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ISSN (Online) 2581-9429

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
International Open-Access, Double-Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Multidisciplinary Online Journal
Impact Factor: 7.53 Volume 4, Issue 5, April 2024

Investigation on Comparative Study of Porous

Concrete using Waste Material
Sujata Samudre1, Sujata Suryawanshi2, Prachi Parit3, Mitaali Gilbile4, Prof. M. J. Gilbile5
Department of Civil Engineering
D Y Patil Technical Campus, Talsande, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: The aim of this project to investigate the properties of porous concrete made with different waste
material available in local area, the objective at porous concrete is, and concrete was made with
replacement of aggregate with 10% 20% and 30% with coconut shell. Like this replacement of cement with
fly ash and replacement of cement with blast furnace Slag. At 7, 14, 28 days of age, concrete made from the
compressive resistance and porosity test with normal porous concrete and results are computed.

Keywords: Cement, Coarse Aggregate, Sand, Coconut Shell, Blast Furnace Slag, Fly Ash, etc.

Porous concrete was first seen in the 1800s in Europe and was used for various structural purposes, including load-
bearing walls, infill panels, and pavement surfacing. It became popular again overseas after World War II due to the
scarcity of cement.
Porous concrete or water permeable concrete is a concrete with a high void content to allow water or air to permeate. In
general, porous concrete has pores with sizes in the range of 2–8 mm
With proper installation and maintenance, porous paving allows for infiltration of up to 80% of annual runoff volume.
Additionally, studies indicate that porous concrete systems can remove up to 65% of undissolved nutrients from runoff
and up to 95% of sediment in runoff.


Porous concrete is defined as a “hydraulic-cement concrete proportioned with sufficient, distributed, interconnected
macroscopic voids that allow water to flow through the material under the action of gravity alone”


Concrete in bifurcated with 3 main categories as replacement of aggregate with coconut shell, replacement of cement with
blast furnace slag and replacement of cement with fly ash. Each type of replacement is done with 10% 20% and 30%.

2.1 Steps included in concrete making
2.1.1 Material Testing
Compressive Strength:- This metric determines the compressive strength of reinforced concrete. The compressive
strength of concrete is shown by the compressive test in optimal circumstances. The compressive strength of concrete is
an indicator of its strength once it has hardened. Testing should be carried out with care. The test was carried out at a
standardized stress of 140 kg/cm2/minute after the specimen was centered in the measurement unit. Loading continued
until the dial gauge needle simply reversed its movement. The needle's path has been redirected, meaning that the
specimen failed. The dial gauge reading at the time, which was maximum load, was registered. The ultimate cube
compressive power is proportional to the ultimate load separated by the specimen's cross sectional area. The
compressive strength of concrete reveals information about the material's general quality. The test specimen is
hexagonal in shape and measures 230x118x60 If the highest normal dimension of the aggregate is less than 20mm,
10mm cubes would be used instead. Compressive strength checks are conducted on specimens of proven age, ideally
from different batches made for each age of processing. All of the cubes were tested in a saturated condition after the

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-17576 472
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
International Open-Access, Double-Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Multidisciplinary Online Journal
Impact Factor: 7.53 Volume 4, Issue 5, April 2024

surface moisture was removed. At 14 days and 28 days of porous concrete each trail mix mixture three cube was
tested using a compression measuring machine with a capacity of 2000KN according to IS 516-1959.

Fineness test of cement
This test of cement is performed to check the fineness of cement according to standard specifications. The fineness of
cement can be measured either by the grain size of cement or by the surface area of cement. The sieve Test (IS 4031-
part-1) - 90 µ size sieve. The fineness of cement has a significant effect on the hydration and in increasing the rate
of gain strength.
Table-2: Result of Fineness test
Sr. No. W1 (Wt. of Sample of Cement) W2 (Wt. of Sample Retained in 90µ Sieve)
01 100 5.3 %
Standard Consistency Test
Standard consistency test on cement. It is used to find out the percentage of water required to produce cement paste of
standard consistency. It is also sometimes called as Normal Consistency (CPNC).The Standard consistency of a cement
paste is defined as that consistency which will permit a Vicat's apparatus plunger having 10mm dia. and 50mm length
to penetrate to a depth of 33-35 mm from the top of the mould.
Table-3: Result of Standard Consistency Test
Sr. No. Wt. of Cement(gm) % of water of dry cement Amount of water added Penetration-on (mm)
01 400 20% 110ml 28%

Crushing Strength of Aggregate
The test consists of subjecting the specimen of aggregate in standard mould to a compression test under standard load
conditions Dry aggregates. The specimen is subjected to a compressive load of 40 tones gradually applied at the rate of
4 tones per minute. A value less than 10 signifies an exceptionally strong aggregate while above 35 would normally be
regarded as weak aggregates.
Table- 4: Result of Crushing Strength of Aggregate
Sr. No. Wt. of dry Sample taken (W1) Wt. of sample passing through 4.75mm Sieve (W2)
01 2.892 0.489

Abrasion Test On Aggregate

Abrasion test is carried out to test the hardness property of aggregates and to decide whether they are suitable for
different pavement construction works. Los Angeles abrasion test is a preferred one for carrying out the hardness
property and has been standardized in India (IS: 2386 part-IV).

Table- 5: Result of Abrasion Test on Aggregate

Sr. No. Original Wt. of Sample (W1) Wt. of retained on 270mm Sieve (W2)
01 500gm 440.8gm

2.1.2 Manufacturing
Table-1: Material Required
Sr. No Material Used
1 Cement
2 Course Aggregate
3 Sand

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-17576 473
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
International Open-Access, Double-Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Multidisciplinary Online Journal
Impact Factor: 7.53 Volume 4, Issue 5, April 2024

4 Coconut Shell
5 Furnace Slag
6 Fly Ash
We made porous concrete using waste material which is available in nearby area. We casted total 21 blocks the 1st type we
made is normal porous concrete which is made with coarse aggregates cement and water. Then we made concrete blocks
with replacement of aggregate with coconut shell as 10% 20% and 30%. Then we replaced cement with fly ash with 10%
20% and 30% . As above we replaced cement with blast furnace slag. After 2nd day of casting we demoulded moulds and
blocks are placed for curing. After curing compressive strength and porosity test are taken and results are concluded.
Selection of Raw Materials: The materials used in this Project are Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), Coarse Aggregate,
natural sand coconut shell, blast furnace slag, and fly ash which is a waste material easily available in nearby area.

2.1.3 Mould size :- 230mm x118mm x60mm.

2.1.4 Testing On Blocks
Table- 6: Aggregate replacement with Coconut Shell
% of replacement 14 Days (KN) 28 Days (KN)
10% 9 20
20% 14 27
30% 13 29

Table- 7: Aggregate replacement with Fly Ash

% of replacement 14 Days (KN) 28 Days (KN)
10% 10 12
20% 9 11
30% 10 10

Table- 8: Aggregate replacement with Blast Furnace Slag

% of replacement 14 Days (KN) 28 Days (KN)
10% 14 16
20% 13 9
30% 9 10
 The best result we found in concrete with coconut shell is of replacement of 30% as 29KN at 28 days.
 The best result we found in concrete with fly as his of replacement of 10% as 12 KN at 28 days.
 The best result we found in concrete with blast furnace slag is of replacement of 10% as 16KN at 28 days.

Percentage of Porosity
Table- 9: Concrete with Coconut Shell
Replacement % of Porosity
10% 2.00%
20% 3.24%
30% 4.20%
Table- 10: Concrete with Fly Ash
Replacement % of Porosity
10% 1.00%
20% 0.9%
30% 0.8%

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-17576 474
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
International Open-Access, Double-Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Multidisciplinary Online Journal
Impact Factor: 7.53 Volume 4, Issue 5, April 2024

Table- 11: Concrete with Blast Furnace Slag

Replacement % of Porosity
10% 1.60%
20% 0.6%
30% 0.8%
 In Concrete replacement of Coconut Shell increases the Porosity of Concrete.
 In Concrete with Fly Ash % of replacement decreases Porosity increase.
 In Concrete with Blast Furnace Slag % of replacement decreases Porosity increases.

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Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-17576 475

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