Volume 4 No 202011

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NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011 OSH INFO:

Organised By

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NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011 OSH INFO:

1ST DAY : 1 NOVEMBER 2011 (TUESDAY) 0800 0830 : Registration 0830 0900 : Opening Ceremony 0900 1030 : Paper 1 : Rahsia Kesihatan Holistik Managing Director Healthy Living & Resources Sdn Bhd Datin Dr Zainah Binti Moktar 1030 1100 : Tea Break 2ND DAY : 2 NOVEMBER 2011 (WEDNESDAY) 0900 - 1030 : Paper 5 : Road Safety, Human Error and Drivability Deputy Director of Pusat Penyelidikan Biomekanik & Keselamatan Kenderaan Malaysian Institute of Road Safety & Research (Miros) Ir. Fuad Bin Abas 1030 - 1100 : Tea Break

1100 1230 : Paper 2 : Ergonomic & Safety to Achieve Sustainability 1100 1230 : Paper 6: Effective Way on Construction Management Lecturer of Faculty of Mechanical UTM Skudai Project HSE Manager of Kencana Petroleum Berhad Prof Dr Mat Rebi Bin Abdul Rani Mr Zaharuddin Bin Ruskam 1230 -1400 : Lunch Break 1400 - 1530 : Paper 3: Food Safety & Its Related Diseases Manager of Rafflesia Management Consultant & Services Mr. Mohd Soffian Bin Osman 1530 - 1600 : Tea Break 1600 - 1730 : Paper 4: Effects of Contaminated Water to our Health Director of Institute of Environmental and Water Resource Management (IPASA) UTM, Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Bin Yusop 1230 - 1330 : Lunch Break 1330 - 1500 :Paper 7: Current Issues of Industrial Hygiene Head of Publications of Malaysian Industrial Hygiene Association (MIHA) Mrs. Noormahani Binti Harun 1530 - 1700 : Paper 8: Updates on Continuous Education Program (CEP) Director of Industrial Safety Unit Department of Occupational Safety & Health, Putrajaya Mrs. Muaziah Binti Abd Rahman 1700 - 1730 : Closing & Collection of Certificate

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011 OSH INFO:

People working in some old buildings develop allergic-like symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes) or sick building symptoms (one or more of the following temporally related to work: headache, fatigue, stuffy nose, irritated eyes, dry facial skin or sore throat). These symptoms disappear when the worker is away on holidays and also over long weekends. The symptoms recur when the people return to the building for their regular work. Many studies show that the prevalence of most symptoms associated with the sick building syndrome decrease by 40% to 50% after the workers move to a building with an improved ventilation system. Bioaerosol (specifically airborne fungus e.g. Alternaria allergens and house dust mite allergens) concentrations in office environments are responsible for the allergy and the sick building syndrome. The presence of airborne Alternaria allergen at work sites was significantly associated with poor ventilation system and this was in turn associated with lower efficiency of the filters. In Malaysia the ducts associated with the central cooling system is loaded with fungal and bacterial growth and is most likely the cause of sick building syndrome. The ducts are rarely cleaned and the accumulated fungal and other growth can be substantial in these ducts in an old building. Many people with true allergy may suffer from exposure to the fungal spores or dust mites in offices located in the tropics. The high concentration of fungal material present in old buildings may also aggravate true allergies in people working such buildings.

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011 OSH INFO:

Symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome Sick building syndrome involves a variety of seemingly unrelated symptoms, much like other unexplained conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and Gulf War syndrome (GWS) do. Some authorities have attempted to separate the symptoms into distinct categories such as 'allergic' and 'non-allergic', or 'chemical related' and 'microbe related'. Since there is yet no concensus on these distinctions, the common symptoms of SBS are listed here together: Headache Eye, nose, and throat irritation Dry cough Dry, itchy skin, rashes Dizziness and nausea Difficulty in concentrating Fatigue Sensitivity to odours Sensitivity to odours is the definitive symptom of the related condition multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). Both SBS and MCS are thought, at least in part, to be due to exposure to VOC's in the air.

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011 OSH INFO:

Causes of Sick Building Syndrome. Although in many cases the exact mechanism by which a building, or substances within the building, are causing the occupants to become ill is unknown, the problem areas can usually be identified and remedial action taken. In many SBS cases poor building design, maintenance, and/or operation of the structure's ventilation system may be at fault. The ventilation system in particular is often found to be at the heart of the problem, and can itself be a source of irritants. In addition, a poor ventilation system can result in a buildup of pollutants within the building, in which case the indoor environment can often have air quality much lower than the outdoor air, even in a heavily polluted city centre with it's clouds of vehicle exhaust and other pollutants. Interior design factors, such as the arrangement of individual offices and cubicles, may also interfere with efficient functioning of ventilation systems. Essentially poor office design and maintenance of the ventilation system can amplify the negative health effects of various factors, both biological and chemicals, that we'll discuss below. It has also been suggested that very low levels of specific pollutants, such as VOCs, that are present inside a building may act synergistically, or at least in combination, to cause symptoms of illness. The chemical industry is not strictly regulated, with the majority of the many thousands of chemicals in everyday use having not been tested for health effects before their introduction. Chemicals have traditionally been thought to be toxic only above certain concentrations but scientists are now finding they often have health damaging effects at much lower levels, previously considered to be safe. In the case of small amounts of multiple different chemicals acting in combination to cause illness, there is virtually no research on this to refer to, so any effects are entirely unknown The symptoms of SBS are likely the result of a combination of factors. Many of the symptoms can be attributed either to the known toxic effects of high levels of certain chemicals. Other symptoms are typical of allergic reactions which could be triggered by various allergens in a building. Still other symptoms are very reminiscent of those experienced by sufferers of multiple chemical sensitivity and many of the indoor pollutants identified in sick buildings are also those said to cause symptoms in those suffering from MCS. It's likely that all of these mechanisms and associated pollutants are involved in SBS

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011 OSH INFO:

Info from: http://profshukor.blogspot.com/2011/05/sick-building-syndrome-sbs-people.html

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011 OSH INFO:

INI rutin hidup kita setiap hari - bangun pagi terus sarapan. Kemudian menyelit di jalan yang sesak untuk ke tempat kerja. Lapan jam seterusnya dihabiskan dengan duduk di depan komputer, lama-kelamaan menyebabkan tulang dan sendi kita sakit. Selesai kerja, kita pulang ke rumah dan menghabiskan hari selebihnya di atas sofa, sementara menunggu hari esok yang dipenuhi dengan rutin yang sama. Ini menjadikan kita generasi tidak aktif - yang lebih banyak duduk daripada bergerak. Hasil penyelidikan mendapati kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia menghabiskan 74 peratus daripada hari mereka dengan duduk, tidur atau berbaring. Angka yang membimbangkan ini disebabkan beberapa faktor dalam gaya hidup semasa wanita kurun ke-21, yang bekerja hingga lewat petang atau malam, hingga tiada masa untuk melakukan aktiviti fizikal atau mengamalkan tabiat makan yang sihat. Meskipun kesedaran terhadap tabiat makan yang sihat dan gaya hidup sihat semakin meningkat, usaha untuk mengamalkannya masih kurang. Kebanyakan wanita Malaysia hanya mengambil 50 peratus daripada keperluan kalsium harian mereka dan hanya sembilan peratus wanita Malaysia mengamalkan senaman secukupnya. Bagaimana dengan baki 91 peratus lagi? Gaya hidup tidak aktif boleh menimbulkan pelbagai masalah kesihatan yang serius - penyakit kardiovaskular, obesiti dan diabetes. Tahukah anda gaya hidup tidak aktif juga boleh menyebabkan kemerosotan tulang? Kita memang menyedari masalah osteoporosis. Kita juga memang memahami pentingnya kalsium. Bagaimanapun, ramai wanita di Malaysia terus menyangka mereka tidak akan mengalami osteoporosis kerana mereka muda, tanpa menyedari tulang kita mungkin lemah bermula pada usia 30-an.

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011 OSH INFO:

Ini mungkin disebabkan kita tidak boleh merasai dan melihat kesan 'penyakit senyap' ini. Kita tidak sedar tulang kita sentiasa dalam proses penguraian dan memerlukan aktiviti fizikal dan pemakanan secukupnya untuk proses pembinaan semula. Cara pemikiran kita, 'Saya tidak akan mengalami osteoporosis kerana saya masih muda', menyukarkan lagi kesedaran mengenai penjagaan tulang. Ramai terus mempercayai penyakit yang berkaitan tulang tidak membawa maut berbanding penyakit kardiovaskular dan kanser. Mereka tidak tahu hasil penyelidikan yang dijalankan baru-baru ini menunjukkan kemungkinan wanita dalam usia pertengahan hingga lewat 60-an meninggal dunia dalam masa setahun selepas mengalami patah tulang pinggul adalah lima kali ganda lebih tinggi berbanding wanita dalam usia sama yang tidak mengalami patah tulang pinggul. Angka ini benar dan menakutkan. Menjelang 2050, 50 peratus daripada kes retak tulang akan dilaporkan di Asia. Pada kebiasaannya, simptom osteoporosis tidak diketahui sehingga sejumlah jisim tulang hilang. Akibatnya, osteoporosis sering dikesan selepas berlakunya kepatahan tulang. Disebabkan kos rawatan yang meningkat, satu-satunya cara untuk menangani masalah kemerosotan tulang ialah dengan strategi pencegahan, termasuk pengambilan vitamin D, mengamalkan gaya hidup aktif dan diet seimbang seperti minuman susu kalsium tinggi (seperti Anlene) untuk memenuhi keperluan 1,000 miligram kalsium sehari. Langkah ini patut diambil sekarang untuk membantu proses pertumbuhan semula tulang. Dalam soal kesihatan tulang, langkah pencegahan adalah benar-benar lebih baik daripada pengubatan, lebihlebih lagi memandangkan tulang mungkin mula lemah seawal usia 30-an. Jadi, bagi wanita yang leka dengan gaya hidup tidak aktif, anda akan kesuntukan masa jika anda tidak bertindak dari sekarang. Jaga kesihatan tulang anda, mulakan usaha untuk memenuhi keperluan kalsium anda hari ini.

Info dari Akhbar Harian Metro; 24/10/2011; pg. 008

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011


Editorial Reviews Review a thorough and well-organized textbook. The focus and approach are relevant to current scholarship and research in the field. - Robert W. Proctor, Purdue University An addition of a separate chapter on 'stress and work performance' is important. Particulary given our current times, when so many people are experiencing stress at work, and unfortunately, are unaware of the problem. I also like the idea of a chapter on environmental design. We have always had a focus on microenvironments within the purview of human factors courses, but rarely do you see any mention of macroenvironments. - Leah Newman, Pennsylvania State University Product Description Addressing a wide range of human factors and ergonomics principles, this book emphasizes concept and systems thinking and how the allocation of function between the human and the machine has changed as a result of technological advances. Comprehensive in breadth and depth of coverage, the text focuses on conventional machines and workspace design, artificial life, environmental design, work in outer space, and stress and work performance. A separate chapter on accident analysis and prevention includes an updated review of the effectiveness of safety programs. The authors give you the tools to creatively apply the concepts to new problems and photographs illustrate real systems in operation.

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011


Product Details Hardcover: 312 pages Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1 edition (October 4, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 0805850066 ISBN-13: 978-0805850062 Product Dimensions: 10 x 7.1 x 0.9 inches Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,868,827 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

**Book for reference only :More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011

Publication Date Page Headline : : : : BERITA HARIAN 12/10/2011 Buruh Bangladesh cedera struktur binaan runtuh

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011

Publication Date Page Headline : : : : HARIAN METRO 12/10/2011 04 Pekerja jatuh pelantar Tapak pembinaan runtuh

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011

Publication Date Page Headline : : : : NEW STRAITS TIMES 12/10/2011 20 Man hurt in platform collapse

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011

Publication Date Page Headline : : : : UTUSAN MALAYSIA 11/10/2011 NIOSH sokong kaji had laju ambulans

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011

Publication Date Page Headline : : : : UTUSAN MALAYSIA 08/10/2011 16 Kren terbabas hampir rempuh kedai

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011

Publication Date Page Headline : : : : HARIAN METRO 17/10/2011 26 Gesa hapus duti import peralatan keselamatan

NIOSH Updates : Volume 4, Number 20, 2011

Publication Date Page Headline : : : : THE STAR 17/10/2011 39 Reduce tax on safety equipment

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