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Gsoil4n Proceedings Vaagdhara

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Soils, of the Global Symposium

where on soils for nutrition

26–29 July 2022

©Adobe Stock
Soils, where
food begins
of the Global Symposium
on soils for nutrition
26–29 July 2022

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Rome, 2023
Required citation: FAO. 2023. Soils, where food begins – Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition, 26–29 July 2022.
Rome. https://doi.org/10.4060/cc6728en

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Theme 1 Status and trends of global soil nutrient budget: Where and how are
soil nutrients in the world? ................................................................................... 1
A meta-analysis approach to measure the global effect of biofertilizer on soil organic carbon stocks ............... 2
Abriopack project: preliminary data on the effect of the use of compost added with compostable plastics on
crop health and possible interactions with the rhizosphere communities ............................................................ 4
Accessible and informative field tests for soil health: shade trees in coffee systems sustain life above and
belowground......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Agroforestry as an effective practice for sustainable soil management in olive orchards in Morocco ............... 8
Assessing phosphorus availability for plants in Malagasy soils ........................................................................ 10
Assessment of the diversity of cultivated microorganisms in samples of soils and plants of the aral sea region
in the autumn-winter period ............................................................................................................................... 12
Available phosphorus in soils of conventional and agroecological orchards of Chaco, Argentina................... 14
Bacterial diversity of the rhizosphere of two priority species from Miombo (Brachystegia boehmii) and Mopane
(Colophospermum mopane) woodlands............................................................................................................. 16
Bacterial metabolites as a component of the biofertilizers dedicated to the improvement of the biological and
chemical quality of the soil ................................................................................................................................ 18
Bio-based fertilizers: some case studies ............................................................................................................. 20
Biodegradable plastics: effects on functionality and fertility of two different soils .......................................... 22
Bodegradable pva/starch/bentonite polymeric blend to improve fertilizer use efficiency ................................ 24
Bioenergy, healthy soil and nutrition: an exploration of the links for win-win opportunities ........................... 26
Changes in nutrients contents (P, K, Mg) in topsoil over the past 30 years in Mainland France ...................... 28
Combined effect of Trichoderma x silicon x organic matter on the dry matter production of Chenopodium
quinoa willd. cultivated in saline soil in the semiarid of Pernambuco .............................................................. 30
Contribution to soil fertility management for improved climate resilience in Senegal: case of the avenir project
............................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Contributions of chiseling and winter cover crops on soil fertility and biomass yield in maize for silage
production .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Current state and perspective of effective use of soils of Zaporizhzha region .................................................. 37
Dissolved soil organic matter as a fertility indicator in arable soils: how local conditions control its properties
and implications for climate change .................................................................................................................. 39
Diverse crop rotations sustain soil management and food security in Kazakhstan ........................................... 41
Durum wheat response to no-tillage and nitrogen fertilization in dry areas of Morocco .................................. 43
Ecosystem engineering by termites (insecta: isoptera): implications for the restoration of degraded
agroecosystems in the context of climate change .............................................................................................. 45
Effect of agriculture on soil properties associated with soil health and fertility in the Argentinean Pampas ... 47
Effect of different land-use management on soil organic matter content .......................................................... 49
Effect of different organic nutrient solutions on the growth and yield of blackgram ........................................ 51
Effect of long-term nutrient management practices on soil health and paddy yield of rice-rice-fallow cropping
system in tropic humid climate .......................................................................................................................... 54
Effect of simulated soil salinity conditions and varieties of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan l.) on growth, yield and
yield attributes .................................................................................................................................................... 57

Exploring thermophilic bacteria isolated from anhoni hotsprings of central India for plant growth-promoting
potential on pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) ........................................................................................................... 60
Interactive effect of tillage and potassium: a stress mitigating strategic approach improving yield, physiology
and biochemical activities of lentil in rice-fallows of eastern India .................................................................. 61
State of the art on biological nitrogen fixation of leguminous crops in Argentina ............................................ 63
Phosphorus and sulphur role in potato (Solanum tuberosum) nutrition on brown hill soil of Shimla, India .... 65
Sustainable soil management for food security and better nutrition; digital mapping and values of heavy metal
quality reference in soils of the North and Northwest Fluminense, rj. .............................................................. 67
Soil organic carbon stock under land management practices in the landscapes of Ethiopian Highlands .......... 69
Impact of mulching on soil health and productivity of peach (Prunus persica l. batsch) ................................. 71
Soil fertility status and oil palm productivity in coastal plains of southwest Cameroon ................................... 73
Multiscale evaluation of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in common bean (Phaseoulus vulgaris) under different
inoculation strategies in Cuba. ........................................................................................................................... 75
Supplementary fertilization with magnesium increases both yield and nutritional quality of potato tubers in
tropical soils ....................................................................................................................................................... 78
Modelling phosphorus soil dynamics and p budgets in European agricultural soils ......................................... 81
Soil fertility and suitability evaluation for barley cultivation using gis (geographic information system) in an
arid region in Syria ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Efficiency of biological preparations based on nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria for
optimizing the plant nutrition ............................................................................................................................. 85
Enhancing seed and mace yield in nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) through scientific nutrient management ...... 87
Initial changes in microbial biomass, functional diversity and soil organic matter mineralisation after showing
maize in an old meadow field ............................................................................................................................ 90
Spatial analysis of the soil nutrient availability in agricultural lands of Morocco: trends and challenges ........ 92
Novel spent coffee ground-based biofertilizer: effects on crops and bacterial rhizospheric microbiome ......... 94
Evaluation of polyhalite fertilizer for soybean balanced nutrition using a novel root phenotyping system ...... 96
Rhizosphere microbiome community diversity of Coffea arabica implanted in the Gorongosa National Park
(Mozambique) across different agroforestry systems ........................................................................................ 98
Enhanced yield and quality in chilli with calcium, magnesium and boron nutrition ....................................... 100
Phoretic mites as microclimate originators in special ephemeral soil habitats and as presumed co-creators of
nutrient-rich soil areas using examples of Histiostomatidae (Acariformes, Astigmata) ................................. 102
Modelling and mapping of fertilizer recommendations for major crops in West Africa; a proof of concept . 104
Towards a global nutrient budget data platform .............................................................................................. 106
Prospects of sustainable food security in tribal areas with improvement in soil health by adopting practices of
summer green gram cultivation ........................................................................................................................ 108
More than an organic fertilizer: mealworm frass as a substitute to conventional fertilizer to ensure a sustainable
future ................................................................................................................................................................ 110
Sustainable Plant nutrient management strategies for food and nutritional security – Current approaches and
future strategies ................................................................................................................................................ 113
Long-term irrigation with alkali and partially neutralized water changes soil nutrient availability, carbon
fractions and microbial activities in sandy loam soils ..................................................................................... 116
Use of citrus pruning waste and plant covers as a source of organic matter in soils ....................................... 118
Microbial source shapes the community of endophytic bacteria in rice roots ................................................. 120

Innovating organic fenugreek (trigonella foenum-graecum) cultivation using a unique locally produced liquid
biofertilizer ....................................................................................................................................................... 122
Major integrated nutrient management strategies for rice-wheat cropping, and their impact on nutrient cycling,
use efficiency and climate resilience of the system ......................................................................................... 124
Native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of salt affected soils: an alternative for enhancing P-nutrition and salt stress
tolerance in crops ............................................................................................................................................. 126
Traditional coffee system that improves production and soil fertility ............................................................. 128
Soil fertility improvement under conservation agriculture: effect of fertilization on soil physicochemical
properties and wheat yield under both conventional and no-till systems ........................................................ 130
Native AMF communities in hop cultivation with bokashi type fertilization in Brazil................................... 132
Improve soil fertility through circular use of agricultural plant waste: new mulching techniques.................. 134
Effects of different organic mulching on soil moisture retention and crop productivity increase of maize farming
system under degraded soils of northern Tanzania .......................................................................................... 136
Improving the soil fertility and crop productivity of intensive rice-wheat systems by crop residue recycling via
integrating in nutrient management ................................................................................................................. 138
Soil salinity management in coastal smallholder vegetable production in Mozambique – the role of synthetic
and organic fertilizers and manures ................................................................................................................. 140
Hidden nutrient leaks in agricultural soils ....................................................................................................... 142
Soybean nutrition using Trichoderma spp. and organic acids in the seeding furrow ...................................... 144
Omission plot technique for assessing the nutrient contribution towards productivity of rice-maize cropping
system in calcareous soils in eastern India ....................................................................................................... 146
Understanding the adoption of zero budget natural farming in andhra pradesh, India .................................... 148
The European space agency world soils monitoring system ........................................................................... 150
Factors in the formation of paddy soil bacterial communities ......................................................................... 152
Phosphorus stocks in eu agricultural soils: inputs, outputs and fluxes ............................................................ 154
The effect of different doses of organic and mineral fertilizers on the availability of trace elements in soils
through the transformation of their organic matter .......................................................................................... 156
Selection of PGPR bacteria to improve and increase bean productivity ......................................................... 158
Utilizing basalt quarry wastes in improving soil fertility and the growth of rubber ........................................ 160
Four directions for enhancing plant nutrition management system under arid growing season ...................... 162
Micro sol - a ready to use liquid micronutrient formulation for banana (Musa sp) ......................................... 164
Synergistic interaction of thermochemical organic fertiliser and Piriformospora indica in growth promotion
parameters of tomato ........................................................................................................................................ 166
Minimum soil disturbance and increased crop residue retention improve N, P, K, and s budgets in rice-based
cropping systems .............................................................................................................................................. 168
Khethi Sudhaar (improving soil health) & NBF (nutritionally balanced farming) practices in India ............. 170
Nutrient management and crop establishment methods in paddy to improve productivity and income from salt-
affected coastal soils: from a fallow land to a bountiful harvest...................................................................... 172
The potential of cereal- legume intercropping in lowering the carbon footprints of agriculture ..................... 174
New protocol for phosphorus estimation in organically managed acidic soils, Meghalaya, India .................. 177
Effects of poultry droppings and NPK on the growth and yield of carrot- Daucus carota L.......................... 180
Role of integrated nutrient management for improving crop yield and enhancing soil fertility under smallholder
farmers in degraded soils of Tanzania ............................................................................................................. 184

Soil nutrient management for healthy dry edible beans ................................................................................... 187
Geochemical analysis of rock waste of a mining exploitation as potential remineralizer of soil fertility ....... 189
Improving crop resilience through plant microbiome ...................................................................................... 193
Phosphorus biogeochemistry regulated by carbonates in soil.......................................................................... 195
The potential of silicon, Trichoderma, and organic matter to promote the growth of forage sorghum under saline
stress ................................................................................................................................................................. 197
The effect of fallow technology on soil fertility of kastanozem of cropland in Mongolia .............................. 200
Increasing cassava yield and quality on acid tropical soils .............................................................................. 202
Inorganic fertilizer use in rice fields and its association with yield gap in different growing environments in
sub-saharan Africa ........................................................................................................................................... 207
Rice - pasture rotation as sustainable cropping management in Entre Rios, Argentina. ................................. 209
Evaluating the effects of jeevamrutha application on soil parameters- a field study....................................... 211
Fertility and quality of soil as affected by external additives: effect of integrated biochar and polymer
application ........................................................................................................................................................ 213
Nitrogen diagnosis in maize-forage grasses intercropping receiving nitrogen as side-dressing for production
sustentabilty...................................................................................................................................................... 215
Profitability of pure vs. integrated application of organic and inorganic n-fertilizers under rice-wheat system
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 217
Potential alteration of soil extracellular enzyme activity and earthworm ingestion under different toxicity of
microplastics and heavy metal mixture in soils ............................................................................................... 222
Exploring thermophilic bacteria isolated from anhoni hotsprings of central India for plant growth-promoting
potential on pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) ......................................................................................................... 224
Global soil nutrient and nutrient budget maps ................................................................................................. 225
Assessing nutrient management strategies in Mediterranean cropping systems under current and climate change
scenarios ........................................................................................................................................................... 227
Results from two national field experiment networks with maize and wheat: effects of enhanced efficiency
nitrogen fertilizers on crop yields, greenhouse gas emissions, and soil organic carbon sequestration............ 229
Symbiotic properties of soybean rhizobia isolated from soils of the Nigerian Sudan savanna ....................... 231

Theme 2 Sustainable soil management for food security and better nutrition:
The nutrients we need are in soils! ................................................................... 233
Biofortification of rice with iron and zinc using indigenous micronutrient mobilizing beneficial rhizobacteria
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 234
Biofortification of romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa l.) on soils treated with zeolite chabazite and magnesium
sulphate for better nutrition and sustainability ................................................................................................. 237
Biofortified maize in Zimbabwe: nutritional quality depending on field position and crop management ...... 239
Can cobalt-ferrite nanoparticles be an alternative fertilizer for the agronomic iron fortification of wheat? ... 241
Effect of zinc and iron biofortification on profitability and productivity of chickpea (Cicer arietinum l.) varieties
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 243
Evidence of micronutrient fertilizer effect on agronomic fortified tef under different landscape positions in
Amhara region .................................................................................................................................................. 245
Foliar zinc fertilisation in soybean ................................................................................................................... 247
Influence of mobile iron forms on the fertility of meadow alluvial soil .......................................................... 249

Linking adsorption-desorption characteristics with grain Zn concentrations and uptake by teff, wheat and maize
in different landscape positions in Ethiopia ..................................................................................................... 251
Manganese management in different soils in relation to its availability to manganese efficient and inefficient
wheat genotypes ............................................................................................................................................... 253
Micronutrient constraints in sodic soils of Israna, Haryana, India .................................................................. 255
Micronutrient deficiency assessment in rural Zimbabwe: translating geonutrition (zimgrta) study ............... 257
Novel fertilizer strategy to biofortify zinc concentration in wheat grains ....................................................... 259
Nutritional evaluation of coffee soils in the North Sierra of Puebla, Mexico.................................................. 261
On multinutrient deficiencies in rainfed agroecosystems – a case study from India ....................................... 263
Si bioavailability and fate of the applied phytogenic silica in a soil plant system in acidic, neutral and alkaline
soils .................................................................................................................................................................. 265
Soil factors influence the geospatial variation in zinc nutritional quality of maize in Malawi ....................... 267
Soil-based biofortification to alleviate selenium deficiency - an isotopic study to investigate sulphur and
selenium competition for ryegrass uptake........................................................................................................ 269
Sustainable soil management and biodiversity friendly practices in protected areas: the Sentina natural regional
reserve case study............................................................................................................................................. 271
Sustainable soil management for nutrition-sensitive agriculture in Bangladesh ............................................. 273
The issue of soil pollution solved using organic farming #03 - tried out research on soils for nutrition ........ 276
Where do we need to apply Zn fertilizers in Sub-Saharan Africa?.................................................................. 278
Selenium biofortification of staple maize: a way to combat hidden hunger in Malawi .................................. 280

Theme 3 Impacts of soil nutrient management on the environment and climate

change: Why misuse and overuse of nutrients pollute and worsen climate
change? ............................................................................................................. 282
Aerial deposition of polyethylene microplastics affects tomato (Solanum lycopersicum l.) rhizosphere ecology
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 283
Agroecological assessment of radiocesium contamination of seeds and sunflowers on irrigated lands of the
Zaporozhye region ........................................................................................................................................... 285
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soils from selected agricultural areas in tropical southwest India
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 287
Available Cd mitigation through elevation of soil base saturation using lime and gypsum............................ 289
Bovine manure mineralization and organic matter quality on ultra high density grazing (puad) in the Colombian
tropic ................................................................................................................................................................ 291
Characteristics of the soil conditions of the southern part of the Odessa region ............................................. 293
Composting of municipal solid waste a remedy for water pollution and soil fertility decline in Uganda....... 295
Dynamics of soil nitrates in a plot under onion cultivation in the Saiss Basin ................................................ 298
Effect of a biological system on the management of soils contaminated with extra heavy crude oil.............. 300
Effects of biodegradable and un-biodegradable plastic mulches on soil abiotic characteristics and microbial
populations involved in N cycle....................................................................................................................... 302
Evaluation of the phytotoxic effect, through tests with Lactuca sativa, of soils contaminated with extra heavy
crude treated with a biological coupling .......................................................................................................... 304
Fertimanure: upcycling animal manure into improved fertilising products..................................................... 306
Greenhouse gas emissions and dynamics of soil nutrients in coffee crops...................................................... 308

Identification of wheat root traits that improve soil structure and optimize nitrogen cycling: the wish-roots
project............................................................................................................................................................... 311
Increasing the efficiency of Ukrainian agriculture in arid conditions.............................................................. 313
Kuyka: an urban vermiculture experience from Cuenca, Ecuador .................................................................. 315
Linking straw use, carbon balance, greenhouse gas emissions, and crop growth for a sustainable sugarcane
production ........................................................................................................................................................ 317
Micronutrient management adaptations to climate change: extrapolations from findings on copper and zinc
chemistry in semi-arid to arid climate of The United States............................................................................ 319
Mixed application of compost and inorganic fertilizers increases maize (Zea mays l.) yields, grain minerals, and
nutrient use efficiency and mitigates greenhouse gas emissions in southwestern Ethiopia ............................ 321
Nitrogen release mechanisms of lignite-based nitrogen fertiliser in calcareous soils ..................................... 323
Phosphorus fractionation in soil and sediments along a continuum from agricultural fields to lake sediments
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 325
Potential of lignocellulolytic microbial consortia in achieving in-situ crop residue decomposition to abate
residue burning ................................................................................................................................................. 327
Spatial Differentiation Of Soil Micronutrients In Eroded And Pb-Contaminated Agricultural Landscapes In The
Donetsk Region: Availability And Potential Toxicity ..................................................................................... 330
Status of soil pollution with heavy metals and fluorine derived from the application of high doses of phosphate
fertilizers .......................................................................................................................................................... 332
Study of municipal solid waste as a resource of organic fertilizers ................................................................. 334
The effectiveness of neem materials and biochar as nitrification inhibitors in reducing nitrate leaching in a
compost-amended ferric luvisol ....................................................................................................................... 336
The influence of climate change on the functioning of soil microbiocenosis.................................................. 339
Suitability of plant growth-promoting bacteria to decrease nitrous oxide emissions: a case study in sugarcane
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 341
Analysis of the source of wheat lead pollution and study on soil solidification and remediation technology 343

Theme 4 Governance of soil fertility and soil nutrients: Why should soil
properties be in our policies and laws? ............................................................ 346
Effect of government of Ghana fertilizer subsidy policy on major cereals yield ............................................ 347
Governance of nutrient management in Bulgaria to reduce the risk of soil and water pollution .................... 349
Governance of soil fertility for adaptation to climate change in Ukraine ........................................................ 351
Manure management and soil biodiversity: towards more sustainable food systems in the EU ..................... 353
Peculiarities of cation exchange capacity of agricultural soils of Kakheti region, Georgia ............................ 355
Soil governance and integrated plant nutrient management for agricultural production and sustainable
ecosystem in district Chakwal, Pakistan .......................................................................................................... 357
Sustainable soil management for food security and better nutrition ................................................................ 359
Sustainable soil management technologies upscale through research-extension-farmers-input linkage system;
implications for effective policy implementation in Nigeria ........................................................................... 362
How to improve the uptake of sustainable nutrient management practices in Catalonia?............................... 364

Prospects of sustainable food security in tribal areas with improvement in soil
health by adopting practices of summer green gram cultivation

Joshi, J., Rokadia P., Sharma,S., Patel, P.

Keywords: Green Gram, Summer, Tribal, VAAGDHARA, Soil-Health, Rajasthan, Leguminous, Livelihood

Introduction, scope and main objectives

Soil is the one of the most important natural resources available on earth, which is directly or
indirectly required by any living thing. Consistent degradation of soil health due to various reasons
like unethical use of chemical fertilizers, removal of topsoil due to erosion in hilly areas, water-
logging is having a devastating impact on productivity and eventually impacting food security
across the globe. The global trends show that 20 percent of cropland, 16 percent of forest land, 19
percent of grassland, and 27 percent of rangeland are in persistent decline in productivity due to soil
degradation (UNCCD, 2017). The structure of cultivated soils has a very important bearing on
drainage, ease of tillage, root penetration and resistance to erosion and ultimately their general
productivity. In the tribal areas of Southern Rajasthan in India, the quality and texture of soils
having undulated topography is deteriorating day by day. Further, the soil of small and marginal
farmers is also degrading due to adopting inappropriate, soil exhaustive crop rotation methods
(cereals after cereals) like maize-wheat, rice-wheat, whereas agricultural science indicates that
inclusion of one leguminous crop in a crop rotation is an effective tool for improving soil health.
Leguminous crops have the capacity to restore fertility of soil. These crops can bind the free
atmospheric nitrogen by means of nitrogen fixing bacteria; enrich the soil with organic matter;
enrich the soil aeration through their well-developed root system; improve the physical properties of
soil through its sufficient surface foliage; help in dissolving nutrients and thus has great significance
in crop rotation.
The properties of the soils in these areas can be improved by cultivation of summer green gram.
VAAGDHARA in an initiative during 2016-17 for improving livelihood, nutrition security and
improvement of soil health; sensitized and motivated 1000 farmers for summer green gram
cultivation in 2-gram panchayat of Banswara district of Rajasthan. Farmers were initially supported
with certified seeds and other inputs.
The land which usually remained fallow during summer season, these 1000 small and marginal
farmers were able to cultivate 1 to 1.5 quintal of green gram per acre and each family could earn
Rupees 7 000 to 8 000, which also improved their livelihood. Cultivation of green gram also
provided fodder for animals during the summer days. More importantly, an improvement was
observed in the germination, growth and yield of the next sown kharif crop of maize and paddy,
indicating improvement in soil health.

The Agricultural Experts And Department Officials Acknowledged The Role Of Rhizobium And Its
Nitrogen Fixation Tendency, Which Improved The Fertility Of Soil By Fixing Nitrogen And Was
Helpful In The Cultivation Of Maize And Paddy And Revitalized Kharif Cultivation. This Initiative
Provided A Multi-Dimensional Result To The Farmers And Played An Important Role In
Strengthening The Family Farming System And Sustainability.
Considering the positive Results of this initiative, regular cultivation of green gram in summer
season is being done in Banswara in an organised way. The sowing area has now increased up to
3000 hectare which was nominal earlier. Thus, cultivation of green gram in summer season helps to
sustain food security, supplementing nutritional requirements of the family and also improve
livelihood and more importantly soil health.
Tribal Area Development Department, Government of Rajasthan 2. District Administration,
Banswara 3. Janjatiya Swaraj Sangathan, Banswara
Channarayappa, C., & Biradar, D.P. 2018. Soil Basics, Management, and Rhizosphere
Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture (1st ed.). CRC Press.
Director, Department of Pulses Development, Government of India 2017., Mung bean
Production Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Bhopal (M.P.).
https://farmer.gov.in/imagedefault/Other_Pulses/Mungbean_E.pdf 3.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 2017., The Global Land Outlook, (1st ed.)
Bonn, Germany. https://www.unccd.int/sites/default/files/documents/2017-


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