Lesson 6 1
Lesson 6 1
Lesson 6 1
Lesson 6: The Why and How of School and Community Partnership Page 1
Module 6: The Why and How of School and Community
Partnership implies two parties helping each other. Both parties benefit.
This means that if a school-community partnership exists, both parties benefit
from the relationship.
School- School is a place where children learn. There are activities going on or
subject taught. There is regular scheduled curriculum. There is also
administration and management.
Lesson 6: The Why and How of School and Community Partnership Page 2
Opportunities for School-Community Partnership
Some schools call this service learning since it actively involves students in a
wide range of experiences which benefits students and the community at the
same time fulfilling the requirement of a curriculum.
Lesson 6: The Why and How of School and Community Partnership Page 3
4. Remediation and enrichment classes - Parents and retired teachers
may be involved in the School Reading remediation and Learning
Enrichment Programs.
Schools may allow the community to use school resources. Here are concrete
examples enumerated by the DepEd Primer on School Community Partnership:
School used as a polling place and venue for medical mission which it
may co-sponsor with the Rural Health Unit School used by the Rural
Health Unit for mothers' class on child care
School basketball court used for local celebrations and barangay sports
Lesson 6: The Why and How of School and Community Partnership Page 4
Learning from the Experiences Of schools and Community Partners
“ Kiddie Cops” classes- Cops lectures on good manners and right conduct, drug
addiction, child abuse, child welfare. Municipal Welfare and Development
Office - Municipal 'Health Office conducted special classes on health and
nutrition, rights of the child.
Pembo Angels Magic Spot (PAMS) were the volunteer environmental steward-
students of Pembo Elementary School while magic spots were the small
dumpsites or empty lots in the barangay which were converted by the students
into vegetable gardens from which members of the barangay could harvest for
home supply, the school for their feeding program or sold them for cash for the
purchase of seedlings and planting of more vegetables.
Lesson 6: The Why and How of School and Community Partnership Page 5
Urbanidad Kids were ideal students who acted as role models for the
students and the PEMBO community. They were the cleanest, most well-
mannered and most diligent in class,
The school cannot do it all. "It takes a village to educate a child", so goes
the African proverb. It has to work in partnership with other institutions in the
community such as the church, government organizations and non-
government organizations. With the breakdown of families, schools face greater
challenge in educating the young.
This is not to mention the negative effect of uncontrolled and lot of convenience
its uncontrolled and unregulated use of technology on the young. While the use
of technology brought a lot of convenience its uncontrolled and unregulated
Lesson 6: The Why and How of School and Community Partnership Page 6
by tech- savvy kids expose these kids to all sorts of information not necessarily
favorable for their development. So, families, schools, and other social
institutions need to work together to save the youth.
Section 3 (f) of the same Act encourages "local initiatives for the
improvement of schools and learning centers and to provide the means by
•which... improvements may be achieved and sustained." Batas Pambansa Blg.
232, otherwise known as the Education Act of] 982, Section 7 states that:
Another law, RA. 8525 , Adopt -A-School Program Act, also provides for
school-community partnership. It allows. "private entities to assist a public
school, whether elementary, secondary, or tertiary,... in, but not limited to, the
following areas: staff and faculty development for training and further
education; construction of facilities; upgrading of existing facilities, provision of
books, publications and other instructional materials; and modernization of
instructional technologies.”
Even the Philippine Education for All (EFA) 2015 Plan, then a vision
and a holistic program of reforms that aimed to improve the quality of basic
education for every Filipino by end 2015 likewise states: "Schools shall
continue to harness local resources and facilitate involvement of every sector of
the community in the school
This EFA 2015 Plan was extended in Education for All Beyond 2015-
Agenda 2030. Agenda 2030 has 7 new educational targets from 2015 to 2030
Lesson 6: The Why and How of School and Community Partnership Page 7
that must involve education stakeholders which in essence is school —
community partnership. UNESCO Assistant Director General for Education,
Dr. Qian Tang, himself admits that Agenda 2030 cannot be realized without
schools partnering with community. He said: "Our vision must be more
aggressive, more committed not just involving government, non-government
agencies but all stakeholders."
SAQ 6.1 Illustrate with a cartoon or a diagram the partnership between school
and community. (5 points)
SAQ 6.3 Can schools take the place of families in the rearing of Children? Why
or why not? (5 points)
SAQ 6.4 What sociological reality in the Philippines and in the world demand
that schools partner with the community (Church, mass media, business
establishments, etc.) for the education of children? (5 points)
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Lesson 6: The Why and How of School and Community Partnership Page 9
4. "It takes a village to educate a child." Which does this statement imply?
Lesson 6: The Why and How of School and Community Partnership Page 10
b. public secondary schools
c. public tertiary schools
d. public schools in all levels
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