Ep 1 Glore Field Study 1 Episode 1
Ep 1 Glore Field Study 1 Episode 1
Ep 1 Glore Field Study 1 Episode 1
As you move around the campus, observation forms are provided for you to document
or observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to
the school side. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished
in the activity sheets will yield better learning results.
Describe the Few walks from the school, students and faculty members
community or can now go to the public market. The public market is the
neighborhood where center of commerce in the municipality, meaning, they
the school is found. can buy all the things they need including food, school-
related materials etc. That goes to show that the students
and faculty members have an easy access of resource
material for whatever purpose they need.
Wall Displays At the back of the classroom are wall displays such as the
achievement of the class.
Those desks are full of dust because there are no students and
teacher to maintain the cleanliness of it.
There are two huge chalkboards mounted in the front of the
Blackboard class. They look dirty because no one uses and clean them,
but they can still be use.
Books, art materials, and other learning materials can be
Learning Materials/
found at the back of the classroom. They are messy because
Visual Aids
no one organizes those materials anymore.
1) How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of
the students going to school? What are your conclusions?
The school campus and the classroom are the learning spaces of the students. What
composes these two may directly affect the learning process of the students.
Everything that makes up the school and the classroom influence the result of the
student9s learning whether it is effective or unsuccessful. For example, if the classroom
is well-organized, warm, and free from distractions, the students are more likely to be
more motivated, engaged, and yield positive results in their learning because there
is a sense of peacefulness around them that gives them comfortable space to learn
well. In contrast, a classroom that is unorganized may affect the students9
performance. In conclusion, the physical environment such as the school campus
and the classroom are one of the factors that affects the students learning.
2) How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/How
does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
It is correlated with the idea of nature vs. nurture. This principle believes that there
are several factors such as inherited abilities, physical environment, and social
relationships that shapes how students learn and develop. For student teachers like
us, we should always hold every factor as an important tool in shaping the child9s
growth and development. We must not dismiss internal factors such as genetics,
inheritance, and external factors such as noise, buildings, and the built environment
in the teaching and learning process.
1) Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why
I do not feel teaching in Laguna Science INHS in future not because I cannot teach
but I feel like I am much needed in a different school. Students there are undeniably
brilliant, intelligent and have a bright future ahead of them. Their academic
proficiency is great that is why they are in a science high school. It would be my great
honor if I were to be a teacher in that school and be part of every science high
school student9s journey. But there are already brilliant and amazing teachers there
who can also do what I have to offer to the students there. I would like to teach in a
school with students who have below average and average academic prowess. I
would like to make use of my teaching skills among learners who need more
Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your Observation report.
Observation Report
As per my visit to the school, there is only one board display in the entire campus.
There is a transparency board at the ground floor of the Gov. E.R. P. Ejercito III
Building that shows the finances of the school. MOOE stands for maintenance and
other operating expenses. Refer to expenditures to support the operations of
government agencies such as expenses for supplies and materials; transportation
and travel; utilities (water, power, etc.) and the repairs, etc. Canteen report,
agendas from previous PTA meetings, and other reports were also displayed in the
board. The board is made from aluminum and glass that protects the reports from
harsh and changing weather conditions.
From among the board displays that you saw pick the one that you got the most
interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation for below.
1 2 3 4
Communication The reports are precise, concise, and
It conveys the message easy to understand.
quickly and clearly
Objects are As for me, it is not that attractive. It is not
arrangement catch and eye-catching.
hold interest.
Reports are well-arranged in the board
Objects are arranged, 7
so stability is perceived.
Repeated shapes or
7 It lacks shapes, colors, and borders.
colors or use of borders
hold display together.
Interactivity The display of finances in the board will
The style and approach make you interact in it since it presents
entice learners to you the income and expenditures of the
involved and engaged. school.
The title of the board display is legible.
Letters and illustrations
7 Reports are also legible and easy to read
can be seen from a
and understand.
good distance.
It is free from grammar Contents of the board display are free
errors misspelled words from errors.
Durability Board display is made of aluminum steel
It is well-constructed; and window glass that protects the
item is securely papers and the contents of board from
attached. the changing weather conditions.
Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: A board display made of aluminum steel with
window glass shield to protect the contents of the board from harsh weather conditions.
Strengths Weakness
Based on your suggestion, make your board display layout. You may present through
any of these.
• A handmade drawing or layout
• An electronic (computer) drawing/ illustrate or layout
• A collage
2) Did the board display reflect the likes/interest of its target audience? Why? Why not?
It definitely reflects the likes and interest of its target audience because anything
they will need can be found in the bulletin. With the board9s overall theme, I think it
reflects the interest of its target audience who are the students.
3) Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand
why? Why not?
The language used was very clear, simple, and easy to understand. The language
used is English. It uses simple words as the labels of the information or materials
posted. The font sizes are also legible from a distance.
The upper section of the bulletin will display the extension activities of the school.
It will aim to showcase the outreach program that the school is doing so that the
people in the school will always be committed on improving the lives of the people
in the community.
Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief
The proposed board display will be needing the following:
1) Plywood board and nails - This will serve as the foundation of the board display.
Nails will be used to mount the plywood on a flat surface. The board display will
be put on a conspicuous place in the school.
2) Polystyrene foam or commonly known as Styrofoam – This will be placed on top
of plywood board and will serve as base of the board display.
3) A cut out of the official header of the school made from a tarpaulin print – It
will provide readers with the precise and clear recognition of the learning
institution and what government agencies have jurisdiction over the operation
of school.
4) A cut out of DepEd seal and official seal of the school made from a tarpaulin
print – Seals will be needed because it will make the correspondence authentic
and authoritative. It will be place beside the official header.
5) A cut out of the DepEd9s vision and mission statement made from a tarpaulin
print – DepEd9s vision and mission statement is a must have in any bulletin
because it is reminder of the institutional goals
6) Writing paraphernalia – Cartolina, bond paper, and marker will be needed to
write down the details of different announcements.
1) Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board display. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
A teacher should be:
Resourceful – in order to come up with materials that are not traditionally being used
for board display;
Patient – making a board display is difficult, so the teacher must be patient to come
up with an excellent board display;
Imaginative – teachers must be imaginative to create good and unique board
Organize – making a board display is more than just putting things together; the
design and information should be well-organized so that the message is easily
Confident – believing and trusting oneself is the most important thing when creating
a work of art. A teacher must manifest confidence in his/her work because that will
give him/her the mindset that the result will be successful.
2) Which of the skills you named in #1 do you already have? Recall your past
experience in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I believe I am already imaginative because I was able to put things up in a one board
display. I used to layout our publication materials in our community whenever we
have an event, and I can say that the experience I have gained from helping the
youth organization where I belong to helped me a lot to come up with my board
display. Although it is jam-packed, I can say that my board display is logical and
comprehensive when an individual needs updated news and information.
3) Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how
you can improve on or acquire these skills?
I still need develop my patience because I can be lazy when I am working on
something. I need to take my time thoroughly because I might lose my focus while
doing something. Concentrating on a task is quite challenging for me but I will
definitely put a lot of effort in accomplishing any given task.
Evaluate Your Work Task – Field Study 1, Episode 1 – The School Environment
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics of a school environment that
provides social, psychological, and physical environment
supportive of learning.
Name of FS Student: Joseph John P. Glore Date Submitted: March 3, 2022
Year & Section: 4th Year – 1st Block Degree: Bachelor of Business Technology &
Livelihood Education Major in Home Economics
3 1
All observation One (1) or two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Accomplished questions/tasks observation observation observation
Observation completely questions/tasks not questions/tasks not questions/ tasks not
Sheet answered/ answered/ answered/ answered/
accomplished. accomplished accomplished. accomplished.
All questions were
Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered All questions were
answered observation were
completely; answered
completely; not answered;
answers are with completely;
answers are not answers not
depth and are answers are clearly
Analysis thoroughly connected to
clearly connected connected to
to theories; one (1) theories; more than
grounded on theories; grammar
to three (3) four (4)
theories; grammar and spelling are free
grammatical/ grammatical/
and spelling are free from errors.
spelling errors. spelling errors.
from error.
Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
Profound and clear;
depth; supported shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by what
Reflection were observed and
by what were supported by what supported by what
observed and were observed and were observed and
analyzed. analyzed. analyzed.
Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not
Portfolio is not
on in the context of on the context of reflected on in the
reflected on in the
the learning the context of the
context of the
Learning outcomes: learning outcomes. learning outcomes.
learning outcomes;
Artifacts Complete, well- Complete; well- Complete; not
not complete; not
organized, highly organized, very organized, relevant
organized, not
relevant to the relevant to the to the learning
learning outcome. learning outcome. outcome.