Learning Episode 5 - Field Study 1
Learning Episode 5 - Field Study 1
Learning Episode 5 - Field Study 1
Learning Episode 5:
Creating an Appropriate Learning
Study Environment
Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your observations.
1. As you observe the Boys and girls between the ages of 15 and 16 are very active
class, investigate the
during class discussion. Although there are still some who are not
characteristics of the
well behaved, when they are seen by their teacher, they will
learners. Note their
immediately behave and focus on the discussion. Some students
ages. are playing with their cell phones but are immediately
confiscated by the teacher, and some show a happy expression
every time they call for class participation.
2. How many boys are There are 18 boys and 17 girls in total.
there? How many
3. Focus on their Yes, some of them always watch their behavior in front of
behavior. Are they their teacher; whenever the teacher calls their name, they will
already able to immediately shut up because they know that they are being
manage their own noisy; some are focusing their full attention on the class
behavior? discussion; and some students will take the initiative to tell their
classmates to behave.
4. Can the learners Yes, the majority of them can do work independently. When
Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas, PhD, et.al)
already work the teacher gives instructions on a certain activity, they will do
independently? it without asking what to do, and if it’s a group activity, they
will ask what they need to do without waiting for the leader to
lead them.
5. Describe their span of Some are about 3–5 minutes, some are 20 minutes–1 hour,
attention. and some are giving their full attention until the end of the
discussion. Then here are some that easily got disrupted, even if
there are some minor things that happened, like if their classmate
excused themselves to their teacher to go out, their classmate
suddenly talked nonsense, or if there was a sudden commotion
1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?
To make sure that they have a positive attitude toward studying, positive discipline can help
their learning and development, and the learners can develop a fixed behavior to take the
initiative to study more and be more active in academic activity.
Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas, PhD, et.al)
there are a bunch of books like specific books because what
Filipino, mathematics, English, they need is already there, and
and science. they can read it as much as
they want and use it as long as
they need. This can be more
convenient for them to study
because they can easily find the
answers they were looking for
regarding their lessons, and
there is no need to struggle to
find them in a large library.
The teacher sets rules like don’t These classroom rules can
be late, Some of these rules are make the student a better
that the students need to raise individual who has a sense of
their hands if they have some responsibility and respect for
questions or need clarification others, even if they have a
2. Classroom Rules regarding the lesson, then they different identity, religion, or
should behave well even if aspect of life. This can also help
there is no teacher to watch them to have a good manner
them, and don’t fight and bully and positive behavior towards
their classmates; they need to studying.
respect each other.
When the class starts, the This can help the student focus
student should hide their on their lesson without the
smartphone and only use it if distraction of some gadgets or
necessary for the class activity. some scattered, unnecessary
Before taking a seat, they things. Then, in group activities,
3. Classroom
should make sure that their the students can take the
area is clean. Then, if there is a initiative to participate in
group activity, the students classroom activities, be active
should go to their members learners, and develop their
quietly, and each member communication skills.
should help each other.
5. Seating Arrangement The seating arrangement is This helps the student behave
based on student behavior and well if there are reliable
needs; those who are hard to individuals beside them, which
handle or those who do not can also help the student watch
Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas, PhD, et.al)
behave well are put in front, their actions and not act
and those who sit next to them impulsively. It is also
are those who behave well, convenient for those who can't
some students who can help see clearly if they sit at the back
them, or some reliable and can't see clearly if there are
individuals. Then those with tall individuals who are sitting
blurry eyes are also sitting in at the front and blocking their
front, and those who are too view.
tall are sitting at the back.
If the student behaves well, This will let the student work
does some good deeds, or is hard, be more active in class
positively participating in the participation, and take the
class activity and discussion, initiative to tell their answer or
the teacher will praise them opinion without a second
7. Reinforcement of with “job well done” or thought because, even if they
Positive Behavior “mahusay” while smiling at are not 100 percent sure that
them. Then, for those who are their answer is correct, the
slow to cope with the lesson, teacher will not get angry or
the teacher will tell them “kaya humiliate them but instead will
mo yan” or “mas galingan mo praise and encourage them.
pa sa susunod.”
1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?
Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas, PhD, et.al)
This will help to fix the student's misbehavior and encourage them to be active learners.
The classroom organization will let them have a sense of responsibility for what they need
to do or what they think they need to take care of and be responsible individuals who know
their responsibilities even without anyone reminding them. Then the routines can make the
student fix their bad behavior or be a better individual who knows what they need to do
without the teacher reminding them or what appropriate action they must take even without
the presence of their teacher. This can also help develop good behavior toward studying and
encourage students to take the initiative to participate in the class activity.
2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and
routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
The teacher is probably thinking about what strategies must be implemented for the
student to have a good habit of learning and for the student to improve their individual
character as a student. When this topic came up, I thought about Pavlov's classical
conditioning, which is a type of learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus is consistently
paired with a stimulus that naturally elicits a response. This theory complements the
teacher's idea in designing the classroom organization, like the implementation of a good
habit inside the classroom. For example, whenever the teacher comes inside the classroom,
at first the teacher will remind them to clean their area before they proceed to the
discussion, and then when time passes, the student will automatically clean their area
whenever they see that their teacher is coming without her or his reminding. In terms of
principle, I thought about the process of repetition, which also complements the classroom
organization and routines. For example, whenever the teacher has an activity for her/his
students and she/he requires that every member must make a contribution to the activity, the
student will follow what the teacher asks for, but as time goes by with the repetition of the
same routine, the student will take the initiative to participate. Then, whenever the class
hours are done, the assigned cleaners will automatically stay to clean their classroom
without the teacher reminding them because they know what they need to do.
3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating students? Why were they effective?
In managing a good-behavior student, the teacher should praise them whenever they do
something good and achieve a good result, so the student will continue to work hard and be
more active to achieve the same result and for others to follow suit. For those who do not
behave well, the teacher should approach them and talk about what they missed because of
their misbehavior, advising them of what they need to do or what they should avoid to
correct their mistake and give them another chance to make it up, but don’t be soft-hearted;
the teacher should make the student realize and reflect on their own actions so that they will
not make the same mistake again. Lastly, for those who are slow to cope, the teacher should
encourage them to work harder and praise them, saying that what they do is great, but if
they work harder, they will definitely catch up with the others. With this, the student will
have the confidence to move forward and try hard for their development.
Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas, PhD, et.al)
Reflect on the following and write your insights.
2. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year level do you
see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why?
I see myself teaching in grade 7, and with this, I thought to organize my classroom so that it
would suit their level. Then sitting arrangement was the first thing I thought. In the first
week of class, I will let them sit wherever they want so that they will feel more comfortable
and give them time to adjust to their new environment. The next week, I will arrange
another sitting arrangement to familiarize themselves with their classmates, and I will
repeat it every week so that every student will be more familiar with each other, feel
comfortable, and nothing will be left behind or isolated. Another thing I want to establish
inside the classroom is that before every discussion, I will share some motivational quotes,
hoping that this will help their mental and emotional aspects. Also I want to have a group of
cleaners to have a rotation in taking care of the classroom and make sure that the classroom
are always clean and tidy hoping that this will wake their sense of responsibility, and when
it comes in group class activity, I want to pair or group them based on their needs and
ability, for example in group of five members there will be a person who can lead them or a
person with high capability than others to lead them, then one who can cope up, one who
slow but can cope up and one who is hard to understand, every member should not only
contribute but also to help their members who are in needs or those who don’t understand
so that there will be no left behind, also for them to practice their interpersonal skills.
3. Make a list of the rules that you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you
choose these rules?
Some rules I want to implement are: take responsibility for your own actions; don’t bully
your classmates; hide your smartphone before the lesson starts; raise your hand if you have
a question or need clarification; respect your teacher and classmates; be an active learner;
don’t do unnecessary things while the teacher is discussing; pass your activity before the
deadline; if not, your activity will be marked as zero. I chose these rules to establish a good
habit and behavior towards learning and make them realize that this level is not like
elementary school, where they are playful and they need to be serious if they want to pass,
and improve their characters by establishing some rules that will correct their manner.
Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas, PhD, et.al)
Weekly Reflection
The classroom organization and routines are also very crucial for the classroom
atmosphere and for every student and teacher to have a harmonious relationship
where they help and respect each other.
I also realize that designing a classroom organization and routine is not like
picking your favorite food because you love it; the teacher needs to think deeply
about what this is for, who will benefit, and what the impact of these rules is for
both sides. You need to consider their level and capabilities while making sure that
all the students are well aware of all the procedures and routines inside the
Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (M.D. Lucas, PhD, et.al)