MSP - Programme Brief

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Programme brief

Used to assess whether the programme is viable and achievable

Content checklist Responsibilities

 What is the programme’s outline vision Approver Producer
statement including the end goal?
Producer Reviewer Approver Sponsoring group
 What are the benefits the new capability
should deliver?
Sponsoring Group

 When will the benefits be achieved?

 How will you measure the benefits and dis- Lifecycle


 What are the estimated costs, timescales Created Identify

and effort needed to set up, manage and
run the entire programme?

 What are the programme risks, constraints,

assumptions and conflicts – including
stakeholder support and engagement?

 How will the programme be delivered?

 What is the potential impact of doing


 What projects or other activities are

needed and for how long?
Hints and tips
 What projects will be terminated (if there May also be referred to as the outline business
are projects already in existence, such as case. The information initially referred to as the
in an emerging programme)? programme brief will evolve into a number of other
documents, including the vision statement, issue
register, risk register, business case and benefit
 How are the target areas for changes
profile. Once this has occurred, the programme
currently performing? brief need not be maintained

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