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Learning Negation Scope

Semantics with Structure

Nicholas McKenna

Master of Science
Artificial Intelligence
School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
In natural language, negation is a semantic operation that inverts meaning and is trig-
gered by a word or affix. The process of determining which words, and thus which
parts of meaning, are affected by the trigger is called Negation Scope Detection (NSD).
This project begins with a critical review of methods in NSD and presents a new ap-
proach to the task based on this research. It is hypothesized that negation scope may
be determined purely through syntactic reasoning, and the methods developed test this
theory. A Tree Recursive Neural Network, which uses only syntactic reasoning and
does not identify words in a sentence, is shown to successfully detect negation scope
with performance very close to state-of-the-art. This model confirms the project hy-
pothesis and is further analyzed to better understand how it processes information.


Thank you to my supervisor, Professor Mark Steedman, for all your support, construc-
tive criticism, seemingly unending knowledge, and most of all for believing in me.
Thank you to my family for supporting me all the way here, and for cheering me
on every day. My accomplishments mean so much more when I share them with you.
Thank you to my friends, both those in the UK and those many time zones away.
You enlighten me, delight me, and make me appreciate everything about the journey.
Finally, thank you to the city of Edinburgh which changes me every time I come
back. You are a special place to me.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to Negation and Scope Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Research Hypothesis and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Key Conclusions of this Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Contribution of this Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Background 3
2.1 Understanding Negation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.1 Negation by Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.2 Combinatory Categorial Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Previous Work on Negation Scope Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.1 Rule-Based Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.2 Classical Machine Learning Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.3 Neural Network Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.4 Semantic Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Other Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Description of Work 15
3.1 Reframing the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Data Preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3 The Graph Convolutional Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3.2 Experiments and Iteration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.4 The Tree Recursive Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.4.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.4.2 TRNN Learned Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.4.3 The Upward Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.4.4 The Downward Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.4.5 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.5 TRNN Model Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.6 Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.6.1 Optimization and Objective Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.6.2 Regularization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4 Evaluation 24
4.1 Performance of the Negation Scope Detector Learned with Structure . 24
4.1.1 TRNN Self-Comparison with Ablation Studies . . . . . . . . 26
4.1.2 Comparison of the TRNN to Other Models . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.1.3 A Note on TRNN Performance Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2 Analysis of Model Predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2.1 Tree Reporting Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2.2 Overall Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2.3 Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.3 Qualitative Inferences about Scope Colorings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3.1 Is Scope Processed in Distinguishable Grammatical Units? . . 35
4.3.2 When is Scope Propagation Blocked? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5 Conclusion 36
5.1 Conclusions from this Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.2 Directions for Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Bibliography 38

A Supplementary Parse Tree Colorings 43

Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction to Negation and Scope Detection

In linguistics and formal logic, negation is an important semantic operator which in-
verts the meaning of an expression [16]. Properly understanding the impact of negation
cues in language is thus vital for understanding an utterance, both for humans and al-
gorithms. For example, imagine a software agent which makes rapid stock trading
decisions by reading online news articles. It might make drastically different decisions
if it encounters the sentence “British imports will be severely impacted” vs. “British
imports will not be severely impacted.” The simple word “not” critically shifts the
meaning of what is expressed and has downstream consequences for decision making.
Understanding negation is broadly important for many automated tasks beyond this,
like web search, conversing with personal assistants, machine translation, and others.
Negation Scope Detection is typically a two-stage process for identifying which
words of a sentence are affected by a negation cue. In the first stage, a negation cue
is detected in the text, such as the words “not” and “without,” or affixes like “un-”. In
the second stage, spans of text forming the negation scope are identified and judged
“in scope” of the cue. This is most easily done by producing individual binary label
judgments for each word of the sentence. This second stage is the focus of this project,
as it is the most interesting part. The rules for determining scope can differ depending
on parsing goals, but one useful method seeks to identify affected semantic events and
related arguments. Such a goal formulation requires an automated system to learn
the semantics of how these elements should be selected by leveraging other sources
of information. Several approaches are explored in the Background chapter and an
argument is made for relying on syntax to identify scope.

Chapter 1. Introduction 2

1.2 Research Hypothesis and Objectives

The Background chapter describes a history of approaching this task as a sequence

tagging problem, whereby input sentences are considered as a linear sequence of words
and scope judgments are made in this context. These techniques occasionally make
use of syntactic features in the decision process, but infrequently make use of full and
explicit syntactic structure despite theoretical evidence of syntactic ties [36, 39].
This project poses a research question to investigate this disparity. Can negation
scope semantics be learned from explicit sentence structure, in terms of larger phrase
constituencies? Further, negation scopes share common traits in their structural com-
position. Can scope be identified solely by inference from sentence structure?
The objective of this project is to reframe NSD from a sequence tagging problem
to a tree tagging problem, leveraging explicit syntactic parse trees to make scope deci-
sions about constituents at the surface text and also larger constituent units in the tree.
A successful machine learner developed for this task should thus learn scope semantics
for every syntactic composition and produce accurate predictions in the surface text.

1.3 Key Conclusions of this Report

Evaluating the experiments carried out in this report shows that explicit syntactic pro-
cessing does provide an excellent means for detecting scope. The model developed
here achieves near-state of the art performance on the *SEM2012 dataset, and does so
without the use of a vocabulary or any other word features as do most successful pub-
lished methods. This method relies solely on syntactic parse trees and a Tree Recursive
Neural Network to process them compositionally, demonstrating that explicit syntactic
processing alone can effectively model negation scope determination in a sentence.

1.4 Contribution of this Project

The major products of this project are a new understanding of negation scope detection
using explicit syntactic processing, and a model demonstrating this. This result devi-
ates from common methodologies on the task which frequently undervalue the con-
tribution of syntax and combine many different features to compute scope judgments.
This method uses only syntax and performs at nearly the state of the art.
Chapter 2


Negation is a tool we use in language without even thinking about it. It appears to
be superficially straightforward to understand how negation operators affect the mean-
ing of our utterances. However, exploring deeper reveals that it can quickly become
complicated. This chapter has two purposes: to describe some of the linguistic and
technical phenomena that relate to negation scope, and to analyze the history of com-
putational methods developed to solve the task of Negation Scope Detection (NSD).
This background serves to motivate both the project hypothesis and methods.
It is important to first introduce the major NSD resources and to formally define
negation scope, which will help frame the rest of the background review. NSD re-
search became popularized with the releases of the Genia and BioScope medical cor-
pora [19, 41]. These provided resources for many developments but are centered on
the medical domain (and writing style), and until the *SEM2012 Shared Task compe-
tition in NSD there were no general-domain resources. Additionally, *SEM updated
the guidelines for determining negation scope from the mostly syntactic annotation
guidelines of BioScope [22] to a “semantic” definition of the task [1, 2]. *SEM de-
fines NSD: “the negation cue will be such that it allows to determine which events are
negated in the sentence,” with scope that also encompasses semantic arguments and
complements of those events. They provide a detailed handbook of these rules [35].
This project approaches NSD as defined by *SEM with analysis based on this goal.

Chapter 2. Background 4

2.1 Understanding Negation

2.1.1 Negation by Example

Negation scope is best understood by example. This section walks through several
sample sentences from the *SEM dataset of Conan Doyle writing [1] to introduce
concepts and nuances in negation, and set the context for review of existing methods
in NSD. In these sentences, negation triggers are written in boldface and starred*
while their resulting scopes are underlined
underlined As per *SEM convention, a trigger is
never contained in its own scope. A simple example is useful to start.
(a) Well, Sir, I thought no* good
good could
could come
come of
of itit.
Sentence (a) contains two events: the first which describes a “thinking” event, and
the second a “coming” event which is negated. It is clear from this example that sen-
tences may reason about multiple events at the same time, sometimes using structures
like control [8], so it is important to carefully recognize which of them are negated.
While the “coming” event of (a) and its arguments are negated through the determiner
“no” on the subject “good,” there are many ways to trigger negation. Some of these are
verbal like “not” directly applied to a verb, affixal as in the use of morphological af-
fixes “un-” and “-less,” and also by subject/object negation using words like “nobody”
[15, 17]. In most instances a cue licenses a negation scope encompassing other words,
and there are many examples of more complex cases [14].
The *SEM dataset provides a syntactic constituency parse tree (using a Context
Free Grammar) of each sentence. Figure 2.1 shows the tree for (a), which demonstrates
how scope can align cleanly with a syntactic subtree.
It appears that syntax has a strong role in determining scope. As Giannakidou [14]
describes, there can be an appearance that negation operators take scope over lexical
items within their c-command, which is essentially the set of a node’s children, parent,
and sibling subtrees [36]. However, this is not strictly true as example (a) itself includes
a broader scope than predicted just by c-command. Further, the following example
shows a case when scope is blocked from a subtree within the cue’s c-command.
(b) I never* hurt man or woman in my life that I know of.
Figure 2.2 shows the parse tree for (b). Scope is blocked from encompassing the
subordinate clause “that I know of.” From these examples emerge a pattern about the
organization of scope. It appears that scope is identifiable in larger grammatical units
of phrases and clauses. Further examples develop this idea.
Chapter 2. Background 5



Well Sir I thought S



no* good
good could
could VB PP

come IN
come NP

of PRP


Figure 2.1: Syntactic parse of example sentence (a).

The *SEM definition of negation scope is a semantic one, meaning that it covers
all semantic objects in a negated event [27]. Scope discontinuity is thus possible if
these semantic objects are not located adjacently in the sentence, as in the following
(c) He saw him once or twice but he gives nothing* away
he is a deep one and gives away.
Sentence (c) (parse tree shown in Figure 2.3) has a cue which licenses a discontin-
uous scope. “He” is the subject of “gives” and thus falls in its scope, despite the fact
that “he” is a distant token in the sentence. This case also demonstrates how scope
interacts with a VP coordination. One verb phrase, “gives nothing away,” can be in
scope while the other verb phrase, “is a deep one,” remains out of scope because they
describe two different events.
Negation can apply to many different elements of a sentence. The following exam-
ple shows negation of a prepositional phrase with parse tree shown in Figure 2.4.
(d) Some people without* possessing
Some people possessing genius
genius have a remarkable power of stimu-
lating it.
This example is useful to demonstrate how the prepositional phrase modifies the
subject “some people” of the main verb “have.” Notably, the negation scope only
covers the subject, because “have” is understood to be positively polarized.
Finally, it’s interesting to consider that negation scope does not always need to be
assessed in “one-way” from triggers to tokens. Some specific words like “any” and
Chapter 2. Background 6



II never* hurt man

hurt man or woman in
or woman in my life IN
my life S

that NP VP


I know IN


Figure 2.2: Syntactic parse of example sentence (b). Note that the subordinate clause
“that I know of” is not in scope.


He saw him once or twice but NP VP



is DT JJ CD gives
gives NN RB

a deep one nothing* away


Figure 2.3: Syntactic parse of example sentence (c). Scope is discontinuous in order
to cover the subject “he.”

“anybody,” called Negative Polarity Items (NPIs), occur only in negatively polarized
contexts, questions, and conditionals [14, 15, 17]. Due to this fact, they frequently
indicate the presence and extent of a negation scope. An example follows.
can not* say
(e) II can say anything
anything definite
definite for I do not know anything definite.
The NPI “anything” must occur within a negative context and is a strong clue to
the presence of a negation cue and scope.
The examples in this section show structural correspondence with scope in many
cases, but also show a variety of special cases which make it difficult to list a concise
set of rules for scope determination. This presents an opportunity for machine learning
methods which learn by example to generalize about this linguistic phenomenon.
Chapter 2. Background 7



people without*
Some people
Some VBG NN have NP PP

possessing genius
possessing genius DT JJ NN IN S

a remarkable power of VP


stimulating PRP


Figure 2.4: Syntactic parse of example sentence (d).

However, it is very helpful to machine learners if variability and ambiguity in the

problem space are minimized, and CFG parses are sometimes inadequate. For exam-
ple, CFG nonterminal nodes have an unrestricted number of children, and this vari-
ability may be difficult for a machine learning algorithm. A specific example is seen
in sentence (d) (Figure 2.4), where the top level constituent S has three children: NP,
PP, and VP. The prepositional phrase containing the cue, “without possessing genius,”
attaches to the noun phrase to its left. In addition to handling the structural variation,
the algorithm must learn not to associate it with the verb phrase to its right while also
learning the scoping semantics of the task. This can instead be solved using a more
appropriate system of grammatical structure to reduce variation and ambiguity. Thus,
turning to a different parsing formalism is motivated, which provides more optimal
trees from which to learn scope semantics.

2.1.2 Combinatory Categorial Grammar

Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) is a kind of phrase structure grammar which

generates parse trees of constituencies, like CFG [38]. However, it is “mildly context
sensitive” which allows it to capture phenomena like coordination [40], and enforces a
predictable, binary tree-like structure due to its use of combinators. The CCG tagset is
also much larger than a CFG tagset, and this gives CCG constituents a more specific
description of their grammatical purpose. These features are highly useful and pro-
duce trees which better align with negation scope. Figure 2.5 shows a CCG parse for
Chapter 2. Background 8

example sentence (d), as compared to the CFG parse shown in Figure 2.4. With CCG
the prepositional phrase has been attached to the subject “some people,” more clearly
demonstrating why the negation cue scopes over them both.


NP[nb] S[dcl]\NP

NP[nb] NP\NP (S[dcl]\NP)/NP NP[nb]

NP[nb]/N N (NP\NP)/(S[ng]\NP) S[ng]\NP have NP[nb] NP\NP

some people
people without* (S[ng]\NP)/NP N a remarkable power of stimulating it.

possessing genius

Figure 2.5: CCG syntactic parse of example sentence (d).

Another benefit of CCG is the transparency between syntax and semantics. A CCG
syntactic parse may be procedurally transformed into a logical form representing the
semantics. Steedman [39] describes a formal method of computing the negation po-
larity of lexical items using a theoretical extension to CCG semantic parsing. This
method requires additional information for the category tagset about polarity preser-
vation, but proves that this kind of calculation can produce polarity judgments at the
granularity of lexical items. This is very encouraging for the project hypothesis.
For these reasons CCG parses are used throughout this project in place of the pro-
vided CFG parses from the *SEM2012 dataset.

2.2 Previous Work on Negation Scope Detection

Negation scope detection has been an important computational task for some time,
gaining popularity with the release of the BioScope [41] and Genia [19] corpora, which
focus on data mining in the biomedical domain. Machine learning techniques have
grown considerably in the intervening time and this has lead to a variety of models
and inspirations for the task. This section analyzes the major trends in NSD models
and sets the context for this project. As described earlier, the work in this project is
centered around the *SEM2012 Shared Task for NSD, so models will be evaluated
with this dataset and task in mind.
Chapter 2. Background 9

2.2.1 Rule-Based Models

Some of the first approaches to Negation Scope Detection are based on prior linguistic
knowledge. These methods tend to use hard-coded heuristics or learn basic patterns in
syntax in order to make judgments of scope.
The *SEM2012 competition results [28] show that generally these rule-based mod-
els display promise on the task but are less performant than other types of methods,
specifically classical machine learning models. A few of these models are worth dis-
cussing, however, since they demonstrate the learnability of NSD through syntax.
Apostolova [6] crawls syntactic parse trees and collects a set of syntactic patterns.
The rules learned relate cue tokens to scope tokens using syntactic paths (a list of the
constituents forming the shortest path in a parse tree between two tokens). Apostolova
then manually sorts and simplifies these patterns using prior linguistic knowledge. This
process makes the rules more generalizable since they become less specific to particu-
larities of the training data like irregularities in sentence structure or even genre norms.
This is very effective compared to classical machine learning methods applied to the
BioScope corpus, possibly because the crawler isn’t reliant on the correctness of parse
trees. Test set trees need only be consistent with training tree parses for the crawler to
be effective.
Rosenberg [34] developed a primarily rule-based method which is focused almost
entirely on the application of prior knowledge in syntax. The model contains a com-
prehensive hand-written database of heuristic rules for scope detection. It was pub-
lished a few years after the *SEM2012 competition, and they claim to retroactively
win it. While it is a seemingly impractical model to produce or analyze without spe-
cialized knowledge, it is still impressive given that the winner of *SEM (UiO1 [32])
used a classical machine learning method, which otherwise typically perform better
than rule-based methods.
These examples hint at the predictability and thus learnability of negation scope
using syntax. Rule-based methods are impractical and in many cases specific to their
training domains, but do provide some direction for development of future models.

2.2.2 Classical Machine Learning Models

Many high-performing NSD models make use of classical machine learning methods.
They apply linguistic knowledge with the generalizability of learning algorithms in
creative ways, to good effect.
Chapter 2. Background 10

UiO1 [32] and UiO2 [23] (both submissions from the University of Oslo) are two
top entries in the *SEM2012 competition, achieving respective F1 scores of 85.26 and
83.73 [28] on the task of identifying individual tokens in scope of the cue. Both models
use a Support Vector Machine to classify cue tokens (a separate task not in scope of this
project) but use different methods to select features and detect negated scopes. UiO1
uses a second SVM to classify the whole scope of a cue by examining the larger con-
stituents which contain it, used as features. It additionally uses certain lexical features
as well as several hard-coded heuristics stemming from prior linguistic knowledge.
Instead of classifying constituents UiO2 uses a Conditional Random Field, modeling
the problem as a probabilistic process, to produce labelings for each token in the se-
quence. Abu-Jbara [4] also models the problem with a CRF to produce classifications
for each token. They achieve results similar to UiO2 with a *SEM scope tokens F1
score of 83.51. However, neither of the CRF models make substantial use of syntac-
tic tree structure in the models, so it is possible that one differentiating feature of the
winning model, UiO1 , was the use of explicit syntactic reasoning. Despite this, both
the constituency judging SVM and sequence-based CRF models are reasonable ways
to model negation scope detection, and provide valuable insight into the problem.
Zou [44] attempts to directly address syntax using “tree kernels,” which use syn-
tactic paths compressed into linear descriptions. The tree kernels then compare pairs
of subtrees (collections of syntactic paths). The model performs well on BioScope, but
not across testing domains. It is possible that using syntactic data in this way created a
sparse data problem, and this resulted in overfitting to the training data.
These classical machine learning models look at the problem of NSD from differ-
ent angles and provide interesting insights. They show the usefulness of generalized
learning algorithms while also exposing limitations and directions for future work,
both in terms of modeling with syntax and making design decisions which help avoid

2.2.3 Neural Network Models

Neural Network models combine aspects of the previous two classes of models in an
interesting way. They can be flexibly designed to directly model linguistic phenomena
such as what is captured in the rule-based models, but also leverage robust learning
theory which additionally provide automatic and generalizable performance.
Qian’s approach [31] is similar to Zou in its analysis of syntactic paths. Qian
Chapter 2. Background 11

develops a Convolutional Neural Network which learns patterns within these paths in
order to predict the scope of a negation operator. This approach is very successful on
the BioScope corpus, achieving state of the art performance. However, the use of a
CNN in the setting of a language task is somewhat experimental and it may be risky
to learn exact patterns from cue to token, which may be highly irregular depending on
context, like with Zou [44]. It is possible that this may be unhelpful when attempting
to deploy a model trained in the biomedical domain to some other genre, for instance.
Fancellu [10] uses a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory model (BiLSTM) to
consume sentences as sequences of words and make per-word classifications of scope.
The model is conceptually simple and agnostic to the language used because it learns
all discriminating patterns from the training data automatically. It also achieves high
performance compared to the other methods discussed, with a *SEM scope tokens F1
score of 88.72 on *SEM. This score is several points higher than the winner of *SEM
and represents the highest score to date. The model interprets each word as a vector of
features, with additional features like part-of-speech appended. This means that sen-
tence syntax is implicitly supplied in the representation since it’s read as a list of tokens,
and not read as a tree. Likely because of this, the predicted negation scope sometimes
leaks out of obvious syntactic boundaries. Additionally, further analysis showed the
technique was susceptible to overfitting to punctuation tokens like “,” which frequently
mark scope boundaries in English, without learning any deeper semantics [11]. It is
also notable that in this project Fancellu uses both jointly learned word embeddings
and pretrained word embeddings, neither of which provides a significant improvement
over the other. This is suspicious because it might be expected that more robust word
representations trained on more data would provide better results. This suggests that
the model is in fact leaning on other features of the words such as the explicit PoS tags
or typical usage patterns of words, both of which point to the usefulness of syntactic
Fancellu took insights from the BiLSTM when developing follow-up Dependency-
LSTM and Graph Convolutional Network models, which leverage syntactic structure
more directly. Each network consumes a dependency tree of a sentence, with words
represented as a collection of features including word embeddings and dependency
relation embeddings. They both process sentences similarly, as well. The D-LSTM
consumes words in order by following dependency relations. It uses an upward pass
which combines word representations from leaves to root, and also a downward pass
decomposing from root to leaves. The upward pass shares some information with the
Chapter 2. Background 12

downward pass to add context. The GCN model similarly processes words using the
dependency tree structure but viewed as a graph, simultaneously computing negation
scope for all words at once using information spread in local neighborhoods. Both of
these networks underperform considerably, compared to the baseline BiLSTM model
on the same task (a modified version of *SEM). This is surprising given that they
make architectural changes in an otherwise promising direction, emphasizing the role
of sentence structure in scope resolution. It may be that either the dependency parse
structure or the means of processing it were not as informative as the BiLSTM, but it
is difficult to judge absolutely that adding structure is ineffective, especially because
model results are not available for *SEM. These two models serve as inspiration for
this project, however, and will be conceptually revisited.
Neural approaches to NSD show great improvement over classical machine learn-
ing and rule-based methods in modeling flexibility and generalization to new data.
They are capable of learning representations from surface text alone without additional
linguistic prior knowledge, which makes them both useful and portable between lan-
guage domains. They are a clear asset for the task of NSD and open up many creative
directions for future work.

2.2.4 Semantic Models

Formal logic methods have also been applied to the problem of NSD. Instead of build-
ing a semantics on top of syntactic analysis as the other methods do by identifying
scope from words and word features, these methods first reformulate the problem in a
purely semantic, logical domain, and then identify scope. This has both benefits and
Packard [29] is a strong proponent of solving NSD (“a semantic problem”) with
a semantic solution. They claim that linguistic operators, quantifiers, and scope are
reasoned about in the logical domain and should thus be solved in this domain as well.
Both Packard and Li [25] propose similar models which explore this idea. Packard
first induces a semantic parse of a sentence in Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS)
[7], and then crawls the parse to look for negated predicates and arguments. This is
a process of backtracking to identify which words of the sentence are in scope of the
negation operator. It is able to determine most words inside the negation scope, though
the semantic parsing process throws away “semantically vacuous” words like “that,”
which means Packard must deploy several heuristics to recover them. This is not a
Chapter 2. Background 13

major concern other than for task performance on *SEM (Packard’s solution by itself
does not achieve a competitive score in part because of this), but it does raise a question
about this direction of research. It is interesting that the task can be solved in the logical
domain, but doing so effectively offloads the major challenge of the problem onto the
semantic parser. At this point is this a purely “semantic solution,” since negation and
other aspects of semantics are structured by the semantic parser, which leans heavily
on other sources of information to do so, like syntax?
Fancellu [12] also developed a logical approach to NSD. This approach is an exten-
sion to the UDepLambda system of formal logic [33] which adds negation coverage.
In doing so, the first order logic expressions produced by the system also express the
scope of negation operators. However, similarly to Packard, Fancellu’s approach also
throws away “semantically vacuous” tokens in the source text but does not present a
plan for mapping back to it. This makes it difficult to assess performance, and further
the paper does not provide its own numerical results for evaluation.
The research into semantic solutions provides a fresh perspective on the problem
and exposes some questions about the division of labor done to process negation se-
mantics. Negation reasoning may happen in the logical domain, but the scope resolu-
tion which enables this reasoning seems to be determined during the construction of
semantic forms. It seems reasonable then that while negation scope is identifiable in
the semantic form, it is solvable in an earlier processing phase which makes semantic
backtracking unnecessary.

2.3 Other Related Work

Paulus [30] addresses the task of sentiment analysis using a method of interest to this
project. They present a new model called the Global Belief Tree Recursive Neural
Network (GB-TRNN) which uses explicit syntax trees to reason about the connections
between different constituents, and provides fine-grained sentiment scores for every
constituent in the tree. The model first performs an upward pass which recursively
combines information state vectors from leaves to root. Conditioned on the global
state of the root constituent, a downward pass is then performed from root to leaves,
which recursively decomposes the information state following the syntax tree. The
authors report state-of-the-art results for their sentiment analysis task which is very
encouraging. This mechanism is highly relevant to the project goals because of the
way in which it structures tasks directly over syntax trees, incorporates many streams
Chapter 2. Background 14

of data from all words of a sentence at once, and makes fine-grained decisions for each
leaf in the tree factoring in the “global” sentence information. Although sentiment
analysis is a different task from negation scope detection, the problem framing and
motivation are very similar, so this kind of model is of great interest. This model is used
as a starting point and will be discussed in more detail, as well as model extensions, in
chapter 3.
Chapter 3

Description of Work

3.1 Reframing the Problem

Many of the methods described in the Background chapter consume input sentences
as a series of words and features and process them in a linear fashion. Syntactic fea-
tures are also sometimes used but the input is still treated as a sequence of words. As
described, syntax plays an important role and theoretically provides much information
necessary for negation scope processing. This project re-frames NSD from a sequence
labeling task into a tree-to-sequence task. Using a sentence parse tree and recursively
compositional processing techniques, the model developed in this project will process
input sentences as trees, not sequences, to produce scope judgments for words and syn-
tactic constituents. This will demonstrate the key role that syntax and structure plays
in scope processing.
The primary work completed in this project is a supervised machine learning model
for the task of negation scope detection. The machine learning pipeline consists of
several steps, for which a detailed description is now presented.

3.2 Data Preprocessing

The *SEM2012 NSD training, development, and test corpora come lightly prepro-
cessed. Each corpus contains sentences from Arthur Conan Doyle’s writing, annotated
with features for each word. These include a part-of-speech tag, word lemma, and
features expressing if the word is a negation cue and which negation scope(s) the word
belongs to (sometimes a sentence will have two cues, and thus two scopes). Addition-
ally, a Context Free Grammar (CFG) parse is provided for each sentence.

Chapter 3. Description of Work 16

The first step in the project pipeline is further preprocessing. All sentences are in-
gested and parsed using the EasyCCG parser [24] to produce new constituency parses.
CCG is preferred over CFG parses because they come with a guarantee of binary struc-
ture useful for the TRNN model, and for other reasons discussed in chapter 2.1.2. In
some cases a constituent node may have only one child — since they are not directly
combinatory, during preprocessing these nodes are simply removed to restore binary
structure. Sentence tokens are lowercased and a vocabulary of the unique words in the
training corpus is produced (some model variants will use this vocabulary for compar-
ison, but the main model will not). The words in each corpus are replaced by unique
integer tokens according to this training vocabulary — any out-of-vocabulary word
observed in the development and test sets are replaced with the special “UNK” token.
This step is performed after CCG parsing so that the parser sees all input words and
has the best chance of generating a correct parse tree. Since the *SEM2012 dataset
provides a CFG parse for all sentences this decision does not augment the provided
dataset, but merely replaces one standard feature.

3.3 The Graph Convolutional Neural Network

This section serves to motivate the use of a Graph Convolutional (Neural) Network
(GCN) in this project, and to briefly describe the experimental setups used to test it.
The GCN was not successful on the task of negation scope detection so description
will be kept brief but informative.

3.3.1 Motivation

A Graph Convolutional Neural Network is a model architecture developed by Kipf and

Welling [21]. It was proposed as a method of solving partially supervised problems on
graphs, represented as a set of nodes and a set of edges that connect them. The GCN
consists of a simple transformation with nonlinearity on each node representation, fol-
lowed by a convolution operation. This operation is applied once for each node n in
the graph and combines (sums) the representations of n’s neighbors into a new repre-
sentation of n, thereby sharing information in local neighborhoods. One GCN layer
propagates information one “hop” away, and more layers may be applied in sequence
to spread information further.
This sounds superficially ideal to test the project hypothesis of learning negation
Chapter 3. Description of Work 17

scope by structure. A syntactic parse tree may be treated as a graph with constituents
as nodes and parent/child relationships as edges. The network may be assessed and
trained based on the results it provides for “leaf” nodes (sentence words for which
*SEM training labels exist). Applying a GCN with sufficient number of layers to this
construction sets up the problem in a way which may provide an answer to the hy-
pothesis. Can the scope of negation be learned by passing information along syntactic
paths only?
A GCN is a simple network, and this makes it an ideal test. The basic model by
Kipf handles only undirected graphs and has only two methods of updating informa-
tion states: the nonlinear transformation and the convolution (sum of neighbors). By
making few assumptions about the data it is very flexible and suited for testing the
project hypothesis.

3.3.2 Experiments and Iteration

The initial outcome was disappointing. The network becomes stuck in a strong optima
in which it simply classifies all constituents (graph nodes) as in-scope. The GCN was
extended in several ways to address its simplifying assumptions about the data in an
attempt to overcome this. First, directionality was added to graph edges by identifying
parent relationships and child relationships. Recognizing that convolution (summing)
loses ordering information about relationships if there are many neighbors, the CFG
parses were swapped with CCG parses. This simplified the trees as the CCG parses
are strictly binary trees. After no change was observed in model behavior after both
extensions, the convolution operation was replaced with a self-attention mechanism,
similar to a Graph Attention Network [43], to enable nodes to selectively attend to
specific neighbor information. Still, the experiment yielded the same results. Without
positive results no explanation about why the architecture failed may be presented with
certainty. However, having accounted for the major assumptions made by the basic
GCN, there remains one major difference between this model and other successful ones
on the task. It may be conjectured that when processing scope through a constituent
parse, it must be processed by serially propagating information in a tree format, and
not in parallel as in a graph.
Chapter 3. Description of Work 18

3.4 The Tree Recursive Neural Network

This section serves to motivate the use of the Tree Recursive Neural Network in this
project, and describe its technical construction and process of learning from data. This
model is successful at the task of negation scope detection and is further analyzed in
the Evaluation chapter.

3.4.1 Motivation

To recap, Steedman [39] describes a theory of logical polarity in which word and
phrasal polarity can be determined by calculating the effects of polarity flipping lexical
items. These calculations involve both propagating polarity upward in a CCG parse and
also downward. Such a system is complex to describe in rules but should be learnable
by example. The Global Belief Tree Recursive Neural Network (GB-TRNN) of Paulus
[30] is philosophically aligned with this theory, and serves as a starting point for this
project. The GB-TRNN operates on a sentence and its syntax tree, sequencing together
both an upward and downward recursive pass. The upward pass recursively combines
constituents in the tree from leaves to root, building up to a single, global information
state vector. The downward pass, which is conditioned on this state, then recursively
unfolds the global vector following the parse tree from the root to the leaves. Although
similar, the model developed in this project is architecturally distinct and so will be
referenced differently and for concision simply as the TRNN.
This architecture is designed to gather local information across the sentence and
propagate relevant parts of that information to other local points in the sentence for
per-word decision-making. This is an ideal framework for the task because it directly
models information flow between constituents using sentence structure, testing the re-
search hypothesis.

3.4.2 TRNN Learned Parameters

As a neural network, the TRNN processes inputs in a “forward computation” through

the layers of the network to produce scope judgments. During training, a “backward
computation” propagates numerical gradients back through the network based on an
error function. This gradient signal is automatically calculated using PyTorch [3], and
is used to update specific parameters of the model which over time converge to values
which minimize the error.
Chapter 3. Description of Work 19

The TRNN model principally learns one embedding matrix for CCG syntactic con-
stituents ECCG ∈ R|VCCG |×s (where VCCG is the CCG tag vocabulary and s is 50, the
syntactic hidden unit size used). The TRNN also learns five transformations used at
different points in the network which are further explained in the sections below. In
this project the hidden size h is chosen to be 200. These parameters are:

1. The matrix H ∈ R(s+c)×h (with bias term bH ∈ Rh ) which transforms leaves into
hidden states (c is a binary feature expressing if the word is a negation cue)

2. The upward recursive matrix W ↑ ∈ R(2h+s)×h (with bias term b↑ ∈ Rh )

3. The global information reversal matrix G ∈ Rh×h (with bias term bG ∈ Rh )

4. The downward recursive matrix W ↓ ∈ R(2h+2s)×2h (with bias term b↓ ∈ R2h )

5. The in-scope/out-of-scope classifier matrix C ∈ R2h×2 (with bias term bC ∈ R2 )

3.4.3 The Upward Pass

The first step in the TRNN is an upward pass through the syntax tree, illustrated in
Figure 3.1. It is important to note that the main TRNN described in this project does
not use actual words, only syntactic constituents. Words are added to the figure for the
purpose of readability only.

Figure 3.1: (Left) The upward pass: recursive composition of constituent states from
leaves to root. (Right) The downward pass: recursive decomposition of constituent
states from root to leaves. The arrows show the direction of composition/decomposition,
and point to syntax labels used as target input. Neg cue starred* and scope in red .
Chapter 3. Description of Work 20

The upward pass of the TRNN recursively combines the information states of two
child constituents to produce a resulting state for the parent constituent. The GB-
TRNN of Paulus consumes two recurrent connections: the child states ule f t and uright .
In the base case of the recursion (parse tree leaves) the information state of the node
used for input is the result of the transformation H. First the syntactic embedding slea f
is concatenated with the binary cue feature c, then this result is transformed using H
into a u vector fit for use in recurrent connections. Importantly, word embeddings are
not used as input here, only syntax embeddings. Notably, the recursive transformation
in this project takes one additional input s parent , the embedding of the target parent’s
syntactic constituent, which guides TRNN scope computation. These are concatenated
together and multiplied by the upward matrix W ↑ . A bias term b↑ is added, and the
hyperbolic tangent nonlinearity is applied. This produces a target output state u parent
of the parent constituent which will be used as a recurrent connection in future com-
To illustrate this the result of the upward pass, GLOBAL↑ information state, is now
formulated for the example in Figure 3.1. This is also the resulting state for S[dcl],
the top constituent in the tree.

uNP = sNP H + bH
x = [ uNP ; uS[dcl]\NP ; sS[dcl] ]
GLOBAL↑ = uS[dcl] = tanh(xW ↑ + b↑ )

3.4.4 The Downward Pass

The second step in the TRNN begins by transforming the GLOBAL↑ upward information
state using G into the GLOBAL↓ downward information state following Paulus.
The GLOBAL↓ state is recursively unfolded down the tree using the downward re-
cursive cell with weights W ↓ , bias term b↓ , and hyperbolic tangent nonlinearity. This
produces a globally-informed, local information state d for each constituent in the syn-
tax tree. The recursive cell consumes two recurrent inputs following Paulus: the down-
ward parent state d parent and upward state u parent . It produces a double-wide state vec-
tor which is split into left- and right-child state vectors. Similarly to the upward pass,
the downward recursive cell in this network additionally consumes an embedding for
the target syntactic constituents of both children to better inform scope computation
down the tree. In total, at each step this recursive operation consumes four inputs and
produces two outputs.
Chapter 3. Description of Work 21

To illustrate this, the d information states for NP (the leaf node for “He”) and
S[dcl]\NP are now formulated for the example shown in Figure 3.1.

x = [ uS[dcl] ; dS[dcl] ; sNP ; sS[dcl]\NP ]

[ dNP ; dS[dcl]\NP ] = tanh(xW ↓ + b↓ )

3.4.5 Classification

Finally, after the upward and downward passes of

the TRNN the classification transformation C is ap-
plied to constituents to make scope judgments using
the outputs from both passes.
To produce a judgment for a constituent, both
the upward and downward context vectors u and
d for the constituent are concatenated, then trans-
formed with C to produce the classification of in-
scope or out-of-scope. Figure 3.2 shows this con-
catenation of upward and downward states. Figure 3.2: The scope classi-
fier reads both the upward state
and downward state (concate-
3.5 TRNN Model Variations nated on the dotted lines) to clas-
sify a constituent.
The primary TRNN model evaluated in this project
relies only on the syntactic parse tree of input sen-
tences. To justify disregarding the identities of the words themselves, two additional
model variants were developed and tested: model L using jointly-learned word em-
beddings, and model B using pretrained BERT embeddings [9] via the Huggingface
implementation [18].
The word embeddings for model L are stored in Ewords , an additional matrix of size
R|V |×hwords . V is the training vocabulary including the “UNK” word for use in testing as
described in Data Preprocessing (in total 2526 unique tokens), and hwords was chosen
to be 200 dimensions following Fancellu [10]. The embedding weights in model L are
randomly initialized and learned jointly during training.
Word embeddings in model B are handled differently due to BERT implementa-
tion details. Because BERT provides contextual word embeddings specific to each
sentence, embeddings are collected for each word in every sentence, totaling 21,006
embeddings of size 768 each. In many cases BERT splits words into subword units
Chapter 3. Description of Work 22

and provides embeddings for each unit. However, embeddings must align with the
leaves of each syntax tree (they must represent whole words), so subword embeddings
are summed to form a single embedding for each word. Further, since BERT comes as
a prepackaged model already trained on outside data, embeddings are derived for all
words in the development and test sets even if they do not appear in the training set.
The word embeddings are derived differently between the two models but are used
in the same way. The transformation H, which converts the input representation of
a leaf node into a hidden state vector, is modified to accommodate the extra word
embedding as input features. Thus two H transformations are used: HL ∈ R(s+wL +c)×h
and HB ∈ R(s+wB +c)×h . Both transformations retain the same bias term bH ∈ Rh . Here
wL = hwords = 200 as stated above, and wB = 768 as per the output size of BERT.
After leaf representations have been transformed into hidden states both experi-
ments proceed as normal. Results of model L and model B are discussed in the Evalu-
ation chapter.

3.6 Optimization

The TRNN parameters are learned through a process of optimization using gradient
backpropagation. The optimization program is described below with hyperparameter
settings used in this experiment.

3.6.1 Optimization and Objective Function

The Adam optimizer [20] was used with a learning rate of 0.001, and a decay sched-
uler which drops the learning rate by one order of magnitude if 10 epochs pass with
no loss improvement on the development set. Early stopping was also applied if no
development set loss improvement was observed after 20 epochs. Further, training ex-
amples were randomly shuffled each epoch and divided into minibatches of size 30.
After each minibatch the optimization step updates the model parameters.
The cross entropy loss of model output probabilities with true labels was used as
the objective function to optimize. Since optimization was stochastic minimizing this
function is equivalent to maximizing the expected model probability of correct classi-
fications. As described further in Evaluation, the model was trained with this objective
but performance was measured using the F1 score of the in-scope class. This difference
is significant when considering that some example sentences contain negation cues but
Chapter 3. Description of Work 23

no scopes (for instance, an interjection like “no!”), which have F1 scores of 0 since
they contain no true positive scope labels. These cases make it clear that training to
predict the not-in-scope class is just as important as training to predict the in-scope
class. Further discussion on performance measurement continues in the Evaluation

3.6.2 Regularization

The training set is small, consisting of fewer than 1,000 sentences. Because of this
regularization is an important consideration to help alleviate the problem of overfitting
to sparse data.
To this end dropout was heavily applied to connections between data transforma-
tions within the TRNN. Dropout is the process of randomly “destroying” connections
between neural network layers during a forward computation [37]. By zeroing out
random data values the network is forced to learn more generalizable parameters that
are less dependent on co-occurrences in the training data, boosting test performance on
unseen data. Gal [13] provides a framework for applying dropout within recurrent neu-
ral network modules which suggests using a predetermined dropout mask for recurrent
connections, fixed at the start of each forward pass over a minibatch. This prevents
the recurrent output from being virtually completely zeroed out if instead a newly ran-
domized dropout mask is applied after each recurrence. In this case large data samples
require more recurrent connections which would result in more data being dropped.
Gal’s framework avoids this problem by fixing the dropout mask ahead of time so only
a fixed number of connections are dropped independent of variations in the data. In
addition to these recurrent masks, other dropout masks are applied at points between
transformations. As per Gal, recurrent connection masks have a probability of zeroing
out state values of 0.2 and non-recurrent masks have a probability of 0.5.
Chapter 4


4.1 Performance of the Negation Scope Detector Learned

with Structure

The negation scope detection problem as described earlier in this report is formulated
as a binary classification problem on the words within a sentence. A detector takes
as input a sentence (and associated metadata, including an annotation of the negation
cue) and computes an output binary label for each word, corresponding to the predicted
scope of negation for the cue.
The *SEM2012 competition provides a suite of labeled datasets for this task: a
training corpus of 848 negated sentences (due to double negation, this is 984 negative
scopes), a development corpus of 144 negated sentences (173 scopes), and a testing
corpus of 235 negated sentences (264 scopes). These consist of sentences where each
word is annotated with a gold label of “in scope” or “out of scope,” and the negation
cue (if present) is also annotated. Further, a CFG parse is also provided for each
sentence. As described in Methods, the model trained in this project learned only
from the training data and treated the development dataset as held-out data. This was
used during training to guide the learning rate decay only, and the test set was used to
evaluate final model performance.
To measure performance, it is first useful to understand why a simple measure
like prediction accuracy may be misleading for this problem. The scopes licensed
by negation cues are commonly unbalanced compared to the number of out-of-scope
tokens in the same sentence. The *SEM2012 dataset, in fact, has approximately a 2:1
ratio of out-of-scope tokens to in-scope tokens, given the sentence contains a negation

Chapter 4. Evaluation 25

cue (the ratio would be much more drastic if all sentences in the dataset are considered,
even ones with no negations). Thus a model can easily achieve 67% accuracy by
simply predicting all words to be out of scope of any cue.
There are a few ways to measure system performance on this task and in fact the
original *SEM2012 competition used several metrics, including measures of complete
scope detection and partial scope detection of individual scope tokens. The primary
metric that has since been used on this task and dataset is the F1 measure of individual
scope tokens predicted as in-scope of their respective cues. This is the harmonic mean
of precision and recall calculated for the “in-scope” label class. Precision measures
the percentage of tokens predicted as in-scope which are correct, and recall measures
the percentage of truly in-scope tokens which are predicted. Taking the harmonic
mean gives a single metric we can use to compare models, but precision and recall are
both useful themselves for comparison, as they portray how conservative the model
behaves. Precision greater than recall indicates the model prefers “sure bets,” while
recall greater than precision indicates a willingness to predict based on less evidence.
The F1 metric is calculated across the entire *SEM test corpus instead of per-
sentence. This at first seems unintuitive because the task defines output per-sentence,
and it might be reasonable to calculate a score such as the average F1 score (or accu-
racy) per sentence. Unfortunately, scoring over the whole corpus means that for future
models to compare with current ones they must test with the *SEM test corpus to cal-
culate a comparable F1 score. However, this metric does provide some normalization
over sentence variation such as length and complexity, since it aggregates over the en-
tire corpus. Additionally, given that an F1 measure is used for comparison, calculating
the score over the whole dataset is helpful to account for special cases in which the F1
score should legitimately be low, such as when a cue has no scope as in a conversa-
tional interjection. If predicted correctly this kind of sentence would individually have
an F1 score of 0 due to having all true negative predictions (and zero true positives).
Scoring over the whole corpus again normalizes for this phenomenon since the zero
counts will be effectively ignored.
Table 4.1 shows performance results on the evaluation dataset for the Tree Rescur-
sive Neural Network and key comparison models. Not shown are results for Fancellu’s
Dependency-LSTM or GCN, since they have no published results on this dataset.
Chapter 4. Evaluation 26

Model Precision Recall F1 Score

BiLSTM + PoS + Word2Vec Emb (Fancellu) 92.62 85.13 88.72

MRS Crawler (Packard) 85.8 68.4 76.1
MRS CrawlerP (Packard) 86.1 90.4 88.2
UiO1 (Read, *SEM winner) 81.99 88.81 85.26

TRNN (No Word Emb) 91.04 85.60 88.24

TRNN + BERT Emb 89.36 86.54 87.93
TRNN + ST Emb 92.56 83.38 87.73
TRNN + BERT Emb (No Regularization) 86.46 82.05 84.20
Baseline (all scope tokens negated) 37.23 100.00 54.26

Table 4.1: Table of Scope Tokens results for the *SEM2012 Negation Scope Detection
test dataset of Conan Doyle stories. “PoS” is added part-of-speech tags. “ST Embs”
is self-trained embeddings learned jointly with the task. “BERT Embs” is pretrained
embeddings from BERT, held frozen during training.

4.1.1 TRNN Self-Comparison with Ablation Studies

During this project several features were added to the TRNN in an attempt to improve
performance. Ablation studies were performed to test these features in isolation. In
each test, one feature was deactivated to highlight individual contributions to model
performance. The results can be seen in Table 4.1, and are now discussed.
First and most crucially it’s clear that explicit word representations are not neces-
sary for high performance. Using only small, learned representations of syntactic con-
stituents, a simple cue feature, and the recursively compositional network the model
is able to effectively perform on the task at an equal or possibly better level than with
added word embeddings. Interestingly, both self-trained word embeddings and pre-
trained BERT embeddings provided little to no benefit for the system in terms of F1
score. In many applications pretrained embeddings provide a performance boost, es-
pecially with a small training dataset, but it seems that even high-quality embeddings
do not provide a distinguishable benefit to performance on this task.
Additionally, it is important to discuss the contribution of regularization. The train-
ing dataset contains fewer than 1,000 example sentences and a vocabulary size of 2,525
unique words, both of which are quite small. This could provide a significant challenge
if the model were heavily reliant on the vocabulary since the test dataset contains many
Chapter 4. Evaluation 27

words previously unseen to the model. Before adding regularization, training perfor-
mance consistently rated 5 or more F1 points ahead of test, signaling overfitting to the
training data. Adding dropout in several places throughout the model as a regulariza-
tion technique provided a 3-4 F1 point boost on test performance. It is likely that such
a large boost was achieved because there is less possible variation in sentence structure
than there is in vocabulary usage (a simple example of this is that in any sentence you
can switch a word with a synonym to produce a new sentence without changing the
syntactic structure of the sentence). Because the model relies on patterns in structure
to predict scope and not on specific word choice, it is shown empirically that the small
dataset provides enough examples of structure to generalize well to the test set.

4.1.2 Comparison of the TRNN to Other Models

The Tree Recursive Neural Network outperforms the winner of the *SEM2012 compe-
tition, UiO1 . This demonstrates the effectiveness of a neural network approach over a
classical machine learning technique even when similar information (syntactic paths) is
used in the learning process. Because of the flexibility in neural network modeling the
TRNN directly propagates syntactic information flowing upward and also downward
through the parse tree, from all words in the sentence at the same time. Conversely,
in order to fit the restrictions of the Support Vector Machine used in scope detection,
UiO1 must identify a singular path in the tree for the negation cue and make decisions
about its scope in isolation of other syntactic information in the tree, specifically from
other words and syntactic structures. This poses an opportunity to lose information
and may explain the difference in results.
The TRNN also performs within half a point of the highest-scoring model to date,
Fancellu’s Bidirectional LSTM Network. This is interesting because these two models
process sentences very differently. The BiLSTM is dependent on word representa-
tions, processing words in sequence and thus in direct context with their neighbors.
However, the TRNN instead processes only syntactic constituents, and does so in a
purely compositional way. Words that are neighbors in a sentence may be very distant
in the parse tree yet the structure is enough to inform scope decisions, even without
identifying individual words. Thus, the TRNN is able to compete with the BiLSTM
while completely discarding the vocabulary, which means using far fewer parameters.
Finally, it is useful to compare the results to Packard’s Minimal Recursion Seman-
tics Crawler. The purely semantic Crawler by itself has an F1 score of only 76.1, far
Chapter 4. Evaluation 28

behind other methods. The “improved” model CrawlerP falls back to UiO1 (a syntac-
tic model which already outperforms Crawler) in cases of low confidence. Packard
claims that a combination of syntactic and semantic analyses provide the optimal strat-
egy for a model of NSD. However, even with this improvement the TRNN scores the
same, if not better, than CrawlerP , demonstrating that explicit semantic analysis may
not actually be necessary to achieve high performance on this task.

4.1.3 A Note on TRNN Performance Testing

It should be noted that the time limit for this project placed restrictions on the kinds
and amounts of work done. The scores shown in Table 4.1 were not the result of
a systematic hyperparameter search, which would take considerable time to complete
yet might improve scores. Instead optimization heuristics and “general practices” were
applied in the model tests. This is itself helpful in that it shows the TRNN’s success is
achievable with conventional, “off the shelf” settings.

4.2 Analysis of Model Predictions

4.2.1 Tree Reporting Notation

As discussed in Methods, the training supervision signal consists of in-scope/out-of-

scope labels for words only. However, model predictions are produced for every con-
stituent in the parse tree, using the same learned classifier as for word prediction. This
may provide some insight into the kinds of rules learned by the model. To fully demon-
strate results, examples will be printed as parse trees using the following scheme:

1. A sentence is displayed with its CCG parse. The training and testing data are
modified to omit constituents with only one child (and are thus omitted from
these printouts).

2. For readability, word-level CCG supertags are replaced with their actual lexical
item from the sentence. It is important to reiterate that the model processes only
CCG tags and otherwise cannot identify individual words.

3. Cue words are appended with a ‘*’ character.

4. The model’s in-scope predictions are colored red .

5. The *SEM2012 gold scope labels are underlined

Chapter 4. Evaluation 29

4.2.2 Overall Performance

Model performance on the test set 1 of 263 sentences is shown in Figure 4.1, which
displays a histogram of the accuracy scores for all sentences. The model is able to clas-
sify all tokens in 149 sentences perfectly, and classifies tokens in 93.9% of sentences
better than chance.

Figure 4.1: Distribution of individual sentence scores. Each sentence was scored for
accuracy (percentage of correct token classifications) and categorized into bins. 149 of
264 sentences were predicted with 100% accuracy. The plotted baseline represents the
accuracy of random guessing respecting the prior distribution of classes in the dataset
(about 66%).

Figure 4.2 shows a simple and well-performing example which scored 100% accu-
racy. The scope of the negation cue covers most tokens except “but,” the period, and
the cue itself, and this is correctly predicted by the model. It is also interesting to note
that the model predicts the entire phrase “very far” as in-scope according to the parent
constituent combining the two tokens.
1 After this analysis the author recognized that using the (smaller) development dataset would be the
ideal dataset to use here in order to fully respect the held-out test data. Given enough time this analysis
would be done on development set data.
Chapter 4. Evaluation 30


but S[dcl]

itit S[dcl]\NP

(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP) S[b]\NP

did not*
did lead
lead (S\NP)\(S\NP)

(S\NP)\(S\NP) .

very far
very far

Figure 4.2: A correct sample output from model predictions on the test set.

Figure 4.3 shows another well-performing example with a more complicated syn-
tactic structure. Correctly, only the local subject “I,” the verb, and the modal auxiliary
verb are predicted as in-scope. The syntactic tree clearly distinguishes this clause from
the rest of the sentence, providing important evidence to the model about the projec-
tion of negation scope. This is frequently the case seen in test sentences: syntactic
subtrees are strongly correlated with correct scope projections and usually provide
enough information to make predictions without needing further lexical information.
More examples are shown in Appendix A at the end of this report.


“ S[dcl]

S/S S[dcl]

how S[dcl] S[dcl]/NP ”

you S[dcl]\NP S[dcl]/NP .

(S[dcl]\NP)/PP PP ii (S[dcl]\NP)/NP

got on to it (S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP) imagine


ca n’t*

Figure 4.3: A correct sample output from model predictions on the test set.

Beyond what is predicted as in-scope, it is interesting to note what is correctly not

predicted. For instance, Figure 4.3 illustrates that punctuation marks are excluded even
when they are directly attached to a syntactic subtree which contains a complete scope.
Recalling that the actual training instances replace the sentence words with their CCG
Chapter 4. Evaluation 31

supertags helps explain this. CCG tags are sufficiently descriptive of their constituents
that the model can broadly identify punctuation tokens and other indicators of scope
boundaries to make predictions.
Further, several sentences in the dataset contain two negation cues and thus license
two (sometimes overlapping) scopes. Figures 4.4 and 4.5 show one case where a nega-
tion scope is nested inside another scope. The model receives the sentence as two sep-
arate training examples, each with one cue annotated. Notably, the model learns that
the cue nested inside the larger scope is itself a scope token — in all other cases cues
are universally not scope tokens themselves according to *SEM annotation guidelines.

i S[dcl]\NP

(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP) S[b]\NP

should not have S[pt]\NP

S[pt]\NP (S\NP)\(S\NP)

S[pt]\NP (S\NP)\(S\NP) ((S\NP)\(S\NP))/(S[pt]\NP) S[pt]\NP

intruded it upon NP[nb] had you

had you S[pt]\NP (S\NP)\(S\NP)

your attention not* S[pt]\NP (S\NP)\(S\NP) .

shown NP[nb] the
the N

some incredulity
some incredulity other day
other day

Figure 4.4: A correct sample output from model predictions on the test set. This sen-
tence contains two negative cues: Figure 4.5 shows the other cue and scope.


ii S[dcl]\NP

(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP) S[b]\NP

should not* have
have S[pt]\NP

S[pt]\NP (S\NP)\(S\NP)

S[pt]\NP (S\NP)\(S\NP) ((S\NP)\(S\NP))/(S[pt]\NP) S[pt]\NP

intruded itit upon

intruded upon NP[nb] had you
had you S[pt]\NP (S\NP)\(S\NP)

your attention
your attention not
not S[pt]\NP (S\NP)\(S\NP) .

shown NP[nb] the
the N

some incredulity
some incredulity other day
other day

Figure 4.5: A correct sample output from model predictions on the test set. This sen-
tence contains two negative cues: Figure 4.4 shows the other cue and scope.

The tree format of the data is crucial to TRNN operation. In an analysis of model
capability, several Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to determine to
Chapter 4. Evaluation 32

what extent data characteristics or the format may affect performance.

1. A Pearson r of 0.020 was calculated (p = 0.74) for sentence accuracy vs. sen-
tence length, indicating no correlation with model performance.

2. A Pearson r of -0.006 was calculated (p = 0.92) for sentence accuracy vs. max-
imum parse tree depth of the sentence, indicating no correlation with model

3. A Pearson r of 0.023 was calculated (p = 0.71) for sentence accuracy vs. parse
tree depth of the cue, indicating no correlation with model performance.

4. Parse (binary) tree balance was approximated using the formula (max tree
depth) / (sentence length), where smaller values indicate more even bal-
ance. A Pearson r of -0.003 was calculated (p = 0.96) for sentence accuracy vs.
parse tree balance, indicating no correlation with model performance.

These calculations suggest that the model is quite robust with respect to variation
in data length and tree shape.

4.2.3 Error Analysis

A detailed analysis shows 16 test sentences (6.1% of the test corpus) had a token clas-
sification accuracy at or below random chance guessing (approximately 66% accuracy
respecting the class imbalance). These poor-performing test cases may indicate weak-
nesses in the system and opportunities for improvement, and are now considered.
Analysis shows that of these 16 sentences the largest group of similar errors con-
sisted of 7 CCG parsing errors, and it is likely these errors significantly influenced
TRNN scope processing. For instance, in Figure 4.6 a left-branching subtree (“his
mother’s heart”) should be differently constructed and attached directly to the verb
“break,” as it is the verb’s object. The true scope ends after this phrase and it is likely
that a better parse would make this more clear syntactically. The clause at the end
of the sentence (“that appears to be irrelevant.”) is improperly treated as a syntactic
sibling of this object, and thus the model predicts incorrectly that it is also in scope.
It is notable that of these 7 example sentences, 5 contain an em-dash and 1 con-
tains a semicolon (all with bad parse decisions involving these tokens). It is unclear
what actually caused the EasyCCG parser to output these trees, but it may be possi-
ble that the parser was not perfectly trained for this writing style or genre (One of the
Chapter 4. Evaluation 33


S/S S[dcl]

‘ surely jimmy
jimmy S[dcl]\NP

(S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP) S[b]\NP

will not*
will break
break NP[nb]

NP[nb] NP\NP

NP[nb] – that S[dcl]\NP

NP[nb]/N N appears S[to]\NP

NP[nb] heart ’
’s heart
’s to S[b]\NP

his mother
his mother be S[adj]\NP

irrelevant .

Figure 4.6: An incorrect sample output from model predictions on the test set.

training texts, The Hound of the Baskervilles, was originally published in 1902). It is
also important to recognize the possible impact of decisions made about data prepro-
cessing. The *SEM2012 corpora come lightly preprocessed with some tokenization,
and although some additional preprocessing steps were applied the data may still con-
tain disadvantageous features. An instance of this can be seen in Figure 4.6 where
“mother” is split apart from the possessive “’s” attachment. This preprocessing may
have impacted CCG parse decisions, resulting in consequences for the TRNN.
Packard and Fancellu note inconsistencies in the *SEM2012 gold standard negation
scopes. Noted here is an instance which might also be an annotation inconsistency.
Figure 4.7 shows a sentence constructed very similarly to that in Figure 4.3 yet with a
different scope annotation. Both sentences are inverted in that they place a dependent
clause ahead of an independent clause, with a negation cue in the latter clause in both
examples. Yet the gold scope in 4.3 does not cover the dependent clause, whereas in
4.7, it does. If the independent clause weren’t in scope it would otherwise be perfectly
labeled by the model. Four cases of possible inconsistencies were observed out of
the 16 failure cases, and a more detailed analysis might show other inconsistencies
significant to scoring.
Finally, it is worth considering the limited experience gained from the small train-
ing dataset. While the correctness of the parse in Figure 4.8 may be argued (the parsing
of the quotation marks at least is questionable), it may also be argued that this is an
edge-case in other ways. It is one of the smallest test cases and contains two two-word
Chapter 4. Evaluation 34


S/S S[dcl]

“ now
now S/S S[dcl]

that S[dcl] S[dcl] S[dcl]\S[dcl]

gorgiano S[dcl]\NP we
gorgiano we S[dcl]\NP said NP[nb]

is dead
is dead fear
fear NP NP[nb] .

nothing* NP\NP the lady

, ”

Figure 4.7: An incorrect sample output from model predictions on the test set.

clauses. There is also added complexity because one is a question and not a statement.
Checking the training corpus revealed no training examples similar to “why not?” so
it is possible that the failure is due to lack of experience generalizable to this example.


“ S[qem]

S[qem]/S[dcl] S[dcl]

why S\S ” S[dcl]\NP

not* ? says NP

she .

Figure 4.8: An incorrect sample output from model predictions on the test set.

4.3 Qualitative Inferences about Scope Colorings

The TRNN model predicts negation scope at all levels of the syntax tree using one
learned classifier. A training signal is only provided for the leaves of each tree (which
represent the words), so it’s undetermined what kind of rules or patterns the model may
learn at higher levels of the tree. CCG parse trees allow for some interpretation of the
model’s coloring choices at higher levels in the tree because by definition tags describe
the grammatical roles of constituents at all levels. The full tree coloring results on the
*SEM2012 test set will now be interrogated to look for patterns in model decisions.
Chapter 4. Evaluation 35

4.3.1 Is Scope Processed in Distinguishable Grammatical Units?

Negation scopes frequently cover larger grammatical units than words, such as phrases
and clauses. Does the model recognize this? This question can be addressed by exam-
ining local coloring decisions in each parse tree. In cases where a parent constituent
has two child constituents classified as in-scope, the model might be expected to also
classify the parent as in-scope. In fact, in 89.9% of these cases the model does recog-
nize that the larger grammatical constituent is negated and colors it as in-scope. This
compares to the average chance of being colored given no guarantee on the scope col-
orings of a constituent’s children at 24.1%. The model has clearly learned a strong
preference towards representing scope in larger grammatical units.

4.3.2 When is Scope Propagation Blocked?

Similar to the above scenario, when a parent constituent and only one child constituent
are negated, this could indicate that scope information is blocked from flowing to the
other child. Is the model learning meaningful rules for blocking scope? To test this,
the most frequently blocked constituents are gathered and reported here.
The two most frequently blocked constituents

Constituent Count are periods and commas, indicating the model has
learned to strongly dissociate punctuation marks
. 89
from semantic scope. The next highest con-
, 35
stituent is functions which modify verb phrases:
(S\NP)\(S\NP) 30
(S\NP)\(S\NP). Some examples from *SEM are
NP\NP 30
“either.” and “for so short a time.” This makes
S[dcl]\NP 28
some sense, as these phrases do not contribute

Figure 4.9: Counts for the most to the *SEM definition of being a negated event
blocked constituents. Blocked or one of its direct arguments. Therefore they
means not itself negated but both should not be included in the scope of a nega-
parent and sibling are negated. tion cue, even if they are surrounded by the
Chapter 5


5.1 Conclusions from this Work

This report first describes and analyzes trends in the history of negation scope detection
models. The hypothesis of this project poses a theory stemming from but opposed to
this history: patterns in syntactic structure alone are sufficient to determine negation
scope. This theory is tested using a Tree Recursive Neural Network architecture to
directly model information flow between constituencies in a CCG parse of a sentence,
without using the identities of words or other features derived from them.
The performance evaluation shows that the TRNN model developed in this project
effectively determines negation scope through explicit processing over grammatical
structure. Near state-of-the-art performance is achieved without identifying individual
words or extracting word features, confirming the project hypothesis.
The significance of this result is highlighted with a comparison to the key models
discussed in the Evaluation chapter. The TRNN model performs about the same as the
BiLSTM model of Fancellu [10], which relies on word embeddings. Learning a vocab-
ulary of embeddings is itself a demanding task and is shown to capture many aspects
of language usage including syntax and semantics [26]. The TRNN method shows
high performance is achievable without this overhead using only syntactic informa-
tion. Further, using a neural network to directly model syntactic information flow is
shown to significantly outperform models like UiO1 which emphasize syntax but are
limited by model architecture, such as an SVM, which require feature engineering. Fi-
nally, these results demonstrate that scope can be resolved without needing to derive a
full semantic parse and then perform reasoning as Packard [29] claims is necessary.
This project successfully demonstrates a single, simple idea that diverges from

Chapter 5. Conclusion 37

common practice in many of the effective and opinionated models, which frequently
undervalue the contribution of syntax. The project results empirically support the un-
derlying theory [39] that negation scope semantics are built on syntactic information
irrelevant to the specific content of the sentence.

5.2 Directions for Future Work

The results of this research suggest followup experiments which may help analyze and
extend understanding of the phenomena discussed.
First, a followup research question emerges when considering some of the back-
ground research. Negative polarity items are known to help human readers discern
the existence and coverage of negation scopes, since they (mainly) appear in negative
contexts. However, the model used in this project ignores the identities of these words
and still performs well. Is this a coincidence? It could be that the *SEM dataset under-
represents NPIs and thus the model does not appear to struggle on this dataset, but
might not perform well on other datasets. But it is also possible that the information
provided by NPIs is subsumed by that of grammatical structure, and is not comple-
mentary. What kind of benefit, if any, could they provide for a system like the TRNN?
Second, other important questions remain about model performance. It’s possible
that the TRNN model of this project might be modified and improved through further
research. Additionally, many tree-structured neural network models have been devel-
oped for tasks in sentence processing, like the Child-Sum Tree LSTM of Tai [42] and
the Tree Attention Network of Ahmed [5]. These models may provide insight and
further direction for improving the structure-processing architecture of the TRNN.
Many comparison models on this task make use of syntax data along with word
data, like word embeddings. It may be interesting to reproduce some of these models
and ablate them by removing the word data to examine how they perform. If perfor-
mance does not suffer it may be inferred that they are learning from the syntax using
a different architecture than the TRNN. However if they do perform worse, then the
TRNN architecture may be credited as a particularly useful model of information pro-
cessing with structure.
Finally, it is important to train and test the TRNN on text from other genres to study
its extensibility. Conan Doyle’s writing represents a very specific genre, writing style,
and language, and different textual domains may expose new strengths or weaknesses
in the TRNN system.

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Appendix A

Supplementary Parse Tree Colorings


S/S S[dcl]

this much S[dcl]/S[em] S[em]

S[dcl]/S[em] : that S[dcl]

we (S[dcl]\NP)/S[em] itit S[dcl]\NP

can say is
is NP[nb]

NP[nb] .

no* N

ordinary N

love escapade
love escapade


S[dcl] S[dcl]\S[dcl]

that S[dcl]\NP and S[dcl]

was PP there S[dcl]\NP[thr]


in NP[nb] is
is NP

NP[nb] , nothing* NP\NP

NP[nb]/N paper in NP

yesterday ’s to-day NP\NP


’s .

Appendix A. Supplementary Parse Tree Colorings 44


yet S[dcl]

i S[dcl]\NP

was S[adj]\NP

aware S[em]

that S[dcl]

gennaro S[dcl]\NP

was S[adj]\NP

S[adj]\NP (S[adj]\NP)\(S[adj]\NP)

(S[adj]\NP)/(S[adj]\NP) happy
happy than
than S[dcl]

no* more
more ii S[dcl]\NP

was PP

in NP[nb]

NP[nb] .

his presence
his presence


NP[nb] S[dcl]\NP

the box
the box S[dcl]\NP (S[dcl]\NP)\(S[dcl]\NP)

is NP[nb] and S[dcl]\NP

NP[nb] NP\NP (S[dcl]\NP)/(S[b]\NP) S[b]\NP

a N of N does not*
does S[b]\NP (S\NP)\(S\NP)

half-pound box honeydew tobacco help us

help us in
in NP[nb]

NP[nb] .

any way
any way

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