8 Aeca 9 F 6 e 598
8 Aeca 9 F 6 e 598
8 Aeca 9 F 6 e 598
At Avanti Court Primary School we aim to provide a positive learning environment for all
children, where effective teaching and learning can take place. We believe that effective
communication between home and school is essential to supporting children in their learning.
Underpinning all of our core beliefs are our Core Principles of the Avanti Way: Avanti exists to
help each person become a well-rounded human being through intellectual, moral and
spiritual growth, and so make the world a better place. These form the foundations for
everything we do and are embedded across the school ethos.
• To establish more effective communication links with parents/Carers.
• To enhance the current effective behaviour policy.
• To streamline the home learning procedures to be more accessible and
1.1 ClassDojo is an online tool which offers many useful features including: behaviour
management, parent/Carer and teacher communication as well as class/school
newsfeeds. Avanti Court Primary School will use ClassDojo for all of these features.
1.2 ClassDojo is free and works on any iOS/Android/Kindle Fire device or web
browsers. Parents/Carers can also read all Class Story posts in their preferred
language instantly.
1.3 In order for the system to work efficiently and effectively, this document will
highlight the stipulations around use from teachers and parents/Carers in order to
keep ClassDojo as a positive tool.
1.4 These stipulations will be annually reviewed during and after implementation of
ClassDojo to reflect the values of the school.
1.5 ClassDojo is compliant with the GDPR and parents/Carers give permission for the
school to process their child's data on the system when they complete the data
processing consent form. All information on ClassDojo is private between teachers,
parents/Carers and children. Information is never sold and ClassDojo permanently
deletes pupils’ personal information when they stop using ClassDojo. Teachers, parents
and children can always access and delete their information at any time
2.2 Parents/Carers are sent a passcode/QR code which connects them to their child's
account - we use ClassDojo from Nursery all the way through to Year 6.
2.3 It provides an easy way for you to join the conversation. It is secure and personal to
our school and provides information in an easy to use format similar to Twitter and
2.4 We will use ClassDojo to keep in touch with you about school events, send
reminders, send celebratory messages about learning and community activities.
• Digital Sticker points - Children will collect Dojo points from staff when they
show positive behaviours linked to our school values and school rules.
• Class Story - general class news, photographs and celebrations, reminders and
• School Story - news and photographs from across the school, informing you
about whole school events and other whole school information and updates.
3.1 Parents/Carers will receive a covering letter upon implementation explaining how the
app will work and how to register. This will include a copy of this policy which the
parents will have accepted in full if they sign up to use ClassDojo.
3.2 Parents/Carers can use a generated invite code in order to link with their child’s
class, either through the use of the smart phone app or website.
3.3 Only parents/carers will be given access codes to ClassDojo. It is expected
that up to two parents will be linked to a child’s account; any additional adults
will only be accepted in special circumstances.
3.4 Parents/Carers can view their child’s class and school story feed. They can like and
comment on class posts. They can also message their child’s class teacher.
3.5 Parents/Carers can message teachers, however a response will only be given during
the hours of 8am – 4pm Monday-Friday as the rest of the time teachers are set
on ‘quiet time’.
3.6 Parents/Carers should be aware that teachers will not necessarily respond to
messages straight away, but will endeavour to do so within 24 hours during working
days only. They may also not read the message that you have sent until the end of
the day due to their teaching commitments.
3.11 If parents/carers do not wish for their child’s photographs, digital recordings or work
samples to be published on ClassDojo they must indicate to the school email
(available from the school office if not already submitted).
3.12 Parents/Carers cannot share photographs, messages or work samples published
on ClassDojo on their personal social media accounts due to a breach of privacy.
Parents/Carers who share private or confidential material or information may be
removed from ClassDojo.
3.13 Parents/Carers will recognise that ClassDojo is a means to share positive understandings
of classroom and whole school learning. It should not be used to compare pupils work
samples, digital recordings or photographs.
3.14 Parents/Carers will understand that the number of posts will not be consistent from
week to week and will be dependent on events that are happening in school. The
number and content of posts may also differ across year groups and classes.
Parents who do not use the messaging system correctly will be given one warning
before being taken off ClassDojo.
Teachers and ClassDojo
4.1 Staff should be aware of the working hours (Monday-Friday 8am to 4pm)
surrounding ClassDojo and that parents/carers may message outside of these times.
Teachers are asked to refrain from checking their messages outside of these working
hours, as they will be marked as seen and this can be viewed by parents/Carers.
4.2 Should teachers receive any messages which they find inappropriate, they should
escalate this to a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) as soon as possible.
4.3 Should a staff member be unable to answer a question via the messaging system,
they can ask the parent to phone the school directly or ask their line manager to
respond to the parent.
4.4 Any messages which refer to absences, sickness, progress etc., should be directed
to the school office with a brief message.
4.5 Teachers and support staff are encouraged to post updates on their class page- the
amount is at your discretion and may include regular reminder posts about
swimming/PE days/deadlines and other important class events such as trips or
assemblies. In addition, celebrations of work should be shared either individually to
parents/carers or via the class page.
4.6 Teachers will regularly share messages and work samples via the Class Story page that
promote positive understandings of class and whole school learning.
4.7 Teachers will only use the first names of the children when posting pictures or
messages on ClassDojo (and may, on occasions, use the first initial of a child’s surname
also if there is more than one child that shares the same first name within that class).
4.8 Teachers will only reply to messages that they receive from parents of children within
their class (or those that they are responsible for if they are carrying out PPA cover).
They will ignore any messages received that do not follow this rule.
4.9 Teachers are respectfully reminded to not engage in any conversations about personal
matters via the class page or the messaging service. (Please familiarise yourself with
Avanti Court Primary School Internet Code of Practice Policy and Online Safety Policy).
4.10 Information that is considered sensitive or private will be communicated with parents
and carers only via the Arbor platform, not through Class Story or School Story.
4.11 All users of Class Dojo are to make themselves fully aware of the children who are in
LA care or who do not have permission to have their photographs shared on websites
and social media from the school. Teachers will share photos, digital recordings,
messages and work samples only for pupils whose parents/carers have given written
permission that this information can be shared.
4.12 Teachers cannot share content published on ClassDojo on their personal social
media accounts due to a breach of privacy.
Avanti Court Primary School teachers, parents & Carers who participate in ClassDojo agree
to the terms of the Code of Conduct. If these terms are breached, the Principal of Avanti
Court Primary School will decide on an appropriate course of action.