Sayed Burhan Burhani
Sayed Burhan Burhani
Sayed Burhan Burhani
List names and dates of birth for your children (currently under age 20)
List all countries that have ever issued you a passport. Afghanistan
List all countries you have entered in the last ten years. None
Have you ever lost a passport or had one stolen? No
List any medical conditions this person has: None
This will not be a deciding factor in who is evacuated. We use this to determine how we help during
evacuation and settlement.
List any prescription medications this person requires: None
I will soon apply for asylum in any country through the Kabul office. Do you change your religion? No
Which members of your family live abroad? My Sister Arezo Burhani and my Aunt Ieman Safi
If you receive asylum with the countries concerned, what are the basic things you do with those
countries? Obey the law.
Provide name and age if applicable. If your spouse would be travelling with you, please give further
details, including passport number, place of issue, date of issue and date of expiry.
Provide names and ages, if applicable. If your children would be travelling with you, please give further
details, including passport number, place of issue, date of issue and date of expiry. Also let us know their
potential needs and educational requirements.
Current Residency Status / Travel Bans
Get all the information IOMA presents your message to EU member networks If you qualify you will get