
and forth through the edge of the fire The base rod is removed the same way
to soften a length of glass that, when it is removed from a basket.
80 Interesting pieces can also be made
Creative of solid glass. An example is the fab
glass blowing rication of a miniature turtle. Collect
a mass of molten glass about % inch in
diameter on the end of a 4- or 6-milli-
meter rod of brownish color, let it as
sume a slight teardrop form (Fig.
3-29, a), and quickly lay it down on a
sheet of asbestos paper. The molten
mass will flow into a flat-bottomed
dome approximating the shape of a
turtle (3-29, b). With a finely pointed
rod of contrasting color, apply polyg
onal spots to the rounded surface
that suggest the characteristic mark
ings of the tortoise shell (3-29, c).
Dark brown rod is conventionally
used for fusing the stubby head, feet,
and tapered tail (3-29, d). Eyes are
applied in the same way as they are to
the bird. Realistic feet can be made by
softening the tips of the legs and
pinching the glass slightly upward
with tweezers equipped with grooved
jaws (3-29, e).
Miniature candlesticks are also rel
atively easy to make. They illustrate
a common application of the maria.
/ First, fuse and seal a 4-millimeter rod
of opaque white glass to a 6-milli-
meter length of ruby rod. To make the
seal, heat just the tips of both rods,
press them together lightly, and, as
they solidify, exert just enough pull to
straighten and shrink the bulge that
forms at the junction (Fig. 3-30, a).
Then heat the narrowest possible zone
in the ruby glass that adjoins the seal
Figure 3-29. just made. When the glass softens,
push the ends of the rod to form a
maria about 8 millimeters in diameter
(3-30, b). Now cut the ruby rod about
% inch from the maria. Soften about
inch of the end and make a maria of
the end type by pushing the softened
Opaque white
• J
away from the surface by air currents mately 30 seconds rotate the zone di
is, in effect, replaced by that trans rectly in the fire. The heated portion
ferred from the interior. Moreover, will soon begin to color the flame a
the walls of heavy tubing tend to be bright yellow. This effect is known as
more uniform in thickness than those flare-off. The yellow color becomes
of lightweight tubing. When purchas more intense as the glass heats, and it
ing glass tubing, request heavy is a useful guide to the uniformity of
weight material if you are a beginner. the temperature of the glass. Within
As an initial exercise in point-pull seconds of the onset of flare-off the
ing, select a length of tubing approxi heated zone will become perceptibly
mately 12 millimeters in diameter and plastic; the tube will tend to bend out
about 2 feet long. Grasp the glass of axial alignment, and will feel wob
near either end by one hand, at a point bly.
of comfortable balance, and about 16 Alter the motion
I of your hands to
inches from the other hand. Adjust oppose the bend, to maintain true
the crossfires as explained in Section alignment. Do not pull the ends apart
II. While rotating the tubing by the or push them together. Continue to
technique explained in Section III, rotate the tubing. Soon the heated
heat a zone of glass equal in length to zone will become quite flexible, as
about three tube diameters (Fig. 4-2, though the rigid portions of the tub
a). The heat may be applied at any ing were connected by thick molasses.
convenient place along the tube. You are familiar with this “feel,” of
Preheat the selected zone slowly by course, because it closely resembles
passing the horizontal tube up and that of a similarly heated rod. The Figure 4-2, a.
down through the flame at the rate of glass should now stain the blue flame
about one pass per second. Simultane a dazzling yellow (but the glass itself
ously, shift the tube back and forth should show no color).
longitudinally to heat about an inch Lift the heated zone out of the fire
and a half of glass (in the case of 12 and, while continuing the rotation, be
millimeter tubing). After approxi gin pulling the ends apart and simul-
glass blowing
Straighten ends
Burn off
taneously bend them downward at an to pull the small center constriction, 89
angle of about 30 degrees (4-2, b, c). and third to cut or to burn off. Glass tubing:
If you find that continued rotation in basic operations
At this stage only half of the point
one direction is too difficult, rotate the has been made. The short end of the
glass alternately clockwise and coun tubing, together with its attached ta
terclockwise-—making approximately per, is laid aside temporarily. The re
a full turn in each direction while si maining taper serves as a handle for
multaneously stretching the material. use in making a duplicate taper a
As the glass reaches a length of about short distance beyond. This one is
12 inches turn the end sections back formed by heating to softness a sec
up into axial alignment without in tion of the tubing some 3 inches be
terrupting the stretching motion yond the first tapei* and making the
(4-2, d). Stretch the piece to a total second pull. The result is a portion of
length of about 14 or 15 inches. The tubing about 3 inches long terminated
stretching operation should be com by 7-inch tapers on each end.
pleted in about 3 seconds. One difficulty in pulling points that
At the end of the pull maintain just often besets the beginner is the re
enough tension to prevent the mate fusal of the glass to retain its smooth
rial from sagging but not enough to tubular form when heated to softness.
stretch it beyond the specified length. As the material becomes plastic, the
In about 3 more seconds the pulled glass tends to twist out of shape. This
zone should have cooled enough to be is caused most often by rotating one
come rigid. Then heat the center of end of the tubing at a different rate
the pulled section. This portion of the than the other, or by permitting the
tubing should now be about Vs inch in end sections to bend out of axial align
diameter, its wall much thinner than ment, or both. Practice soon minimizes
that of the original tubing. It will this difficulty. On the other hand,
therefore heat to the plastic state in glass blowers know a trick that can
about a second. help to make your practice pay off.
When a zone % inch long has soft Observe that the trouble does not
ened, promptly lift the glass about 3 appear when the glass first softens.
inches above the fire and simultane At this stage the material is so stiff
ously stretch the heated portion to a that the entire tube can be rotated by
length of about 1% inches (4-2, e). one hand, the other hand serving
The center of this stretched zone will merely as a loose bearing on which
be thinner than a pencil lead. Return the glass turns. The difficulty arises
the middle of this doubly stretched when the glass becomes quite soft.
portion to the fire. It will immediately Here, then, is the secret! Don’t heat
become red hot. Pull the ends apart the glass more than absolutely neces
without lifting the glass from the fire. sary to stretch it as desired. Begin
This is another example of fire-cutting ners tend to overheat the material.
or “burning off” (4-2, fl). Glass, when sufficiently plastic for
To pull a point, then, the glass proper manipulation, is still rigid
must be heated three times; first to enough to contribute substantial sup
form the major constriction, second port to the end sections—and there-
90 Still another difficulty is the refusal
Creative of the tapers to assume the desired
glass blowing cross section; they come out oval
shaped or flattened, and do not roll
smoothly between the thumbs and
forefingers. This difficulty appears
most frequently when the glass is
worked in the crossfire, suggesting
that the tubing has been most
strongly heated on opposite sides as a
consequence of nonuniform rotation.
Flattened tapers can also result from
uneven cooling. This occurs when ro
tation is discontinued as the piece is
lifted from the fire.
In cases where the glass has been
rotated first in one direction and then
in the other—as when making the pull
—the worker may hesitate longer
than necessary before resuming rota
Each hand can “feel” the movement of tion in the opposite direction, or he
the other through the plastic zone. may fail to make a complete rotation
Do not be discouraged if the ta in each direction. Uneven cooling re
pered ends of the first point are not in sults. The corrective measure is ob
axial alignment. This difficulty may vious. Maintain continuous uniform
be experienced for some time. Such rotation. Never hold hot glass still for
points are easily salvaged. Nick the examination whether the ■material is
tip of one taper with the file and snap in or out of the fire.
it off. Grasp the point by its ta Occasionally, the tapered ends be
pers and preheat the crooked taper at come laterally displaced at the point
the point where it joins the center where they join the tubing. They
tubing (Fig. 4-3, a). When the first should be nicely centered like the han
trace of flare-off appears hold the base dles of a rolling pin. Centering is ac
of the taper close to, but not necessar complished by another trick: bending
ily inside, the hottest part of the fire. the ends downward at the angle of 30
The thin glass will quickly reach the degrees while simultaneously making
plastic state. the first part of the pull, as mentioned.
While continuing to rotate the The off-axis angle of the pull dis
Figure 4-3. piece, drop the point out of the fire (1 tributes the plastic glass uniformly
or 2 inches below the flame), and exert around the center as the material is
a gentle pull, perhaps 8 ounces, on the stretched. The evenly distributed
tips of the tapers. This will straighten mass is then brought into precise
the bent taper and bring it into axial alignment as the ends are straight
alignment (4-3, b). If the remaining ened just before the end of the pull.
taper is also bent, correct it similarly. The tapered ends may also become
too thin to support the weight of the The maria 91
central tube or, conversely, they may Glass tubing:
be much thicker and shorter than they As discussed briefly in Section III, the basic operations
need be. Thin, spindly tapers result maria consists of a bulge in an other
from overheating part or all of the wise straight rod or tube. It can be
zone, or from heating a zone less than made anywhere along the piece, at the
three diameters in length, or both. ends or in between. The maria has nu
Heat the specified length of glass just merous applications, both practical
enough to make the pull—and no and aesthetic. For example, it often
more. This assumes that the pull is appears as a finger support on stem
commenced immediately after the ware such as a wine glass, as a wax
piece is removed from the fire. catcher on a candelabrum, and as or
In regard to the size of the heated namentation on vases. In laboratory
zone, err if you must by heating too glassware the maria serves as the foot
much glass. Short zones result in thin on muddlers, a support for metal
tapers. Thick, stubby tapers are the parts, ridges on hose connections,
result of zones that are too long. Glass stops on tubing inserted in perforated
that is too cool stiffens before the pull corks, spacers in coaxial tubing, and
can be completed. The same difficulty so on. For acquiring the knack of
occurs when the worker hesitates be keeping a glass tube in axial align
fore starting the pull. The delay of a ment when the middle has softened,
second or two permits the glass to no exercise is more effective than
cool and stiffen. Short, stubby tapers making marias.
result. Cultivate the habit of working Although the maria can be formed
promptly, continuously, and at a mod in any convenient length of rod or
erate pace. Avoid jerky, abrupt move tubing, the beginner is urged to make
ments. an initial series in glass points. The
The short end of the tubing with its tapers of the point serve as convenient
single taper that was initially laid handles of relatively small diameter
aside can now be salvaged and con and, therefore, minimize the finger
verted into a complete point. First, movement required for rotating the
fuse the open end of the tube to a rod glass. In addition, the beginner simul
of convenient diameter and length, taneously acquires the “feel” of work
as discussed in Section III. Then, as ing with points.
the glass stiffens, stretch the seal just First, select a point. With the file
enough to bring the rod into axial first nick and then snap off one tip.
alignment with the taper. Using the The opening will permit air to enter
rod as one handle and the taper as the the point through the taper and pre
other, heat a zone near the seal and vent the formation of a dimple when
draw out the tubing into a twin of the glass is subsequently softened.
the previously formed taper. An iden (The dimple will form because the
tical taper will be attached to the rod, point was sealed off when hot, when
of course. Part the pair. Cut (and dis the air was expanding; the lowered
card) the taper that is attached to pressure of air trapped in the cooled
the rod. glass permits the pressure of the at-
92 mosphere to deform the glass inward
Creative and any area that is subsequently
glass blowing
softened, unless the inner and outer
pressures are equalized by first open
ing the point to the atmosphere.)
Grasp the tapers between thumbs
and index fingers and test for trueness
of spin. Do not discard the piece if it
fails to run true. You can correct the
defect, as previously explained (page
You are now ready to make the
maria. While rotating the point, pre
heat the tubular body. Then concen
trate the fire on a narrow central zone.
Continue to rotate; push the ends gen
tly toward each other. An ounce or so
of pressure does the trick. Keep the
ends in axial alignment. Watch the
heated zone closely. A low encircling
bulge will appear that grows larger
as the glass softens, assuming the
form of a thin wedding ring (Fig.
4-4). Continued heating (and push
ing) will transform the ring into an
expanding disk that will grow to sub
stantial proportions—as large as two
or three tube diameters. All disks
should run true, like well made
A wobbly maria, one that is eccen
tric, indicates failure either (1) to
keep the tapers aligned, (2) to prevent
them from becoming laterally dis
placed, (3) to heat the glass uni
formly, or all three. Misalignment and
lateral displacement usually encour
age wobbling, uneven heating, ec
Figure 4-4. centricity. Study the effect by delib
erately making each of the three er
rors, one at a time. Watch the incipi
ent bulge closely during its early
stage of growth. It is important that
the glass of the maria fuse to a solid
state—the condition illustrated in-
vites cracking (Fig. 4-5). On large 93
bulb-like marias the hollow construc Glass tubing:
tion is quite safe (Fig. 4-6). basic operations
If the glass softens too quickly for
comfort, drop the tubing partly out of
the fire. Don’t rush. You have lots of
time. Rest your elbows on the bench.
This helps to steady your hands. The
glass configuration is unstable, of
course, because the solid ends of the
point are flexibly connected by soft
glass in the middle. They tend to buc
kle when compressed, or to skid side
ways, bending the softened portion
into an S shape. Heat the narrowest
possible zone just soft enough to
bulge. When buckling is observed
drop the work out of the fire and
straighten the piece by exerting a
gentle pull and, perhaps, bending it a
If the tapers become laterally dis Figure 4-5.
placed, again drop the piece out of the
fire and apply the indicated corrective
force. You are already familiar with
the cure for eccentricity occasioned
by uneven heating. Apply it. Do not
attempt to make a large, disk-shaped
maria on your first try.
Begin by pushing the tapers in
ward just enough to make a barely
perceptible bulge. Lift the work partly
out of the fire to inspect the bulge—
but keep the glass hot. Then return
the piece to the fire. By such easy
stages, let the maria grow into circu
lar form, the wedding ring. Having
Large and hollow
succeeded, stop work for 24 hours (safe)
and think about what you have done. Figure 4-6.
During the next practice session du
plicate the wedding ring. Make a half
dozen. Then, let a wedding ring grow
into a disk.
You can conserve glass by making
four or five small marias on each
94 point. A single point should also ac general, hot glass shrinks at a reason
Creative commodate two small disks or a single able rate when its viscosity ap
glass blowing proaches that of heavy molasses. You
large one. Practice no other operation
until you can make a maria of any size will acquire the knack of manipulat
you wish whenever you wish. Then try ing it in easy stages.
your hand at making several in tubes Select a point and proceed as
that range in diameter from 6 to 20 though you were going to make a
millimeters. Even a rank beginner maria. As the central zone softens,
should find it possible to complete the however, neither push the ends to
project in less than a week. gether nor pull them apart. A de
pressed ring will form all around the
heated zone. Let the zone deepen un
Shrinking or constricting til the center has narrowed a few wall
thicknesses. Drop the piece out of the
Frequently, tubing must be reduced fire and stretch the softened zone
in diameter—even to the point of con to approximately twice its original
version into glass rod. Wall thickness length. Maintain just tension enough
must also be altered—made thicker or thereafter to keep the work straight
thinner. Occasionally the artisan until the glass stiffens.
wishes to reduce the end of a large As an expert point-pullei' you doubt
tube to the diameter of a smaller one, less found this exercise easy. Now cut
simultaneously mating the wall di the constriction at the middle and in
ameters. The technique of making spect the wall thickness. It will be
all such alterations is called “shrink thinner than that of the tubing (Fig.
ing,” whether the wall is made thicker 4-7). Select another point and repeat
or thinner. The operation exploits sur the exercise, but this time heat a zone
face tension, the natural tendency of equal in length to that of the con
fluids to behave as though covered by stricted part of the piece just made—
a thin, stretched membrane under ten and keep on heating the zone with
sion that tends to contract. The prop out pulling or pushing on the ends un
erty explains why raindrops and soap til it shrinks to the outer dimensions
bubbles assume a spherical shape of the constriction previously made
when they fall through the air. Molten by pulling. Don’t panic if the middle
glass behaves the same way for the twists and closes the bore.
same reason. Heat the next piece that you at
The technique of shrinking varies tempt to shrink to a slightly lower
according to the desired result. You temperature. (The art of rotating the
will find it not difficult if you have ends in synchronism becomes more
mastered the two preceding operations difficult as the viscosity of the glass
of pulling points and making marias. decreases, of course. In addition, the
You must now, at last, learn to manip force transmitted by each hand to the
ulate glass in semifluid form. Heated other through the softened zone di
glass never becomes water thin. On minishes, but it never disappears.
the other hand, it is not as viscous, Concentrate on sensing this force.
nor as easily handled as soft tar. In Remember, too, that the fingers must
Glass tubing:
basic operations
move sequentially when rotating the width little by little until you can
glass—like .the feet of a crawling cat shrink a 1-inch zone in 15-millimeter
erpillar. This motion must become sec tubing within 30 seconds.
ond nature. Practice it with a lead Select three pieces so made and,
pencil now and then when you are with the aid of the file, cut one at the
away from the bench. Don’t skimp middle of the shrunken zone, another
either hand during this practice. Both about a third of the distance to the
must be equally trained.) The cooler edge of the zone and the third close to
glass may require as much as a min the edge of the
I zone. Examine the wall
ute to shrink to the desired dimension. thickness of each. It should not differ
The present objective is not speed, substantially from that of the uncon
however, but a constricted piece of stricted tubing (Fig. 4-8, a). If it is
circular cross section and of normal thicker, make another constriction,
wall thickness. slightly narrower, and stretch the
If you still have difficulty at the glass to the full width just before it
lowered temperature, decrease the stiffens. The exact amount that is
width of the softened zone on the suc meant by "slightly narrower” must be
ceeding attempt. By trial and error learned by trial and error.
you will soon discover the minimum Next assume that you wish to re Figure 4- 7.
temperature at which the glass will duce the outer diameter of a tube and,
shrink at a reasonable rate and the simultaneously, to increase the wall
maximum zone-width that you can thickness of the constriction. Just
manipulate without twisting and clos heat the zone as before but this time
ing the tube. Thereafter, increase as the work is rotated, let the ends
both the temperature and the zone move toward each other slowly as the
in from the adjacent tubing and, fi
nally, blow the constriction to the de
sired outside diameter, stretching the
softened portion just enough to
straighten the tube (4-8, b, c).
A tube, can be partially or fully
closed simply by rotating the end in
Cork the fire, as you have already discov
ered for yourself. You have observed
the excessive thickening of the edges
as the bore narrows and the end be
comes rounded. Little practical use is
found for this form. It is not an ex
ample of end shrinking in the sense
that we have been considering.
Strictly speaking, ends as such are
rarely shrunk. A tube with a con
stricted end is made by shrinking an
intermediate portion of tubing (that
may be near an end). This constric
tion is then cut either by nicking the
glass transversely and pulling the
piece apart (4-8, cZ), or by fire-cutting
(the fire cut would be made by shrink
glass becomes fluid. If the bore threat ing the middle of the constriction
ens to close in the middle of the con completely shut, pulling the closed
striction, blow into the point enough portion into a thread, burning off the
to keep it open. In effect, you are feed thread, and, finally, heating the tip,
ing additional glass from the tubing blowing a small bulb and cracking it
into the constriction (4-8, i>). off).
If the wall in the center becomes
disproportionately thicker than at
the edges of the constriction, alter
The dimple
nately blow the material to a diameter
slightly larger than the tubing and In laboratory glassware dimples can
shrink it back again. This kneading be used as pivots to limit the motion
action will tend to distribute the glass of other parts including pointed rods
uniformly. or spheres, as finger grips, as a means
Figure 4-8. Occasionally the need arises to con to increase surface areas for the radi
strict the bore of a tube without alter ation of heat, and so on. The reverse
ing the outside diameter. Having mas side of the dimple, the inward bulge,
tered the above operations you will also serves a variety of functions. The
find this an easy exercise. Simply convex surfaces can act as stops to
shrink the tubing to make a wall of restrict the motion of internal com
maximum thickness by feeding glass ponents and to separate surfaces such
Glass tubing:
basic operations
as coaxial tubing, and as barriers that The size of the resulting dimple will
retard the flow of gases and liquids. depend on the diameter of the heated
As a decorative device, the dimple is area. Its depth will vary in proportion
popular as a design element in vases, to the force and duration of the suc
tumblers, costume jewelry, and, par tion. Make several dimples of various
ticularly, in the baubles used as orna sizes. Then make a number of the
ments on Christmas trees. same size—preferably in one piece of
The dimple is so easy to make that tubing.
you will turn out a good one on your
very first try. Select a point, open one
of the tapers at the tip, warm the cen
tral portion of tubing carefully, and
lift it up under the fire so the flames Expanding the end of a tube (or the
play on a selected area near the center opened end of a glass bulb) into a con
at the top. When the glass softens, a ical or funnel shape is termed “flar Figure 4-9.
shallow depression will form. Heat the ing.” This form appears as an element
center of the deformed area to yellow of design in objects as diverse as vac
ish orange (Fig. 4-9, a). Remove uum pumps, ornamental urns, wine
from the fire and suck gently on the glasses, and medicine droppers. The
open tip. Atmospheric pressure will end of the tube (or the opened end
force the soft glass inward (4-9, 6). of the bulb) is softened in the fire
98 diameters and, in shape, from a gen
Creative tle taper to a fully developed, right-an
glass blowing
gular flange.
As an initial exercise you may man
ufacture a useful tool: the mouthpiece
of a blowing hose. Select a convenient
length of 6-millimeter tubing. Preheat
one end and while rotating the glass
in the fire watch for the onset of flare-
off, then continue heating until the
edge is nicely fire-polished. Remove
the work from the fire (Fig. 4-11, a).
While continuing to rotate the piece,
promptly insert the warmed tine of a
file (or similar flaring tool) to a dis
tance of about % inch into the bore of
the tubing.
The tool must not touch the glass;
particularly, do not let the metal tip
touch the inner wall. Now lift the side
of the tool lightly into contact with
the inner edge of the glass. A percep
tible bead will form that encircles the
edge (4-11, &).
If the work has stiffened, remove
the tool and return the piece to the
fire. When it has reheated to its
former working temperature remove
the glass from the fire, replace the
• flaring tool, and again lift the soft
edge. In effect you are stretching the
material a bit at a time at its point of
contact with the metal.
Once the small portion in contact
and rotated at a constant rate. A with the tool has been thus stretched
smooth metal rod, called the flaring it tends to retain its new shape until
tool, is placed in the opening and gen the next revolution carries it into con
tly pulled against the plastic edge of tact with the metal where it is
Figure 4-10. the glass. stretched a little more. Expand the
The resulting force stretches the end into a cone about % inch long and
glass and therefore expands the end approximately % inch across at the
of the tube into a cone (Fig. 4-10). base, or open end. All of this should
Flares can range in size from a barely require only a matter of seconds; the
perceptible ring of thickened glass to glass should still be at working tem
a taper equal in length to many tube perature. If it has cooled, however, re-
Glass tubing:
basic operations
while working.)
100 made by lifting the hot glass, not by
Creative prying or pushing it. Do not attempt
glass blowing
to flare the work in the fire.
There are exceptions to this rule,
but not for the beginner. When mak
ing a small flare the application of
heat can be general. The portion of
the glass to be expanded may be
heated uniformly. Larger pieces—
those of 10-millimeter diameter and
greater—require more heat at the
outer edge of the flare to compensate
for the greater stretching in this re
gion of the glass. In addition, the soft
ened outer edges must be supported
by glass that is increasingly rigid to
ward the apex of the cone; this means
that the center portion must be cooler
than the edge. Should the inner
portion of the flare be heated more
than the outer edge, the flare will tend
to buckle. Graded heating is achieved
by the lateral motion of the glass in
the fire; the flame is permitted to play
on the outer portion of the flare for
longer intervals than on the inner por
During this introductory exercise Never let the flame play on the tool.
in flaring, several things can go Glass “wets” hot metal and sticks to it
wrong. First, you may jab the flaring like chewing gum. Keep the tool warm
tool into the softened glass instead of but not hot. Sometimes you must cool
inserting it into the space of the bore. the tool. (It picks up heat from con
This is simply a case of poor marks tact with the hot glass.) Many pro
manship. Aim for the bore. fessional glass blowers simply plunge
Cultivate the habit of resting your the working blade into a block of bees
elbows on the bench, a position that wax. This not only cools the metal but
takes a lot of jitter out of your hands. deposits a film of wax on the metal
Secondly, resist the temptation to that discourages the glass from stick
Figure 4-12. place the tip of the flaring tool against ing to the tool.
the inner bore of the tubing beyond Do not attempt to expand tubing
the softened zone where it can find into a right-angled flange by a single
solid support acting as the fulcrum operation on your first try. Make the
of a lever. You will merely gouge the flare in at least two steps, first a cone
glass and encourage the softened part and then the flange.
to wind onto the tool. A flare must be Make a half dozen mouthpieces.
You will need them later because, un 101
fortunately, they appear to be magi Glass tubing:
cally attracted by floors, particularly basic operations
those made of concrete, and are accord
ingly expendable. Tubing largei' than
8-millimeters is flared more easily
with the aid of a set of hand rollers.
Cork or stopper the far end to avoid
the rush of heat through tube. Rest
the glass on the rollers and rotate it
by stroking the palm of one hand back Stretched
and forth across the tubing. Shift the
piece longitudinally by pushing the Inadequate
palm sideways. stretching
Place the roller so the tubing is or heating
level with the focal point of the flames.
The end of the tubing should point to Anyone can easily make a good bend
ward the focal point of the flames and of 90 degrees in glass tubing of 6 mil
be located at a distance such that the limeters or less in diameter, as you
work can be slid into and out of the discovered when you made your
fire as desired. Manipulate the flaring mouthpiece. Simply rotate the tube in
tool by the free hand. The size of the the fire while simultaneously shifting
flaring tool should be proportionate it back and forth longitudinally to
to the diameter of the tubing—narrow soften a zone about an inch long, re Inadequate
enough to enter the bore and wide move the glass from the heat and lift
enough to make contact with at least the ends to the desired angle. Diffi
10 angular degrees of the inner edge. culty appears when relatively sharp
At first you may have difficulty in bends must be made in 10-millimeter
making flares that run true. They may tubing, and it increases in proportion
wobble or show eccentricity or both. to the diameter thereafter.
The wobble develops most frequently When tubing is bent, whether made
from attempts to expand the glass too of glass or metal, the material on the
quickly. The cure: slow down. Eccen outer radius of the bend must be
tricity can arise from failure to cut stretched and that on the inner radius
the tubing square (so the cut end is must be compressed—the outer wall Good bend
perpendicular to the axis), or it can of the bend must become thinner; the
arise from failure to heat the end uni inner wall, thicker. Moreover, the
formly, or both. The cure is obvious forces of tension and compression
(see pages 98 and 100). Now make tend to shorten the radius of the Figure 4-13.
about 100 flares of various sizes in outer wall, to pull the material inward,
tubing ranging from 10 to 25 milli and to buckle the inner wall (Fig.
meters in diameter. Few techniques 4-13). The glass blower sets up coun
in the glass blowrer’s bag of tricks are teracting forces by a combination of
more useful. Bulbs are flared by the stretching the soft glass longitudi
identical procedure. (Fig. 4-12). nally and expanding it by blowing.
glass blowing
One end of the tubing is corked and the glass too much. This is the com
the blowing hose is attached to the mon error of beginners. Excessive
other. A zone of the glass where the stretching results in a piece that, in
bend is to be made is preheated slowly effect, contains a pair of 45-degree
and then softened, usually to a deep bends connected by a short, relatively
red color. The piece is then removed straight run of tubing. Insufficient
from the fire and simultaneously bent, stretching results in buckling the
stretched, and blown—all in a fraction inner wall of the bend.
of a second (Fig. 4-14). The stretch It is possible for even a rank be
should be as little as possible to pro ginner to bend tubing successfully
duce symmetry, and should not exceed on the very first try if time is no ob
one tube diameter. The stretching ma ject and the worker is willing to set
neuver prevents the inner wall of the tle for a bend that is functional but
bend from buckling. A 90-degree bend not necessarily of professional appear
of a 1-inch radius in 10-millimeter ance. Clamp the tubing in the horizon
tubing would tend to compress the in tal position at one end. Let one end
ner wall of the bend about ^io inch. project over the edge of the work
The outer wall, having greater radius, bench and place a weight on the other
would tend to be stretched about 50% end. With a hand torch equipped with
more than the inner wall was com fishtail burners to produce a cross
pressed. (To this must be added the fire, preheat a zone of the tubing at
Figure 4-14. stretch that is applied by the glass a point at least 15 tube diameters from
blower.) the projecting end. The preheated
The outer wall of the bend tends to zone need be only a couple of tube di
expand readily, in contrast to the ameters in length. Support the pro
inner wall, because of the diminishing jecting end by one hand, just enough
wall thickness. Now, try it. The secret to limit its motion when the tubing
here is speed. At first you may stretch softens. Now heat the zone until you
Glass tubing:
basic operations
feel the glass sag about 14 inch. Re 15-millimeter tubing these marks
move the heat. When the glass stiff might be placed 6 to 8 inches apart at
ens, apply the torch again, this time a the approximate center of a tube 30
small fraction of an inch closer to the inches long.
projecting end. In effect, you will be Adjust the burner to develop a rib
making a series of small bends. Nei bon of fire about 10 to 15% longer than
ther the inner nor outer wall can mis the bend to be made. (Modern ribbon
behave seriously because the softened burners are equipped with an adjust
zone is supported in cylindrical form able slide that can be set for masking
by the stiff adjacent glass. The radius any desired portion of the burner sur
of the bend must be controlled by eye, face.) The same result can be achieved
of course. Even helical coils can be in the case ofI old-fashioned burners
made by this technique. by covering part of the surface by a
The formation of long, sweeping wet strip of asbestos paper, as illus
curves and circles that appear in some trated in Figure 4-15, /.
scientific apparatus and in the gas dis Grasp the tube by the ends with the
charge tubes of advertising signs re palms of the hands up and support the
quires the use of the ribbon burner, as marked portion of the glass in the
described in Section II. Making bends flame about % inch below the flame
with the use of this burner in tubing tip. Rotate the tube continuously and
up to 16 millimeters in diameter is simultaneously shift it from side to
almost child’s play. Proceed by stop side about 1 inch. When the glass
pering one end of the tube with a starts to soften, change from rotation
cork, then mark the glass by means of in one direction to alternate clockwise
ordinary blackboard chalk at two and counterclockwise rotation but con
points that designate the location tinue the alternate side to side move
and length of the proposed bend. For ment (Fig. 4-15, a). •
an introductory practice exercise with When the glass becomes wobbly and
glass blowing
Section III.
When the glass has heated to a deep
red, remove it from the fire, hold the
End rounded Blow
piece vertically with the heated part
down, and, after about 2 seconds, blow
into the end of the taper to form a
bulb about an inch in diameter, as
suming that you start with a 15-milli-
meter point (4-17, f, g). Always ro
tate the tubing as you blow. Next,
make an identical bulb, but incline
the piece about 10 degrees from the
vertical. Then proceed with still other Figure 4-17.
bulbs of the same size and made in
precisely the same way, except that
each in succession is inclined farther
and farther from the vertical. The
final bulb should be blown in the hori
zontal position.
glass blowing
taneously heat the squared end of the Wind glass on end of pipe
blowpipe, but not to redness (Fig. 4-
22, a). Wind a small amount of molten
glass onto the end surface of the
/ }■ » z r f J :
heated blowpipe and manipulate the / <4/ ■’ J ? i < J L '
tubing shrinks to the diameter of the Close the leak by the technique just
hole. If necessary to this end, concen described. Apply suction again. When
trate more flame on the tubing than the joint constricts, indicating a good
on the edges of the hole. When the seal, blow the glass out to its former
edges become molten, and match in dimension and, while holding the tube
size, lower the tubing until the sur motionless, continue to heat the work
faces make light contact and fuse until the junction shrinks about 20%.
(4-27, g). Remove the fire and inspect Remove the fire (4-27, h).
the joint. Let the material cool about 3 sec
If a small hole is found, reheat, and onds. Then simultaneously stretch
then incline the tube in the direction the glass and expand it by blowing
of the leak, wobbling it a bit if neces until the bore and wall thickness of
sary to close the hole. Then return the the seal match that of the tubing (4-
tube to the vertical position and lift 27, i). Cool gradually by passing the
it a fraction of an inch to stretch the flame up and down over the glass—
glass slightly. Remove the fire and im to anneal the joint partially.
mediately suck on the blowhose just You have now made a T seal. The
enough to constrict the joint percepti procedure may seem somewhat diffi
bly. Failure of the joint to constrict cult in prospect, but experience will
under the partial vacuum may indi demonstrate that it is easier than
cate the presence of a second, previ making a simple butt seal in the cross
ously undetected leak. fire.
glass blowing
length of glass rod through the cen Immediately rotate the completed seal
ter perforation of the rubber stopper in the hot region of the fire just above
and couple its inner end to the un the flames (but not so close that flare-
flared end of the smaller tube by a off occurs) and lift it out of the heat at
short length of thick-walled rubber a rate of about an inch per minute
hose. The stoppei' now supports the rod for a period of 3 minutes. Wrap the
which, in turn, both closes and sup completed piece in several folds of pre
ports the smaller tube. Connect blow heated asbestos paper and reheat in
ing hoses both to the open end of the direct flame for 3 seconds with rapid
large tube and to the off-centered per compound motion before cooling to
foration of the rubber stopper. room temperature.
To fuse the flare to the inner wall Many versions of the ring seal ap
of the larger tube, first preheat the pear in scientific glassware, including
larger tube in the vicinity of the flare the insertion of two or more flares in
and then concentrate the fire in a nar an envelope of larger tubing. All
row zone completely around the flare must be fully annealed before use be
(4-30, d). The wall of the larger tube cause damaging strain develops when
will shrink into contact with the edge the fused region shrinks around the
of the flare and fuse. Lift the work relatively cold flare. (See “Annealing,”
out of the fire. Incidentally, the roller page 134.)
becomes a most useful tool for mak Another common seal involves
ing seals of this type. what, in effect, amounts to inserting
Promptly puff into first one and a tube through the wall of a larger
then the other of the blowing hoses piece—perhaps inserting the smaller
(these may be connected with a T to a tube through the bottom of a test
single blow hose for ease of opera tube or the side of a flask, or extend
tion) to expand the larger tube to its ing a centered coaxial tube out
former dimension and simultaneously through the side of its envelope.
stretch the hot glass just enough to Joints of this type are known as
straighten the work. You have now “triple seals” because they are fre
made a “ring seal” (Fig. 4-30, e). quently made of three pieces of glass.
126 The end of the small inner tube is
Creative first placed against the inner wall of
glass blowing the larger tube at the point where the
seal is to be made and, if necessary, it
is clamped or otherwise supported in
this position by an improvised fixture.
A blowing hose is attached to the other
end of the small tube. The general area
of the seal is then preheated.
Finally, the flame is concentrated
Heat on the outer wall of the larger tube,
as though a dimple were being made
over the end of the inner tube (Fig.
4-31, a). The glass softens, sinks
slightly, and fuses to the inner tube,
Blow bulge closing the end. The soft glass is then
blown out, by pressure applied to the
Blow inner tube, and the bulb cracked off
(4-31, b, c, d, e). A second length of
small tubing is then sealed to the
opening, by the same technique that is
used for making a T seal (4-31, f, g,
h). The joint is then kneaded by al
ternate shrinking and blowing, to
eliminate any irregular contours (4-
In some applications, a variation of
the triple seal is made with only two
lengths of tubing. An example is a
small tube that runs coaxially
through the bottom of an otherwise
conventional test tube. This arrange
ment is a nice practice exercise in
making triple seals.
e Begin the project by making a test
tube about 8 inches long from 25-mil-
limeter tubing. First, shrink and burn
off a convenient length of tubing and
Figure 4-31. then blow the hemispherical bottom.
Be sure to remove the bleb. Next,
blow a hole in the bottom that
matches the outside diameter of 8-
millimeter tubing.
In a convenient length of 8-milli-
meter tubing make a small maria and
Glass tubing:
basic operations
glass blowing
Heat spot
Blow bulge
Blow bulb
Strike off
Figure 4-32.
cut the tubing at a point about 2 is similar to that shown in Figure 4- 129
inches distant. When the test tube has 31, a-e.) x Glass tubing:
cooled, stopper the large end. Push the basic operations
Now transfer the operation to the
2-inch length of the small tubing crossfire or the fishtail torch. Keep the
through the hole until the maria rests seal hot but not soft. Stopper one end
snugly against the bottom on the of a similar length of small tubing,
outside (Fig. 4-32, a-f). Fit the preheat the other end, and butt-seal it
blowing hose to small tube, preheat to the opening in the bottom of the
the junction, fuse the maria to the test tube. (This procedure is similar
rim of the hole, and by alternate blow to that shown in Figure 4-31, /-i.)
ing and shrinking convert the sur Preanneal in the crossfire.
faces into smooth contours (4-32, g, To make a seal of this type in the
h, i). Rotate to prevent the softened wall of an envelope such as a flask or
inner tube from sagging; it must be other bulb, bend the inner small tube
kept centered by eye. Anneal the triple at a right angle so that the end butts
seal (partially) by the procedure used against the wall at the point where
for the ring seal. the seal is desired. Support the tube in
Having made a few triple seals by this position by a perforated rubber
this simplified procedure, prepare an stopper or equivalent device and pro
an identical test tube. Into this tube ceed as discussed above.
insert, coaxially, a smaller glass tube Incidentally, it is almost impossible
of about tw’ice the length of the test to reheat an annealed triple seal of
tube so that the end of the smaller soft glass without breaking the work.
tube rests firmly against the hemi The coefficent of expansion is so great
spherical bottom. It can be rigidly that rupturing stresses develop
supported in this position by a cen when heat is applied to the accessible
trally perforated rubber stopper that surfaces. Both triple and ring seals
fits snugly in the opening of the test must be annealed in an oven that
tube. Fit the blowing hose to the heats all parts uniformly at a rate not
smaller tube. exceeding 10 degrees Centigrade per
With the glass assembly in the ver minute (21 degrees Fahrenheit).
tical position and the hemispherical Occasionally the need arises for
end uppermost, heat the center of the sealing a U-shaped tube into the side
bottom by means of the needle-flame of a vessel, which may be a tube of
hand torch until a circular area of larger diameter, a flask, or a bulb.
glass shrinks into contact with the Usually the width of the U greatly ex
smaller tube and seals to the end of ceeds its height, and its arms bend at
it. Let the glass stiffen (just until it 90 degrees.
shows no red color), and then reheat, Whatever the proportions, start by
in the center, a spot that is about two- making two bends to produce a U of
thirds of the diameter of the smaller the desired width; one of the bends
tube. Blow a bulge of approximately should be 90 degrees and the other
equal width and height. Reheat the about 45 degrees. Cut the arms of
top of the bulge, blow a thin-walled the U to the desired length. Then
bulb, and crack it off. (This operation at one of the points in the vessel to
which the U will be attached blow a the second T seal (4-33, c). If the U is
hole that matches the diameter of the fairly wide and consists of slender
U tubing. (Make a bulge. Then blow tubing you will find that the glass is
and crack a small, thin-walled bulb, sufficiently flexible that it can be bent
as shown in Figure 4-33.) Seal the enough to bring the molten surfaces
arm with the 45-degree bend to this into contact. If it is not wide, the
opening by means of the now familiar bend in the opposite leg of the U must
technique of the T seal. Apply the be softened simultaneously so that the
heat by the hand torches. molten ends can be placed in contact.
Next, locate the point in the vessel The services of a helper can be en
at which the other end of the U is to be listed to wield a second torch to this
sealed and mark it with a china-mark end, or you may accomplish the same
ing pencil. Blow the second hole. Pre result by rapidly transferring one
heat and then soften the 45-degree torch back and forth between the
Figure 4-33. bend. Now bend the softened glass so bend and the T seal. The strain that is
the open end of the U is located caused by the surfaces being forced
squarely over the hole but not quite in into contact will be relieved by sub
contact with the edge of the opening; sequent annealing. An alternative
it should be within inch of contact method of attaching the U tube, where
(4-33, b). space permits, is to prepare the larger
Preheat the surfaces and complete vessel by setting on it two 1-inch stubs
of tubing to receive the U ends, and
butt-sealing the U ends to the stubs,
using the fishtail hand torch.
Among the more difficult seals for
the beginner to make is the so-called
Dewar seal: joining at one end two
coaxial tubes of substantially the
same diameter to form a re-entrant
edge. This seal is found at the mouth
of the Dewar flask, or “Thermos” bot
tle. To tackle this ambitious project,
first make a conventional test tube of,
say, 25 millimeters in diameter. Flare
the opening so that it fits snugly
within a larger tube of, say, 35 milli
meters in diameter. At about an inch
from the end of the 35-millimeter tub
ing, seal a short length of 6-milli-
meter tubing, a typical T seal (Fig. 4-
34, a). Such so-called “side arms” of
small tubing are known as “tubula-
tions” and are used both for blowing
and, in some scientific apparatus, for
exhausting the air from vessels. At
tach the blowing hose to the tubula-
Next, insert the test tube into the
35-millimeter tubing and, by means of
an improvised support, fix its position
so the flare is in contact with the end
of the 35-millimeter tubing. Stopper
the other end of the 35-millimeter
tubing, and then fuse the flare to the
end of the 35-millimeter tubing. By
alternate shrinking and blowing,
knead the seal to remove irregular
contours. Remove the improvised sup
port (4-34, b). Finally, shrink the 35-
millimeter tubing at a point just be
yond the bottom of the test tube, burn
off, remove the bleb, and blow the
closure into a smooth hemisphere, as
illustrated (4-34, c). Anneal the fin
ished piece in the oven (4-34, d).
132 Sealing rod to hollow forms
glass blowing
Certain ornamentation can be applied
to blown work, either by sealing glass
rod to tubing and then blowing the
combination, or by applying the soft
ened end of a rod to the surface of a
bulb and blowing the rod into a hol
low configuration as the heated mass
softens the wall of the bulb. In addi
tion, the end of a glass rod can be
sealed to hollow ware and subse
quently bent as desired to form the
handle of a pitcher or comparable ves
sel, or to be a brace in scientific ap
To make an ornamented bulb, first
preheat the body of a point and then
support it close to the flame, but not
immersed in it. Simultaneously pre
heat and then soften the tip of a rod
of colored glass. When the tip be
comes molten touch the soft glass to a
spot near one end of the body of the
point and draw it lengthwise along
the body, much as you would make a
Heat stroke with a crayon (Fig. 4-35, a).
Having completed the stroke, burn
off the rod. You have now sealed a line
of colored glass to the body, the color
Twist being parallel to the axis of the tub
ing. Now rotate the point slightly and
similarly seal another line of color to
the body. Continue until six or more
equally spaced stripes of color have
been applied around the body (4-
35, b, c).
Next, heat the region you have just
striped until the glass softens enough
so that you can twist the material
(4-35, d). Make a twist of about one-
third of a revolution, 120 degrees of
arc (4-35, e). The body may shrink
somewhat. Having made the twist, re
Figure 4-35. turn the work to the fire and heat it
just enough for blowing the body out 133
to its original size, not more. Then, if Glass tubing:
basic operations
desired, make another twist, but not
more than one-third of a revolution.
Again, restore the body to its original
size by blowing (4-35, /).
Continue this sequence until the
stripes acquire the desired amount of
twist. Finally, restore the point to its
original size and, while soft, blow it
into a bulb of the desired size and
shape (4-35, g). A polka-dot effect
can be achieved by applying spots of
color instead of stripes.
To blow a rod into hollow form,
heat the end and apply it to the pre
heated wall of a bulb (Fig. 4-36, a).
The molten tip of the rod will in
stantly fuse to the thinner wall of the
bulb and soften it (4-36, b). Blow into
the bulb. A bubble will form in the
end of the rod that will become tubu
lar* in form if the rod is simultane-
ously pulled away from the bulb (4-
36, c). The shape and proportions of
the bubble can be controlled as de
sired by the same techniques that
have been described for altering the
form of the tubing. Indeed, having
made a hollow projection with blown
rod, you can make a second projection
of like form on the wall of the first,
and so on. Just burn off the rod from
the bubble, reheat its end, and repeat
the procedure by applying the heated
rod to the hollow projection instead
of to the bulb (4-36, d).
When handles of rod are applied to
hollow ware such as miniature vases,
it is customary to blow the work
slightly immediately after the rod
has been fused to the vessel. The re
sult is a seal in which the thickness of
the rod diminishes gradually (because
of the incipient bubble) to the thick- Figure 4-36.
glass blowing
As pointed out in Section I, glass ex
pands when it is heated and contracts
when it cools. Internal stress de
velops when molten glass cools; the
outer part solidifies and cannot yield
as the inner part continues to con
tract. Stress develops betw’een the
two regions. When it exceeds the ten
sile strength of the glass, the piece
The development of internal stress
can be prevented by cooling molten
glass so slowly that all parts of the
Completed piece piece solidify at substantially the
same rate and at the same time. Small,
Figure 4-37. relatively simple pieces can be fully
annealed in the crossfire by slowly re
moving them from the heat—at a rate
of about 10 minutes per inch of move
ment. This assumes that the work is
continuously rotated. The rotation
distributes the stresses uniformly; it
prevents the growth of local stresses
Glass tubing:
basic operations
in any region of the surface from ex perature-controlled oven that need be
ceeding the tensile strength of the large enough only to accommodate the
glass. work.
A partial anneal, one that reduces Glass is said to have a “strain
the stress enough so that work will point,’’ an “annealing point,” and a
not break during ordinary changes “melting or working point”; this im
in room temperature, can be made by plies that at one temperature the ma
completing the removal from the terial can be stretched, at another in
flame in 3 or 4 minutes and then pro ternal strain is relieved, and at a still
tecting the work from drafts until it higher temperature the glass becomes
cools to room temperature. Even more semifluid. As mentioned in Section I,
effective partial anneals are made by glass by its nature is in the fluid state
shutting off the air supply and rotat even at room temperature, but with a
ing the work in the smoky flame until viscosity so high that it is for all
it acquires an opaque coating of soot. practical purposes a rigid solid.
Better still is a container of asbes In other words, glass behaves like
tos wool maintained at a temperature very stiff tar or pine pitch. Its tend
of 600 to 750 degrees Fahrenheit. ency to flow varies continuously with
Work is simply buried in the hot its temperature. For this reason in
asbestos until the end of the ses ternal stress should automatically
sion. The heat is turned off and the disappear in time from a glass piece
asbestos permitted to cool slowly. at room temperature—perhaps in a
This is an ideal method of annealing few million centuries! Heating the
small novelties, miniature vases, urns, object merely accelerates the process.
parts for costume jewelry, and so on. The heating must not be carried too
Models of sailing ships in glass, far, however, because the object is
which include fine rods (forming the continuously subjected to another
rigging) and similar pieces, cannot force, gravity. Fortunately the grav
be successfully annealed. The finer itational force is much weaker than
lines sag out of shape long before the the forces of internal stress. An ob
heavier parts anneal. Larger pieces ject that weighs an ounce, for
such as ash trays and scientific glass example, may contain an internal
ware that contain other than simple stress of 20,000 pounds per square
butt seals must be annealed in a tem inch or more. The annealing pro-
136 cedure takes advantage of this differ ders, should be supported by braces
Creative ential. The piece is heated just enough made from Transite or similar heat-
glass blowing resistant material. When it is imprac
to permit the glass to yield under the
great internal forces without sagging tical to brace the work, or to rest it
appreciably under the force of grav on a flat base as in the case of the in
ity. ner tube of a coaxial pair, suspend
Ordinarily internal stresses in soda the piece vertically. It may elongate
lime glass (that is 1 millimeter thick) slightly. This should be anticipated
are relieved in 4 minutes at a tem during design.
perature of 510 degrees Centigrade Attempts to prevent distortion by
(950°F). The annealing time, which annealing at low temperature for a
varies with the square of the thick long period invariably fail. Glass re
ness, is determined by multiplying sponds without favor to all mechani
the square of the thickness by the cal forces, including gravity. Time
4. Hence, a piece 2 millimeters thick and temperature merely determine the
would require an annealing interval rate of its response.
of 16 minutes, a piece 3 millimeters
thick would require 36 minutes, and
so on. Huge pieces, such as glass
blanks for telescope mirrors, remain
in the annealing oven for many Sagging, the bane of the annealer, be
months. As a general rule, small, com comes a prized technique to the
pact objects are placed in the oven, craftsman intent on making glass ob
heated gradually during an interval jects of irregular shape. A sheet of
of 15 to 20 minutes, and then main glass of appropriate shape is placed
tained for 5 minutes at the annealing on a mold of fireclay, dental stone,
temperature. The heat is then shut plaster of paris, or equivalent refrac
off. A well-made oven requires about tory substance, and it is softened in
3 hours for cooling to room tempera the annealing oven. The glass sags
ture. No sagging due to gravity - into contact with the mold, conform
should be evident in annealed work. ing roughly to the contours. The
On the other hand, you must take shape of the mold is limited to open
into account the gravitational force contours. The glass cannot sag to fill
when you are annealing other than undercuts. Scientific glassware, such
compact pieces. For example, a 10- as watch glasses that take the form of
inch tube of thick-walled capillary 8 uniform spherical sections, petri
millimeters in diameter will develop dishes, and similar shapes are easy to
pronounced sag during the anneal if make. Comparable novelty forms in
supported only at the ends. When pos clude ash trays, candy dishes, and so
sible, rest such pieces on a flat sur on. The novelty forms may be orna
face, such as a heavy plate of metal, mented by placing bits of colored
or in the V of a straight length of glass in the forms of thin rod, or frit
angle iron. (glass in granular form) on the ob
Projections, such as slender tubes ject prior to firing.
sealed to the sides of flasks or cylin
Section V
This section introduces the art of terials within easy reach of the work
combining the basic operations of position before lighting the fires. A
glass blowing to form novelties and hot piece laid aside, while the worker
trinkets. By duplicating the pieces to hunts for a special kind or size of
be described, the beginner will ac glass, will cool and is likely to break
quire the knack of selecting se when reheated. It is possible, of
quences of operations that minimize course, to provide a furnace in which
the expenditure of time and materi to store hot work. If one is acquired,
als when making pieces of other de it too should be located within easy
sign. The urge to improvise may then reach of the work position.
be given free play. No attempt will be In general, too, the sequence of op
made to explain how novel designs are erations should be planned so that all
created. This is largely a matter of details within a given region of a
natural endowment. However, the piece are completed before work is un
pages that follow will explain the gen dertaken at a remote region. For ex
eral rules of procedure and the tech ample, in making a vase, complete the
niques through which creative talent top and attach the handle before
can find expression. starting work on the bottom—or vice
The exercises have been arranged versa. Thin parts, such as bulbs, can
so that skills acquired when making usually be reheated locally without
the first pieces are subsequently ap risk of breakage. Even so, beginners
plied. The beginner is urged to do the are urged to cultivate the habit of
exercises in the order of their presen keeping each region hot until it is fin
tation. A few rules should be ob ished.
served. First, place all required ma Avoid abrupt transitions in thick-
Creative A glass candlestick
glass blowing
A relatively simple exercise that il
lustrates the order in which glasses
are heated when making a piece in
volves the fabrication of a miniature
candlestick. The materials may con
sist of a 20-inch length of 12-milli-
metei’ ruby tubing, a 10-inch length
of 8-millimeter opaque white tubing
and two 10-inch lengths of 6-milli-
meter rod, one of crystal and the other
of opaque orange. The sizes and colors
are not critical nor are the dimensions
of the completed piece. In novelty
glass work proportions are deter
mined not by the yardstick but by
Blow off
the aesthetic tastes of the artisan.
Begin the construction by pulling
a point from the ruby tube. Shrink
the center to the diameter of the
ness when making seals. Such discon opaque white tubing and make a
tinuities encourage the development maria as illustrated (Fig. 5-1, a). The
of internal stresses and lead to spon point should have been straightened
taneous breaks. When attaching a and opened at one end, of course.
handle of rod to a thin bulb, for ex Next, heat the constricted tubing
ample, always blow into the bulb close to the maria on the opened side
lightly when the molten end of the rod of the point (5-1, b). Blow off and
is placed in contact with the thin discard the opened taper (5-1, c).
wall. The molten end of the rod will Next, flare the maria slightly so that
immediately soften the wall and a its inner diameter matches that of
bubble will start to form in the end the opaque white tubing (5-1, d). Seal
of the rod in which the thickness the opaque white tubing to the maria
gradually increases. This tapered (5-1, e). Then heat and blow off the
form minimizes internal stress. remaining taper (5-1, /). The base of
Watch the growing bubble carefully the candlestick is now made with the
and stop blowing when it becomes a flaring tool. Open the ruby bulb into
Figure 5-1. perceptible depression. (Continued a funnel shape and continue by
blowing will cause the seal between sweeping the soft glass up and over
the wall and rod to expand into a con in the form of a re-entrant edge as il
ventional bulb and spoil the piece). lustrated (5-1, g). When forming a re
Finally, always let the completed verse curve of this type, keep the
piece cool slowly, preferably in an an outer edge of the flare substantially
nealing oven. hotter, and hence softer, than the in-
ner zone. If the inner zone becomes
softer than the edge, the glass will
Next, attach the handle (5-1, /?). If
desired, the rod may be first heated,
partly flattened, and twisted to simu
late the strands of a rope, or a plain
handle may be made according to the
Seal opaque y
tastes of the worker. Having added the white tubing to ruby
handle, rotate the piece at a distance Heat and
of about 2 inches above the fire and,
during an interval of a minute or so,
lift the work gradually to a height of
about 4 inches. This slowly lowers the
temperature of the base. Next, warm
a holder, grasp the base in the jaws,
and burn off the opaque white tubing
at a point approximately 2 inches
from the base (5-1, i). Finally, apply
“wax drippings” of crystal glass to
the top of the candle (5-1, j) and add
a “flame” of orange rod. A realistic
flame can be simulated by heating the
tip of the orange rod and flattening
the soft glass between the serrated
jaws of a tweezers. The outer tip of
the flattened portion is then pulled
into a stubby point by the tweezers.
Seal this tip to the tip of the candle,
soften the orange glass at a point
just beyond the seal, stretch the mass
into the shape of a flame, and burn off
(5-1, k). Anneal the completed piece
A toy top
Many novelties involve the fabrication
of distorted bulbs. One such novelty is
the glass top, in which a flattened bulb
serves as the spinning mass. To make
the top, pull a point in 15-millimeter
tubing of any desired color. Shrink
heats will be required until the draw
can be completed in one heat. Next,
heat and blow a doorknob-shaped
bulb in the remaining portion of the
body (5-2, d, e). Soften the outer rim
of the bulb, then blow and simultane
ously compress the glass to form a
shape resembling a large, hollow
maria (5-2, /). The glass must be
heated to the plastic state but it must
not be allowed to become so soft that
the walls of 'the bulb twist out of
control. Do not let the flame play di
rectly on the thin wall of the bulb.
Sufficient heat is provided by the
edge of the fire. Burn off the closed
taper (5-2, p). During this operation,
keep the glass well centered so that
the top will spin true on the tip that
remains fixed to the body. Finally,
nick the straight tubing with the file
an inch or so from the body, break off
the taper (5-2, /i), and fire-polish the
cut end.
A tea set
One of the more popular products of
itinerant glass blowers who give
demonstrations at amusement cen
ters, schools, and so on, is the minia
ture tea set, consisting of a tea pot,
sugar bowl, and creamer. The pieces
may be made in any convenient sizes
and colors. Fifteen-millimeter tubing
the body of the point near one end, as is frequently used. To make the tea
illustrated (Fig. 5-2, a). Next, soften pot, pull a point with a body about
Figure 5-2. one shoulder of the body (5-2, b) and % inch in length and form a maria
stretch the material to form a tube of close to one shoulder, as illustrated
uniform diameter about 2 inches in (Fig. 5-3, a). Heat the remainder of
length (5-2, c). Beginners may find the body and blow a doorknob-shaped
the operation easier if the tube is bulb (5-3, b). Burn off the closed
formed by making a succession of taper (5-3, c). Apply a handle of rod
heats and draws. With practice, fewer stock and blow a slight depression
into molten seal (5-3, cZ). Soften the 141
handle and bend it into final form, us Novelty glass work
ing the warmed tip of the rod as a tool
(5-3, e). Similarly, apply the spout
(5-3, /). Next, soften the bottom of
the bulb and press it against a flat
surface, such as a block of Transite
that has been covered with a sheet
of asbestos paper (5-3, 7i). Do not use
a block of xmcovered carbon. Carbon
chills the glass so quickly that severe
internal stress develops. Grasp the
bulb in a holder and burn off the
taper (5-3, Z).
This is a tricky operation, but rel
atively easy to master. The difficulty
arises from air that is trapped inside
the bulb when the taper is burned off.
The trapped air is at atmospheric
pressure. Upon cooling, it creates a
partial vacuum in the bulb. If the
glass is now softened, the higher ex
ternal pressure may cause the ma
terial to collapse. On the other hand,
when the trapped air is strongly
heated, the softened wall may bulge
outward. The solution consists in
burning off the taper and immediately
moving the bulb just above the fire.
Watch the softened glass closely. If
the glass starts to collapse, lower the
bulb; if a bulge appears, raise the
bulb. In a few seconds the glass will
solidify—and the trick is turned.
Finally, seal the end of a colored
rod to the tip of the lid that was
formed when the taper was burned
off. Burn off the rod (5-3, /) and rotate
the adhering mass horizontally in the
fire until the knob of the pot becomes
pear-shaped (5-3, Zc). Watch for dis Anneal tea pot
A miniature vase
A sequence of operations that in
volves both flaring and stretching re
sults in a miniature vase. A point is
first shrunk in the middle to about
half of the diameter of the tubing, as
shown by Figure 5-6, a. One shoulder
is then softened (5-6, b) and stretched
to form a straight taper (5-6, c). The
remaining half of the body is next
softened (5-6, d) and blown into a
doorknob-shaped bulb (5-6, e). Next,
heat the large end of the taper
strongly (5-6, f) and blow off the
softened glass with as much force as
possible (5-6, g). A cleaner separa
tion may result if the glass is simul
taneously blown and stretched. This
pulls the expanding glass into an
elongated ellipsoid, or melon shape,
that breaks easily. Flare the opened
end to about two-thirds the diameter
of the bulb at an angle of about 45
degrees (5-6, h). Soften the hot, flared
end and, with the flaring tool, scal
lop the edge by pressing the tool
against the glass at equally spaced
points (5-6, z). Grasp the scalloped top
in the jaws of a holder, burn off the re
maining taper, and flatten the bottom
glass blowing
An ornamental pitcher
By introducing a few variations, you
can convert a simple vase into an
ornamental pitcher. First, heat a rel
Shrink and stretch
atively broad zone in the body of a
point near one end (Fig. 5-7, a) and
stretch the softened portion into an
Form maria
elongated section that tapers outward
from the middle (5-7, b). Form a
maria in the tapered portion close to
the larger portion of the body of the
point (5-7, c). Next, apply narrow
strips of colored rod to the body (5-
Twist, then rotate 7, d). Heat the body to softness and,
and blow bulb
while applying just enough air pres
Blow sure to maintain the normal diameter
Burn off taper
and open neck of the body, twist the taper handles
gently in opposite directions. The
twist converts the colored lines into
Flare spirals. Reheat the body and blow a
conventional doorknob-shaped bulb
(5-7, e). Strongly heat the closed
taper at the point where it joins
the body of the point and blow it off
(5-7, /). Flare the open end slightly
(5-7, p), and seal a handle to the
flared edge. In this case the seal be
tween the handle and the vessel can
not be blown. If the seal is made
Burn off close to the thickened edge, however,
internal stress will not usually exceed
the breaking strength of the glass and
the piece will remain intact for an
nealing. While the top of the pitcher
bottom is still hot, soften the rim at the point
directly opposite the handle and, with
the flaring tool, form a spout (5-7, Z).
Grasp the top of the pitcher in the
holder and burn off the remaining
taper (5-7, j), flatten the bottom
(5-7, Zc), and anneal the completed
pitcher (5-7, Z).
A brandy snifter
Stemware is made by shrinking a
zone in tubing until the glass col
lapses to form a solid rod. Both ends
of a point are opened, the shrinking
operation is performed, and then bulbs
of appropriate size are blown, opened,
and flared to form the bowl and base
of the vessel. A relatively simple ex
ample is the brandy snifter. The body
of the prepared point is heated at a
point about one quarter of the length
from one end (Fig. 5-8, a), it is shrunk
until the glass collapses (5-8, b), and
a spherical bulb is blown in the smaller
portion of the body (5-8, c, d).
The remaining portion of the body is brandy
then softened (5-8, e) and blown into a snifter
doorknob shape (5-8, /). The smaller
bulb is softened (5-8, p), blown open Figure 5-8.
glass blowing
A fruit bowl
With additional flaring, the brandy
snifter would become a dessert dish,
a wine glass, or a fruit bowl. A fruit
bowl, for example, requires for the
step shown in Figure 5-8, n, a broad
flare instead of a bead (Fig. 5-9, a).
To complete the fruit bowl, make a
series of shallow scallops around the
edge (5-9, b).
The epergne
If you make the fruit bowl with a hol
low stem, it can be used as the lower
member of an epergne. To make the
hollow stem, the point is collapsed ab
ruptly at one end and tapered gradu
ally at the other. Otherwise, the pro
cedure is identical with that used for
making the fruit bowl (Fig. 5-10, a).
The centerpiece of the epergne is made
(5-8, //.), and flared to form the base by a technique similar to that used for
of the vessel (5-8, i). The base is forming the neck of the simple vase
grasped in a holder and the opposite (Fig. 5-6, a, b, c). One end of the body
side of the large bulb is softened in of a point is collapsed to form a solid
the edge of the fire (5-8, j). As in the tapered rod and the remainder is
case of the glass top (Fig. 5-2, /), the stretched to form a straight taper
material must not be heated directly (Fig. 5-10, b, c, d). The piece is then
in the fire. The thin wall of the bulb blown open at the wide end (5-10,
softens quickly. If overheated, it can e, f), flared (5-10, g), and scalloped
flow out of control. Stretch the soft (5-10, h). The scalloped end is then
ened zone until the bulb assumes a grasped by the holder and the taper
pear shape (5-8, /c). Heat the narrow burned off (5-10, i). The small end of
Figure 5-9. end of the resulting bulb (5-8, Z), the piece must be adjusted so that it
and open it by simultaneously stretch fits snugly into the hollow stem of the
ing the glass and blowing (5-8, m). bulb (5-10, j), an operation that calls
Heat the ragged edge of the opening for some judgment. If the fit is too
and form it into a smooth bead by loose, heat the tip and thicken. Con
means of the flaring tool (5-8, n). versely, if the tip is too large, heat
Anneal the completed vessel (5-8, o). and stretch the glass.
Figure 5-10.
glass blowing
Add spiral
Blow open
150 be accentuated by the use of opaque your first attempt. Two of the most
Creative white tubing. If 15-millimeter tubing common failures are illustrated by
glass blowing is used, a point should be pulled with a Figures 5-12, h and i. The form
body about 2 inches in length. Soften shown in h results from applying too
half of the body as shown in Figure much air pressure to stiff glass, or, al
5-12, a, and blow an elliptical bulb ap ternatively, from working so slowly
proximately 1*4 inches in diameter and that the- glass has cooled, stiffened,
2 inches long. Promptly flatten a por and kinked. Much the same result is
tion of the bulb by pressing the sof observed when the neck is first pulled,
tened glass against a block of Transite then blown, and finally bent. All three
at an angle of approximately 20 de operations must occur at the same
grees (5-12, b). The flattened portion time. The bend is started before the
should be about 1 inch long. Next, heat pull is completed. At the opposite ex
the opened taper at a point where it treme is the example in 5-12, i, in
joins the bulb and bend it upward at which the glass has been overheated,
an angle of about 5 degrees (5-12, c). stretched, and bent—but with insuf
The angle enables you to judge the rel ficient air pressure.
ative position of the flattened zone When the neck has been formed,
during subsequent operations. It com strongly heat the taper attached to
plicates the manipulation of the piece the head of the bird and separate it
slightly because the tapered points from the head by lifting the taper up
are now out of alignment, so the ward, a motion that forms the bony
body of the point no longer runs structure above the base of the bird’s
true. This will cause no great in beak (5-12, .?). Next, seal a yellow
convenience, because extended rota rod to the beak position (5-12, fc). By
tion will not be required. Next, soften simultaneously blowing and stretch
the remaining portion of the body of ing the molten tip, blow the rod into a
the point. Uniform heating can be tapered bulb that forms the beak (5-12,
achieved by rotating the work first I). After the rod has been burned off
one way and then the other. Ignore (5-12, m), fuse to each side of the
the wobble. The softened zone should head the eyes, which must be blown
extend from the large bulb almost to slightly to distribute the added glass
the point where the closed taper joins so they introduce no abrupt change
the body of the point (5-12, d). The in thickness (5-12, n). Then apply
head of the bird and its S-shaped pupils to the eyes (5-12, o'). Complete
neck are now formed by simultane the swan by heating the remaining
ously blowing, stretching, and quickly taper strongly at the point where it
bending the S curve. The stretched joins the bulb. Then lift the taper off
glass is forced upward and backward (don’t pull off) to form the bird’s
in a continuous sweep that must be tail (5-12, p). (Eyes may be put on
completed in not more than a second. before the beak if desired.) You can
The whole success of the operation make swans assume a variety of
depends upon the speed with which poses by bending the neck in the form
the bend is made (5-12, e, f, g). Do not of other characteristic attitudes, as il
become discouraged if you fail on lustrated by Plate 7.
Novelty glass work
Figure 5-12.
glass blowing
, । Burn off
i -*~
t..... '
Cut' \ Cut
I '
Figure 5-13.
An all-glass hand bell
The final exercise is the fabrication
of an all-glass bell and clapper assem
bly. It incorporates a shape formed
by superimposing portions of two
bulbs and stretching the junction into
a tapering curve. Start by pulling
points of 15-millimeter ruby and 20-
millimeter crystal glass, cutting off
one taper of each and sealing the
squarely cut ends as illustrated (Fig.
5-14, a.) Heat and stretch the ruby
tubing into a straight taper that in
creases in diameter uniformly toward
the outer end (5-14, &). The tapered
section will become the handle of the
bell. Next, soften approximately %
inch of the crystal tubing adjacent to
the seal and blow a doorknob-shaped
bulb about 1 inch in diameter (5-14,
c, d). Then heat the remaining portion
of the crystal tubing and, adjacent to
the first bulb, blow a second doorknob
shaped bulb about IV2 inches in diame
ter (5-14, e, f). Heat the zone be
tween the two bulbs. Blowing as
necessary, stretch the softened glass
into a bell-shaped curve (5-14, g, h).
Burn off the closed taper close to the
bulb and blow the bulb open (5-14, i,
]"). The diameter of the opening
should be about % inch. Soften the
opened end and flare the material into
the classical bell shape (5-14, k). Two
Figure 5-14. or more heats may be required for
to ruby point
completing the flare. When it is cool, (5-14, s). When the bulb has cooled, Blow bulb by heating
close the open end of the bell by a cut the rod and form an open hook
large cork which has been fitted with in the end (5-14, Z). The distance be
a glass tube and a blow hose. Preheat tween the hook and bulb should be
with care and burn off the ruby tapei' made slightly less than the depth of
and blow the closed end of the handle the bell. The assembled clapper will Form hook
into a hemisphere (5-14, Z). Anneal then swung free when the completed
the completed bell. bell rests on a flat surface. The cor
The clapper assembly is made in rect length of the clapper assembly,
two parts: the clapper rod and ham which includes the linkage piece first
mer, and a linkage for supporting the made (see 5-14, o'), must be esti
clapper in the bell. Make the linkage mated by eye. Next slip the hook Link parts and
close softened
first. Use 2- or 3-millimeter crystal through the loop of the linkage piece, hook-
rod. Form a maria in the middle of a heat the outer portion of the hook,
convenient length of the rod (5-14, and bend it into a closed loop (5-
?n) and, without permitting the glass 14, u). When performing this opera
to cool, heat a %-inch length of rod tion, remember to warm the linkage
adjacent to either side of the maria piece slowly to avoid cracking the
and make a loop. The internal diame maria. Complete the bell by cutting
ter of the loop should be about 7 mil the rod of the linkage piece about %
limeters, or slightly larger (5-14, n). inch from the maria. Coat the result
Burn off the excess rod, heat the end ing stub with epoxy cement and slip
of the loop strongly, and, with tweez it into the opening of the inverted bell into
ers, bend the helical shape into a true handle (5-14,??). of completed bell
loop. Seal the free end to the maria With the completion of the bell, you
(5-14, o). Let the completed piece cool graduate from the status of begin
slowly. ner. You are equipped with all of the
Next, from rod of the same size, essential skills of the novelty glass
form an end maria (5-14, p) and seal blowei’ and need not hesitate to
the maria to the squarely burned off tackle more complicated projects.
end of a ruby point (5-14, q). Burn off Some of these are suggested by the
the body of the point about one tube examples in Plates 1 through 8. Nu
diameter distant from the maria (5- merous others will be suggested by
14, r) and rotate the small resulting the objects and living forms that sur
bulb in the fire until trapped air ex round you. Remember, if you can mold
pands the glass into a true sphere it in clay, you can blow it in glass.
Section VI
cientific glassware
To acquire the “feel” of borosilicate
glass during an extended flaring oper
ation make up a pair of funnels, one
conventional and the other of the
thistle-tube type. Stopper one end of
a piece of 12-millimeter heavy
walled tubing about 40 centimeters
long. Near the center make a constric
tion 8 millimeters in diameter at the
narrowest point. By stretching the
glass and blowing as required, con
vert the larger portion of the constric
tion into a straight taper, as illus
trated (Fig. 6-4, a, b, c). Cut the tub
ing at a point about 50 millimeters
beyond the end of the straight taper
(6-4, d). Flare the end just cut to a
diameter of 50 millimeters to make
a cone of approximately 45 angular
degrees (6-4, e). Return the edge of
the flare to the fire and form a 3-mil-
160 A cylindrical graduate
glass blowing Small graduates and similar vessels
used for measuring the volume of flu
ids make little demand on the skill of
the glass blower. Such vessels must
be calibrated, however, an operation
that requires the measurement of the
volume in precise intervals as well as
the placement of permanent markings
on the glass, such as fiducial lines,
numerals, and lettering. The fabrica
'hicken wa tion of a cylindrical graduate demon
strates the art of marking glass.
Make the graduate 10 milliliters in
capacity of 15-millimeter tubing.
First, form a maria in the middle of
Open bulb Blow a convenient length of the tubing
(Fig. 6-6, a). Burn off the tubing close
limeter bead around the edge. Com to the maria on one side and remove
plete the funnel by grasping the top the bleb (6-6, b). Reheat the tip and
in a wire holder and fire-polishing the work the glass to uniform wall thick
end of the spout (6-4, /). ness by alternately blowing and
Make the thistle tube funnel by shrinking. Then press the end squarely
first pulling a point with thick, broad against a sheet of asbestos papei' that
tapers. (To make the tapers thick and is supported on a flat surface of
broad, heat about twice the normal Transite (6-6, c). The tube is now
F are
length of glass until plastic but stiffer closed by a flat flange that serves as
than normal, just hot enough that you the base of the graduate. Anneal the
can make a pull of about half the nor base. Cut the tubing at a point about
mal length.) Open the tip of one taper 12 centimeters from the base, then
for blowing (Fig. 6-5, a). Heat the grasp the maria in a wire holder, and
body of the taper, alternately blowing flare the open end to a diameter of
and returning the glass to the fire until about 18 millimeters (6-6, d). Heat
the wall thickens to about three times one edge of the flare and, with the
its normal weight (6-5, &). Blow a flaring tool, pull the molten glass into
spherical bulb approximately 35 mil a spout that protrudes about 6 milli
limeters in diameter (6-5, c). Burn meters (6-6, e). Stand the vessel up
Cut and fire-polish off the closed taper, remove the bleb, right on a smooth flat surface. If it
and blow out the area formerly oc tends to wobble, make a slurry of No.
cupied by the taper (6-5, d). Flare 120 carborundum grit mixed with
the opening to a diameter of approxi water and grind the bottom of the
mately 25 millimeters (6-5, e) and vessel against a piece of *4-inch plate
make a bead around the flared edge glass. Simply grasp the tubing imme
Figure 6-5. as illustrated (6-5, /). diately above the maria, press it into
the slurry with a force of about 1 161
pound, and grind with an elliptical Scientific glassware
motion (6-6, /). From 20 to 30 strokes
should suffice to remove all high spots.
To calibrate the graduate, stand
the washed and dried vessel on an
analytical balance that is capable of
supporting a load of at least 500
grams and that is sensitive to a
centigram. Add sufficient weight to
the empty pan to balance the beam.
Then add exactly 1 gram of distilled
water to the graduate. (One gram of
water is equal to one milliliter.) Then,
with an artist’s brush, from which
all hairs but one have been removed,
apply a thin line of india ink to the
glass at the level of the bottom of the
meniscus formed by the water. Simi
larly calibrate the vessel to 10 milli
liters by adding the second gram of
water, marking the meniscus, and so
on. Finally, divide each milliliter into
10 equal intervals.
The markings may now be made
permanent either by etching, enamel
ing, or a combination of both. To etch
the piece, first warm the glass to a
temperature of about 180 degrees
Fahrenheit (82°C) and coat the en
tire surface, both inside and outside,
with a mixture composed of equal
parts of beeswax and ceresin wax.
Let the glass cool to room tempera
ture. Then, with the ink marks as
guides, cut fiducial lines through the
wax with a steel needlepoint mounted
in the handle of an artist’s brush and
similarly cut appropriate numerals as
illustrated (6-6, </). If frosted mark
ings are desired, invert the engraved
markings over a shallow container of
hydrofluoric acid for 2 hours. Fumes
from the acid will attack the exposed
glass. All spaces between the edge of Figure 6-6.
glass blowing
the vessel containing the acid and the thick coating is applied, or if the
graduate should be closed with thin enamel is fired to a high gloss, the
sheets of wax of the kind used by color will crack or craze upon cooling
dentists for preparing models of den to room temperature. Because the sur
tures. face of fired enamel is the surface of
Alternatively, hydrofluoric etching the glass, the surface of the piece is
ink of the kind described in Section thus crazed and is weakened accord
I may be applied directly to the glass. ingly. The borosilicate glasses can
This technique yields polished grooves nonetheless be enameled success
that are difficult to see. They may be fully by (1) applying the color as
filled with an opaque enamel. If de thinly as possible, (2) firing the
sired, enamel may be applied directly enamel only to a semiluster, and (3)
to the surface of unetched glass. This not retiring the ware. The coefficents
results in raised markings. Enamel of thermal expansion of most enamels
is a form of glass that softens at rela approach those of the soft glasses.
tively low temperature. It is made in For application to glass, the pow
a wide range of colors and consists of dered enamels are mixed with an oily
a flux containing lead oxide, boric ox vehicle. The mixture may be a thin
ide, silica (plus minor amounts of paste or a thick fluid, depending upon
other oxides that increase the re whether it is to be applied by print
sistance of the material to the action ing, by stenciling, or with a pen. In
of acids and alkalis), and selected me quantity production the application is
tallic oxides that impart the color. frequently made by the silk screen
Enamel is sold in the form of a finely process, a form of stenciling. A rela
milled powder. Like all glasses, it ex tively viscous mixture is best for fill
pands and contracts with changes ing in the depressions of an etched
in temperature. Unfortunately, no piece. The application is made by
enamel has yet been compounded rubbing the color over the grooves and
with a thermal coefficient of expan wiping off the excess. The piece is
sion which matches that of the boro fired to a temperature of 530 to
silicate glasses. To minimize the 645 degrees Centigrade (988° to
strain that always develops when 1193°F) until the enamel’s surface be
enamel is fired to borosilicate glass, comes semiglossy. The authors prefer
the color is applied in the thinnest red enamel No. 2330 in squeegee oil
film that provides good visibility and as prepared by B. F. Drakenfeld and
it is fired only to a semigloss. If a Company, New York, New York. For
Scientific glassware
6 cm
54 mm
18 mm
48 mm
10 cm
33 mm
54 mm
propriate size (6-10, a) and shrink glass may contract and reduce the
the bulb in the middle (6-10, b). The diameter of the opening.
inside diameter of the narrowest zone Now seal the maria to the shell of
of the constriction should equal the the mixer. If the layout was followed
size of the desired venturi opening. closely when the parts were made, the
Soften the glass on one side of the tip of the nozzle will extend just in
constriction and pull it to form the side the inlet of the venturi and pro
conical portion of the venturi, which vide support for the nozzle when the
is equal in length to approximately triple seal is made. The softened glass
five times the diameter of the narrow will tend to sag under gravity but, by
end (6-10, c). Next, reheat the glass keeping an eye on the venturi and ro
beyond the end of the venturi and pull tating the work, you can keep the
into a tube with straight walls equal nozzle centered in the opening of the
in diameter to the large end of the venturi. If this operation proves to be
venturi (6-10, d, e). Convert the end too difficult, support the tip of the
of the straight portion into a conven nozzle by means of a holder made of a
tional hose connection, burn off, and wooden dowel with a stiff wire pro
open as illustrated (6-10, /). This jecting into the nozzle (6-10, h). Com
completes the shell of the mixer. plete the piece by sealing a side arm
The nozzle is made by first forming to the shell for admitting gas (6-10, i)
a maria in a convenient length of 8- and convert both this side arm and the
or 10-millimeter tubing (depending air inlet into serrated hose connec
upon the desired capacity of the tions (6-10, /). i
unit). Make a constriction 2 centime
Figure 6-10. ters beyond the maria (6-10, g). When
the constriction is cut, the portion at
A simple condenser
tached to the maria becomes the
nozzle. The diameter of the nozzle The separation of substances accord
must be judged by eye when the con ing to differences in vapor pressure
striction is pulled. Do not fire-polish by the process of distillation has been
the tip of the nozzle; the softened a favored procedure of the chemical
Scientific glassware
ter, can be so joined. The bonds have the seal is made, the molten glass
reasonable strength. In general, how must “wet” the metal. This is an easy
ever, the thermal coefficient of expan requirement. The metal need only be
sion of metal greatly exceeds that of oxidized slightly at its point of con
glass. Copper, for example, expands tact with the glass. The glass dis
167 parts in 10 million for each degree solves the oxide and in effect unites
Centigrade of temperature rise, with the metal in a smooth chemical
whereas soft glass, such as Corning transition. The two materials are
code 0080, expands 92 parts in 10 mil compatible because glass is composed
lion for each degree, and Pry ex 7740 largely of metallic oxides.
expands only 32.5 parts. As the The thermal coefficients of expan
joint cools, the metal contracts more sion of only two metals approximately
than the glass and tends either to pull match those of common glasses. Plati
away from the bond or to set up a se num, which expands 90 parts per 10
vere strain in the glass. A steel rod 1 million per degree Centigrade, is an
millimeter in diameter, if sealed to excellent match with the soft glasses
soft glass, would contract about 5 such as soda lime and lead that ex
microns upon cooling from the an pand from about 87 to 92 parts per 10
nealing temperature of soft glass to million. Tungsten expands 48 parts
room temperature. Although the seal per 10 million per degree Centigrade,
would doubtless appear mechanically compared with Corning 7740 Pyrex
strong, the chances are great that the at 32.5 parts and 7720 Pyrex (better
metal would pull away from the glass, known as “Nonex”) at 36 parts per
a matter of no consequence in the case 10 million per degree Centigrade.
of a dissection needle. But a seal even Uranium glass (Corning No. 3320)
slightly cracked could not be tolerated expands 40 parts per 10 million per
in an incandescent lamp bulb or other degree Centigrade. As suggested by
application involving high vacuum. these data, platinum of any size can
The joint would leak. For sealing be sealed directly to the soft glasses
leads or other metal parts into vessels to form a vacuum-tight joint. A simi
that must be exhausted and main lar seal can be made between tung
tained at low pressure, the thermal sten and either 7720 glass or 3320
coefficients of expansion of the metal glass. These glasses, in turn, seal to
and glass must match within about 7740 Pyrex. Oddly enough, copper,
1 part per million. Moreover, when which expands 168 parts per 10 mil-
Scientific glassware
lion parts per degree Centigrade, can small laboratories have access to ther
be sealed to any glass. This is made mostatically controlled hydrogen
possible by the great ductility of furnaces, we will not discuss the use
copper. Plastic flow in the metal re of these alloys. Those who wish to
lieves the stress of the cooling seal be pursue the topic are referred to the
fore it reaches the breaking point of excellent professional reference, Sci
the glass. The technique of making entific and Industrial Glass Blowing
such seals was developed in the early and Laboratory Techniques, by W. E.
1920’s by William G. Housekeeper of Barr and Victor J. Anhorn (Instru
the Western Electric Company. ments Publishing Company, Pitts
Subsequently, a number of alloys burgh, Pa. 1959).
with thermal coefficients of expansion
that closely approximate those of spe
cially compounded glasses, as well as
Dumet seals
those of conventional soft glasses,
have been compounded. Most, such as One alloy that is compatible with the
Kovar, developed by the Westing soft glasses requires no degassing.
house Electric Company, and Fernico, This is a copper-coated composition
a product of the General Electric of nickel and iron known as Dumet.
Company, are compounded princi The alloy is used for sealing leads
pally of nickel, cobalt, and iron. They into electric lamp bulbs, in electrodes
made possible the development of the of neon signs, and so on. Dumet
“all-metal” electron tubes. Another comes in the form of wire in sizes
is Sealmet, a product of the Higrade ranging from about 20 to 28 gauge,
Sylvania Corporation. Unfortunately, precut to a length of about 6 centi
these alloys require extended heat meters. Normally, the wire is inserted
treatment at about 1000 degrees Cen through the end of a glass tube of ap
tigrade (1832°F) in an atmosphere propriate diameter and sealed by
of hydrogen bubbled through water, softening the glass and squeezing the
and they must be used within a ends of the glass and the wire to
few hours of this degassing proce gether. The result is known as a
dure. If the alloys are not so treated, “press seal.”
fine bubbles appear in the seal that To make a seal using Dumet leads,
weaken the bond and cause leaks. Be first soften the end of a tube as in
cause few beginners, students, or Figure 6-13, a. Crimp but do not com-
178 letely close the softened end (6-13,
Creative 6). Insert the Dumet leads. (It should
glass blowing be noted at this point that some de
vice will usually be connected to the
inner ends of the leads—perhaps a
cylindrical electrode, a filament, or a
miniature metallic crucible contain
ing a substance such as an alkali
metal. If so, the metal assembly may
be inserted in the open end of the tube
with the Dumet leads facing the par
tially closed end.) Then incline the
tube so the assembly slides to the par
tially closed end with the leads pro
truding (6-13, c). Soften the glass,
squeeze into intimate contact with the
metal, stretch about 3 millimeters,
and then heat strongly to assure that
it wets the metal (6-13, d). Surface
tension will thicken the molten glass
(6-13, e). Restore the seal to its for
mer thickness by squeezing the end
/||t Seal
with a pair of tweezers (6-13, /). An
neal (6-13, g).
Sealing tungsten to
borosilicate glass
Flatten wire
Paint with
borax solution
Press seal
Figure 6-14.
182 of large diameter into evacuated ap
Creative paratus. Copper disks of any desired
glass blowing
diametei' and up to 0.5 millimeter in
thickness seal readily to the flared
ends of glass tubing. Just heat and
lightly oxidize the disk, drop it while
it is hot into the concentrated solu
tion of borax, and dry (Fig. 6-15, a).
Place the disk on a hot block of
carbon and bring the softened edge
of the flare lightly into contact with
the copper. The glass will melt the
borax and adhere to the tacky film
(6-15, b). Pick up the adhering disk
with the glass and make a conven
tional butt seal to a second tube that
has been flared to the same diameter
(6-15, c, d). Pull a point in the sec
ond tube close to the disk (6-15, e).
By blowing and simultaneously pull
ing, expand this point into a long,
thin bulb (6-15, /). Strike off the bulb
and remove the jagged edges by
stroking with a piece of wire screen
ing that has been tacked to a wooden
paddle (6-15, g). Fire-polish the edges
and anneal (6-15, A).
A conductor can be supported by
the disk, of course. Simply drill the
disk, insert a conductor of the de
sired size, and braze it in place with
an alloy that melts at a reasonably
high temperature, such as silver
solder. Drop the hot brazed assembly
into a pickling solution consisting of
one part of sulfuric acid in nine parts
of tap water. The pickling solution
removes the excessive oxide formed
by the brazing operation. Rinse the
piece thoroughly to remove the acid.
Then reheat to oxidize lightly and
coat with borax (6-15, Z). Support the
and anneal metal assembly in the flared glass
tube by means of a roll of asbes
Figure 6-15. tos tape, as illustrated (6-15, ;). Make
the seal and form the glass ring on 183
the outside of the disk as previously Scientific glassware
explained (6-15, fc).
In general, Housekeeper seals are
relatively weak, mechanically. They a
are also subject to attack by a num
ber of chemicals as well as by Mer
cury. They may be electroplated eas
ily, however, and thus protected
against selected substances.
Seal venturi
tube at top
25 30
35 240
18 60
15 65
25 150
8 35
8 96
10 60
9 8 30
10 8 210
Figure 6-18. 11 60 60
12 8 35
13 25
Corning Glass Works. This Is Glass. Phillips, C. J. Glass the Miracle Maker.
New York: Corning, n.d. New York: Pittman Publishing Corp.,
Day, R. K. Glass Research Methods. I
Chicago: Industrial Publications, Inc., Right, R. W. Manual of Laboratory
1953. Glass Blowing. Brooklyn: Chemical
Publishing Co., Inc., 1943.
Gunther, R. Glass Tank Furnaces.
Sheffield, England: Thornton, Hallam, Scholes, S. R. Modern Glass Practice.
1958. New York: Industrial Publications,
Inc., 1952.
Housekeeper, W. G. The Art of Seal
ing Base Metals Through Glass. Jour
nal of the American Institute of Elec Sealing Glass to Kovar. Bulletin #145.
trical Engineers, Vol. 42, 1923, pp. Latrobe, Pa.: Stupakoff Ceramic and
954-960. Manufacturing Co.
APR 29 98
MAT 98
A step-by-step guide to the basic techniques of glass blowing.
lass blowing
By James E. Hammesfahr & Clair L. Stong
Foreword by Charles H. Greene