Ep 1 Glore Field Study 1 Episode 1

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Ep 1, Glore - Field Study 1 - Episode 1

Field Study 1 (Polytechnic University of the Philippines)

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Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus

Date February 21, 2022
School Laguna Science Integrated National High School


As you move around the campus, observation forms are provided for you to document
or observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to
the school side. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished
in the activity sheets will yield better learning results.


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column
to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available. And see
how each will contribute to the students learning and development.

Will it contribute to the

Facilities Description students learning and
development? Why?
It will guide, coordinate,
and determine the
Located at the 2nd Floor of
Office of the educational plans and
7 the Gov. Jeorge Ejercito
Principal programs set out by
Estregan School Building.
educational authorities
and partner institutions.
If there will be a school
library, materials, and
equipment there will surely
The school has no library
provide information that
but there are plenty of
Library û supports active and
bookshelves inside of each
authentic learning. It will
ensure that learners will
develop information
literacy skills.

This office is tasked to

monitor students9
development such as
facilitating various
The school has no separate programs like orientation
counselling room. The program, growth and
Counseling Room 7 office of the guidance and development program,
counselling shares its desk how to cope with bullying
at the faculty room. and/or peer pressure
seminars, transition to
upper grades/divisions,
career guidance, and
social skills program.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


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It will definitely contribute to

student9s learning and
development. Canteens
provides nutritious snacks
and healthy meals for
Canteen/ Located at the ground floor children for them to
Cafeteria of the school. function all throughout the
day. Parents and guardians
will be sure that the foods
being eaten by their
children in the school are all
safe ang highly nutritious.
It will surely contribute to
the development of
learners. Clinic is a place
wherein primary care is
Located at the ground rendered to a sick patient.
Medical Clinic 7
floor. Clinics are essential
because first aid and initial
nursing assessments are
given during emergent
It will certainly contribute to
the learning experience of
the children. It is a place
where the students of all
classes experience learning
in an effective way. The
audio-visual method
Visual/Learning û None
appeals most to the senses
Resource Center
and it leaves a deeper
impact as it involves
greater attention in the act
of learning and helps the
child to retain the concepts
taught through these aids.
Science lab are of great
importance to the learners
because it provides first-
hand learning experience
There is no science
to the students. It helps in
Science laboratory but there are
û developing scientific
Laboratory tools and equipment in
reasoning abilities,
few classrooms.
increasing understanding
of the complexity and
ambiguity of empirical

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


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A wide space like

None. But, their gatherings gymnasium will allow the
and school events are school to conduct huge
being held in front of their events and activities.
Gymnasium û school building. Their Events such as intramurals
grounds is spacious and parties will help the
enough to accommodate learners develop their
them. physical and social skills for
their overall development.

It will certainly contribute to

the learning experience of
the children. It is a place
where the students of all
classes experience learning
in an effective way. The
None. But few classrooms
audio-visual method
Auditorium û have built in speakers and
appeals most to the senses
smart televisions.
and it leaves a deeper
impact as it involves
greater attention in the act
of learning and helps the
child to retain the concepts
taught through these aids.
Those garden and plant
boxes were made by the
students as part of their
course requirements. Their
gardening and cleaning
Located at the school subjects taught them that a
Outdoor/Garden 7
grounds. place with diverse plant life
will offer them shade and
cooler environment,
therefore, giving them a
comfortable and
conducive learning space.
If Home Economics Room
will be set-up, it will surely
help the learners in the
study of food, clothing,
Home Economics home, and family to
û Not available
Room achieve optimal, healthy,
and sustainable living for
every person and as a
member of families and
In the presence of Industrial
Workshop Area, the
students could possibly
learn how to use certain
û Not available tools and perform welding,
Workshop Area
woodworks, electronics,
masonry, design and
graphics technology,
engineering studies etc.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


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If PTA Office is present in the

school, it would be a great
avenue for parents,
teachers, and other
PTA Office û Not available
stakeholders to formulate
projects, plans, and
activities for the best
interest of the learners.
Provides comfort during
There are no separate
toilet needs, promote
comfort room for boys and
Comfort Room for cleanliness to students and
7 girls but each classrooms
Boys further teach them the
have their own comfort
importance of washing
their hands.
Provides comfort during
There are no separate
toilet needs, promote
comfort room for boys and
Comfort Room for cleanliness to students and
7 girls but each classrooms
Girls further teach them the
have their own comfort
importance of washing
their hands.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)


An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully then write your observation report on the space

Guide Questions Classroom Observation Report

The school is situated in Poblacion. Therefore, many of the
basic services of the local government unit can be found
within the community including rural health, social
welfare, public employment service, disaster risk
reduction and management services etc. With the
presence of this offices near at school, faculty and
students have access to the basic services of the local
government allowing easier cooperation and
collaboration of activities and projects for the attainment
of institutional goals.

During the time when face-to-face classes are being

held, there are bunch of stalls and food carts around the
school. Those small to medium size enterprises (SMEs)
markets their products to the students during break times,
lunch time, and class dismissals. With the presence of
those SMEs around the school, that only means that the
commerce and livelihood have thrived in the

Describe the Few walks from the school, students and faculty members
community or can now go to the public market. The public market is the
neighborhood where center of commerce in the municipality, meaning, they
the school is found. can buy all the things they need including food, school-
related materials etc. That goes to show that the students
and faculty members have an easy access of resource
material for whatever purpose they need.

There are also barangay tanod outposts that can be

seen within the Poblacion. Those outposts were being
operated by the barangay that has jurisdiction over
them. Outposts play an important role since they deliver
a noteworthy service in maintaining peace and order in
barangays. Their night patrols safeguard the community
at the risk of exposing their lives to unlawful citizens lurking
the community.

All in all, the community where the school is located has

a cooperative, thriving, and peaceful community.
Learners are in a community where they can possibly get
whatever they want and need. That being said, the
learners have a great community behind and ahead of
them that safeguards their safety and ensures their
The campus has 1 building located at Brgy. Maitim. It
Describe the school
houses the junior high school and senior high school
campus. What colors
learners. The lone building of the campus is located
do you see? What is
beside the Provincial Hospital of Laguna at the
the condition of the
municipality of Bay Laguna.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)


The building was built during the administration of former

Gov. Emilio Ramon <E.R.= P. Ejercito III. The building has
green and orange colors – the colors associated to the
then Gov. Ejercito III.

The offices seem to be lonely because face-to-face class

were suspended. The noise, joy, and laughter of the
students and teachers is what I miss the most when I
passed by those offices.

Those offices still operate to this day because of the

Pass by the officers.
implementation of distance learning modality. The offices
What impression do
seem to always hustle, and it is always busy to meet the
you have of these
demands of today9s education.
As I passed by the offices, I started to admire those room
not because it is beautiful but because of the people
who worked within the rooms of those offices. I admire
the grit, passion, and dedication they exuded for years of
Walk through the As you enter the school premise, there is a guard house
school halls, the that provides space for the security personnel every day.
library, the cafeteria. There is a temperature scanner, and alcohol there to
Look around and find adhere to the public health standards. To mitigate and
out the other facilities combat the COVID-19, there are also hand washing
that the school has. facilities within the school.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)


An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by those task as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to
record your data.


Wall displays are present in any corner of the room. Those
displays usually tells the grade, strand and track, and the
name of the section of the class. Wall displays also tells us who
are its class officers, the mission and vision of the Department
of Education (DepEd), the lyrics of the Philippine National
Anthem, and frozen speeches such as Panatang Makabayan
and Panunumpa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas.

Wall Displays At the back of the classroom are wall displays such as the
achievement of the class.

On the sidewalls, we can usually see motivational quotes to

uplift the spirit and morale of the learners.

Some wall displays are worn out because of the suspension of

face-to-face classes. There are no learners and teachers that
can maintain or beautify the classrooms anymore.
There is only one teacher table that can be seen at the front.
The table is spacious enough so that subject teachers can
Teachers Table
place their belongings and teaching materials there. It is
relatively old and have worn out through time and usage.
There are usually 40 – 50 learners9 desk in any classroom.
Learners9 desks were usually split into 10 columns. Seating
arrangements were usually according to the gender of the
students, their alphabetical arrangements, group members, or
Learners Desks
to any of their liking.

Those desks are full of dust because there are no students and
teacher to maintain the cleanliness of it.
There are two huge chalkboards mounted in the front of the
Blackboard class. They look dirty because no one uses and clean them,
but they can still be use.
Books, art materials, and other learning materials can be
Learning Materials/
found at the back of the classroom. They are messy because
Visual Aids
no one organizes those materials anymore.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)



1) How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of
the students going to school? What are your conclusions?

The school campus and the classroom are the learning spaces of the students. What
composes these two may directly affect the learning process of the students.
Everything that makes up the school and the classroom influence the result of the
student9s learning whether it is effective or unsuccessful. For example, if the classroom
is well-organized, warm, and free from distractions, the students are more likely to be
more motivated, engaged, and yield positive results in their learning because there
is a sense of peacefulness around them that gives them comfortable space to learn
well. In contrast, a classroom that is unorganized may affect the students9
performance. In conclusion, the physical environment such as the school campus
and the classroom are one of the factors that affects the students learning.

2) How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/How
does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
It is correlated with the idea of nature vs. nurture. This principle believes that there
are several factors such as inherited abilities, physical environment, and social
relationships that shapes how students learn and develop. For student teachers like
us, we should always hold every factor as an important tool in shaping the child9s
growth and development. We must not dismiss internal factors such as genetics,
inheritance, and external factors such as noise, buildings, and the built environment
in the teaching and learning process.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)



1) Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why
I do not feel teaching in Laguna Science INHS in future not because I cannot teach
but I feel like I am much needed in a different school. Students there are undeniably
brilliant, intelligent and have a bright future ahead of them. Their academic
proficiency is great that is why they are in a science high school. It would be my great
honor if I were to be a teacher in that school and be part of every science high
school student9s journey. But there are already brilliant and amazing teachers there
who can also do what I have to offer to the students there. I would like to teach in a
school with students who have below average and average academic prowess. I
would like to make use of my teaching skills among learners who need more

2) What kind of school campus is conductive to learning?

A school campus that is conducive to learning is a place where the relationship of
faculty and staff are harmonious, where teachers maintain a formal and cordial
relationship with individuals inside and outside of the school. A place where you can
find quietness, stillness, and peacefulness while learning. A school is conducive to
learning when children feel safe inside the campus. Students are excited to go to
school because it is a safe space for them. They feel like they can be anyone who
they aspire to be. A place where they can dream of anything they want to be
without judgement from the people around them. A place where people around
them validates what they are feeling. A place where people are supportive of
anything you are striving for. A place where you can be wrong and feel that you
have more rooms to improve.

3) What kind of Classroom is conductive to learning?

A classroom that is conducive for learning is a well-ventilated room, well-lit, clean,
organized, and a spacious area so that activities can be performed. A conducive
learning environment is one in which students are encouraged to study and thrive. It
is a place where knowledge and ideas are exchanged. Thus it should have all of the
learning and teaching materials that students and teachers require in order to
improve the teaching and learning processes.

4) In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

I will be very keen of their needs. I will use localized materials and will make
contextualized aids for better understanding. I will enjoin the stakeholders so that I
can beautify my classroom. With the help of everyone in the school community, I
can do anything in the future.

5) Write your additional learning and insights here.

Basically, a school is a place where we study and learn. It is where we learn new
knowledge, gain valuable experiences, build social relationships, and develop
meaningful values within ourselves. But, to achieve all of these, a school must be a
safe space for learning, promotes quality education, allows easy access to learning
resources, and provides opportunities for independent but experiential learning for
students. These will not be possible if the school head, teachers, parents, students,
and the community will cooperate in achieving all of these goals.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)


Activity 1.2 Observing Bulletin Board Displays

Date February 21, 2022
School Laguna Science Integrated National High School


Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your Observation report.

Observation Report

As per my visit to the school, there is only one board display in the entire campus.
There is a transparency board at the ground floor of the Gov. E.R. P. Ejercito III
Building that shows the finances of the school. MOOE stands for maintenance and
other operating expenses. Refer to expenditures to support the operations of
government agencies such as expenses for supplies and materials; transportation
and travel; utilities (water, power, etc.) and the repairs, etc. Canteen report,
agendas from previous PTA meetings, and other reports were also displayed in the
board. The board is made from aluminum and glass that protects the reports from
harsh and changing weather conditions.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


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From among the board displays that you saw pick the one that you got the most
interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation for below.


Topic of the Board Display: Transparency Board
Location of the Board Display in School: Ground Floor of Gov. <E.R.= P. Ejercito III Building
Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.
3 – VERY 1 – NEEDS

1 2 3 4
Communication The reports are precise, concise, and
It conveys the message easy to understand.
quickly and clearly
Objects are As for me, it is not that attractive. It is not
arrangement catch and eye-catching.
hold interest.

Reports are well-arranged in the board
Objects are arranged, 7
so stability is perceived.

Repeated shapes or
7 It lacks shapes, colors, and borders.
colors or use of borders
hold display together.
Interactivity The display of finances in the board will
The style and approach make you interact in it since it presents
entice learners to you the income and expenditures of the
involved and engaged. school.
The title of the board display is legible.
Letters and illustrations
7 Reports are also legible and easy to read
can be seen from a
and understand.
good distance.
It is free from grammar Contents of the board display are free
errors misspelled words from errors.
Durability Board display is made of aluminum steel
It is well-constructed; and window glass that protects the
item is securely papers and the contents of board from
attached. the changing weather conditions.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


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Bulletin board Evaluated by: Joseph John P. Glore

Location: Ground Floor of Gov. <E.R.= P. Ejercito III Building

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: A board display made of aluminum steel with
window glass shield to protect the contents of the board from harsh weather conditions.

Strengths Weakness

Aesthetic value of the board

Minimal designs are used display is very low. It could
Description of the
which gives the board clarity have been better and more
bulletin board layout
and simplicity. beautiful, but designs are
nowhere to be found.

The contents are relevant,

Other announcements that
Evaluation of significant, and helps the
are usually expected to be
educational content school administration to build
seen on board displays are
and other aspects their credibility among their
not present.

Recommendations or suggestions for improvement

It could have been more informative and comprehensive if other announcements,

details, directory, and statistics are present in the board.
Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:



Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)


Based on your suggestion, make your board display layout. You may present through
any of these.
• A handmade drawing or layout
• An electronic (computer) drawing/ illustrate or layout
• A collage


Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)



1) What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

It aims to inform the people within the school and the general public of the latest
happenings in the campus. The purpose of the board display is to inform the students
about the latest updates or memorandums, motivates them to be achievers and
engage them through participating on school activities or upcoming projects. It
serves a range of objectives, including informing viewers about various
announcements, class accomplishments, school groups, and so on. Inside the
classroom, teachers employ board displays to aid students in visual learning.

2) Did the board display reflect the likes/interest of its target audience? Why? Why not?
It definitely reflects the likes and interest of its target audience because anything
they will need can be found in the bulletin. With the board9s overall theme, I think it
reflects the interest of its target audience who are the students.

3) Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand
why? Why not?
The language used was very clear, simple, and easy to understand. The language
used is English. It uses simple words as the labels of the information or materials
posted. The font sizes are also legible from a distance.

4) Were the board displays effective? Why? Why not?

It was effective because it was very informative but also comprehensive when
looked at. The board display is effective in informational aspect. It conveys the
information well. It is comprehensive.

5) What suggestions can you make?

We must pay attention to the durability of the materials that we should use in the
board display. The school should keep constructing board displays because they not
only look nice but also keep students informed about what is going on at school. To
provide viewers with an excellent visual learning experience, the board display
should be produced creatively and informatively.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)



An informative board display with a fish pen and rice stalks on its background that
signifies the barangay9s identity and heritage.
Board title
Rationale (Purpose)
The aim of this board display is to be a comprehensive guide among the
students, faculty members, parents, and visitors.
This proposed board display shall be able to:
1) Showcase the extension activities it is currently doing for the community.
2) Inspire the learners from the experiences, stories, wisdom, and academic
achievements of the former students at the school.
3) Recognize the achievement of the faculty members and learners inside and
outside of the school.
4) Provide a comprehensive directory of contact details of all important offices
within the campus and important hotlines outside the campus.
5) Make the list of program offerings of school available to the general public.
6) Be guided of the calendar of activities for the month.
7) Be informed about the requirement for scholarships and career opportunities
within and outside the campus.
8) Make use of the campus map for easier navigation and tour.
9) Make the list of accredited academic and non-academic organizations
readily available to the studentry.
10) Be informed of the upcoming inter-school and intra-school competitions.
11) Be aware of the annual celebrations being held worldwide.
12) Familiarize one9s own to who are the university officials, staff, and personnel.
Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

The upper section of the bulletin will display the extension activities of the school.
It will aim to showcase the outreach program that the school is doing so that the
people in the school will always be committed on improving the lives of the people
in the community.

The second section

aims to feature the
Alumnus/Alumna of
the Month. This section
is unique to the
proposed bulletin because it aims to acquaint today9s learners to the former
students of the school. It is there to tell the humble beginnings, notable
contributions, and achievements of the former students to the learning institution
and the community and to serve as an inspiration for today9s learners. On the
other hand, congratulatory messages will be posted to recognize the academic
achievements of learners and faculty members within and outside the campus.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)


This section of the bulletin will serve as a guide for

pertinent details of the school such as directory,
campus map, and the basic profiles of the university
Directory will be made to provide a comprehensive
guide of contact details of all important offices within
the campus such as Office of the College Dean, Office
of the University Registrar, Office of the University
President, etc. Important hotlines outside the campus
will also be included to allow easier cooperation when
important and urgent needs arise. Hotlines of the
municipal police station, rural health unit, and fire
station will be definitely put in the directory for safety
and emergency situations.
Campus map will be included to guide the visitors. It will
help them to navigate and tour the school easier. It will also aid them in
familiarizing themselves in the buildings and facilities of the school.
University Officials will be a part of the bulletin where we will try to acquaint the
students and visitors as to who are the key people in managing and administering
the executive and administrative functions of the school.
List of program offerings will be there to allow the
general public to see what academic programs the
school are offering. This will allow the by-passers and
visitors to be interested in applying for a program.
List of Accredited Academic & Non-Academic
Organizations will allow the students to hone their
special interest, join clubs, and enjoy their university life.

Calendar of Activities will also be posted so

that students will be informed of the schedule
with regards to the dates of mid-term and final
examination, foundation month, seminars,
trainings, and workshops.
Call for Applications section is there to allow
the students to apply for scholarships and
career opportunities within and outside the

Schedule of upcoming inter-school and intra-school competitions will also be

posted to welcome contenders from different degrees and years to participate.
Worldwide celebrations during the month will be displayed to raise awareness and
be one in advocating of the national and international initiatives and projects.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)


Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief
The proposed board display will be needing the following:
1) Plywood board and nails - This will serve as the foundation of the board display.
Nails will be used to mount the plywood on a flat surface. The board display will
be put on a conspicuous place in the school.
2) Polystyrene foam or commonly known as Styrofoam – This will be placed on top
of plywood board and will serve as base of the board display.
3) A cut out of the official header of the school made from a tarpaulin print – It
will provide readers with the precise and clear recognition of the learning
institution and what government agencies have jurisdiction over the operation
of school.
4) A cut out of DepEd seal and official seal of the school made from a tarpaulin
print – Seals will be needed because it will make the correspondence authentic
and authoritative. It will be place beside the official header.
5) A cut out of the DepEd9s vision and mission statement made from a tarpaulin
print – DepEd9s vision and mission statement is a must have in any bulletin
because it is reminder of the institutional goals
6) Writing paraphernalia – Cartolina, bond paper, and marker will be needed to
write down the details of different announcements.

Materials for aesthetic enhancement

1) A tarpaulin print of pineapple and colors blue, green, and yellow sky will be
needed as background. It will be placed on top of the polystyrene foam (a.k.a.
Styrofoam). The pineapple as background will exude feelings of identity and
heritage because it will pay tribute to pineapple being one of the major
commodity and agricultural output of the municipality. Colors green and
yellow will be used because it is the traditional color of the school.


1) Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board display. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
A teacher should be:
Resourceful – in order to come up with materials that are not traditionally being used
for board display;
Patient – making a board display is difficult, so the teacher must be patient to come
up with an excellent board display;
Imaginative – teachers must be imaginative to create good and unique board
Organize – making a board display is more than just putting things together; the
design and information should be well-organized so that the message is easily
Confident – believing and trusting oneself is the most important thing when creating
a work of art. A teacher must manifest confidence in his/her work because that will
give him/her the mindset that the result will be successful.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)


2) Which of the skills you named in #1 do you already have? Recall your past
experience in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I believe I am already imaginative because I was able to put things up in a one board
display. I used to layout our publication materials in our community whenever we
have an event, and I can say that the experience I have gained from helping the
youth organization where I belong to helped me a lot to come up with my board
display. Although it is jam-packed, I can say that my board display is logical and
comprehensive when an individual needs updated news and information.

3) Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how
you can improve on or acquire these skills?
I still need develop my patience because I can be lazy when I am working on
something. I need to take my time thoroughly because I might lose my focus while
doing something. Concentrating on a task is quite challenging for me but I will
definitely put a lot of effort in accomplishing any given task.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment

On your right, you will see the

only building of Laguna
Science Integrated National
High School. To some, this
building is only a building, but
this institution has produced
countless individuals who
chose to excel in their own
Laguna Science Integrated
High School (LSIHS / LaSci)
positions itself as an institution
that molds talent and intellect
of students who will soon serve
the nation. It is a provincial
state school founded in
September 2008 during the
last term of former Gov.
Ningning Lazaro. It was in
consonance with the plan to
make Marian Ville a
commercial place where
LaSci was supposed to be built
and established. Today, the
school is a center for
secondary education,
structured in accordance to the country9s set science curriculum, wherein learners
are trained to be imbued with its very own virtues – excellence, discipline, and
integrity. Nestled at the second district of Laguna, LaSci is considered as a home
for students that seek quality education and an environment that helps you grow.
Not only that, it values creativity and enjoyment through different events and
festivities held almost every month. Overall, LaSci is a place where wisdom and
fun meet.

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)


EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task – Field Study 1, Episode 1 – The School Environment
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics of a school environment that
provides social, psychological, and physical environment
supportive of learning.
Name of FS Student: Joseph John P. Glore Date Submitted: March 3, 2022
Year & Section: 4th Year – 1st Block Degree: Bachelor of Business Technology &
Livelihood Education Major in Home Economics

3 1
All observation One (1) or two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Accomplished questions/tasks observation observation observation
Observation completely questions/tasks not questions/tasks not questions/ tasks not
Sheet answered/ answered/ answered/ answered/
accomplished. accomplished accomplished. accomplished.
All questions were
Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered All questions were
answered observation were
completely; answered
completely; not answered;
answers are with completely;
answers are not answers not
depth and are answers are clearly
Analysis thoroughly connected to
clearly connected connected to
to theories; one (1) theories; more than
grounded on theories; grammar
to three (3) four (4)
theories; grammar and spelling are free
grammatical/ grammatical/
and spelling are free from errors.
spelling errors. spelling errors.
from error.
Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
Profound and clear;
depth; supported shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by what
Reflection were observed and
by what were supported by what supported by what
observed and were observed and were observed and
analyzed. analyzed. analyzed.
Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not
Portfolio is not
on in the context of on the context of reflected on in the
reflected on in the
the learning the context of the
context of the
Learning outcomes: learning outcomes. learning outcomes.
learning outcomes;
Artifacts Complete, well- Complete; well- Complete; not
not complete; not
organized, highly organized, very organized, relevant
organized, not
relevant to the relevant to the to the learning
learning outcome. learning outcome. outcome.

Submitted two (2)

Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day
Submission the deadline. deadline. after the deadline.
days or more after
the deadline.


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 Below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 3.5 5.0
71 &
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72

Signature of Resource Teacher above Printed Name Date

Learning Episode 1: The School Environment


Downloaded by SAMAR Vernalyn D. (samarvernalyn@gmail.com)

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