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NAMA :……………………………………..
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 13 April 2023
Kelas : VI (Enam) Waktu : 09.00 – 10.30 wib

A.Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a, b, c, atau d!)
1. The Indonesia’s seventh president is.
a. B.J Habibie The following teks is for question
b. Ir. Soekarno number 13 - 17
c. Ir. H. Joko Widodo R.A Kartini
d. Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Y. Raden Adjeng Kartini was Born on
2. The inventor of formula E=MC is... April 21st, 1879, in Mayong, Jepara,
a. Albert Einstein Central Java. She was one of heroes.
b. Guglielmo Marconi On November 8th, 1903, she
c. Nadiem Makarim married with the regent of Rembang,
d. Alexander Graham Bell Raden Adipati Ario SinggihDjojo
3. Who is the second Indonesia woman Adhiningrat. In 1903, she opened
olympic gold medalist ? the first Indonesia primary school
a. Susi susanti was set up inside her father’s home.
b. Taufik hidayat And, she death on September 17th,
c. Liliyana natsir 1904, in Rembang, Central Java.
d. Haryanto abi Every year we commemorate Kartini
4. Hasyim Asy’ari was hero from... Day on April 21st.
a. West Java c. West Sumatra
b. Central Java d. East Java 13. When was Kartini Born ?
5. The founder of Go-Jek is... a. November 8th, 1903
a. Mark Zuckerberg b. April 21st, 1879
b. Charles Babbage c. July 7th, 1989
c. Nadiem Makarim d. September 17th, 1904
d. Jack Ma 14. When did she died ?
6. The inventor of steam engine was ... a. November 8th, 1903
a. Nadiem Makarim b. April 21st, 1879
b. The Wright Brother c. July 7th, 1989
c. James Watt d. September 17th, 1904
d. Ibnu Sina 15. When do commemorate
7. Who is heroin that was born in KARTINI’S Day ?
Aceh? a. September 17th
a. Rd. Dewi Sartika b. April 21th
b. Fatmawati c. July 7th
c. R.A Kartini d. November 8th
d. Cut Nyak Dien 16. Who is the heroine in the text
8. K.H Abdurrahman Wahid is from... above?
a. Surabaya a. Cut Nyak Dien
b. Malang b. Fatmawati
c. Banyuwangi c. R.A Kartini
d. Jombang d. Rd. Dewi Sartika
9. Opening, content dan closing are 17. Who is her husband ?
parts of... a. Prince Antasari
a. Poem c. poster b. Bandung Bondowoso
b. Speech d. Listening c. Raden Adipati Ario Singgih
10. The inventor of four stroke engine Djojo Adhiningrat
was... d. Sultas Hassanuddin
a. Affandi 18. What should we do ?
b. Nikolaus Otto
c. Halileo Galilei
d. Charles Babbage
11. The national hero from Yogyakarta
is ...
a. Prince Diponegoro
b. Tuanku Imam Bonjol
c. Pattimura
d. Prince Antasari a. Throw the trash in the river
12. Let’s ... the Flowers! b. Throw the trash in the trash can
a. Walk c. Throw the trash in the water can
b. Waters d. Throw the trash in the sea
c. Write
d. Watch
c. Procedur text
The following ext is for questions d. Announcement
number 19 – 24
22. Where the school trip will take
On August, 21st, there will be a a. Kuta Beach c. Klayar Beach
school trip to Klayar Beach. b. Nglirip Beach d. Caruban Beach
Depature : 07.00 a.m. 23. What are the progamme ?
Progamme : Swimming, a. Walk along the beach to the
games, volley ball and luch at the lagoon and watch the boat
Laguna Restaurant. festival
Afternoon : Walk along the b. Mira and Siti
beach to the lagoon and watch the
boat festival. c. Swimming, games, volley ball
Fee : Rp 85.000 and luch at the Laguna
Contact Person : Siti and Mira Restaurant
Principal d. Rp 85000
Mr. Johny 24. Who is the principal ?
19. how much does it cost to be paid for a. Siti c. Mira
school trip? b. Mr. Johny d. Mrs. Ainy
a. Mr. Johny c. 07.00 a.m. 25. Don’t ... on the grass
b. Rp. 85.000 d. Mira and Siti a. Watch
20. When will the school trip be held ? b. Step
a. Augudt 30th c.August, 21th c. Smoke
b. August 11th d. August,18th d. Write
21. The kind of the text above is ...
a. Poster
b. Advertisement

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

( Isilah titik-titik berikut dengan jawaban yang benar! )
1. Alexander Graham Bell was inventor a............................................................................
2. Ki Hajar Dewantara is the heroic from ............................................................................
3. The inventor of the telescope is ........................................................................................
4. Our country’s president is .................................................................................................
5. The inventors of the Crack Theory is ................................................................................
The following textis questions number 6 to 7
Please bring your lunch in your box, not in the plastic. Don’t forget to have vegetable,
fish/ meat and fruits for lunch.

6. Do the students have lunch from the canteen ?

7. The announcement is for .........................................................................................................
The following promotion is for questions number 8 to 9

8. The promotion is in the.............................................................................................................

9. If the hijab is Rp. 100.000, how much should we pay ?
It is Rp.....................................................................................................................................
10. Liliana Natsir is a ...................................................................................................................
III. Answer these quetions correctly!
( Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan benar! )
1. Mention five name of Indonesia heroes !
Answer : _______________________________________________________
2. Who is the fiveth president of Indonesia ?
Answer : _______________________________________________________

3. Mention five world inventors that you know!

Answer : _______________________________________________________

4. Write the meanings of announcement, advertisement and poster !

Answer : _______________________________________________________

5. Make a poster about the topic “Save The Earth”!

Answer : ____________________________________________________________

============================== GOOD LUCK================================

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