This document contains a multiple choice quiz on Islamic history during the Abbasid period. It includes 105 questions testing knowledge on topics like translators, physicians, scientists, geographers, historians, jurists, architecture and caliphal politics during the Abbasid era.
This document contains a multiple choice quiz on Islamic history during the Abbasid period. It includes 105 questions testing knowledge on topics like translators, physicians, scientists, geographers, historians, jurists, architecture and caliphal politics during the Abbasid era.
This document contains a multiple choice quiz on Islamic history during the Abbasid period. It includes 105 questions testing knowledge on topics like translators, physicians, scientists, geographers, historians, jurists, architecture and caliphal politics during the Abbasid era.
This document contains a multiple choice quiz on Islamic history during the Abbasid period. It includes 105 questions testing knowledge on topics like translators, physicians, scientists, geographers, historians, jurists, architecture and caliphal politics during the Abbasid era.
SEMESTER V IH5CRT07 – Cultural History of Abbasids
1. Sidhanta was translated by
a) Ibrahim al Fazari b. Umar Khayyam C. Ibn Sinna d. I bn Arabi. 2. Which place is noted for the academy for medicine a. Damasus b. Palastien c. Syria d. Jundishapur 3. Ibn Bakthushi was famous a) Doctor b. musician c. philosopher d . sufi 4. Chief physician of Bagdad Hospital a) Hayyam b) Ibn Bakthushi c) Ibn Zahr d) Ibn al Baytar 5. Pioneer of translators a) Abu yahya ibn Bakthushi b) al Batani c) al Zarqalli d) none of these 6. Pupil of Jibril ibn Bakthushi a) Hunayn ibn Ishaq b) Yuhana ibn masawayh c) Sinan d) Mamun 7. Sheikh of translators a) Hunayan ibn ishaq b) ibn Hajjaj c) ibn Jazlah d) ibn Killis
8. Hunayan ibn Ishaq was
a) Jew B) Neostrian christian C) persian d) Christian 9. Superintendent of library academy of al Mamun a) Al Razi b) zarqali c) Mu’tadid d) Hunayn ibn ishaq 10.Which caliph appointed Hunayn ibn ishaq as superintendent of his academy a) Al Abbas b) Mamun c) Muatawakkil d) Abdul Malik 11.Who translated Hermeneutica a) Hunayn ibn ishaq b) al Bttani c) al Beruni d) al Razi 12.Private physician of Mutawakkil a) Ibn al Batriq b) Hunayn ibn ishaq c) Abu yahya d) None of these 13.Patron of Tabit ibn Qurrah a) Mu’tadid b) Harun al Rashid c) Muktafi d) al Saffa 14.Son of Tabit ibn Qurrah a ) Sinan c) Muhammed d) Sulaiman d) None of these 15.Al Battani titled as a) Euclid b) Sinan c) Albategnius d) Khhawarsmi 16. Who made first arabic translation of Euclid’s Elements a) Al Hajjajibn yusaf ibn matar I b) Hakkam c) yahya ibn ali d) al Bajja 17. al Hajjaj ibn yusaf belongs to which school of translators a) Neostrian b) Harranian c) Maliki d) Jewish 18. Yahya ibn ali was a a) translator b) philosopher c) physician d) astronomer 19. Yahya ibn ali born in the year a) 896 b) 897 c) 894 d) 891 20. Yahya ibn ali born a) Tkrit b) Persia c) irq d) iran 21. Pholosopher of Greeks a) Al Masudi b) al Qifti c) Al Razi d) al Tabari 22. al Ashar maqalat fi al Ayn is a treatise on a) denstry b) health c) small pox d) ophthalmology 23. Who is the author of al Ashar maqalat fi al Ayn a) ali ibn Isa b) bajja c) Baytar d) ibn Masawayh 24. Court physician of Harun al Rashid a) Jibril ibn Bakthushi b) Zarqali c) d) Idrisi 25. Court physician of Barmakids a) Jibril ibn baktushi b) Abu Nuwas c) Wallada d) None of these 26. Father of Alchemy a) Jabir ibn Hayyan b) Hunayan ibn ishaq c) ibn Masawyah d) Ibrahim II 27. al M uqtadir’s virtuous vazir a )Ali ibn iza b) ibn Sabin c) Abu Mashar d) Tufayil 28.The first Hospital in islam a) Bimaristani b) Nuh c) Jami d) Almeriya 29. Bimaristani was founded by a) Mutawakkil b) Harun al Rshid c) Abdul malik d) ibnZuhr 30. Where was Bimaristani founded a) Syria b) Damasus c) Bagdad d) persia 31. Who is the author of Kitab al Din a) al Tabari b) ibn Tufayl c) Kalbi d) Hussain 32. Physician of Mutawakkil a) al Tabari b) ibn Aflah c)al Battani d) al Bitruji 33. Firdaws al Hikma was written by a) al Tabari b) al Balansi c) al Bakri d) al Idrisi 34. Real name of al Razi a) Abubkr muhammed ibn Zakariya al Razi b) abubkr muhammed ibn Ahammed al Rzi c) Abubakr muhammed ibn al Hamadani Razi d) Abubkr ibn muhammed ibn al Hadawan Razi 35.Birth place of al Razi a) al Rayy b) Africa c) Egyptd) Jordan 36. Who invented seton in surgery a)ibn Sinna b) al Razi c) al Bakri d) Tabari 37. Kitab al Asrar was written by a) al Razi b) abu Mashar c) al Biruni d) al Battani 38. al Razi’s principle work on Alchemy a) Kitab al Asrar b) al Qanun c)al Aflak d) Sindhind 39. al Razi’s monumental work in medicine a) Qanun b) Kitab al Tibb al Mansuri c) Taqawin al Abdan d) None of these 40. al Razi wrote his monumental work for a) Banu Tanim b) Mansur ibn ishaq al sammani c) Mansur ibn ishaq al Ahammed d) Mansur ibn ishaq al Farghani 41. Who wrote first clinical account of smallpox a) ibn zuhr b) Fazari c) Nasir al di Tusi d) al Razi 42.Most important work of al Razi a) al Hawi b) al Qanun c) al zij d) al Rihla 43. Kitab al Maliki was written by a) al Majusi b) al Masudi c) al Battani d) Rumi 44. Al Majusi wrote his work for a) Ziyadat Allah I b) Abd al dawlah Fanna Khusraw c) Ibrahim ibn Aglab d) None of these 45. Kitab al Maliki otherwise known as a) Kamil al sinnah al Tibbiyyah b) Almajest c) al Muqabalah d) None of these 46. Total number of works of ibn sinna a) 40 b) 50 c) 56 d) 45 47. Kitab al shifa is a a) philosophical encyclopaedia b) medical dictionary c) Astrolabe d) Treatise 48. Most famous occulist of arabs a) Ali ibn isa b)Farghani c) sind ibn Ali d) Yahya 49. Author of Tadhkirat al khahalin a) Ali ibn Musa b) ibn Butlan c) ibn Jabbir d) None of these 50. Tadhkirat al Kahalin is work in a) ophtalmology b) music c) literature d) mathematics 51. Bengesla otherwise known as a) ibn Jazlah b) ibn Hazam c) al Majusi d) al Farghani 52. Taqwin al Abdan fi Tabir al Insan is a a) medical synopsis b) dictionary c) ency clopaedia d) Calendar 53. Taqawin al sihhah is the work of a) ibn Butlan b) ibn Bajja c) Yaqub d) Maliksha 54. Last physician during Abbasid period a) yaqub ibn Hazam b) al Tabari c) Al Baytar d) Ibn zahr 55. Stable master of al Mu’tamid a) al Farabi b) Yaqub ibn Hazam c) al Bitruji d) IbnRushd 56. The most original and profound scholar islam produced in the domain of Natural science a) al Barani b) al Bieunic) al Battani d) ibn Bajja 57. Patron of al Biruni a) Masud b) al Saffa c) Harun al Rashid d) al Mamun 58. Amr ibn Bahr al jahiz is a a) Astronomer b) mathematician c) Zoologist d) Geographer Qaswini is a a) Cosmographer b) geographer c) cartographer d) physician 60. The gratest Arab zoologist a) al Biruni b) al Damiri c) al jahiz d) al Zahr 61. Mujam al Buldan is a a) geographical dictionary b) medical encyclopaedia c) a music book d) None of these 62. Author of Mujam al Buldan a) Yaqut b) ibn Hammad c) al Khwarizmi d) yaqubi 63. Who composed Surat al Ard a) Yaqut b) Thabit ibn Qurah c) al Khwarizmi d) al Muatamid 64. ibn Khurdadhbih is a) geographer b) mathematician c) musician d) astronomer 65.Al Masalik w-al-Mamalik was written by a) al Faqih b) al Hawqal c) ibn Khurdadhbih d) al Maqdisi 66.Kitab al Buldan deal with a) Topography b) maths c) philosophy d) sufism 67. Author of Kitab al Buldan a) al Yaqubi b) ibn Hawqal c) d) Yaqut 68. The famous geographer flourished at samanid court a) al Istakhri b) al Nafisah c) Ali ibn yusaf d) None of these 69. A geographer wrote on windmills a) al Masudi b) Ishaq ibn ali c) Yaqubi d) al Istakhri 70. Sifat jazirat al Arab is written by a) al Hamdani b) Yaqut c) al B d) Ali ibn Yusaf 71. A historian who held court in Buwayhid capital a) Miskaway b) Tabari c) ibn Khaldun d) Masudi 72. Author of Tarik al rasul w-a-Muluk a) Tabari b) Miskawayh c) Bajja d) Masudi 73. Tabari’s method of presenting the narratives a) annals b) isnad c) geneology d) None of these 74. Tabari arranged the events a) chronologically b) annualyc) geneologicaly d) None of these 75.Heradotus of Arabs a) Tabari b) Masudi c) ibn Khaldun d) Abads 76. Who is the Historian use the historical method for writing History a) ibn al Athir b) al Fida c) Tabari d) Masudi 77. Masudi belongs to a) Asharite b) Mu’tazilate c) Murjites d) None of these 78.Epitome of Masudi a) Mrujal Dhahab wa-Madain al jawhar b) kitab al Buldan c) Tarik al rasul d) none of these 79.Famous work of ibn al al Athir a) Kamil fi al Tarik b) Madin al Jawhar c) Tarik al Rasul d) none of these 80. ibn Qtuaybah properly known as a) al Tabari b) Masudi c) al Dinawari d) ibn Athir 81. Kitab al Marif is written by a) al Dinawari b) al Tabari c) al Fida d) al Dhabi 82. Futuh al Buldan is written by a) al Athir b) al Fida c) al Dinawari d) al Baladuri 83.The chain of authorities is known as a) isnad b) matan c) sahihd) hasan 84. Weak hadith is known as a) hasan b) daif c) sahih d) matan 85. The first and most authoritatev hadiths of a) al Bukhari b) al Hajjajc) Tirmidhi d) ibn Maja 86. Sahih is collection of a) al Bukhari b) ibn Maja c) al Hajjaj d) abu Dawud 87. Sunah is a) deeds of prophet b) deeds of Abubkr c) deeds of Ali d) deeds of Tirmidhi 88. Jami is written by a) al Tirmidhi b) abu Dawud c) al Bukhari d) ibn Maja 89. Ibadat is a) law b) worship c) obligations d) punishments 90. Mu’malat is a) legal obligations b) worship c) zakat d) fiqh 91. qiyas is a) catholic consent b) private judgment c) ijma d) analogical deduction 92. Ijma is a) catholic consent b) ibadat c) analogical deduction d) qiyas 93. Ra’y is a) catholic consent b) analogical deduction c) private judgment d) qiyas 94. Kitab al Kharaj is written by a) Abu Yusaf b) Abu Hanifa c) al Shafi d) Imam Malik 95. Which is the largest and most tolerant school of law a) Hanbali b) Shafi c) Maliki d) Hanafi 96. Al Muwatta is written by a) ibn Hanbal b) Imam Maliki c) al Shafid) al Tirmidhi 97. Founder of Shafite school of law a) Muhammed ibn al idris al Shafi b) Ahammed ibn al idris al shafi c) Al Newman al Shafi d) None of these 98. Student of al Shafi a) al Tabari b) Hanafi c) imam Maliki d) ibn Hanbal 99. al Shammasiyah is the palace of a) al Saffa b) Barmakids c) Harun al Rashid d) Mutawakkil 100. Capital of Abbasids a) Plermo b) Bagdad c) Syracuse d) Taormina 101. Crown palace is constructed by a) M’utadid b) al Mahdi c) al Mamun d) al Muktafi 102. al Muizziyah is the mansion of a) Buwayhids b) Umayyads c) Abbasids d) turks 103. Founder of Samara a) Mutawakkil b) Mamun c) Mu’tadid d) Mu’tasim 104. Son of Mu’tasim a) Mutawakkil b) Mamun c) Mu’tamid d) Harun al Rashid 105. The tile used by the Abbasids for the decoration a) Qashani b) crystal c) red tile c) metal tile d) non of these 106. al Rayhani was a a) Arabic calligraphist b) historian c) astronomer d) geographer 107. al Rayhani was flourished under a) Harun al rashid b) Mutwakkil c) Mamun d) Muktafi 108. Inventor of Muhaqqaq style a) ibn al Bawwab b) al Rayhani c) ibn Muqlaq d) Mawsil 109. The court calligraphist of last Abbasid ruler a) al Rayhani b) Yaqut al Mua’tasimi c) ibn Bawwab d) Muqariq 110. Siyat of Mekka is a) musician b) astronomer c) astrologist d) physician 111. Partriarch of classical music in Abbasid period a) Yaqut b) Ibrahim al Mawsilli c) ibn jami d) al Rayhani 112. Boon companion of Harun al Rashid a) Ibrahim al Mawsilli b) yaqut c) ibn jami d) al Rayhani 113. Step son of Siyat of Mekka a) ibn Jami b) Yaqut c) al Rayhani d) ibnMuqlaq 114. Greatest musician of Abbasid a) ibn jami b) Yaqut c) Ibrahim al Mawsilli d) ibn Myqlaq 115. Protégé of Harun al Rashid a) Ibrahim b) Muqariq c) al Jami d) none of these 116. Pupil of Ibrahim a) Ibrahim al Mawsilli b) Muqariq c) al Jami d) Yaqut 117. Dean of musicians a) Ishaq Ibrahim al Mawsilli b) Ibrahim al Mawsilli c) yaqut d) al Jami 118. Who is musician singer caliph a) al mamun b) al Wathiq c) al Mahdi d) Mutawakkil 119. Who is the Abbasid caliph who composed melodies a) al Wathiq b) al Mamun c) al Mahdi d) Mutawakkil 120. First caliph musician a) al Mamun al b) al Watiq c) al Mahdi d) ziryab 121. An organ constructor a) Hunayan ibn ishaq b) Abu al Majid ibn abi al Hakkam c) al watiq d) al Mamun 122. The greatest writerof music during middle ages a) ibn Sinn b) al Frabi c) al Razi d) ibn Rushd 123. The most authoritatev work of al Farabi on music a) Kitab al musiqi al Kabir b) Kitab al iqa c) Kitab al Masail d) Kitab fi al Nafs 124. An organ constructor attached to Salah di Ayyubi a) Abu al Majid ibn abi al Hakkam b) abu Zakariya Yahya al Bayasi c) ibn Khurdadhbih d) al Frabi 125. Al Furusiyah wa- shiyatal khayl is a treatise on a) horsemanship b) on stars c) on music d) on philosophy 126. Which is the first Arabic work on horse manship a) Fusus al Hkam b) Alfurusiyah wa shiyatal khayl c) Futuhat al Makkiya d)al shifa 127. Kalam means a) theology b) philosophy c) astronomy d) geography 128. Synonym for mutakallin a) theologian b) geographer c) philosopher d) poet 129. Al Kindi was born in a) basra b) Syria c) Bagdad d) Kufa 130. The philosopher of Arabs a) al Frabi b) Masudi c) al Kindi d) al Tabari 131. First and last Aristotelian student a) al Frabi b) al Kindi c) Masudi d) al Fida 132. Who is known as al Pharabius a) al Farabi b) al Kindi c) al Masudi d) al Tabari 133. Who adorned the court of Safh al Dawlah al Hamdani a) ibn Sinna b) ibn Rushd c) al Tabari d) al Farabi 134. al Farabi died in the year a) 950 b) 951 c) 954 d) 955 135. Whose system philosophy was syncretism of Platonism, Aristotilianism and Sufism a) ibn Rushd b) al Fida c) ibn al Athir d) al Farabi 136. who is known as second teacher a) al Farabi b) al Bakri c) al Battani d) al Beruni 137. Risalat al Fusus al Hikam was written by a) al Fida b) ibn Sinna c) al Farabi d) al Zaraqilli 138. Risalt fi Ara Ahlal madinah al Fadilah is composed by a) al Bkri b) al Firnas c) al Farabi d) ibn Taimiyah 139. In which work he presents his concept of model city a) al Siyasa al Madaniyah b) Fusus al Hikam c) al Khraj d) al Fadilah 140. Who is the greatest of all music thoerist a) al Mawsilli b) al Farabi c) Muktafi d) Mutawakkil 141. Kitab al musiqi al kabir is a work on a) music b) philosophy c) astronomy d) maths 142. The greatest Syrian poet philosopher a) abu al Marri b) al Suyuthi c) al Hariri d) al Bayasi 143. Who founded Bayat al Hikma a) al Mamun b) al Amin c) Harun al Rashid 144. Who was the first muslim to construct an Astrolabe a) Hunayn ibn ishaq b) Ibrahim al Fazari c) al Farghani d) non of these 145. Where did al Mamun erect Astronomical observatory a) Syria b) Algeria c) Damascus d) Bagdad 146. Director of observatory of al Mamun a) Sind ibn Ali b) al Fazari c) omer Khayyam d) al Farghani 147. al Farghani is titled as a) Avisinna b) Al Fraghanus c) Runkun al Dawlah d) none of these 148. Who superintended the construction of Nilometer during Abbasid period a) al Khwarizmi b) ibn Khallikhan c) abu al Athahiyah d) al Fargfani 149. The chief librarian of Harun al Rashid a) al Fadl ibn Nawbakht b) al Khallikhan c) al Khawarizmi d) al zarqali 150. Khalilah wa- Dimnah is a a) a treatise on philosophy b) a book on astronomy c) a literary work in Arabic d) a literary work in persian 151. Khalilah wa Dimnah is a translation from a) Hebrew b) English c) Pahlawi d) syrian 152. Panchatantra is translated in to Arabic by a) ibn al Muqaffa b) al Aghani c) al Farid d) al Batriq 153. Which is the most vital of all foreign influence of Arab life a) syriac b) Harran c) Hellenism d) Antioch 154. Bayat al Hikma is a a) translation bureau b) observatory c) Madrasa d) none of these 155. Who is the Abbasid caliph erected a Nilometer at al Fustat a) al Mahdi b) al Amin c) al Wathiq d) Mutawakkil 156. Al Farghani’s principle work a) al Mudkhilila llm Hayat al Aflaq b) kawakib al Tabitah c)Risalat al Fusus al Hikam d) none of these 157. Masterpiece of observational astronomy a) kawakib al Tabitah b) Shiyat al Khayil c) Tadkirat al Khahalin d) al Tibbiyah 158. Kawakib al Tabitah is written by a) al Bakri b) ibn Taimiyya c) Yahya ibn Ali d) Abd al Rehman al sufi 159. Jafar al khazin of Khurasan flourished in the court of a) Runkn al Dawlah b) Mu’iz al Dawlah c) Abd al Dawlah d) Sharaf al Dawlah 160. Al Battani belongs to a) Syrian b) Persian c) Harran d) none of these 161. Al Battani made his studies and observations at a) al Raqqah b) at Iran c) at Persia d) at Turkey 162. Al Beruni belongs to a) Indian b) persian c) Spanish d) Afganistan 163. The patron of al Masudi a) al Watiq b) al Muqtadir c) al Masud d)al Radi 164. Famous work written by al Biruni a) al Qanun al masudi fi al Hayah wa al Nujum b) Mujarabat c)Tabaqat al Atibba d) al Zaman 165. Jalaludi Maliksha established an observatory at a) al Rayy b) al Muqadam c) iran d) ira 166. The famous persian poet a) Firdawsi b) Umar al Khayyam c) Nizamuddin d) Nasir din al Tusi 167. Al Athar al Baqiyah deals with a) stars b) maps c) calenders and eras of encient people d) astronomy 168. The famous produced by Maliksha a) jalali calendar b) Persian calendar c) Hijra calendar d) none of these 169. Who helped Maliksha for the preparation of calendar a) Umar al Khayyam b) al Biruni c) al Battani d) al Bakri 170. The last Abbasid astronomer a) Nizam al muluk b) Nasir al din Tusi c) Umar al Khayyam d) al Fida 171. Maragah observatory erected by a) Hulaghu b) Al Mamun c) al Amin d) al Saffa 172. The director of Maragah observatory a) Abu Mushar b) al Qaim c) Nasir al din Tusi d) al Zarqali 173. What is Zijj al II Khani a) astronomical table b) astrolabe c) mathematical table c) music instrument 174. Abu Mashar otherwise known as a) Al bumsar b) Avisianna c) al Razi d) al Masudi 175. Abu Zayd al Balki flourished in the court of a) samanid b) sasanid c) ghaznzvids d) seljuks 176. al Istakhiri is a a) physician b) geographer c) philosopher d) mathematician 177. Court poet in Bagdad a) abu Tammam b) Umar al Khayyam c) Atahiyah d) abu Nuwas 178. Who was the composer of Diwan al Hamasah a) al Buhturi b) abu Tammam c) Atahiyah d) abu Nuwas 179. The chief of assasins in Syria a) Rashid al din Sinan sulayman b) al Maarri c) Tawhidi d) al Farabi 180. Most famous occulist of Arabs a) Ali ibn Isa b) ibn Jazlah c) Yakub ibn Hizam d) al Qifti 181.’’ Falasafah’’ is a) astronomy b) medicine c) philosophy d) science 182. Final representation of Greeco Arabic medical thought a) al Qannun al Tibb b) kitab al shifa c) Tadhkirat al Kahalin d) al Sihhah 183. A text book for medical education in Europe a) kitab al shifa b) al sihhah c) al Qannun al Tibb d) Tadbir al Insan 184. A medical bible a) al sihhah b) al Qannun al Tibb c) Risalt Fusus al Hikam d) al Tibbiyah 185. Al Khwarizmi’s were revised by a) al Asturlabi b) Maslamah al majriti c) al Farghani d) sind ibn ali 186.’ Zij ‘ were translated in to Latin by a) Adrenald of Bath b) Theodore c) Michael Scot d) Gaby 187. Maslama al Majriti is a) Tunisian astronomer b) Turkish astronomer c) Spanish astronomer d) Abbasid astronomer 188. The principal figure in the early history of mathematics a) Umar al Khayyam b) Al Fazri c) al Khawarizmi d) al Nasawi 189.Sirat Rasul Allah is a) geographical dictionary b) biography of al Saffa c) biography of al Mamun d) biography of prophet 190. Sirat al Rasul Allah was written by a) Muhammed ibn ishaq b) al Tabari c) al Waqudi d) al Walid 191. What is Meghazi a) geneology of prophet b) wars and conquestof islam c) chronological ordr d) none of these 192.Meghazi was written by a) al ishaq b) ibnUqba c) al Waqudi d) ibn Sa’d 193 .Secratary of al Waqudi a) ibn Sa’d b) ibn Uqba c) al Walid d) ibn Ishaq 194. An earliest document on the conquest of Egypt a) Futuh Misr wa Akbaruha b) Ansab al Ashraf c) Muluk al Ajam d) Khuday namah 195. A collection of 7500 biographies of companions a) Usd al Ghabah b) Tarikh al Ayyam c) Usul d) Tqrir 196. The first muslim who compose a dictionary of national biography a) ibn Uqba b) al Walid c) ibn Athir d) ibn Khalikkan 197. The most important propagator prophet’s words and deeds a) abubkr ) Ali b) Abu Hurayrah c) Usman d) Umar 198. Ibn Jinni adorned the court of a) Hamadanid b) Samanid c) sasnid d) Turkish 199. Hasar Afsana is the work of a) al Jahshiyari b) al Fraj c) ibn Burd d) isfahani 200. Who restored Bagdad as capital after Samara a) al Mu’tadid b) al Mu’tasim c) al Muktadi d) al Qaim Answers BA ISLAMIC HISTORY CULTURAL HISTORY OF ABBASIDS 1. a 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. b 9. d 10.b 11.a 12.b 13.a 14.a 15.c 16.a 17.b 18.a 19.a 20.a 21.a 22.d 23.d 24.a 25.a 26.a 27.a 28.a 29.b 30.c 31.a 32.a 33.a 34.a 35.a 36.b 37.a 38.a 39.b 40.b 41.d 42.a 43.b 44.b 45.a 46.d 47.a 48.a 49.a 50.a 51.a 52. d 53.a 54.b 55.a 56.b 57.a 58.b 59.d 60.b 61.a 62.b 63.a 64.a 65.c 66.a 67.b 68.a 69.a 70.a 71.a 72.d 73.d 74.a 75.a 76.a 77.a 78.a 79.b 80.c 81.a 82.a 83.a 84.a 85.a 86.b 87.a 88.a 89.b 90.b 91.d 92.a 93.b 94.b 95.a 96.d 97.a 98.a 99.a 100. a 101. a 102. a 103. d 104. a 105. a 106. a 107. c 108. a 109. b 110. a 111. b 112. a 113. a 114. c 115. b 116. a 117. a 118. c 119. a 120. b 121. a 122. b 123. a 124. b 125. a 126. b 127. a 128. a 129. b 130. a 131. b 132. a 133. d 134. a 135. d 136. a 137. c 138. c 139. a 140. b 141. a 142. a 143. a 144. b 145. d 146. a 147. b 148. d 149. a 150. a 151. c 152. a 153. c 154. a 155. a 156. d 157. a 158. a 159. d 160. c 161. a 162. d 163. c 164. a 165. a 166. b 167. c 168. a 169. a 170. b 171. a 172. c 173. a 174. a 175. a 176. b 177. a 178. b 179. a 180. a 181. c 182. a 183. c 184. b 185. b 186. a 187. c 188. c 189. d 190. a 191. b 192. c 193. a 194. a 195. a 196. d 197. b 198. a 199. a 200. a