Q - Uestion 1

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Q -uestion 1

Ministry of Basic Education and Culture (MBEC) document on code of conduct for teacher
describes conduct for teachers as the broad goals and standards which govern teacher’s
service delivery in school as well as their professional conducts in general. Including the
behavior, attitudes and characters shown by teacher at working environment and outside of
the working environment.

Its impossible to give right definition of the obligation of teachers towards the teaching
profession because the obligation are individual and varied, depending on the approaches and
needs of the particular skills. According to ministry of education job description for teacher,
teachers are obliged
To plan, teach, evaluate and assess, extra-mural involvement and general obligations

 Planning
- A teacher should be able to develop written lesson in advance, plan the delivery of
the subject matter and should be aware of the need for flexibility if it happens that
things do not run according to plan.
- Prepare adequate resources that can help with the delivery of your lesson, for
children to understand and acquire the competencies they need to acquire from the
 Teaching
- As a communicator you should be able to pass knowledge to learners through
using a variety of teaching techniques.
- Provide learner centered teaching to adapt the curriculum to the learners with
varying intellectual abilities.
- Communicate clearly and effectively with learners through questioning,
explaining and feedback.
- Manage you class whilst establishing ground rules and use time for each lesson
 Evaluation and Assessment
- Recognize and reward learners’ achievement by evaluating their academic and
social growth, keep accurate records, prepare progress reports and communicate
with parents about their children’s progress.
 Extra-mural involvement
- A teacher should help in organizing and conducting extra-mural activities that is
offered at the school e.g., by supervising learners in extra mural activities and by
motivating them to participate.
 General
- A teacher should adhere to the code of conducts for teacher and should lead by
good example, show high ethical standards inside and outside the school.
- Work at own professional development and skills with regard to the phase you are

Question 2


Classroom management is a managerial skill that entails every action that results in a good
learning atmosphere in the classroom, it involves planning, teaching, leading, controlling and
supervising learning, that should all take place at the same time.


For classroom to be managed successfully the four managerial skills which are: planning,
organizing, leading and controlling should be possessed by teachers.

 Planning- A teacher should be able to think ahead of how effective teaching and
learning can take place in the classroom.
 Organizing- A teacher should arrange activities and media in the classroom for
effective teaching and learning to take place.
 Leading- A teacher should be able to influence learners in the classroom to learn and
achieve the set learning objectives.
 Controlling- The teacher should see to it that the planned learning activities take
place and the set of objectives are achieved.

Having these four managerial skills can help a teacher to have the elements needed for an
effective classroom which are:

 A clear objective which defines the reason for the lesson, gives an overview of the
content to be taught and indicate the results they hope to achieve.
 A well-structured plan which assists them in maintaining the direction they wish
to follow during the period of instruction.
 A thorough knowledge of the class with reference to level of development, level
of understanding, language skills and intellectual ability.
 A thorough knowledge of the subjects so that they are not textbook bound.
 Skill of communication in which their language is clear and precise, while they
maintain eye-contact with the learners, and vary the tone and pace of their voice.
 A control and understanding of their own, and the learners’ body language.
 Appreciation of the ability of learners to concentrate, since concentration begins
to decline after a time, teachers through knowledge of their class, should plan to
vary the activities to prevent fatigue and boredom.

Ministry of Basic Education and Culture, Republic of Namibia. Code of Conduct for

Mushaandja, J. (2002). Educational Management and Leadership. Windhoek: CES, Unam

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