ISO TR 23304-2021 Vitamin

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REPORT 23304

First edition

Food products - Guidance on how to

express vitamins and their vitamers

Produits alimentaires - lignes directrices pour exprimer /es teneurs

en vitamines et en leurs vitameres

Reference number
ISO/TR 23304:2021(E)

© ISO 2021
ISO/TR 23304:2021(E)


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Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

4 Guidelines per vitamins ................................................................... ............................................................................................................. 1

4.1 General ..
.................................................................................................... .. ........ .. . . . . . .. . .. ..
. . . . . . . . . .. ..... .. .. ..... . . . . . .. 1
.................................... .. .. . . . . .

4.2 Vitamin E ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

4.3 Vitamin A . . . ..
.......................................................................................... ......... . ... ........... .. . .. . ..
. .. .. . .. ..
............... .. .............................. . ......... .. 5.

4.4 Vitamin D ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

4.5 Vitamin K. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . .
.................................................................................................... . . .. . . . .. .
. ... .. ..... ................................................ ......... .. 8.

4.6 Thiamine (vitamin B1) ........................................................ .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .

..... . ... ... . .. .. . .. . . .
..... ........ ........................................ ........ .. 10

4.7 Riboflavin (vitamin B2) .

.................................................................. .............................................................................................. 11
4.8 Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP) . . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .
................................... .. ..... .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .... ..
. ........................................ .. ........ 12
4.9 Vitamin B6 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.10 Biotin (vitamin Hor vitamin B8) . . . .. . . .. . . .. ..
................................... .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . ........ ..
........... .. . ..
............................. ......... . ..... 13
4.11 Folates (vitamin B9) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.12 Vitamin B12 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
4.13 Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) . .
............................. ........... ......... .. . .
.. .. ........... .. . . . .
. . .. .. .. ........................................... .... . .. . .. ........ 16
4.14 VitaminC ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
5 US FDA unit conversions ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20

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Vitamins can be naturally found in foods in different molecular forms. In more elaborated food products,
vitamins can be used for fortification by adding several molecular forms with different levels of vitamin
activity. There are regulations governing the addition of vitamins in food products. The authorized
compounds for fortification depend on the type of food. Regulation deals with, for instance baby food or
food supplements. The main problem is that the vitamin activities of the authorized compounds are not
clearly described.

At the same time, it is not mandatory to list the chemical name of the compound used for food
fortification purposes according to food labelling regulations. For example, vitamin E can be written in
the list of ingredients without knowing if it is D-alpha tocopherol or D,L-alpha tocopherol, even though
each molecular form presents different vitamin E activity.

ISO and CEN analytical standards express results in mass units related to the vitamin standard used
for quantification. As expression in specific units of vitamin activity can be linked to regional/national
regulatory requirements, analytical methods do not give guidance for this conversion. This document
proposes ways to express the vitamin content in order to facilitate harmonization between different
laboratories and also to reduce misunderstanding of the results expressed in vitamin content and in
some cases in the vitamin activity of vitamers.

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Food products - Guidance on how to express vitamins and

their vitamers content

1 Scope

This document provides guidelines on:

how to express vitamin quantity,

the expression of different molecular forms in appropriate units,

and in some cases, vitamin activity, according to vitamers present or used in food products, in
addition to the quantitative content determination obtained from ISO and CEN analytical standards.

It provides information to be used as a basis for discussion between stakeholders and food control
laboratories. It is not intended to be prescriptive or exhaustive.

2 Normative references

There are no normative references in this document.

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

ISO Online browsing platform: available at

IEC Electropedia: available at

any of a number of chemical compounds of a particular vitamin, generally having a similar molecular
structure, each of which shows vitamin activity in a vitamin-deficient biological system

Note 1 to entry: See Reference [1].

4 Guidelines per vitamins

4.1 General

This document begins by addressing vitamin E, as this vitamin is considered to be the most complex
in terms of variation of possible units of measurement. Vitamin E is followed by the other fat-soluble
vitamins and water-soluble vitamins respectively.

To include the diversity of available conversion factors, regulations in different countries/regions

are evaluated, including the European Union ( EU), Regulations of the United States Food and Drug
Administration (USFDA), United States of America (USA), National Standard (GB) of China, Food
Standards Australia/New Zealand ( FSANZ). In addition, standards of global organizations (CODEX[2- l)
are included.

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ISO/TR 23304:2021(E)

Table 2 (continued)
us us EU CODEX China/Australia/New Zealand
(until 2019-1 2- (as from 2020-
31) 01-01)

1 JU = 0,67 mg for 1 mg vitamin E 1 mg alpha - TE = 1 mg alpha - TE = 1 mg alpha - TE =

D-alpha tocopher- (as alpha-tocoph-
1 mg D-alpha 1 mg D-alpha 1 mg D-alpha tocopherol
ol (natural) erol) label claim
tocopherol tocopherol
= 1 mg of natural
1 JU = 0,9 mg 1 mg vitamin E
for D, L -alpha (as alpha-tocoph-
tocopherol (syn- erol) label claim =
thetic) 2 mg of synthetic
International Unit, a measure of biological activity, different for each substance.
Tocopherol equivalent.

The vitamin E unit of measurement is generally defined as 1 mg of D-alpha-tocopherol (natural

form). There is currently no standard or official analytical method able to quantify this natural form

There are two main analytical approaches for quantifying vitamin E:

1) Saponification of tocopheryl esters to liberate them as free tocopherols. Solvent extraction and
separation of the individual tocopherols by liquid chromatography. Quantification by fluorescence

An example is EN 12822 [12], which includes a saponification and an extraction step. It enables the
separation by a normal phase HPLC, and the quantification of the free alpha, beta, gamma and
delta tocopherols using fluorescence detection. Tocotrienols are also separated but not quantified.
Tocotrienols are not taken into account for the expression of the vitamin result. The D-tocopherols
are not distinguished from the D,L-tocopherols.

2) Direct solvent extraction and separation of different esters and free tocopherols by liquid
chromatography. Quantification by fluorescence detection.

An example is ISO 20633, where the hydrophilic coating of fat micelles is hydrolysed by an
enzyme. The hydrophobic contents of the micelles are then extracted into iso-octane. The extract
is analysed by normal phase HPLC. Alpha-tocopherol and alpha-tocopheryl acetate are quantified
using fluorescence detection.

By taking into account the molecular mass and the activity ratio of the D and the D,L the following
values can be found[.8.J:

1 mg of vitamin E = 1 mg of D-alpha-tocopherol = 1 mg alpha-TE;

1 mg of vitamin E = 1,35 mg of D,L-alpha-tocopherol;

1 mg of vitamin E = 1,1 mg of D-alpha-tocopheryl acetate;

1 mg of vitamin E = 1,49 mg of D,L-alpha-tocopheryl acetate;

1 mg of vitamin E = 1,23 mg of D-alpha-tocopheryl acid succinate.

As mentioned above, there is no specific detection at the quantification step for the D-alpha tocopherol
(natural form) and the D,L-alpha tocopherol (synthetic form) respectively. So, when a sample is analysed,
and there is no specific information about the added form (D or D,L) on the label of the product, there

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ISO/TR 23304:2021(E)

can be a misunderstanding about the true value of the vitamin E content. The difference can be a factor
of 1,35 or higher.

Regarding the nutritional aspect, there is no general agreement about the activities of the other forms
of tocopherols and tocotrienols.

When in the presence of certain amounts of beta and/or gamma and/or delta tocopherols, it is often
underlined that the relative vitamin E activities should be included in the final result. The more common
coefficientsLS-l are:

1 mg of D-beta-tocopherol = 0,5 mg of vitamin E;

1 mg of D-gamma-tocopherol = 0,1 mg of vitamin E;

1 mg of D-delta-tocopherol = 0,03 mg of vitamin E.

Tocotrienols are sometimes also taken into account by certain guidelines, such as the FAO/INFOODS
guideline[.'ll as in the following example:

Vitamin E (mg/100 g) = alpha-tocopherol (mg/100 g) + 0,4 beta-tocopherol (mg/100 g) + 0,1 gamma­

tocopherol (mg/100 g) + 0,01 delta-tocopherol (mg/100 g) + 0,3 alpha-tocotrienol (mg/100 g) +
0,05 beta-tocotrienol (mg/100 g) + 0,01 gamma-tocotrienol (mg/100 g)

Despite this fact, in most of the cases, only the alpha-tocopherol is considered.

At the session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (40th Session,
5th - 9t h December 2016, Hamburg, Germany), it was proposed to take only the alpha-tocopherol into
account for labelling purposes [.1.0_J. In this case, the expression of vitamin E is very simple:

vitamin E = 1 mg of alpha-D-tocopherol = 1 mg RRR-alpha-tocopherol.

Taking into account most of these parameters, the vitamin E content can be calculated as follows:

a) If only D-alpha tocopherol (natural) is present in the product, the vitamin E content (expressed in
D-alpha tocopherol equivalent) can be calculated as vitamin E (mg/100 g) alpha-D-tocopherol

or in some cases, e.g. for vegetable oils:

vitamin E (mg/100 g) = alpha-tocopherol + 0,5 beta-tocopherol + 0,1 gamma-tocopherol +

0,03 delta-tocopherol.

b) If D, L alpha tocopherol (synthetic) is present in the product, the alpha-tocopherol result is divided
by 1,35 and the vitamin E content (expressed in D-alpha tocopherol equivalent) can be calculated
as vitamin E (mg/100 g) 0,74 alpha-tocopherol (mg/100 g)

or in some cases:

vitamin E (mg/100 g) 0,74 alpha-tocopherol (mg/100 g) + 0,5 beta-tocopherol (mg/100 g)

= +

0,1 gamma-tocopherol (mg/100 g) + 0,03 delta-tocopherol (mg/100 g).

c) If the vitamin E molecular form is not known, it is recommended that the two former possibilities
be studied. Follow-up action with the producer of the product can be necessary before a conclusion
can be drawn.

d) Some methods do not involve a saponification step, like in ISO 20633. In these cases, the calculation
is adapted as follows:

vitamin E (mg/100 g) = D-alpha tocopherol (mg/100 g) + 0,909 D-alpha tocopherol acetate

(mg/100 g).

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In addition, it is important to consider that apart from adding vitamin E for food fortification purposes,
it is common practice and permitted to add tocopherols as food additives (antioxidants) to food
products, including:

E 306: rich tocopherols extracts;

E 307: alpha tocopherol;

E 308: gamma tocopherol;

E 309: delta tocopherol.

At the analysis step, this can lead to a difference between the vitamin E quantified value and the
vitamin E labelled value because no test is capable of identifying the part of vitamin E added for
nutritional purposes from the part added for antioxidation. In any case, the labelled vitamin E value
should not include the tocopherol forms added as antioxidants.

4.3 Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin A is mainly found in the fat of the different food products as
retinal esters.

The food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kinds of food products
with molecules having a vitamin A activity. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in
are generally linked to the type of food product. Table 3 gives an example of vitamin A compounds
permitted for use for food fortification according to EU regulations, depending on the product type.

Table 3 - Example of authorized vitamin A compounds for food fortification in the EU

according to products concerned
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Retinol 286,5
Food with a specific nutri- Retinyl acetate 328,5
Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
tional purpose Retinyl palmitate 524,9
Beta carotene 536,9
Retinol 286,5
Retinyl acetate 328,5
Supplemented food Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
Retinyl palmitate 524,9
Beta carotene 536,9
Retinol 286,5
Retinyl acetate 328,5
Food supplements Directive n°2002/46/EC
Retinyl palmitate 524,9
Beta carotene 536,9

There is no global convention on how the amount of vitamin A should be expressed for labelling
purposes. In Table 4 an overview of units of measurement for vitamin A is given according to several
national/regional regulations and a CODEX standard.

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Table 4 - Definition of vitamin A for labelling purposes in several standards/regulations

us us EU CODEX China/Australia/New
(until 2019-12-31) (as from 2020-01- Zealand

JU µg RAE3 µg RE µg RE µg RE
1 JU = 0,3 µg retinal 1 µg RAE = 1 µg retinal 1 µg RE = 1 µg retinal 1 µg RE = 1 µg retinal 1 µg RE = 1 µg retinal
1 µg retinal = 3,33 JU 1 µg retinal = 3,33 JU
1 JU = 0,6 µg of be- 1 µg RAE = 2 µg supple- 6 µg beta-carotene = Carotenoids excluded Carotenoids excluded
ta-carotene mental beta-carotene 1 µg RE
1 µg R A E = 1 2 µ g
1 µg R A E = 2 4 µ g
1 µg R A E = 24 µg
Retinal activity equivalent.
Retinal equivalent .

In general, the unit of measurement for vitamin A is µg RE and defined as 1 µg of retinal. The natural
form is the trans retinal.

There are two main analytical approaches for quantifying vitamin A:

1) Saponification of retinol esters to liberate them as free retinal. Solvent extraction and separation of
the cis and trans retinal by liquid chromatography. Quantification by UV or fluorescence detection.

An example is EN 12823-1[11], which includes a saponification step and enables the separation and
the quantification of all E-retinol (trans-retinal) and 13-Z-retinol (13-cis-retinol). EN 12823-2[12_]
enables the quantification of beta-carotene.

2) Direct solvent extraction and separation of different esters of retinal and retinal by liquid
chromatography. Quantification by UV or fluorimetric detection.

An example is ISO 20633, where the hydrophilic coating of fat micelles is hydrolysed by an enzyme.
The hydrophobic contents of the micelles are then extracted into iso-octane. The extract is analysed
by normal phase HPLC. Vitamin A palmitate (cis and trans) and vitamin A acetate (cis and trans)
are quantified using UV detection.

By taking into account the molecular mass, the following values for retinyl esters can be found:

1 µg of all trans retinyl acetate = 0,872 µg RE (vitamin A);

1 µg of all trans retinyl palmitate = 0,546 µg RE (vitamin A).

In some regulations, beta-carotene can be included as vitamin A. In that case the beta-carotene content
value should be transformed in RE. The correction factor is in most of the cases: 1 µg of retinol = 6 µg of

In the literature, different factors for alpha-carotene and/or some other carotenoids can be taken into
account like in the Souci-Fachmann-Kraut food composition and nutrition tables L13J:

vitamin A =retinal + 1/6 beta-carotene+ 1/12 (other vitamin A active carotenoids).

Other vitamin A active carotenoids include alpha-carotene, gamma-carotene, cryptoxanthin and


These carotenoids are usually not taken into account because of their low activity in comparison to
beta-carotene and because of the need for additional assays.

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To take into account most of these parameters, the vitamin A content can be calculated as:

vitamin A (µg/100 g) = retinal (µg/100 g) [all E-retinol (trans-retinal) + 13-Z-retinol (13-cis-retinol)]

or in some cases, depending on the regulation:

vitamin A (µg/100 g) =retinal (µg/100 g) + 0,167 beta-carotene (µg/100 g).

Some methods do not involve a saponification step, like in ISO 20633. In these cases, the calculation is
adapted as follows:

vitamin A as retinal (µg/100 g) = 0,55 x retinyl palmitate (µg/100g) + 0,87 x retinyl acetate
(µg/100 g).

4.4 Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin D is found in the fat of many food products. Vitamin Dz is
found in vegetables and vitamin D3 is found in food from animal origin (for example meat, fish and

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kinds of food products with
molecules having a vitamin D activity. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in are
generally linked to the type of food product. Table 5 gives an example of vitamin D forms permitted for
use for food fortification according to EU regulations, depending on the product type.

Table 5 - Example of authorized vitamin D compounds for food fortification in the EU

according to products concerned
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Food with a specific nutritional Vitamin Dz 396,7
Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
purpose Vitamin D 3 384,6
Vitamin Dz 396,7 Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
Supplemented food
Vitamin D3 384,6
Vitamin Dz 396,7 Directive n°2002/46/EC
Food supplements
Vitamin D 3 384,6

There are several vitamers of vitamin D. The two major forms are vitamin Dz (ergocalciferol) and
vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D without a subscript refers to either vitamin Dz or vitamin D3 or
both and is known as calciferol. There is global agreement about the units and the conversion factors
to be used. In Table 6 an overview of units of measurement for vitamin D is given according to several
national/regional regulations and a CODEX standard.

Table 6 - Definition of vitamin D for labelling purposes in several standards/regulations

us us EU CODEX China / Australia/
(until 2019-12- (as from 2020- New Zealand
31) 01-01)

JU µg µg µg µg
1 JU = 0,025 µg 1 µg = 40 JU 1 µg vitamin Dz or 1 µg vitamin D 3 1 µg vitamin Dz
ergocalciferol 1 µg vitamin D 3 (or or 1 µg vitamin D 3
or 1 µg vitamin Dz + vita- (or 1 µg vitamin
cholecalciferol min D3) Dz+vitamin D 3)
vitamin Dz vitamin Dz vitamin Dz and/or vitamin D 3 vitamin Dz and/or
and/or and/or vitamin D 3 vitamin D 3
vitamin D3 vitamin D3

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In general, the unit of measurement for vitamin D is µg cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol.

It is considered that for vitamin D, 1 µg of ergocalciferol (vitamin Dz) is equivalent to 1 µg cholecalciferol

(vitamin D3 ) because both have the same vitamin D activity.

According to former US regulation, the International Unit (IU) of vitamin D is equal to 0,025 µg of
vitamin Dz or vitamin D3. The IU can be still be found on labels.

There are two main analytical approaches for quantifying vitamin D:

1) Saponification of the matrix to liberate vitamin Dz and vitamin D3 as free forms. Solvent extraction.
A first HPLC step to purify and collect the vitamin Dz and vitamin D3 fraction. Then separation of
the vitamin Dz and vitamin D3 by liquid chromatography. Quantification by UV detection.
An example is EN 12821[ 4J, which includes a saponification step. A first HPLC step enables the
purification and collection of vitamins Dz and D3. Then vitamin Dz and vitamin D3 are separated
by a second chromatography. Both are quantified by UV detection. The drawback of this method
is that vitamin Dz and vitamin D3 cannot be quantified simultaneously because one is used as an
internal standard to quantify the other.

2) Saponification of the matrix to liberate vitamin Dz and vitamin D3 as free forms. Derivatization of
the vitamin D to a higher molecular mass. Then separation by HPLC and quantification by mass
spectrometry. The advantage of this principle is that vitamin Dz and vitamin D3 can be quantified

An example is ISO 20636 where samples are saponified and vitamin D is extracted by isooctane.
Vitamin D is derivatized and then quantified by mass spectrometry after a chromatographic step.
Stable isotopes of vitamin Dz and vitamin D3 are used as internal standards.

To conclude, the vitamin D content can be calculated as:

vitamin D (µg/100 g) = ergocalciferol (µg/100 g) + cholecalciferol (µg/100 g).

4.5 Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K can be found as vitamin Ki in vegetables (spinach, lettuce,
broccoli, Brussels sprouts) and as vitamin Ki and vitamin Kz in meat and liver.

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kind of food products
with molecules having a vitamin K activity. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in
are generally linked to the type of food product. Table 7 gives an example of vitamin K compounds
permitted for use for food fortification according to EU regulations depending the product type.

Table 7 - Example of authorized vitamin K compounds for food fortification in the EU

according to products concerned
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Phylloquinone (phytomenadione - 450,7
vitamin K1)
Food with a specific Menaquinone (vitamin K2) Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
nutritional purpose
Kz-MK4 444,6
Kz-MK7 649,0

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Table 7 (continued)
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Phylloquinone (phytomenadione - 450,7
vitamin Ki)

Supplemented food Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
(vitamin K2)
Kz-MK4 444,6
K2-MK7 649,0
Phylloquinone (phytomenadione - 450,7
vitamin Ki)
Food supplement
Directive n°2002/46/EC
products (vitamin K2)
K2-MK4 444,6
K2-MK7 649,0

There are three main vitamers of vitamin K. The major form is vitamin Ki (phylloquinone or
phytomenadione or phytonadione). The other forms are vitamin K2 (menaquinone) and vitamin K3

In general, the unit of measurement for vitamin K is µg vitamin Ki (phylloquinone) or vitamin K2


Menaquinone (vitamin K2 ) can also be added to different kinds of food in different molecular forms
( Table 7 ). The difference in molecular form is linked to the length of the isoprenoid chain. The number
of isoprenoid groups gives the name of the menaquinone. With the 4 isoprenoid group the name is
vitamin Kz-MK4 and with the 7 isoprenoid group the name is vitamin Kz-MK7.

To conclude, the vitamin K content can be calculated as:

Vitamin K (µg/100 g) = vitamin Ki (µg/100 g), or vitamin K2 (µg/100 g).

It should be noted that a significant level of cis isomer can be found in synthetic vitamin Ki· Cis­
vitamin Ki is considered less bioavailable. However, food regulations do not distinguish between cis­
and trans-vitamin Ki. From a food composition perspective, it can be more relevant to quantify trans­
vitamin Ki, whereas from a regulatory/food labelling perspective total vitamin Ki should be considered.

Most of methods quantify total vitamin Ki, but the recent IS ISO 21446 enables the quantification of the
cis and the trans isomers separately.

In ISO 21446, vitamin Ki is extracted from products with iso-octane after precipitation of proteins and
release of lipids with methanol. Prepared samples are injected on a direct phase HPLC column where
cis and trans vitamin Ki are separated isocratically with an iso-octane-isopropanol mobile phase. The
column eluent is mixed with a dilute ethanolic solution of zinc chloride, sodium acetate and acetic acid,
and vitamin Ki is reduced to a fluorescent derivative in a zinc reactor column. The resulting fluorescent
compound is quantified with fluorimetric detection.
EN 14148[ 7J, for example, includes the destruction of lipids by an enzymatic treatment and a post­
column reduction before a fluorimetric quantification. It enables the quantification of total vitamin Ki.
The two isomers (trans and cis) of vitamin Ki are not separated. Vitamin K2 -MK4 and vitamin Kz-MK7
can be separated from vitamin Ki by this method but are not yet included in the scope.

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4.6 Thiamine (vitamin B1)

Thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin. Thiamine can be found in a lot of food products mainly as
phosphorylated forms.

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kind of food products
with molecules having a vitamin 81 activity. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in
are generally linked to the type of food product. Table 8 gives an example of vitamin 81 compounds
permitted for use for food fortification according to EU regulations, depending on the product type.

Table 8 - Example of authorized vitamin B1 compounds for food fortification in the EU

according to products concerned
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Food with a specific Thiamine hydrochloride 337,3
Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
nutritional purpose Thiamine mononitrate 327,4
Thiamine hydrochloride 337,3
Supplemented food Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
Thiamine mononitrate 327,4
Thiamine hydrochloride 337,3
Thiamine mononitrate 327,4

Food supplements Thiamine chloride monophos- 380,8 Directive n°2002/46/EC

Thiamine chloride pyrophos- 460,8

The commonly used unit of measurement for vitamin 81 was 1 mg of thiamine hydrochloride, but
nowadays it is considered to be 1 mg of thiamine base. The molecular mass of the thiamine cation is

For expressing the different vitamin 81 compounds with the different molecular masses, a correction
factor is used:

1 mg of vitamin 81=1 mg of thiamine base (M= 300,8);

1 mg of thiamine mononitrate (M = 327,4) = 0,919 mg of thiamine base (M = 300,8);

1 mg of thiamine hydrochloride (M = 337,3) = 0,892 mg of thiamine base (M = 300,8);

1 mg of thiamine ion (M = 265,3) = 1,134 mg of thiamine base (M = 300,8).

To conclude, the vitamin 81 content can be calculated as:

vitamin 81 (mg/100 g)= thiamine base (mg/100 g).

There are several analytical approaches for quantifying vitamin 81. Vitamin 81 should be liberated
as a free form. Then it can be analysed by HPLC and quantified directly by mass spectrometry, or by
fluorimetry after a derivatization step.

EN 14122[.18.J, for example, includes an extraction of thiamine after an acid hydrolysis and an enzymatic
treatment. Thiamine is separated by HPLC and quantified by fluorimetry after a pre- or post­

ISO 21470, for example, specifies a method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of four
water-soluble vitamins in infant formula and related nutritional products, including relevant forms of
vitamins 81, -82, -83 and -86 by enzymatic digestion and UHPLC-MS/MS quantification. ISO 21470 is not
intended to be used on products where vitamins have not been added.

10 ©ISO 2021- All rights reserved

ISO/TR 23304:2021(E)

4.7 Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin. Riboflavin can be found in a lot of food products, mainly as
phosphorylated forms.

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kinds of food products
with molecules having a vitamin 82 activity. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in
are generally linked to the type of food product. Table 9 gives an example of vitamin 82 compounds
permitted for use for food fortification according to EU regulations, depending on the product type.

Table 9 - Example of authorized vitamin B2 compounds for food fortification in the EU

according to products concerned
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Riboflavin 376,4
Food with a specific
Riboflavin S'phosphate 478,3 Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
dietary purpose
Riboflavin 376,4
Supplemented food Riboflavin S'phosphate 478,3 Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
Riboflavin 376,4
Food supplement products Riboflavin S'phosphate 478,3 Directive n°2002/46/EC

Nowadays, the commonly used unit of measurement for vitamin 82 is 1 mg of riboflavin.

The vitamin 82 content can be calculated as:

vitamin 82 (mg/100 g) =riboflavin (mg/100 g).

It should be noted that food regulations allow the addition of riboflavin as a food additive (colouring
agent) in food products with the following compounds:

E 101 (i): Riboflavin;

E 101 (ii): Riboflavin S'phosphate;

E 101 (iii): Riboflavin, from Bacillus Subtilis.

At the analysis step this can lead to a difference between the vitamin 82 quantified value and the
vitamin 82 labelled value because no test is capable to identify the part of vitamin 82 added for
nutritional purpose from the part for colouring. In any case, the labelled vitamin 82 value should not
include the riboflavin added as a colouring agent.

There are several analytical approaches for quantifying vitamin 82. Riboflavin should be liberated
as a free form. Then it can be analysed by HPLC and quantified directly by mass spectrometry, or by
fluorimetry. There is no need of a derivatization step because riboflavin is naturally fluorescent.

EN 14152[.2..QJ, for example, includes an extraction of riboflavin after an acid hydrolysis and an enzymatic
treatment. Riboflavin is separated by HPLC and quantified by fluorimetry.

ISO 21470, for example, specifies a method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of four
water-soluble vitamins in infant formula and related nutritional products, including relevant forms of
vitamins 81, -82, -83 and -86 by enzymatic digestion and U HPLC-MS/MS quantification. ISO 21470 is not
intended to be used on products where vitamins have not been added.

©ISO 2021 - All rights reserved 11

ISO/TR 23304:2021(E)

4.8 Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP)

Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin. Niacin can be found in a lot of food products, mainly as phosphorylated
forms. There are two free forms of niacin, nicotinamide and nicotinic acid.

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kinds of food products with
molecules having a niacin activity. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in are generally
linked to the type of food product. Table 10 gives an example of vitamin 83 compounds permitted for
use for food fortification according to EU regulations, depending on the product type.

Table 10 - Example of authorized vitamin B3 compounds for food fortification in the EU

according to products concerned
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Food with a specific Nicotinamide 122,1 Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
dietary purpose Nicotinic acid 1 23,1
Supplemented food Nicotinamide 122,1 Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
Nicotinic acid 1 23,1
Food supplement prod- Nicotinamide 122,1 Directive n°2002/46/EC
ucts Nicotinic acid 1 23,1
Inositol hexanicotinate 810,7

Nowadays, the commonly used unit of measurement for niacin is 1 mg of nicotinic acid.

Certain regulations ( EU, US and Codex Alimentarius) consider the tryptophan content as being niacin
equivalent. This ought to be taken into account if it is mandatory: 60 mg tryptophan 1 mg niacin =


If it is not specified in the regulation, the niacin content can be calculated as:

niacin (mg/100 g) = nicotinic acid (mg/100 g) + 1,008 x nicotinamide (mg/100 g).

There are several analytical approaches to quantify vitamin 83. Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide need
to be liberated as a free form. Then they can be analysed by HPLC and quantified directly by mass
spectrometry, or by fluorimetry after derivatization. Some methods involve a transformation step from
one vitamer in the other. As such, the total niacin is directly quantified.

EN 14152[20.l, for example, includes an extraction of niacin after an acid hydrolysis or an enzymatic

treatment. Nicotinamide and nicotinic acid are separated by HPLC and quantified by fluorimetry after a
derivatization step by UV action. Inositol hexanicotinate is not quantified by this method.

ISO 21470, for example, specifies a method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of four
water-soluble vitamins in infant formula and related nutritional products, including relevant forms of
vitamins 81, -82, -83 and -86 by enzymatic digestion and UHPLC-MS/MS quantification. ISO 21470 is not
intended to be used on products where vitamins have not been added.

4. 9 Vitamin B6

Vitamin 86 is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin 86 can be found in a lot of food products free or as
phosphorylated forms. There are three vitamers of vitamin 86; pyridoxine (or pyridoxol), pyridoxal
and pyridoxamine.

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kinds of food products
with molecules having a vitamin 86 activity. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in
are generally linked to the type of food product. Table 11 gives an example of vitamin 86 compounds
permitted for use for food fortification according to EU regulations, depending on the product type.

12 ©ISO 2021- All rights reserved

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Table 11 - Example of authorized vitamin B6 compounds for food fortification in the EU

according to products concerned
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Pyridoxine hydrochloride 205,6
Food with a specific
Pyridoxine 5' phosphate 249,6 Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
nutritional purpose
Pyridoxine dipalmitate 646,0
Pyridoxine hydrochloride 205,6
Supplemented food Pyridoxine 5' phosphate 249,6 Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
Pyridoxine dipalmitate 646,0
Pyridoxine hydrochloride 205,6
Food supplement products Pyridoxine 5' phosphate 249,6 Directive n°2002/46/EC
Pyridoxal 5' phosphate 247,1

Nowadays, the commonly used unit of measurement for vitamin B6 is 1 mg of pyridoxin.

The three vitamers are considered to have the same vitamin B6 activity:

1 mg of vitamin pyridoxine hydrochloride (M = 205,6) = 0,823 mg of vitamin B6 (M = 169,1);

1 mg of pyridoxine S' phosphate (M = 249,6) = 0,679 of vitamin B6 (M = 169,1).

The vitamin B6 content can be calculated as:

vitamin B6 (mg/100 g) = pyridoxin (mg/100 g) + 1,012 pyridoxal (mg/100 g) + 1,006 pyridoxamine

(mg/10 0 g)

There are several analytical approaches for quantifying vitamin B6. The three vitamers need to
be liberated as free forms. Then they can be analysed by HPLC and quantified directly by mass
spectrometry, or by fluorimetry (see for example EN 14663[2.ll). Some methods involve a transformation
step from two vitamers into the third one. The total vitamin B6 is directly quantified (see for example
EN 14164[2 2J).

EN 14663[2.lJ, for example, includes an extraction of vitamin B6 after an acid hydrolysis or an enzymatic
treatment. Pyridoxin, pyridoxamine and pyridoxal are separated by HPLC and quantified by fluorimetry.
Pyridoxine dipalmitate is not quantified by this method.

EN 14164[ 22 1, for example, includes an extraction of vitamin B6 after an acid hydrolysis or an enzymatic
treatment. Pyridoxamine and pyridoxal are transformed to pyridoxin. Then pyridoxin is separated by
HPLC and quantified by fluorimetry. Pyridoxine dipalmitate is not quantified by this method.

ISO 21470, for example, specifies a method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of four
water-soluble vitamins in infant formula and related nutritional products, including relevant forms of
vitamins B1, -B2 , -B3 and -B6 by enzymatic digestion and U HPLC-MS/MS quantification. ISO 21470 is not
intended to be used on products where vitamins have not been added.

4.10 Biotin (vitamin H or vitamin B8)

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. Biotin can be found in a lot of food products free or bound to proteins
or peptides. There are two main vitamers with a biotin activity, D-biotin and D-Biocytin. Biocytin is
rarely detected. But as intermediate in the metabolism of biotin, biocytin occurs naturally in blood
serum and can be detected in offal.

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kinds of food products with
biotin. The name of the authorized molecular form to add in is generally linked to the type of food
product. Table 12 gives an example of biotin permitted for use for food fortification according to EU
regulations, depending on the product type.

©ISO 2021 - All rights reserved 13

ISO/TR 2 3 304: 2 02 1 (E)

Table 12 - Example of authorized molecules in the EU according to products concerned

Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Food with a specific D-Biotin 244,3 Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
nutritional purpose
Supplemented food D-Biotin 244,3 Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
F o o d s u p p l e m e n t D-Biotin 244,3 Directive n°2002/46/EC

Nowadays, the commonly used unit of measurement for biotin is 1 µg of biotin.

1 µg of D-biocytin = 0,656 µg of biotin.

The biotin content can be calculated as:

biotin (µg/100 g) = D-Biotin (µg/100 g) + 0,656 D-Biocytin (µg/100 g)

D-biocytin is rarely quantified, but should be taken in account in the calculation if it is the case.

There are several analytical approaches for quantifying biotin. Biotin should be liberated as a free
form. Then it can be analysed by HPLC and quantified by fluorimetry after a derivatization step (see for
example EN 15607[2 41) or by UV. In this case, a preconcentration step should be added before the HPLC
(see ISO 23305, for example).

In ISO 23305, for example, the sample is dispersed in a phosphate buffer and then autoclaved. Biotin
is purified and concentrated with an immunoaffinity column. Then it is analysed by HPLC and UV
quantified. Biocytin and biotin are separated.

EN 15607[2 41, for example, includes an enzymatic treatment. Then the extract is analysed by HPLC with
a post-column derivatization. Biocytin and biotin are separated and quantified by fluorimetry.

4. 1 1 Folates (vitamin B9)

Folic acid is the reference compound of a group of different vitamers which have a vitamin B9 activity.
Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin B9. Folates can be found in a lot of food products, free or bound to
chains of different numbers of glutamate units.

The main free forms are folic acid, 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate and 5-formyl-tetrahydrofolate. But there
are around ten compounds which are considered to have vitamin B9 activity.

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kinds of food products with
folates. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in are generally linked to the type of food
product. Table 13 gives an example of folates permitted for use for food fortification according to EU
regulations depending the product type.

Table 13 - Example of authorized molecules in the EU according to products concerned

Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Folic acid (pteroylmonoglu- 441,4
Food with a specific tamate acid) Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
nutritional purpose
Calcium L-methylfolate 459,5
Folic acid (pteroylmonoglu- 441,4
Supplemented food Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
tamate acid)

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Table 13 (continued)
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Folic acid (pteroylmonoglu- 441,4
Food supplements tamate acid) Directive n°2002/46/EC
Calcium L-methylfolate 459,5

The commonly used unit of measurement for folates used to be 1 µg of folic acid.

All folates quantified were expressed in folic acid. However, multiple regulations have now introduced
Dietary Folate Equivalents ( DFE) as the unit of measurement; see Table 14.

Table 14 - USA unit conversion for folates

Nutrient Former Former conversion New unit New conversion

Folate µg µg DFE 1 µg DFE = 1 µg folates

(Dietary Folate 1 µg DFE = 0,6 µg folic acid
E quivalent)

Recently in the EU, two new regulations have introduced the same principle: one for food for special
medical purpose[il] and another for infant formula[.2..6.J.

The folates (vitamin B9) content can be calculated as:

vitamin B9 as DFE (µg/100 g) = 1/0,6 folic acid content + folates content (µg/100 g),

or if it is outlined by regulation, the unit of measurement of vitamin B9 = µg DFE.

There are several analytical approaches for quantifying folates. Vitamin B9 was historically quantified
by microbiological methods. The calibration was made with folic acid. Some HPLC methods have been
more recently developed. A detection and a quantification by mass spectrometry enable differentiation
between the different folates. In any case, a trienzymatic digestion should be used beforehand to
prepare the samples. Although the LC techniques are nowadays widely deployed for the analysis of
vitamins, microbiological methods are still currently used for vitamin B9 (for example EN 141 31[.lll ).
Having two completely different principles often means discrepancy in results.

In AOAC 2011.06[.UJ for example, the folates in a sample are extracted in a buffer ( pH = 6,0) containing
internal standards by treatments with protease, amylase and rat plasma conjugase (trienzyme
digestion). The extract is purified and concentrated using a weak anion exchange ( WAX) Solid Phase
Extraction (SPE). Polyglutamate forms of folates in the sample are deconjugated to monoglutamates
during the extraction and are analysed by LC-MS/MS. Folic acid, 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate (5-CH3-
THF) and, 5-formyl-tetrahydrofolate (5-CHO-THF) are quantified, and total folate is estimated and
13 13
expressed as folic acid. Isotopically labelled folic acid ( C-folic acid), 5-CH3 -THF ( C-5-CH3-THF) and
5-CHO-THF ( C-5-CHO-THF) are used as the internal standards.

4.12 Vitamin B 1 2

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B12 can be found in all food from animal origin (offal,
sea food, meat, fish, eggs and milk products).

Cobalamin is the reference compound of a group of different vitamers which have a vitamin B12 activity.
There are four vitamers of vitamin B 12; cyanocobalamin, hydroxycobalamin, methylcobalamin and

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kinds of food products with
vitamin B12. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in is generally linked to the type

©ISO 2021 - All rights reserved 15

ISO/TR 2 3 304: 2 02 1 (E)

of food product. Table 15 gives an example of the vitamin 812 compound permitted for use for food
fortification according to European regulation depending the product type.

Table 15 - Example of authorized vitamin B12 compounds for food fortification in the EU
according to products concerned
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
F o o d w i t h a s p e c i f ic Cyanocobalamine 1 355,4
Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
nutritional purpose Hydroxycobalamine 1 3 46,4
Cyanocobalamine 1 355,4
Supplemented food Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
Hydroxycobalamine 1 3 46,4
Cyanocobalamine 1 355,4
Food supplements Directive n°2002/46/EC
Hydroxycobalamine 1 3 46,4

Nowadays, the commonly used unit of measurement for vitamin 812 is 1 µg of cyanocobalamin.

The vitamin 812 content can be calculated as:

vitamin 812 (µg/100 g) = sum of the different vitamers expressed as cyanocobalamin (µg/100 g).

There are several analytical approaches for quantifying vitamin 812. Vitamin 812 was historically
quantified by microbiological methods. The calibration was done with cyanocobalamin. More recently,
some HPLC methods have been developed. Although LC techniques are nowadays widely deployed for
the analysis of vitamins, microbiological methods are still currently used for vitamin 812. Having two
completely different principles often means discrepancy in results.

In ISO 20634, for example, cyanocobalamin and other cobalt-containing corrinoids are extracted
from the sample using sodium acetate buffer (pH = 4,5) and the latter converted to cyanocobalamin
using potassium cyanide at 105 °C. Extracts are purified and concentrated with CS or C18 solid-phase
extraction (SPE) cartridges and analysed with size-exclusion and reversed-phase chromatography.
Determination of vitamin 812 is made by liquid chromatography with visible detection at 550 nm.

4.13 Pantothenic acid (vitamin B 5)

D-Pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin. D-Pantothenic acid can be found in nearly all food, with
higher amounts found in offal, eggs and poultry.

Dexpantothenol ( D-pantothenol) is the alcohol analogue of D-Pantothenic acid. It is not naturally

present in food but can be used for fortification.

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kinds of food products with
D-pantothenic acid. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in are generally linked to the
type of food product. Table 16 gives an example of the pantothenic acid compounds permitted for use
for food fortification according to EU regulations, depending on the product type.

Table 16 - Example of authorized pantothenic acid compounds for food fortification in the EU
according to products concerned
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Calcium D-pantothenate 476,5
Food with a specific Sodium D-pantothenate 2 41,2
Regulation (E U) n° 609/2013
nutritional purpose Dexpantothenol (D-pantoth- 205,3

16 ©ISO 2021- All rights reserved

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Table 16 (continued)
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
Calcium D -pantothenate 476,5
Sodium D -pantothenate 241,2
Supplemented food Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
Dexpantothenol (D-pantoth- 205,3
Calcium D-pantothenate 476,5
Food supplement prod- Sodium D-pantothenate 241,2
Directive n°2002/46/EC
ucts D expantothenol (D-pantoth- 205,3

Nowadays, the commonly used unit of measurement for vitamin 85 is 1 mg of D-pantothenic acid.

1 mg of D-pantothenol (M = 205,3) = 1,068 mg of D-pantothenic acid (M = 219,2).

The vitamin 85 content can be calculated as:

D-Pantothenic acid (as a vitamin)(mg/100 g) = D-Pantothenic acid (mg/100 g) + 1,068 D-Pantothenol

(mg/100 g)

There are several analytical approaches for quantifying D-Pantothenic acid. It was historically quantified
by microbiological methods. The calibration was done with D-Pantothenic acid. More recently, some
HPLC methods have been developed. Although LC techniques are nowadays widely deployed for the
analysis of vitamins, microbiological methods are still currently used for D-Pantothenic acid. Having
two completely different principles often means discrepancy in results.

ISO 20639, for example, specifies a method for the quantitative determination of pantothenic acid,
excluding bound forms, in infant formula and adult nutritionals (i.e. powders) using the ultra high
performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry method ( U HPL C-MS/MS).
Pantothenic acid is extracted using a 0,4 moljl ammonium acetate buffer solution. After filtration, the
final solution is subjected to UHPLC-MS/MS. This method is a direct extraction of the pantothenic acid
present in the sample.

This method does not include an enzymatic step which is necessary to liberate pantothenic acid from
the coenzyme A (CoA) and from the Acyl Carrier Protein (ACP).

4.14 Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. L-Ascorbic acid and also dehydro-L-ascorbic have vitamin
C activity. Vitamin C can be in a lot of food products as free ascorbic acid and in a small amount as
dehydro-ascorbic acid.

Food regulations of many countries authorize the fortification of different kinds of food products with
vitamin C. The names of the authorized molecular forms to add in are generally linked to the type of food
product. Table 17 gives an example of the vitamin C compounds permitted for use for food fortification
according to EU regulations, depending on the product type.

©ISO 2021 - All rights reserved 17

ISO/TR 2 3 304: 2 02 1 (E)

Table 17 - Example of authorized vitamin C compounds for food fortification in the EU

according to products concerned
Product type Molecular form Molecular Examples of regulations
L-ascorbic acid 176,1
Sodium L-ascorbate 198,1
Food with a specific
Calcium-L-ascorbate 195,2 Regulation (EU) n° 609/2013
nutritional purpose
Potassium L-ascorbate 215,2
L-ascorbyl 6-palmitate 414,5
L-Ascorbic acid 176,1
Sodium L-ascorbate 198,1
Supplemented food Calcium-L-ascorbate 195,2 Regulation (EC) n° 1925/2006
Potassium L-ascorbate 215,2
L-ascorbyl 6-palmitate 414,5
L-Ascorbic acid 176,1
Sodium L-ascorbate 198,1
Food supplements
Calcium-L-ascorbate 195,2 Directive n°2002/46/EC
Potassium L-ascorbate 215,2
L-ascorbyl 6-palmitate 414,5

Nowadays, the commonly used unit of measurement for vitamin C is 1 mg of ascorbic acid.

The vitamin C content can be calculated as:

vitamin C (mg/100 g) = ascorbic acid (mg/100 g) + dehydro-ascorbic acid (mg/100 g).

There are a lot of HPLC methods that can be used to quantify L -ascorbic acid. The difficulty is not
overlooking the quantification of dehydro-L-ascorbic acid. Some methods are able to quantify dehydro ­
L -ascorbic acid. Other methods have a reduction step to transform dehydro-L -ascorbic acid into
L-ascorbic acid.

Another important point is to verify that the chromatographic method used is able to separate ascorbic
acid and erythorbic (isoasorbic acid) which has no vitamin C activity. Isoascorbic acid is permitted to
be added as an additive to foods.

To quantify ascorbyl palmitate, another analytical method is needed. In fact, this molecular form is
very instable in food and it is rarely detected.

Note that ascorbic acid can be added to food products as a food additive (antioxidant) including:

E 300: ascorbic acid;

E 301: sodium ascorbate;

E 302: calcium ascorbate;

E 304: ascorbic acid esters (palmitate and stearate).

At the analysis step this can lead to a difference between the vitamin C quantified value and the
vitamin C labelled value. In any case, the labelled vitamin C value ought not to include the ascorbic acid
compounds added as antioxidants.

An example of an analytical approach is given in ISO 20635. This IS specifies a method for the
determination of vitamin C CL -ascorbic acid) present in all forms of infant and adult formulas (powders,
ready-to-feed liquids and liquid concentrates), using (ultra) high performance liquid chromatography
with ultraviolet detection (U)HPLC-UV. The application range runs from 2,5 mg/100 g (limit of

18 ©ISO 2021- All rights reserved

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quantification) to 50 mg/100 g expressed in the product as consumed. The method is able to distinguish
between D-ascorbic acid (isoascorbic- or erythorbic acid) and L-ascorbic acid.

The principle of the method is based on extraction of ascorbic acid from the sample using trichloroacetic
acid ( TCA) in the presence of tris [2-carboxyethyl]phosphine ( TC EP) as a reducing agent and to protect
ascorbic acid from oxidation. Ascorbic acid is then determined by ultra high performance liquid
chromatography ( UHPLC) or high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC) with UV detection at
265 nm. Separation takes place on a C18 column using decylamine as ion-pairing agent in a sodium
acetate buffer solution (pH = 5,4) containing TCEP.

5 US FDA unit conversions

In May 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration ( F DA) announced regulations that require
amendments to the existing supplement facts label, which uses units and conversions based on the
1968 recommended daily Allowances ( RDA). The new regulations became mandatory in 2019-2020[.lll .

The changes are in the units used to declare vitamins and minerals on supplement labels. The FDA will
permit manufacturers to include the amounts of nutrients in the old units in parentheses adjacent to
the amounts in the new units.

Table 18 - Units and conversions for several vitamin nutrients

Nutrient Former Former conversion New unit New conversion

Vitamin A JU 1 JU = 0,3 µg retinal µg RAE l µg RAE = 1 µg retinal

1 JU = 0,6 µg beta caro- 1 µg RAE = 2 µg supplemental beta-caro-
tene tene
1 µg RAE = 12 µg beta-carotene
1 µg RAE = 24 µg alpha-carotene
1 µg RAE = 24 µg beta crytoxanthin
Vitamin E JU 1 JU = 0,67 mg for D-al- mg alpha 1 mg vitamin E (as alpha tocopherol) label
pha tocopherol (natural) tocopherol claim = 1 mg of natural alpha tocopherol
1 JU = 0,9 mg for D,L-al- 1 mg vitamin E (as alpha tocopherol) label
pha tocopherol (synthet- claim = 2 mg of synthetic alpha tocopherol
Vitamin D JU 1 JU = 0,025 µg µg 1 JU = 0,025 µg
Folate µg µg DFE 1 µg DFE = 1 µg folates
1 µg DFE = 0,6 µg folic acid
Niacin mg mg N P 1 m g NE = 1 m g niacinamide
1 mg NE = 1 mg inositol hexanicotinate
1 mg NE = 1 mg niacin
1 mg NE = 60 mg tryptophan
Niacin equivalent .

©ISO 2021 - All rights reserved 19

ISO/TR 2 3 304: 2 02 1 (E)


[1] KERESZTESY J. C.1944). ", The Water-Soluble Vitamins". Annual Review of Biochemistry. 1 3 :
367-410. doi:l0.1146/

[2] Guidelines on nutrition labelling CAC/GL2-1985

[3] Regulation ( EU) n° 609/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council of 1 2 June 2013 on
food intended for infants and young children, food for special medical purposes and total diet
replacement for weight control.

[4] Regulation ( EC) n°1925/2006 of the Europ ean Parliament and of the Council of 20 December
2006 on the addition of vitamins and minerals and of certain other substances to foods

[5] Directive n°2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 June 2002 on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food supplements.

[6] EN 12822, Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin E by high performance liquid chromatography -

Measurement of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-tocopherols

[7] ISO 20633, Infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of vitamin E and vitamin A by
normal phase high performance liquid chromatography

[8] Apports nutritionnels conseilles pour la population frarn;:aise - AFSSA - 3eme edition - 2001

[9] Guidelines for converting units denominators and expressions - version 1.0, FAO, Rome 2012

[10] Report of the thirty-eight session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary
Uses - Appendix III - Dec. 2016 - Codex Alimentarius

[11] EN 1 2823-1, Foodstuff- Determination of vitamin A by high performance liquid chromatography -

Measurement of all £-retinal and 13-Z-retinol

[12] EN 12823-2, Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin A by high performance liquid chromatography ­

Part 2: Measurements of Beta-carotene

[13] Food Composition and Nutrition tables - Souci, Fachmann, Kraut - 'JCh revised and completed edition
- Medpharm Scientific Publishers

[14] EN 12821, Foodstuffs - Determination of Vitamin D by high performance liquid chromatography ­

Measurement of cholecalciferol (DJ) and ergocalciferol (Dz)

[15] ISO 20636, Infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of vitamin D by liquid
chromatography-mass spectrometry

[16] ISO 21446, Infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of trans and total (cis + trans)
vitamin Kl content - Normal phase HPLC

[17] EN 14148, Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin K1 by HPLC

[18] EN 141 2 2, Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B1 by high performance liquid chromatography

[19] ISO 21470, Infant formula and adult nutritionals - Simultaneous determination of total vitamins
B1, B2, B3 and B6 - Enzymatic digestion and LC-MS/MS

[20] EN 14152, Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B2 by high performance liquid chromatography

[21] EN 14663, Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B6 (including its glycosylatedforms) by HPLC

[22] EN 14164, Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B6 by HPLC

20 ©ISO 2021- All rights reserved

ISO/TR 2 3 3 04: 2 02 1 (E)

[23] ISO 23305, Fortified milk powders, infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of total
biotin by liquid chromatography coupled with immunoaffinity column clean-up extraction

[24] EN 15607, Foodstuffs - Determination ofd-biotin by HPLC

[25] Commission Delegated Regulation ( EU) 2016/128 of 25 September 2015 supplementing

Regulation ( EU) n°609/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the
specific compositional and information requirements for food for special medical purposes

[26] Commission Delegated Regulation ( EU) 2016/127 of 25 September 2015 supplementing

Regulation ( EU) n°609/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the
specific compositional and information requirements for infant and follow-on formula and as
regards requirements on information relating to infant and young child feeding

[27] J AOAC Int. 2018 Nov 1;101 (6):1881-1894. doi: 10.5740/jaoacint.18-0114 ( Final Action)

[28] ISO 20634, Infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of vitamin B12 by reversed
phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC)

[29] ISO 20639, Infantformula and adult nutritionals - Determination ofpantothenic acid by ultra high
performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry method (UHPLC-MS/MS)

[30] ISO 20635, Infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of vitamin C by (ultra) high
performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection ((U)HPLC-UV)


[32] EN 14131, Foodstuffs - Determination offa/ate by microbiological assay

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