Champer 123

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Background of the Study

Sugarcane, a towering and robust perennial grass

scientifically classified as Saccharum officinarum, holds a

pivotal role in the agricultural landscape and global

economy. Originating in Southeast Asia, this resilient

plant has traversed continents to become a cornerstone of

various industries.

Sugarcane is crucial for global economies, serving as

a primary source of sugar, biofuels, and valuable by-

products. Its cultivation generates employment, supports

industries, and contributes to renewable energy, making it

a pivotal crop with economic, environmental, and cultural


Currently, there is a growing interest among

individuals in identifying the most efficient means of

cultivating high-quality plants with the utilization of

organic fertilizers. fertilizers, these substances can lead

to various issues, including nutrient depletion,

contamination of surface water and groundwater, soil

acidification or alkalization, diminished beneficial

microbial populations, and heightened susceptibility to

harmful pests.

Organic fertilizers, such as agricultural byproducts

like mudpress, undergo a composting process involving

biological, chemical, and mechanical transformations

lasting at least one week. This process can elevate the

soil's pH levels and nutrient content. Recognizing the

significance of mudpress in sugarcane cultivation,

researchers aim to evaluate its efficacy in enhancing the

growth performance of sugarcane.

Objectives of the Study

This study will conducted to determine the growth and

yield performance of sugarcane applied with mudpress.

Specifically, it will seek to:

1. Determine the significant differences on the growth

performance of sugarcane applied with mudress in terms

of the number of days to germinate, plant height,

number of tillers, number of internodes per linear

meter, and cane diameter.

2. Determine the significant differences on the yield

performance of sugarcane applied with mudpress in

terms of weight of the harvested.

3. Determine if there is significant difference on the

growth and yield performance of sugarcane applied with


4. Determine the return of investment of sugarcane

applied with mudpress.

Scope and limitations of the study

This study will be limited to the growth and yield

performance of sugarcane (Saccahrum officinarum) number of

days to germinate, plant height, number of tillers, number

of internodes per linear meter, and cane diameter. 150

plants sugarcane will be planted on the area with treatment

and 3 replicates will be laid out in a Complete Randomized

Design (CRD. Treatment are A-control 1(No fertilizer

applied), B-Control 2 (Commercial Fertilizer Applied), C-

3tons/ha mudpress applied , D-4tons/ha mudpress applied and

E-5tons/ha mudpress applied. This study will be conducted

at Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and

Technology, San Enrique Iloilo from April 5, 2024 to April

5, 2025. Data gathered will be analyzed using Analysis of

Variance(ANOVA), while significant results will be

subjected further to Randomized Complete Block

Significant of the study

This study will be perceived to be beneficial to

the following:

Farmers. Mudpress has great supply of macro potassium,

magnesium and calcium. Using mudpress as fertilizers can

restore soil fertility, enhance soil permeability, improve

the ability to retain water and nutrients and promote a

healthy plant growth for crops and yield. Utilizing

mudpress can reduce inputs cost and increase profitability.

Consumers. Consumers may be benefits the production of

Sugarcane as sugar, bagasse, molasses, ethanol and bio

electricity that leads to safer and healthier food and crop

production for consumers and also the green top of cane are

good source of fodder for ruminants

Future Researcher. The result of this research study

can be used to improve and guide the future researcher for

the new resources.








The following materias will be used in this study:

Hand towel, Eathing up Ridger, Mud prees, Tractor, 150 experimental cut

back, will be randomly distributed to the experimental area.


Randomized Complete Block Design(RCBD) will be used in the study with five

treatments replicated three times. Treatments are 3tons/ha mud press,

4tons/ha mud press, 5tons/ ha mud press, and two control treatments using

synthetic fertilizer and other one without supplementation. All

experimental plants will be distributed to the experimental areas randomly

using draw lots methods.

Cultural Management Practices and Procedures

This section include the site selection, collection of soil samples, land

preparation, intercultural Operation, Methods of Planting, Weed Management,

Ratoon Management. Collecting of mud press(treatment), application of

mudpress, application of inorganic fertilizer, water management, prevention

and control pests and disease and harvesting of sugarcane.

Instrument for Data Collection

The instrument used for data collection will be measuring tape and Caliper

to measure thr plant height and diameter.

Review of Related Literature


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