Pharmacological: 1-local injection use In a highly motivated patients this
may be all that they require-
2-periphral nerve block
relaxation and concentration on
3-regional (epidural, spinal)
breathing ,Massage - including
4-systemic(IV, IM, inhalation) aromatherapy ,Acupuncture and
acupressure, audio analgesia, maternal
5-General anesthesia movement and positioning
The ideal procedure should produce efficient relief of pain but should
neither depress the respiration of the fetus depress the uterine activity causing
prolonged labour. The drug must be non-toxic and safe for both the mother and
the fetus.
Regional anaesthesia
The methods so far considered cannot ensure a painless delivery nor can they
make labour tolerable when the pain is very severe. When complete relief of
pain is needed throughout labour, epidural analgesia is the safest and simplest
method for procuring it. But anaesthetists/obstetrician have to be trained
properly to make use of this very valuable method in normal and abnormal
Paracervical nerve block : Is useful for pain relief during the first stage of
labour. Following the usual antiseptic safe guards. a long needle (15 cm or
more) is passed into the lateral fornix, at the three and nine o'clock positions. 5-
10 ml of 1 per lignocaine with adrenaline are injected at the site of the cervix
and the procedure is repeated on the other side. This dose is quite sufficient to
relieve pain for about an hour or two, and injections can be given more than
once if necessary. Bupivacaine is avoided due to its cardiotoxicity Paracervical
block should not be used where placental insufficiency is present. In order to
avoid complications, a specially constructed guard tube is used. A needle is
inserted through the tube and is of such a length that it protrudes not more than
7 mm beyond its tip.
Caudal Block :-The caudal space is the most inferior extension of the
epidural space. Local anaesthetic is injected through the sacral hiatus into this
space in the caudal canal. The extent of anaesthesia depends on the volume of
drug inject In general procedures requiring block up to T 10 levels can be
The disadvantages include lack of availability of adequate expertise,
accidental injury to the fetal scalp and head. Relaxation of the levator muscular
sling interferes with the rotation of the fetal head, and relaxation of the perineal
sphincters causes faecal incontinence and contamination of the perineal area.
Hence caudal anaesthesia is not much preferred in the present day practice.
Pudendal nerve block does not relieve the pain of labour but affords perineal
analgesia and relaxation. Pudendal nerve block is mostly used for forceps and
vaginal breech delivery. Simultaneous perineal and vulval infiltration is needed
to block the perineal branch of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh and
the labial branches of the ilio-inguinal and genito-femoral nerves (vide supra).
This method of analgesia is associated with less danger, both for the mother and
for the baby than general anaesthesia.
Complications: Haematoma formation, infection and rarely intravascular
Advantages of regional anaesthesia
The patient is awake and can enjoy the birth time.
Newborn Apgar score generally good.
Lowered risk of maternal aspiration.
Post operative pain control is better.
Maternal coagulopathy or anticoagulant therapy
Supine hypotension
Neurological diseases
Spinal deformity or chronic low back pain
Hypotension due to sympathetic blockade. Parturient should be well
hydrated with (IL) crystalloid solution before hand.
Pain at the insertion site. Back pain.
Post spinal headache due to leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through the
needle hole in the dura.
Total spinal due to inadvertent administration of the drug in the
subarachnoid space.
Injury to nerves, convulsions, pyrexia.
Ineffective analgesia.
Spinal anaesthesia: Spinal anaesthesia is obtained by injection of local
anaesthetic agent into the subarachnoid has less procedure time and high
success rate. Spinal anaesthesia can be employed to alleviate the pain of
delivery and during the third stage of labour. For normal delivery or for outlet
forceps with episiotomy, ventouse delivery, block should extend from T10
(umbilicus) to St. For caesarean delivery level of sensory block should be up to
14 dermatome. Hyperbaric bupivacaine (10-12 mg) or lignocaine (50-70 mg) is
used. Addition of fentanyl (to enhance the onset of block) at morphine to
improve pain control) may be done, Brief or minimal spinal anaesthesia is far
safer than prolonged spinal anaesthesia. The advantages of spinal anaesthesia
are (a) less fetal hypoxia unless there is hypotension and (b) mi- nimal blood
loss. The technique is not difficult and no inhalation anaesthesia is required, but
post spinal headache occurs in 5-10 per cent of patients.
Hypotension due to blocking of sympathetic fibres leading to
vasodilatation and low cardiac output
Respiratory depression may occur
Failed block, chemical menengitis, epidural abscess
Total spinal due to excessive dose or improper positioning
Postspinal headache-due to low or high CSF pressure and leakage of CSF
Meningitis due to faulty asepsis
Transient or permanent paralysis
Toxic reaction of local anaesthetic drugs
Paralysis and nerve injury
Nausea and vomiting are not uncommon
Urinary retention (bladder dysfunction).
Combined spinal-epidural analgesia: An introducer needle is first
placed in the epidural space. A small gauge spinal needle is introduced through
the epidural needle into the subarachnoid space (needle through needle
technique). A single bolus of 1 ml 0.25% bupivacaine with 25 µg fentanil is
injected into the sub-arachnoid space. The spinal needle is then withdrawn. An
epidural catheter is thus sited for repeated doses of anaesthetic drug. The
method gives rapid and effective analgesia during labour and caesarean