Euch 3 Easter B
Euch 3 Easter B
Euch 3 Easter B
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Collect (Opening Prayer) Responsorial Psalm Ps 4 perfected in him.
P –May your people exult for R –Lord, let your face shine on The Word of the Lord!
ever, O God, in renewed youth- us! All – Thanks be to God!
fulness of spirit, so that, rejoicing
now in the restored glory of our Gospel Acclamation Lk 24:32
adoption, we may look forward
in confident hope to the rejoic- All –Alleluia! Alleluia!
ing of the day of resurrection. Lord Jesus, open the
Through our Lord Jesus Scriptures to us; make
Christ, your Son, who lives and our hearts burn while you
* When I call, answer me, speak to us.
reigns with you in the unity of the O my just God, you who re-
Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Alleluia! Alleluia!
lieve me when I am in distress;
All – Amen! have pity on me, and hear my
prayer! R. Gospel Lk 24:35-48
Soon after having enlightened
* Know that the Lord does the two disciples of Emmaus, the
wonders for his faithful one; Risen Christ appears to the rest
the Lord will hear me when I of his disciples in Jerusalem. He
1st Reading Acts 3:13-15.17-19 call upon him. R. does this to strengthen their faith
Jesus Christ, crucified and risen
* O Lord, let the light of in his resurrection and help them
from the dead, was the core of
your countenance shine upon understand the Scripture pas-
the Apostles’ preaching. We see
us! You put gladness into my sages about him.
this exemplified in the speech
of St. Peter, soon after having heart. R. P –The Lord be with you!
healed a man who had been a * As soon as I lie down, I All –And with your spirit!
cripple from birth. fall peacefully asleep, for you P – A reading from the holy
alone, O Lord, bring security Gospel according to Luke
R – A reading from the Acts of
to my dwelling. R. All – Glory to you, O Lord!
the Apostles
Peter said to the people: The two disciples recount-
2nd Reading 1 Jn 2:1-5 ed what had taken place on the
“The God of Abraham, the God
The apostle John reminds us that way, and how Jesus was made
of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,
our salvation comes from Jesus, known to them in the breaking
the God of our fathers, has glo-
and to know and love God is not of bread.
rified his servant Jesus, whom
just a matter of mind and feel- While they were still
you handed over and denied in
ings. It is, first of all, a matter of speaking about this, he stood
Pilate’s presence when he had
keeping His commandments. in their midst and said to them,
decided to release him.
You denied the Holy and R – A reading from the First “Peace be with you.” But they
Righteous One and asked that Letter of John were startled and terrified and
a murderer be released to you. thought that they were seeing
My children, I am writing a ghost. Then he said to them,
The Author of Life you put this to you so that you may not
to death, but God raised him “Why are you troubled? And
commit sin. But if anyone does why do questions arise in your
from the dead. Of this we are sin, we have an Advocate with
witnesses. hearts? Look at my hands and
the Father, Jesus Christ the my feet, that it is I myself. Touch
Now I know, brothers, that Righteous One. He is expiation
you acted out of ignorance, just me and see, because a ghost
for our sins, and not for our does not have flesh and bones
as your leaders did; but God sins only but for those of the
has thus brought to fulfillment as you can see I have.” And as
whole world. he said this, he showed them
what he had announced before- The way we may be sure
hand through the mouth of all his hands and his feet. While
that we know him is to keep they were still incredulous for
the prophets, that his Christ his commandments. Those who
would suffer. joy and were amazed, he asked
say, “I know him,” but do not them, “Have you anything here
Repent, therefore, and be keep his commandments are
converted, that your sins may to eat?” They gave him a piece
liars, and the truth is not in of baked fish. He took it and ate
be wiped away.” them. it in front of them.
The Word of the Lord! But whoever keeps his He said to them, “These
All – Thanks be to God! word, the love of God is truly are my words that I spoke to
GLOSSARY: • The God of Abraham . . . , the God of our fathers: This phrase is often found in the Old Testament as a title
of God. It emphasizes the continuity of His plan, and His faithfulness to the promises He had made to Abraham and his descendants. • Holy
and Righteous One: These two titles are often attributed to God in the Bible. Here they are attributed to Jesus to state forcefully that he
is the promised Messiah. • Author of Life: A title of Jesus Christ, the source of the life-giving blessings bestowed on all mankind. • The
Third Day: Jesus had already announced beforehand that he would rise from death “on the third day.” This phrase is taken from Hosea 6:2
and indicates the “Day of the Lord,” i.e., the day of God’s victorious intervention against His enemies.
14 April 2024
you while I was still with you, C –That all those who suffer All –It is right and just!
that everything written about may find in the resurrection of P – It is truly right and just,
me in the law of Moses and in Christ the surest source of con- our duty and our salvation, at all
the prophets and psalms must solation and hope, let us pray!R. times to acclaim you, O Lord,
be fulfilled.” Then he opened but in this time above all to
their minds to understand C –That those who doubt the
reality of Christ’s resurrection praise you yet more gloriously,
the Scriptures. And he said to when Christ our Passover has
them, “Thus it is written that may be helped to believe by the
exemplary life of all the faithful, been sacrificed.
the Christ would suffer and By the oblation of his Body,
rise from the dead on the third let us pray! R.
he brought the sacrifices of old
day and that repentance for C –That all the victims of natu- to fulfillment in the reality of
the forgiveness of sins would ral calamities and human vio- the Cross and, by commending
be preached in his name to all lence may experience the con- himself to you for our salva-
the nations, beginning from crete support of all those who tion, showed himself the Priest,
Jerusalem. You are witnesses believe in the resurrection of the Altar, and the Lamb of sac-
of these things.” Christ, let us pray! R. rifice.
The Gospel of the Lord! C –That all of us who are gath- Therefore, overcome with
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus ered here to celebrate the resur- paschal joy, every land, every
Christ! rection of our Lord may experi- people exults in your praise and
ence its life-giving power in our even the heavenly Powers, with
Homily daily activity, let us pray! R. the angelic hosts, sing together
the unending hymn of your glo-
Profession of Faith P –Jesus, help us to overcome ry, as they acclaim:
(Apostles’ Creed)* the deadly effects of our sinful- All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
ness and to become signs of your God of hosts. Heaven and
All –I believe in God, the Father
resurrection to all our brothers earth are full of your glory.
almighty, Creator of heaven and
and sisters. You who live and Hosanna in the highest!
earth, and in Jesus Christ, his reign for ever and ever. Blessed is he who comes in
only Son, our Lord, who was All – Amen! the name of the Lord. Hosanna
conceived by the Holy Spirit, in the highest!
born of the Virgin Mary, suf-
fered under Pontius Pilate, was Memorial Acclamation
crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell; on the P –The mystery of faith!
third day he rose again from the Preparation of the Gifts All – We proclaim your Death,
dead; he ascended into heaven, P –Pray, brethren . . . O Lord, and profess your
and is seated at the right hand of All – May the Lord accept the Resurrection until you
God the Father almighty; from sacrifice at your hands, for the come again!
there he will come to judge the praise and glory of his name,
living and the dead. for our good and the good of all
I believe in the Holy Spirit, his holy Church.
the holy catholic Church, the
communion of saints, the for- Prayer over the Offerings All – Our Father . . .
giveness of sins, the resurrection P –Receive, O Lord, we pray, P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
of the body, and life everlasting. these offerings of your exultant All –For the kingdom, the
Amen! Church, and, as you have given power, and the glory are
her cause for such great glad- yours, now and for ever.
Prayer of the Faithful ness, grant also that the gifts we
P –Our whole life should bear bring may bear fruit in perpetual Sign of Peace
witness to the truth that we are happiness.
saved by Jesus’ death and resur- Through Christ our Lord.
All – Amen! Breaking of the Bread
rection. Aware of our inadequacy
to do so, we pray: All – Lamb of God, you take
Preface of Easter V away the sins of the world: have
All – Lord, graciously hear us! mercy on us. (2x)
P –The Lord be with you!
C –That the entire Church, un- All –And with your spirit! Lamb of God, you take
der the guidance of its leaders, P –Lift up your hearts! away the sins of the world:
may never grow weary of pro- All – We lift them up to the Lord! grant us peace.
claiming the Resurrection and P –Let us give thanks to the
bear witness to it, let us pray! R. Lord our God! Communion
* Instead of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, especially during Lent and Easter time, the baptismal Symbol of the
Roman Church, known as the Apostles’ Creed, may be used.
Communion Antiphon There are just things and events that we can’t seem to have enough
(To be recited only when no Com- of. We talk about them endlessly. And the mouth just cannot keep it-
munion Hymn is sung.) self shut. From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks!
The opening line of today’s Gospel passage seems no different: “The
The Christ had to suffer and two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way, and how
on the third day rise from the Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread.” The event
dead; in his name repentance was simply too much to contain, too powerful to simply sweep under
and remission of sins must be the rug.
preached to all the nations, al- Discoveries and insight come with “heartsight.” A heart that
leluia. loves is never far from serendipity and insight. It was in such a mo-
ment of animated and passionate discussion of disciples who recount
Prayer after Communion “what they have seen and heard,” that Jesus answered the equally
P –Look with kindness upon passionate plea of the same disciples echoed in today’s responsorial
your people, O Lord, and grant, psalm: “Lord, let your face shine on us!”
we pray, that those you were This, too, is our prayer today.
pleased to renew by eternal The Lord, indeed, answers our prayers. But he does so when
mysteries may attain in their we do our part. The Lord lets his presence “shine” on us when we
flesh the incorruptible glory of are busy “recounting,” when we ourselves are involved in telling other
the resurrection. people “what we have seen and what we have heard.” The Lord lets
Through Christ our Lord. his face shine on us, when we are busy making him known to others.
All – Amen! It was in such a reflective mood that the Risen Lord showed himself
to the disciples gathered together in the Upper Room.
But do we really mean what we say? Let your face shine on us,
O Lord! But please do not take away the noise of our everyday life.
Do not take away our TikTok or Netflix time, and the so many hours
P –The Lord be with you. we spend in our gadgets. Let your face shine on us, Lord, but not dur-
All – And with your spirit! ing the times we are busy gossiping, complaining, and tearing at one
P –Bow your heads and pray another. Let your face shine on us, O Lord, but not during my “me”
for God’s blessing. (Pause) time, not during the time I spend catching up with the “latest develop-
– The Redeemer has given ments” from our favorite social media influencer. Let your face shine
you lasting freedom. May on us, O Lord, but please do not make me teach religion, do not make
you inherit his everlasting me sound so pious for fear of offending my friends who do not want to
life. hear about God and talk of moral rules at any time outside of Church.
All – Amen! Let your face shine on me, O Lord, but please, not when I am busy at
work, when I am just about ready to strike a business deal with people
P –By faith you rose with Jesus
who are just as ungodly as I have become!
in baptism. May your lives
Honesty… it basically means meaning what I say. Today, I pray
be holy, so that you will be
with all the rest in Church: “Lord, let your face shine on us!” Let me
united with him for ever.
see you, Lord… let me feel you, and touch you … let me be filled with
All – Amen!
the glory of your presence in our midst.
P –Jesus appeared to his dis- At Mass today, we cannot but see him, feel him, and touch him…
ciples to strengthen their that is, if we mean what we do and say in the liturgical assembly. In
faith. May he strengthen this assembly, we “recount,” we hear, and we proclaim “what we
your faith that you may wit- all have seen and heard,” and we do the breaking of the bread “in
ness to his resurrection in memory of him” risen once and for all for our sins and our salva-
your daily lives. tion.
All – Amen! No longer is it a prayer of request that we now dwell on primarily,
P –May almighty God bless but a declaration of our firm belief and conviction: “Lord, we touch
you: the Father, and the you today.” “We have seen the Lord!”
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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua