DLL English 5 Sses Q3W2

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GRADES 1 to 12 School: San Jose West Central School Grade Level: V – Innovator (SSES)

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Mark Daniel L. Salvador Learning Area: English 5
Teaching Dates and Time: February 20-24, 2023 / 3:00 – 4:20 pm Quarter: Third Quarter


A. Content Standard Listens critically to different text types and news reports and other radio broadcasts; expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms; expresses ideas accurately in oral and in written forms;
and reads independently and gets relevant information from various text types
B. Performance Standard Demonstrates interest in reading to meet various needs and confidence in the use of the language to meet every day needs
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives 7. Use pronouns
Write the LC code for each 7.1 Demonstrative (This, these, that, those)
7.2 Reflexive (myself, herself, etc)
7.3 Relative (who, whom, which, that, where)
7.4 Interrogative (Wh-questions)
The Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies (PELC)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from https://chat.openai.com/chat
Learning Resource portal
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. PROCEDURES Lesson 2: Demonstrative, 3. A relative pronoun is a Teacher-Guided Activity: Written Work #2 Performance Task #2
Reflexive, Relative, and pronoun that connects a clause Title: Pronoun Hunt I. Demonstrative Pronouns: Title: Pronoun Story
Interrogative Pronouns or phrase to a noun or pronoun. Objective: Identify and classify Underline the demonstrative Objective: Write a short story
It can be used to introduce a pronouns in a given text. pronoun in each sentence. that includes at least one
1. A demonstrative pronoun is a relative clause, which provides 1. This is my new dress. example of each type of
pronoun that points to a specific additional information about the Sarah looked at herself in the 2. That is your pencil. pronoun: demonstrative
noun or pronoun. It can be used noun or pronoun. The relative mirror and sighed. She had been 3. We will take these cupcakes pronoun, reflexive pronoun,
to indicate the proximity of the pronouns in English are "who," feeling unhappy with herself for a to the party. relative pronoun, and
noun or pronoun to the speaker "whom," "whose," "which," and while, and she didn't know how 4. Can you please hand me interrogative pronoun.
or listener. The four "that." to change things. She decided to those scissors?
demonstrative pronouns are call her sister, who was always Instructions:
"this," "that," "these," and "those." Examples: good at giving advice. 'Hey, sis,' II. Reflexive Pronouns: Choose 1. Think of a story idea that you
1. The woman who lives next door Sarah said when her sister the correct reflexive pronoun in would like to write about. It can
Examples: is a doctor. answered the phone. 'Can you each sentence. be about anything you want,
1. This is my book. 2. The book, which is on the help me with something?' Her 1. She hurt herself when she fell such as a day at the beach, a
2. That is your hat. shelf, is mine. sister listened as Sarah explained off the bike. trip to the park, or a family
3. These are our toys. 3. The man to whom I spoke is how she was feeling, and then 2. He made himself a sandwich gathering.
4. Those are their bicycles. my boss. she suggested that Sarah try for lunch. 2. Write your story, making sure
some new hobbies to make 3. They saw themselves in the to include at least one example
herself feel better. 'That's a great mirror. of each type of pronoun.
 In the first sentence, "this" is  In the first sentence, "who" is idea,' Sarah said, feeling hopeful. 4. I bought myself a new book to Underline the pronouns you
used to refer to the book that used to introduce a relative 'What hobbies should I try?' Her read. use.
is close to the speaker. clause that provides additional sister suggested some options, 3. Once you have finished
 In the second sentence, "that" information about the woman. including painting, hiking, and III. Relative Pronouns: Choose writing, read your story to
is used to refer to the hat that  In the second sentence, "which" cooking. 'Those sound fun,' Sarah the correct relative pronoun in yourself and make sure that it
is far from the speaker but is used to introduce a relative said. 'Can you come over and each sentence. makes sense and that you have
close to the listener. clause that provides additional help me get started?' Her sister 1. The girl, who won the race, is used the pronouns correctly.
 In the third sentence, "these" information about the book. agreed, and together they went to my sister. 4. Check for any mistakes or
is used to refer to the toys that  In the third sentence, "whom" the store to buy some art 2. The car, which is parked errors.
are close to both the speaker is used to introduce a relative supplies and ingredients for outside, is blue. 5. Make any necessary
and the listener. clause that provides additional cooking. Sarah felt grateful to 3. The boy, whom I met corrections and then rewrite
 In the fourth sentence, "those" information about the man. In have such a supportive sister, yesterday, is very friendly. your final draft, using your best
is used to refer to the bicycles this case, "whom" is the object and she knew that she could 4. The dress, that I bought, is handwriting.
that are far from both the of the preposition "to," which is count on her to be there red.
speaker and the listener. why it is used instead of "who." whenever she needed her. Rubric:
IV. Interrogative Pronouns: Excellent (9-10 points): The
2. A reflexive pronoun is a 4. An interrogative pronoun is a Demonstrative pronoun: Choose the correct interrogative story includes at least one
pronoun that refers back to the pronoun that is used to ask a That (referring to the idea of pronoun in each sentence. example of each type of pronoun
subject of a sentence. It is used question. It is used in place of a trying new hobbies) 1. Who is your favorite author? and is well-written and easy to
to indicate that the action of the noun or pronoun to ask about 2. Whose backpack is this? understand. The story is
verb reflects back on the subject the identity, quantity, quality, or Reflexive pronoun: 3. What time is it? engaging and interesting to
of the sentence. The reflexive existence of something. The Herself (referring back to Sarah) 4. Which book do you want to read.
pronouns in English are "myself," interrogative pronouns in English read? Good (7-8 points): The story
"yourself," "himself," "herself," are "who," "whom," "whose," includes all of the required
"which," and "what." Relative pronouns: pronouns and is generally well-
"itself," "ourselves," "yourselves,"
Who (referring to Sarah's sister) V. Bonus: Create a sentence for written and easy to understand.
and "themselves."
That (referring to the idea of each type of pronoun. The story is somewhat engaging
Examples: trying new hobbies) 1. Demonstrative Pronoun: and interesting to read.
Examples: 1. Who is coming to the party? Which (referring to the hobbies Sentence: ____________________ Fair (4-6 points): The story
1. I hurt myself. 2. Whose bag is this? suggested by Sarah's sister) 2. Reflexive Pronoun: includes some of the required
2. She made herself a sandwich. 3. Which book do you want to Sentence: ____________________ pronouns and may have some
3. They saw themselves in the read? 3. Relative Pronoun:
Interrogative pronouns: errors or mistakes. The story is
mirror. 4. What is your favorite color? Sentence: ____________________
What (referring to the hobbies somewhat engaging and
that Sarah should try) 4. Interrogative Pronoun: interesting to read.
 In the first sentence, "myself"  In the first sentence, "who" is Sentence: ____________________ Needs Improvement (1-3
is used to refer back to the used to ask about the identity points): The story does not
Note: Once all of the pronouns
subject "I," indicating that the of the person coming to the include all of the required
have been identified and
speaker was the one who got party. pronouns and may have several
classified, ask the students to
hurt.  In the second sentence, errors or mistakes. The story is
work in pairs or small groups to
 In the second sentence, "whose" is used to ask about not very engaging or interesting
create their own sentences using
"herself" is used to refer back the possession of the bag. to read.
each type of pronoun. They can
to the subject "She," indicating  In the third sentence, "which" write their sentences on a piece of
that she made a sandwich for is used to ask about the paper and share them with the
herself. specific book the speaker wants class.
In the third sentence, to read.
"themselves" is used to refer back  In the fourth sentence, "what"
to the subject "They," indicating is used to ask about the
that they saw their own speaker's favorite color.
reflections in the mirror.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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