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:- ID NO-
1. ADAMU LAKEW -----------------------RU/0568/13
2TIGIST ----------------------RU/0777/13
3. TIBEYIN -------------------RU/0900/13


The study will conducted on Factors affecting employee's commitment in Coffee land hotel.
A descriptive research design was employed to achieve the goal of this research. 36 workers
and 10 administrative staff employees were involved in the study. In the selection of the
sample, a random sampling technique was used. Both primary and secondary data were
utilized in the study. Primary data were collected from administrative staff and workers of the
organization, questioners were developed and distributed to them. Secondary data will
collected from published and unpublished materials like books. The data collected through
questioners were analyzed using the percentage value and the quantitative data were using
written explanation. The study result indicates that all the factors namely, working
conditions, remuneration, and relationship with supervisor and co-workers relations were
validated as a key in employees work commitment in SYF hotel. Finally based on major
findings of the study, appropriate conclusion have been drawn and consequently feasible
recommendations were forwarded by the researchers for better performance of the hotel
employees to know factors of employees commitment.

Employees Commitment, Employees Commitment, Employees Commitment, Employees,
Commitment, Employees commitment
Table of Contents





1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY...................................................1

1.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM...................................................................................2

1.3. OBJECTIVE OF STUDY................................................................................................ 2


1.4. RESEARCH QUESTION................................................................................................ 2

1.5. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY.....................................................................................3

1.6. SCOPE OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................3

1.7. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY........................................................................................3

1.8. ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY...................................................................................4


2. INTRODUCTION............................................................................5

2.1. DEFINITION OF EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT.................................5


2.3. ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT.............................................9


2.4. EMPIRICAL REVIEW.................................................................12

2.5. CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK....................................................13



3.1. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA.............................................14

3.2. RESEARCH DESIGN......................................................................14

3.3. TARGET POPULATION..................................................................15

3.4. SAMPLING SIZE& SAMPLING TECHNIQUE....................................15

3.4.1 S AMPLE SIZE 15

3.5 TYPES & SOURCE OF DATA COLLECTIONS....................................16

3.6 METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION...................................................16

3.7 DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS.........................................17

3.8 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS..........................................................17

SD - Strongly disagree
DA - Disagree
MA -Moderately agree
SA-Strongly agree
Background of the study
Committed employees are increasingly becoming a valued asset in organizations. For the
purpose of this study employee commitment is viewed as commitment to the organization as
well as employee (Mhatre S. G.-1., 2023). These recent advances include new approaches to
both the conceptualization of employee commitment and the particular human resource practices
intended to increase it (Ren, 2023).
Highlights the pitfalls of viewing commitment as a one-dimensional construct that can be
enhanced by a particular human resource policy (Esparza, 2023). This assumes that a particular
practice, involving employees, having compensation strategies, rewards and benefit, career
development, management style and training and development, will have a significant and
beneficial effect on employee commitment. Components of high commitment HRM include
extensive training, learning and development, employee involvement, compensation and
providing a conducive work environment for employee to mention just but a few, (Mehmood,
2023) The indicators of employee commitment are the possible results derived from
organizational and individual commitment. Committed employees are emotionally attached to
the organization and have strong desire to contribute significantly towards organizational success
(Pak, 2023) this leads to increased competitiveness, accountability, risk taking, highly
innovativeness, low wastage, and the desire to improve overall job performance. Higher degree
of commitment is associated with lower rate of turnover and absenteeism and improved
organizational effectiveness. Employees who are more committed are highly motivated and will
experience lower level of occupational stress, less emotional exhaustion and depersonalization.
Moreover, increased employee commitment and commitment to work groups or teams improves
team performance, interpersonal interaction and group cohesion, and enhances individual
performance and degree of satisfaction
On the other hand, continuance commitment describes an individual’s need to remain with an organization resulting
from her/his recognition of the costs such as tenure, pay, benefits, vesting of pensions and family commitment
associated with leaving the organization
Statement of the Problem
The service sector in Ethiopia is growing, especially for tourism industry. Indeed, tourism
industry has contributed to the economy growth in Ethiopia. A relative increase of investment is
recently observed in the hotel & tourism sector (Abtahee, 2023).Employers are sometimes
baffled when their highly-rated employees under-perform and others resign and leave the
organization. Management fail to understand why some employees are not committed to the
organization even though they have proactively implemented fair compensation policies and
human resource (HR) practices to motivate and retain them. It can be costly if employees are not
committed in their jobs, and if they lack the motivation to exercise their full potentials. Other
effects are seen in declining labor productivity in the sector of the country’s economy, increasing
unit labor cost and low levels of competitiveness (Osoo, 2023)
Even though many researches are done in Employees commitment in other sector in Bonga.
Suchas; city administration employee’s commitment, employee’s job satisfaction in urban
agriculture in Bonga town. There is another research on hotel business. Some of it mainly
concerned in job satisfaction, profit, customer satisfaction and service type.
Commitment-based service organizations believe that staff’s organizational commitment contributes to workforce
stability and better customer service hence increase business and organizational
Therefore, the researchers wanted to study to fill the gap of the Employees commitment practices
in a hotel business, specifically in SYF Hotel

Objective of Study

General Objective
The main objective of the study is to assess the Factor affecting the commitment of employees in
case of Coffee land hotel.

Specific objective9
• to assess rewards and benefits affect the commitment of employees in Coffee land Hotel.
• to analyse the effect of remuneration on employee’s job satisfaction at Coffee land hotel.
• to identify training development opportunities for employees in coffee land Hotel.
• to examine management style in Coffee land Hotel.
Research Question
The under-listed research questions will serve as a guide to the study.
• how do rewards and benefits affecting the commitment of employees in Coffee land Hotel?
• to what extent the career development carried in Coffee land Hotel affect employee’s
• Do training and development opportunist for employees affect their commitment in Coffee land
• How does the management style employ in the hotel affect employee commitment?

Significance of the study

The study was being important to Coffee land Hotel because it is important to know about their
weaknesses, strengthens, and used to improve their employee’s commitment. On the other hand,
it will also provide information for other researchers as further study related to employee
commitment of the hotel companies, for the external information users like government bodies,
customers, and others. It can also provide new information for the managers to make decisions.
The research helps to me to give additional knowledge, how to write a research paper and what
are the challenges of the hotel industry. In addition to this, it is a secondary source of information
for the department that gives extra for curriculum design and evaluation for the courses.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study was being limited to Coffee land Hotel operational level staff because of
the fact that it is difficult and costly to undertake it in the Ethiopian hotel industry in general. The
study also focused on factors that affect the commitment of employees and problems
encountered. Due to different shortcomings that are beyond the researcher’s ability, sampling
procedures have included only important individuals who work permanently. Since the whole
process of data collection and analysis needs a considerable amount of time and finance, the
shortage of time and lack of finance is worth mentioning.

Limitation of the study

The researchers have faced some situations that limit the study to be done properly. These are
firstly shortage of time to study deeply on this issue or gathering further information and in
analysing and giving conclusive decision at the right time, shortage of finance and also lack of
willingness of respondents during data collection, most of the workers are on site so it was quite
difficult getting sufficient data from this study is mostly depend on a primary source like
questionnaire so that the respondents may not give accurate information. There is a widespread
pandemic disease the so-called COVD 19 highly affects the research. It is difficult to collect data
b/c of social distance and other protocols of COVD 19.

Organization of the study

This study is organized into five chapters the first chapter contains the background of the study,
statement of the problem, the objective of the study, research questions, the significance of the
study, the scope of the study, and organization of the paper.
The second chapter contains a review of related literature. The third chapter contains the
methodology of the study. Chapter four contains data analysis and discussion and chapter five
consists of conclusion and recommendations.


This chapter seeks to present a review of literature in relation to the research questions being
analysed. The Literature presented on the factors that affect employee commitment, the
individual factors that influence employee commitment and what effect employee commitment
has on Organizational performance. At the end a chapter summary will be provided.

Definition of Employee commitment

(AMADI G. O., 2023) employee commitment can be defined as the degree to hitch the employee
feels devoted to their organization. (Ekure, 2023) described employee commitment as an
effective response to the whole organization and the degree of attachment or loyalty employees
feel towards the organization. (Tantua JR, 2023) describes employee commitment as simply
employees 'attitude to organization. This definition of employee commitment is broad in the
sense that employees’ attitude encompasses various components.
Employee commitment is broad in the sense that employees’ attitude encompasses various
components. Employee commitment seems to be a crucial factor in achieving organizational
success. Individuals with low levels of commitment will do only enough to work by. They do not
put their hearts into the work and mission of the organization. They seem to be more concerned
with personal success than with the success of the organization as a whole. People who are less
committed are also more likely to look at themselves as outsiders and not as long – term
members of the organization. An attractive job offer elsewhere is very likely to result in their
departure. By contrast, employees with high commitment to an organization see themselves as an
integral part of the organization. Anything that threatens the organization is an imminent danger
to them as well. Such employees become creatively involved in the organisations mission and
values, and constantly think about ways to do their jobs better. In essence, committed employees
work for the organization as if the organization belongs to them.
Factors Affecting Employee Commitment
Numerous factors have been found to inspire commitment. For instance, (Mohsin, 2023) opines
that the degrees to which employee are committed or loyal to their organization depends largely
on job enrichment, employee empowerment and compensation.
(Ayoub, 2023) investigated some of the major antecedents that contribute in making employees
committed to an organization using regression method and analysis of variance and found that
education level, personality and position are significance that determine an individual’s level of
employee commitment. His findings further revealed that education level and position are
significantly stronger for the continuance and normative dimensions of employee commitment
while personality is significantly stronger for the continuance and effective dimensions.

Type of Commitment
We might think of commitment simply in terms of feelings of obligation or emotional
attachment. However, in the last 15 years, a growing consensus has emerged that commitment
should be viewed as a multidimensional construct. (Rodríguez-Rad, 2023) developed an early
model that has received considerable attention. The three-component model they advocated was
based on their observations that existing definitions of commitment at that time reflected at least
three distinct themes: an affecting, emotional attachment towards an organization (Affective
Commitment); the recognition of costs associated with leaving an organization (Continuance
Commitment); and a moral obligation to remain with an organization (Normative Commitment).

Affective Commitment
Affective commitment describes the affective allegiance to the organization. In this approach, the
source of the commitment of the employees is their feelings towards the organization. In this
type of commitment, to make a part of the organization gives pleasure and pride from emotional
point of view. The organization represents much for its employees both materially and
spiritually. Therefore, affective commitment is accepted as a strong type of commitment. The
employees with this kind of commitment identify themselves fully with the organization.
Therefore, they are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of their organization and won’t envisage
leaving it.
Certain condition must be created to foster the affective commitment among employee:
(Dunham, Gurube and Castaned, 1994:371).
1. Autonomy in the mission: In the fulfillment of their missions, the employees must have the
power, to a certain extent, of taking and implementing decisions. 2. Clarity and significance of
the mission: The employees must be involved in a job suitable to their abilities and significant
from their own point of view.
The job definition, rights, authorities and responsibilities of the employees must be clearly
defined. 3. Image of the mission: The mission carried out by the employees must not cause a
negative image and must not create a discreditable effect from social perspective (Lim, Teo and
See, 2000:740-750). 4. Qualities required for the mission: The qualities and the requirements of
the mission must be clearly identified. 5. Attitude of the manager: The managers who are in
direct or indirect interaction with employees should give value to the personality and honor of
their subordinates; they should pay attention to their needs: they should avoid any humiliating
behavior before other employees. 6. Participation in management: Employees should be able to
express freely their views and suggestions to their superiors. For this purpose, appropriate
mechanisms should be established and implemented. They must be consulted and given the
possibility to ask questions and to obtain information related to the decisions that concern them,
before these decisions are taken. Views and suggestions of employees must be given importance
and should be implemented; if not implementable, the reason should be properly explained. 7.
Organizational justice perception: In the process of taking organizational decisions and
distribution of resources, perception of justice by the employees should be assured. 8.
Organizational confidence: Confidence in the leader: The employees should trust to both the
organization and the top management in what concerns the meeting of their current and future
personal and professional needs. (Cho, 2023).

Continuance Commitment
Continuance commitment is a type of commitment in which the employees have financial
dependence on the organization. In this type of commitment, it is the material/financial benefit
that makes employees stay with the organization. Their personal benefit is the measure of the
significance that organization has in their eyes. Therefore, the continuance commitment is not
considered as a strong type of commitment. The employees do not make sacrifices for their
organizations, except in case they are compelled to do so, and at the first opportunity (in case
they find a better job with better financial opportunities) they quit the organization.
The factors forging the continuance commitment can be listed as follows (McLaurine, 2008);
(Wu, 2023) (Chaumba, 2023)1. Age: The employee is either too old or too young to find job out
of the organization.
2. Working period: The employees’ long period of working for the organization, their familiarity
with the job, the low probability of finding a job out of the organization, or their short working
period in the organization resulting in lack of experience.
3. Career opportunity: Lack of opportunity of making career out of the organization.
4. Educational background: Type of education is not appropriate for working in better conditions
out of the organization.
5. Marital Status: Being married and/or with children, so that the employee does not dare to quit
the organization.
6. Sex: the continuance commitment of women is less strong that of men.
7. Organizational justice perception (distributional justice) feeling that organizational justice is
better assured that in other organizations. (Donovan, 2023)

Normative Commitment
This type of commitment to the organization derives from the fact that the employees believe
they must work in the organization due to conscientious and ethical reasons. The sources of the
normative commitment can be the following: The employees were treated with much favor by
the organization's management, the employee has worked in the organization since long time, the
organization has been a life-saver for the employee in difficult times, or the services provided by
the organization are considered as socially and spiritually important- noble duties. Therefore,
they consider themselves responsible before the organization in terms of normative commitment.
This feeling makes their work for the organization meaningful. The more they are grateful to the
organization, the more they feel pride for working for it. The employees with such commitment
can do important sacrifices for their organization and generally do not consider leaving the
organization. The factors which foster the normative commitment are: (Dunham, Grubeand
(Bozlagan, 2010)
1. The colleagues have got strong organizational commitment.
2. Gratefulness felt for the assistances and favors made by the organization.
3. The importance given by the employee to principles and values.
4. The effect of social frame of mind.

Organizational Commitment
The concept of organizational commitment, an organization and willingness to belong to that
organization” 226 (GAZAN, 2023); Organizational commitment, which is also defined as a
belief interiorized by people (Promey, 2014) focuses on the subjects such the employee’s
personal career status and opportunities, participation in the work, Integration and vocational
development) (Malik, 2023). The organizational commitment of employees can be summarized
in three indicators, such as “having faith in organizational values and sharing its aims, making
efforts beyond expectations in the name of the organization and willingness to maintain
membership of the organization (MEKONNEN, 2018)
Organizational commitment goes beyond the classical concept of commitment. It implies a more
active commitment. Employees are willing to give their personal contribution to the well-being
of the organization. Therefore, the organizational commitment reflects not only on their
expressions and statements but also appears in their acts and activities (Dunger, 2023)
Different commitment types have been identified through scientific studies on organizational
commitment. Reilly and Chatman speak of “attitudinal commitment” approach which implies
that person’s goals and interests coincide with the organizational goals and interests. In the
attitudinal commitment, the organization - employee relationship is based on reciprocal (mutual)
exchange. The employee expects a return for his/her contribution to the organization and remains
committed to the organization as long as he/she is rewarded for his/her services (Phway, 2023)

Career Development
According to (Idigo, 2023) career development is of great importance to both the individual
employee and the organization. This is so because there is interaction between the organization
for which he/she works and the development of the organization through the employees‟ career.
An employee develops his/her career through a continuous achievement of managerial or
professional skills and experience which may bring about rewards and promotion.
(Adeniyi, 2023) agree with this and contend that career development involves higher status and
responsibilities which can take place in one organization or through movement between
organizations or a combination of both.
Employees could move from one institution to another not necessarily in the same career, but
probably from one field to another or from one level to another. In today’s competitive market,
successful businesses regardless of size need employees who have the necessary knowledge and
skills to make an effective contribution as drivers towards achieving a competitive edge.
Therefore, vision of a competent, confident, loyal and valued workforce delivering high quality
and person-cantered services is rightly motivated.

Training and development opportunity

Training, in the most simplistic definition, is an activity that changes people’s behavior”
(McClelland 2002, 7), It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge,
perfecting of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes. Now days in every hospitality
business, Quality of service depends on the qualities of employees. The qualities are about
knowledge, skills and thoughts which lead to a hotels survival and development. Training and
development can be seen as a key instrument in the implementation of HRM practices and
policies. (Prasad, 2019) Successful hotels always include staff training as their important
development strategy”.

Methods of TrainingA

a variety of training methods are used in different organizations today, to train different
individuals. (Adaobi, 2022) explains that the most popular training and development method
used by organizations can be classified as either On-the-job training or Off-the-job training. A.
On-the-job training as the name goes; on-the-job training (OTJ) is a method of giving training to
employees when they are at work at their working environment. Off-the-job training Off-the-job
training is another method of training, which is organized at a site, far from the original work
environment for a specific period.

Training Benefits for the employee

Benefits the employees, increases job satisfaction and recognition is an important part. During
the training, employees will be introduced what is the work is about, how to do, what kind of
role does the job play in the whole business, it helps them to understand their work better and
also love what they do by understanding the work.
After systemized training, employees will understand what important role their jobs play, and
with the information, knowledge and experiences obtained during the training, they will be more
confident with their work, so that better services will be provided.

Management styles
The art of getting employees together on a common platform and extracting the best out of them
refers to effective organization management. Management plays an important role in
strengthening the bond amongst the employees and making them work together as a single unit.
It is the management’s responsibility to ensure that employees are satisfied with their job
responsibilities and eventually deliver their level best. The management must understand its
employees well and strive hard to fulfill their expectations for a stress free ambience at the
workplace. Every leader has a unique style of handling the employees (Juniors/Team). The
various ways of dealing with the subordinates at the workplace is called as management style.
( There are different
Management Styles
Autocratic Style
In such a style of working, the superiors do not take into consideration the ideas and suggestions
of the subordinates. The managers, leaders and superiors have the sole responsibility of taking
decisions without bothering much about the subordinates. The employees are totally dependent
on their bosses and do not have the liberty to take decisions on their own. The subordinates in
such a style of working simply adhere to the guidelines and policies formulated by their bosses.
They do not have a say in management’s decisions. Whatever the superiors feel is right for the
organization eventually becomes the company’s policies. Employees lack motivation in
autocratic style of working.
Paternalistic Style
In paternalistic style of working, the leaders decide what is best for the employees as well as the
organization. Policies are devised to benefit the employees and the organization. The suggestions
and feedback of the subordinates are taken into consideration before deciding something. In such
a style of working, employees feel attached and loyal towards their organization. Employees stay
motivated and enjoy their work rather than treating it as a burden.
Democratic Style
In such a style of working, superiors welcome the feedback of the subordinates. Employees are
invited on an open forum to discuss the pros and cons of plans and ideas. Democratic style of
working ensures effective and healthy communication between the management and the
employees. The superiors listen to what the employees have to say before finalizing on
Laissez-Faire Style
In such a style of working, managers are employed just for the sake of it and do not contribute
much to the organization. The employees take decisions and manage work on their own.
Individuals who have the dream of making it big in the organization and desire to do something
innovative every time outshine others who attend office for fun. Employees are not dependent on
the managers and know what is right or wrong for them.
Management by Walking Around Style
In the above style of working, managers treat themselves as an essential part of the team and are
efficient listeners. The superiors interact with the employees more often to find out their
concerns and suggestions. In such a style of working, the leader is more of a mentor to its
employees and guides them whenever needed. The manager’s don’t lock themselves in cabins;
instead walk around to find out what is happening around them.

Empirical review
Empirical review of the literature is presented in this section and the discussion is in line with the
study objectives presented chapter one. It is based upon working conditions and employee’s
commitment. Working conditions depict an important role from the time when it is impacts on
commitment and as workers relate physical working environment will ultimately reduce more
progressive level of commitment. For instance, Bridger and Brusher (2011) argued that when
people distracted by noise that is unexpected, such as telephone rings, crowding or
conversations, they are disturbed.
Substantial changes in the labour market occasionally by increasing competition for placement
and rising demand for worker performance are affecting employee’s mental health condition.
Cotton and Lucifora (2013) undertake a study and utilized an analysis of longitudinal data, on
recent patterns in the state of work place mental health in fifteen countries of Europe to establish
the influence of mental health condition of work, found that adverse work conditions have a
significant to employee’s work commitment.
In Britain, (Barrymore, 2022) used linked employer-employee data to examine how wages relate
non-pecuniary employee’s work commitment, job satisfaction, and job anxiety and pay
satisfaction. The findings indicate that job satisfaction and wage has a great influence on
commitment of work. Empirical studies have shown that turnover intentions are functions of
several variables such as motivation, organizational support, financial reward, communication
promotion prospect and leadership styles (Brown, McHardy, McNabb and Taylor, 2011). Jordan
(2012) suggests that most of the theoretical literature contends that before individuals leave an
organization, they progress through a series of stages of psychological and behavioural
withdrawal.(Bryson, 2023)

Conceptual frame work

In conceptual frame wok we can describe dependent and independent variables in chart

Fig: 1 Conceptual frame work



3.1. Description of the study area

he study is conducted in Bonga town and Bonga is located in south west Ethiopia at distance of
460km from Addis Ababa as the 1986 master plan indicated. Bonga town located in keffa zone
upon a hill in the barta valley, it has a latitude and longitude of 7016’N and 36014’E longitude at an
altitude with an elevation of 1,714 meter
The study was surrounded to factors affecting employee commitment at SYF Hotel Jimma
Ethiopia. SYF Hotel is a provider of food, beverages , and accommodation with hospitality
services, there are no alcoholic beverages in the hotel, the hotel is a one-star hotel, SYF hotel is
found in the center of Jimma town, 346 km far from AA, located on the left said of Jimma
central hotel, and near to Jimma bus station, luggage, storage & laundry or dry cleaning services
are available in the hotel, car hire services are available on request, there are 85 employees 80
are permanent and the rest of five is temporary. The researchers selected this hotel because its
location good, it is a one-star hotel business, it also has adequate staffs with lower &middle
literacy rate which is suitable for taking enough sample size and fulfill the need for applying
instruments of factor affecting employee commitment. Easy availability of the respondent which
helps the researchers in time of data gathering and their willingness by considering the benefit
from the findings of the study.
Source: Jimma town administration bureau.

3.2. Research Design

To achieve the objectives of the study, the research employed both quantitative and qualitative
approaches. The researchers also used descriptive study because it offers a detailed picture or
account of some social phenomena, situation, experience etc. The main characteristics of this
method are that the researchers have no control over the variables. It does not involve changing
or modifying the situation under study, it is intended to determine cause and effect relationships.
It involves either identifying the characteristics of an observed phenomenon or exploring
possible correlations among two or more phenomena. Accordingly, this type is more relevant
than the others for the study.

3.3. Target population

The target populations for this study will a manager & employees of Coffee land hotel. Thus, the
above population groups were appropriate to get reliable information & considered as the target
population of the study.

3.4. Sampling Size& sampling technique

3.4.1 Sample size

According to Coffee land Hotel report, the total numbers of employees are 85 and from these, the
researchers take 46 employees by using the solvent’s formula with a confidence level of 90%.
The researchers also use a simple random sampling technique to select respondents.
This is because the population will have an equal chance of being selected. The number of the
employees is so small to take as a sample but we have constraints of time and budget to take all.

A 90% confidence level, and 10% error margin

𝒏 =N/1+N (e) 2n=85/1+85(0.1)



3.4.2 Sampling Technique

The study respondents from different departments of the Hotel will selected 100% permanent
employees in the hotel. From the total population, the researcher take sample participants in the
study, the set of questions were administered stratified randomly to depend on the total
employees of each department according to the table below.
Table: 3.1 Employees of each department
No of employee Sample size
No Department
M F Total M F Total
1 Housekeeping 5 15 20 3 10 12
2 Food & beverages 5 6 11 2 3 4
3 Food production and 10 17 27 3 8 10
4 Front office 2 3 5 1 4 3
5 Security 8 2 10 4 4
6 Administrative staff 7 5 12 5 3 7
Grand total 37 48 85 14 32 46
Source: SFY hotel HRM
A questionnaire was distributed to 46 eligible employees by the researchers after receiving
permission to conduct the study.
A cover letter with, attached to the questionnaires to introduce the respondents to the research
topic to avoid any doubt respondents might have about the study, it is also expected to help
answer the questions and to show them how to fill the questionnaires after completing the
questionnaire the researchers analyzed the questioners.

3.5 Types & source of data collections

To achieve the objectives of the study both primary & secondary source of data was utilized. The
most of data of this study were primary data collected from sample respondents through a
questionnaire, interview & personal observation because of nature of this study need more of
asking questions people who are closely related to the study. Secondary data was gathered from
various documents like related books, internet sources & previous researches related to the
research problem.
3.6 Method of data collection
The research will be done by using primary & secondary data regarding factors affecting
employee commitment. The primary data will collected by distributing questionnaires for
employees & interviews for a manager. The questionnaire was a close-ended type. The
secondary data is collected from the book & the internet.

3.7 Data Presentation and Analysis

To analyse and interpret the data gathered from the questionnaire was edited, coded, and checked
to ensure logical completeness, consistency, and accuracy of responses. Data editing was carried
out each day by the researchers to identify mistakes and to rectify data gaps as soon as possible.
The quantitative data obtained from the respondents was presented, processed, and analyzed.
The collected data presented in the form of table and percentage. Researchers use a summary
description and explain their implications of the data collected in terms of qualitative. From
those, appropriate conclusions and recommendations were made from the findings of the

3.8 Ethical Considerations

Issues relating to the ethical conduct of research such as informed agreement, confidentiality,
privacy, and anonymity will be upheld. Respondents will be given full information on the
purpose and objectives of the study to make informed decisions as to whether to participate or
not. Additionally, all information gathered will be used for the sole purpose of this research
3.7. Time and Budget Schedule
3.7.1. Time Schedule

NO- Activities jan Febu mar apr may jun


1 Title selection

2 Proposal draft

3 Preparation of

4 Preparation of
the require

5 Data collection
on and

6 Data analysis

7 Research

3.7.2. Budget Schedule

No- Item Unit Amount Price Total

1 Pen Birr 2 25 50
2 Paper ½ packet 150 150
3 Ruler Birr 1 20 20
4 Telephone Min 200 min 55 55
5 Transportation costk/m 10 k/m 40 500
6 Binding Birr 2 20 40
7 Flash memory Gb 32 GB 350 350
8 Print Birr 40 4 160
Total 1325

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