Learning Episode 1 - Field Study 1

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Learning Episode 1:

Study The School


Learning Outcome
At the end of this Episode, I must be able to determine the characteristics of a
school environment that is safe, secure, and is supportive of learning (PPST 2.1.1).

Activity 1.1: Exploring the School Campus

Resource Teacher: Karren A. LorenzoTeacher’s Signature: _________________
School: LNHS
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 Subject Area: FILIPINO Date: 10-17-23

To realize the Learning Outcome, work my way through these steps:

1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus, then in
the classroom.
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a. Descriptive paragraph
b. Photo essay
c. Sketch or drawing
d. Poem, song or rap

As you move around the campus, observation forms are provided for you to
document your observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before
proceeding to the school site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be
accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better learning results.


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the
column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available,
and say how each will contribute to the students’ learning development.
Will it contribute to the
Facilities  Description students’ learning and
development? Why?
 The surroundings are Yes. Principals are the
clean and tidy, and the second-most important
Office of the Principal
place is spacious enough school factor influencing
to work comfortably. student accomplishment
after teachers. If the
principal's office is in
poor shape, it may have
an impact on his or her

Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas,

PhD, et.al)
work, then it may affect
his/her decision and
planning about the
student development,
including what activities
the students should do
and what students need
to learn.
School libraries have a
variety of books and
other handouts or
references that students
The books are organized
may need and that may
and aligned by section,
help them in their
there are also computers
learning development.
that can be used. The
Furthermore, through the
Library  room is clean and tidy,
library, students can
then there is a fire
develop leadership skills,
extinguisher for
cultivate high levels of
emergencies, and the room
engagement, and offer
is well air-conditioned.
peer learning

The counseling room

contributes to the
learning and
The place is comfortable development of students
and well-ventilated, also in terms of helping them
to secure the with their current
confidentiality, the inside concerns regarding their
Counseling Room 
of the office has a cubicle academic performance
to protect the privacy of development
the individuals being and personal problems
counseled. that affect their academic
status in

Will it contribute to the

Facilities Description students’ learning and
development? Why?
The school canteen
provides healthy foods
for the students which
The surroundings are very aid them to improve
clean and hygienic, and their learning
Canteen / Cafeteria 
most of the food is performance, in
nutritious. addition, students need
the right amount of
nutrients for them to
learn better.
 The surroundings are Medical professionals like
clean and tidy, as well as nurses and doctors in

Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas,

PhD, et.al)
medical clinics may teach
them about health
knowledge and its benefits
hygienic. There are for their learning and
Medical Clinic different medications development. Also,
medical clinics provide an
available, and a first aid urgent service to those who
kit is available in case of need medical attention and
emergencies. give students some mental
comfort to ease their
worries so they can focus
on their studies.
It gives a greater
experience for students'
The surroundings are
Audio Visual / learning and
clean and tidy, and there
Learning Resource  development, and the
are also many books that
Center material here may help
can be used.
them to create a better
presentation in class.
With a complete set of
models and other materials
in the science laboratory,
There are many anatomy the students can explore
models available, a big and experience some first-
telescope for stargazing, hand knowledge that may
help them more in their
and some electronic
Science Laboratory  learning development.
materials for Also, with the help of
experimenting. The tools various visual aids, it can
needed for studying motivate the students and
science are complete. spark their interest in doing
some learning exploration
or activities that may lead
them to new discoveries.
The gym can provide some
equipment that may help
The gymnasium is big the students with physical
enough to accommodate a training to boost their
class with 30 students and health, and with that, the
Gymnasium  the surroundings are clean students will have more
and tidy. furthermore, the academic strength. Also,
equipment is complete for its more safe than doing
students to use. activities outside that may
lead them some
unfortunate accident.
The student may use the
auditorium room during
their activity, like if the
teacher requires them to do
The surroundings are well- some performance task
maintained and air- like dancing or other
conditioned, also it must kinesthetic activity. This
Auditorium  auditorium room is a big
have the widest space to
accommodate all students advantage to them
and teachers at once. compared to doing the
activity outside, which
may have a possible
distraction that may affect
their performance.

Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas,

PhD, et.al)
In the gardens, there are
various flowers and plants,
The garden is beautiful and the fresh smell from
this can give the students
and has many types of
Outdoor Garden  some self-comfort and
flower and plants, peace of mind. They can
especially vegetables. also bond with their friends
here to ease their worries
and forget their problems.
This is where the students
The materials are apply and demonstrate
their knowledge and
complete and well-
Home Economics practice their skills with
 organized, and the the help of first-hand
surroundings are clean and materials that may support
spacious. their learning
This is where the students
can learn about the
Spacious and well knowledge that they can
apply at home, like how to
Industrial Workshop organized, and there are
 fix an electrical circuit,
Area various materials make some house
available. furniture, or learn about
welding that they can use
in the workplace.
The PTA office is a
Not yet available from the meeting place that the
current school being teacher and parents can use
for them to talk about their
observe but It should be
student/children learning
PTA Office x spacious and well- progress, and this is where
ventilated and big enough they plan to counteract
to accommodate teachers some problems and
and parents. collaborate toward a
certain goal.
There is no separate
It provides a therapeutic
comfort room for girls and
Comfort Room for environment, and where
 boys. Some comfort rooms
Boys boys can calm
are not hygienic, and some
don't have doors.
There is no separate
It provides a therapeutic
comfort room for girls and
Comfort Room for environment where girls
 boys. Some comfort rooms
Girls can calm and retouch
are not hygienic, and some
don't have doors.
This is where the guard
is positioned to help
The surroundings are handle student behavior
Others 
clean and well-maintained. and make a quick
(Guard house.) response in case of an

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to
record your data.

Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas,

PhD, et.al)
Classroom Facilities
(location, number, arrangement, condition)
It is placed at the back of the classroom and has
1. Wall Displays
plain white features and nothing on display.
It has two tables one is placed at the front center of
the classroom and the other is placed at the back of
2. Teacher’s Table
the classroom, then the size is enough to hold the
teacher's things.
It has 45 chairs and is in good condition and is
3. Learner’s Desk made of metal and strong wood and is comfortable
to sit at.
It has two black boards in front that have enough
4. Blackboard
size and are in a good condition.
5. Learning Materials / Visual There are no other visual aids inside the classroom,
Aids only what the teacher brought.

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?
The school campus and the classroom are the learning spaces of the student, it
may affect the learning process of the students, also everything inside can influence the
student mentality which can cause good or bad results. Then if the classroom is well
organized and free from distraction, the students may learn better, yield positive results,
and motivate them to learn better. In conclusion, the physical environment such as the
school campus and the classroom are one of the factors that affect the students learning,
with this reasoning, the school management and teachers must ensure that the learning
spaces are conducive to learning.

How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How does
this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
The school environment is one of the most important factors in the success of
student’s learning and is correlated with the idea of “nature vs. nurture” in child and
adolescent development, particularly the principle about what the “nurture” wanted to
emphasize about the child’s development which means environmental factor such as
school campus and classroom has a big impact in nurturing the student's development. In
addition, a learning environment that engages students boosts their attention and focus,
fosters greater levels of student achievement, promotes meaningful learning experiences,
and inspires students to exercise higher-level critical thinking abilities is crucial in
student learning development.


Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas,

PhD, et.al)
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why
Why not, although I have no particular school that I want to be part of, I still hope
that I'll be a part of some school with a good environment and has positive vibes for
the students to learn comfortably, and as I roam around the school, it meets my
expectation where student can learn as they want without worrying that the school
can't meet their need, especially in some materials and equipment to train and
demonstrate their skills because the school has a complete set for the student to use.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

In my opinion, it should make the students feel at ease and free of some potential hazards
that may cause an accident, and the environment should be well-maintained and eco-friendly
to make the students feel comfortable. The surroundings are well-maintained and far from
possible danger, so the students can learn comfortably without worrying about their safety.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

With a well-maintained classroom and tidy surroundings, the furniture should be
arranged appropriately to avoid accidents. It's good if the unnecessary visual aid is removed
to avoid attracting unnecessary attention. The room should be well-ventilated for the students
to feel comfortable so they can focus and put their full attention into learning.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

To encourage students to take part in cleaning the room. Then I will also help the
student to be aware of their duties and responsibilities inside the classroom. Then I
should create a plan of how to improve the learning environment inside the classroom
to have a good vibe that may help the student to learn comfortably and boost their
confidence. I should watch my every action and accept the students' differences and
uniqueness to avoid breaking the harmony. Lastly, I should use a student-centered
learning approach where students become the leaders themselves and can solve their
problems independently and seek an answer on their own, use their critical thinking,
and do not rely only on the teacher's instruction.

5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.

Teaching is not easy, you need to plan everything and put the student at the center
of your goal, you need to stand in front with professional manners and have a
confident posture to help catch your student's attention. Mastery is a must here to
avoid teaching wrong knowledge which may affect their learning process someday.
Being careful of the lesson you teach will help your students to develop their insight
and learning, and using well-built instruction for teaching strategies will help your
students to trigger their critical thinking and boost their confidence to actively
participate in class.

Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas,

PhD, et.al)

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