Microlite2020 Complete
Microlite2020 Complete
Microlite2020 Complete
Microlite2020 Complete
© 2020 by Randall S Stukey
Version 1.02 (April 4, 2020)
The designer’s home page – devoted to Old School
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Class Abilities
Core Rules Martial Ability - +1 to all attack rolls (increasing by +1 per
four levels), add level to initiative and damage rolls.
Rogue - Can use light armor. +2 to DEX stat. Class Abilities: Some examples: Light a candle or pipe with a flame from the
Sneak Attack, Riposte, Connections. wand tip. Dust things – at first level a minor magic spell
might be needed for each shelf or piece of furniture, while at
Mage - Cannot use armor or shields. +2 to MIND stat. Class third level a single spell might dust a room and at sixth level
Abilities: Arcane Spellcasting, Arcane Blast, Minor Magic. the magic-user's the entire floor of a house or tower. Tie or
untie a knot. Float coins from the magic-users coin purse to a
Cleric - Can use shields and up to medium armor. +2 to merchant's hand. Open a cabinet. Mix drinks. Dress/undress.
MIND stat. Class Abilities: Divine Spellcasting, Smite, Turn
Undead. Divine Spellcasting - Can cast divine spells.
Other Hazards If the level divides by three (i.e. level 3,6,9,etc.) add 1 point
to STR, DEX or MIND.
Falling: 1d6 damage per 10', half damage on DEX save. Fighters gain +1 to their attack and damage rolls at levels
DC=depth fallen in feet 5,10,15,etc.
Spikes: add +1 point to falling damage per 10' fallen, max Clerics and Magi gain access to new spell levels at levels
+10 3,5,7,9,etc.
Poison: STR save to avoid or for half, depending on poison.
Effect varies with poison type. Example: The 1st level adventurers have just completed a
Extreme Heat & Cold: If not wearing suitable protection, dungeon adventure, and defeated 5 EL1 encounters, an EL2
STR save once every 10 minutes (DC 15, +1 per previous trap and the EL3 leader. That's a total of EL10, so they all
check), taking 1d6 damage on each failed save. advance to level 2. They need to defeat another 20 Encounter
Levels to reach Level 3.
Optional Rules
STR 16 (+3), DEX 13 (+1), MIND 11 (+0)
hp 17, wp 16, AC 17 (Chainmail + shield), Longsword +5,
Class Abilities: Martial Ability(+1 attack, +1 initiative and
damage) Cleave, Favored Weapon (Longsword)
Backgrounds: Smith 3, Tunnel Scout 5, Soldier 2
Stat Alternatives
Cholmer, Elven Mage-1 Instead of the standard method of rolling stats during
STR 12 (+1), DEX 13 (+1), MIND 16 (+3) character creation the GM may choose to use one of the
hp 13, wp 12, AC 11 (Robes), Quarterstaff +2, d6+1 following methods.
Class Abilities: Arcane Casting (0 and 1st level arcane spells),
Arcane Blast, Minor Magic Roll 2d6+6: Roll 2d6, Total the 2 dice and add 6 to the
Backgrounds: Minstrel 5, Woodsman 3, Fae Noble 3 result, then allocate to one of the stats. Repeat for remaining
Barnabas, Halfling Cleric-1
STR 10 (+0), DEX 16 (+3), MIND 11 (+0) Point Buy (Average): Characters have 33 stat points.
hp 11, wp 10, AC 18 (Chainmail), Morningstar +1, d8 Assign these points to the character’s stats with a minimum
Class Abilities: Divine Casting (0 and 1st level divine spells), of 3 and a maximum of 18 in each stat.
Smite, Turn Undead
Backgrounds: Chef 3, Animal Trainer 3, Temple Loremaster 3, Point Buy (Heroic): Characters have 45 stat points. Assign
Poet 2 these points to the character’s stats with a minimum of 3 and
a maximum of 18 in each stat.
Alternate Initiative
One of these optional rules can replace the standard Initiative
Interpretation of the results is left to the GM, however, these Strike Now: The character can take his action right now
general principles may prove helpful. Very Unfavorable means instead of waiting for his turn in the normal order to come
the monsters will most likely attack unless the odds are up. This cannot be used to cast a spell over 2nd level.
overwhelmingly against them. They will not help the
characters. Unfavorable means the monsters are hostile and
might attack unless they are given a good reason not to. They
will not help the characters. Neutral means the monsters are Feats are fairly unique special abilities that a character can
unsure of the party. They are not likely to attack immediately, use under circumstances appropriate to the feat. There is no
but are not friendly or helpful. Favorable means the monsters standard list of feats, instead, players create feats for their
are willing to listen and are open to negotiation. They might character with the approval of the GM. Players and GMs
be willing to be slightly helpful. Very Favorable means the should ensure that feats fit the character’s class, background,
monsters like the characters and are willing to be somewhat and personality.
helpful and are open to working with the party to mutual
advantage. Fighters start with three feats and add another feat at levels
2, 4, 6, 8, etc. Clerics and rogues start with two feats and add
another feat at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, etc. Mages start with two
Metamagic feats and add another feat at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, etc..
Magic-Users and Clerics may select one metamagic ability
from this list at levels 3 and 6. A spell with metamagic There are two standard types of feats. The GM may create
abilities applied is cast at a higher HP cost: the standard HP others or allow feats that do not fit the standard on a case by
cost for the spell plus the HP cost for all metamagic being case basis.
applied to the spell. The GM has the final say as to what
metamagic effects do or do not make sense to use with a
particular spell. Multiple metamagic effects can be applied to
Microlite2020 Complete 1.02 -5-
Bonus Feats: Bonus feats give a character a bonus equal to smooth spiel will even affect someone who views me
his level when attempting certain actions under specific unfavorably (but is not actually hostile to me).
conditions. Use this template to create a Bonus Feat:
The GM has the final say as to whether a feat is acceptable in
Because I [describe some way that you are exceptional, have the game and whether the current situation meets any
a cool bit of gear, or are otherwise awesome], I get a bonus situational requirements for a particular feat.
equal to my level when I [do something that requires a roll]
when [describe a circumstance].
Miniatures and Battle Maps
Example Bonus Feats: If you have miniature figures (about 1 inch or 25 to 28 mm
tall) to represent the characters and their enemies and wish
• Because I am a smooth talker, I get a bonus equal to to use them to create more tactical battles, you will need a
my level when I am trying to convince someone to ruler or a battle map covered in spaces (squares, hexes or 1
help me when I’m in conversation with someone who inch measurements). One space equals 5 feet or 2 yards, and
is does not actively view me unfavorably. the average character and monster moves 6 spaces per turn
even diagonally.
• Because I am a famous duelist, I get a bonus equal
to my level when I attack when engaged in a one- Small characters (like halflings or gnomes) move 5 spaces per
on-one swordfight with an attentive audience. turn, while characters wearing heavy armor (splint mail,
banded mail, half-plate, full plate) move 1 space less each
• Because I am an expert on lycanthropes, I get a turn. On older-style maps, where one space equals 10 feet,
damage bonus equal to my level when I attack a the average character moves 3 spaces per turn.
Characters can move through the same space as another
Special Ability Feats: Special ability feats allow a character character or enemy, but cannot end movement in the same
to do something cool or otherwise ignore the usual rules in space as another figure. Attempting to move past an enemy
some way. Use this template to create a Special Ability Feat. (through the enemy space or a space next to an enemy) may
trigger an opportunity attack. Rubble, darkness, heavy
Because I [describe some way that you are exceptional, have growth and other difficult terrain costs 2 spaces of movement
a cool bit of gear, or are otherwise awesome], once per game per space moved by the character. Moving up and down is the
session I can [describe something cool you can do]. same as moving horizontally (a character does not have to
spend extra movement to climb or fly). Moving just 1 space is
Note: “once per game session” may be changed to some of considered a “free” action, as long as the character does not
similar rarity with the permission of the GM (see the third move any farther that turn.
example below).
If there’s a question whether a character could see an enemy
Example Special Ability Feats: to hit it, draw an imaginary straight line from the center of
the attacker’s space to the center of the target’s space (or
• Because I am well connected in the Garvannic one of its spaces, if it takes up more than one space on the
Empire, once per game session I can find a helpful map). If there is no major obstacle or enemy in the path, the
ally in just the right place when I am in the character can make the attack. Allies of the attacker do not
Garvannic Empire. block its path. Characters can attack through windows and
other partial obstacles at a -2 penalty to hit.
• Because I am always squirrelling away stuff I find,
once per game session I may declare that I have an Melee attacks must be made against an enemy in a space
especially useful non-magical item that lets me adjacent to the character. Thrown and short-range weapon
easily bypass one obstacle. attacks can be made against an enemy up to 10 spaces away.
Long-range weapon attacks can be made against an enemy
• Because I am a scholar, after researching a specific up to 25 spaces away.
monster for one day per hit die, I know a way to
defeat or constrain the monster without directly
attacking it.
Rapier 20 1d6 –
Scimitar 15 1d6 –
Short spear 1 1d6 20
Sword, bastard 35 1d10 –
Trident 15 1d8 10
Note: The Damage, Range, and AC Bonus rules given here War axe 30 1d10 –
are more detailed/complex than those of the core Warhammer 12 1d8 –
Microlite2020 rules. Their use is optional. Whip 1 1d3 –
Weapons Weapon Cost (gp) Damage Range (ft.)
Here is the format for weapon entries (given as column Crossbow, hand 100 1d4 30
headings on the table below). Crossbow, heavy 50 1d10 120
Crossbow, light 35 1d8 80
Cost: This value is the price for purchasing the weapon. The Dart 0.5 1d4 20
cost includes miscellaneous gear that goes with the weapon. Javelin 1 1d6 30
Longbow 75 1d8 100
Net 20 - 10
Damage: The damage column gives the damage dealt by the Shortbow 30 1d6 60
weapon on a successful hit. Sling - 1d4 50
Range Increment: Any attack at less than this distance is
not penalized for range. However, each full range increment
imposes a cumulative –2 penalty on the attack roll. A thrown Armor and Shields
weapon has a maximum range of five range increments. A
projectile weapon can shoot out to ten range increments. Here is the format for armor entries (given as column
headings on the table below).
Cost: This value is the price for purchasing the armor.
Weapon Cost (gp) Damage Range (ft.)
Chain, spiked 25 2d4 – AC Bonus: The column gives the Armor Class bonus provided
Falchion 75 1d6 – by the armor.
Flail, heavy 15 1d8 –
Glaive 8 1d8 – Armor
Great axe 20 1d10 –
Great club 5 1d8 – Light Cost (gp) AC Bonus
Great sword 50 2d6 – Padded 2 +1
Guisarme 9 2d4 – Leather 10 +2
Halberd 10 1d10 – Studded Leather 25 +3
Lance 10 1d8 – Chain Shirt 100 +4
Long spear 5 1d8 –
Medium Cost (gp) AC Bonus
Quarterstaff - 1d6 –
Hide 15 +3
Scythe 18 2d4 –
Scale Mail 50 +4
Spear 2 1d8 20
Chainmail 150 +5
Light Breastplate 200 +5
Weapon Cost (gp) Damage Range (ft.) Heavy Cost (gp) AC Bonus
Unarmed - 1d3 – Splint Mail 200 +6
Axe, throwing 8 1d6 10 Banded Mail 250 +6
Dagger 2 1d4 10 Half-plate 600 +7
Hammer, light 1 1d6 20 Full Plate 1,500 +8
Hand axe 6 1d4 – Shields Cost (gp) AC Bonus
Mace, light 5 1d6 – Buckler 15 +1
Pick, light 4 1d4 – Shield, Light Wooden 3 +1
Sap 1 1d6 – Shield, Light Steel 9 +1
Sickle 6 1d6 – Shield, Heavy Wooden 7 +2
Sword, short 10 1d6 – Shield, Heavy Steel 20 +2
One-Handed Tower 30 +4
7th-Level Divine Spells For example, a unit of 20 Goblin warriors will have CSx5 as
per the table below. The combat stats are still HD1d8+1
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass: Cures 1d4+1 WP (or
(5hp), AC15, Morningstar +2 (1d6) or Javelin +3 (1d4).
2d8+1/level HP on entities without WP) many creatures.
Against anything with the same Combat Scale (for example, a
Destruction: Kills subject and destroys remains.
unit of 15 Elves), combat is resolved normally as if it was one
Ethereal Jaunt: You become ethereal for 1 round/level.
goblin against one elf.
Regenerate: Subject’s severed limbs grow back, cures
1d4+1/level WP (or 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35) HP on
Number in Unit Combat Scale
entities without WP)..
2-5 x3
Restoration, Greater: As restoration, plus restores all levels
6-10 x4
and ability scores.
11-20 x5
Resurrection: Fully restores a dead subject from a small
21-40 x6
portion of the corpse.
41-80 x7
81-160 x8
8th-Level Divine Spells 161-320 x9
Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft. for 10 min./level. 321-640 x10
Cure Critical Wounds, Mass: Cures 1d6+1/level WP (or 4d8 641-1280 x11
damage +1/level HP on entities without WP) for many 1281-2560 x12
creatures. Etc.
Dimensional Lock: Teleportation and interplanar travel
blocked for 1 day/level. Combat Scale comes into play when battling against forces of
Discern Location: Reveals exact location of creature or object. a different size. It acts as a multiplier for damage taken, and
Fire Storm: Deals 1d6/level fire damage. also divides any damage given.
Holy Aura: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against evil
spells for 1 round/level. If the battle started between units of different CS, reduce the
size of the Combat Scale as Hit Points as lost. For example, if
the twenty Goblins above are reduced to 2hp, they have lost
9th-Level Divine Spells over half their unit, so are now CSx4. When down to just 1hp,
Astral Projection: Projects you and companions onto Astral they are CSx3 with just 5 goblins remaining.
Etherealness: Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions for 1 If the Combat Scale becomes the same for all opponents,
min./level. resolve combat normally; the playing field is now level.
Gate: Connects two planes for travel or summoning. Open for
1 round/level. Experience from Mass Combat
Heal, Mass: As heal, but with several subjects.
Implosion: Kills one creature/round for 4 rounds or until Experience is gained from taking part in a battle equal to the
concentration ends. HD of the opponent, +1 for each CS higher than your own.
Soul Bind: Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection. For example, a member of the 20-strong Grey Company
(CSx5) will earn 3 EL in a battle against 35 Gnolls (a 2HD
creature, CSx6).
Combat Examples
Orcs vs Elves
Twenty orcs enter a forest glade where they are beset upon
by 15 elven archers. As their CS is the same, it is treated as a
The Dragon flies high above and breathes flame across their
phalanx for 46hp damage. The knights dive for cover beneath
their shields (i.e. they attempt their saving throw). They
make their saving throw. They take 1/2 damage - 23hp,
divided by CSx10 for 2hp. The Knights are down to 12hp.
Knights vs Gnolls
The Knights of the Purple Flame, bolstered by their successes
and reinforcements decide to tackle the Gnoll threat to the
Microlite2020 Complete 1.02 -13-
element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is
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Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights
of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
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10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
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Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line
names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts;
creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements,
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions,
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic,
Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and
Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams,
John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original
personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations,
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark
Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the
Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb,
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Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark,
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or
13th Age Archmage Engine. Copyright 2013-2016, Fire Opal Media.
its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game
Author: Chad Dylan Long, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Rob
License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use,
Heinsoo, Ryven Cedyrlle, Kenneth Hite, Kevin Kulp, ASH LAW, Cal
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create
Moore, Steve Townshend, Rob Watkins, and Rob Wieland.
Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means
Microlite74 Extended 3.0 © 2011, Randall S. Stukey
the licensee in terms of this agreement.
Microlite74 Ultimate Edition © 2017, Randall S. Stukey
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that
Microlite20 © 2006, Robin V. Stacey (robin@greywulf.net)
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be
Mass Combat Made Easy © 2008, Robin V. Stacey
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice
Microlite2020 Complete © 2020, Randall S. Stukey
to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to
[End of License]
or subtracted from this License except as described by the License
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This product is 100% Open Game Content except for Product Identity,
Content distributed using this License.
as per the Open Game License above. Product Identity includes all
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You
artwork, Microlite20, Microlite2020 and Randall S. Stukey.
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this
All artwork is in the public domain.
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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing
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